Demonstrating possible CMS functionality using a leading open source software option CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DEMO KEY SITE REQUIREMENTS

 Highly Visual: Videos, Photos, & Slideshows  Informative  Provide Services  Part of the Social Web  Works on all device browsers  ADA Compliant  Easy to Search  Easy to Navigate  Looks like a million bucks KEY CMS REQUIREMENTS

 No Programming Required  Secure  Versioning  No limits  Easy to use  Affordable


 Community of collaborators – developers, testers, writers  Similarities to academic research  Open source collaborators are generally selfish  is an open source product  Google, Facebook, and YouTube run on open source products  An Apple Mac and a Tivo run on open source operating systems  You can freely use, modify, and distribute open source software  Open source software has implementation, support, and operational costs OPEN SOURCE CMS OPTIONS

WordPress Drupal DRUPAL

 Drupal is pronounced DREWpull.  Drupal is the purposeful misspelling of the Dutch word druppel and means drop.  Originally, in 2000, the lead developer wanted to use the name dorp (Dutch for village) for a news and notes site for Antwerp students. EVALUATING OPEN SOURCE

 No sales reps  No sales materials  Download and try WHITE HOUSE FCC LONDON EMMYS GRAMMY AWARDS UWT HOSTING OPTIONS

 Internal Cloud (Vmware ESX and NetApp)  Public Cloud (e.g. Amazon EC2)  SaaS (e.g. Acquia) SITE OPTIONS

 Internet Site (Drupal 6 or 7, Pressflow)  Intranet Site (Drupal 6 or 7, Pressflow)  Collaboration Site (Drupal Commons, Atrium)  Video and Photo Sharing Site  Event Site  News Site  eCommerce Site DRUPAL PLATFORM

 Linux Operating System  Apache Web Server  MySQL Database Server  PHP Web Development Language BUILD YOUR CMS

 First you build your content management system  Modules  Themes  Libraries BUILD YOUR SITE

 Then you build your site  Nodes  Fields  Views  Menus  Panels  Content Types – Page, Article, … HTML EDITOR

WYSIWYG editor with source code option  CKEditor  TinyMCE IMCE (Image Uploader) THEMES

 Base Themes  Sub Themes  Download Free or Commercial Pre-Built Themes  Fusion  Hire a Web Development Company  Bear Web Development & Marketing Services


 Content stored in database as nodes, comments, and menus  Display nodes as web pages  Display nodes as lists and menus using views and taxonomy


 Amazon has 217 Drupal books and 8 Drupal DVDs  Online, Offsite, and Onsite Training  Lullabot  DrupalCon