The sexual orientation at rhodes

Go to Stax for the most gilded, furry Caddy of all ou’wester time. See Page 7 SOctober 8, 2008 e Weekly Student Newspaper of Rhodes College Vol. XCV. NO. 5 Do GLBTQ students feel comfortable on campus? By Daniel Jacobs them that were really mean simply be- said Ross. “ at what they say, even if Editor-in-Chief cause they might be or they might ap- they’re joking or not serious, still has When it comes to homosexuality, pear to be gay or lesbian.” weight. And that goes beyond those Rhodes College is not an open place, A 2003 survey by the National phrases like ‘that’s so gay,’ and into how but it is by no means closed. Gay and Lesbian Task Force of GLBT they approach subjects or other words In recent years the situation on students, faculty and staff at 14 colleges they use. I think there is still that feel- campus has improved for gay, lesbian, across the country found that a fi fth of ing on campus that homosexuality or bisexual and transgender (GLBT) those surveyed feared for their physi- any kind of diff ering sexuality is some- students. Over the past two years the cal safety in the last year due to their thing weird or unnatural or not okay, Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) has in- sexual orientation or gender identity, and I think that feeling makes Rhodes creased its average attendance at meet- and that 36% of GLBT undergraduate inhospitable and not an easy place to ings from fi ve students to around 25 students said they had been harassed. be if you identify as GLBT.” students, and as part of the push for An incident of harassment oc- But students are also positive diversity on campus the administra- curred last week at Rhodes when un- about conditions on campus for GLBT tion is promoting events and initiatives Noelle Smith/The Sou’wester identifi ed students in the Williford students. that will make homosexual students Jennifer Ross, the Kinney GLBT Advocacy Organizer, sits with Dormitory used shaving cream to “I think it’s changed a lot. It’s feel more comfortable and encourage the leadership of the Gay-Straight Alliance. From left to right write the word “fag” in the fi rst fl oor more okay to be gay on campus,” said discussion about homosexuality. they are Erica Murrell, Matt Tamason, Julia Draper, and Jyo bathroom and on another student’s Julia Draper, a senior who is the co- But at the same time, students Carolino. message board. Ross described this as president of GSA. “I haven’t noticed interviewed for this article indicated the type of harassment that, while it any gay bullying. I know that some that the majority of GLBT students tional and unintentional.  ere have accepting,” said Jennifer Ross, the is not directed specifi cally at gay stu- GSA signs get ripped down but all on campus prefer to keep their sexual also been reports of GSA signs being Kinney GLBT Advocacy Organizer. dents, makes the campus feel less com- the ones I’ve noticed have been pieced identity private, and some GLBT stu- destroyed. “ at’s not to say that it’s perfect. I’ve fortable for GLBT students. back together and put back up.” dents describe continued low-level “I do think the feeling on campus heard a lot of things from students “I think that students need to verbal harassment that is both inten- has gotten more embracing and more where they felt things were said around realize that their words have power,” GLBT, continued on Page 4 New Gender and Sexuality Studies Program Safe Zone offers By NeNe Bafford fered in the Anthropology and Sociology depart- Staff Writer ment. sanctuary for students In the past month, the Women’s Studies Pro- By changing the name of the program, Haas gram has been changed to the Gender and Sexuality hope that students will be able to easily identify By Anna Meyerrose Studies Program. which courses are geared towards gay and lesbian Executive Assistant This change is in response to the fact that cur- studies. Safe Zone and programs like rently Rhodes offers no specific courses in any de- “I think it is definitely something that we really it can be found on various college partment that are directed towards gay and lesbian wanted to do,” said Haas. “It is going to take some and university campus across the studies. Judith Haas, the director of the Gender and time because we have to build the audience of stu- nation, and even at some high Sexuality Studies Program, thinks this change will dents that are interested in these courses, as well as schools. This program is available bring more inclusive courses. get faculty that know how to teach these courses.” to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans- “We wanted to broaden the curriculum,” said Members of the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) gender, intersex, and question- Haas. thinks that this is a positive move for the campus. ing/queer (LGBTIQ) students at Although the college does not offer specific “I think that it is an advancement because it Rhodes as well. These safe zones courses directed towards gay and lesbian studies, will open the minds of some students and homosex- are designed to provide safe, there are some departments that offer classes that uality won’t be so taboo,” said Sophomore Stephen comfortable, and easily accessible discuss the components of sexuality. Some classes Spainhour. “It is long overdue.” places for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, include Gender and Sexuality Studies 200 and 400, Bisexual, Transsexual) students Religious Studies 258, as well as other courses of- to go when they are in need of Gender and Sexuality Studies, continued on Page 5 someone to talk to, without fear of their sexuality being attacked. Domestic partner benefi ts for faculty Various safe zone counsel- Noelle Smith/The Sou’wester ors include professors, adminis- Pam Detrie, the Associate By William Bruce “I just felt that it was time, if McGeachy, Benefi ts manager. “My trators, and even some students Director of Student Counsel- News Editor not past time, to have a policy like response is that they, unlike same- (both heterosexual and bisex- ing, is the coordinator of the In October 2006, Rhodes this at Rhodes” said Drompp. sex couples in Tennessee, have the ual). Trained individuals, such Safe Zone program. changed its benefi t plan to include Some qualifi cations needed to option of getting married.” as these, display a recognizable the domestic partners of homosexu- recieve the benefi ts include: being When compared to a number “Safe Zone” logo outside of their another student” al professors. Previously only spous- at least 18 years of age, not being of other institutions in the Associ- office or dorm room doors so as All individuals that have un- es in heterosexual relationships were blood relatives, and residing togeth- ated Colleges of the South, Rhodes to make themselves available to dergone and completed the Safe eligible to receive the benefi ts. er for at least 12 months. In general, took a relatively long time to begin any and all LGBTIQ students. Zone program training are rec-  e idea to provide domestic Martha McGeachy, benefi ts man- off ering domestic partner benefi ts. “It’s always helpful to have ognizable by the sticker. Part of partners with benefi ts was initially ager, has received good feedback on Both Davidson and Centre College someone to vent to,” said Jyo the Safe Zone training includes suggested to the Faculty Profession- partner benefi ts. started off ering domestic partner Carolino, a sophomore who is signing a contract committing al Interest Committee by Michael “I do have employees with benefi ts four to fi ve years ago, and Safe Zone certified and partici- to encourage a more accepting Drompp, who is now the Dean of opposite-sex partners who don’t Furman University and Hendrix pates in the Safe Zone program. environment amongst the entire the Faculty and Vice President of understand why the benefi t does Partner Benefi ts, continued on Page 5 “What you can’t discuss with Safe Zone, continued on Page 5 Academic Aff airs. not apply to them,” said Martha your friends you can discuss with Page 2 Opinion Wednesday, October 8, 2008 Brokaw raises the stakes at Belmont The By Paul Yacoubian munists, so stop victimizing the people ran the White House and Republicans ran Sou’wester Opinion Editor who led their companies into the toilet. Congress and everything was great. The quote of the night goes to McCa- Criticize the Americans that took out a John McCain reminded me of Andy Editor-In-Chief in: “My friends, we have gone to all four Rooney from 60 Minutes, always com- Daniel Jacobs corners of the Earth…” For those of legal plaining about something silly while Managing Editor age, I suggest a drinking game for the next breathing heavily. He would like you to Avery Pribila debate for McCain’s phrase “my friends.” “John McCain believe that everything is bad, the govern- News Editor Runner-up quote in the room goes to Kev- ment is to blame. I would agree; that seems William Bruce in, “Tom Brokaw’s voice could power this reminded me of reasonable, since we entrust our govern- Opinion Editor country.” ment with our money and lives. When we Paul Yacoubian The debate was just another discus- Andy Rooney from elect a president to lead the nation, we ex- Entertainment Editor sion of unspecified rhetoric. Unlike the pect that person to ask great things from Ralph MacDonald first debate, the two did not squabble over 60 Minutes, always the people. When asked about the sacri- Sports Editor misquotes to such a great degree. So who complaining about fices of Americans, McCain talked about Onalee Carson won the debate? Tom Brokaw won it. He earmarks. That is why I cannot vote for Layout Editor told the candidates to shut up and follow something silly while John McCain. He has been in Washington Lee Bryant the rules. Well the rules are stupid don’t for 26 years and he has voted 100% with Copy Editor you think? Yes. Both candidates said so. breathing heavily. ” President Bush this year. The fact is unde- Suzi Van Sickle When it comes to economics, the theme niable. As a result we have insanity, experi- Photography Editor of the debate, neither candidate was will- encing the same thing twice and expecting Noelle Smith ing to tell it straight, that things are going a different outcome. Business Manager to get worse before they get better. The mortgage loan and then filed bankruptcy, My advice to those who are still un- Jamie Young market must be crushed, yet neither can- effectively screwing the bank that gave decided is to vote for Obama, if not for Executive Assistants didate wants to precipitate the inevitable them the opportunity to own their own the sole purpose of offsetting the votes Anna Meyerrose collapse. Truly speaking, the Wall Street home. Get real candidates. But they can’t! cast against him by ignorant racists. “This Jerica Sandifer “greed” that the candidates criticized rep- We must rally around a change represen- 2008 Presidential debate was brought to resents the capitalism that I thought we tative because this is terrible. I loved the you by Exxon Mobil.” valued in this country. We are not com- 1990’s when things were good. Democrats Biblical interpretations subject to debate How to Reach Our By Ryan Costello written. For example, Leviticus 18:22 states The meaning Bible might not be what Authors and Us Staff Writer “you shall not lie with a male as with a it first appears as. The Bible requires one As the official newspaper of Rho- Many followers of Christianity have woman; it is an abomination.” Taken from to become intuitive and deeply analyze des College, The Sou’wester is produced obscured views of law in the Bible. These the Holiness Code, this quote remained readings for possible themes. Despite these entirely by students on staff. It functions devoted followers falsely believe they can a part of a list of rules that was thought common readings, homosexuals and gay independently of faculty and administra- interpret the Bible on their own; however, to destroy integrity and harmony. Other supporters do not believe the Bible speaks tion. The newspaper is published weekly serious problems occur if this happens. rules from this code include not mixing out against homosexuality. After all, if throughout the fall and spring semesters, These “amateur interpreters” do not take certain foods with others and not blending the Ten Commandments are the basis of except during exam periods and breaks. the scripture in context and do not associ- seeds. However, since many of these rules Christian principles, why is nothing in- The Sou’wester is a member of the ate it to the time period being described. carry little weight today, why is the rule cluded in this doctrine about the “abomi- Student Media Board, a consortium that In many instances, the “homosexual” ref- concerning homosexuality still applicable? nation” of homosexuality? includes the editors of all student media erences included in the Bible are in fact outlets, class representatives, and at-large ambiguous and cannot be read in a literal representatives from the student body. sense. Biblical writers did not have a pres- All staff editorials published in The ent-day, contemporary understanding of Letter to the Editor Sou’wester represent the majority opin- sexual orientation and sexual behavior. ion of the Editorial Board composed I recently attended a viewing of the Dear Kevin Kifer, of section editors and executive editors. movie For the Bible Tells Me So, which ad- I appreciated you’re article in last week’s Sou’wester about how, as a society, we should Opinions expressed in opinion columns dresses questions concerning the Christian be open to discussing the topic of sex. I think the fact that as human beings we engage and letters-to-the-editor do not necessar- view of homosexuality. The movie tells the in sex on a regular basis makes it a topic that needs to be discussed and I agree with you ily reflect the opinions of The Sou’wester story of various homosexuals and bisexu- that it is irresponsible not to talk about sex with our children and educate them on safe Editorial Board. Letters-to-the-editor als, and the struggles they encounter on a practices. But I want to suggest that sex is a taboo subject not because sex is bad, but are encouraged, but cannot exceed 350 daily basis. These stories offer a first-hand because as a society we have perverted it into something that it is not. As humans we are words; all letters must be signed and will perspective of the hardships and realities blessed with the ability to ration and distinguish right from wrong, or what we perceive be edited for clarity. of being homosexual or bisexual in an un- as good and bad. When we feel guilty it is usually because we are doing something orthodox society. The film depicts how wrong. The fact that we feel like we can’t talk openly about sex in our society might stem Reaching The Sou’wester the Christian world treats gays and lesbi- from the way we view sex. We have perverted it and made it into something bad and ans because, according to them, the Bible now we can’t talk about it. When we see sex through the lenses of porno or view it as a Phone: (901) 843-3402 denounces homosexuality and calls for the weekend pastime we do when we’re drunk or as a creative way to use the furniture we Fax: (901) 843-3409 persecution of these people. However, the are reducing sex to a simple physical act and forgetting that sex is more than just a fuck. E-mail: [email protected] movie poses this interesting question: does This is why sex is taboo, because we’re not talking about having sex, we’re talking about Address: Rhodes Box 3010 the Bible actually condemn homosexual- fucking. Sex is an outward expression of love and when we turn it into a mere physical The Sou’wester ity? Surprisingly, Jesus never directly ex- act, we are changing its meaning. I am willing to bet that most people would agree that 2000 North Parkway ecrated homosexuality like he did divorce, the best sex they’ve ever had was with someone they truly cared about and in whom they Memphis, TN 38112-1690 wealth, and exclusion. were heavily invested. As a society I think we should talk about sex. Hell, let’s promote Christian interpreters have offered it, but promote healthy view points of sex. Use pornography to increase intimacy in a re- many scriptures in their “proof” that God lationship, do it all over your furniture with someone you care about and then talk about is unaccepting of homosexuality. Upon it. But until we view sex as a meaningful act and not just a way to get off, then we can’t further study, one can conclude that these really have a meaningful discussion about it. verses may not deal with the issue of ho- Sincerely, mosexuality at all or can be interpreted as John King

The Sou’wester Wednesday, October 8, 2008 Opinion Page 3 Applying the doctrine of preemption to sex crimes

By Dean Galaro If being a child predator is considered an addiction or a Staff Writer sickness, then it is looked at something that can be treated I always feel weird watching To Catch a Predator, re- and fixed. The effectiveness of this approach becomes de- alizing that I’m being entertained watching people’s lives “What this means is that pendent on whether the sexual tendencies in the individ- crumble apart as they’re caught trying to meet an under- ual were formed in childhood or formed later on in life. age child they contacted through the internet. It’s a scary the term “sex offenders” need A distinction like this is important because when a state realization that there really are sick people like those on of mind is formed in childhood, later in life one cannot the show all over society (2009.1 per million citizens in not be used in such wide and revert back to a normal state of mind that was never there, Tennessee), but it must be realized that there are also vague ways as it normally is, no matter the method of rehabilitation. many different levels of sexual offense (from voyeurism What this means is that the term “sex offenders” need to rape) that constitute different levels of risk. Sexual including both violent and not be used in such wide and vague ways as it normally abuse of children, whether involving physical contact or is, including both violent and non-violent offenses. What not, is an unthinkable exploitation that deserves punish- non-violent offenses.” factors that go into a sexual predator and where do the ment, but we must be careful as to how that punishment mental motivations that go into their perpetrating the act is given. come from? In an effort to secure the safety of children and ing a solution to the problem of sexually abusive people, But what exactly that punishment should be is still the efficiency of the justice system, more research must be law enforcement is forced to act after-the-fact instead of a debated topic. There are varying levels of sentences for undertaken in order to study the mind of the sexual pred- being a preventive force, except in cases such as those on convicted sex offenders that run the gamut from house ator. Noting that the case for understanding what makes To Catch a Predator (a very small percentage). arrest to decades in prison, all of which aid in prevention a person become a sex offender has gone cold, we cannot Since law enforcement is a reactionary force, it can of sexual crimes through the simple fear of law enforce- expect to solve the criminal problem without focusing on only become preventive with repeat offenders, or those ment. These kinds of disciplinary actions all rest on the prevention. While any person who finds themselves un- with the potential to commit crimes again once they have idea that simply going to prison or having one’s movement der the umbrella of “sex offender” obviously needs some undergone punishment. From here, it is up to the meth- tracked will “fix” a predator, and by “fix” I mean set them form of help, we must continue to bring justice to the ods of rehabilitation to help those with the abusive issues. in a state where they will not repeat their offense. In find- system until we have found a workable solution. Still, it must be questioned how sexual abuse is viewed. Changing the manipulative biased mindset By Kevin Kifer arises from the same mindset as the thought, “Women Staff Writer hate sex.” It is an oppressive way of rationalizing one's Public perception of sexuality is biased, lending itself misgivings about women without having to directly deal to a more positive view of promiscuous males. To many “Men have benefited from with the subject. males, the friend who maximizes his number of sexual Obviously many males would view this type of dou- encounters is not considered a "slut"; if this statement is this type of thinking for centu- ble standard favorably, while females could see it as sti- untrue for you, imagine a girl that sleeps with as many fling. Men have benefited from this type of thinking guys as possible. Does this person fall into the slut cat- ries, while the sexually repressed for centuries, while the sexually repressed women became egory? Next, from a purely physiological standpoint, as- repressed in other areas of life as well. Fairly recently, sess the dangers that face the unchaste female and the women became repressed in we can see a sort of sexual tolerance develop in the West; lascivious male. other areas of life as well.” multiple sexual partners for women is no longer as damn- Who stands at greater risk of pregnancy? It could ing. However, if people know of your sexual practices, be argued that this double standard constitutes a societal they feel as though they know something vital about you. shield from unwanted pregnancies. Of course, it prob- past religious leaders have demonized women out of anx- Sometimes this manifests negatively, as in the case of a ably exists as a product of sexist beliefs and fears, as some ious inexperience. The current double standard, I believe, promiscuous girl being seen as a whore. Lesbian chic, myth or reality?

By Will Smith 2003 MTV Video Music Awards, Lindsay should endeavor to be more open-minded done for the publicity. Staff Writer Lohan’s relationship with Samantha Ron- about sexuality. Human sexuality is a very complicated “Lesbian chic”, you ask? I am refer- son, and the LUG phenomenon (lugs, or This is not really an opinion piece per thing, and to have a proper discussion on ring to the apparent hipness in recent pop “lesbians until graduation,” are straight culture of women engaging in homosexual females in college [usually Ivy League behavior. The actions in question may schools]) who, because of the intensity of more appropriately be referred to as “bi- life at those schools, forgo romantic rela- “The fact that celebrities are engaging in sexual chic” because none of the women tionships with men and may even experi- I am thinking of, with perhaps the excep- ment with homosexual relationships for this behavior makes it seem like it is for pub- tion of Lindsay Lohan, claim to be strictly the duration of college. What I want to homosexual; nevertheless, lesbian chic may know is whether all this lesbian behavior is licity and ratings, but it also could be a sign work better because as far as I can tell, this a result of more relaxed and open attitudes that our society is increasingly accepting of behavior has only been recently observable about non-heterosexual relationships, or in women. In any case, there is an implied just publicity stunts (or in the case of lugs, non-heterosexual lifestyles.” superficiality to it. What I want to know is trying to rebel or draw attention to them- whether this trend exists right now, if it’s selves)? legitimate experimentation/ bisexuality or I don’t know what the answer is. There just a ploy to boost publicity, and what the apparently have been waves of “bisexual se. I wrote this because it is something I this issue would take a lot more room than implications of it are. chic” since the 70s. The fact that celebri- am curious about and would like to dis- I have (I will, however, be discussing this It all started when I first heard Katy ties are engaging in this behavior makes it cuss with people. I am especially curious topic on my radio show Off the Grid to- Perry’s song “I Kissed a Girl.” It immedi- seem like it is for publicity and ratings, but about lesbians’ (and other members of the night at 6pm). In the end, why should we ately reminded me of other instances of it also could be a sign that our society is non-heterosexual community) attitudes care? We should care because if we think celebrities engaging in lesbian behavior, increasingly accepting of non-heterosexual towards this, specifically, would they be this behavior is shallow and demeaning, most notably Madonna’s kisses with Brit- lifestyles. Personally, I hope it’s the latter; especially offended if this behavior was then we should want to discourage it; and ney Spears and Christina Aguilera at the doing it for the ratings is tasteless and we not legitimate experimentation but just if not, should we embrace it?

The Sou’wester Page 4 News Wednesday, October 8, 2008

GLBT, continued from Page 1

Student Voice T., a bisexual male sophomore What is the campus climate in regards to GLBT students? who preferred to remain anonymous, described Rhodes as “relatively” ac- cepting. “I think a lot of people are accept- ing unless it’s their roommates or it’s “Rhodes is accepting. I some sort of close-quarters situation know I would be com- kind of thing,” he said. fortable having a homo- According to “ e Experiences of Belonging in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual sexual friend or room- and Questioning College Students,” mate.” a study performed last year by Logan -Rush Brady (‘12) Jones, a Rhodes student who gradu- ated in the class of 2008, GLBT stu- dents at Rhodes have a mixed view of the campus climate. In audio-recorded interviews with twenty GLBT stu- dents, Jones found that 15 participants perceived the campus environment as Photo Courtesy of Jennifer Ross “I don’t have a problem mixed, with both positive and nega- Last week unidenti ed students used glue to write the word with those who are ho- tive elements towards GLBT students, “fag” in a bathroom on rst  oor Williford as well as on this while four participants said the envi- message board. The incident is currently under investigation. mosexual, and I believe ronment was “in some way negative,” that is how most Rhodes and one participant said it was “in forefront.” peer’s attitudes about GLBT students, students feel.” some way positive.” Some of the most prominent in- with ten students declining to be inter- is study, which included a to- stitutional changes are the Safe Zone viewed on the topic. But a small num- -Melissa Coquelin (‘12) tal of 22 participants, also found that program and the National Coalition ber of students did discuss their views of the 12 participants who said the Building Institute training, a prejudice about the campus climate. campus environment had changed reduction workshop which over 350 “I do feel sexuality is an issue on since his or her time at the college, 11 students leaders, 50 faculty members campus,” said Alexa Weisman, a ju- thought it had improved in regards to and 100 staff members have partici- nior. “I feel like there aren’t a lot of out GLBT issues and none said it had be- pated in. and proud gay students.” come worse. In addition the college now funds Another issue is how open profes- “I think Rhodes is very Institutional Changes GSA and classifi es it as a cultural or- sors should be about their sexuality. tolerant of sexual minori- e last ten years have seen a dra- ganization. “I think most students know that ties. It is actually a rea- matic shift in how the administration “ e college has done quite a bit I’m gay, but I don’t know that, because at Rhodes has treated homosexuality to work towards a more supportive I don’t advertise it,” said Michael La- son I came to Rhodes; on campus. When students founded environment for students who may Rosa, an associate professor of History because it is very like my the GSA in 1994, the president of the have a minority sexual orientation or who has been at Rhodes since 1995. high school in the way it college at the time was James Daugh- who may be questioning,” said Carol “My job is to teach Latin American drill, a conservative Presbyterian min- Casey, the Dean of Students. “We’ve history, so I don’t think they neces- is open to all.” ister who prevented the group from done a number of things to support sarily need to know. If they ask, I tell -Charlie Napier (‘12) receiving college funding. e college student organizations in their eff orts them, but I don’t announce it in class. classifi ed GSA as an “unoffi cial” stu- to express themselves and educate But I do think there is a certain hazard dent organization, and their fl iers had other members of the community and if the faculty who are gay are not be- to include that statement that “Rhodes we’ve done more to understand where ing vocal about it. Because it implies College does not recognize, endorse or our students are feeling supported and to students that this is something we support this organization.” aren’t feeling supported.” keep hidden.” “I think in any group of However, according to Jason Bish- Student Life Ross, who came out last year, had people there is a minority op, who graduated in 1998 and served Despite the institutional changes, a mixed opinion on whether professors as president of GSA, many members of there are still a number of issues sur- should announce their sexuality. that has negative views. the campus community were positive rounding GLBT students and their “I can see that for me it would e students I have run about GSA. experiences on campus. have been very helpful to know that “We found that the student body “I think the administration is try- there are professors at Rhodes who into that are negative are and faculty were very supportive of us ing hard, I know they try to do things, are gay and who are comfortable with usually immature and ig- and open,” said Bishop. “It was just the but there’s so much to do on any issue that,” said Ross. “But at the same time norant, however.” top of the administration, the presi- of diversity at Rhodes that it becomes I can appreciate it being diffi cult for dent, where there were confl icts of in- diffi cult to fi nd a way to fi x every- that professor, worrying about tenure -Isaiah Swanson (‘12) terest.” thing,” said Ross. or student’s perceptions. Of course, But when Bill Troutt became According to Ross, GLBT stu- coming out and being open is only the president of the college in 1999, the dents on campus are often very private right of the person who is gay to make administration began to encourage about their sexuality. Of her ten Rho- that announcement.” “In reaction to the writ- more discussion of issues of sexual ori- des friends who are GLBT, only two Lesbian students also face partic- ing of the word “fag” in entation. are out on campus. T. also stated that ular challenges because of some stereo- my residence hall, Willi- “When President Troutt came of his ten GLBT friends, only two are types held by society. to Rhodes, one of the fi rst things he out on campus. “I feel like once you come out as ford, I would say that it did was to create the Diversity Task T. also explained why he preferred a gay man, people believe you, you’re is disrespectful and shows Force,” said Michael Drompp, Dean to keep his sexual orientation private: gay, that’s cool, do what you do,” said of the Faculty and Vice-President for “I don’t like being labeled. I participate Erica Murrell, the Co-President of a lack of maturity. It tru- Academic Aff airs. “While our initial in some things where, perhaps, being GSA who is a senior and a lesbian. “If ly disappoints me that focus was more on issues related to labeled as a homosexual would not be you come out as a lesbian people think someone would do that at ethnicity, the campus-wide conversa- advantageous. Heterosexual students it’s just a phase in your life and it’ll be tions about diversity led to many other tend not to be blocked as often as ho- over. People still hit on you and try Rhodes.” issues coming into the mix. In that mosexual students.” to make you feel awkward. I think it -Andrew Howie (‘12) way, issues relating to sexual orienta- Students who are not involved in makes it a lot harder.” tion have come more and more to the GSA were hesitant to talk about their

The Sou’wester Wednesday, October 8, 2008 News Page 5 GSA alumni reception CampusSafety By William Bruce not have returned to campus for homecom- News Editor ing. September 28 - October 4  is past weekend marked the third “I would never have returned to home- annual homecoming reception for Gay coming unless it had something I was in- Straight Alliance (GSA) alumni. It was volved in,” says Sarah Laplante, class of 09/28 a time when current students could meet 2008. “GSA sort of became a family for 12:22 am: Noise complaint, 3rd fl oor Trezevant; problem resolved. with alumni while GSA gave an update on me.” 1:04 am: Noise complaint, East Village B. Campus Safety spoke with residents, com- all its proceedings. GSA also announced how it has re- plaint resolved. One of the biggest announcements was ceived a large number of members this year. 8:09 pm: ADRL reported to Campus Safety that she was escorting a student to the hos- the name change from Foster back to Gay Offi cials also indicated that they intend to pital; incident documented. Straight Alliance made a few years ago. host more events this year than they have “I feel really positive,” says Jason Bish- ever done. 09/30 op, a member of the class of ‘98 and a for- “GSA is getting bigger.  is year we 8:30 am: Vandalism in Hassell Hall; report fi led. mer president of GSA. “ is refl ects that have over 100 people on the email list, and 12:18 pm: Smoke detector replaced in a room in Stewart. the hard work we did ten years ago is pay- an average of 30 people comes to meetings,” 3:59 pm: Wrecker escorted to East Village parking lot to retrieve a student’s vehicle; ing off now.” says Jyosef Carolino, class of 2011. “Plus in owner notifi ed. Other alumni said that had this GSA previous years we had about 3 events per se- reception not been scheduled, they would mester and this year we’ve already done 3.” 10/02 11:13 am: Broken water line, East Village area; maintenance notifi ed. 4:40 pm: Aramark contacted Campus Safety to pick up a guitar to secure at Campus Partner Benefi ts, continued from Page 1 Off ering domestic partner benefi ts puts Safety until owner can be notifi ed. Rhodes on par with its peer institutions. 7:06 pm: Campus Safety received a call requesting assistance concerning possible use of College enacted the policy change about six “Michael Drompp is to be applauded,” marijuana in Trezevant Hall. to seven years ago. said Michael LaRosa, an associate professor in 10:33 pm: Noise complaint East Village B; offi cers dispatched, complaint resolved. “It took some time, but anything legalis- the History department. “He single-handedly tic takes time,” said Drompp. “ ere were no took on that issue. Not for personal reasons, 10/04 signifi cant problems with it.” but because it’s the right thing to do.” 10:55 am: Report of a large outdoor style heater missing from the McCoy area. Victim stated that the heater was the property of Grand Rental and was at the McCoy location the night before; incident under investigation. The Sou’wester is taking a two week vacation for mid-terms 7:13 pm: Smoke detector alarm set off East Village A; offi cer dispatched. Cause of alarm – student attempted to remove detector setting it off . and fall break. Issue #6 will be available October 29th. 10:10 pm: Student reported for public intoxication, Barret Library.

Gender and Sexuality Studies, continued from Page 1 possible, we just also hope that there will be the classes to back up the second part of One of the co-presidents of GSA, Julia the new program name,” said Ross. Draper, a senior, was also optimistic about Non-members of GSA also agree with the change. the positive response to the program. “I think talking about sexuality in the “I think it’s a good move, it will al- classroom legitimizes it and helps with ac- low people to become more open-minded,” ceptance,” said Draper. said junior Wesley Campbell. Although members of GSA believe Although the Gender and Sexuality that the name change is historic, they have Studies Program are not offering any spe- established a petition that is asking for the cific courses this semester, the program is new program to live up to its name. hosting the 2009 ACS Women’s and Gen- Jennifer Ross, Kinney Coordinator for der Studies Conference, March 6-7, 2009. GLBT Advocacy, supports this petition Haas thinks that hosting this confer- and hopes that a change will be made next ence will help the program become pub- fall when the name change is official. licized. “Don’t get me wrong, we are very ex- “This will make the gender studies cited for this program name change and program more prominent on campus,” said we are very thankful to all of the professors Haas. and administrators who made this change

Safe Zone, continued from Page 1 With these kinds of practices and oth- ers, Safe Zone participants hope to decrease student population. the amount of discrimination against LG- In general, Memphis is not considered BTIQ students at Rhodes. The Safe Zone to be a very liberal or forward-thinking program also aims to increase people’s un- city. derstanding of sexual orientation, while at “This isn’t a particularly open city for the same time correcting inaccurate ste- gay people,” said Michael LaRosa, an asso- reotypes about LGBTIQ students and pro- ciate professor in the history department. moting a safer and more positive environ- Those who have completed the Safe ment at Rhodes. Safe Zone hopes to fight Zone program are encouraged to speak up ways of thinking that include, but are not if they hear any discriminating language limited to, homophobia, heterosexism, and between students talking around campus. transphobia. Intervention such as this could be triggered While Safe Zone is an important step by commonplace comments such as “that’s towards creating a more open and com- so gay,” said in passing, or something with fortable campus environment, some be- more intent to hurt or offend. lieve more needs to be done and Rhodes still has a long way to go.

The Sou’wester Page 6 Arts & Entertainment Wednesday, October 8, 2008 Pei Wei Asian restaurant is more than okay

By Pauline McKim ed to locate another late night essential, the 0.99 Taco coaxing of thirty seconds in the microwave. Staff Writer Bell taco. As I fruitlessly attempted to navigate the many Since my initial accidental discovery of Pei Wei, I Asian food has long been a staple of many American’s no left turn zones of Memphis, I somehow ended up on have been back a total of three times. During every visit I diets. In today’s fast paced world the time for cooking Union unable to find one of the many Taco Bells but still ordered something different and was never disappointed. food is often lost in other endeavors, leaving many to for- hungry nonetheless. Determined that my journey should The honey seared chicken, Japanese teriyaki beef, and the age for a cheap and fast alternative to quell late night hun- not end in complete food defeat, I stumbled into Pei Wei chicken and rice bowl all had their own distinct flavor ger pains. The target market for this cuisine is large, so in a starvation coma expecting another dime a dozen rela- but were equally delicious and satisfying. Considering many establishments have sprang up on almost every cor- tive of the dreaded Panda Express. However, my initial this then factoring in the low cost (everything is under ner eager to profit from people’s inability to prepare de- estimation could not have been more off base. ten dollars) and the amount of food, Pei Wei is truly an cent meals. However, while Asian restaurants are hardly In almost every respect, Pei Wei was clearly a com- incredible place. endangered, good Asian restaurants are a far more elusive pletely different type of place. Rather than featuring a While at the outset Pei Wei may seem like a typical species. Judging by the number of bad egg rolls served decorating motif dominated by garish white walls, paper Asian chain restaurant, it should not be dismissed as a vi- each year, there must be a law in effect across the country calendars, and faded pictures of unappetizing food dishes able food option solely due to the bad reputations of oth- mandating that for every decent Asian eatery, there must used by many Asian restaurants, Pei Wei was dominated er establishments. Pei Wei serves excellent healthy food also be roughly a hundred Panda Expresses doing their by dark colors, giving the place a very sleek, shiny, and quickly without breaking modest budgets in a fun visu- best to ruin an otherwise amazing cuisine. Nevertheless, modern feeling. And thankfully, faux dragon could not be ally appealing atmosphere. So, patron saint of good cheap residents of Rhodes and Memphis need not despair or seen anywhere throughout the restaurant. The appeal did food, I would like to thank you for not letting me find starve: the patron saint of good cheap food has smiled not stop with the design scheme. The food itself was ab- Taco Bell on that hungriest of nights only a few weeks on our poor hungry souls and descended from Heaven solutely fantastic. It was fulfilling and flavorful without ago. My taste buds owe you a debt of gratitude. More to give us deliverance in the form of an amazing Asian falling into the overly greasy trap that many Asian res- importantly thank you for sending us Pei Wei. Hungry restaurant—behold the miraculous Pei Wei. taurants fall into while attempting to appeal to American broke students across campus certainly appreciate it. My first visit to Pei Wei occurred completely by ac- taste buds. The food portions were also extremely gener- cident during the first week of school when I attempt- ous and sprang back to life the next day with only the ’s Death is magnetic as hell Head to hills By Hal Flowers By Adam Teer be pleasantly surprised. The band failed to follow in traditional Metallica fashion, Staff Writer Former A&E Editor with St. Anger, but , breeds with names such as “,” General News: When you think of heavy metal mu- Reload and Black Album, my two favorites “Cyanide,” “ Suicide and Redemption,” Rob McElhenney and Kaitlin Olson, famil- sic, one name is mentioned above the rest: by Metallica, with their original thrash “,” and “Judas Kiss.” You iar to us as Mac and Diandra/”Sweet Dee” from Metallica. Many will argue that the glory sound, which culminates in one helluva are not going to find any songs dealing It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia were married days of the band faded after their first four metal good time. Metallica has not for- with happy puppies. Hetfield’s voice is on September 27 in California. Let’s hope it won’t albums. Die-hard fans of Metallica’s early gotten its softer side, and it has not forgot- not his “OOOo Yea-Heah!!” grumble all affect their gloriously less than harmonious rela- sound will only listen to those ten its heart of metal. the time. He nicely melds his operatic- tionship onscreen. first four, claiming that Metallica has sold The album is ten songs long due to trained voice with his metal growl. Guy Ritchie is working on a new movie star- out. The opposite end of the Metallica the constraints of the physical medium. And unlike St. Anger, has ring Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes. spectrum is the camp in which I sit. We It lasts just under 75 minutes, but there solos. He has one in almost every song, Keep your eyes peeled for a Wu-Tang Clan prefer the more melodic and thought-out, never is a dull moment. The shortest song and sometimes even doubles up on a track. documentary on BET and DVD soon. yet still ass-kickin’, rock music. We tend is “The Closer,” which is just over 5 min- may be a huge dick, but he is Michael Moore’s latest documentary, Slacker to prefer their last couple of albums. Both utes. “” is a one of the best rock drummers around, ac- Uprising, an outcry against political apathy among camps agree, however, that Metallica’s last great song, but it is not even close to being complishing with his feet that for which college students, is free for viewing, as long as you release in 2003, St. Anger, misfired in ev- the best song on the album. My favorite is most drummers need a double pedal. The live in America or Canada. ery possible way. The band was having ex- “Unforgiven III.” Yes, Metallica fans, they one person who shines on the album is Flea, of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, enrolled treme difficulty getting along and produc- did make a third one. And yes, it is more the new bassist, Rob Trujillo. He brings a as a freshman at USC, majoring not surprisingly ing music. The creation of St. Anger was bad-ass than the first two combined. The certain edginess to the band that was not in music. chronicled in a documentary film, Some album hits stride at track four and keeps there on St. Anger. The band is function- Trouble for Pam and Jim of The Office may Kind of Monster, which was a great film for rolling until track 9, which is an instru- ing as a band and not a dysfunctional fam- be brewing, as Roy (David Denman) is making both fans and Metallica-neophytes. Any- mental. The best part is not the beginning ily which results in a kick-ass metal thrill another appearance. way, St. Anger had some okay songs, but or the end, which is the case with most al- ride that takes its position high among the There will be a 22nd season of the Real World it did not restore the band’s status as the bums by any band. Even though the mid- Metallica discography totem pole. coming soon. Apparently viewer interest is unnec- kings of metal. dle is the best, there is not one song that Death Magnetic does not beat Black essary for MTV shows nowadays. After finding a new bassist, Ozzy Os- I would skip on the album. And as an al- Album, Reload, or the classic Master of According the Michael Cera, the Arrested bourne’s Rob Trujillo, and a new producer bum, it fits seamlessly together from start Puppets. It does however bring Metallica Development movie will, alas, not be happening. in , the band released a new to finish. Metallica did not try to string closer to the form they had in their glory Andre “3000” Benjamin has released his album this past Friday, Death Magnetic, together a bunch of random songs as they days. It is comforting to know that one of own clothing line. Start saving up money. which puts St. Anger in its rightful, shame- did on St. Anger. the best rock bands of all time can still put New Releases: ful place. Death Magnetic is a return to the There are several notable tracks on out phenomenal music. I lost faith after Movies: Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist glory days. In preparation for the album, the album. The first is “Broken, Beat, St. Anger, like most Metallica fans. After (Oct. 3), City of Ember (Oct. 10), Body of Lies the band focused on only three of their Scarred,” which carries the most positive listening to the album non-stop for 3 days, (Oct.10) previous albums, and tried to create some- lyrics of any other song on the album. It I have to recognize it as a great Metallica Music: Bob Dylan’s demos and bootlegs col- thing that is a blend between their earlier speaks of rising above adversity and con- album, and one of the best rock albums of lection Tell Tale Signs(Oct. 7); Alycia Keys and Jack thrash days and their newer melodic met- tinuing on; it seems the band drew heavily the last couple of years. If you like any one White’s song for the new Bond movie, Quantum of al. The result is a nostalgic journey from on the failure of St. Anger in writing this of Metallica’s songs, pick up Death Mag- Solace, is “Another Way to Die”; Way to Normal- the beginning of the band to the formula one. “Both Cyanide” and “Judas Kiss” de- netic. They cover the gamut of metal and Ben Folds; Oasis’ new album Dig Out Your Soul they found to create hits like “Unforgiven” liver a hard kick in the nards with tradi- rock sounds and it is definitely worth the (Oct. 6). and “.” tional metal-style. listen. One thing is for sure, Metallica is RIP: While die-hard thrashers who only The one downside to Death Magnetic back and still kicking ass. Hollywood icon Paul Newman died Septem- listen to the first four albums may not ac- is Hetfield’s lyrics. Some of them are ex- Death Magnetic gets four out of five ber 26, at age 83. cept Death Magnetic as a true Metallica citing and clever, but as a whole, it is just a stars. The actor who originally portrayed Mr. Clean album, the majority of Metallica fans will retreading of past territory. The songs tend died October 1, at 92.

The Sou’wester Wednesday, October 8, 2008 Arts & Entertainment Page 7 Stax recording studio museum has soul Four stars By Pauline McKim Staff Writer for webbed In the 1950’s, musical pioneers in Memphis blended the gospel hymns they heard wafting from downtown churches with the rhythm feet and blues of Beale Street and the country western tones of nearby By Lizz Glaus Nashville. The result was the creation of a brand new musical genre Staff Writer now known as soul. While music permeated many parts of the city The Peabody Hotel, on Union from the 1950’s – 1970’s, one neighborhood was clearly the main Avenue, is one of Memphis’s most leg- battleground of the musical revolution. Nicknamed Soulsville, USA, endary landmarks. Built in 1869, the this neighborhood on the outskirts of downtown boasts the child- hotel is elegant, enormous, and full of hood homes of Aretha Franklin and Maurice White of Earth, Wind, Memphis history—but what makes and Fire fame. It also was the location of Stax Recording Studios, the the Peabody different from any other place known as the undisputed epicenter of the Memphis soul move- major cities’ grand, historic hotels? ment. Although open for less than twenty years, Stax had a crucial New York City may have the role in the development of the soul genre which continues to influ- Warwick, and Chicago may have ence recording artists today. The studio, which closed in 1975, due to Noelle Smith/The Sou’wester Hotel Burnham, but Memphis has financial problems, was founded by siblings Jim Stewart and Estelle Stax Museum of American Soul ducks. Axton, derived its name from the first two letters of their two last 926 E Mclemore Ave Since 1933, the fountain in the names. While the original building was torn down, a museum about Memphis, TN 38106 center of the Peabody’s lobby has Stax was built on the same site and opened in 2003. (901) 942-7685 been the home of five North Ameri- The Stax museum is located on the corner of College St. and Mc- can Mallard ducks. Every morning Lemore St about ten minutes from Rhodes College and admission After the first exhibits, the museum continues with displays which at 11:00, the ducks waddle to the costs nine dollars with a valid student ID. The tour itself begins with illustrate soul music and Stax studio’s rise and legacy. Highlights in elevators from their penthouse on a twenty minute video detailing the roots of soul music, the rise of the these galleries include a life-size replica of the Soul Train dance floor, the hotel’s roof—the “Royal Duck genre as a whole, and the legacy of Stax Recording Studio. The movie Tina Turner’s gold beaded stage costume, and the original recordings Palace”—ride down to the main lob- is definitely interesting and helps visitors understand the impact of of Stax artists, which has to be moved for safety reasons during the by, and stroll down a red carpet to the Stax, and better connect with the displays in the actual galleries of aftermath of Martin Luther King’s assassination. Nevertheless, the fountain. At 5:00 in the evening, they the museum. After the movie finishes, visitors enter the main galleries jewel in the crown of the museum is without question the peacock go back to the roof and spend their and can walk through each at their own pace. The different displays blue and gold encrusted Cadillac belonging to beloved and recently nights there, with a spectacular view featuring over 2000 artifacts from both Stax and recording artists of departed Memphian, Isaac Hayes. The car which cost $26,000 in the of downtown Memphis. the era are well organized. Many include video and sound compo- 1970’s features a refrigerated bar, a television, 24K Gold roof, and This tradition began when the nents with detailed written explanations and artist biographies, mak- rims puts the cars on MTV’s Pimp my Ride to shame. The pure opu- hotel’s manager at the time, Frank ing them easy to enjoy. The first exhibits chronicle the lineage of soul lence of the car has to be seen to be believed and is worth the trip in Schutt, and one of his friends re- music. The highpoint of this area of the museum is definitely the life itself. As the final exhibit of the museum, the car really symbolizes turned from a drunken hunting ad- size replica of a now torn down Memphis Gospel church, built using what Stax recording studio was all about, giving talented neighbor- venture and decided to place their live original wood and worship objects. Visitors can walk around inside hood people like Hayes a way to get a get ahead and live out their own duck decoys in the Peabody fountain the model, touch the authentic pews carved by church members, and American dream. While the studio may have closed many years ago, as a joke for the guests. The reaction see the pulpit used by the preacher. Sheet music for old spirituals is the museum that stands in its place today is a testament to its legacy was staggering, which is why there are also on display and videos showing gospel music performances are and importance, it is a local gem that all types of music lovers will still ducks in the fountain today. played throughout this area. appreciate. In 1940, a circus animal trainer named Bellman Edward Pembroke offered to teach the ducks the famous “Peabody Duck March” guests can Graceland: A visit to the King’s dominion witness twice daily. The event is nar- rated by the “Duckmaster”—a title By Pauline McKim about how she met Dwayne “the windows, the wedding outfits he dressed, photo-snapping tourists that began with Pembroke himself Staff Writer Rock” Johnson when he came to and Priscilla wore, and of course and other strange gawkers. But and has been passed down to the Few people have reached the visit several years ago. Another his legendary Viva Las Vegas jewel there were also people who stood present Duckmaster, Jason Sensat. iconic status of rock and roll king, proclaimed that in all the years encrusted suit. Visitors also get to quietly in awe reflecting on the According to the Duckmaster, Elvis Presley. Although gone for she worked at Graceland, “not a see the famed jungle room refer- extraordinary life of such an ex- duck has not been served anywhere more than thirty years, his memo- day goes by that someone doesn’t enced in Marc Cohn’s hit “Walk- traordinary king. One man I saw in the Peabody since its re-opening ry is as alive as ever for the count- arrive for their tour dressed up as ing in Memphis” and Elvis’s quirky even knelt to pray at the final rest- in 1981—so the hotel’s restaurant less imitators, conspiracy theo- Elvis.” Although I was not lucky multiple screened living room. ing place of his idol. Judging by Chez Philippe may be one of the only rists, and fans around the world. enough to see such a character My favorite part of the tour was the hundreds of flower arrange- French restaurants in the world that Undeniably, he was a pioneer for during my own tour (I was told Elvis’s racquetball court which, ments adorning the gravesites does not have duck on the menu. many genres of music and changed that, “one just left only an hour for the purposes of the tour, now sent from places as far away and Also, ducks are apparently not television for years to come. So as earlier”), t-shirts emblazoned with houses many of Elvis’s hundreds diverse as Belgium and Brazil, the first animals ever to have inhab- a new resident of Memphis and a the face of Elvis were plentiful and of awards. Seeing this room with most of Elvis’s fans have decid- ited the Peabody fountain. In the pop culture enthusiast, I jumped the aurora of Elvis was definitely walls almost coated in gold from ed not to hold this aspect of his 1920s, both baby turtles and baby al- at the chance to visit “The King’s” in the air. Elvis’s many honors allows visitors legacy against him. Many seem ligators lived there for a short time. domain and world famous Mem- Overall, Graceland was more to truly grasp the sheer magnitude to even appreciate the chance to I e nc ou r a g e you to t a k e a nyc h a nc e phis landmark – Graceland. After amazing than I possibly could have of his astounding career and ap- worship at the altar of the king. you get to stay in the Peabody if you a fifteen minute ride from cam- imagined. Although the tour itself preciate his amazing contribution Yes, Graceland is alarmingly haven’t already. It’s certainly expensive, pus, I arrived at the mansion not is short, (only the first floor, the to the music world. tacky. Yes, Graceland is over- but it’s well worth your money—my knowing what to expect but ex- basement, and outside areas are At the end of the tour, I really priced. Yes, Graceland is without parents refuse visit to me if they can’t cited nonetheless. shown) the trip is well worth the got a sense of just how important a doubt a carefully crafted tourist stay there, if that tells you anything. Before the tour even started, effort. Audio-head phones given and relevant Elvis remains for his attraction. In spite of all this, it is The Duck March, however, is free I got a sense of how special this to every visitor act as personal tour millions of fans worldwide. Al- worth the time and money it takes and open to non-guests, and you can place is to the 600,000 visi- guides leading visitors through though many label the conversion to visit The King’s abode. Wheth- go up to the roof to see the Duck Pal- tors Graceland attracts each the house and pointing out special of Elvis and his family’s gravesites er you are a veteran wearer of blue ace any time you want. year. Each of the Graceland em- things while giving an overarch- into tourist attractions as tasteless, suede shoes, or just want to learn You can find more information ployees I met, spoke of the man- ing biography of Elvis. Among actually being there completely more about a man essential to about the hotel and fun facts about sion with a sense of personal pride the various king artifacts on dis- changed this view for me. Of American music, Graceland can- the ducks at the Peabody’s website— and fondness. One woman gushed play are Elvis’s stain-glass peacock course there were the usual oddly not be missed.

The Sou’wester Page 8 Sports Wednesday, October 8, 2008 Acceptance of gay athletes increasing? Top-five By Onalee Carson this number seem unusually low? jump out in a negative way—no overwhelming Sports Editor writer Jim Buzinski makes consensus banning gay athletes from the world Casually flipping through the Sept. 29 is- it clear that those ten athletets are the only of sports. While 78 percent agreed that it is ok sports sue of Sports Illustrated, you may or may not ones determined to be “publicly out” or “hav- for gay athletes to participate in sports, even if have caught the blurb about the new reality ing discussed their sexuality openly in some they are open about their sexuality, 68 percent show on Logo—Shirts & Skins. The show manner.” did say that it would hurt an athlete’s career if criminals follows a gay basketball team, The Rockdogs, However, Buzinkski suggests that if the he or she was openly gay. By Ralph MacDonald with the typical reality confessionals. While percentage of homosexuals in sports mirrors Now the Beijing numbers are making A&E Editor the topics expected to come out of this show that of the entire population, the number of sense—it is hard to believe that the SI poll 5. Tim Donaghy—the infamous game- concern homosexual issues at hand for non- gay athletes who participated in the Beijing numbers would have changed dramatically in fixing NBA referee made roughly 30k in athletes, SI writer Adam Duerson writes, “the Olympics should have been between 107 and the past three years. While there isn’t a move- exchange, making sure that the mob-boss- Rockdogs have talent, and the show’s basket- 1,070 athletes (the percentage of homosexuals ment to discriminate gay athletes who partici- es won their high-stakes wagers. Don- ball action is strong.” The producers of Shirts within the entire population is between two pate in sports, there seems to be discourage- aghy’s crimes came at a horrible time for & Skins may know something the rest of us and ten percent). ment against being open about one’s sexuality. the NBA, which by many accounts was al- don’t—is the sports world becoming more ac- It is clear that the low amount of “publicly But is that any different than an athlete’s she- ready suffering from an image problem. cepting of homosexual athletes? gay” athletes at the Olympics may be due to a nanigans off the field negatively affecting our 4. Adam “Pacman” Jones—Jones Not so fast. According to, still-hostile sports world where homosexuality view of him or her—Pacman Jones anyone? has been arrested six times since he was a website dedicated to becoming the most isn’t accepted—but those numbers don’t seem While this seems to be another debate drafted with the sixth overall pick by the informative gay sports community, recently to match either. along the lines of whether an athlete’s private Tennessee Titans in 2005. Furthermore, published an article stating that out of the 10, In 2005 Sports Illustrated released a poll life should be of any interest to fans, it’s inter- Jones has found himself questioned by po- 708 athletes of the Beijing Olympics, only 10 about homosexuality in sports in which 979 esting that the way we’re exposed to publicly lice on other occasions so frequently that are publicly gay. Considering the amount of people among the general population were gay athletes is not through the sports clips, but one has to assume that he is rarely up to homosexuals in the entire population, doesn’t interviewed. Nothing in this poll seemed to through a reality show. any good once he leaves the football field. 3. Nate Newton—Newton was a domi- nating offensive guard for the Dallas Cowboys 1990’s dynasty. Newton’s drug- Football victorious over Millsaps running ambition, if not his talent, is ex- By Andrew Mullins Williams 72-yard drive. Senior running back Charles quarter alone. tremely impressive. Within five weeks he Staff Writer Hoggard punched the ball into the end The defense continually provided stops was caught with 213 pounds of marijuana After a less than stellar performance zone from12 yards out to give the Lynx a and completely shut down the Bears’ of- in his van and then again with 175 pounds against Millsaps last weekend, Rhodes Col- 21-0 halftime lead. fense. Washington University Head coach of grass in the back of his car while driving lege rebounded nicely and handed Washing- With the offense contributing for the Larry Kindom said, “You have to give it to down I-45. ton University its first loss of the season. Lynx, the defense also flexed their muscles Rhodes. They lined up, and they ran at us 2. Travis Henry—recently released From the opening kickoff, the Lynx by allowing -10 total rushing yards to Wash- and threw at us, and shut down our run. It by the Broncos, around this time last proved that they came ready to play. After ington University. Senior linebacker Des- was a tough game for our team.” year the talented running back was lead- an impressive defensive stop to start the mond Hendricks led the defensive charge by The only touchdown against the Lynx ing the NFL in rushing yards. Henry is game, it took the Lynx just two plays for recording 13 tackles and 4.5 sacks. Sopho- occurred when the special teams unit had a under a year’s suspension from the NFL freshman quarterback Brett Stoots to con- more defensive back Pete Bilan secured the breakdown in punt blocking. Washington for a three-time violation of the league’s nect on a 66-yard touchdown pass to wide victory for Rhodes by intercepting the ball University also exploited the special teams marijuana policy, and managed to beat a receiver Jake Jackson. from Bears’ quarterback Buck Smith and punt return team by executing a fake punt fourth charge on a technicality. With so Stoots again provided fireworks when, returning it 52 yards for a touchdown. on a 4th and 11 which lead to a 33-yard field much free time on his hands, Henry de- with 4:26 left in the first quarter, he hooked Coming into Saturday’s Homecoming goal. cided to give drug-dealing a chance and up with wide receiver George Smith for a game, the Lynx were averaging 197 yards of The Lynx improved to 2-2 on the sea- was recently busted in a “multi-kilogram” 68-yard reception to make it 14-0. total offense per game. They exceeded that son and will take on Trinity in San Antonio cocaine transaction. Between dealing, Rhodes finished off the first half by average significantly by racking up 386 to- next weekend. smoking, playing professional football, putting together an impressive seven-play, tal offensive yards, 208 of them in the first and constantly showing up for suspension appeals, it is a wonder that Henry has been able to sire nine different children, much less find the nine different women who Homecoming wins in all sports were willing to have his child. 1. O.J. Simpson—people have a ten- By Onalee Carson Goalies Meghan Cullen and Valierie making it in the net. dency to forget just how dominant “The Sports Editor Clark shutout the Transylvania team with The Lynx will be back on campus Oct. Juice” was as a running back. Simpson th The football game wasn’t the only athlet- six saves. Transylvania suffered their 11 25 when they take on Central Baptist Col- twice led the NCAA in rushing, won the ic event part of the Homecoming festivities. straight loss. lege. Heisman by the largest margin in history, The stands were full of supportive alumni Following their Homecoming win, the Women’s Soccer vs. Hendrix, 2-0 was the first NFL player to rush for more all over the athletic fields behind the BCLC, Lynx defeated Hendrix 2-1 on Sunday. Their The Lynx dished out their seventh shout- than 2,000 yards, retired the 2nd-leading and that school spirit must have transferred next home game is Oct. 24 against Centre out of the season in Saturday’s Homecoming rusher in NFL history, and was elected to to all of the teams playing at home on Satur- College. game, defeating Hendrix College 2-0. the NFL Hall of Fame on the first ballot. day because they were all victorious. Men’s Soccer vs. Hendrix, 4-0 The Lynx led at the half thanks to a But O.J. is far more famous for beating Field Hockey vs. Transylvania, 5-0 The Lynx were on fire in Saturday’s goal scored on a free kick by Alice Hilgart a double murder charge by wearing a glove It didn’t take long for the Lynx to take game against Hendrix—scoring all four of after forward Karlie Alvino was fouled in that was too small and taking advantage the lead in Saturday’s Homecoming game their goals in the first half of the game. With the Hendrix penalty box. The final goal was of the jury’s ignorance about DNA testing. against Transylvania—49 seconds in fact. such a strong first half, there was no way the scored by Julia Clapper on an assist by Zoe Early Saturday morning, Simpson was Callie Borgman scored the first goal, soon Warriors could catch up. Clark. found guilty of fourteen counts of robbery followed by Lindsey Gurkovich. At the end Jarrett Carpenter scored two goals for While both goalies, Becca Clarin and and kidnapping, and now faces 15 years to of the first half, Rhodes stood 3-0 thanks to the Lynx, one being the first in the 12th Stephanie Sermonet, shared the shutout, the life in prison. It was a serious blow to the a third goal by Sarah Kennedy. minute. Logan Eberly then scored on an as- Warriors posted only one shot on the goal. mystique of a man who was so powerful on Rhodes didn’t let up, scoring their ad- sist by Michael Pappas, followed by Eberly’s The Lynx won’t be back at home until the football field and so fortunate in the ditional two goals in the second half. Maria assist to Carpenter. Eric Stradley scored the next month when they play Birmingham court room, but an end that seemed almost Cowley scored on an assist by Lindsey Gurk- final goal. Southern on Nov. 11. inevitable end for a man who had seen his ovich, who then scored the final goal on an Rhodes’ defense was nothing to laugh relevance dwindle to nearly nothing over assist by Callie Borgman. at either, keeping nine Warrior shots from the last few years.

The Sou’wester