Welcome at Attero energizing the environment Attero

• Producer of sustainable energy, like green power and green gas • Producer of re-usable raw materials • Producer of soil improvers: compost • Producer of biofuels and secundary fuels for specialised power plants o Source: domestic waste & biowaste o Fifteen production sites in the ; regional roots o Waste-to-energy plants, composting and fermentation plants, landfills

2 Shareholders

Provinces 74% Friesland Groningen 6,0 Drenthe 2,3 6% Overijssel 18,7 Flevoland 0,02 0,02% 2,3% Noord-Brabant 30,8 Limburg 16,1 18,7%

Municipalities 26%

Nearly all municipalities in the 30,8% mentioned provincies and some municipalities in the province 16,1% of Friesland

3 Attero production sites incineration & separation composting & fermentation landfilling

Groningen Groningen

Wijster Wijster Wijster

Twence (15%) VAR VAR VAR Twence (15%) Twence (15%) Lochem Moerdijk Moerdijk Deurne Haps Nuenen Venlo Bergen op Zoom Tegelen Weert Montfort Schinnen Maastricht Landgraaf

waste-to-energy-plant composting green waste Tilburg landfill in operation recovery plant composting biowaste Wijster fermentation plant Landgraaf

Attero holds shares: Twence (15%)

4 Landfill, recycling and incineration in Europe

5 Bron: Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, November 2010 Changing domestic waste

2009 600 Domestic waste per capita 500 1990 400

300 1940 1958 200


0 1914 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2009 2009 1940 1958

org 1990 33% paper org org org plastics paper paper 51% 22% 64% 56% 26% 20% paper 20% 25%

1% 2% 19% 8% 4% 3% plastics glass divers plastics glass divers

6 Composition of domestic waste in % Waste to energy plants in the Netherlands

Delfzijl/Eon Harlingen/Omrin


Alkmaar/HVC Coevorden/Sita




Rotterdam/vGG /HVC Weurt/ARN

Moerdijk/Attero /Sita

7 Market share municipal waste

8 Core values

• Sustainable

• Innovative

• Reliable

• Customer focused

9 Key Figures 2010

Processing Combustible waste 1,813 Kton Organic waste 436 Kton Mineral waste/landfilling 133 Kton Energy Production Electricity from incineration and fermentation 1,166 GWh Electricity from biogas 25 GWh Renewable natural gas production 10,4 mNm3 Share of Dutch electricity production 1% Other figures Turnover 313 million Operating result* 54 million Number of employees** 654

*Operating result: result before interest and taxes, excluding participations in other companies ** Including insourced employees

10 Primary activities Attero waste to energy composting digestion landfilling

2 plants 5 plants 2 plants + 3 in option

1.800 Kton 436 Kton 150 Kton 13 landfills

Processing the domestic waste of 6.4 million people (39% of dutch population) Turnover: 313 million euro, employing 654 employees

11 waste-to-energy plant Moerdijk

composting site for biowaste

Location Moerdijk

12 fermentation plant

separation plant

Location Groningen

13 Location Wijster

14 Waste to energy plant location Wijster

Combination of separation Operational since 1996 and incineration of waste.

Separation capacity: • 810.000 tons / 3 lines

Incineration capacity: • 625.000 tons / 3 furnaces

Energy efficiency 22%

15 Waste to energy plant location Wijster

2 3 4 5 6 RDF-bunker 7 11 13

aircooled condensor electrofilter acidic and coarse filling spray drier neutral washers incineration boiler oxycat unit bunker fabric filter fluegas control discharge hall air separator turbine/generator sieve drum sieve drum (Ø 190 mm) (Ø 45 mm)

• metals • energy (E) • flue gas • mix paper/plastics • bottom-ash residues • plastics • fly-ashes • RDF

16 Separation plant Wijster

filmgrabber plastic foils drumsieve refuse derived fuel input plastic separator waste air separator plastics PE,PP,PS,PET

refuse derived fuel

plastic foils

refuse derived fuel

filmgrabber plastic separator disk sieve plastics PE,PP,PS,PET

refuse derived fuel

organic wet fraction GAVI

17 Plastic recovery

Plastic recycling technology: •filmgrabber •infrared (NIR technology) •recovery 8 m% of MSW

Future developments: • cleaning / seperation • production of granulate

18 Anarobic digestion of organic fraction • Digestion of separated residual MSW (wet organic fraction of 40 mm) • Biogas upgrading by water wash system • Injection of green gas in local gas grid (8 bar) • Incineration of the digestate (residue of digestion)

Sludge to incinerator

• digested material • dry solid content 38% Dry fermentation of 60.000 tonnes MSW residue (DRANCO system Of OWS) Building starts 01 06 2011

19 Compostingsystems

Hallcomposting: Wijster & Moerdijk

Compostingprocess Pre-treatment: Post-treatment: Input of • filling system • shreddering • sieving organic • forced input air and water • separating • upgrading waste • extracting air and odour • de-ironing • storage and sale • treatment of air and water

Tunnelcomposting: Maastricht, Venlo & Deurne

20 Recovery: products and raw materials

Torch® Tunka® Secondary fuels and biofuels


Slacks, ferro & non ferro metals, inert mix

21 Processing mineral waste

Cross-section landfill Evaporation Clean soil 1 m Drain cloth Runoff Plastic liner 2 mm water Mineral layer 0,6 m Support layer 0,3 m

Waste Waste 40 m

Rubble 0,2 m Landfillgas Drain sand 0,3 m Plastic liner 2 mm Landfillgas Sand/bentonite Layer 0,5 m Sand layer 2-3 m Combined Natural layer gas/leachate pipe of loam Slightly polluted Natural water layer of Control drain loam Groundwater Clean water sewage

7 Landfillgas= used for production of electricity, heat and ‘green gas’

22 Social responsibility

• Control emissions (and biomonitoring) • Landfill management • Reinforcing quality of landscape/controlling effects • Reinforcing recreational aspects • Traffic safety (cycle tracks, routes) • Safety policy (employees, contractors, visitors) • Public support (communication, complaints)

23 Questions?

24 Waste-to-energy plant location Moerdijk

Energy efficiency: 32% Energy efficiency R1: 115%

Production of HP steam: •(line 1-3): 2.250.000 tons

Production of LP steam: •(line 4): 970.000 tons

E-production: 110.000 MWh

Incineration capacity: • 1.000.000 tons / 4 lines Operational since 1997

25 Waste to energy plant location Moerdijk

1 discharge hall 5 fluegas washer 9 turbine 2 coarse filling bunker 6 fabric filter 10 generator 3 incineration boiler 7 stack 11 connection to 4 electrofilter 8 boiler WKC national grid

26 Separation & fermentation plant Groningen

Combination: mechanical separation and digestion of the organic residu Capacity separation: • 160.000 ton/year

Capacity digestion: • 60.000 tons/year

Energy production: • 1.200 m3 biogas/hour Separation operational since 1987 Digestion plant operational since 2001

27 Separation plant: different streams

drum air foils sieve1 separator foil separator waste ferro fuel

air foils separator foil separator drum sieve2 ferro fuel

organic plastics material plastic PE,PP,PS,PET ferro/ separator non-ferro ONF to digestion plant

28 Processing: fermentation plant

fuel inert reststream


pretreatment washing sieve: shreddering mixtanks: digestiontanks: dewatering organic waste initial biogas base for treatment energy digestion from separation

29 The “Wiser principle” of Attero

WiSER = Waste is Sustainable Energy and Resources 1 advanced 2 technics production and sale of 3 upgrading resources and production 4 high quality secondary fuels use of resources and use of high quality low quality 5 sources of sources of end- energy energy products use (cascade) processing