COMBUSTION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FOR THE NEXT GENERATION HD GAS ENGINES REPORT 2018:477 Combustion System Development for the Next Generation HD Gas Engines COSTGAS LUDVIG ADLERCREUTZ ISBN 978-91-7673-477-3 | © Energiforsk March 2018 Energiforsk AB | Phone: 08-677 25 30 | E-mail:
[email protected] | COMBUSTION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FOR THE NEXT GENERATION HD GAS ENGINES Foreword COSTGAS is a project in Heavy Duty gas engines in which the combustion system for the next generation gas engines is to be developed. The goal of the project is to increase the efficiency of the current gas engine platform by 10% and increase the torque by 20%. This is done while observing the boundary conditions of the current Euro VI emissions regulations. The report has been produced by AVL Powertrain Scandinavia, Scania CV and the Royal Institute of Technology. The authors are Ludvig Adlercreutz (AVL). The author would like to acknowledge the Swedish Energy Agency, Energiforsk - Swedish Energy Research Center, for its financial contribution to the project within the scope of the program “Samverkansprogram Energigasteknik” – The cooperation research program Energy gas technology. This work was also made possible by financial support from AVL Powertrain Scandinavia. The authors thank research engineer Asko Kinnunen (AVL) and Petri Fransman (AVL) for help during experiments. Special thanks to Daniel Danielsson (AVL) for the assistance in setting up the experiments. Johan Fjällman is also acknowledged for his invaluable help in finalizing the report. The study had a working group with the following members: Thomas Åkerblom (Scania), Fredrik Königsson (AVL), Johannes Andersen (AVL), Jonas Modin (AVL), Andreas Cronhjort (KTH) and Mattias Svensson (Energiforsk).