Copyright #ERS Journals Ltd 2001 Eur Respir J 2001; 17: 765±772 European Respiratory Journal Printed in UK ± all rights reserved ISSN 0903-1936


Assessment of an infant whole-body plethysmograph usinganinfantlungfunctionmodel

B. Reinmann*, J. Stocks#, U. Frey*

Assessment of an infant whole-body plethysmograph using an infant function *University Hospital of Berne, Insel- model. B. Reinmann, J. Stocks, U. Frey. #ERS Journals Ltd 2001. spital, Switzerland. #Portex Anaesthe- ABSTRACT: In order to facilitate international multicentre studies and improve the sia, Intensive Care and Respiratory quality control of infant pulmonary function measurements, the European Respiratory Medicine Unit, Institute of Child Health, London, UK. Society-American Thoracic Society Task Force for infant lung function testing has recently developed speci®cations for standardized infant lung function equipment and Correspondence: U. Frey software. A mechanical infant lung model analogue has been developed to assess whether Dept of Paediatrics infant lung function equipment is able to meet these requirements. However, the University Hospital of Berne practical testing of infant lung function equipment using such models is highly complex Inselspital because of the need to use very small pressure and ¯ow changes, and the numerous 3010 Bern potentially confounding factors associated with both the design of the device and the Switzerland testing procedure. Fax: 41 316329484 The aim of this study was to determine whether the infant lung model is capable of Keywords: Infant assessing the overall function of an whole-body infant- plethysmograph, using the only respiratory function test infant plethysmograph that was commercially available at the time as an example. respiratory mechanics The mechanical characteristics of the model such as vibrations or noise did not disturb plethysmography the delicate plethysmographic measurements and thereby allowed a reliable assessment whole body of the system. A series of tests revealed that the plethysmograph was able to measure standardization airway resistance 1±3.5 kPa.L-1.s with an accuracy of ‹2.5% and 75±300 mL with an accuracy of ‹2.5% under in vitro conditions. Received: September 8 1999 To conclude, the infant lung model is a useful means of assessing the overall in vitro Accepted after revision December 29 2000 performance of infant whole-body plethysmographs, but thermal, mechanical and frequency response characteristics of such a device must be taken into account when interpreting the results of such assessments. Eur Respir J 2001; 17: 765±772.

To facilitate international multicentre studies and While the testing of isolated components of plethys- improve the quality control of infant pulmonary func- mographs has been described in detail in the literature tion measurements, the European Respiratory Society [10±15], there has been no guidance as to how the 7ERS)-American Thoracic Society 7ATS) working overall performance of infant-plethysmographs should group for infant lung function testing has recently be assessed. The latter is very important since even if the developed speci®cations for standardized infant lung physical properties of each component of the plethys- function equipment and software [1±7]. The assessment mograph adhere to speci®ed standards, their integrated of infant lung mechanics requires higher technical function might fail or display unexpected problems. demands of the equipment than when studying adults, To test the integrated overall performance of infant because of smaller signal to noise ratio and higher lung function devices, and particularly that of ple- . Whole-body infant-plethysmography thysmographs, a "mechanical model baby" which is 7IWBP) [4, 8, 9] is a particularly challenging technique partially able to simulate the behaviour of with respect to these signal to noise and calibration infants of 2±12 kg body weight has recently been built problems, but remains an important method in that it [16]. However, the practical testing of infant lung allows simultaneous assessments of airway resistance function equipment using such a model is complex and 7Raw) and functional residual capacity 7FRCpleth)in reveals unexpected pitfalls. This is mainly due to the these young subjects. The criteria which infant-plet- fact that the plethysmographic measurements in infants hysmographs should meet have been described recently are potentially and critically in¯uenced by factors such [4, 8], as have general aspects of equipment and as signal to noise problems and thermal effects due processing [1, 2]. Based on these guidelines, it should to motor vibrations and heating effects of the pump be possible to assess the mechanical and thermal when a model is placed within the plethysmograph. properties of the plethysmograph itself, as well as the The aim of this study was to investigate whether the linearity and frequency response of the signal transdu- infant lung model can be used to test the integrated cers. performance of an infant plethysmograph by testing the 766 B. REINMANN ET AL. only currently available commercial model 7Master- 20 min and hence no shift in baseline volume in a Screen BabyBody; Erich Jaeger GmbH, Hoechberg, plethysmographic box. Germany). The authors particularly wanted to inves- tigate whether an infant-plethysmograph can measure In summary. Based on recent standards [1, 2, 4], the lung volumes, ¯ow resistances and amplitude and phase minimal expected volume displacement in the box relationships between two corresponding signals 7pres- during Raw measurements is 1 mL corresponding to a sure or ¯ow, respectively) accurately, and to develop pressure change of 0.001 kPa 7DPbox)ina100L recommendations regarding optimal testing procedure chamber. The Sqirec linear motor pump did not when performing such in vitro assessments. cause signi®cant signal to noise problems or baseline drift in this order of magnitude and was, therefore, suitable for use in an infant plethysmograph. Methods and results

Study design Accuracy of in vitro volume measurements

For clarity, the protocol is presented in four stages. Rationale. FRC is an important physiological para- For each section, the rationale, methods, results and a meter in infants. During plethysmography, FRC is short summary are presented. Firstly, the in¯uence of measured from the changes in box volume 7DVbox)and the model itself 7e.g. vibrations, warming) on plethys- pressure at the airway opening 7Pao) during an air- mographic box pressure signals 7signal to noise ratio) way occlusion. Measuring small lung volumes in was assessed. Secondly, the accuracy with which an infant plethysmographs is dif®cult, since the ratio of infant plethysmograph could measure a range of model the measured lung volume to plethysmographic box lung volumes [16] at various breathing frequencies volume, which determines the amplitude of DVbox was determined. Thirdly, the accuracy with which an and thus the signal to noise ratio, is relatively small. infant plethysmograph could measure a range of model Although an infant lung model can potentially be air¯ow resistors [16] was assessed. Finally, the ampli- used to determine the smallest measurable volume, tude and phase relation of box volume 7Vbox) versus such measurements are complex. For example, whe- pressure at the airway opening 7Pao)andVbox versus reas gas compression during the FRC manoeuvre is ¯ow 7V 9) was tested, at 0.25±10 Hz [2, 17]. isothermal in an infant, thermal effects during ventila- tion of the model volume elements, together with any pressure losses due to mechanical leaks in the model, Effect of the infant lung model on the plethysmo- must be considered [16]. Nevertheless, as described graphic signals previously, the infant lung model can simulate effec- tive lung model volumes 7Vm)ofy50, 75, 100, 150 Rationale. Box pressure measurements in infant-pleth- and 300 mL and thermal and leak effects can be ysmographs are prone to environmental noise that will taken into account [16]. in¯uence the signal to noise ratio and the quality of the A second problem that occurs during FRCpleth data. Any vibration or heat generated from the motor measurements concerns the time constant of the of an infant lung model will crucially in¯uence mea- plethysmograph. Plethysmographs have an in-built, surements. The potential in¯uence of the infant lung well-de®ned mechanical leak, which acts like a mec- model on plethysmographic measurements were there- hanical high pass ®lter. This leak allows equilibration fore assessed. of slow pressure changes due to warming of air that occurs when an infant is enclosed inside the plethys- Methods. The infant model consisted of a computer mograph. However, if the time constant of the box is driven linear motor with two different exchangeable very short, not only slow pressure changes, but also pistons 7Scireq Inc., Montreal, CA, USA) [18] and those due to breathing movements, will be at least various volume and resistor elements. Its characteris- partly attenuated, with subsequent underestimation of tics and accuracy have been described in the accom- FRC. Thus, an ideal leak time constant has to be panying paper [16]. The composition of the infant established that allows equilibration of temperature lung model can vary depending on whether infant changes, while being long enough not to affect the lung volumes, ¯ows or airway resistances are to be lung volume measurements. An infant lung model can simulated. The effects of the model vibrations on the be used to determine this ideal time constant. box pressure signal were measured using a Honeywell pressure transducer 7model 163 PC, range ‹1.25 kPa; Methods. The lung model pump was placed inside the Honeywell, Freeport, IL, USA) and a 12 bit AD- plethysmograph and was connected to the mask board. The heating effect of the model pump, when connection port of the pneumotachograph 7PNT) 7®g. inside a closed plethysmograph, was measured over 1a), using a connector that was specially designed to 20 min using an electronic thermometer 7Impac ®t the Jaeger infant PNT. Pressure changes in the Tastotherm-Hum RP2, Q+S Control AG, Oetwil, model were measured using the Pao transducer sup- Switzerland). plied with the plethysmograph. Since measurements were being made on a lung model under ambient con- Results. Vibrations of the lung model due to pump ditions, the automatic body temperature and pressure, motor action did not cause any detectable box saturated 7BTPS) corrections of the plethysmograph pressure changes. There was no heat production over were overridden before starting these measurements. ASSESSMENT OF INFANT PLETHYSMOGRAPHS 767

a) Pbox

Pao Small piston

Linear motor Closed V50Ð300 shutter

b) Pbox

Large piston ∆V ' R1Ð5

Linear motor PNT V300

Fig. 1. ± a) Set-up used to assess the accuracy with which an infant plethysmograph can measure lung volume. The lung model con- tains a series of different volume elements 750±300 mL; V50±300) which were connected to the mask connector and effective volume of the model was calculated from changes at the model opening 7Pao) and box volume 7Vbox). b) The set-up used to measure airway resis- tance in a plethysmograph using the infant lung model. The lung model consists of a given volume 7300 mL; V300) and resistors R 71± -1 5.6 kPa.L .s) connected to the pneumotachograph 7PNT). DV9: change in ¯ow; Pbox: box pressure.

Specialized software 7J-Scope; Erich Jaeger GmbH) averaged 7mean and 95% con®dence interval 7CI)) and was used to save the calibrated real-time signals dur- presented as %pred of the model volume. These ing data recording. Vm was calculated from changes measurements were repeated at different half-life in Pao and Vbox as follows: constants of the infant-plethysmograph 74.2, 9.9 and 13.1 s). Since the half-life constant represents the time taken for a given pressure to decay to 50%, these V m ˆ‰Pbar|DV box=DPaoŠ{V ds;app 1† correspond to time constants of 6.1, 14.3 and 18.9, respectively. where Pbar is the barometric or ambient pressure, DPao the change in airway opening pressure in the model and Vds,app the apparatus dead space. These measurements Results. Figure 2 shows mean and 95% CI of the were done in WuÈrzburg, Germany at a barometric difference between expected and measured volumes pressure of 98.0 kPa, a humidity of 50% and a tem- plotted against the mean volume in a Bland-Altman perature of 20uC. plot. The two dashed lines represent the ‹2.5% accu- To assess whether the plethysmograph was capable racy range speci®ed by the ATS-ERS standards [2]. of measuring infant lung volumes, 5 measurements Volumes 75±300 mL could be measured with an were performed at each model volume 7V50±300: 50, 75, accuracy of ‹2.5% by the Jaeger plethysmograph. 100, 150, and 300 mL) [16] at a constant pumping However, V50 was overestimated by y9%, due to the frequency of 40 min-1 against the occlusion and a stroke very small pressure changes within the box of <0.001 volume of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 mL, respectively. The kPa during the assessment of this element. The accu- results were compared to the known effective model racy 7mean, 95% CI) with which the infant-plethys- volume in a modi®ed Bland-Altman plot [19]. Secondly, mograph could measure effective V100 at different in order to ®nd the ideal leak time constant of the breathing frequencies in the presence of various half- infant-plethysmograph, measurements of the model life constants is illustrated in ®gure 3. The dashed volume V100 [16] were performed at pumping frequ- lines represent the ‹2.5% error range speci®ed in the encies of 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 min-1 using a standards [2]. It can be seen that lung volumes were stroke volume of 2 mL against the occlusion. At each measured accurately when a half-life of 9.9 s and 13.1 frequency, the set of ®ve measurements was then s were used. 768 B. REINMANN ET AL.

12 a) 10 105.0 8 6 102.5 4 100.0 2 97.5 0 95.0 -2 volume % expected -4 b) -6 105.0 -8

Measured - expected volume mL volume Measured - expected -10 102.5 -12 100.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 97.5 Mean of measured and expected volume mL

% expected volume % expected 95.0 Fig. 2. ± Accuracy of in vitro assessment of lung volume. These data were obtained at a frequency of 40 min-1 against the occlu- sion. The difference and 95% con®dence interval between the c) expected and the measured volumes is plotted against the mean of these two values according to the method of Bland and 105.0 Altman [19]. It can be seen that whereas the smallest volume 7V50) was overestimated by y9%, V75±300 were measured within 102.5 ‹2.5%, as represented by the two dashed lines. 100.0 In summary. Using the infant lung model with vol- 97.5 ume elements between 50 and 300 mL, it was possible to test the accuracy of FRC measurements of infant- volume % expected 95.0 plethysmographs in vitro according to the ERS-ATS 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 standards [1, 2]. A series of tests revealed that the Frequency min-1 Jaeger plethysmograph was able to measure model Fig. 3. ± Accuracy of the infant plethysmograph in the presence volumes 75±300 mL with an accuracy of ‹2.5%. The of various half-life constants 7a) 4.25; b) 9.95; and c) 13.1 s) for plethysmograph was able to measure these effective the box 7mean, 95% con®dence interval). V100 was measured at Vm within an accuracy of ‹2.5% at all frequencies, frequencies of 10±120 min-1 at different half-life constants. The but only if the half-life of the box was set to ¢10 s dashed lines represent the ‹2.5% error range as speci®ed by the American Thoracic Society - European Respiratory Society stan- 7equivalent to a time constant of 12.6 seconds). It dards. should be noted that even if the model behaves poly- tropically, the expected pressure changes within the nected to the PNT 7®g. 1). A 300 mL volume element model and therefore the effective lung model volume 7V300) was placed between the pump and the various can be measured accurately at frequencies 10±120 . -1. -1 resistors 7Range: 1±3.5 kPa L s). The insertion of min using this approach. Volume measurements this volume element, which acted as a capacitance, using the infant lung model thus helped to identify was necessary to achieve changes in box signal during the ideal time constant of the infant plethysmograph. ventilation of the model within the plethysmograph, that were of a similar magnitude to those observed in Assessing the resistance of the lung model infants. V300 had previously been shown not to introduce any signi®cant phase lag between pressure and ¯ow changes in the lung model below pumping Rationale. Airway resistance 7Raw) is an important -1 physiological parameter to describe airway obstruc- frequencies of 120 min [16]. tion. In an infant-plethysmograph, Raw is measured The box was calibrated with the model in place, by relating changes in the box signal to the resulting having previously overridden the automated Jaeger ¯ow at the airway opening. As previously described correction factors for body weight by setting the infant [16], the infant lung model is capable of reproducing weight to its smallest value 71 kg). When calculating pressure-¯ow curves from various screen resistors resistance, changes in box signal have to be calibrated with a precision of <‹2.5%. However, measurements in terms of alveolar pressure change by establishing of model resistors within an infant plethysmograph the relationship between these two signals during an are complex and require a carefully designed pro- airway occlusion [8]. A similar procedure was perfor- tocol. med for the lung model, the stroke volume during the occlusion being adjusted so that DPao during the Methods. To examine whether an infant plethys- occlusion remained well within the range of the pres- mograph is capable of measuring the resistance of sure transducer. The model was then opened and such screens accurately, the model was placed within set to cycle at 1 Hz with a tidal volume of 80 mL. the plethysmograph and the model outlet was con- A relatively large tidal volume was necessary during ASSESSMENT OF INFANT PLETHYSMOGRAPHS 769 resistance measurements to ensure adequate changes in Table 1. ± Expected resistance, measured resistance and ¯ow and Vbox when using the lower resistance screens. percentage error of R1,2,4,5 The Jaeger software calculates the mean of 5 speci®c Expected Mean measured % error effective resistance measurements 7sReff = Reff6V300) resistance resistance of the screen resistor elements 7examples used: R1,2,4,5) kPa.L-1.s kPa.L-1.s from the phase angle between Vbox and ¯ow, wherein sReff represents the speci®c resistance measured over R1 0.80 0.87 +8.7 the entire "breath", using all the available Vbox/¯ow R2 0.96 0.98 +2.1 data points. sReff was corrected for an apparatus R4 2.22 2.25 +1.4 resistance of 0.38 kPa.L-1.s-1. The resistance of each R5 3.28 3.22 -1.8 screen was calculated as Reff =sReff/V300. R1±R5: Resistances 1±5. R1 shows the biggest error, which is The physical characteristics of the resistor elements probably due to very low pressure changes during ventila- 7R1,2,4,5) have been described previously [16]. The tion. measured values were compared with expected values based on the known resistances at speci®ed ¯ows and element of 300 mL was inserted between resistor and the effective volume of the model at the time of pump. A series of tests revealed that the Jaeger measurement. plethysmograph was able to measure resistances 1±3.5 kPa.L-1.swithanaccuracyof‹2.5%. Results. The accuracy with which the infant plethys- mograph measured one particular screen resistor 7R1) is presented in ®gure 4 which shows ®ve single Vbox versus ¯ow loops, together with the calculated mean Measurement of frequency response characteristics values of sReff and Reff. The mean resistance for each of the four resistances, together with percentage Rationale. During plethysmographic measurements, errors relative to expected values, are presented in looping between DVbox and either DPao or ¯ow can table 1. All resistances were calculated over the ¯ow be caused either by lung function abnormalities or by the physical properties of the equipment. It is there- range of ‹0.1 L.s-1. R1 showed the biggest error pro- bably due to a very small box signal during the fore essential to be able to check that the equipment resistance measurement. itself does not introduce phase lag between signals. Considering this, the ERS-ATS standards specify a In summary. By using the infant lung model with ®delity of the equipment of ‹10% in magnitude and various exchangeable screen resistors, it was possible ‹3u in phase up to 10 Hz [1, 2]. While in most cases to test the in vitro accuracy of resistance measure- this can be assessed traditionally using loudspeakers ments of an infant-plethysmograph according to [11±14], under specialized conditions such as in in- ERS-ATS standards [1, 2, 4]. There was no drift or fant-plethysmographs, where signals of very different noise introduced by the model, provided a volume magnitude 7Vbox, Pao, ¯ow) are to be compared and signal transducers are built into the equipment, an infant lung model is advantageous. 0.10 0.08 Methods. For FRC measurements 7Pao versus Vbox) 7®g. 5) the infant lung model pump was placed in the 0.06 plethysmograph and used to ventilate a volume ele- 0.04 ment 7e.g. V150) that was connected to the Pao port. V150 acted as a capacitance, thereby reducing the

-1 0.02 s amplitude of DPao during ventilatory "efforts" by the á 0.00 piston against the occluded volume outlet so that an appropriate signal to noise ratio could be achieved -0.02 Flow L Flow for both signals. -0.04 In order to calculate the effective phase relationship -0.06 between Vbox and Pao 7i.e. corrected for the frequency response of the model), the model was placed within -0.08 the box. The pump was then used to generate a a bcd e -0.10 pseudorandom noise signal Vp7v) ranging 0.25±12 Hz and the resulting oscillatory pressure changes in Pao -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 and Vbox were measured 7Pao7v)andVbox7v), respec- Volume shift mL tively). The signals were sampled with 1000 Hz and 12 bit accuracy using the in-built Jaeger AD-board and J- Fig. 4. ± A representative example 7R1) of the performance of the infant plethysmograph while measuring the infant lung Scope software. The magnitude and phase relationship model, showing changes in the box volume plotted against the were measured from the complex ratio Vbox7v)/Pao7v) corresponding ¯ow changes. It can be seen that there is only dis- and corrected for the in¯uence of the model frequency crete looping at a breathing frequency of 1 Hz 760 min-1) and response function. The frequency response function of airway resistance can easily be determined from these measure- ments. Speci®c effective resistance and effective resistance, respec- the closed model 77Vp7v)/Pao7v)) has been described tively, are as follows: a) 0.35, 1.30; b) 0.30, 1.10; c) 0.32, 1.18; previously [16]. In this set-up, the model was in series d) 0.31, 1.15; e) 0.31, 1.14. with the plethysmographic equipment. 770 B. REINMANN ET AL. a) a) 1.50 8 s 1.25 á 6 -1 L 1.00 á 4 kPa Resistance Magnitude 0.75 2 arbitrary units 0.50 0 b) b) 60 60 30 30 0 0 -30

-30 Phase degree Phase degree -60 -60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Frequency Hz Frequency Hz Fig. 6. ± Frequency response of resistance measurements. a) Fig. 5. ± Frequency response of functional residual capacity magnitude 7kPa.L-1.s) and b) phase relationship of box volume measurements. The relationship box volume 7Vbox 7v)) and 7Vbox7v))/¯ow V97v)) after taking the frequency response of the airway opening pressure 7Pao 7v)) in a plethysmograph after tak- model into account mathematically. At low frequencies the ing the in¯uence of the model frequency response into account magnitude re¯ects a resistance of 6 kPa.L-1.s as was used in this mathematically. The magnitude of attenuation 7normalized for set-up 7®g. 1b). At higher frequencies, ¯ow through the pneumo- Vbox7v)) in a) arbitrary units; and b) phase shift are plotted tachograph, and hence resistance, decreases. Over the frequency against the frequency range 1±11 Hz. range 1.5±11 Hz, no systemic phase shift appears.

As an analogy for Raw measurements, the model was model can be used to adjust for the latter and ensure then placed in the plethysmograph 7set-up ®gure 1b), better signal to noise ratios. However, since the infant the pump connected to a volume 7V300)andaresistor lung model will itself introduce some phase shift [16], element 7R )placedinserieswiththePNT.V300 acted 5 the frequency response characteristics of the model as a capacitance in series with R5 in order to create must be taken into account mathematically when measurable changes in V during these experiments. box assessing infant lung function equipment. The effective phase relationship between Vbox and ¯ow within the plethysmograph was calculated by generat- ing pseudorandom noise, measuring the new magnitude Discussion and phase relationship from the complex ratio Vbox7v)/ V97v) and then correcting these for the frequency The results from this study demonstrate that it is response of the model [16]. During this set-up the model possible to use the infant lung model to assess the was again placed in series with the plethysmographic overall function of an whole-body infant-plethysmo- equipment. graph within the accuracy de®ned by the ERS-ATS standards [1, 2]. This includes lung volume measure- Results. The results of the frequency response assess- ments, airway resistance measurements and overall ments for measurements of FRC and resistance are frequency response of the plethysmograph. However, shown in ®gure 5 and 6, respectively. From the cor- the precision of the test device is in turn in¯uenced rected signal phase-relationships, it can be seen that by various factors such as nonlinear ¯ows due to the maximum attenuation and phase shifts between turbulence in the model, polytropic thermal effects, Vbox and either Pao or V9 were close to the ERS-ATS leak and the mechanical behaviour of moving parts speci®cations. The frequency dependent decrease of 7e.g. piston) of the model. The validity, confounding resistance in ®gure 6 was not due to any de®ciency factors and potential pitfalls of such equipment with respect to frequency response but re¯ected both assessments are discussed below. the decrease of ¯ow at higher frequencies and the nonlinear pressure/¯ow relationship of the resistor [16]. Irregularities in both magnitude and phase spec- Infant lung model volume measurements trum 7e.g. at 5 Hz) were due to signal to noise problems during the measurements in this particular The infant lung model is capable of reproducing plethysmograph. model volumes 50±300 mL which equate to the range of FRC normally encountered in infants up to 10 kg In summary. The overall frequency response of an [2, 8]. The Jaeger infant-plethysmograph was found to infant plethysmograph can be assessed at up to 10 Hz be capable of measuring model volumes accurately using a lung model, even if all signal transducers are from 75±300 mL. However, V50 could not be measured in situ and have different pressure ranges. Careful within the limits given by the ERS-ATS standards due selection of the capacitance and resistance of the to the very small changes in box pressure 7<0.001 kPa) ASSESSMENT OF INFANT PLETHYSMOGRAPHS 771 under these circumstances 7®g. 2). The data also to overcome phase shifts due to temperature and demonstrated that such accuracy was only possible if humidity changes of respired gases [22], but this the plethysmograph has a suf®ciently long leak time approach has yet to be validated in infants. constant 7half-life >10 s for this particular plethysmo- graph). It should be noted that the infant lung model can Measurement of frequency response characteristics only assess accuracy under in vitro conditions 7i.e. mechanical characteristics of the box, accuracy of soft- Temperature and humidity changes, as well as ware algorithms, etc.). During in vivo measurements, ventilation inhomogeneities in the diseased infant temperature and humidity changes in a plethysmograph lung, can cause a phase shift between pressure and due to the presence of an infant may result in drifts ¯ow in an whole-body infant-plethysmograph [8, 9]. of box signal that may adversely affect the accuracy Similarly the equipment itself could introduce a phase of volume measurements. Such errors, together with shift by a combination of the compliant and resistive any resulting from algorithms designed to correct for elements of the equipment 7e.g. tubes to pressure thermal drifts, will not be picked up by the model unless transducers or compensation chambers). Fitting algo- an additional source of warmth and humidi®cation is rithms of resistance loops are highly sensitive to the added to the plethysmograph. If other plethysmographs presence of any phase shift. It is therefore essential are to be tested, the use of similar adapters with respect that any errors due to phase shift introduced by the to material and volume is recommended in order to equipment itself can be ruled out. An infant plethys- take thermal effects into account. mograph is just one example of where phase shift plays a critical role for lung function measurements. However, phase shift is a problem in all measurement Resistance measurements techniques that are based on two corresponding phy- siological signals. It should be noted that even if the The infant lung model is capable of reproducing frequency response of individual components of lung resistances 1±5.6 kPa.L-1.s which equate to the range function equipment adhere to the standards, the mag- of airway resistances normally encountered in infants nitude and phase relationship between two or more up to 10 kg [2, 8]. By using the model set-up as corresponding signals may be altered by the way they described under methodology, it was possible to assess are incorporated into the equipment. It is therefore how accurately the plethysmograph could measure mandatory to test the overall integrated frequency res- airway resistance. The optimal set-up of the model ponse of any lung function device. This can ideally be should include a volume of 300 mL 7V300) between the done using the infant lung model. It has to be noted pump and resistor to allow signi®cant DVbox without that any lung model will itself introduce some phase causing any phase shift between DVbox and ¯ow up shift [16]. Thus the frequency response characteristics of to 120 min-1. It is recommended that the model should the model must be taken into account mathematically be run at a pumping frequency <60 min-1.Thedata when assessing infant lung function equipment. suggest that the Jaeger infant-plethysmograph is cap- During FRC manoeuvres, the capacitance of the gas able of measuring model resistors close to the limits within the box, as well as that within the conducting, required by the ERS-ATS standards. However, it tubes, are primarily responsible for any equipment, should be noted that the situation of the model is related phase shift. For Raw measurements, the fre- different from the infant. Whereas in the model, quency response of the PNT and attainment of BTPS compliance is only related to gas compression, in the conditions are additional important factors. Environ- infant, lung tissue compliance is additionally important. mental noise is also critical for these measurements Thus, to achieve a given pressure change at the model and can lead to ¯uctuations in the frequency response opening, which is comparable to the airway opening spectrum, as will any thermal effects, which are par- pressure in infants, the tidal stroke volume of the model ticularly dif®cult to assess in an in vitro model. has to be smaller than the tidal volume of a breathing infant. Therefore, during in vitro measurements with the model, DVbox changes are smaller than during In conclusion measurements in infants of similar lung volume. Since the signal to noise ratio of plethysmographic measure- An infant lung function model which meets the ments in infants should be better, measurements of criteria recently recommended by the European Res- low resistances might be more accurate in vivo.The piratory Society-American Thoracic Society task force same is potentially true for plethysmographic measure- for infants has been developed. It has been shown that ments of very small lung volumes 7e.g.50mL). the signal to noise error due to the mechanical cha- The model was able to evaluate the accuracy with racteristics does not signi®cantly interfere with the which the mechanical components and software could plethysmographic measurements, and that this model calculate resistances in vitro. This is, however, only the can therefore be used to test the accuracy of whole- ®rst step. One of the greatest challenges to practitio- body infant-plethysmographs with respect to volume ners of infant plethysmography has always been the and resistance measurements and frequency response. achievement of BTPS conditions during Raw measure- Possible model set-ups that allow such evaluations have ments [20, 21] since infants cannot be instructed to pant been proposed. The performance of this model has been [8, 9]. In adults, electronic compensation of the Vbox/ illustrated based on measurements in a commercially ¯ow relationship has been introduced in an attempt available plethysmograph. Based on this limited overall 772 B. REINMANN ET AL. evaluation, the Jaeger whole-body infant-plethysmo- respiratory function testing. Lyss, New York, Wiley, graph appears to ful®l the European Respiratory 1996; pp. 191±241. Society-American Thoracic Society criteria regarding 9. Stocks J, Godfrey S. 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