
ADELBERT PURGA Editor-in-Chief

WILLIAM BAGLEY IJ11 .~i11 ess Manager l)~l)ICATIO~


THIS Book is d edicated to Dr. Le onard Bliss Job, Preside nt of I thaca College, a scholar, an edu­ cator, a man of forceful p er son­ ality whose warruth of soul is felt and radiated in e ver y contact; not a dreamer , not an iconoclast, but a man of vision and of inde pe n­ d ent thought in whose maturity ther e abides a k een and kindly unde r standing of the proble m s of I i fe in the younger gen e ration.

• • •


Your congenial a ssociates and your well performed tasks while at will have be­ come pleasant memories when you turn these pages of the

CAYUGAN. May it be a pattern for a beautiful fabric of life smil- ing under the illumination of hope, "As the waters of Cayuga Smile beneath the sun."

• • • ••







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ITt-iACA COLLl:61:

Location ITHACA COLLEGE is situated at Ithaca in the central part of the State of N ew York, ahout seven hours by rail from the of N ew York and ahout three hours from Buffalo. T runk lines of the Lehigh Valley and the Lackawanna R ail , roads afford spl endid rail way accommodation. R ail way accommodations are also had from the N ew York C entral Li nes. The City o f Ithaca is situated in the heart o f the wonderful R egion of C entral N ew York, at the head of C ayuga Lake, the largest and most beautiful of the Finger Lakes. The city lies partiall y on a plain and partiall y on three hills, on the cast, south and west which almost enclose it. This region is es pecially beautiful hy reason of its numerous waterfall s, cascades and picturesque gorges. It is a bnd of cataracts and waterfalls, of towering cliffs, ravines and gorges, a region that 1s a continual deli ght and surprise to the students as well as the traveler. Ithaca offers the cultural, social and artistic advantages of a cosmopolitan city whil e still ret,tining the refi nement of a city of 19,000 inhabitants and the freedom from the turmoil , distractions and temptations of a commercial city. Ithaca is essen­ tiall y a sc hool and residence city and possesses the intell ectual and healthful atmos­ phere that naturall y accompany such a community. N o more ideal location fo r a coll ege cou'd l- e imagined than the one Ithaca Colkge shares with C ornell University. The main block of C oll ege Buildings is situated cl own town facing De\Vitt Park, a heautiful city park. The residence hall s arc located conveni ently in d ose proximity to the College and li1:cwisc to the husincss section of the city.

History Ithaca C oll ege had its begi nning in 1892 w hen the Conservatory of W..u sic wa first organized. U nder the direction of its founder, W. G rant Egbert, the institution prospered and five years later the Williams School of Expression and Dramatic Art was organized and affi li ated with the C onservator y. In 19 10 the Public School Music Department was added as an affi li ated school. The affiliation of the School of Phys ical Education in 1920 ; The M a rtin Institute fo r Speech C orrections in 192 1: and The C onway Band School, w hi ch has now hecome the Band and Orchestra School, in 1922, r.1ark other important developments in the C oll ege. The institutional name fo r these a ffiliated schools as designated hy action o f the Board of R egents of the University of the State o f N ew York in 1925 beome ltlno C onservatory and Affiliated Schools. A board of trustees at this time assumed title to the property of the schools and the responsibility for administering the institution. On M arch 19, 19 31, the Board of R egents gave the institution a new charter and changed the name to Ithaca C oll ege.

[ l l l a=ACULT"" 1933 CAYUGAN

loA A. POWELL, A. M. Dean of Women

ALBERT E. BROWN, M us. D. Director, Department of Music

LAU RENCE S. H ILL, B .S. Director, Department of Physical Education

ADRIAN M . NEWENS, A. M. Director, Department of Speech and Drama

FREDERICK.MARTI N, Ptt.D. Director, Department of Speech Correction

J:titt,,pH EWING, A.B. Director, Church Music

f 14] 1933 CA YUGAN

W ALTER B EELER, M us.B. Assistant Pro fe ssor of Music

LYNN B OGART, M us.B. Pro fe ssor of Music

R OSE BROUG HTON, B .O.E. Assistant Professor of Expression and D ramatic Art

B. CATHERWOOD, PH.D. Professor of Social Science

ARCHELA US CHADWICK A ssistant Professor of Scene Painting

WILLIAM COAD, L.A.B. Professor of Music

GLADYS COATMAN, M.A. Assistant Professor of English

H . P. DENNISTON, M .D. Medical Director

[15] 1933 CA YUGAN

LILLIAN EWI NG In structor of 'Cello

J AM ES FREEM:\ :'I, B.S. Professor of Ph ysical Education

ELSBET H J ONES Professor of Music

ALMA K ELLY, B.S. A ssistant Pro fes sor of Ph ysica l Education

SIDNEY L ANDON , M.O. Profe ssor of Engl ish

J OSEPH L AUT NER, A.M. Pro fesso;- of M usic

BERT R. L YON, B.S. Professor of M usic

CRAIG M c H ENRY, M us. B. Assistant Professor of Music

I I 6 I 1933 CAYUGAN

LESTER M YERS Instructor of Music

W ALTER O'CONNELL, B.P.E. Associate Professor of Ph ysica l Education

W 1\L TER R OBERTS, B .S . Pro fessor of D ramatics

M ARGUERITE R OWLAND, M .A . A ssis tant Pro f essor of History

L EE SMAIL , M us.B . A ssistant Pro f essor of M usic

B ESS IE SPEED, A.B. A ssistant Professor of Language

J ENN IE W. T ALLCOTT, A.M. Professor of Education

L OU ISE TITCOMB Assistant Pro fessor of M usic

R u TH WHITE, M us. B . A ss istant Professor of M usic

FLORENCE WILCO X Assistant Professor of M usic

I s .ADORE Y AV ITS, A.B. Professor of Phys ica l Education

ELSIE YO UNGER, B.S. Professor of Phys ica l Education

I I 7 J 1933 CA YUGAN

OCTOBER 18, 1932

The first lthaca College faculty recital presented Professor William Coad, vi olinist. H e offered a very thoughtful and diversified program. M r. Coad demonstrated his skill as a vi olinist especiall y in the difficult and all too infrequently played Concerto in B Minor by Sir Edward El gar, as well as compositions of Bach and W agner.

O C TOBER 27 , 1932

" Outstandi ng Characteristi cs of Some M en of Literature" was the title of a lecture given by Professor Sid ney Landon of the Expression Department. H e por­ trayed a likeness of each man with some of his peculiarities, and a few of his most fam iliar words.

NOV EMBER 29, 1932

Albert Edmund Brown, Director of the Division of M usic gave a recital of songs in English. D eep basso resonance is the outstanding quality of Mr. Brown's v01ce. H is personality dominated a capacity audience at the Little Theatre, and combined with his dramatic music, produced an evening of song which was thoroughl y entertaining.

JANU ARY 24, 1933

Adrian M . N ewens, Director of the Department of Speech and Drama read Richard Ganthony's play, "A Message from M ars." The play has been read by Mr. N ewens in every state of the Union, with the exception of two, as well as in M exico and Canada. His familiarity with lives and with the action of the play were apparent in the cl ear portrayal of the characters achieved by him.

APRIL 23, 1933

Professor Lynn Bogart, H ead of the Violin D epartment presented an 1mpress1ve and pleasing group of selections on Sunday afternoon. His rendition of the seldom heard Lazzari Sonata was an example of fin e interpretation. The diffi cult T schai­ kowsky Concerto in D was convincingly played with outstanding technique. Beauty in tone marked Professor Bogart's public performance.



FRANK ADAMS Staten Island, N . Y. B.S. Physical Education.

BERTRAND A. ALLEN Brownvill e Junction, Maine B.S. Phy ical Education. EK: First Guide, EK , 3, 4 ; Freshm an Basketball ; Football , 2 ; Baseball , 1, 2 ; Manager Soccer, 4 ; Ice H ockey, 2; Intramural Athletics .

FRANK AXELROD Albany, N . Y. B.S. Phy ical Education. KKK ; Baseball , Basketball ; Soccer ; T ennis.

WILLIAM BAGLEY W estfi eld , M ass. B.S. Music Educati on.

THEODORE BAILLET N ew York , N . Y. B.S. Physical Educati on.

120J 1933 CAYUGAN

HAROLD BARR Jackson H eights, L. I. B.S. Physical Education.

LLOYD BARTLEY Fredonia , N. Y. B.S. Music Education.

FRANCES BATTERSON Ithaca, N. Y. B.S. Oral English. Amards; Oracle; Dramatic Productions.


B.S. Physical Education. EK.

RAYMOND BENJAMIN Schenectady, N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. KKK ; O racle; Student C ouncil; Presid ent, KKK ; Presi­ dent, Junior Class; President, Sophomore C lass; Vice- president, Oracle; Grand Presi­ dent, h: K K ; Bas ketba ll , 1 ; Baseball, 1, '2, 3; Soccer, 1, '2, 3.

121 I 1933 CAYUGAN

HELE BORKOW SKI Herkimer, N. Y. B.S. Oral English. Amards; Dramatic Producti ons.


B.S. Oral English. .i: Amards; Oracl e; Student Council ; Ithacan Staff; Treasurer, Amards, 3; V ice- president, Williams H all , 3; President, Amard3, 4: Dramati c P roduc­ tio ns.

HILDA BOWMAN Annville, Pa.

B.S. Phys ical Education. .i'V K ; .i; President, .i ,1, K, 4 ; Sergeant-at-a rms, .i , -+ : Bas keth:d I ; Base ha! I.

JO SEPHINE BR UNER Paxtonville, Pa.

B.S. Phys ical Education. Slf ; Seni or C lass Secretary ; Alumnae Secretary .ill, 4: Intramural Athleti cs.

MARJORIE BUSHNELL Rochester, N . Y. B.S. Physica l Education. .i wK ; Chap­ lain, _i,111( ; President, W es tminster H all , 4 ; Baskcth;dl , 1, 2, 3: Baseball , 2, \ 4.

122 ] ......


MARCO CARDONE Flushing, L. I. B.S. Phys ical Educa. tion.

BETH CARHART Schu ylervill e, N. Y.

B.S. Music Education: j\ fE : Glee Club.

THELMA CAUTIN Lake Pl acid, N. Y. B.S. Music Education. Glee Club; A Cappell a Choir: Operettas.

EDMUND CIONECK Amsterdam , N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. KKK; C haplain, KKK ; Soccer ; Track; Football.

EVA CLINTON Kingston, N. Y. B.S. Music Education. SAI ; Symphony Orchestra; Glee Cluh ; A Cappell a Choir.

123 ] 1933 CA YUGAN

HORACE COLE Sidney, N . Y.

B.S. Phys ical Education. KKK

MIL TON COLLARD Port Huron, Mich. B.S. Phys ica l Education.

VIOLA COVELL Lockport, N. Y. B.S. Physic;t! Education. <1)£l]l ; Chap­ lain, ..H I; Hockey ; Soccer ; Bas ketball ; Baseba ll .

JO HN C OX N esquehoning, Pa. B.S. Music Education. i\lA .

THOMAS CRAWLEY Schenectady, N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. KKK ; Football: Wrestling.

lz+I 1933 CA YUGAN

CATHERINE CRON IN Lawrence, M ass. B.S. Physical Educati on. .HI: Oracle; Historian, Oracle, 4: Fraternity Reporter; Ithaca n Staff: Intramural Athleti cs.

JULIE D'AGOSTINO Forestville, Conn . B.S. Phys ica l Education. Vice-rresident, Ogo's, 4: Hockey : Bas ketball ; Baseball.

VIRGINIA DARLING Ithaca, N . Y. B.S. Oral English. ~ ii> ; Amards: Dra­ matic Productions.

HILDA DAVIS So. Gl ens Fall s, N. Y. B.S. Music Education. Mil>E; Glee Clu b.

HARRY D EBLOOM Oneonta, N. Y. B.S. Physical Educati on. Football ; In ­ tramural Basketball.

f2s 1 1933 CA YUGAN

CLADYS DECKER Schenectady, N . Y. B.S. Music Education. A Cappell a C hoir: Gl ee C lu h.

DORIS DICKERT Brookl yn, N. Y. B. S. Ph ysical Education. .6.wK ; Intra- 1~1u ral Athletics.

FRED DIMENN A Glen Cove, L. I.

B.S. Physical Education. KKK ; Soccer.

ETHEL DIXON n.ochcster, N. Y . B. S. Phys ical Education.

FRANK DOORLY Yonkers, N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. EK ; President, E K, 4 ; Student C ouncil: Football ; Basket, hall ; Soccer: Intramural Athletics.

12 61 1933 CAYUGAN


B.S. Physical Educati on. (J\E K ; Student Council; Vice-president, (J, l~K: Bas ketba ll , l; Baseb,t!I , '.:; Soccer, 3, { ; T ennis, 3; Track, 1.

AILENE LA WR.ENCE DUNLOP M ari on, Ohio B.S. Music Educa ti on.

ALEXANDER DURAND Hawthorne, .N. J. B.S. Phys ical Education.

EUNIC E ELDER Sh effield, Pa. B.S. Music Education. S Ai ; Glee C lu b; A Cappella Choir ; Operettas.

MARTHA ELLIOTT Coudersport, Pa. B.S. Physical Education. ,1, .1 n ; Sergeant­ at-a rm s, <1> .lII, 3; Vice- president, Seni or C l;iss: Intram ural Athletics. 1933 CAYUGAN

HOWARD ERB Boyertown, Pa.

B.S. Music Education. Kr'l! ; Histori an, K l'\J, , 3; Chaplai n, Kr\J, , 4; Concert Band, 4; Orchestra, 4; G lee Club, 2, 3, 4; Oper­ ettas.

C LAIR EVANS Ithaca, N. Y. B.S. Music Education. MA ; Symphony Orchestra.

JANE EWING Dayton, Ohio B.S. Physical Education. t>II ; ~ ; Oraclt; Corresponding Secretary, ~II, 3; President, t>IT , 4 ; Treasurer, W . S. G. A., 3; Presid ent, W. S. C . A , 4.

LILLIAN EWING Marian, Ind. B.S. Music Education. SAT.

BARBARA GOLDTHWAITE Berlin , N. H . B.S. Music Education. SAT; Symphony Orchestra ; Little Theatre Orchestra; Glee C lu b.

1281 1933 CAYUGAN

G LADYS GROSS Paducah, Ky. B.S. Music Education. Gl ee Cluh.


B.S. Physic;tl Education. EK; Socce r; Hoc key; Track; Intramural Athleti cs.

JOHN HOLDEN Cape M ay, N. J. B.S. Physical Education. KKK ; Sergeant­ at-a rm s, K KK ; Socce r: Football : Intram ural Athleti cs .

MARY BELLE HOLDER W ayneshurg, Pa. B.S. Music Education. S Ai ; Student Council ; Glee C lub; Secretary Freshman Class; Vice- president, Sophomore Class; Secretary, SA I, 3; President, SAI, 4.

S. V. HUTCHINSON Port W as hington, N . Y. B.S. Physical Education.

[29] 1933 CA YUGAN

JOSEPHINE JACUZZO Geneseo, N. Y. B.S. Music Education. Operettas.

SOL JOCHNOWITZ Brooklyn, N. Y B.S. Physical Education.

LORRAINE JOHNSTON Cleveland, Ohio B.S. Music Education. S.-\J ; Ithacan Staff ; Glee Club: Operettas.

SADIE KANTOR Rochester, N. Y. B.S. Phys ical Education. Intramural Athleti cs.

RICHARD KEESEY York, Pa. B.S. Physical Education.

1301 1933 CAYUGAN

VIRGINIA C. KELLER N ew H aven, Conn. B.S. Oral English. Oracle; Dramatic Productions.

ROGER KILLIAN Holcomb, N . Y. B.S. Physical Education. K KK .

WALTER KORNO W SKI Batavi a, N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. E K ; Student Council; President, Athletic A ssociation; Football, 3, 4; Track, 2: Bas ketbal l, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN KUPSKY Berwick, Pa.

B.S. Music Education. K ['-11 ; Glee Club; Orchestra; Recording Secretary, KL~w ; Vice­ president, Kr'-11 ; Operettas .

PHILIP LANG Oceanside, L. J. B.S. Music Education. K l'\J! ; Oracle; Symphony Orchestra; Little Theatre Or, chestra; Music Editor, Ithacan.

I 3 I l 1933 CA YUGAN

MARJORIE LATOUR Ogdensburg, N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. ~Il; Intra, mural Athleti cs .

ARLOINE LEWIS Whites vi ll e, N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. ~'11K ; Secretary, :i.,1, K, 4 ; In tramural Athleti cs .

STUART LIN DH C ambridge, Mass. B.S. Physical Education. EK ; cJ>MA .

CHARLES LOESC HER Rochester, N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. EK ; Histori an, E l( ; Photographic Editor of Cayugan ; Soccer ; Junior V arsity Basketball ; Manager, Baseball.

GRACE LOZO Glens Fall s, N. Y.

B.S. Music Education . M E; Symphony Orchestra; House Comm ittee, N ewman H all.

J32J 1933 CA YUGAN

RACH ELE LUCIA H azleton, Pa. B.S. M usic Education. ME; Student Council; Glee Club; H istorian, l\IE; Itha, ca n Staff ; Operettas.

PAUL M ACKEY Atglen, Pa. B.S . M usic Education. l\'L-\ ; Alumni Secretary, MA, 4 ; Concert Band ; Little Theatre Orchestra; Glee C lub.

KATHERINE M AG ILL A lbany, N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. ,1,:.n; Intra­ mural Athl etics.

GEORGE D. MAIRS Scotia, N. Y. B.S. M usic Educati on. Kr,i, : Concert Band, '2, 3, 4.

HARRY D. MAIRS Scotia, N. Y.

B.S. M usic Education. K.l'\I,, : Oracle; Stu­ dent Council; Presid ent, Sen ior Class: V icc ­ president, Kr,i,.

1331 1933 CAYUGAN

HERMAN MARK Clifton Springs, N. Y B.S. Phys ical Education.

MALCOLM MAXON Bloomville, N . Y.

B.S. Physica l Education. KK K ; Football ; Base ba ll : M anager Basketb,tll, 4.

WILLIAM M cNAMARA T orri ngton, Conn . B.S. Physical Education.

C HARLES M EAD East Auro ra, N . Y.

B.S. Physical Education.

WILLIAM MILLER Larchm ont, N . Y. B.S. Ph ys ical Education.

[3+] 1933 CA YUGAN

LILA MILLS Granville, N. Y. B.S. Phys ical Education. Li "1 K ; Scrgeant­ at-a rm s, ..'i. ,1, K, \ 4 ; Intramural Athletics.

VELMA MINIUM Edinboro, Pa. B.S. Music Education. Glee Club.

W. ALAN MITCHELTREE Rochester, N . Y. B.S. Physical Education. KKK ; Student Council ; President, KKK ; Business M an­ ager, Once- A -W eek; Football ; Hockey; Manager, Hockey; Intramural Athleti cs .

EDWARD MONROE East Elmhurst, L. I. B.S. Physical Education. Wrestling.

MARY E. MOORE Ridge, M,uyland B.S. Phys ical Education.

1351 1933 CA YUGAN

VERNA MOORE Schenectady, N. Y. B.S. Music Education. S.-\T ; Student Council; President Ogo's; W. S. G. A. ; G lee C luh.

ROBERT A M URRY Bell e T erre, L. I. B.S. Oral English. Dramatic Productions.

MARG ARET MYERS Bcthl em, Pa. B.S. Physical Educa ti on.

BETTY NAYLOR Schenectady, N. Y. B.S. Music Education. SAT ; G lee Club; A C appella Choir; Sergeant-at-arms, S.-\.I, :, ; House Presid ent, SA T, 4; Operettas.

HENRY NELSON Muir, P;t. B.S. Music Education. M:A.

/36] 1933 CAYUGAN

RUTH NEWTON Sherrill, N . Y. B.S. Music Education. SAi; A Cappella Choir ; Treasurer, W estminster Hall.

CLIFFORD ORMSBY W estminster W est, Vt. B.S. Music Education. M .-\ ; Vice-presi, dent,

MARIAN PALTROWITZ Bayside, L. I. B.S. Oral English. Dramatic Productions.

HARRIET PENN IMAN W allingford, Conn. B.S. Music Education. ME ; Treasurer, M E, 4; Gl ee Cluh; Operettas.


B.S. Physical Education.

I 3 7 I 1933 CA YUGAN

MARJORIE POlHEMOUS Dover Pl ains, N . Y. B.S. Ph ysical Education. Intramural Ath, lcti cs .

MORELAND POTTER Trumansburg, N . Y. B. S. Music Education. Symphony O r­ chestra; Little Theatre Orchestra.

URSULA POWERS Buffalo, N . Y. I3. S. Phys ical Education . .lwK; Student Council : Corresponding Sec retary, ~ ,JJK , ~, 4.

ADElBERT PURGA Schenectady, N . Y. B. S. Music Education. if,iV[,\ ; Oracl e; President,

EMIL P URGA Schenectady, N . Y. B.S. Physical Education.

I 38 I


KENNETH RANDALL Fort Edward , N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. KT"1 ; Symph­ ony Orches tra: Concert Band.

DOM INIC R EBOL T O A lh:t ny, N. Y. B.S. Phys ical Education. KKK ; T rea­ surer, KKK ; Treasurer, Freshman C lass; Basketball ; Baseball ; Soccer; Football ; Coach, Freshman Bas ketball , 4.

JO H N REED Syr:tcusc, N. Y. 13.S. Physical Educati on. l~K: Football , ?,, 4 ; Basketball, l ; T rack, 1, 2, \ 4; l n­ tr:tmural Athleti cs.

FRANCES ROO T S M ansfiel d, M ass. B.S. Physical Education . .0,.,J,K ; T reasurer, ~ ,1, K; Intram ural Athletics.

WI IFRED ROSCOE Vineland, N . .J. B.S. Music Education. S Ai ; Recording Secretary, S.-\l ; House V ice- president, SAi ; G lee C lu b: A Cappclla C hoir; Oper­ ettas.

[3 9[ 1933 CA YUGAN

VICTOR SALVO White Plains, N. Y. B.S. Music Education. Kl'w.

HOW ARD SEITZ Lancaster, N. Y. B.S. Physica l Education. Football; Track; Tennis; Soccer.

ARTHUR SHARPSTEEN Waverl y, N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. EK.

JOSEPH SHECKARD Lititz, Pa. B.S. Music Education. MA ; O perettas.

ROMA SHER WIN Windsor, Vt. B.S. Phys ical Education. H ockey; Base, ball ; Basketball ; Soccer.

[+O] 1933 CA YUGAN

DON LEY SHULTZ lvlorgantown, W . V a. B.S. Music Education. Secretary and Treasurer, Conserva tory Department: Stu­ dent Counc il ; Assistant Manager, C ayu­ gan, ~-

FLORENCE SIDUR Whitehall , N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. ~\JJK; Vice­ president, ~ wK ; Histori an and Custodi an, ~\JJK ; Intramural Athletics.

C LELE SLAG HT Ithaca, N . Y. B.S. Music Educ:-ition. Symphony Or­ chestra; Glee C luh ; Ogo's; A Cappella C hoir; Operettas.

EDWARD SOMMER Bell port, N. Y. B. S. Music Education. l\lA ; Student Council ; President, P. S. M. Department; Sec retary l\L\: C once rt Band ; Little T heatre Orchestr;t; G lee Club; Operettas.

SIGM UND ST O LAR Brookl yn, N. Y. B.S. Physical Educa tion.

1+1 I 1933 CA YUGAN

LAVINA SWANSON Latrobe, Pa. B.S. Oral English. ~ ; Oracle; Am ards; Student Council ; President J., 4; Vice, president, Amards, 3; Sec retary, Oracle, 4 ; Dramatic Productions.

ERWIN TROPP T oms Rive r, N . J.

B.S. Music Education. K[''-1 1 ; Hi torian , K (',1, ; Chaplain, K['\J! ; Orchestra ; Band; G lee Club; Operettas.

JOSEPH \V ATTENBURG N ew York, N. Y. B.S. Ph ysical Education.

INEZ WAY Schenectady, N. Y. B.S. Physical Education. ~ll; Intra, mural Athleti cs.

WINONA WEED Enosburg foil s, Vt. B.S. Music Education. SAT ; Glee Club; A Cappell a Choir.

1+21 1933 CA YUGAN

JOSEPH WELLS Trumansburg, N. Y. B.S. Music Education. K l'w .

EDWIN WHITT AKER Adams, Mass . B.S. Oral English. Oracle; Student Council ; President, Department of Speech and Drama; Dramatic Productions.

DOROTHY W OOD Columbus, W isconsin B.S. Music Educa ti on. SAI ; Oracle; W. S. G. A. ; Ithacan Staff ; President, Oracle; Student Council ; Glee Clu b; Operettas.


B.S. Physical Education. .lTI ; .l

.lD ; House Presi­ dent,

SEBAST IAN ALIG Ft. Recovery, Ohio B.S. Music Education.

ARNOLD JOLLY Pittsvi ll e, P;i. B.S. Phys ica l Education. V :1 rsity Foot­ ha ll ; Basketball.

(43] 1933 CAYUGAN

Alexander, Frances Field, Thelma Mastin, Donna Ames, D oris Frazier, Aubrey Maxon, Malcolm / \ rioli. Frank Furr, Edna Earl e Meyer, Lora Barnell, Jerry Garber, Dorothy Morabito, Nancy Barnes, \Vinifred Gerling, Beatri ce Morlock, William Becker, Da\'id B. Gifford, M actha M urray, Thomas Bernhard, John R. Gleason, Betty Neff, Olwyn, J. Biltz, C hristine Gleason, John O 'B rien, Joseph Blanding, D onald C. Gross, El va O sborne, Sarah Byrne, Ruth V. H all, Orris M. (Left) Petty, William Cassella, Fl orence H eidt, Carl A. (Left) P f affenbach, Leah Christy, Roberta H erman, Virginia (Left) Pittroff, Madge Cole, Clyde H ickey, Edmund Pugh, Norman Cox, John H offa, Theodore Quill man, Dorothy Craig, Pauline Hubbard, Donald Roderick, Richmond Crocker, Dorothy Kahan, Leon Schum, H arold D'1\ nd rea. Joseph Ki ncaid, Edson F. Seil er, Richa:·d Depew, Tri s Ki pp, Edward S. Shelly, Dorothy Devine, Paul Kuz iw, Olga Smith, Eva Dodge, Eli:abeth Lafountain, Marian K. Taber, M arian Dowler, William Lanning, Van Li er Tremblay, Crace Dwyer, Emily Lawler, H arry S. Van Zant, Grace Eames, Ernest Leonard, W. B. Walden, Ned Eddy, Elizabeth Lux, Joseph F. Welch, Agnes En:, Elmer M acKa y, Stuart \Vestern, B. Spencer Fasulo, Bernard MacRorie, Roberta Whitney, Leonard (Left) Fehli ng, Fred Marble, Rachel Wickman, M ari an E.

l++ l

'l 1933 CAYUGAN

Bailey, Sidney K. Fisher, Charles A. Kennedy, Sylvia Rahner. John Bassett, Pauline B. Foster, Theodore Kenney, Ruth P . Recordon. M. Alo is Bianco, Josephine Freer, Eli:abeth Kilmer, Marion A. Reiman, Edward F. Bidwell, Joseph Frome, \Valter Kli ne, Frederick Roberts, Marton L. Brown. Gertrude C . Fuchs, Doroth y Knapp, D a'"id P. Ruland, Winifred Brown. John P. Garvey, Arthur C. Knipe. Laura Sawyer, Edwin M. Brown, Thomas L. Geyer, Fra nk Kreide,·. Fred Schnell , William Buono, Peter Godfrey, Marian Letts, Malcolm A. Scott, George Burrows, P aul ine Goodfellow, H arold S. Littler, Martha Shepard, A rch ur Bushnell, William M . Goodman, Maurice Li vecchi, Alfred J. Short, Joseph Caiazza, Carmen Green, Charles B. Lundie, Eric Si lva, Philip Call agha n, H arry Greenwald, G ladys M cNee, Grace Sm ith, Frances C. Callaghan, Raymond H ahn, Wil li am M anwill er, David H. Smith, Mary W. Call ahan, Thomas J. H alstead, M adelyn M uir, Robert Stanley, Burton Carvalho, Urban H arrington, Raymond '''Musser, Willard T ank, Joseph A . Clark , H arriet B. H a user, Gladys '''Napoleon, Frances Van Burskirk, 'Nilliam Cole, Jack C. H errick, Russel l Negus. M aryhclen '''Van Kurin, George Crandall , Phyllis H ess, \1/illiam D . Nugent, Thomas V ea:ie, William Cruikshank, Mary H ewitt, Ray O'Reilly, Gordon F. Voros, \1/altcr Custer, Mary I. H olland, Martha *Otto, Richard Walsh, Augustine DiN ucci, Roger H ouston, Priscilla Owcr,s, Clyde \Vard, M arie DiPasquale, Beatrice H oward, Raymond Palmer, M etcalf \\l eaver, Paul 0. Dunne, Mary R. H umphrey, Robert V. P atrick, Kenneth \1/ eber, Ke nneth Eldridge, Carl Hunter, Eli zabeth P erry, Luther W ii son, H arris Fall er, Anne M arie James, Catherine P ersia, Peter Young, Eli:abeth Farrington, D orothea Kell ogg, M arjori e Phillips. Alma '''Zanin, Mary E. Kelly, Thomas J. P rior, Miriam ( ,:, So phomore-) unic,r)

1+5 1

) ..... , . . . ,.. .. ,>Y -,

I: \ ._.., ·. it..' ~- ..__ :-, ' ~"':...... , ....., ..,, ,-- "' '--''- ._ ....._' I., '- .; .., ...... - 1933 CA YUGAN

Afinowicz, Michael T. Deeb, Lewis Johnso n, Dori s Pierce, Alvin H . Allen, Mildred V. (Left) DeHart, Gage Jones, Thomas E. Pismanoff, Ben A. Anderson, Kenneth D eKay, D onald V. Kern, Rufus Proller, Samuel Applegate, Melvin Dillon, John L. Landry, Tom Quick, S. Gertrude Appleton, Kenneth Dinsmore, Dorothy Larkin, Maurice Reuss, Fl oyd J. Arthur, George R. D 'Orazio, Joseph T . Lasher, Elizabeth Rhoads, Kermit Avery, Gordon Dorf, Richard W. Lauder, Jane W. Ritrovato, Rego C. Bame, Elizabeth Drake, Alan Libowitz, Lillian Rose, H oward V..1. Banfield, Bernice DuBois, Clifford Littrell, Roland Rose, Lillian Bentl ey, C. H. Dwyer, John R. Long, George L. Sayles, Stephen Berry, Edmund Ebb, Raymond Lowenstein, Elisabeth Schellinger, Jack Booth, Evelyn Elwell , C. Lawrence Lukens, Gwynth Smith, William M. Boyea, Douglas P. Ferguson, Daline Lumbard, Miles W. Stenzel, Kenneth Bradshaw, Sheldon H . Flynn, Ed ward F. Lutkus, Daniel Stone, W elton S. Grenner, Clari Furlong, William Lutz, Mary L. Straka, Stephen Brookin g, Jam es M . Fusco, Michael McCarthy, Fred L. Stull , Margaret Brown, Glenn E. Greene, Beulah McDermott, Angela P . Taft, Robert Buffo, Nicholas D. Habersaat, Robert W. Martin, Eleanor Tavis, Robert Bundy, Paul W. Hallock, Elizabeth E. Massip, Sal vator T ompkins, Alta M. Bunnell, Gladys M . Hansen, George K. Mockl er, Charles Tupacz, Eugen e M . Burnett, E. Marguerite Hatch, H arold J. Moore, Ruth Ann V aluck, Anne Cahill , Jam es F. H auber, Sherman Morette, Marlin Van Nostrand, G eo rge B. Campfield , Mary H awley, Gideon Muscalino, John Warren, H elen E. Clark, Bernard K. Hay, Donald S. N ich ola s, William White, Roy E. Cole, Starr, Jr. Hillis, Howard J. Ninesli ng, W alter Williams, Aubrey H . Connors, Mary E. H orowitz, Thelma Pasek, Ann F. Wiltse, Milton Cornell, William G. Humberstone, Dorothy Pasek, Elizabeth Yavitch, Dorothy H . D 'Andrea, Thomas A . Jackson, J. D. Paulin, Jane Y erzley, Laura M. 4-CTIVITl~J 1933 CAYUGAN

The man that hath no music in himself , N or is not mov'd with concord o f sweet sounds, ls fit f or treasons, s tratagems, and s poils; The motions of his spirit are dull as nig ht; And his affections dark as Erebus; L et no such man be trusted. S h a k espeare.

!+SJ 1933 CA YUGAN


During the school year there have been many or portunities for music students and others to take part in vocal and instrumental ensemble a nd recitals. The Concert Band has been under the direction of Jay W . Fay as has the Symphony Orchestra. These two organiza tions during the past two seasons have presented publicly in the Little Theatre, the nine Beethoven Symphonies and many other selections which have been fin ely received by good audiences. The vocal ensembles have contributed much to the experience of all those who have been privileged to participate in the rehearsals and the performances. The C horus under the direction of Bert R ogers Lyon p re, sented the " M essiah" at Christmas, and during the spring term studied Bach's B Minor M ass. The A Cappell a Choir under the direction of R alph Ewing made fin e progress. This grou p has given a number of programs in various towns and outside of Ithaca, besides presenting programs at home. R eference is made particularl y to the program before the R ota ry Club and in the Little Theatre. " Pinafore" was given fou r times in the Little Theatre under the direction of Joseph Lautner and W alter R oberts. Mr. Lautner also had charge of the M en's and the W omen's G lee Clubs which gave a number of programs during the spring term . Several stu, dent recitals have been given on Tuesday evenings throughout the year.

[+9) 1933 CA YUGAN



I sol 1933 CA YUGAN



[ 51 ] 1933 CAYUGAN

l)~VAllTM~~T O a= SV~~Ct-i A~I) UllAMA

The title " Speech and Drama·· fo r this department well expresses its activities . Formerly it was known as "The Williams School of Expression and Dramatic Art." The new name is quite in line with general university and college titles, it fits in with the plan of reorgani:ation lately taken pl ace and designates these two fi elds of profes­ sional work off ered by Ithae,1 C oll ege. Included in and vital to the program of the department are subjects and extra­ curricular requirements intended to prepa re the graduate either to teach the subJ ects of oral English and dramati cs or to enter the specifi c fi eld of the theatre as actors and actresses. In both these fi elds there are now many of the alumni. The professional value of the work done in speech and drama is attested by the fact that seven graduates were chosen fo r their specjal dramatic aptitudes and were cast by a producing company for tours in eastern states during the fall of 1932. These tours will be repeated in the fall of 19 3 3 and some of those same persons with others w ill be cast in plays for the coming season. N otable performances have been staged by the department during the past year. A cast of sixty was seen in " H e Who Gets Slapped" by Leonid Andreyev, a comedy­ drama and pageant of the European circus. This play drew crowded houses and received glowing comm ents from both the press and the public, especially for its en­ semble acting. "Winter Dust" by W alter C. Roberts w;is another unusuall y fine drama whi ch gave the theatre-going and drama-li ving public a title, a plot and performance long to be remembered. " The Importance of Being Earnes t" by Oscar Wilde was a later play of reputable presentation in that it was given to the public in two interpretations, one a farce and the other a strict interpretation of lines with p uppet action. Later plays in the year were " H edda Gabler" by Ibsen and " Mme Sans G ene" by Sardou. The Ibsen writing so well known and often perfo rmed offered opportunity for more modern classic acting ; and that of Sardou presented an a rt play of most fascinating and beautiful structure and mounting. All plays are rehearsed and presented with double casts, especially in the leading roles. Each cast appears in two perfo rmances and by adherence to this poli cy a brger number of students may take part in stage productions, and each cast may learn by observation the points of strength in which each excels. N o fin er acting can be seen anywhere than that under the deft and profession;i l hand of W alter C . R oberts, pl aywright, director and professor of dramatics, who has charge of all dramatic activities. The college, also, is particularly fortunate in its control of the time of A. D. Chadwick, artist in charge of scene design and scene painting. H e is responsible fo r all of the beautiful and expressive settings fo r the coll ege plays and operas and is ably assisted by his advanced students. In the fi eld of debate and public speaking the D ebate C lub under the able direc­ tion of Sidney Landon made a scholarly showing on the question : R esolved that the United States Should Cancel all Foreign W ar D ebts. Trips to out-o f-town sc hools were made: the members debated for the popular decision of their audiences.

I s2J 1933 CA YUGAN



Is 3 l 1933 CA YUGAN

• • • VAV§IT~ r=OOTl3ALL The Ithaca C oll ege Varsity team opened its season on O ctober 1, playing against St. Bonaventure. Although a 39·6 defeat was inflicted, the local team showed good playing possibilities. The fo ll owing week Ithaca C oll ege invaded Oswego and defeated a st rong N ormal team by a 12·0 score. The Ithacans were in Oswego's territory the entire game, but were unable to increase the tall y. C ortland State N ormal was met in the first home game of the season. The N ormal men threatened in the first half, but the defense of the Blue and Gold halted them. The game was a strenuous one to the end, ending in a tie. Opposing Middlebury in Middlebu ry, V ermont, the Ithacans went down to

This year, Coach Loescher's soccer sq uad was the largest in the history of the school. Without good materi al and adequate playing facilities, the team was hampered considerably. The Ithaca Coll ege Varsity sq uad was composed of the foll owing: W alden, Muir, Letts, H. Cole, Pitcher, Hess, V an Buskirk, Hoffa, Dorf, Stolar, M ead, Barr, Benjamin, D'Andrea, Dimenna, DeKay, Stenzel, Reholto, Bernhard, Pettingill . Allen was manager. O ctober 8, Cortland ...... 9 I. C ...... 0 October l 4, Panzer ...... 3 I. C ...... 3 October 2 2, East Stroudsburg ...... S I. C ...... 0 N ovember 5, Cortland ...... l I. C ...... 3



V wsITY Soccrn SQL·.,n

[55 ] 1933 CA YUGAN

The strongest Varsity haskethall team in the history of Ithaca C oll ege was molded by Coach Yavits. Fourteen out of sixteen games were won. The team averaged over fo rty points each game. The Varsity basketball sq uad was composed of the foll owing : Kornowski , Hawley, Hickey, O'Brien, Pismanoff, Patrick, Stenzel, Sharpsteen, R ecordon, H errick. M axon was manager. D ecember 2, Buffalo ...... 20 I. C ...... 2 3 D ecember 7, St. Michaels ...... 35 I. C ...... 30 D ecember 8, N or wich ...... 11 I. C ...... 47 December 9 , Middlebury ...... 33 I. C ...... 39 January 12, Alfred ...... 36 I. C ...... 45 January 14, Cortland ...... 35 I. C ...... 37 January l 7, H artwick ...... ?, l I. C ...... 56 January 2 1, M ansfield ...... 19 I. C ...... 59 January 28, East Stroudsburg ...... 3 7 I. C ...... 38 February 4, Trenton ...... 42 I. C ...... 49 February 9, Hartwick ...... 31 I. C ...... 58 February 18, M echanics· Institute ...... 29 I. C ...... 4 7 February 25, M ansfield ...... 31 I. C ...... 51 February 2 7, ...... 31 I. C ...... 27 M arch 3, Panzer ...... 44 I. C ...... 57 M arch 10, C ortland ...... '.23 I. C ...... ?i7

This year, under Coach R ebolto, four Freshman basketball teams were instituted. These groups were fast, playing a clean type of hall. The Fres hman basketball sq uads were composed of the foll owing: Furlong, Jones, Dillon, Larkin, Long, Arthur, El well , Muscali no, R euss, H atch, Clark, H ay, Brook, ing, Landry. Bernhard was manager. December 9, Binghamton H. S ...... 25 I. C. F ...... 28 January 6, W averly H. S ...... 16 I. C. F...... 34 January 13 , G enesee Seminary ...... 8 I. C. F ...... 'iO January 14, C ortland J. V...... 17 I. C. F ...... 26 January 18, Berkshire H. S ...... 14 I. C. F...... 20 January 2 1, W averl y H. S ...... 18 I. C. F ...... 40 January 27, Canandaigua H. S ...... 29 I. C. F...... 17 January 28, M anlius ...... 33 I. C. F ...... 24 February 3, M oravia H. S ...... 14 I. C. F ...... 39 February 4, N ewark V all ey H. S ...... 3 l I. C. F ...... 16 February l l , C ,rnandaigua H . S...... I 7 I. C. F...... 26 February 15 , M echanics' F ...... 34 I. C F ...... 44 February 22, M oravia H. S ...... ?,O I. C. F...... 41 February 24, G enesee Seminary ...... 22 I. C . F ...... 20 M arch 3, Theta Chi ...... 22 I. C. F ...... 27 M arch 10, C ortland J. V...... 18 I. C . F ...... 35

15 61 1933 CA YUGAN


I s71 1933 CAYUGAN

The Ithaca C oll ege wrestling team met its first defeat of the year at East Strouds· burg. The Bl ue and Gold outfit won three of the evrning's matches, and gathered 13 points to the opponent's 19. In the next meet, Ithaca encountered St. Lawrence at C anton, N. Y ., where it lost hy a 19·9 decision. The Alfred Coll ege team defeated Ithaca at Al fred , N. Y., by a l.'i 1/0>½ decision. The Blue and Cold grapplers faced M ansfield at M ansfi eld, N. Y. , where they were held to a 14 · l 4 tie. In the last match of the year, Captain M ead led his team to a decisive vi ctory over East Stroudsburg. Score : 22·8. The Ithaca Coll ege wrestling squad was composed of the foll owing: 11 8 lb. class- H. C ole, M ark ; 125 lb. class- M onroe ; 135 lb. cla ss- Li vecchi ; 14 5 lb. class­ C. Cole, Goodman ; 15 5 lb. class- V eazie; 165 lb. class- Mead ; 175 lb. class­ Fehling, Goodfellow; unlimited class- Hoffa, Greene, D'Orazio. O'Connell was coach ; C. C ole was manager. December 9, East Stroudsburg ...... 19 I. C ...... 13 January 14, St. Lawrence ...... 19 I. C ...... 9 January 28, Alfred ...... 15½ I. C ...... 9½ February 10, Mansfi eld ...... 14 I. C ...... 14 February 18, East Stroudsburg ...... 8 I. C ...... 22

The V arsity baseball picture which appears on the opposite page is that of the 1932 squad. This club had several veterans as well as new men; it was coached by Mr. Freeman. The 19 3 3 club is in the process of organization, as the Cayugan goes to press. Indoor pitching and catching practice is in full swing. The schedule to be played is as follows: April 27, East Stroudsburg . .... Away M ay 6, St. Lawrence ...... A way April 28, T renton ...... A way M ay 12, East Stroudsburg ...... H ome A pril 29, Panzer ...... Away M ay 1 7, H artwick ...... A way M ay 3, C ortland ...... A way M ay 2 2, H artwick ...... Home M ay 5, Clarkson ...... A way M ay 24, C ortland ...... Home

I 5Sl 1933 CA YUGAN


[ 59 J 1933 CA YUGAN

Of late there has been detected a tendency, especially in elite schools, to s ubstitute social life with cast implications for athletic prestige and campus activity - a m ovem ent led by lounge lizards.-Knute Rockne.

r 60 I 0~6A~IZATIO~\ 1933 CA YUGAN


T he Student C ouncil is . composed of undergraduates of Ithaca C oll ege, whose duty it is to protect and defend the interests of the students as a group. El ecti on to the council is made hy each organi za ti on in the college. The duties of the council are legislative, executive and judicial. Laws pertaining to student li fe at the coll ege originate in the council and its members are largely responsible fo r en fo rcement of these laws. Oracle ...... Dorothy W ood Ithacan ...... Emil Purga Adelphi ...... W alter V oros Cayuga n ...... • ...... Adelbert Purga W. S. G . A ...... Jane Ewing Se nior Class ...... Dudley Mairs Phi Mu Alpha ...... Cliffo rd Ormsby Junior Class ...... Rachel M arble ...... Do nald Hubbard Sophomore Class ...... Kenneth Patrick ... . . Mary Bell e H older Freshman Class ...... Ed mund Berry Mu Phi Epsil on ...... Rachele Lucia D epartment of Drama . . .. Virginia H erman D elta Phi ...... • ...... Ruth Byrne Band School ...... John Cox A mards ...... M ary Ell a Bovee P ubli c School M usic . . • . . . Edward Sommer Phi Epsil on Kappa ...... Frank D oo rl y Kappa Kappa Kappa .. . . Al an Mitcheltree General Music ...... Donley Schultz Phi D elta Pi ...... Doris A mes Physical Education ...... Charles Downer D elta Psi Kappa ...... Ursul a Powers 0. G . 0 ...... Verna M oore

[62) 1933 CA YUGAN

W. ~. t;. A.

The W omen's Self-Government A ssociation has as its ohject: to maintain a hi gh standard of conduct and decorum, and to strengthen the spirit of unity and individual responsibility existing among the women of Ithaca Coll ege hy practical, regulated cooperation. Several factors attribute to the success of the organization, namely : the few cases brought he fo re the W . S. G. A . Executive Board ; the association's repre­ sentation at a state coll egiate conference; the establishment of new precedents in the dining halls.

] :\NE EWING President

DOROTHY W OOD First Vice- president

D OROTHY GARBER Second Vice- president

V ERN.-\ M OORE Presid ent Outside Girls' Organization

M ARY SMITH 'Treasurer

WINI FRED B ARNES Cens11s Chairman

WI N IFRED R UL.'\ND Secreta ry

[631 1933 CA YUGAN

TH E ITH:\C.-\N is the weekly newspa per o f the unde rgraduates o f Ithaca C oll ege. M emcership to either the reporto ri al or business sta ffs is a distinct honor, and such mem bership is granted to those students w ho rate the highest in competitive tests. A governing board composed of students a nd fa culty has jurisdiction over the paper. This year, much time h as been sp ent and much effo rt expended in improving the w rite- ups and the contents in general. For the first time in the history of Ithaca C oll ege, TH E lTH AC:\ N has been recogni:ed hy reputable coll eges.



Business A ssista11ts RocER Di N ucci, JosEPH SH ORT

The C .-\Y UG.-\N is the annual chronicler published by the students of Ithaca C ollege. Its personnel is selected from amo ng candidates w ho take competitive tests at the beginning o f the school year. The board o f publications with representatives from the student and faculty divisio ns, governs the annual. The current issue is t he product o f tedious research in mod ern presntation of events.



[64] 1933 CAYUGAN

( / , / ::'r /z.o • Jt.,,~<.-//t~ ;LI .

..,,I ,.. • • ., ... ~ . ..,j. . 165] < t .. ~ , -l 1933 CAYUGAN


The purpose of OR ACLE is to grant recognition to students who demonstrate high standards in coll ege life, in scholarship and in extra curricular activities; and to help maintain a hi gh standard of scholarship, as wel l as a high standard of fellowship in the student body of the coll ege. The outstanding work of ORAC LE this year has been the conforming and adapt­ ing of its ideals to the changes in the standards of the coll ege. In accordance with the custom of the society, the class of 1932 was awarded the cup for having attained the most excell ent scholarship.

FRATRES IN F ACUL TATE Dr. Leonard B. Job Craig M cH enry Lee Sm ail W al ter Beeler Ida· A. Powell Jennie W. T all cott

FRATRES IN COLLEGIO Frances Alexander Dudley M airs Frances Batterson Emily D wyer V erna M oore Raymond Benjamin Elizabeth Eddy N aney Morabito Mary Ella Bovee Jane Ewing C lifford Ormsby Hilda Bowman Dorothy Garber H arriett Penniman Thelma Cautin Virginia Herman Adelbert Purga Pauline Craig Lorrai ne Johnston Emil Purga Catherine Cronin Virgi ni a Keller Lavina Swanso n Charles Downer John Kupsky Edwin Whittaker Ailene Dunlop Philip Lang Dorothy W ood

[66[ 1933 CAYUGAN



Richard Otto Frances Alexander G ladys H auser Clyde Owens Pauline Bassett Martha Holl and Miriam Prior John Brown Priscill a H ouston John Rahner Thomas Brown Robert Humphrey William Schnell Carmen C aiazza Eliza beth Hunter Joseph Short H arriet Clark Catherine James M ary Smith Phyllis C randall Laura Knipe Burton Stanl ey W alter Frame M artha Littler W alter V oros Arthur Garvey Eric Lundie M ari e W ard William H ahn Frances N apoleon H arris Wilson

167] 1933 CA YUGAN

October 7- M ad Hatter's Ball , Delta Phi Sorority

October 9- Delta Psi Kappa T ea

Cctober 10- Phi Mu Alpha Smoker .. ., O ctober I !- Delta Phi Formal Open H ouse

O ctohcr 16- M u Phi Epsilon T ea

O ctober 19- Phi Delta Pi Form al Open House

O ctober 2 1- Delta Psi Kappa In fo rmal Dance

O ctober 30- Kappa Gamma Psi Open House

O ctober 31- Amards H all owc·en Party

N ovember 2- Tri-Kappa Open H ouse

N ovember 11 - Phi Mu Alpha In fo rm al Dance

N ovember 12-Phi Delta Pi Thanksgiving Formal

N ovember 19- Kappa Gamma Psi Info rmal Dance

January 6- Amard T welfth Night Revels

Janu ary 13- Delta Phi Formal Banquet and Dance

January IS- Delta Psi Kappa Bridge

January 25- Amard Form al Initiation

January 26- Phi Delta Pi Jig- Saw Puzz le Party

Febru ary 6- Student C ouncil Dance

February 26- Phi Delta Pi Faculty T ea

M arch 12- Delta Phi Faculty T ea

March 17- W . S. G. A. Saint Patrick's D ance

M arch 24--Amard Informal D ance

J68] It shall be the object and purpose of this Fraternity to advance the cause of music in America, to foster the mutual welfare and brotherhood of students of music, to develop the truest fraternal spirit among its members, and to encourage loyalty to the Alma M ater. FRATRES IN U RBE Robert Boothroyd Charles Treman Gl enm o re H olm es Ch a rlcs Bl ood G eo rge C. Williams V ladimir Karapetoff Douglas Card Eric Dudley D . F. Van Vliet G eorge Daland Jerome Fried Rullo A. T all cott

FRATRES IN FACULTATE Sidney Landon W alter Beeler Bert Rogers Lyon Adrian Newens Lynn Bogart Joseph La utner Ralph Ewing Walter Roberts Jay W . Fay Albert Edmund Brown Leonard Bliss Job C raig M cH en ry

FRATRES IN COLLEGIO William Bagley Thomas Kell y Joseph Sheckard Thomas Brown Stuart M acKay Joseph Short John Cox P aul Mackey Edward Sommer Roger Di Nucci H enry N elso n Burton Stanl ey William Dowl er Cliffo rd Ormsby G eo rge Van Kurin Walter Frome Adelbert Purga \Valter Voros William H ahn Emil Purga Leonard \V hitney Raymond H ewitt H arris Wilson

r69J 1933 CA YU GAN

Iota Chapter of Kappa Gamm a Psi Fraternity was organized in 1929. Since that time the chapter has ex panded from the twelve charter to forty active members. The chapter is especiall y active on the campus, having members enrolled in all campus organi za tions and heading many of the principle divisions. The purpose of this Fraternity is to maintain high musical ideals and offer to its members the best possible musical atmosphere.

FRATRES IN FACULTATE Will iam Coad O scar Ziegler Archelaus Chadwick

FRATRES IN COLLEGIO Sidney Bailey Willard Musser David Becker Luther Perry Urban Cavalho Donald H ubbard William Petty Paul D evine Robert Humphrey Norman P ugh Elm er Enz Raymo nd H oward John Rahner H oward Erb John Kupsky Edward Reiman Michael Franko Philip Lang Victor Salvo John J. Geyer Donald Mairs George Scott John Gl eason D udley M airs Edward T ropp Anthony Go rruso Thomas Murray Kenneth W eber

I 701 1933 CAYU GAN


Sigma Alpha Iota, N ational Professional Music Fraternity for W omen, was founded in 1903 at Ann Arbor, Michigan. The objects of this Fraternity are: to form bodies of women who shall uphold the highest ideals of a musical education ; to raise the standards of productive work among students; to further the development of music in America; to give moral and material aid to its members ; to promote and dignify the musical profession; and to develop loyalty to the Alma M ater.

CHAPTER HONORARY MEMBERS Ruth B. Rogvis Alice Bi ve ns Mrs. R. N . Kenniston Lucy Marsh Amy Ellerman Catherine Williams Carmela I ppolito Ida Deck Haigh Catherine Tallbott


SORORES IN COLLEGIO Ch ristine Biltz El va Betty G ross Winifred Roscoe Florence CaJsella Mary Bell e H old er Eva Smith Pauline Craig Elizabeth Hunter Mary Sm ith Mary Custer Catherine James M arian T aber Elizabeth Eddy Lorrain e Johnston Guerti ne Tinker Eunice Elder Rachel Marble Grace Tremblay Li lli an Ewing Vern a Moore G race Van Zant Thelm a Fi eld Betty Naylor Winona Weed M artha Gifford Olwyn Neff Dorothy \Vood Barbara Goldth wa ite Leah Pfaffcnbach Elizabeth Young

( 71 J 1933 CA YUGAN

MU Vt-ii ~VSILO~

Mu Phi Epsilon, National H onorary Musical Sorority, founded on N ovember 13, 190 3 in Cincinnati, Ohio. There are fifty-eight active charters and twenty-six alumnae clubs in various musical coll eges and universities. Lambda chapter was established in Ithaca on February 19, 1909. The aims of the Sorority are: the ad­ vancement of music in America, the development of a true sisterhood, mutual welfare and loyalty to the Alma Mater.

SORORES IN FACULTATE Fl orence Wilcox R. M ae H olmes El sbeth Jones

SORORES I~ COLLEGIO Eugenia Adarnus Grace Lozo Beth Carhart Hilda Davis Rachele Lucia Phyllis Crandall Bernice Fin ch Sarah Marsh Margaret Crumb Dorothy Li ttle H arriet Penniman

172] 1933 CA YUGAN

l)~LTA Vt-ii

D elta P hi Sorority was founded on M arch 6, 1928 fo r the purpose of promoting friendship and sociability among the students of Ithaca Coll ege. D elta Phi is a local social sorority and is uni4ue in that its membership is made up of women from every department of the coll ege.

SORORES IN U RB E Mrs. Sidney Landon M iss Flo rence H owland M es. Leonard B. Job M rs. W illi am H astings M rs. C. Robertson Mrs. Bert Rogers Lyon Ylrs. Susan H arris Mrs. Isadore Yav its SORORES TN FACULTATE M rs. M aurice \Vilcox Mrs. Elsie Yo unger Miss Ida i\ . Powell Miss Gl adys Coatman Miss Al ma Kelly SORORES l N COLLEGJO Frances Alexander Anne M arie Fall er /\ ngela McD ermott \1/inifred Barnes D orothy Fuchs ancy M o rabito Paulin e Bassett Ed na Earle Furr O lwyn N eff M ary El la Bovee Dorothy G arhcr Sarah O sborne Hilda Bowman Beatrice G erl ing Jane P auli n Gertrude Brown El izabeth Gl eason G ertrude Q uick Ruth Byrne Elizabeth H all ock Winifred R uland M ary Campfield Madelyn H alstead M ary Smith M ary Evelyn Co nnors G ladys H auser La,·ina Swanson Mary Custer Virginia H erman M ari e W ard Virgin ia D arl in g Marjo ri e Kel logg A gnes W elch M ary Dun ne Sylvia Kenned y Marian Wickm an Emily Dwyer Winifred Kil mer M aria n W ooster Jane Ewin g Laura Knipe Ma ry Z a nin Olga Kuziw

173 J 1933 CAYUGAN

The Order of Amards is an outgrowth of the Dramatic C lub of the Ithaca C onservatory School of Expression, organi zed in September, 1898. In September, 1908, after a successful career of ten years, the club was re-organized on broader and more fraternal lines, receiving the name of Amards. T his year, the organization was active dramaticall y and sociall y, es peciall y during the Little T heatre T ournament. T he T welfth Night Revels may be added to its successful undertakings. FRATRES IN URBE Mr. and M rs . George C. Williams Mrs. B. R. Lyon Dr. Bro ughton M iss Gertrude Evans Roll o A . Tallcott FRATRES IN FACULTATE Rose Broughton Jennie Witmer T allcott Sidney Landon Bert Rogers Lyon Adrian A . Newens Archelaus Chadwick

FRATRES IN COLLEGIO Frances Batterson Emil y D wyer Martha Littler H elen Bo rkowski Michael Fusco Thomas Murrav Mary Ell a Bovee Dorothy Garber Sarah Osborne· Gertrude Brown Beatrice Gerling Madge Pitrotf John Brown Elizabeth H all ock Gertrude Quick M argueri te Burnett P riscill a H ouston Dorothy Quill man Mary Campfield Dorothy H um berstone Lavin a Swanson Mary Evelyn Connors Thomas Kell y Robert T aft Virginia D arli ng Laura Knipe Agnes W elch Elizaheth Dodge Olga Kuziw Laura Yerzley

17-+] 1933 CAYUGAN

Phi Epsil on Kappa was founded on April 12, l 9 13 . Mu chapter was installed on A pril l 7, 1926. There are now twenty- two active chapters and eleven alumni chapters. The aim of the Fraternity is to sponsor peace, friendship and brotherl y love. The objects of Phi Epsil on Kappa are : to encourage active participation in athletics; to obtain better health in mind and body; to strengthen bonds of brother, hood among its membe rs; to promote a better understanding among men; to advance the work of Physical Education in America; and to support all activities sponsored by the Alma M ater.

FRATRES IN COLLEGIO Bertrand Allen W alter Kornowski Robert Muir Milton Coll ard H arry Lawl er Joseph O'Brien Frank Doorl y M alcolm Letts Alle n Pitcher Charl es Downer Stewart Li ndh Emil P urga Bernard Fas ul o Charl es Loescher John Reed William H ess Dav id M a nwi ll er H arold Sch um Ed mund Hickey H erm a n Mark Arthur Sha rpsteen Richard Keesey William M cN amara Philip Sil va Edward Kip p C harl es Mead Spencer W estern William M o rlock

175] 1933 CA YUGAN

The object of Kappa Kapp,1 Kappa, N ational Honorary Fraternity i to ceme!1t together scholar hip, fell owship and leadership. The members of this orga nization arc charged with the res ponsibility of excelling in sc holarship and in ga ining presti ge for the Alma M ater and the Fraternity. " True leadershi p is possibl e through honor, able and upright living," is Tri,Kappa's ideal.


Frank Axelrod M alcolm M axon Raymond Benj 2m in Alan Mitcheltree John Bernhard Go rdon O'Reil ly Edmund Cioncck M etcalf P almer Thomas Crawley Kenneth P atrick Fred Fehling Dominic Rebolto Raymond H arrington Edwin Sawyer Theodore H o ff a \Vill iam V,rn Buskirk John H old en Ned \Vaiden William Leonard Jr.

176] 1933 CA YUGAN

Vt-ii l)~LTA VI

Phi Delta Pi Fraternity aims to advance the progressive development of Phys ical Education locall y, nationall y and internationall y. This common bond of fri endship and profession develops in the individual the proper attitude and spirit. It emphas izes true ideals of sportsmanship; the ideal citizenshi p; and the power in organized co, operation. SOROR IN FACULTATE El sie Hugger Younger


Doris A mes W inifred Barnes G lad ys H auser P auli ne Bassett Sylvia Kennedy Josephine Bruner Mari a n Kilmer Viola Covell Marjo ri e Latour Catherine Cronin Roberta M ac Rorie M ary D unne Katheri ne MaGill Marth a Elliott G race McNee Jane Ewing Eli zabeth M oore Dorthea Farri ngton Inez W ay Betty G leason Marian Wickman Orris H all Maria n W ooster

1,,1 1933 CAYUGAN

Psi Chapter of Delta Psi Kappa had its beginning in Ithaca Coll ege, February 12, 1932. Prior to this time the same group had been functi oning locall y as Alpha Sigma Chi. The national organization was petitioned because it sponsored the same type of aims, and upheld the same ideals. These are: to foster loyalty within the ,chool and the organization, as well as a general spirit of fri endship, scholastic attain­ ment, and sportsmanlike qualities. The unique quality of the Sorority is: the place­ ment of the sa me emphasis on intell ectual development and social graces, as on physical accomplishments.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Mrs. James Freeman Mrs. Isadore Yavits Mrs. Sidney H owell Miss Gladys Coatrnan

SOR OR IN FA CULT A TE Miss Alma Kelly

SORORES IN URl3E H elen Hickey Clark Mary L. Wood

SORORES I N COLLEGIO Hilda Bowman Lil a M ill s Marjorie Bushnell Ursula Powers Doris Dickert Frances Roots Arloine Lewis Florence Sidur

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The writers who have nothing to say are the on es you can buy ,- the others have too high a price . A genuine craftsm an will not adulterate his product. The reason isn't because duty says h e shouldn't, but because passion says he couldn't .-Walter Lippma n .



I 8 I J !




rs3 ] 1933 CA YUGAN

Has Been Awarded This Page For Having Sold The Largest Number of Subscriptions to the 1933 Cayugan


H ow M AN Y OF THE Fouow1Nc CAN You M ATCH?

1. Frances Alexander Dancing doll 2. Winifred Barnes M ichigan 1s what gi rl's favorite state? 3. Pauline Bassett " Lil y of Endicott·'. 4. Hilda Brown " You should see my winter jewelry"' . 5. Gertrude Brown Delta Phi's favorite cornfl akes. 6. Ruth Byrne Joe E. Brown 7. M ary Campfield Passion fl ower. 8. M ary Custer C hief baseball enthusiast. 9. Virginia Darling Favorite candy is Fudge. 10. Emily D wyer Favorite gem- T opaze. 11. Jane E wing G reatest saleswoman. 12. Anne M arie Fall er Popularized over-all s. 13. Dorothy Fuchs Sphinx. 14. Edna E. Furr Received roses for M other's D ay. 15. Dorothy Garber Pride and JOY of faculty member. 16. M adelyn H alsteau C hampion D elta Phi fencer. 1 7. Elizabeth H allock Impetuosity 18. M arjorie Kellogg Sail or's sweetheart. 19 . Winifred Kilmer Done up in Brown. 20. Olga Kuziw Merriest chuckl e in school. 2 1. Sylvia Kennedy " Bronco Lass". 22. Laura Knipe Coining Nicholas. 7, - .). Angela M cDermott r avorite planet - M airs. 2 4 . N ancy M orabito Better half of a D arling combination. 7 - -). Sarah O sborne Favorite sport - motorcycling. 26. Jane Paulin Cupid's aide. 27. Gertrude Quick Classic Greek. 28. Winifred Ruland D epth. 29. Lavina Swanson Xylophone enthusiast . 30. M arie W ard Unknown quantity. 31. A gnes W elch Who goes steady wi th a professional golfer? J'7 _ _ M arian Wickma;1 D elta Phi's Jean H arlow. , , J J . M arian W ooster \,Vho made scribble in books famous? 34. Emily R oberts Who is expected to have a military wedding? 35. M ary Z anin Anticipation. 1933 CA YUGAN


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Gymnastics as well as music should begin in early years; the training in it should be careful and should continue through life. Now my belief is - and this is a matter upon which I should like to have your opinion in confirm­ ation of my own, but my own belief is - not that the good body by any bodily excellence improves the soul, but, on the contrary, that the good soul, by her own excellence, improves the body as far as this may be possible. What do you say? - Plato.

[ 861 1933 CAYUGAN

Adams, Frank G ...... 155 Delafield A ve., Staten Island, N . Y. Afinowicz, Michael ...... 356 W. 78th St., N ew York, N . Y. Alexander, Frances ...... ,22 Madiso n A ve., Albany, N. Y. Alig, Sebasti an ...... • .. • ...... Fort Recovery, Ohio All en, Bertrand A ...... •..•...... Brownvill e J unction, Me. Ames, Doris E ...... • ...... Rich field Springs, . Y. A msden, Lyle W ...... South V ernon, Mass. Anderso n, Kenneth A ...... Savona, Y. Applegate, M alvin ...... • ...... •...... Ilion, N . Y. A ppleton, Kenneth ...... 140 Shaver A ve., Shave rtown, P a. Ariol i, Frank ...... 34 Stenson St., Rochester, N. Y. Arthur, George R ...... 8 Rumsey St., Silver Creek, N . Y. A ve ry, Gordon L...... 11 72 Ridge Road, Lackawanna, N. Y. A xe lrod, Fran k H ...... 665 Burke A ve., Albany, N . Y. Bagley, J. William ...... 23 Murray A ve ., W estfi eld , Mass. Bail ey, Sidney K...... • ...... • ...... Corning, Y. Baill et, T heodore R ...... 62 1·53 rd St., N ew York , N. Y. Bame, Elizabeth ...... Nass au, N . Y. Banfi eld , Bernice ...... 2 15 Gil es St., Ithaca, N . Y. Barn ell , Jerry ...... 72 Bridge St., A msterdam, N. Y. Barnes, Winifred A ...... H orse heads, N. Y. Barr, H arold H ...... 72- 15 41 A ve., Jackso n H eights, L. I. Bartl ey, Ll oyd...... \Vhite I nn, Fredonia, N. Y . Bassett, Pauline B ...... • .. • ...... 54 Stanley St., Mount Morris, N . Y. Batterson, Frances E...... 528 W . Buffalo St., Ithaca, N . Y. Becker, D avid...... 407 W . Simpson St., Mechanicsburg, Pa. Beckmann, Harry G. S ...... 8845· 18 7th St., H ollis, L. I. Benjamin, Raymond B...... R. D . 5, Box l 19 , Sc henectad y, N . Y. Bentley, Carlton H ...... South Shaftsbury, Vt. Bernhard, John R ...... 363 Main St., P almyra, N . Y. Berry Edmund...... 48 Division St., Kin gston, Pa. Bi anco, Josephine A ...... Wingdal e, N . Y. Bidwell , Joseph N ...... Friendshi p, N . Y. Bilt.: , Christine ...... 3 11 Center St., Ashl and, Pa. Bl anding, Donald C...... l Bl vd. T errace, Bin ghamton, N . Y. Booth , Evelyn A ...... Van Etten, N . Y. Borkowski, H elen ...... H erkimer, N. Y. Bovee, Mary El la ...... Adams. N. Y. Bowman, Hilda E ...... E. Main St., Annville, Pa. Boyea, Douglas P ...... Chazy, N . Y. Bradshaw, Sheldon H ...... • ...... 8 M ad iso n St., Cortl and, N . Y. Brennan, Donald M ...... •...... • ...... Rushvill e, N . Y. Brenner, Clair ...... M t. W olf, Pa. Brookin g, James M ...... Stillwater, N. Y. Brown, Gertrude C ...... • ...... Bridgeport, . Y. Brown, Gl enn E ...... 12 1 Ju niata St., Lancaster, Pa. Brown, John P. J r ...... •...... Corinth, N. Y. Brown, Thomas ...... 35 W . Main St., Granvill e, N. Y. Bruner, Josephine ...... P ax tonvill e, Pa. Buchanan, Barbara ...... l Parkway Place, Ithaca, N. Y. Buffo, Nichola D ...... Cobleskill , N. Y. Bundy, Paul W ...... Canandaigua, N . Y. Bu nnell , Gl adys ...... 618 N . Aurora St., Ithaca, N . Y. Buono, Peter ...... 24 Fayette St., Binghamton, N . Y. Burnett, E. M arguerite ...... Orchard Park , N. Y. Burrows, Pauline ...... 606 E. Cli nton St., Elmira, N . Y. Bushnell , Marjori e E ...... 177 Berkel ey St., Rochester, N. Y. Bushnell, William M ...... ; 77 Berkeley St., Rochester, N . Y. Byrne, Ruth V ...... 36 Van Buren St., Ki ngston, N . Y. Cah ill , James ...... Kingston, N. Y. Caiazza, Carmen ...... W el ls Road, Granvill e, N. Y.

193) 1933 CA YUGAN

STUU~~T 1)11:?~CTOI:?~

Callaghan, H arry C ...... 621 Broad St., Cape M ay, N. J. Callaghan, Raymond J ...... 621 Broad St., Cape M ay, N . J. Callahan, Thomas J...... •...... Off Main St., Dalton, Mass. Campfield, Mary E ...... 418 Monroe Ave., Scranton, Pa. Cardone, M arco F ...... 207 Lawrence St., Flushing, L. I. Carhart, Beth ...... Schuylerville, N. Y. Carvalho, Urban ...... Hilo, H awaii Cassella, Fl orence ...... Bristol, Conn. Cautin, Thelm a ...... Saranac A ve., Lake Pl acid, N . Y. Christy, Roberta ...... Tarentum, P a. Cioneck, Edmund F ...... 5 Krull St., Amsterdam, N. Y. Clark, Bernard K ...... Bridgewater, N. Y. Clark, H arriet ...... Ludlowvill e, N. Y. Clinton, Eva ...... 216 Downes St., Kingston, N. Y. Cole, Clyde E ...... ·...... 3327 Chili A ve., Coldwater, N. Y. Cole, H orace R ...... Sidney, N . Y. Cole, Jack C ...... 3327 Chili Ave., Coldwater, N. Y. Cole, Starr Jr...... Ilion, N. Y. Coll ard, Milton Charles ...... 1225 Sixth St., Port Huron, Mich. Connors, Mary Evelyn ...... 59 W ard St., Little Falls, N . Y. Conrad, Sara M ...... 38 Filbert St., Forty Fort, Pa. Copeland, Alice V ...... 2 10 South Hill T errace, Ithaca, N . Y. Cornell, William G ...... 1 State St., Canton, N . Y. Co_vell , Viola M ...... Lockport, N. Y. Cox, Jack C ...... Nesquehoning, Pa. Craig, Pauline ...... 209 Union St., Uniontown, Pa. Crandall, Phyllis M ...... 10 12 W alnut St., Elmira, N. Y. Crawley, T homas ...... 2 105 Gray St., Schenectady, N. Y. Crocker, Elizabeth D ...... 17 Crocker Ave., Johnso n City, N . Y. Cronin, Catherine H ...... 5 3 Brookfield St., Lawrence, Mass. Cruikshank, Mary E ...... New Hartford, N. Y. Custer, Mary I ...... Box 18 5, Hooversvil le, P a. D 'A gostino, Julie ...... Forestvill e, Conn. D'Andrea, Joseph A ...... 100 Em erson St., Rochester, Y. D'Andrea, Thomas ...... ½ Reynolds St., Albion, N. Y. Darling, Virginia N ...... 103 Eddy St., Ithaca, N. Y. Davis, H ilda ...... South Gl ens Fall s, N. Y. DeBloom, H arry G ...... Oneonta, N. Y. Decker, Gladys ...... Guilderland Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. Deeb, Lewis ...... 618 \V. Seneca St., Ithaca, N. Y. DeH aas, Eunice ...... Owego, N. Y. Dehart, Gage R ...... Pawling, N. Y. D eKay, Donald V ...... Fl orida, N. Y. D epew, Iris L...... Painted Post, N. Y. D ev in e, Paul N ...... Ch ittenango, N. Y. Dickert, Doris M ...... 675 Putnam A ve., Brooklyn, N. Y. Dillon, John L...... Newcomb, N. Y. Dimenna, Fred J ...... 10 Landing Road, Glen Cove, L. l. Dinsmore, Dorothy ...... 599 Madison A ve. , , N. Y. DiPasq ual e, Beatrice M ...... 1579 Culver Road, Rochester, N . Y. DiN ucci, Roger ...... Fall River, Mass. Dixo n, Ethel M ...... 76 Ferndale Crescent, Rochester, N. Y. Dodge, Elizabeth ...... Salisbury Center, N. Y. Doorly, Frank G ...... 68 Pocono A ve. , Yonkers, N . Y. D"Orazio, Joseph T...... 19 2 E. State St., Albion, N. Y. Dorf, Richard W ...... Elba, N. Y. Dowl er, William ...... 67."> Windso r St., M arion, 0. Downer, Charles S ...... 209 Cottage Place, Oneida, N . Y. Drake, Alan ...... 30 S. Forest St., Fulton, N. Y. DuBois, Clifford W ...... Swan Lake, N. Y. Dunlop, Ail ene L...... , ...... Marion, 0.

19-l] 1933 CA YUGAN

§TUl)~~T U ll2~CTOl2~

Dunne, Mary Rose ...... 486 Pawling Ave., T roy, Y. Durand, Alexander ..... • ...... 2 12 Lafayette A ve., H awthorne, N. Y. Dwyer, Emily ...... Port Allegany, Pa. Dwyer, John R ...... P atterson, N. Y. Eames, Ernest ...... •...... 26 Walnut St., Brattl eboro, Vt. Ebb, Raymond F ...... •.. • ...... 3 1 Stafford St., Forestville, Conn. Eddy, Elizabeth ...... Pittsfield, Mass. Elder, Eunice ...... Sheffield, P a. Eldridge, Carl...... Ostrander Road, Portervill e, N. Y. Elliott, M artha ...... 68 Robie Ave., Coudersport, Pa. Elwell, Lawrence C ...... 7 16 Madiso n Ave., Cape M ay, N. J . Enz. Elmer ...... Brandon, Wis. Erb, H oward ...... 3 19 E. Ave., Boyertown, P a. Evans, Clair ...... Ithaca, N. Y. Ewing, Jane ...... •...... •. . •...... 41 ."i Kramer Road, D ayto n, 0. Ewing, Lillian ...... •...... M arian, Ind. Faller, Anna Marie ...... • ...... Fryburg, P a. Farrington, Dorothea E ...... : ...... Wingdale, N . Y. Fasulo, Bernard B ...... Rotterd am Junction, N . Y. Fehling, Fred W ...... Kenoza Lake, N. Y . Ferguson, Daline ...... •...... H untington, N. Y . Field, T helma L...... Brattleboro, Vt. Fisher, Charles A...... P rospect, N. Y. Flynn, Edward F ...... 8 11 Locust Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. Foster, Theodore H ...... 16 W alk er St., Bridgto n, M e. Frasier, Aubrey D ...... Richmondvill e, N. Y. Freer, Elizabeth ...... • ...... •...... Gilbertsvill e, N. Y. Frome, W alter ...... •...... Belvid ere, N. J. Fuchs, D oroth y ...... 2027 Prospect A ve., Scranto n, P a. Furlong, William H ...... Johnsonvill e, N . Y. Furr, Edna Earle ...... Brookhaven, Miss. Fusco, Michael de la T ...... 40 Carroll St., Binghamton, N. Y. Garber, Dorothy ...... •.. • ...... •..•...... 387 Crescent A ve. , Buffalo, N. Y. Garvey, A rthur ...... Briarcliff M anor, N. Y. Gerling, Beatri ce D ...... 290 Divisio n St., Amsterdam, . Y . Gever, Frank ...... Ki ngston, P a. Gifford, Martha ...... Saugerties, N. Y . Gleason, Elizabeth M ...... •...... 307 Buffalo St., O lean, N. Y . Gleason, John ...... Ilion, N. Y. Godfrey, M arian ...... 13 2 South H ill T errace, Ithaca, N. Y . Goldthwaite, Barbara ..... • ...... Berlin, N . H . Goodfellow, H arold S ...... Newark V all ey, N. Y. Goodman. Maurice S ...... l ."i 1 Wilkins St., Rochester, N. Y. G reen, Charles B ...... Chester, N . Y. Greene, Beulah E ...... • ...... 13 17 \Vyoming A ve., Scranton. P a. Greenwald, Gladys ...... • ...... 2734 C laflin A ve., ew York, N. Y. Gross, El va ...... Wyoming, P a. Gross, Gladys ...... Paducah, Ky. Guptill, Mason H ...... 2 1 Lincoln Ave., A lbany, N. Y. H abersaat, Robert W ...... 4.'i4 W. H udson St., Elmira, N. Y. H ahn, William ...... • .....•...... Lehighton, P a. H allock, Elizabeth ...... 182 Broadway, Saranac Lake, N. Y . H al lstead, Robert N ...... 413 W . Clinton St .. Ithaca, N. Y . H al stead, Madelyn ...... 41."i M arlborough Road, Yonkers, N. Y. H an iman, Dorothea ...... M edway, Y. H ansen, George ...... 8 Maple St., Auburn, N. Y. H arrington, Raymond E ...... 33 Pacific St. , Granville, N. Y. H atch, H arold J ...... Granville, N. Y . Hauber, Sherman A ...... •...... Savona, N. Y. H auser, Gladys ·w ...... 5 17 H ighgate A ve., Buffa lo, N. Y. H awley, Gideon E ...... 84 M anning Bl vd., Albany, N. Y .

I 95 l 1933 CA YUGAN

~TUUIJ~T Ull?~CTOl?.,_,

H ay, D onald S ...... 26 Baldwin A ve., Fort Edward, N. Y. H errick, Russe ll A...... 316 W . Seneca St., Ithaca, N. Y. H ess, William D ...... 12 Regent St., Rochester, N Y . Hickey, Edmund A...... 116 Jefferson St., T roy, N . Y. Hillis, H oward J ...... •...... Bloomvi ll e, N . Y. H offa, Theo dore ...... R. F. D. 1, Box 33 , Schenectady, Y. H old en, John J ...... 65 1 Broad St., Cape May, N. J. H old er, Mary Bell e ...... 169 S. W ashington St., \Vaynesburg, Pa. H olland, M artha ...... Brattleboro. Vt. H orowitz, Thelma ...... 28 Davis St., Binghamton, N. Y. H ouston, Priscill a K ...... 72 W. Main St., LeRoy, N. Y. H oward, Raymond ...... Canandaigua, Y. Hubbard, Donald ...... 43 3 H al lock St., Youngstown , 0. Humberstone, Dorothy E ...... •...... •..•...... D elhi, Y. Humphrey, H elen C ...... 130 Curtis A ve ., Dalton, Mass. Humphrey, Robert ...... Ilion, N. Y. H utchinso n, S. Vincent ...... 120 Port Washington Bl vd., Port Wash ington, N. Y. Jackso n, James D ...... 20 Sammis A ve. , Babylon, N. Y. Jac uzw, Josephine ...... • ...... • ...... Geneseo, N. Y. James, Catherine ...... • ...... N ew Berl in, N. H . Jochnowitz, Sol...... 419 H art St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Johnso n, D oris ...... 7 3 Reid St., Amsterdam, N. Y. Joh nsto n, Lorraine ...... Lee A ve., Cleveland, 0. Johnston, Robert ...... N orwich, N. Y. Joll y, Arnold H ...... Pittsv ille, Pa. Jones, Thomas E ...... 3221·7th Ave., T roy, N. Y. Kahan, Leon ...... 418 North A ve., New Rochell e, N. Y. Kanter, Dorothy ...... • ...... 14 4 E. Spencer St., Ithaca, N. Y. Kantor, Sadie I...... 28 1 Wilkins St., Rochester, N. Y. Keesey, Ri chard E ...... 11 03 S. Queen St., York, Pa. Kell er, Virginia C ...... 114 W ake fi eld St., New H aven, Conn. Kellogg, Marjory ...... • ...... •...... D eposit, N . Y . Kell y, Thomas J. F ...... 9~9 Farnham St., Elmira, Y . Kennedy, Sylvia E ...... 1908 O sterl itz A ve ., Schenectady, N. Y. Kenney, Ruth ...... Adams, M ass. Kern, R ufus Jr...... H amburg, Pa. Killian, Roger .... \ · ...... H olcomb, N. Y . Kil mer, M arion A ...... • ...... 3 Clinton St. , Canto n, Pa. Kincaid , Edson F ...... Spencerport, N. Y. Kipp, Edward S ...... Lakev ill e, Conn. Kli ne, Frederick ...... • ...... Lehi ghto n, Pa. Knapp, D av id P ...... Chester, N. Y . Knipe, Laura L...... Lim erick, Pa. Kornowski, W alter L...... 46 Swan St., Batavia, Y. Kreid er, Fred ...... •.. • ...... •...... Lebanon, Pa. Kupsky, John ...... Berwick, Pa. Kuz iw, Olga H ...... • ...... 2280 W. 7th St., Cleveland, 0. Laf ountain, Marian ...... Adams, N. Y. Landry, T om F ...... • ..•...... Rotterdam Junctio n, N . Y . Lang, Phil ip ...... •...... O ceansid e, L. I. Lanning, F. V an Li er ...... W oodstown, N. J. Larkin, Maurice J...... 898 Second A ve., T roy, N. Y . Lasher, Elizabeth H ...... 111 Geo rge St., Saratoga Springs, Y. Latour, M arjorie E...... •..•.. •...... 713 H amilton St., Ogdensburg, N . Y. Lauder, Jane ...... 3 Orego n A ve., Schenectady, N. Y. Lawler, H arry S...... H am ilton, Y . Leonard, William J...... 4150 Pine Ave., Albany, N . Y. Letts, M alcolm A...... 141 Moore St., W averly, N. Y . Lewis, Arloine A...... Whitesvill e, N. Y . Libowitz, Lillian ...... •...... 42 Luzerne A ve., W est Pittston, Pa. Lindh , Stuart ...... 146 O xford St., Cambridge, Mass.

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Littler, Martha A ...... 130 Academy St., Manlius, N. Y. Littrell, Roland ...... •...... Schenectady, N. Y. Livecchi, Alfred J ...... •...... •..... 67 H anover St., Sil ver Creek, N. Y. Loescher, Charles H ...... 152 Catalpa Rd ., Rochester, N . Y. Long, George L...... 106 W. 17th St., Wildwood, N. J. Lowenstein, Elizabeth C...... Marl borough Apartsments, Baltimore, Md. Lo:o, Grace ...... Glens Fall s, N. Y. Luc ia, Rachele ...... H az leton, Pa. Lukens, Gwynth M ...... • ...... 43 2 W. W alnut St., North W ales, Pa. Lumbard, Miles ...... •...... 8 30 N. Aurora St., Ithaca, N. Y. Lundie, Eric ...... 209 Cl ifton Ave., N ewark, N. J. Lutz, Mary Louise ...... Prattsv ill e, N. Y. Lux, Joseph F ...... 124 Goodell St., Buffalo, N. Y. M cCarthy, Fred L...... 9 Third St., South Gl ens Fall s, N . Y. McDermott, Angela P ...... 4 Rogers A ve., Lockport, N. Y. McNamara, William T...... 36 North St., T orrin gton, Co nn . McNee, Grace T...... Delancey, N . Y. MacKay, Stuart ...... Saratoga Springs, N. Y. M ac key, Paul ...... Atglen, Pa. MacRorie, Roberta ...... Middlefield, Y. MaG ill , E. Katharine ...... 847 Jay St., Albany, N. Y. Mairs, George D ...... Scotia, N . Y. Mairs, H arry D...... Scotia, N .Y. Manwill er, D avid H ...... 3.iO Manning Bl vd ., Albany, N. Y. Marble, Rachel ...... Fort Scott, Kans. Mark, H erman J...... 12 Crane St., Clifton Springs, N. Y. M artin, Eleanor ...... , ...... Swansea, M ass. M assip, Sal vatore ...... •.. . ..•...... Freevill e, N . Y. Mastin, Donna ...... , ...... N ew , N . H . Maxon, Malcolm K . . , ...... Bloomvill e, N . Y. Mays, H elen ...... 306 N. Auro ra St., Ithaca, N. Y. M ead, Charles H ...... , ...... 262 Oakwood A ve. , East Aurora, N. Y. M eyer, Lora ...... Little Valley, N. Y. Miller, William F...... 16 Edgewood A ve., Larchmont, N. Y. Mills, Lil a G...... R. D. 1, Granvill e, N . Y. Minium, Velma ...... Edinboro, Pa. Mitcheltree, Alan W ...... 715 Ave. D, Rochester, N . Y. Mockl er, Charles ...... Mo ntcl air, . J. Monroe, Edward F...... 100-5 Astoria Ave., East Elmhurst, L. l. Moore, M. Elizabeth ...... Ridge, Md. Moore, Ruth ...... Geneva, N. Y. Moore, Verna ...... , ...... , ...... 1\ ltamont A ve ., Schenec tady, N. Y. Morabito, Nancy A...... 30 W . Parade A ve., Buffalo, N . Y. Morl ock, William E. . . . • ...... , . . . . . 3 Ninth Ave., Danbury, Conn. Morrette, Marlin ...... M echanicsburg, Pa. Muir, Robert ...... • ...... W ollaston, Mass. Murray, Thomas W ...... •...... Mohawk, . Y. Murry, Roberta M ...... Belle T erre, L. I. Muscalino, John ...... , .... . 583 South 1st St., Fulton, N. Y. Musser, Willard ...... Mohnton, Pa. Myers, M argaret ...... Bethlehem, Pa. Napoleon, Frances ...... 7 19- 19th St., Niagara Fall s, N. Y. Naylor, Betty ...... Belm ont A ve ., Schenectady, . Y. Neff, Olwyn ...... Sl atin gto n, Pa. Negus, Mary H ...... Lyons, N . Y. Nelson, H enry ...... Muir, Pa. Newell, El sie L...... Owego, N. Y. Newton, Ruth ...... Sherril l, N . Y. N icholas, William ...... Kin gston, Pa. N ineslin g, Walter ...... 44 A rrandale A ve., Great Neck, N . Y. Nugent, Thomas N...... 187 Parke r St., Lawrence, Mass.

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O'Brien, Joseph T...... 9 Albia A ve. , T roy, N . Y. O 'Reil ly, Gordon F ...... Brownvill e, N. Y. O rm sby, Cli ffo rd ...... W estm inster W est, V t. O sborne, Sarah . . .. , ...... • ...... 120 W . State St., lthaca, N. Y. O tto, Richard ...... , ...... , ...... Nesbit T errace, Irvin gton, N . J. O wens, Clyde ...... Pittston, P a. Palmer, Metcalf J...... Fair H aven, N . Y. P altrowitz, Marian ...... Bayside, L. I. P asek, A nn F ...... , ...... Dunell en, N . J. P ase k, Eliz abeth ...... Dunell en, N . J. Patrick, Kenneth S ...... Sackets H arbor, N . Y. P auli n, Jane ...... 497 Li nwood A ve ., Buffalo, N . Y. Pennima n, H arriet ...... , ...... W allingford, Conn. Perry, Luther C...... N ewark V all ey, N. Y. Persia, Peter A...... 1 N elson St., H oll ey, N. Y. Petty, Charl es W ...... 1083 Garner A ve., Schenectady, N . Y. Pfaffenbach, Leah ...... R. D . 1, Box 245, Schenectady, N. Y. Phillips, Alma ...... Phelps, N . Y. Pierce, El vin H ...... 340 Fort Hill A ve., Canadaigua, N. Y. P1smano ff , Ben A ...... 62 Pinewood A ve., Albany, N . Y. Pitcher, A llen F...... 404 Lenox A ve. , Oneid a, N . Y. Pittroff, Madge M ...... M an vill e, N. Y. Polh emus, Marjorie W...... Dover Pl ains, N. Y. Potter, Moreland ...... T rumansburg, N . Y. Powers, Ursula ...... 318 W ell ington Road, Buff alo, N. Y. Prior, Miriam ...... Baldwinsv ille, Mass . P roll er, Sam uel ...... M ain St ., Cori nth, N. Y. Pugh, N orman ... , .. , ...... , ...... Mayfi el d, N . Y. Purga, Adelbert ...... , , ...... 222 1 Guilderland A ve. , Schenectady, N. Y. P urga, Em il ...... 222 l G uil derl and A ve., Sche nectady, N . Y. Quick, S. Gertrude ...... 10 4 N. Titus Ave. , Ithaca, N . Y. Quillm an, Dorothy I...... , ...... N ew H artfo rd , N . Y. Rahner, John ...... H ill sid e, N . J. Randall , Ken neth A ...... , . . ... , .... . , ...... Fort Edward, N. Y. Rebolto, Dominic J ...... 13 Elm St., Albany, N . Y. Record an, M . A lois ...... N ewark V all ey, N. Y. Reed, John Michael ...... 209 E. Brighton A ve ., Syracuse, N. Y. Reimann, Edward ...... , ...... Ilion, N . Y. Reuss, Floyd J...... 176 Sycam ore St., East Aurora, N . Y. Rhoads, Kermit R ...... Moravia, N. Y. Ritrovato, Rego . . . . . , ...... , ...... Bridgeport, Pa. Roberts, Merton J ...... Bliss, N . Y. Roderi ck, Ri chmond L...... , ...... 92 M ain St., D ove r-Foxcroft, M e. Roots, Frances M ...... , ...... , ...... 140 Central St., Mans fi eld, Mass. Rosco e, Winifred ...... , .Box 188, Vineland, N. J. Rose, H oward ...... , ...... N ineva h Jct. , N. Y. Rose, Lillian ...... , . . .. , ...... 52 E. 6th St., O swego, N . Y. R uland, Winifred ...... , ...... , ...... , . . . , ...... Cobleskil l, N . Y. Salvo, Victor V ...... , ...... W hite Pla ins, N. Y. Sawyer, Edwin M...... , ...... 9 East A ve., W esterl y, R. I. Sayles, Stephan ...... , ...... 86 Pl att St., H orn ell , N . Y. Sayre, Carry] ...... , .. , . . , . . , ...... T ownshend , Vt. Schellinger, John H ...... 1009 W ashin gton St., Cape M ay, N. J. Schnell , William ...... , ...... 46 Eri csson St., Roc hester, N . Y. Schum, H arold E...... 222 M ain St., Attica, N. Y. Scott, George ...... Tamaqua, P a. Seil er, Ri chard N ...... 9 1 Old Forge Road , Ilion, N . Y . Seitz, H oward R...... 16 H oll and A ve ., Lancaster, N . Y . Sharpstee n, Arthur ...... , .. , ...... W ave rl y, N. Y. Shec kard , Joseph ...... Li titz, Pa. Shell y, Doroth y ...... , ...... Ki ngston, Pa.

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§TUl)~~T Ull?~CTOl?..,,

Shepard, Arthur J...... 830 W ash ington Place, Erie, Pa. Sherwin, Roma L...... 108 M ain St., Windsor, Vt. Short, Joseph A...... 106 H olt Ave., Clarksburg, W . V a. Shultz, Donley ...... Willey St., Morgantown, W. V a. Si dur, Fl orence E ...... 44 Saunders St., Whitehall , N. Y. Silva, Philip W ...... 134 Sheridan St., Portland, Me. Slaght, Clele ...... Ithaca, N . Y. Smith, Eva ...... Stockton, N J. Sm ith , Frances ...... D eansboro, N . Y. Sm ith, Mollie W ...... • ...... Mahwah, N. J. Smith, William M...... Windham, N . Y. Sommer, Edward B...... Bell port, N. Y. Stanley, Burton ...... Canandaigua, N . Y. Stenzel, Kenneth W ...... 19 St. Jacob St., Rochester, N . Y. Stolar, Sigmund ...... •. . ... 28 7 Logan St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Stone, W elton ...... 44 1 H udson A ve., Albany, N. Y. Straka, Stephen A...... East Grant St., McAdoo, P a. Stull , Margaret ...... Ralston, Pa. Swanson, Lav in a ...... 203 Ll oyd Ave., Latrobe, Pa. Taber, Marian ...... Jeffe rso n, N . Y. T an k, Joseph A...... 23, W. Kennedy St., Syracuse, N. Y. Tavis, Robert ...... Park Bl vd., Winston-Salem, N. C. Terrill , Civil W ...... V arna, N. Y. T ompkins, Alta ...... Middleburg, N . Y. Tremblay, Grace ...... 434 Fifth St., Schenectady, N. Y. Tropp, Erwin ...... T oms Ri ver, N . J. Tupacz, Eugene ...... Santa Fe St., Schenectady, Y . Valuck, Anne L...... 2 E. Abbott St., Lansford , Pa. Van Buskirk, William E ...... 164 Partition St., Saugeriti es, N . Y. Van Kurin, George ...... El mira, N . Y . Van Nostrand, George R ...... H icksvill e, L. I. Van Zant, Grace ...... Sidney, Y . Veazie, William H ...... 18 H udson St., North Adams, Mass. Voros, Walter ...... Briarcliff M anor, N . Y. Walden, Ned ...... Williamstown, Mass. Walsh, Augu,tine T ...... 76 Abbott St., Lawrence, Mass. Ward, Marie ...... Ki ngston, N . Y. Warren, H elen E...... 79 E. Orvis St., Massena, N . Y. 'w'attenburg, Joseph ...... 1460 Macombs Road, New York, N. Y. Way, I nez S...... '...... 1626 Union St., Schenectady, Y. Weaver, Paul ...... Lehighton, Pa. Weber, Kenneth A...... 26 Thomas Ave., Batavia, N . Y. \Veed, \Vinona ...... •..•..•...... Enosburg Fall s, Vt. Welch, A gnes M...... H olm swood Road, Orchard Park, N. Y. Wells, Joseph ...... T rumansburg, N. Y . W estern, B. Spencer ...... Poland, N . Y. White, Roy ...... Boli var, N. Y. Whittaker, Edwin ...... 11 Randall St., Adams, M ass. Wickman, M arian E ...... • ...... • ... 270 Cedarwood T errace, Rochester, N. Y . William s. Aubrey ...... W atervill e, N. Y. Wilson, H arris ...... Springfield, Ohio Wilson, Joseph in e M ...... H eights Court Apts., Ithaca, N. Y . Wiltsie, Milton L...... Richfield Springs, N. Y. Wood, Dorothy ...... Columbus, Wis. Wooster, M arian E...... 9 Nanticoke A ve., Endicott, N. Y. Yavitch, Dorothy H ...... 408 Stewart A ve., Ithaca, N . Y. Yerzley, Laura M ...... 149 N. 12th St., Newark, N . J. Young, Elizabeth ...... • ...... Latrobe, P a. Zanin, Mary ...... Tamaqua, Pa.

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