Sommer Resorts. REAL ESTATE. monta, believing that no leplslstlon would become Jnfltrnction. instruction. WORK. the middle of next; but. IBSEN'S FIRST effective BBlHor IkSS anil CATSKILL MOUNTAINS- .stringency 'iud Mn- lund assert lon I For VniiiiK LdsUts.Cits For Boys toual Men.Country. with Mn- money VKI.TIS sy -..xv x.,.|iK MILITARY ACADI MY. Cornwall, V. T. BUSINESS AT THE EXCHANGES. men that the tnriff must ls- "reformed." u B. of the sllfkr MADEMOISKLLK.DAT SCH >OL FOR OIRLS, il prep Dept, Worrall Mal. i'eek*klll, N'-w-York, A DRAMA OF HIS BOYHOOD. "1. I J. A M.. 1»re«ident. THE Saturday, __, One of III- firms XVIII,.HT. KAATERSKILL, July Ibm has .onie a cha,.Re. KKOM KINDKi'.UAUTKN TO COLESBtM. SP*_TiA__y VIA __W OTIS The total amount realized ut the New-York about 130 dor,-,, pair a CW-YORK. NI.XV1II ..ono.N iTtl.-Hl.DbON. . Real Tjmmtk F.XI'I KII NCF.s. Has reduced Its ..input by GOKMTROCTEB PIRKPROOP SCHOOL ni.ii__l!C(i f_ tWOO a Salesroom from auction aaK* of city real ealate HF, ______SOM): EARLY il SIMLAR'S PREPARATORY bCHOOL, fort. 100 AND Ut WEBT 74T1I-81'. »" <-'*«'¦",. Lmil ;io t,oj,. ELEVATOR. xx.s'k endlna with to-day xv_* ...71.775, aa _«* Iii Yest. ara «k_i_,i Pani (.It.lsiy, the clever I'arl-dnti feuilletonist. . hot.-e your boy'* ?, lo_ hiui all the xi.-iiom you Train* Irate 4. rn ml Central Depot, sexv-tork, ._:'.">. Ca Usure* tor the week '* Ut < OLLEOE, l-Jotti .t.. n y . send prcvloua. ti volume ri IV BW-YORK' mWmt B,_st, r ut; 'e'it sim away at, ei.tit,. 1 Issued annually for a ol jrrsn de* or exenlni*. fan or a _..- aid 1» .'0 A. H. and .'Iii! P. M. dally. Hear*/ i>. Wlaaaa £ su,. ls All protl.a! braoebe*; Monia td My psBiphlat rues ausailsa. r'n-e; parent* a_et«aaers to iviit*. m titled -LAtiliee Lltternlre." rniitiiliiliiR hi- prlnclp: d'.s. CLEMENT (IAlNES, Hoard Ba__ ,o ,g con erasd r.a Year _*nn* CHI VT IK. PA. to in,tel In _>-_' lioii-t. .OMiOxlOO ff.'*., William Poill.n to Mr*. mnntiis. Tin- fjiisdaoflaai !<. tmt rartoai rstassn Till,u. s Emi :,:i(i..t. _<._ i I. ,0.,.I reit Kine | ,-atlou. K- Kamila Thu si* J- benin* _ept. 20th. WEST SHORE IL lt. vie C. and D. Hn for Oil,OOO tush. Al-., .No. 107 la-t «__£ written hy the author's friends ..nd colleagues. Mr.. Sylraaa* Meed, BaiMaol Boowgg *.,,... a* building*. Ample eoi'lpment. Rest rvaeitatlon. lenxe Kew.Yor* from root We*l 4.d-.«t. li A- M. asa lilith Thlity .e'.ii_r_r r«n.t.-rt. M. Muster. s four-atory brown-son.' A., Hood I'ure trater. Civil _iginet-rins ii. K.l fheni- a: 15 uti lo" rut- *too|i iikM.'iiii/i. du,;....? Jule* Lemaitre, clarctie, Coggee, Ililli, inn. Anat.. and i o' co';r«"v li Af- A. X,-o XK'. -'Ifi P. M. dalli, und Saturdays spcei. _0..i.\tM xlOO let, lo i biodom liralue for Priroary, Beeon_ry, rwaaee lr,_nl|n| l.t.. B. I) PH i.l' ax. taraloa l :!¦ p. m. Addreaa aiO.oOO all V_F mid el!,its bSTC BOB afler tin- oilier' . :: Rodie* required at atslreraltr e*aauaetloo-.. ¦:.-»». 1. Ilotrr.noirio Infill'iiinii'-iiime;c ihoroogtimui""s» URAH altet July lat. IkUl Isiat- MOUNT/ INS. LOT OP ACCTlONN. write the preface, and Hs a r.-uli "t'ABBSO Ul Maa AM al boote .. i,i,.,l iratom, Exl nslva .round.*; irrninasluni, CATSKILL FOR 1 Addreaa lt* v. ll. F. t; vi: ll >:.'!'. M. a.. Rector. i.At Hi.i. hoi sk .ram jim: i.»th. For the present, week, eadine **'lh NUni-dar, Jnir cniitiiltts un nolle rt* lit. Jdl.S.'.S I.l.Y'S SCHOOL Q1KI., auction sal,*- arc .emire" Interesting eutoMographtcal J. K. Hain rn Kali-. B. Y.-Dlrc-t the, folloxviny. aiinounc. d u> l>r held iii IVERVIEW ACADKMY PALMER, Piop'r. -*''** .Nt-w.*iorn. Baal E tafe sslaaMaas: ".¦a of tlie yiuinpcr fmut "I Ike North, rn author. BIVI BUlOE DRIVE, 1» rrhk rsde. N. Y. lu- rail to hame, um *a*_uigl. les* than i horns f:ot" Tear. for the novern- Bsws TO-iJAY JI'LV 04. "Th- writes .willi which I bega ii.r. ...s' Prepare* thorousbly r..ils«re.. York; extestive Improventent*; music, telegrasSJ OAOBDAJ), work," Itara, ntl Uley lillis] go liars to 8.VIH AM. SHIM STREETS, MAV-VOI'.K. _,,. Organlta- men! A.odfinie*, Uii-lne**. Military II vt.-ry w.iiil for circulars_ Por-dsaara *uie. 'J Isa* 'J.ixioo.n each mi *¦... my literary .niter xvas tl..- dru ma -emiline,' xv.d, grain broken gooda of ike former limes. tlo.. BISREE t- AMEN, PrtnelpaU. SW to 30!1 irj»*t ri*. Ill Missis MinKiM.I"'.' Ireich and E__|i__ bull.Bf^No^ 101-st. ll ., loo ||. I wrote tn Ike winter of 1-Mn lu. when twenty on 1 behool reopena Oeteoei sa; rcriSenl pupil*. (OnX'S sril'i.,1, -IN'. -IN', N x .-d-axc 2 lot* 34.7*100 each and Valery flat* N,* una JZ l.en. j ." lea: Ri-.'tor. !*>.-» Paik-axe, e ,., ft, n of «3d-.*i 1 lot .years of age. I was llien lu Ort.Stad and was ..1.litre straws. |st JlOth.-t. Sr1:1 v. lim., _l¦::ski in ri: (HBMON. D.D., |._|_S79 SOME SIGNIFICANT .''tl. rear alli Sept. lu. i.-tory dwelling No Mo West a!*t-*t, * *, __; work In i.Kl.r io lixe and to nix- e.xamln: COMSTOCK s< HOOL Th. begin i.«t DAV SCHOOL :n-t ,._ N. Tl Till-. Ml. PLiXSANT MII.ITAItV ACAI1KMY. Richfield KSDAY, JI.LY35. tlon*. It was a time of nsUflSBBSBS. Th" Fekraar Tin- Wool Kr cr. muries: From port begloa Oetoser 4th. , old anl well knoM n *.hool «|th the following Springs, TIP, I'orctdoBure sale, I lot _»__. and Un n pa nnil other cut DAV, Principal. S.' W.'-t 40th at. , lu-.ics, stuslJi 4-*inrr dw*li|n* revulnfion. the BgrMagS ls ry The directors of (ks ASMskrsf. Mill-, Kaurhrsler, Ml* i.n.irsii, Mathematir*. preach, Oenaan, 204 Leiio\-ave, .. *. 4 I tt ii of 120th.*! |.ts "VxlOO and Bil Ii.tie Inc, Penrlng, Uranilla etc Apply te of lot i_l^t*» tries, the sllesian war, had all made a deep Impress!., N. H.. hiive decided to shut down suspend A N NORMAN Nbl Ko'illd",! 1857). .1. Sin., V. Y. HOTEL EARL1NGT0N. u a LorlllaM-at, I 3,1-ax..; 130, _l_i Ward. ike month* of Thi* shut¬ bi. cor. of West Kitd-txe. and Ut-tt. HOWE ALLEN. Sm. WI UN ES upon me and ,'ild«*d In ripening my mind.xx hld: operation* during Angus!. Vt NOKMA1*. BOB BVOAOEMEVTI APTLY DIRIXT, OR TC DA V, JU LY 2'l. down throws about *-. people out of employment, Prlnipal. Mme. VAN Fl ESK I I.L MILII XP.V At ADKMV, 1 lot these remained 'unset Mn! AND BEBB- Foreclosure »ul'*. SS_100.11, and .>-*tory (kt _. kowcrer, detpi'e all thin.*, mid tali"- out fl circulation lu thal cly of r*_n0,000 Until vern -eti.l rer Illustrate^ iatalo_iie. HOTEL RKLSTOL. .TllAYi:. ISMS. 8 li.'» ft » of **""*¦¦ 1- TIIL .10IIN B. A. M M. I... Principal. 301 IH-M-st, a, MSBSBMBB BU I. tor manv years. I wrote Inflated venn lo lh in wage*. Thc depreamed condition ot Ike market TILDEN, YORK CITY. HIL'USDA Y, JI LY siiited as the reason for shutdown. The Amos I'.. M. EARLE, Proprietor. 27. Hungarian*. In which I called upon then tu condun the Fer IVtth Sexrs.City, HIOHL.AND MILITARY ACADEMY. Woreeoter. I corporation ls the liupest .single cotton mnnu -Pw tonne nvn Mientiiv, Koroclii'tire tala, lo'. !S.Sk10___ and 3-story bundine a of sonnets Kin haag (SCHOOL OF sO' AL FiJONOMIES. aui THEMast. Besln* Suth rest .ut. It, Ciaasioal,, *> «, _.;.>.. ft, w of the striical*. I wrote number ls concern in the woild, and ll- action ncr Send foi rltrular*. Ala- No 330 Ea*t I*t_ve: 1 Dlot*f facttirltip proposed WHoineii. Pee finn year. Bnslaea* Preparatory Detstrtoeata. (;ynin»»lum. N. Y. land .3.,x*JO..)\73»>x'..4..., x. * BS*VC, as I now remeni h«s the h- I' ¦¦-. :o ii ton \. y Triming. Hean indtefn^e*. Richfield IJO.j ft . 3 Oscar, which principally fas far can produced utmost depression in Mlnchester, UKO. hm'ii.v square, latin Bat'ouraaed. Careful Springs, I lot. a * 3d-jve, ft , -II 'XV A M Head Master. io:id-»t; 23(90.3. r_5.j f \%iM p. it furnl-lies In lar.e measure Ibe tiuunclnl Ufe-hlood JOSP.1MI Al.I'I.N xv * lier) contained the advice to t.regard everything un rpilK HI RI.IT/. Si BOOL UP LAN'il A'.ls 1 lot, 0*eS7_.LUxS6.S, Max.'. 113 ft » of 163_,_ for that etty of .,o,ooi> inhabitants, its pay roll alone Marti>oii cor. W. ZSNHN 1.sit,,; ACADRMT A Buy*, Behool of tbe. SPRING HOISE AM) BATHS. J CLY himself at once at the head of an army in ni' tbe of 1 square, -end tm circular". FRIDAY. __. place amoturUng to Btagntacenl total gS,«0O,OO0 per Open all raUBOer. Conversation in French. f;»rrt:an Wi.Kil.i.he-t srade I 1"' 23 "'"I 8 of the elster people I., v..nd Silesia'* border. I doul. UIUII. III. alto Ilranrh at A-bury Pirii. |i. XV. ARERt'ROMBIE, A. M.. PT.., Wnr.-e*ter. Mj-- .na Dirrill oct. i. as imial. Foreclosure *sle. _. storr flat, No Han tt.; ,oile_* preparation 7th _ve. w ». 74.11 lt s oi I30th-*t; 1 int w * Boulevard row tliut. contrary to my belief In those duxs. m mis anv "d- l-'-'U-st; I lot w * The .lefTer-mi Mill, the Wp inlllloti dollar f.-ictotv ILLISTON SEMINARY. Prepare* foi T. R. PROCTOR. 40..» ft n of "* 16*73, .xic\antfir_ve, ai winped pro, lanuitioiis I'ould have done any pood fo recently erect,-,! bv the A_o*sesg Ofunpsny. In Man Hinnklyn. W l-fa or aclentlfli Khoo'. \e»- laboratartaa xv,th electrical ft n of 13oUi-r-t. shut doun Julv ]-. in of N. Y. . AU t'.il'li'.rs in-at'-d l.v steam, fall t'rm opens J CLY I'.. the Wapyurs or Norsemen, and consider 1» foriuniit chester. J**. H., advance the _j T. CATHEBINE'S HALL. ),..,., piant ism. SATl'RDAY. rest of the fur an Indefinite li t- iour-'.s foi studlea s,pt ;. remained tn tin- form. Corporations, period, of three rradnaUen; special ma] Add es* llev. WM. OALLAOHKR. Prlneipal. Eaatliamp- Receiver'* sale of a pint of km.xvn a- Manhattan that they manuscript was siat'-d al the supi'iinteiidciu'- olltce Tuesday !_ taken or i-oiie... preparatory course: teepee* ->.¦, .,,,, THE ELBERON, Field, w « Sth-ovi-. between ISStfe and 157th au, H tot... Mas*. . N XV J I. lt ** K. Y. At th" same time, by my eplfrrunts mid eortcetaree afternoon that tko shutdown would probably be for tur -7. Addi's, the -s'i|>i:or 'JU-.' Waahlngtoa-ave F. I. H K lt O N K title lu lea**1. made enemies of .several persons who deserved bette mn weeks, hal as ibe whole plant is lo be >lnit down rp UK BROOKLYN IIr-.It.IITU HEMI NAR) .]' Tbi* unique hot. 1 ls now open tm th* *.**oii. Angus! l, lt ls probable ina! no loom* «iu I** run 1 iind l.riv School lol ...rls: iSd x en opens S J. V. JOROAS. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. treatment from me and whose friendship I should bar nilli until mg pk. For Itotli Seves-f'uunfry. again In Mils tbe 1st of September. This ber -b. 1*1)11 IliooMyn. N V. iv ft ti of As events xvas lireuk inure, ANO IH DBOH RIVER IN¬ Pro*pe<:t«ve, *, 273 130th.*r. 23x appreciated. a storm Bf poa! throws uboiil l,0t*l operatives ont of employment. COLLEGE 1(11.10x23.2sit.J. : simon Daiulm and i.abrlel fount STIT! TK. Htolthfutl} and beautUully lo-.-lted In Hie Re I. Inp forth beyond Ute basden of mv country 1 For Vnun^ Ladka.< ouiiti.v. CLAVERACK Aosrd* far tbar* WATCH HILL.ol' I8'.'.'i. S. Hut/ u> At.Ku-ta MeUmana . S2.0SS The shoddy mills of W. II. Hall A io., near I. ni ii.deo Rlxer Valley .uperioi adxaotagea (on. SEASON Ra IO: Wat-on p Asdtiaaa to on a war fooUnc xvith the Ideas of the societ; on li aol trsteniaUi edueallen to Lois Und rIiU. a PI.I?IPTO\ IIOI'MK and -WW.__¦. Ed¦-''...iiiitie-uxe, myself downe; ihe ratteraon mill- in (hester: milla ol and BthBBl f"r Hi :. a TIIK Mabel 0 Anderson, his wile . conditioi yara BOXWOOD. Iloj'diiiL- Day ,'or. al Mu and Ari "t hi-'i. grade. HMS roar asia* ana r-edy for _u*lnea*. xvrite for circular to j to which I was condemned bf my SMS1liol .i.i tn- Walworth .x Kona, of I'pland; the'textile mill¬ s.'iicii.ber 13 lm Illustrated Catalogue, ndlr.-s- Open e property; Henry Schmitt to Watson _» and the af Ula. Such was Hie cnn et Hie chester Manufacturing Company, and th. f'heger Old Lyme. Caoaceticut, win renp-n Beptmbei 'jnui Bar. A. 11 PLACE, A. M Pps.. Atld'TfOtl . 1 ebfaantaacos my and Works have s v. .th-axe. No SSS; 2tii-axt.', 3 rear*. (12000 of these .stolen li,mis I used for writing renes. I li;u 1/Chester, Ps. Opeu Sept 18- Ueod butldln_», beau- ratal I". D. BLAKFJJLEB, Principal_ Aiid'-t-i.n. Walaaa I", Ui Hsar_ .*»¦ lui.ltt. o » Tin* A-snii.'t nt Maynard, :,lul location. Languages, Mn-c. _. Inc Painting el, Edp coiiilie-axr, s nf 1..7tli.., 1 x.-ar . 2 IM no time bal Um olga! al my disposal. I believe thal Manufacturing Company, «i_o lt. DAKLIXoTOJf, Ph. D, ACKirrrsTowN ix. _7j fxsTiTi/TE xxrt- t,. t ta Eas Ma-s., ihe largest wooii.n manufactory lu the < luniry, pm year CaUloruaa. I for atari. Lodi**1 olle.e. Cokeiet, Edward, and Wallace. this ls the (unconscious! muna that the scenes li J ¦.College preiiarotory young lt- Health. THE 71 and 73 liam w-*t and 19 ut.'i 37 'ionitnerce. employing LOCO Issued notices Ibnl ..LLI.'.I. lOH WO.X1LN. Full M xn. ill 11. li"-t bulldln. of claaa operatives, recently I* L.xlillA ali "CASTLE,"ON lit il-*ON. N. Y. .. an TAHHYTOWV I *,_00 the are scenes. I waa oi Hs mills will Ito run univ live dav- u reek milli r.r. Ell tn- light-. I ll nitrated 't, year. play entirely nlirht obliged, Th,* lava and beautbeautiful b' u.u..i liooit uow open. CHU.nd. r.diiuiil. and nil" ti Emigrant lirdii*tri-j| furl -ur SOUS' arid Spe..:»:. Rtestric Meats, ,.,'. 11: x .1,1.. H. WHITNEY. D. P.. President. tiniipie .. course, to Ike fact Unit 1 bof hiv notice, shutting down each Huturdny. This ly. laa-i.-r.i, B .__¦... f OK THE HIGHEST Suvlii.* Emili, s lOlh-avL', ii of I00_MI, 1 keep Incoiiiiirel.etislt.le ls ? fain h.-.t ari ,'levatut a troaomkal _.___Na. AND J.TOIPl«OINTME_-i*__ brough! about Ibe -sion ol Observatory, . . by depn tbe ecollen trade n. ah lr. -- s s si, r,in -1 XIIN.YIIY.-Our Cats' I* full ol ORDER X'-ar . .,00f) Written :t tlrmiiii lr,.ni those skoal nie. Hut a yotini. Art (ochoa Mi- lt', d Se. lour sad Ike cancellation or orders. s I' Prr-I.l.n' ll,. 1:'. ri,;, ion ah" new seeking for ria Kudon River ll. H., ST. Y. A Northern Pats, sad wile to Kaawel i* it.-r. a a without cnlitl.lrilil burge Kev III .. I.RI I.S. fl 1) Aecesalble Pagan, of twenty cniitiot live 1- -. tint lt would grace .', i- ,. .- lliitrman-st,. n nf JaOSb BS, I icnr*. \JE% poet yean ' ; ¦on ai dao.htei and beautiful ll. lt atid tn N r'Tt'Ti: I ot - x.l .** Manaaee. Wm A, und arlie to Harlen. -s_t\ in tri and so f told twa friends of my own upc abra! tin Tbe lm-;.-" knlfrlng mill- operated l.v Robert Mar EDWARD rotXEOlATI i "ir lull 1 ll i- ul free, ll .1. W. ALMT. iit/cs'iild, Klimon nt Lillie N. rn-' hal' ...'int "orr en. SGUt ji Si pl Wt Sap ii"X| x- ll VNLON ivtmlnffton, N. J. Danit, lot* 3 ami I. map Pondi ..stat/.-, i, ai. g(*. Palls, V., running FOI'.r ra ml wife M secret work. lime. A number <>r other inannfaclnn-ni o' init building* anl appel.itmrnu. rs... graduating N. .1 -"to'ii GAP Pitch, heiijnmin. .nd ta p WIlKena and Music, nt. tlm-utiot., p'iy-lal cu:tu.a sp 11! 111: INSTITUTE IIIOIITSTOWN, WATER HOUSE, another. esscBtors alni triiac.-es, ,. a tth-uxc, ''All three of us bad prent hopes for tills iintlnlslici! underwear in Ibe Mohawk and Hudson are preparatory. ... < thor¬ XX.VIKI*, OAP, PA. valley* I pr, for lim llu*lne*« DELAWARE int*.... x's'Turk tefereiires. ». pare* li ,if '..tll-i-t,. It'sUil; 7,800 lt ,,f ....,. . ..N. I Xl'i- J. tli i'ar 0|»'iis June lu. a li'iiignUul moonta. i.r-ort three houra .Catiline.* Then came th.- duty of collin, eagled curtailing production bj the stopp.i.,. muclilm-rx JOS. E KINO D D Inr: I'.ul Y. in, Open xv. I-ix, xx-,iit< r, ut Abraham stem and another, Hiv. or reduction ..r Ihe work ,.ii, RI V JOSI I'll Pl RRY P.. ti Pilli. from Kew-York by D. L. ** lt. K. .v tinder n lo theiitre in Chris boiira ol dally. Extreme W nitODHKAD. iii..-t<>ii-st, ti corner J.ldrWire.t. dciijuid .y*. pre.sented poeugoayme Ike I "Ml- INs'll'l L. x. ,. , caution malia their every movemetit. I.S..V .- \. .. 11 -Villi! IN-TITin-. Pin" Plain-. N Y- I.. . if. id. Charlo*, t.. the Maror, Am. One nf the two fr.ill.fill OBei I I T AI'.I-.X itiXXNliN-lll - .'. 1' lianin - ,,t und palrllabltd '. m - .'. .<> eel WrrS.ti ave. IS7th-at yeera 000 x B "i-i ia tn .¦'' Behool » Will ri opea SI Il hi..: leel elevation Ruth Pr-pare* roi ono rmi vitl.t HOI rai':, to and nndertnnk lo copy mv uncorrected manuscript. Hi lt i- timi Ibe Rock Manufacturing Com If. Miss M \X Mil' ALI-. Pilm Ipal t 1.1111 iiu-ii* life lill, > sr bejrlns Sept. iBth, lx].ii*|'. 'i/.tl.etli. Julia Klat.ip aimtlici, expected s,|,t - nany, Rockville, t'onn.. nne ,'f Ibe Inrgesl woollen rvnd,, ir,, itex A. MATTI I'. A. M. l'rln. .Vonni I'n. ono. Pa. 17U.--I "t ax. x. .". year* 2.000 Went to work >., cun«ietitl..ii<-lv Ihm he did tm' evei in will reduce its St HOOL POR Ol BIA '.'OOO fe.-t ah.n. tidewater, asted for hcaPhfulne**. M' xnami. Peter, and wife t" -iiti XXuid Ca ngia lomponies New-England, working nu. III li.LlnO OONrtKCTII UT. -1 Ht a .MCI Mountain aeenery cool; flW.Ofs. water. lluild.ii'-' and Loan ii - liiOih. forget to pal in th" dashes used wken ihe desired tittie to three days week on account of Hie IMJl.rMIII.K_W Xii li LIT, so, ri dn. brai-ing air omi punty*ol live AaoocleUuB, per .Mt*. XVII.Ll KM U BLACH Patron.". te.1,ding: lawns, sh id-*, t.nnt- pirent. nnd eh,ld eui new throughout; w- of Eitoti-ave, iiist.ilmcnt.s . 1,000 failed io come nie nt dalnes* in Hie inge. The sou Tut s,, Lateat improved kaultarx -i-tem. *t, phrase |_ .Ike time, Tke Otkei company employ* both aram il|ien I.-,.,.. i.r.iniilic.N-.»'. it-.-. ;("". j'.incrr.v in rbarge nf i(iiii|*.tciit, M. tr ii. .Xn.'U-'n. lo .-.,muli Lilli'!. niK* an. banda. ii"':1 x* I. ."LU '.i I'Ki.i'xi'.x'i'ii'Y cape, Riding n of I'linii-.t. friend-win.-" usne I pive because br ls no langet ivvii.xi.i. -'" J. WIUiBB*. ni-'r tor. opmi i" N"i.bei I. Through parlor and niii'-r, rn t Prospective, ] I S hool Is o Ln ii »'*¦.' IHUI. Mi-. LLIAM. PORI DICKINSON KKMINARY, ..iv Mit. WU- in,,tt.a.",. 1^00 n N J. ll.'l- Rt .'¦ j- '.¦d le- 'li¬ buffel -.:.¦ lr- rate* etc., apply yen's, arnon, ike living' at tbe time ii student, later law The Worcesler Cbrpel ramptiny, Worcester, M.ts... ALLIS M.XXXVI I.I. Principal liri-'".. URI.,t !.", I.IAI'.I, llot/l or to E. E. Rrilii-, li.-deii'k, and Wife to 0 M S.-udder, luis cans. .1 j,, be ft li roi Mu* Art. Modern lani,'!.*!'".. Marlhoron.n, New-York, i i" \\ i'11 posted In tis mills, th. [_cknt-hoog IS rollegi \ Pi", e * Madisoii-uvc, ii of 131-t-st. t yur . 3.787 yer.Ole lekalerad, waa! Ckristlaals Ihi -soiiili I I i.Ni.s, is l-AI.K -r xi AT.V steam tv ni. elerirle li.iit Catalogu, irea. HOOKF.R S'iN**. -_ Mill- ul Worcester, :i nolie lo ll.gert lhal I" I j N X x chut h arhool foi girl* Pr* Shield*, l.dwatd P. U> .|.»cphni" Wand. ll. In lils I neall s 1111 on. Korhealer, IH'.i.l rs,.,,i .it. ii :t copied manuscript pocket. ginning next Hotarday ti..- mill* "iii is- cb.l Hie nrr. tor r. .I.'.tl. r>a- ,.|,.n- |.-- tube. SO. r. .1. ora v 0 v Preald, ! PStOSSPBCT cuTTAiiK. Xlvomli'* Dam Koad. -*l Jani'-.-i,, TOAt 10.000 Of lils letters, in willi li be iilitioniiced thnt lie hull entire day saturday until furlker notice, V.Irrnlar. *d Mlsa <>. c skim it:..- ij..1 lobyhanna. M.inr.,'1* ConaIP, Proa.; healthful, no maiarla billi..' to .Xi,r,'i|st ( Hi-sev. .. * Mac'.inli's lian. X- xiii xix WILRRAIIAM. Ma**..BoIJi .<'i«ir*J*j- and n SI, J demand tl 000 l.ft th"-i irt.lilie" Bl h National Th, aire. Ile WSI X MHi.S HALL 1,'KX'il NU LXIill.s. or meaqultoea; li-hln.. hutting; large Baas* tMttgBfes Just John M. colton mill Low. Xlu-s In SUHOOL Wlsi.tvxN-. \... vina ic,,-.. -..iii-t. in ti.--|.s Ari t'linrrt'tlns looma; homo mokina: terms mort'rate; el*,, charl.'* XV, and elf. to >iui Cia -spooner. Illili would II. IVvey's nt ll. L SAM IL X'. 1.1,1,* lit K X XI ad. » e imrner convinced Ike pie," |.i be produced. wMi h altoiit H*> men ure In.- 1.u shu' *. V * <| X[,,-in |c,n..,,| ndoii m. ni Insure- MtperiOT tul'ir*.MU-. P.I»\V. udmiiiNtMtrlx, Wellealey^t., ..f employed, ull:../-- .f ii,,«l'-Jt. 'apeaae. 77tli m .ir apse* -t.|.t. 13 BLACK._ tonier 12l-t-*t, 1 ; (WO wat* also confident tim! all the publishers ihe (dix down to ike dull stale ul business, * swing -- Ij. .1 M 31 ave. I Si llilf'L f '. r I room Ladle*, ,, Catalogu u t'l TIIK (IYTRAI,, Wood, William ... Deary, be Mitti JtS. MI'AD'S . Would ready with pleasure to give a Mg lot IH1*1 mu.ide. Norwalk, Conn- Op-i.*. sept .m .¦. r p Rei xv xi R, XEWHALL I'rin. DELAWARE WATER OAP, PA. :.riicr of 1.'I st-st, | 2,OOO the of Indnpinp nut the first edition. At *'ir. Sp al dept fur Xu< Art L.IiK.jHi trd. Nv. fa'i.o-.- walk* and drive*. prttHegS BICE IICITS IS THE MARKETS ertltlrtijt ado ta lo Weflealer and X i-ir allege*. Location utui.rpaa cordlnp lo his udvli-.-. th. _e_j thinp to do waa tn Mini Miseellaneoti*. Ninth (eaton .-> D. OV'ERKIELD. the tn .ixe Ibe most New York u-ed up tiflv carload- of California fruit tll-> IIII.KI.I \ s Si ii,mt. I,ii-. Ol nut. .Beal -stair. publish"!- ready money. tl Ai-.t:x inxx s.iisiii i.sds rain Ll T Private arhsal f<" girl* and residence: ¦** I.ox; mt am ii. tioiiiMi: noni. cann*. la-t xv.-ck. They psve :. hands..nie of Ifs. -- .1 "After a Ion. wait the first disappointment dl-pl.iv BM! Jiin.-i|ol. xis. ii i. Bulkier m (*. Plumlei 1 i.ii.ii-ti-1 lora! "I lix.- i,_is rxcellenl opportunity Now n|,..n. t oder new managaairnl. SIS 50 to no |*»r ,.f au the drama, ac prunes, strawherries, apple-, cbentea, apricot-, fr.-h and dav tra t i x morriss*.! week. .-.PKCIAL RAT!.** TO I-.x.M Lil's. Writ/* for BTie directors Ibo lb tn retained * cxiiys B9ARDIKQ l - I'jterso't. N .1.. a tilts. N't Iteji tlr.'il»r* Addre** J. K. SOI'lilts, proprietor. \<\ a bal decisive note lips, do/.eii soils nf fancy plums and lire WeJeaHM Tl h< ll. OK 1TOI XMLS. ... Om..r Iii i.reen...-t N. Y companied very polite decllnlni ir, liii.Liiursi xvi. \i xv u.xvLV. i r. Then mv friend called upon all Ibe l.urtlett pears. 'J he cherries will continue to arrive Wll.lll HTO>-HY-TIIK..*.KA. lt. publisher**, si xv ii v until n'iirlr Ihe end o' sn lal" dsle ktfxitii.vriixx .*.. RMI Sl'lU.Mi LA Ki-., N. .. July, . Who. on" after Hu* other, answered n- bsd done Ihl BBUSttolly NX- s ...,, f.r.,. m'.er ._-0 m_EGUt_M_E »l *l|ss l.A HepI il ca r Open trotB Jun* l*t to October. glrertors. One man offered la print Ibe piece for a rot- them. These beautiful pnductlans of ibe caa I, Collete tc irattnii ll ind O n hers. R. ff£. LETCHWORTH. whick have tbe store* mid stands *o rs-hira. n id x a ul .. i ar' r. ra I, r anni, bal declined to pive lor lt. adorned pro " curtain anything ,.ri r pupil*. ' i- r III' AN XNI. I'll"! I». -s- r_AC HEH-' A'.l.NC. THO! *>AM» l*il.AM) HOI SE. mv lids have Biarkel lor 'un. KIVKK ST. JfflD in-ely si.ion, Ibe LAWRENCE. TRUSTS '.Hut this f.iiied lo lessen Ibe fallli of friend. destroyed ¦¦:, ea Professor*, reschsrs, lutor*. ti.oxeri.rssa*, ALE-ANiilUA MAY. AMItuppl lo NEW-YORK, On the contrary, he wrote me thuf Tl was the beal Basten raised labia ekerrles, bs Ihey ran l»- »ld at I ss LISS'S ROARDIrtO A N fi ImV si i|i,,.i, ;. , fi :,,...,- jua J-amlUe* Apply Threa :.:. N*. t|. itu SO PULTON, -il Cn.on Squat**. Opt*n tun* 10th lines' Baking »iid boating. ( Liberty St., V I could th. wilbla tbe nock of tbe thinnest pur-.-. Ikey ha*.. I.,: ss I kl teen v. ak, «. orch*«tril Concert* bend f >r term* and lflu'trated J : thing that could have baggeBed. publish prices l and daily, Offi.e*______-______:\. E. rtirri'-r *-fh StS * :th Av- N ^ - *-¦ -v V intora, to Work he would me the nioii.y to d.. so kees -old ul xvholi-ale at HI and 14 cent- . pound ,-. v. la, reaaed la, UUi -fri, ipi lu ,. pi Mula ippllea, Catalo.'ie f M Court Hrnoklyn. myself: pive AitK.,1rr* i"... -iiie-s...... '... tn ail dept. reronunend) J. B. WIKTAK, Manaor. St. the choicest. lt ls lo see manx "We would dlxlde the profits, h.- atteuritnp to th" bnsl fir hrstenoting rural kl iss TOWNSEND'S M'lA.'.l.IN'l tKO I.AV SCHOOL k. hool* to p.r...t- IJO '.th aie.. BgoS ll'lJing. . ur. 80th-«4 xl-itors with ? «. N« .rs. N. J.-lto- V ness end. In fl Inter letter be told in" thnt. In xi.-xx lo Ibe etty stop suddenly and excusable I l.'li Ol Ht. I'.s Pla moiit'i*. br A-BI RY P.tRK. .1. CAPITAL AND -u -tare at an Italian's stock "f tl"- iiein 'JT. ,'lr '.1 r- ipa ition RI VATE TUITION. Durlna tin summer 8URPLU8, $2,701,084. prise Royal Sept. ?.: Int, -ii --I .. in preparliiK pupil* for col- hoi i:i. ___¦.!.. of his confidence in th,* future, lie hud dec.ed i; nek ami i i. l-r-i. Offers It* aervlec* for the nafo _o pine and indi' tout Anne, Republican, Tartarian Big_erc-iu -sim s .. s;-. , \ I i' Call »t .*u -- HERMAN D I.. iM'i.-*-- SO yd* from Barf. Ut * .-on Table and appoint¬ his studies tn devote himself et, | ' to pive up order ls varieties. t ,t.- .- Alf. « T* I' I >ia S i. M ment* tin* i.'.t. ,\. count.mlate* 100, fi per lay. SH to Dianaircment of trust fund*. lt ba* tal,, n some time to Introduce - V PISH Ti M- le* Sea X.. ., Ro-f«i, Now tlrely to tia- publication of my works. He bettered fresh fig*, bul r Pt'LLr'R Pi Ipal X. 'I SI- pfr week. _4u«lc. open. they aro now lading .i steady sale, s* Iher 1*111.m in l.. igele* < :i SSS po* lion* B !l I'KMRERTON. Th- company 1* in a portion ,>f croat sdvantsre for ths thnt I could easily write two or three pieces a feu. especially KEMINArlT, RTE, KEW-YORK.-Fat pertieu- li t ROCKER s X, Mi .-. ;. 70 5thsive ( are shipped m bs lo have a better degree o', ripene ijYK >. a n. j " of moronic ln\e«tment.<. t- .. M'-s s j lim:. ¦ ¦¦ sbury park, securln. He calculated, with the h.dp of ii table ul probabtlltli** ¦bas Ike) ked, ... add \%- il RINO i r Si i| Rnglheet'ute of and .-¦.-.¦ - Nnil x> .. |e»y .1 slr.-s t victoria." lt can render *erv|ee to tho** who wl»_ thut from Ibe we could .soon mule .,nr long xi,si > si Minn, nu; 'iiui.s a any, N x hi; profits _i , ¦"',. j. enslui c. . te sf P* i in !9 Under < lil I Bia p Di bot tt ... 'ur i, hotel rrootlna ncrmr all Imprcix-envnta discussed lourney thrungli garage :md Ike Orient. in: woe ld sot tali: »t'idi-. mn i.e t;,--rps m,| Select their fund*, of SlislllBI hind. Inx-e*t- d in sood mo'ti-ac.. advice our*e« of Btudi for iraduation Sra la .. i«. inti 'ii'- ir.d tiiiN-r ii m..nth rwsaea. Terna "Meantime I contented myself with a shot-: irij. lu .set. cr ti.- Hu. ru e. .¦><. f.,r Won -i rei 'aU.u» » -I dm .-! if.¦.! ** pt! ti '"-i -¦ The company a. t- as executor, K"ardlan or commit'oi ; Predericb Hollian, eighteen year« old, a firmer of adre., mi,s i. w »"vd. prlaelpal ' Chrlstliitd.i. I found smell lhere ul Ihe hepinnlnp KI.I.KH^t.lE." receive* deposits; assetttaaal tru-t*. xi.. p**th, !-. I. met ii -.vere accident early yesterday -I -, M. IO \ "' Si. I.XUII - Otimmcr Rcecrie. A"*HIH*i PARK. "TinT of the year 1850, ii few wicks before .Catiline* brid [ll MINA lt*. Thlrl-a\'.. S lilo'-k., Iron ocean. Lar.e rooina mid morning. Ile wa* silting on Ihe Im.w of Ihe excur IX _. id it Mr-, il li lot A i- ri K ... (.n,.d tj'.le. Mrs |; s. ANNAN. tol'NtsELi Hteahaa P. Vaath, Rih*id io.iaham. o**. been pla,'ti In Ibe show window* ol tbe bookstore*. U .- uropet n. ri-- I-', n uiii-st ami Kewell Mai'l.i. ¦lon Kita Moon, v.ith li- leg* dan ...... '.The work lind a certain success, In nshlng-steamer *. mn yea I. * hp: tiioKia:, XM.ll HOM: Edward E. _i.rae.i-. principally .Iiim over Ibe side. A deckhand warned him that I tn ii. r ADIRONDACKSta. lok not-i; and .hit HOICK ON I (11)11 ." TKI>TF.F.**: student iiii-1. -. but iii.- erlIles condemned Hie bul . Ueorce il. lt. Putter, Ihe wa* bul he did not heed Ihe ON ht tl ROON I.AKK. N. X OP! ns Ji -ni .i' ll .TES MODERATE. WilliaBS, verses and declined ol mt un place dangerous, wt T xx l."ll v N..N. ur ir" 'in-, n." ne Kel!.-.. William M. Inuraham, Ibe book 'tbe producl III " IKS, Lal ¦- I. N ' Kal addre** I.- ndxiie. A few iniiiiiies ;i- Ibe steamet .| di .¦ . bl "' *'« en s *f. LODOK HOTEL .0 Cleverdale, N. Y. Join. T. Martin. U. Lyneh, A «n. afterward, Deli l, Uh I ol. u ir.t on nt ij Co.. HORICON x ripe mind." milder Judgment sassed bj one started to enter her dock near the Rsrge Office, r xl miler li. Orr, Charlo* s. nmiin, alone.inn this w;is one whose sppbruse wa* Hollian'- leg* acre caugfal ht three spring spile, .*! %KI.\K til.l.A HY TIIK SPA, Louis Wlndmull'T. I md Oelbermmiti, . ELUE MOUNTAIN LAKE, on th* Bea it CAPE Xl XV. N. .1. Open for thr reeep. .inhn Ja...1, AaSsr, Marita .io«>*t, u nun -ta inlil Minn .vu Prom ibe pier, and nerv crushed. t.K'.VI. LADIKS* KMIN A RT, especially de,'. whom I still hold In deep g . tnri ,f _'..¦-... rn m. lari hand*oine. ruriil-ht»d. witn Hugo Wes. ndt.nck. Iletijai ifn U. Hick*, II., was taken In tbe t"bambi-rs-st, ll. Ii|\||'I.I. -. rhirl ri lit m. XIII ItOSII tl K NI \tN-. I r>. veneration. univ a few of tl..- -turill edition Hospital '.'.'. t'"\X Ii I'i, I. r. MOI i,. .-an xi-i porfect drainage; natural -..rlh. .md altered .I'llien t.iil". John Hick*. eopte* r.-coxcrv I. don'.t mi. CHAS wats Por rate* ni!-- M V HALLE.VBRCK. William H. Male, eui- d. William*, were sold. x,v friend bad a number ol them, and i III VI III PR xl. ht HOOL '¦. ST MART, i harle, i: ||c,|-r..n, XVlll'am T'autwliie, '. xr.l.i \ .liv. NI xv VoilK PROSPECT HOUSE. rill BKMrYUk san,url T. Cherie* .xijitack, remember Ibal one evening when otu- commas boase i lr , Ueg, rrc.r.t r\ s hon) I.r fenns Lad « N". bulldi ATLART Y, i Cherie* Rleha'tl-*i, ,. r. \ i. Nil hold slutm w.-re In as eapeclnliy brui cundill,m. we Xfir rr.-. Silt errol a cr |_ r ,. \. rm t.-. i,, INDORSED 111 Ll ADI SO XEW.l ORS \ D PHI OCEAN I OP MU IIIOAV.AVE. i LARKVCE ll K* six JOHN W. ViRRtV, publications. .Mil I'll X' "M VluDATI S Willi EVERY ONVEN 1 __»'(.*__ sold all ,.r t>. a in books. 57th, ISMI Mi.. JULIA ll I ARWI LL, Pru. V SK IAN-. IOU RKUL'ILT Pre-i-l ilt. VI Ppe.i.e.._ Sealer second-hand ept. Iii lui l.l.l- JOSEPH .1 IIOKTOV. *¦ nv ii;mi. want. it. Oaring m\ sojourn in mj t;;iiix.- lund i.i-t year yoi: lill XMU I'.I :.'.!. (Ma--.! SCHOOL tr VOL*.NO i.'IT'r "¦-.' III .: i a n ito i: .Qi El TE OIlKKIl I'RAN'K BXll.iV. tl. E'.I'RTO.N Srlll.MIDI. A I i. vH' .il antage* of Bostoi Quirt ut Casa- vr,. XV .N.NHI.III Ol ill lu RU SP1UN05. 'ill VI' '¦(',.'.|d"nt. I>;isurer. the various impressions and exporters'**** of my ants ir TIIK AM i:i.r< AN < onl'i'.I'ATiVi: .f Hon* mii'.i xi xn x .1.1; in -. ,¦ LIBRARY rMii* Contort*, number* .| .prfwH pa. LOL'lb \'. RRIiilll'. .*ei rtiaiv. Hf.- seemed io appear before my ming, eyre with ¦rill '"rm yea *lBie*l any beek In turrent literature foi a* MR AR M'll rill.\1 \N I. th* Dtreetar Large furn .lu ,i bedporo, ni .i- .-hoii a ri- nt rm C0»l "t ll r.- p.-. 11,400 f il the special ritara* bi. Amsug other taigas I read .emiline* lung lime fro. Munt, average Ml XV" MN-, OK IIAl.TIMf.KK |;. v. .tri: carlsbad ok america." . 1 I.nd sIsmo! forgotten Ibe details nf the book. I john i»o*i i-i .' D Pre* ..... r-gulsr (Tonntrn fox Sole. o.\i; CENT \ DAY -. . lei lliif .. tl- Ol -.-r. .rn* Al xui.t'isii v, tv HOI Vi'xIN**. Propcrtn - JiOiKL Ol'l.NS JINK .4. But in rereading li I crime to ibe coucluslofl lbs! ii Tea ran ardei through youi lera) Xewsdealet ru Bess :,,¦¦ ml j- r "¦ ,.'-'. T - addm*. 'I lu xv , contained mnny Ihlugs -bteli I still dared acknowledge vin t. oi dlrei-l from u». lUO-pase *l lin it - rn'* iii begin LAKE PLAUIIJ HOUSE. L. B. DOTY, Manar"- lillee li. Md r' »i j ItJ ¦¦' t, hoi moat a.-ir... .c -i,nation, as my own. It i,niches upon Tn.un with TIIK AMEKIi AV W-OPERATIVE LIBRARY, 11, i i: tl problems Ml s ,\s xiii.: ._ I N'JI.IHII. Kr*.,.i, tnt oer Li iiigtt equippe.1 Al or NTA IN p.'.».¦!( nish, h.slthy location; p .i7 S.I h ni*, nc .- s ,|, ,,n.l|. "nt.r .1 .' ij.ll. I-j//js tnlnc which my laier xvorks have bras concerned.Ibe cou ROSEsST KEW-YORK. rlli.nun it n Bing ind Du *¦> toni, *f»w Ri n*«l Hm*. bealing |_ry illili unit miperiOt ti r--. .,' - ii io- AND THE 'I a rn u. fi TREES DY SEA. r. im r-.ii_ai-lti UNDER THE between and '- I Pu rutl h. ah ai.'i Muds. A|_nr for Ier.-n.-i photo. .an.'., boating board, up; Met ciijiiii'ilitles ambition, between Ihe 'I -'iti'-tli edit .m. mist nari tmt :..'.. or 'l' 'i'i'.i . XV Ballin Iii |-ke Pl ii id *..V. referenre*. n I' ill I, x n n nm -i sparta (Ni rthern X. J. xi ill mid |.o--ll..lii\. I,,-: ween t!,c impi comic¬ ttntrg* -ulai. mid III MAN HAIR Whv it falls off tunis IN BUEPAI/O >T»tp AT THE ff mani.iud Ike 'lin thou.his, it i- THE'.rc a* a i..*.( lani sriiniif,. tlHltllMMIh* I Oltl xl IIIHIK, tii.'-e wei., 1 md the Koniedy Bi Prol. HARLEY PARKER, WHEN UP.NK.SEE. irue, upon subject* luther nebulous. J A. M. l.(iM, x _©. Areh-M i'lillii.. >nn. Ker ¦port* en and fa Mira; Sfi.OOO i ¦*. h.ed i,, wIMee! Minuit 1AL!. Io tv mlnuti'i iwor. decided io -t mid mv cn l,0ia Day and loilegi for -rtrn 17s r nnl reprint Sllllue' publisher 'Eiurj .mt; should tsad title l.tte book. . Athenaeum. Boarding, Pre|arsb>*. ll. || || plentiful; l.l.l, ;.r |.«-iis 27th pot rlreular* i'll .lex..'on ,.., ..,. ,.nj sent'd. Septembei\ ramp* extending r- -i i'i >>i.. it n .;n ii aliis prini pa 1. ii.ii - fr ,., hotel. W.rr. n Han e.-. ll irrtsvilla n x wa* Impossible, ,,r course, t" reprint ihe Brat V, A M A.«...iate l'rm Prop ns Ilsa BARA LOUISE TRA! ipal, xtDiintrn Ijoard. edition verbatim, it rta* nothing Blore than lie <.¦ iWanui wa. Ph Vii.nri tt« .i minui - irom |_i«reni Lo minute* nt uncorrected tn ui ladeipiiia l'. 1 printed e..p\ my manuflt-rlpt. the Owl Sthoole. V'i uiiu xl. lisii, .round* fruit, lu the mountain* healthy shei.-b ol in. sork. As l reread mv drams i remem -tu le .X ..,,1 ,. ,,. ROME and beaut!- For B*irs snd SUMMKRlui; real counttv nut * nipiy "out "f Iowa"; (|,.ik1 room* In-red very v.ell what hud gone mx J'noroi_6 I.AW SCHOOL, Voung Urn.Country*. SIS South Hr mliiru ii. tan on. ol orig!nally through Him '.'. ¦'.""' ll' f '. "1 r ..*i¦_- .,,,,i ind tobie; fl.ilrv tupplle* the J.-rxeys Merl- head, and I «aw Hun tire chosen form seldom es- Ml frail begin* Oi-tolier L'r »*xeiiin_ *ee*lon*. . li I,, lite ;,,, Boy*, V. xiiM.u 1. a. arith of nie tj'm-. semi lot ri rrular, nit*; M. city and other pressed Whal 1 bad winked lo s.ix. 1 c. THOMA*, Ll.. n.-'ii. roi ratal.m *d parent* pliil'iiia ll. nstiod* and Uieli retuib i. A. Mared!. Delaware Co.. SJ, Y. satisfactorily ir -s. Pier. CI.AKl.Mi: ii '-'O, Uti li. » ... lu || |.\|,., x| PROSPECT PARK HOTEL reference*, PARKER, iberefi.rc decided n> -work over' the drama of n.v youth ASHLEY. Bloodway. CATHKILL, N. .«. In a wax which 1 believe I could bax,- done then ir I IORDENTOWX (» I NI-1TARV INSTITUTE .>.**.** I xiii. Ol Killi.H. had had the lime mid sion favorable »r_rouiidliigs, > HIV. I. Il LXNDiiN, PR1XC1PAI. I bl* pop'il.n ,,ii,,,..r r"-ort la >lluated ai*lt:il, M. T.. without ihe lan or ide action. 'APT. li COMMANDANT. ot. ute i,.*., biuif Um Hudaaa nixer, limn Cjottris changing ground JiiGimtiion. LANDON, rixcr ar.a everloshlag "Manx ihin.- ol xx iiicii i dreamed vin < bnwbibIb iiitoa »:¦¦ ua*urpa*aed. The haM *p- twenty-Sve Il I.Ll KN il xm ..ii i.n Ul', AC A DEMI, (aeat nts _r. rt: nond-*t.-¦ have been fulfilled, not so or In Ogettti pt.ii.ltic lli-t-.l.,.. »uh aeeo-modatlona for SA0. HOTEL ooo mi*ar. aprtoalte apo tillhougli rapidly I'I.UjU' Ipi.h.). Pa r.'i.i' i .1 ,. .,-,., ,,. .sii|» r, r en*be»ti., lade.' jud aentlenien'* rmtauraal on Hr,aid. the xvi.I.:. ) then 1 believe thal .-.\ Fat Boys and Young arxaro. V..P j*.,,, lanni*, biliinrds. boiling llv.-rr ^^.\\'.vnr.K way hoped. my Mm.City, Prime!* .mhrnal i.. ...-ni .,f and ''Her ettra Uoo*. Reasanabl* t.-rins f .r both tr*u*lent ,x..v. Superior..nimodatlona foi SOO ...'ies,o. Earopeia will, -t iitlliire- was the best Unit tt A l.i.i N SCHOOL." :n,i j ind XX *l Polat. Iiruii. Um1 i. perlt-nce ihin. could i_ Weet BSUi-a». Mew.TseS L_bgretle Li. a..a p. .mam .| ..,. ,t,. ¦-.,,. ,..,rt|. anulr to .lau. SI Aner:. fi 50. bax.' lo n.e. And when 1 review mv life I C1U-, ric;,e.. s pierobet _.'.. Kindenmrten in lier. tilxciaitls udlei tot ".i.l. :.*. J tl. iiA'M.iiX , .tamil, m. r. so happenedxvitn io ali :.,r nie. <-.,n..»e preparation. Foi .-irrabir* ___ru__ the Mhuol. JOHN ALVIN R|| Manager, NI, ll, il. ,^ --sci,., t fm li hotel. XVii-hl*,!.' ,n do gratitude mid nil things." Principal. ST.Place. Broadway .md Mercer.**. Location m'.-t ii-. SCHOOL, .AYL'MA xi LXixl MILIi.\,;i ADEMV,' .Xor... ¦-. ilrable. Centn I mid dvllwlitfiil Sut^rloi aceoniaiedaUotis. HAltVAKU '.78 III 1 MA VB. / V. llr.l-ltJ'cl ,1,1. OVERLOOK i-l " .N. Pot _.l:r _, XX :iimi« MOUNTAIN HOUSE,' ino '.'iitst... rniiropfait plot Aim tlc* DHPEESSION IN THE GLOVE TRADE. K.-on. ns si*,,:, __t_, |_«J3. A Ix Xl.l- -, \ rix K, I 1,-Tr.H CO.. N. *i.. tor **;.i,' Harvard M. \| |. S.iXX DIM s rrrparattori I'rlncetea and Col_ai___ I I ll.i :l_n. ' OL-' XII ll'l t IL.... Ito All tl .,1'Tii '.ii,ic|,ic,|. es ,.s rea. PARK KREELAND. A< N I X I- rapt. niixcy.n |o hotel; WEST NECK _WILLIAM Principal. .'¦ TAKll-l 07 -re. io Mo 11* fOtn veal ol | ni, loa-ill Hil. un ni xl. x CO., Mrl'iur-n-l-. WORLD'S PAIM VISITOR**. ISAM Of REVISION HAT PBOTB NiVKiUsii V UKAMMAll .( ii'.oi.. .VJ Went .SOft * ATTENTION 1>> tl'iiiit folle.i.t.' and t. n._'k".i lu nc.| i_ s, ii SHELTER ISLAND. HU' lon \\u Dnlveniry '> ..heel eoate '.<""" .»' ul rea \ Hog ULOVERSVILLE .'.T'l. rear. Prepare* for Hjrutd. x .kt md oii.rr csUloaui ai HOTEL l.nildlu. *ites I.ft In ne ii >¦ t jtioii, addnws CHAS ll TIU'IUIKII ., \| ..,., CARLETON, There ai>- still hmm a'* J(II!.\-'1".V.\ .ejd -111 .nu. tojir i.'*_.i ui i._- pupils received -I'lUM. UK ti ,i. HOTEL INGRAM. CHICAGO. U. S. A. lt timer - A. M. LAKl ll, N. r'-nit-. llJie xni xi-itcd Phillips. N. & l»h. D. * uiNM.1 rn li.c n,. \ ,. i,,.i I'i'i.i.' MM PlalMsee, th r. ..! from. sa. this nai.idl-c of BBSMSSf ftaB-lSsan. ri i_rk .,,, Ndi tl.' a O'neil'. Xii iii.leir. onici.e ..v lt,. rt(. wa] Ekpanitlofl (.'lovcisviiie. g. **,., .lulv j:; .peela!)..When thc ; ..client, hiiine s.i.o,,: rUi raai-e. One-hall blm-h nm V Y. Mlthlsan Central OOOi if Xe.i I.rix.- n,.t. timi _n d'lin BUB **.<'k nt BBBl I'lNH. »t/t. citattnn, Location IVrtnanenl hotel, ii") tc to law known us the McKinley bill beCBUU agentive. BOOKKKIbiy (aught; dny or ext-nin.. iltii-ittotr, .'nm'tiied. ,,,.. unequalled. ami -c. p, ,,..,;,- Un ;,i m....;.li.lil. XV ri Addrew C. ( !"¦»¦ .'or rlniilai ,i-.l"., SelJj it I" A. .XL, |.,J,.'. ¦ii'.. I-..h..I**.!. |i|.m. un,, i.n ulreil -nit s nilli niixjie and lt wus p..,,lille io prague, tbe litest grade* ol <(AINI>, SI J-iist l.Mh---. tats. Mst.raia price*. Wnie ai wi - 1 XNAAN ACADEMY n.riuii, HOTEL JOHN L. NOSTRAND, Owner, In lids ennuin-, :i statement of Ibe .ono. Roohi for Iseilti BRUNSWICK.y WARREN LELAND, IK Msasaet. gloves probable r '",'- Three mader*. ot lei,.. h. t**HI HW N. Y. i*o|legn |.. PARK. J.. .»>». ..erk Fork. . . Nhrller l*luinl. B. effector linn SSW wus publish,il lu Th-: Trlliuu... At Musical ard boy* »pei ally. i-..i puru- ai- addre** Un il, t DIR.. 1 LY ON 'lill REACH. Instruction . . , OK *L.xi\v,K,i. s in ...i. iul AM. TH". COM IORI a ot a MODERN PIRST-CLASS tTint lim.- eli.-eisville i.nd .loliiisiowii. botg sitaslrd BOTS 3, Milford Conn - liol KL. *^ Ll.'. I-.Ol, .-(,,.,.,,» a Parent* abo ire anlontuiala in Hu maiiasement ol CUISINE r.NK..iM,I.El. ON TDK Vox*. -iiropctin Ijotflo. Agent, In Fulton iouniv. V V. hud B population of ¦ little »¦ j.,j Uk, ,a_3. |i__r_.lg -.e.- ..,,i ,:., well ia Now Open. Andie*. MOMMAS »V PAH SON-*. ROBT. C. BRECKENRIDGE, corntiiodatlon.. All ^vantage* of th r___~.__¦ .li prom by the adv*iit__.. ,.r.(; above _o.i..m mid produced :i large shun- nf i:n- lower Ii.y s.ho.U. UM a.nbol I- li. -,, _.r..1(, ,./ Bm, ||.) .***>«*- lork. ar IKXNK x,. Park i.r .-loves which arere manufactured in Vssat. Ad'Ircss i W. ORERF/E. Sec .n_ Tre.... ||OM7K."op_7 The House. Summit. N. J. prudes America, 19 and il Ej.t Inti 50 " Inul ir ... n x Kl. .allon _U0 ,; in U-aln* jRAIHD HOTEL de I'ATHENEE X M.. Ne.. york. N. T. 'AMMAN III s|N ss ,|.|.:., |'..,..,....,,. ,. N . SALE..-CHARMIN.. ILLA KITPH. hui wen- uni :ib!e io compete with European in mu li d ill] "I" ii till I.tin r IS RUE St RI COR * Open nil tbe year. Ti.mon In-'.r ic'.!,, In B okkeo., na S S. s| \ -1 V ." HE, b of th" tine,, ., i', .,, ._,_ .\ I-' fc SON. faitun-rs in ihe production gooda. Under Hiking, ,.hlp ... ,, OPPOSITE TIIE GRAND OPERA, KNOLLWOOD, For Youiik Ladies.(jtv ' fcc St to. ta-.i.r t. Kid..- Eli-tirtl, 'ie... i' Cxiuty, the ussiirn.ce of io American Induatrie* nf Trlearaphy, Irpearltl'i \N IOKAI. HOI vrtlN BPHOBT. on the i; t"- ->. protection IliARDIXO AE0DAT KHOOL I O't uIKIjS NO mU .¦.Ul'. I. Hlppllel "ll, cm,,. |,. ,| ,.. .,,./. ,m -, eal) "... Hour from ford'-d bv ihe pris.'iu tariff laws I'"- Plove manu il". No charge for sltustloaa |ut_'shad, Betslfu rat'l'g The Modern Hotel of Paris. .1 n>r llc-cii|in, lt .,,. ¦n,,,c,:i-,AVK HOTEL " E. AI'MT.l.TMKIx. .Man.x'ii-.!*. I,li'i:,.l lt. Iti.XH. !> Pin- t., farlure.s iifl'ir. ,1 to euler Into competition with the ¦li, ,.mu.i> i.Nsiiii ii. Krrebold, N. i .,(1 ,,.ir i.tM: nor.icoNi..BRESLIN,s. I ~i: v ll.xl.l.. IT l'._*t ted-i ^*«^*«M '.' ii jT ind MIt.l.-s. xviii Al. a via l> xx old new factories were i.uiit and th.- isclusel fie glrla, 1,901 M. t.-oii-.v.- _,.l lr. re .lion -]*....itjr _.i.|i,..,. ,,,_,, _.__,' L. ronl ll. R. ||.. ..,st _r.,i ... xiorli, man1.- Ieee propsl.' ¦» "'' ¦'¦' "".'i-.i'ln CI..X-s>|.|.fc;.:.i_ti..i. Ctiiiiar* Claase* Delaar .. n,.,i,_.tic. d elsa* eal ','¦''" r.-ort f..sine, ,,,. ii amt capacity of oilier- xvas laigoly Increased; new ms- Lila V. Noni, Edit* ll lit anti Kl/..l,.t. (i l»He i. ,.||e* lons .lirrom.ded In foirst*- tly I*,,,. "Ml. '.ND SI ll'" >.. foi hut*.. Miretic t. ,.,., r«n>ll_»i '"" '.'. oaMou.i,..i,ti.,_ o rimcnto to (Cd. xxus Inveiiteil mid old it.x. niit.n~ theta le d ... _n . . ...mi,,,,,,.,,.; Unfnrniolic. ^fi ciiiiiery adapted PEEBLES ANIi MIS. 1I|,)M1*S0N*S I dla, plPe thf sp.cni ,.,, , :u.c_rDftl'1hi, HOTEL de LILLE el d'ALBION, to the nei-ds sf Ike new Industry. UundlUds ol MISSItOARDIXO AM' Ii.xv SCHOOL foi. ,iiRi_i ,y* F. il UKI.*.'.-! ll X M Prr-,. ni-ll,: tiE, Rue St, rnrw, 'ii and bi Yum .Ttli-si -Pl.! I Al. lt \T|> Tn V Ol M; skill'd pl,.ve multi rs c.iine (rom BCnoa the sea to rteoiTc New-Vork 'VINO issi iti"i i: t|KN :..txv.*-n tlie 'I nil***.I'M (iiinleii*. Place Vendoni.* sad Thersday, O.-t. Bth. PMaS., Academic and TARRYTOWN ON IHI.sos Hi. ll lld) ll. sri un, Atlvi.iititL.i.iis find more remunerative than they bud (..l.eitlste l.iai'tiiet.t- *,,, lal at'.dei.ta P. II. A Hill.WAV *s|*\HO\ ill. N. j x'i-xv Open. :irinii_.'tii.'iit* t,,r fann¬ t-iiipiovineiii adn.lttliX Prepares roi Celle_« .md r.r Knainea*. tint. >_.. ..,,i Ailii/siii'i, ies. Brautlral Hall. I.rue Eleo- ever known: Itu reused more thmi :;u |s-r >.,¦:<>, Box 14 IOIIN M P1IKMAM AM I'M,, Drawiag-Rooine.- pugalgtlou MIMES .xi(.si_s. IOI -fr. ric Ugh*. Ac. Teletnuus, Lillnlbion," Paris cent; nearly l,tx*i sew dwelllnp houses were erected and XVtlf'K IS--, ri TE, "lei td v I.I !¦. #I.,., Hiss Till-.BOAILDINt! dav Park SCBOOL H..'t oiais v «. ri mn >.f HENRY MUDIE. Apartment esau) tehaol; ona ti..- t,, Central and de¬ With Kiii'1-rgiiit.'ii mst 1API.I .___ iJafTJ, LAKE DUNMORE....' yet tko supply did noi keep pace aita lae Clt-nei. for Little ll.?_ th .!.'rev and to irakS Up boya tn thf dnl.'es of ur Till AVE, C'Jlll AN. .VIII MB. Mis i, 17. (lin UADIhON-A VE. NI *' is Kt* op,n AcmmmoaaUeiM r,.i mand. An era ij; solid, gu ma III III prosperity seemed Thc hons.' XVVOKK va nnd. r yean.(***. '.H62. J. SUOUILIDOE vivi' 'j-,t> |rii,.._i. nno j. iiclj.'li.:n. altered and reStted fut twhoo'l mir M l":ii' i|»: ir.K- ami -IP .ill, tl-lill,' rull ,.r,|,c.,,_ ,.,,,,« »»*_,i. to lune been i tu ail lines of ammrm, ins brea odu-ci to n,.- n.,.. ln"it hi.t. t eatkai whick business ..liding occuoled' '.'i;, nmplete A Lill I: r MILL Mgl Madrid, LUboa, profit.... Au electric railroad with sixteen miles ,,r "pens se|.ieii:ber .th. ii novs- S' HOOL Bl .t,U«'n iTeT.' HOTEL CHATHAM IllsIron, Iti.-U,.,. li. X L. K ll s'rl tv _,.|J t IT A. Itt, RI t; " ,,.,/;'; [Ut'NOU, CokIomi, liaiveloiui, truck xxus built to afford greater terilttes for bastaess _l'_u ts, hool. **.¦» i«'r year. Admits _ge> rr. i_i. THE GEORGE AND letwcsa tin* Rim de lu Pats sad "aii!s_ -; .lurive. sp rial tan a- d tra!sing u. ronna COTTAGES Boilavaid snd for pk-osuic. .\ji lbs tarma wilkin :. radius ol I'S Uoarlin. ond Dav School for (iiri- i-.,-.' OS HU. Mirsi.. BLACK ROC! ,, de* ('anueines, 1'iri* Saluniauca, 0 x\est 48U. t- for college, U*.-l.noloev and l.u-lne*s. *?i.|id'f..f i. .___., ()NN.. (iran;i MITCHELL Principal BillerH. ALL MODERN !.MI'I.'< VI'MKNTS supply lieopen*1 Thursday, Octoin-r 6. l'ri.nary. Academic 41,1 lUat lr. Nci,.\,.,K iiitl.iii , .TIM KLKVATIIKc*. Kl.Kt TICK LU'HT Tolosa, produce. A fair proportion the men mil t"oll".o Pr-puratory Course* Sp.-. I_i students Iuniilmi; MILITARY SCADKMY, ',".?I'W ''',"'.',"".f"r "'',a_f'___-'".I ¦l».«*An,ii ...I ,|,.,. ,,f io \'ale:.cia, Bf yotiiiK .di'.lt-.o ¦____.* -_jf «.' H.1 fi. II. HOL'/jSCHUCII. women Ka c ore u rn sigh! pupils to.<_tufa _nv claai. I Otttifc M-n- IS mlle* .rain New.Yoik graSoa ..iSt Ihe nhUlned Irom ts.. Iiot'l" .l.,,r. l'i.,.Pi'ii.iou the yonnp from the coiftitles .r Mont¬ mil'-, '" '" '¦ ru .' fcuatooa, Wed t>. lead ni rlti a il (an luitloi Ct.' .i'1, '''"I i'M'"l.,:,:,,.t- Addi* schohiirle ii.... nilli iii-t in tor ii I- :.., i. _ Trust Co., Trustee gomery, and otsepo came to (ilovi-rsvlllc n.xziNs nun, ajierlal ,.,;..'' UKO s, ll xiii; xi, in,,, i. Title Guarantee school ros OIXI. .1 '. MroVHx,: x M itu, Moniclalr. ur.d.epuit, and M Liberty ii*. and found employment. Mn PELHAM MAITQA, NKWVOIIK. N/S BK A* llI ll AV KN. N. N. I".. Oar. 5-tli st. ana 7th Axe., , oinliliied o" and inNifllin. J on.,,.| J.. IXIIIslpk. Kcal Qrotatc St Before October 1. 1800. .Uva.iUi-cs tfty Country. Iiii-rejs.i ||.,.,. s, j Noa ..pea. All UJanteb. " No. 1.8 W. 59th yon could buy a pennine .¦¦¦ Y.-nr .'". 33 _u_era coaienlenoos, iii.ii.aiug baMSMtrt Al*o Aijent, lluxxihoriir." "ladies faellltlea for_pupll«. i><,j^., Sepu-tnbei IVSSAclir.SK.TTSopen* Bept boy* p.ersit,. .. ,..,"'"" avatar. Hm sea tate* bsth* fa house. roi ur- Imported glove" for uO cents a pair, and th. v Mis* ¦.-(.ttllt*- school ., liltexln.-**. .1** >. ..nii,,i.| SeU BARBER and MOXTTORT** awralal prllhlpjl mlur. downtown Itixcstiiiunt prouoitr xalue crack the HM or second - ¦----' would time you pal them Mis-.c|_b* for .om." ladle*; K.-ademic. r«i)r*jrlata ind XVI "N in. Institut-. IO. real UOSTT. h. i.NiiLi:. propr.. VANTI-'.D-Aaboi.t .pedal courses. O.t. 4. 44 Weat ll-ltli-st. J.j, SOO ¦BBSS llaxen \. J. on jour liimd, while If you wanted a pood pair the tV ..iiini kealthfal Hem, Bag. cbias ._",1'- '. Rl'LAXO t XVHriiNt, | Hi.nuiiian.f. TO LET "¦"iitti,.. tr. st,-,.lonee bath ¦-'. .,.,..'s ."".-I.-. HM HU.OH AP4KTHKNT was tex' and upward. Now you can a OIBUON8' M.JIOOL tOR UBI. 55 Wear. «?Uv ,' '*' «. HRROft. In bulldlnp, price buy .mid*. innes,,. .., ;,.,,,. Beautiful ,,., tn.amii.-..""J _!. the lln-|iniitf "t. American made for MISSSt.-Mr» SAKAI! H. KMKRsOX. Krlm Ipal. a f.-w .1. amarna,¦.'.'"",',niue, nu, .. j.. 501 KIHI. ax-', .ormr 4*.d genuine glove gi that will wear boardlna taken. Re^ipeni October 4th. XVII.S..N v. M. pe in. and TianiAee ava*.; accommodations iitst- enure *>o-ond »"<». pupil* ilrooklnu ffstatc. Ma.nllKout^^ .ult.', ewi.prtalw lor months. Von may pay ns much more than a TORK. ManlluT ~~-'- ,i.,«s ii, d, rv respect; targe, reel rooms ,.,._. VWM ,,'ini- Kt'NT A't.&OO. ANNIE BROWN'S SCHOOL »X)R U1RI__, |EW ii,,.d- r,i In two dollar as you wish, but that sum will buy a pood, uer- ST. J.HI.Ns xifLiTAKY SCHOOL. I 1) sid Cou!d be titted uii S.-iO-*J*arUm*i.t*- MISS nt. 715. 717 Hfth Aveaue. .t l\.Xii:r/,. Propriett'i. k 'i ii hi: f. sn m y Matt hou*p, with trrrntl. AImi -nmllfr »ttlte. Vk-esl.le plove. Rev. I I). Ill Nil Nt. I'tv. WM vi l-lti Interj »t.u... h.*t. Primary, and BBStaaaa depart_ient_. 1*1 VV. I ,;s RG* K L. on l-ke |J,'..._~H ...nil i V on the Hill, Brooklyn, for *_],>; or wi.uld take -.mali Elevator, ^w»*_"«^f *_*., preparatorr Ptep_. Pt. Lt. p. HLIINIIAM. titi. Itifrmtrv Um . or near Omaha N.l.ia*ka li. MRAI.H ctKKVKII Tko manufacturers began this year with good raUoa far cefleav. .?_.-! course*. Reopens (Htober Itt. aunaiu-ni. t_ Rio, * J- I >u»e in purl pax-iimni. ' OJ PK"*"KLj_-»wada«» Apply supeiuiiruUi'iit lo, 1^..'^VA^,.",fl,..._.r,. _ CC i19 cln!uar BmrnVsMB, B?\~ Ul.'LAND A WU1IUIO, . llr-«kn,aii-.t K. A. t ll! 1K**I1ANK