(2021) 40:475–491 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41388-020-01560-0


Insights from transgenic mouse models of PyMT-induced breast cancer: recapitulating human breast cancer progression in vivo

1,2 2,3 2 1,2,3 Sherif Attalla ● Tarek Taifour ● Tung Bui ● William Muller

Received: 14 August 2020 / Revised: 27 October 2020 / Accepted: 6 November 2020 / Published online: 24 November 2020 © The Author(s) 2020. This article is published with open access

Abstract Breast cancer is associated with the second highest cancer-associated deaths worldwide. Therefore, understanding the key events that determine breast cancer progression, modulation of the tumor-microenvironment and metastasis, which is the main cause of cancer-associated death, are of great importance. The mammary specific polyomavirus middle T antigen overexpression mouse model (MMTV-PyMT), first published in 1992, is the most commonly used genetically engineered mouse model (GEMM) for cancer research. Mammary lesions arising in MMTV-PyMT mice follow similar molecular and histological progression as human breast tumors, making it an invaluable tool for cancer researchers and instrumental in understanding tumor biology. In this review, we will highlight key studies that demonstrate the utility of PyMT derived

1234567890();,: 1234567890();,: GEMMs in understanding the molecular basis of breast cancer progression, metastasis and highlight its use as a pre-clinical tool for therapeutic discovery.

Introduction commercial sources [2, 3]. This model has been used to study several aspects of breast cancer including; initiation, Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and is histological and molecular progression, metastasis and, responsible for the second highest number of cancer- more recently with the rise of immunotherapies, cancer associated deaths [1]. The development of various Geneti- immunology. Despite not being a human oncogene, PyMT cally Engineered Mouse Models (GEMMs) has been mimics the signaling of receptor kinases which are instrumental in elucidating the molecular events involved in commonly activated in many human malignancies includ- breast cancer initiation, progression and metastasis (Fig. 1). ing breast cancer. The MMTV-PyMT (polyomavirus middle T antigen) In this review, we will discuss the use of PyMT models GEMM (also known as MMTV-PyVmT or MMTV-MT), to assess various angles of tumor progression, highlighting has revolutionized the field of oncomice and, to this day, key studies and findings relating to the human disease. remains the most commonly used GEMM in the field of Finally, we will review several key therapeutic interventions cancer research due to the rapid development of multifocal and how these models were instrumental in their advance- tumors, extensive lung metastasis and its availability from ment to the clinic.

The PyMT GEMMs faithfully recapitulate These authors contributed equally: Sherif Attalla, Tarek Taifour human breast cancer progression

* William Muller First described by our group in 1992, the MMTV-PyMT [email protected] FVB/NJ strain made use of the murine mammary tumor 1 Department of Biochemistry, McGill University, Montreal, QC virus long terminal repeat promoter (MMTV-LTR) to drive H3A 1A3, Canada expression of Polyomavirus Middle T antigen (PyMT) 2 Goodman Cancer Research Centre, McGill University, [2, 4, 5]. Expressing the middle T oncogene in the mam- Montreal, QC H3A 1A3, Canada mary epithelia resulted in rapid transformation and gen- 3 Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 1A3, eration of multifocal tumors that readily metastasize to the Canada lungs [2]. Tumors arising from the luminal cells of the 476 S. Attalla et al.

Fig. 1 Notable advances in GEMMs of breast cancer. The unen- field of oncomice in 1997 allowed for conditional ablation within the veloped double stranded was discovered in mammary epithelium. Mutant PyMT strains in 1998 were instrumental 1953. The viral antigen with transformative capacity, the middle T in dissection of PyMT associated signaling. The MTB strain was (PyMT), was identified in 1981. Our lab published the first highly introduced in 2002 which is used to drive expression of the PyMT metastatic mammary tumor model expressing PyMT in the mammary coupled to Cre recombinase in the tetO-MIC published in 2014. gland in an FVB/NJ background. Introduction of MMTV-Cre to the mammary gland progress through distinct histological genes such as ErbB2, Septin9, Col1a1, and Chad are ele- stages that mimic human ductal breast cancer progression vated in PyMT tumors, as is the case in human breast [3]. Nulliparous mice from founder #634 develop hyper- cancers [3, 13, 19]. Although less common, deletions have plasia at 4 weeks of age, which progress through adenomas, been detected in chromosome 4, which codes for several mammary intraepithelial neoplasia (MIN), early and late tumor suppressors [13, 15]. Single nucleotide variants and carcinomas before metastasizing to the lungs, forming activating mutations were detected through whole-exome adenocarcinomas in the lung parenchyma (Fig. 2)[2, 3]. studies and were found to be very common in naïve PyMT profiling revealed that PyMT tumors tumors and drive tumor progression and metastasis [14]. cluster with the luminal B subtype of human breast cancers Moreover, whole genome sequencing detected several [6]. They also display loss of estrogen receptor (ER) and mutations in PyMT tumors [19]. For example, identical progesterone receptor expression (PR), overexpression of mutations in the gene coding for the receptor tyrosine ErbB2 and cyclin D1 as the disease progresses (Fig. 2), phosphatase Ptprh are seen in 81% of PyMT tumors [19]. mimicking human breast cancers with poor prognosis [3, 7]. This mutation renders the phosphatase incapable of Loss of ER is common in breast tumors resistant to endo- dephosphorylating EGFR, causing its constitutive activation crine therapy, as well as in recurrent cancers [8]. End-stage [19, 20]. Similar Ptprh mutations were detected in non- tumors also display robust infiltration by various immune small cell lung cancers and showed sensitivity to tyrosine cells such as macrophages and T cells which contribute to kinase inhibitors [20]. Furthermore, our group has recently progression and metastasis [3, 9–11]. Together these identified functionally active point mutations within the pathological and molecular analyses make this GEMM a Mtor gene in RHEB GTPase deficient PyMT tumors [21]. clinically relevant tool that models the human disease. Significantly, many of these Mtor mutations have also been Several subsequent studies revealed that the expression found in human tumors [21]. It is important to note that the of the PyMT oncogene is coupled to additional biochemical amplifications, deletions and genetic changes start during and genetic events that drive tumorigenesis and metastasis the hyperplasia stage and continue to change as the tumors [12]. To that end, genomic analysis and whole exome advance to later stages, indicating progressive molecular sequencing was performed on the arising tumors [13, 14]. changes that parallel the histological changes in this model While these tumors maintain their diploid status, amplifi- (Fig. 2)[22]. Overall, these findings support the concept cations and deletions have been reported [13]. For example, that full malignant transformation requires additional amplifications of chromosome 11 are common in these genetic events in addition to PyMT’s expression which tumors [13–17]. Chromosome 11 is orthologous to chro- leads to generation of transcriptionally heterogeneous mosome 17 in humans, which is commonly amplified and tumors [19]. The fact these aberrations are also detected in associated with increased PI3K activity due to amplification human breast cancer reinforces the view that tumor pro- of the ErbB2 locus [15–18]. Expression of chromosome 11 gression in this GEMM faithfully recapitulates the many Insights from transgenic mouse models of PyMT-induced breast cancer: recapitulating human breast cancer. . . 477

Fig. 2 Progression of PyMT GEMMs. Both PyMT driven mouse the lung parenchyma. Time points at which 50% of the animals have models progress through the four main stages of cancer, akin to human these pathologies for either MMTV-PyMT or MTB/tetO-MIC in tumors. Tumorigenesis starts with abnormal proliferation and hyper- weeks. Biomarkers associated with breast cancer shown at corre- plasia, which then progresses through adenomas, mammary intrae- sponding time points based off the MMTV-PyMT. Created with pithelial neoplasia (MIN), early carcinomas and culminates in late Biorender.com. carcinomas that metastasizes to the lungs, forming adenocarcinomas in complex stages and heterogeneity of human breast cancer SRC kinases, ShcA, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) within a very short latency. and phospholipase C-gamma 1 (PLCγ 1) among others [23– 26]. These interactions depend on PyMT’s ability to form a complex with the scaffolding PP2A, which then The PyMT is a potent oncogene that recruits SRC family kinases [27]. PyMT can be phos- associates with several cancer specific phorylated by SRC kinase on tyrosine 315, 322, and 250 signaling pathways [28]. Each event activates a different pathway, which contributes to transformation. Phosphor- The original rationale for studying the transforming poten- ylation at residue 250 recruits the SchA adapter protein that tial of PyMT in the mammary epithelium derived from its can recruit and activate the Ras/MAPK pathway [24, 29]. capacity to activate a number of key cell-intrinsic signaling Tyrosine 315 is known to activate the PI3K pathway while pathways involved in human breast cancer progression. phosphorylation of the 322 residue recruits PLCγ 1[25, 30]. While the PyMT oncogene lacks a kinase domain, it mimics SRC recruitment is essential for PyMT mediated signaling an activated receptor through its association and transformation as full-body knockout of c-Src rendered and interaction with a number of signal transducers such as PyMT incapable of generating mammary tumors [31]. 478 S. Attalla et al.

Subsequent analyses of the full-body knockout c-Src strain Conditional knockouts using MMTV-Cre is a common revealed major dysfunction in ERα signaling, indicating way to bypass embryonic lethality and multiple tissue interplay between epithelial specific and stromal interac- effects. However, selective pressure in MMTV-PyMT/ tions [32]. More recently, in vivo and in vitro epithelial MMTV-Cre bigenics, driven by stochastic expression of the ablation of c-Src revealed that SRC is associated with cell MMTV promoter, allows for generation of escapee tumors cycle progression [33]. [38]. These tumors would express the PyMT oncogene and The importance of the PI3K and SchA signaling path- lack Cre recombinase expression and would therefore retain ways was highlighted by the generation of mutant MMTV- expression of the conditional allele. The generation of such PyMT (Y250F, Y315/322F) strains [34]. Mice expressing escapee tumors renders interpretation of the role of critical Y250F PyMT are incapable of binding SchA while Y315 signaling molecule in tumor induction difficult to assess. To and Y322 mutant impairs PI3K signaling [34]. GEMMs address this issue, a doxycycline inducible model of PyMT expressing the mutant PyMT exhibited a delay in tumor linked to Cre recombinase, referred to as the tetO-MIC onset and impaired metastatic progression [32]. Remark- (tetO-PyMT-IRES-Cre), was generated [39]. Using an ably, a proportion of the metastatic mammary tumors that MMTV driven reverse Tetracycline Transactivator strain arose in PyMT Y250F GEMM possessed either point (MTB) [40], doxycycline-dependent expression of PyMT mutations or in frame deletions that restored the NPTY and Cre recombinase in the mammary epithelial cell can be motif required for ShcA binding, indicating a strong achieved in MTB/tetO-MIC bigenics (Fig. 3). Upon selective pressure for retention of this signaling pathway induction, these mice progress through the same histo- [34]. Consistent with this, crossing MMTV-PyMT and pathological stages seen in MMTV-PyMT and are highly various knock-in models of ShcA mutants resulted in pro- metastatic to the lung [39]. Thus, this model offers the same found impact on tumor induction [35]. Detailed molecular advantages and human relevance of MMTV-PyMT mice analyses revealed that different ShcA mutants correlated with the ability to coincidentally ablate additional genes with differential activation of the downstream STAT1 and with no escapee phenomenon [21, 41, 42]. Another inter- STAT3 transcription factors [36]. In contrast, the PyMT esting facet of the inducible MTB/tetO-MIC strain is that Y315/322F GEMM did not revert back to wild-type form, PyMT is expressed only in the adult animal and therefore, is but rather upregulated the expression of ErbB2 and ErbB3 not recognized as self-antigen but a tumor specific antigen which in turn increased PI3K signaling indicating that that is recognized and targeted by the immune system. In restoration of this key signaling pathways can also occur in this regard, it is interesting to note that, in contrast to the an indirect fashion [34]. original MMTV-PyMT strain where mammary tumor penetrance is 100% [2], although all female MTB/tetO-MIC develop mammary epithelial hyperplasias only 87% of these Second generation inducible strain offers animals develop mammary tumors due to immune-selective temporal and spatial regulation of PyMT pressure [39, 41, 42]. expression, ablation of conditional alleles Further confirmation of the MTB/tetO-MIC model and an in vivo model of tumor induction undergoing active immune surveillance stems from crosses with the conditional Stat3 strain. While epithelial ablation The MMTV-PyMT model has been utilized together with of STAT3 did not impact the initial hyperplastic expansion either full-body knockouts or with mammary specific of the epithelial tree, the nascent lesions were eliminated by expression of Cre recombinase (MMTV-Cre) [37] along massive immune response involving both anti-tumor mac- with conditional alleles to knockout various proto- rophage and T cell populations [41]. Moreover, only 20% and examine their effects on mammary tumor- of mammary gland deficient STAT3 animals developed igenesis and metastasis. While full-body knockout studies focal mammary tumors at a significantly delayed onset were very informative and allowed researchers to elucidate compared to their wildtype counterparts [41]. Interestingly, the roles of different pathways during tumorigenesis, as the STAT3 tumors that escaped immune surveillance failed well as identify novel targets for therapeutic intervention, to metastasize to distal organs, indicating that STAT3 was these studies were very limited and had several drawbacks. critical for the metastatic phase of tumor induction [41]. As highlighted by c-Src studies, germline ablation impacts This key study represents the first GEMM where the various multiple tissues and may even be lethal in some cases phases of immune editing, including tumor elimination, [31, 32]. Many genes involved in cancer progression are immune equilibrium, and immune escape can be mechan- also important for normal mammary gland development, istically dissected [41, 43]. It is important to mention that thus presenting a confounding variable for breast cancer STAT3 is an essential transcription factor that affects a wide studies [32]. variety of cell-intrinsic and extrinsic signaling pathways Insights from transgenic mouse models of PyMT-induced breast cancer: recapitulating human breast cancer. . . 479

Fig. 3 Comparison of PyMT GEMMs. Both strains were initially genetic cross between the MTB (MMTV-rtTA) and the tetO-MIC generated on an FVB/N background. Line #634 is the commonly used strain. Bigenic mice develop multifocal palpable tumors at 22 ± line for the MMTV-PyMT, which develop palpable tumors by 34 ± 7.1 days post doxycycline induction in drinking water. Only 87.1% of 6 days of age at a 100% penetrance. The MTB/tetO-MIC requires a bigneics are expected to develop tumors. Created with Biorender.com. that together contribute to tumor cell proliferation and would be a valuable tool to assess the role of commonly metastasis [44]. PyMT cells lacking STAT3 are capable of seen mutations and their direct contribution to tumorigen- growing in immune-compromised mice [36]. However, esis in a controlled fashion. only around 25% of mice injected with STAT3 deficient PyMT cells develop tumors in an immune-competent background, highlighting STAT3’s essential role in PyMT PyMT GEMMs as a platform to study mediated immune suppression [36]. molecular signaling driving tumor initiation Using primary mammary epithelium from the MTB/tetO- and progression MIC model, 3D organotypic cultures were developed that could be induced to express the PyMT oncogene [45]. Prior The PyMT mouse model has also been extensively used to to doxycycline administration, luminal cells from the glands study the events that promote tumor initiation and mutations were cultured and formed a 3D structure with a lumen, that predispose patients to breast cancer. A comprehensive recapitulating the architecture of the normal mammary review of the effects of different genes on tumor onset and gland [45]. Upon induction of PyMT expression, cells metastasis is provided in Table 1 along with a brief progressively filled the lumen [45]. This progressive filling description of its relevance and impact on the field. Cancer of the duct is akin to tumor induction and progression from initiation describes the early genetic changes that drive a early neoplastic transformation to a ductal carcinoma in situ healthy cell into malignancy. It arises due genetic and epi- in human breast cancers [46]. This provides a tool to dissect genetic (discussed later) changes, mutations, amplifications the early players in mammary gland transformation using an or deletions that inactivate tumor suppressors or activate in vitro model system. This tool can be used as a screening oncogenes. platform for inhibitors, as well as in combination with Deletions in the PyMT mice allowed identification of CRISPR/Cas9 medicated genetic ablation of genes of novel tumor suppressors, whose deletion accelerates tumor interest. Furthermore, MTB/tetO-MIC organoids can be onset and their inhibition would be inadvisable in the clinic. adapted into co-culture systems with fibroblasts or indivi- One such tumor suppressor was the extracellular matrix- dual components of the immune system such as macro- modifying MMP8. Matrix phages in order to study the contribution of these cell types (MMPs) have long been linked to metastasis and tumor to tumor induction and progression. progression due to their role in ECM degradation and Another aspect of the MTB/tetO-MIC strain is that it can cancer cell invasion [48]. MMPs were previously regarded be crossed into conditional, mutant knock-in strains. These as the key to cancer cells’ ability to spread to distant organs knock-in mice could carry a mutant within intronic and several inhibitors were developed and tested in clinical sequences and a loxP site flanking the wildtype exon [47]. trials [49]. Ablation of MMP8 in the MMTV-PyMT model Cre expression allows deletion of the wildtype exon and in- accelerated tumor onset and increased incidence of lung frame expression of the mutant version [47]. These models metastasis [50]. This study was the first to show an in vivo 480 Table 1 Genes affecting onset and progression in PyMT. Gene General function Strain Effect on tumorigenesis Relevance Reference background

HIF1α Transcription factor, important for the ability of FVB/NJ Delayed tumor onset and decreased lung Presented evidence that Hif1α is important for cancer [54, 55] mammalian cells to respond to decreased oxygen metastasis. stem cells, and provided rationale for targeting it to levels. prevent cancer recurrence. CCR6 Chemokine receptor for the ligand CCL20. Found on C57BL/6J Delayed tumor onset, due to defective Macrophages (especially M2) promote tumorigenesis [61] dendritic cells, T cells, B cells and NK cells. initiation and tumor initiation. MMP8 Collagen degrading enzyme. Functions to modify FVB/NJ Accelerated tumor onset Evidence that MMPs may have an anti-cancer role. [50] the ECM MMP8 functions as a tumor suppressor. This is why their inhibitors may not be good in clinic RAG1 Recombination activating gene 1. Essential for VDJ C57BL/6J Accelerated tumor onset Evidence that the adaptive immune system suppresses [43] recombination. Knockout impairs B and T cell tumor formation and plays a role in immune development. Mice lack an adaptive immune system surveillance. IL15 Cytokine important for NK cell differentiation, C57BL/6J Accelerated onset and tumor growth IL15 plays an important role in promoting an anti- [60] proliferation and activation of T cells. tumor immune response. Early on in tumor formation, it stimulates 2 types of innate T lymphocytes, as well as CD8 and NK cells. Evidence of immune surveillance STAT3 Major transcription factor. Regulates expression of FVB MTB/tetO- Delayed tumor onset but no effect on STAT3 is dispensable for tumor initiation but is [41] genes important for survival, proliferation, MIC initiation. Tumor bearing mice were essential for progression and metastasis. Also differentiation and immune supression completely void of metastasis. highlighted role of STAT3 in immune-suppression. The model recapitulates immunoediting TBRII Type II TGFβ receptor FVB/NJ Accelerated tumor onset Absence of TGFβ signaling accelerates tumor [105] formation and showed that TGFβ is a tumor suppressor CSF-1 Cytokine that promotes macrophage differentiation FVB/C57Bl/ No change in tumor onset. Depletion of No change in initiation. Highlighted the role of [11] and recruitment. 6J mixed Tams led to decrease in pulmonary macrophages in promoting breast cancer metastasis metastasis. and progression. MALAT1 Long non-coding RNA that is upregulated in tumors C57Bl/6J No difference in tumor onset but slowed First in vivo evidence to show that this long non- [106] with high chance to metastasize down tumor growth and decreased coding RNA Is not essential for tumor initiation but metastasis. regulates progression and metastasis. ERBB3 Heterodimerizes with ErbB2 to induce proliferation, FVB/NJ Delayed tumor onset and decreased Activation of ErbB3 is required for transformation and [66] growth and survival metastasis thus it is a viable therapeutic target. CTSB Cathepsin B is a lysosomal cysteine protease that FVB/NJ Delayed tumor onset and decreased lung CTSB is important for overcoming tumor dormancy [107] degrades ECM metastasis and promoting tumor growth by degrading the ECM EZH2 Methyltransferase, part of PRC2. Important for gene FVB MTB- Delayed tumor onset and decreased Highlighted context and subtype dependent role of [42] silencing. tetO-MIC metastasis Ezh2 in breast cancer progression GCLM Modifier subunit of glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL), C57BL/6J Delayed tumor onset Shows that synthesis of the antioxidant GSH [108] which synthesizes glutathione. facilitates tumor initiation but is not essential for later al. et Attalla S. stages of cancer progression PTHRP FVB/NJ [109] Insights from transgenic mouse models of PyMT-induced breast cancer: recapitulating human breast cancer. . . 481

evidence of an MMP acting as a tumor-suppressor and that its therapeutic inhibition would not be advisable [50]. ] ] 59 21 Human studies have also shown that higher levels of MMP8 [ [ are correlated with good prognosis and better outcomes in breast cancers [50]. As tumors progress, they become deprived of oxygen, especially at the center of the tumor (Fig. 2)[51]. This phenomenon is known as hypoxia and induces the expres- sion of hypoxia inducible factors (Hifs) [52]. HIF1α,in particular, is overexpressed in several types of cancers and is known to be associated with poor prognosis and decreased survival in cancer patients [53]. The levels of HIF1α progressively increase with tumor progression in the MMTV-PyMT model, mimicking human patients and making it an ideal model to study the roles of hypoxia on breast cancer progression, metastasis and therapy [54]. Mammary epithelial cell deletion of HIF1α in MMTV- PyMT mice significantly delayed tumor onset, slowed down First study to elucidatePTHRP the in tumor-promoting breast role cancers,potential of and prognostic highlighted indicator it or as therapeutic a target. Highlighted Snail1 as aproliferation major and regulator a of potentialinhibit TIC target cancer for recurrence. therapies to Highlighted that mTORC1 signalingPyMT is tumorigenesis. essential Arising for mutationsuse highlight of the PyMT modelsmodulation in as recapitulating human genetic tumors. tumor growth and caused a significant reduction in lung metastases [54, 55]. This study highlighted the role of this oxygen-dependent transcription factor in tumor initiation and progression to advanced disease. Deletion of HIF1α in vitro decreased the tumorigenic potential of PyMT cells, as well as their ability to form tumor-initiating cells (TICs) [54]. TICs and cancer stem cells are major concerns for breast cancer patients and are a major cause for cancer recurrence [56]. Cancer stem cells have been characterized in the PyMT models of breast cancers, commonly expres- sing markers such as CD24+CD29+CD49f+Sca-1lo [57]. Effect on tumorigenesisDelayed tumor onset, progressiondecreased and metastasis Relevance Reference Delayed tumor onset dueproliferative to capacity decreased of TIC Delayed onset due toof reduced mTORC1 activity Moreover, the transcription factor GATA3 was identified as a tumor suppressor that inhibits proliferation of cancer stem cells [58]. Knockout of Gata3 accelerates tumor onset due to the increased TIC capacity of luminal progenitor cells [58]. On the other hand, deletion of the zinc-finger tran- background FVB/NJ/C57Bl/ 6J mixed FVB/NJ MTB/ tetO-MIC scription factor Snail1 delayed tumor onset and caused a significant reduction in the proliferative capacity of TICs [59]. Thus, these studies highlight a dynamic balance between transcription factors that regulate TIC and show that PyMT models are ideal for the study of cancer stem cells and develop interventions against them that could prevent relapse and cancer recurrence. In addition to TICs and cancer stem cells, the MTB/tetO- MIC strain, in particular, is a valuable tool to study tumor recurrence. Tumor-bearing mice stripped of doxycycline drinking water and provided with normal drinking water, show strong robust tumor regression to a virgin-like state [39]. However, these animals do eventually display doxycycline-

nger Transcription factor, known to independent tumor recurrence [39]. Recurrent tumors displayed fi various pathologies not seen in the pre-regression tumors and Parathyroid hormone related protein, afound secreted factor to be elevatedrange in of breast developmental cancers. functions Itgrowth. and has stimulates a wide regulate EMT mTORC1 signaling infrequent mutations in TP53 [39]. Thus, the MTB/tetO-MIC

(continued) strain may be a valuable tool to study recurrent tumors that do not respond to the primary therapy since most recurrent tumors SNAIL1 Zinc Table 1 Gene General function Strain RHEB1 GTPase essential for activation of are no longer dependent on PyMT expression. 482 S. Attalla et al.

PyMT mouse models have also been used to study the These studies demonstrated that loss of β1 integrin in an roles of the immune system in cancer initiation and pro- emerging PyMT tumor resulted in a dramatic impairment of gression (see later). A germline knockout of RAG1, a key mammary tumorigenesis [38]. Significantly, the PyMT enzyme in VDJ recombination, eliminates the adaptive tumors that emerged retained expression of β1 integrin due immune system (B and T cells) and accelerates tumor onset to escapee from Cre mediated recombination (see earlier) in the MMTV-PyMT (C57BL/6J) mouse [43]. Knocking highlighting the importance of β1 integrin in tumorigenesis. out the interleukin IL15 also caused a similar acceleration in In addition to impacting the initiation phase of tumor pro- tumor onset [60]. Analysis of early lesions revealed that gression, ablation of β1 integrin function in PyMT cell lines IL15 stimulates two separate populations of T cells, as well resulted in cell cycle arrest, inducing a state of cellular as natural killer and dendritic cells to target cancerous dormancy [38]. Consistent with the importance of integrin growth, thus highlighting it as a key tumor suppressive signaling in mammary tumor progression, mammary epi- cytokine [60]. On the other hand, macrophages play a dual thelial deletion of the integrin associated signaling protein, role in cancer initiation. While depletion of total macro- Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) resulted in a similar impact phages through the knockout of Colony Stimulating Factor on PyMT tumor progression and induction of cellular dor- 1 (CSF1) had no effect on tumor onset, the depletion of mancy [68]. Again, like β1integrin ablation studies, PyMT alternatively activated macrophages (M2 polarized) through tumors that arose retained FAK expression due to escapee knockout of CCR6 delayed the onset of tumors [11, 61]. As from Cre mediated recombination [68]. Future studies using discussed in the previous section, deleting STAT3 in the the MTB/tetO-MIC model with these key regulators of MTB/tetO-MIC model results in immune-system remodel- tumor dormancy will provide critical insight into the ing and complete elimination of hyperplastic growth, dra- molecular and cellular mechanisms governing emergence matically delaying tumor onset [41]. Collectively, these from tumor dormancy. studies highlight the diverse and dynamic roles that cells of the innate and the adaptive immune system play in cancer initiation and progression. Further analysis is required to PyMT tumor progression is associated with fully understand the complex interactions between cancers epigenetic modulations and different populations of immune cells, which will allow for development of more effective immunotherapies. In addition to mutations, amplifications and other genetic About 70% of breast cancers are ER positive, even at the changes, epigenetic alterations have also been shown to be metastatic setting [62]. The MMTV-PyMT has been used to common in cancers, maybe even driving tumor development assess the functionality of the ER. PyMT tumors are sen- through epigenetic silencing of tumor suppressor or inducing sitive to the estrogen receptor modulator, tamoxifen, despite oncogene expression [69]. Epigenetic modifications are the low expression of nuclear ER in end stage tumors [63]. reversible changes that affect gene expression but cause no PyMT animals lacking the ER co-transcription factor change to the DNA sequence. They include histone mod- Activated In Breast cancer 1 (AIB1) display delayed tumor ifications and DNA methylation among others. DNA onset and a reduction in pulmonary metastasis [64]. This methylation is linked to gene silencing and hyper-methylation suggests that the metastatic cascade of PyMT is driven, at of various tumor suppressor promoter regions is common in least in part, by the ER [64]. Moreover, exogenous sup- cancers [70]. Histone methylation by the Polycomb Repres- plementation of estradiol to mice harboring PyMT tumors sive Complex 2 (PRC2) is a major mechanism of gene increases rate of tumor growth which was associated with silencing [71]. EZH2 is the methyltransferase in the PRC2 increased vasculature organization [65]. On the other hand, complex, responsible for adding three methyl groups onto similar to ~30% of breast cancers, advanced PyMT tumors lysine 27 of histone 3 (H3K27me3) [71]. Elevated expression express high levels of ErbB2 [3] Indeed, PyMT tumors of EZH2 is seen in breast cancers and has been linked to poor respond to the EGFR/ErbB2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor prognosis [72]. Overexpressing EZH2 under the control of the lapatinib [66]. Furthermore, knockout of the ErbB3, the MMTV promoter (MMTV-EZH2) resulted in the formation preferred heterodimerization partner of ErbB2, delayed of mammary gland hyperplasia and adenomas, the first stage tumor onset and impaired metastasis of MMTV-PyMT [66]. in breast cancer progression [73]. This study highlighted that Ultimately, the cancer cell senses its extracellular matrix EZH2 may be important for tumor initiation and the pro- environment through multiple receptors, including integrin gression of normal epithelium to hyperplasia [73]. Gene receptors, which in turn activates oncogenic downstream expression and DNA methylation status were assessed in signaling pathways within the cancer cell [67]. The critical glands of MMTV-PyMT animals at various stages of disease importance of integrin receptors in mammary tumor pro- progression [74, 75]. Analysis revealed an increase in dif- gression was highlighted through mammary epithelial ferentially expressed genes, as well as differentially methy- ablation of the β1 integrin (CD29) in MMTV-PyMT [38]. lated cytosines as the disease progresses [74, 75]. Insights from transgenic mouse models of PyMT-induced breast cancer: recapitulating human breast cancer. . . 483

Interestingly, hypermethylation of promoters, which was gene, which encodes a GTPase activated protein, harbored a associated with reduced gene expression, were enriched for in threonine to alanine substitution in the lower metastatic the late stage carcinomas compared to earlier hyperplasia [74]. strain, which increased SIPA1 binding to its negative reg- This was also coupled to an increased expression of PRC ulator, AQP2 [81]. Further support of the relevance of this components including EZH2 [74]. These studies highlight GEMM was that SIPA1 expression is associated with that several epigenetic players, DNA and histone methyla- metastatic progression of human prostate cancer [81]. It is tions, are associated with tumor progression and may act in worth noting that MMTV-PyMT FVB/NJ × AKR/J is a synergy to suppress expression of tumor suppressors. Func- highly metastatic strain, whereas MMTV-PyMT FVB/NJ × tionally, conditional ablation of EZH2 in the MTB/tetO-MIC DBA/2J is a low metastatic strain which are associated with model significantly delayed tumor onset and decreased the the polymorphisms of Sipa1 [78, 79]. incidence of lung metastasis, showing that EZH2 is essential for progression of mammary tumors and metastasis [42]. This phenotype was also recapitulated through pharmacological The role of the host tumor inhibition of EZH2 [42]. Off note, treatment of an ErbB2 microenvironment in mammary driven mouse model with an inhibitor of EZH2 revealed tumorigenesis: Implications for disease strong synergy with anti-ErbB2 targeted therapy which progression and metastasis highlights the importance of EZH2 in several cancers and emphasizes its clinical relevance [76]. Mammary gland density

In addition to providing genetic and mechanistic insight into The genetic background of MMTV-PyMT tumor initiation, PyMT driven mouse models have also influences tumor onset and metastasis been used to identify and study various risk factors for developing breast cancers. For several decades, breast tissue Mouse genetic background plays a fundamental role in the density has been linked to breast cancer incidence in women biology of the tumor. FVB/NJ MMTV-PyMT tumors arise [82, 83]. While the evidence was mostly correlational, it significantly faster than in C57Bl/6J MMTV-PyMT [77]. was observed that higher breast density is associated with Furthermore, identical knockouts in these different back- higher breast cancer risk and that hyperplasia and ductal grounds give rise to different results. Prominently, iNOS carcinomas in situ often begin in the densest parts of the knockout only shows an effect on tumor onset and metas- breast [84]. The first causal link of breast density to cancer tasis in the C57Bl/6J but not the FVB/NJ background [77]. incidence came using the MMTV-PyMT mouse carrying a A similar effect was shown when RAG1 was knocked out mutation that makes collagen resistant to degradation by in both FVB/NJ and C57Bl/6J, with only the C57Bl/6J collagenases (Col1a1tm1jae)[85]. This mutation resulted in strain showing accelerated onset [10, 43]. Interestingly, increased collagen deposition in the breast, mimicking high- MMTV-PyMT FVB/NJ was crossed one generation into 27 density human breast tissue [85]. The increased tissue inbred mouse background strains, 13 of which displayed a density was the stimulating event driving tumor formation, significant reduction in pulmonary metastasis and 10 had increasing the number of tumors per mouse, as well as altered tumor kinetics compared to the parental FVB/NJ number of metastatic lesions [85]. This was the first evi- background [78]. This study supported the role of metastatic dence linking breast tissue density to breast cancer inci- modifier genes, potential tumor suppressors or proto-onco- dence and verifying it as a major risk factor for breast genes, that play an important role in tumorigenesis and cancer development. Further analysis found this increased metastasis [78, 79]. Polymorphisms that affect gene tumorigenesis to be mediated by COX2, raising the possi- expressions or silent mutations in genes that display slightly bility of COX2 inhibitors as therapeutic options for breast altered activity levels during neoplasia in these inbred cancer patients with high breast tissue density [86]. strains are sufficient to alter metastatic burden. This could at least in part explain the biological differences between the Macrophages FVB/NJ and C57Bl/6J backgrounds discussed above. Such loci potentially play a role in generating inter-patient tumor Macrophages are one of, if not, the most abundant immune heterogeneity and might allow identification of metastasis cells in the tumor microenvironment [87]. As tumors grow susceptible patients (metastasis-predictive gene expression in MMTV-PyMT mice, a decrease in the mammary tissue signatures), even from premalignant, normal tissue, and macrophages (MTMs) (MHCIIhi, CD11bhi) coupled with an infiltrating non-neoplastic cells [79]. Mtes1 is one metastatic increase in tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) modifier locus identified to be different between the inbred (CD11blo, MHCIIhi, F4/80+, CD64+, MerTK+)is strains [80]. Particularly within the Mtes1 locus the Sipa1 observed [87–89]. Macrophages promote nearly all the 484 S. Attalla et al. stages of cancer metastasis such as preconditioning the pre- epidermal growth factor (EGF) which binds the EGF metastatic niche, supporting tumor invasion, cell extra- receptor found specifically on the cancer cells [9]. In turn, vasation and colonization of the secondary organ [89]. On PyMT cells secrete CSF1, which binds the CSF1 receptor the extreme scale, macrophages can be polarized to either on macrophages promoting their taxis towards the tumor classically activated macrophages (M1), which is associated cells [9]. Imaging revealed that migratory cells leaving the with response to interferon gamma and lipopolysaccharides primary tumor were almost exclusively PyMT carcinoma [87, 89]. These macrophages are associated with production cells and macrophages [9]. Depletion of macrophages, of pro-inflammatory cytokines and antigen presentation using the CSF1 knockout, reduced the number of migratory [87–89]. This population would be associated with cells [9]. Another study knocked out S1P receptors speci- improved prognosis. On the other end of the scale, macro- fically in TAMs using an F4/80-Cre strain, revealed defects phages can be alternatively activated (M2), which are in lymphangiogenesis and corroborated a reduced pul- associated with anti-inflammatory cytokines and promote monary metastatic burden [92]. This data argues that PyMT tissue remodeling, supporting cancer progression and not only metastasize via the hematogenous route (see metastasis [87–89]. Despite popular belief, data arising angiogenesis section) but also via the lymphatics. from characterization of TAMs in MMTV-PyMT revealed that they are not strictly M2-polarized [88]. Mammary tis- T-lymphocytes sue macrophages in untransformed glands, MTMs, resem- bled M2 macrophages more than TAMs [88], which would There is also compelling evidence supporting the role of be consistent with their role of tissue remodeling in a very adaptive immune cells, such as T cells, during PyMT tumor dynamic organ such as the murine mammary gland. progression. The number of CD4+ T cells along with F4/80 Franklin et al. proposed a model in which CCR2+ mono- + macrophages increases during progression [10]. Deple- cytes develop into TAMs, with Vcam1+ expressing cells tion of CD4+ T cells was associated with reduced number being mature TAMs in MMTV-PyMT [87, 88]. None- of circulating tumor cells and pulmonary metastasis [10]. theless, microarray analysis of transcripts expressed in Furthermore, CD4+ deficient lesions expressed elevated phagocytic myeloid cells in end stage MMTV-PyMT levels of M1 macrophage cytokines (TNFα and Nos2) [10]. tumors reveal expression of genes associated with mediat- Further analysis revealed that IL-4 released by CD4+ ing immune responses and angiogenesis [90]. Presence of T cells was capable of polarizing macrophages into more Vcam1+ TAMs was correlated with an increased number of M2-like state while suppressing the M1-like phenotype and exhausted T cells (PD1+Gzmb−CD8)+, highlighting the promoting macrophage expression of EGF, which estab- crosstalk between the innate and adaptive immune respon- lishes the paracrine loop between tumor cells and macro- ses in modulation of the tumor immune response [88]. phages [10, 10, 87, 89]. The role of macrophages in tumor progression and The role of T cells is not limited to the primary site, but is metastasis was highlighted using a null mutant of CSF1, a also implicated at the metastatic niche. PyMT tumors macrophage growth factor [11]. Homozygous null CSF1 overexpressing macrophage stimulating protein (PyMT- MMTV-PyMT mice exhibited a remarkable decrease in MSP) show more local invasive behavior and lead to the tumor progression to advanced disease and lacked evidence of development of osteolytic bone metastasis, not seen in the pulmonary metastasis [11]. This was associated with a dra- parental PyMT mice [93]. This highlights the versatility of matic decrease in F4/80+ macrophages in the primary tumor PyMT models, as additional oncogenes may be over- [11]. This phenotype was rescued using an overexpression expressed or knocked-in (or tumor-suppressor knockouts) CSF1 animal [11]. Furthermore, overexpression of CSF1 in that promote metastatic-organ tropism. Generation of such heterozygous null CSF1 MMTV-PyMT animals accelerated models is important to allow development of therapeutics progression to advanced disease and accelerated the emer- that appropriately target metastatic disease, which is not gence of pulmonary metastasis [11]. Again, this was coin- limited to lungs. ciding with an elevated number of F4/80 cells in the primary MSP binds its receptor, Ron (MST1R), which is tumors [11]. The delayed progression in CSF1 null animals expressed on a variety of cells including breast cancer cells was also rescued by epithelial overexpression of VEGF [91], [94]. A synergistic transplant model of PyMT-MSP cells in suggesting that macrophages may induce VEGF expression in animals harboring mutant Ron receptors lacking tyrosine PyMT cells. kinase ability (Ron TK−/−), demonstrated that the effect is Using an in vivo migration assay and multiphoton ima- driven by the host environment [95]. PyMT-MSP harboring ging of migratory cells revealed a paracrine loop that exists Ron TK−/− animals had elevated splenic CD8+ T cells between PyMT carcinoma cells and macrophages [9]. and elevated CD8+ cells in the tumor margin. CD8+ cells Macrophages enhance cell migration via expression of also infiltrated the metastatic lung and expressed more Insights from transgenic mouse models of PyMT-induced breast cancer: recapitulating human breast cancer. . . 485

TNFα [95]. CD8+ cells from Ron TK−/− tumors had dramatically [99]. Myeloid derived macrophages are key for improved cytotoxic ability [95]. Antibody depletion of CD8 PyMT progression and metastasis (discussed previously) + cells or the use of a SCID mouse rescued the metastatic and are a major source of VEGF [87–89]. However, defect of Ron TK−/− animals [95]. Consistent with this, knockout of VEGF in the myeloid compartment through the pharmacological inhibition of Ron prevented formation of LysM-Cre strain led to faster tumor progression to malig- overt metastasis in the lung post metastatic colonization nancy compared to their wildtype counterparts [99]. This [95]. Further studies have also revealed that suppression of interesting phenomenon might be explained, at least par- the MSP-RON axis potentiates the effect of anti-CTLA4 tially, by the time of anti-VEGF treatment/ablation. Mice checkpoint blockade via crosstalk between macrophages harboring LysM-Cre/VEGF conditional are depleted of and cytotoxic T cells in MMTV-PyMT primary tumors, as macrophage derived VEGF early on during tumor initiation, well as at the metastatic lung [96]. potentially allowing for adaptation mechanism to come into Overall, these studies support the presence of crosstalk play. Another study neutralized VEGF receptor 2 by DC101 between the innate and adaptive immune system that con- and noted a reduction in growth [100]. Analysis of the tributes to metastasis. Furthermore, it raises the possibility immune microenvironment of these tumors revealed a sig- of targeting the immune microenvironment at the metastatic nificant increase in IFN γ producing cytotoxic T cells [100]. site, which would be important in improving therapeutic However, this was associated with an increase in PDL-1 regimens for patients. Studies such as these are possible due expressing PyMT tumor cells as a negative feedback to the high penetrance of metastasis of the PyMT models mechanism [100]. It is therefore reasonable to suggest that within an immunocompetent background. VEGF knockout in macrophages results in elevated expression of tumoral PDL-1 during initiation, which leads Neutrophils to immune evasion and supports the faster growing tumors. Indeed, co-treatment of PyMT tumors with both DC101 and Another subset of immune cells that play a role during anti-PDL-1 was sufficient to restrict tumor growth and was cancer progression and metastasis are the neutrophils. In the associated with vasculature normalization [100]. Further- pre-metastatic lung of MMTV-PyMT mice, an influx of more, neutralization of angiopoietin 2, a secreted endothe- neutrophils (CD11b+Ly6G+) occurs and their numbers lial cell growth factor, by a monoclonal antibody (3.19.3) continue to increase during the metastatic progression [97]. impeded tumor growth in MMTV-PyMT mice at both early Animals with depleted neutrophils display a reduction in and late stages of progression [101]. This neutralization led spontaneous pulmonary metastasis [97]. Moreover, the to vascular regression and increased pericyte coverage of CD11b+LyGhi cell population had elevated expression of the vessels, increased tumor hypoxia, necrosis and extracellular matrix chondroitin proteoglycan, versican, enhanced recruitment of MRC1+(CD206) tumor associated which promotes growth of the metastatic lesions and macrophages [101]. Enhanced recruitment of macrophages mesenchymal to epithelial transition which is required for was also noted post treatment using combretastatin A4 development of the metastasis [97]. phosphate, a vascular disrupting agent, suggesting it as a general mechanism in attempt to rescue the tumor vascu- Natural killers lature after therapy [102]. Interestingly, tumors treated with 3.19.3 did not display rebound angiogenesis despite ele- Natural killer (NK) cells also play an important role in vated levels of VEGFa and MRC1+ macrophage infiltrate, immune surveillance [98]. Genetic and antibody depletion highlighting a key role that angiopoietin 2 may play in of natural killer cells increased pulmonary metastatic burden promoting vascularization in PyMT driven tumors [101]. in PyMT animals [98]. Intranasal IL-12 treatment to pro- Future application of this monoclonal therapeutic approach mote activation of NK cells, reduced pulmonary metastasis, may have important implications on breast cancer treat- emphasizing their role in the metastatic niche and not just in ments. The mechanisms by which PyMT cells model the the primary tumor [98]. microenvironment and suppress the anti-cancer immune response to promote metastasis are summarized in Fig. 4. Angiogenesis Despite the focus on the hematogenous route of metas- tasis, the PyMT model does metastasize, albeit to a low Another key tumor microenvironmental cue is the process extent, to the lymph node, a common metastatic site in of angiogenesis. As lesions of MMTV-PyMT progress to human breast cancer [103]. Lymph node metastasis was early carcinomas, they are associated with increased vas- significantly increased in animals lacking expression of the cular density [99]. As the tumors progress to malignancy, cytochrome P450 Cyp2c44, similar to MMP8 suggesting its the length of the vessels and their tortuosity increases inhibition is inadvisable [103]. 486 S. Attalla et al.

Fig. 4 TME factors that promote metastasis in PyMT. a At the killing ability. PyMT also suppress cytotoxic T cell activity indirectly primary tumor, PyMT cancer cells secrete a range of immunosup- via release of MSP which binds the RON receptor on macrophages pressive and chemotactic molecules. CD4+ T cells recruited to the which leads to suppression of cytotoxic T cell activity. c PyMT cancer primary tumor secrete IL-4 which polarizes macrophages to the cells metastasize via hematogenous route along with macrophages to M2 state. Polarized macrophages in turn release EGF which promotes reach the lung. At the metastatic site, neutrophils release versican cancer cell growth and migration. Myeloid and cancer cell derived which supports growth of the PyMT cancer cells and promotes VEGFA 6 promotes angiogenesis. PyMT cancer cells release CSF1 mesenchymal to epithelial transition. Within the lung microenviron- which promote taxis of macrophages. b Within the primary tumor, ment, PyMT cancer cells supress the cytotoxic T cells and natural PyMT cancer cells suppress activity of cytotoxic T cells both directly killer (NK) cells directly and indirectly. Created with Biorender.com . via PD1/PDL1 and CTLA4/CD80 interactions, inhibiting their tumor

PyMT GEMMS as a preclinical platform for have also been tested in combination with other treatments, therapeutic testing chemotherapies and radiation similar to what physicians prescribe their patients following breast cancer diagnosis. In addition to providing valuable genetic and mechanistic Thus, PyMT models are clinically relevant mouse models insights into breast tumorigenesis, PyMT-driven GEMMS used for pre-clinical testing of various therapeutic methods have been a cornerstone for pre-clinical development and to determine doses, safety, and efficacy. testing of potential therapies. From chemotherapies to tar- geted therapies, immunotherapies and cancer vaccines, all have been tested for their efficiency and dosage using Conclusions PyMT mouse models. Table 2 highlights some of the therapies tested in PyMT models grouped based on the drug Overall, we highlighted several key studies that made use of type. It is important to note that several of these therapeutics either PyMT GEMM that not only provided insight into nihsfo rngncmuemdl fPM-nue ratcne:rcptltn ua ratcne...487 . . cancer. breast human recapitulating cancer: breast PyMT-induced of models mouse transgenic from Insights Table 2 Therapeutics with clinical potential tested in PyMT. Drug name Target/mechanism of action Effect Reference

Immunotherapies ANTI-PDL1 Blocks the Programmed death ligand (PDL1) that is commonly Increased CD8+ T cell activity, decreased tumor burden. [100] expressed by tumor cells to inhibit T cell activity. ADIL12– B7-1 Adenovirus expressing the cytokine IL12 and the co-stimulatory Complete regression of tumors with no detected relapse. At lower dose, [110] molecule B7-1 that activates T cells. it delayed tumor growth and was still effective. ANTI-IL4 Monoclonal antibody against the secreted cytokine IL4. No change in tumor onset, latency or burden. But significantly [90] Antibody results in increase M1 macrophages polarization. decreased the number of lung metastases. Drugs targeting DNA or RNA EZN-3920 ErbB3 antisense Significant reduction in tumor growth and inhibits tumor progression. [66] Targeted therapies GSK-126 Ezh2 methyltransferase inhibitor Decrease in hyperplasias and delay in tumor onset. Complete block of [42] metastasis Buthionine-[S, R]-sulfoximine (BSO) Inhibitor of GSH (Glutathione) synthesis. Early treatment increased ROS levels, reduced tumor burden and [108] disrupted progression to later stages. Treatment upon tumor onset did not change ROS levels and had no effect on tumor burden, suggesting a reason why clinical trials have failed. Anti-MMR nanobody Nanobody targeting CD206+ TAMs Specially binds to and label TAMs, allowing for imaging of tumor [111] stroma and hypoxic regions. Anti-ANG2 antibody (3.19.3) Blocks ANG2’s ability to bind Tie2, inhibiting an important pro- Interfered with angiogenesis, disrupted blood vasculature and inhibits [101] angiogenic axis tumor progression ANTI-CSF1 Inhibits colony stimulating factor, a macrophage differentiation Depleted macrophages and delayed tumor regrowth following radiation [112] factor. PLX3397 Competitive ATP inhibitor for CSF1 receptor Eliminated tumor associated macrophages and delayed tumor growth [112] after radiation DC101 antibody anti-VEGF Reduced tumor growth due to impairment of angiogenesis. It also [100] increased the levels of PD-L1, sensitizing tumors for combination with anti-PDL1 antibody. This combination led to significant reduction in tumor burden. Lapatinib Tyrosine kinase inhibitor (ErbB2 and EGFR) Delay tumor growth, [66] Tamoxifen Selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) that inhibits ER Inhibited tumor growth and decreased tumor volume. [63] signaling. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy 5 GY focal gamma irradiation from Ionizing radiation Tumor regressed, but regrowth occurs after a period of stasis. [112] cesium source Doxorubicin Chemotherapy. Inhibits topoisomerase 2, an enzyme important Reduced tumor volume due to necrotic cancer cell death. [113] for DNA replication. 488 S. 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