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eveninf;. Bo- Musical. Th» Weekly Calendar. chastral numbers for Saturday afternoon willbe at Carnefrle Hall to-morrow Tha Musical. Musical. have assistance of , ra-n<-pi« Hall. Sp. m. concert of the Rus- Schumann's Symphony No. 1. InB flat. Richard hemian violini«t will tho *£-*\u25a0% eviflrhenr Society 9:30 p. m.. Watch Night Straußs's "Till Eulensplegels lustl&e Strelche" Ludwifir Schwab, accompanist, and Agnes Gard- ly Victor Herbert and his orchestra: and Elßar's overture "In the South." SeUßpolitan Opera House. 8:30 p. m. populai ner Kyre, solo pianist. Programmes — THE NATIONAL co i.cert. Bonate 4 inE> minor • .Bauh ABT *trx A violin concerto In 13 minor composed by No...... OF MUSICAL „ », _McTropoliUn Op OF THB CITY OF NEW "P^ra, "Hansel und Gretel" 8 p. m. Emll Paur thirty when he w.as H 11 Founded by \ ; Carnegie 8:15 S°G a~tt. M Saln^Baw. OF MUSIC / Endowed and Incorporated ?^ht'\ cpera. "Rigoletto" Hall. pupil of Hellmesberger at the Conserva- IMrs. Jeannette ii.1 x,. concert br '•""•• Thurber. I Kubelik. yon (c) Ludge» Twoires OF AMERICA J - 2:80 p. pianoforte tory, was brought forward by L»ulgl Kunlta Miss Gardneri'-"iLLIErr*. V * Mendelssohn Hall. m.. Arnas 1885 by FRANK DAMROSCH Reisenauer; 8:15 p. concert of on De- _ _»..,v,__v_ Incorporated In and chartered la 1801 -Vciial by m.. at concerts of the Pittsburg Orchestra nplrW>a« T Special "xausic by tho Bymphony Quar- (a>(a) Perwade Melanchollan*Mtlanchollquß - oVJ,r!ai£; / Act of Conrress. cSur-ivr cember 22 and 23. Several of th© conductors of (b) Rondo Ci.?rlcclOK> -..Salnt-Samt tet. „ Kubellk. Formerly 128 East 17th St.. now at Metropolitan Opera 8 p. American' concert were violinists at Hous*. m.. orchestras 47-40 25TH ST., XBW YOKK. art. W opera, "Faust"; No ?7 Park-aye.. 11 a. WEST profasatonal or am»t«ir, in all branohas of tha F?each" the beginning of their professional careers. KNTRANCE muslo. m recital cf pianoforte and violin Bcnatas by BKMI-A\>TAL BXA9IS. HEN9CHEL, Mrs. l)avld ilannea for the benefit of Wllhelm Gerlcke, of Boston, though chiefly the VOICB, JA>T. 4TH (THURS.). 8-4 P. M.| GERSTER, GIRAUDET, M- and ORCHESTRA, Thefa=.it rtaciud« application to »*» Music Settlement. pupil of FIANO, ORGAN, VIOIJN A>'l> a«a other taa^ra. Prospectus on the Dessoff at the Vienna Conservatory, 4AN. 6TH np; re- Ojuctorship at Llnz. Fritz Scheel. of Philadel- ADEIJE MAROULIES. LEOPOLD LICHTEN- INSTITUTE OF !>Viirtef"Mendelssohn p. pianoforte phia, was an player keeps BEKG, EUGENE DUFRICHE. LEO SCHIXZ, NEW YORK 4^«i hv David Plspham; 8:15 m.. orchestra and still 87th). Miss Bessie Shay. up the practice of hla Instrument. "Waiter Dam- HENRY T. FINCK, MAXBPICKER, CHARLES West End Aye. (Corner rental tor rosch studied HELNROTH. ETC. ADDBESS SEOJIETAKY. 560 «s-^«v—T&rneplP Hall, 2:80 p. publior«he*r»al the violin quite as assiduously as —- m.. F^??yThe Pbaharmonlo Society; Metropolitan he did the pianoforte as a boy. enjoying the ex- a«t» House, V:4S p. m., German opera, "Tris- cellent tuition of his father. Victor Herbert also o^a Hall of Cooper 8:16 p. THOROUGH MUSICAL EDUCATION ra^und l»lde": Union. belongs to the string players, though Ws solo OB AHATEUB. IN AT,. BRANCHE OF MCSICAI. *SfenoX