February 27, 2020

STS, Studies Subcommittee [email protected] Peter Mackin, Studies Subcommittee Chair [email protected]

Doug Tucker, WECC Staff Engineer [email protected]

Subject: Department of Water and Power (LADWP) 2019 Annual Progress Report

In accordance with the WECC Progress Report Policies and Procedures, the following is LADWP’s 2019 Annual Progress Report. These planned facility modifications and additions are in conformance with NERC Standards and WECC “Project Coordination, Path Rating and Progress Report Processes” guideline. These projects do not have regional impacts to the WECC Interconnected System.

The following projects have been granted waiver status

Facility Status In-Service Valley - Rinaldi 230 kV Line 1 & 2 Reconductoring Budgeted Jan 2020 Victorville 287kV Station Voltage Upgrade to 300kV Budgeted June 2020 New Castaic – Haskell 230kV Line 3 Budgeted October 2020 Rinaldi - Tarzana 230 kV Line 1 & 2 Upgrade Budgeted March 2022 Relocate PP1&PP2-Olive 115Kv Lines to Haskell Canyon Budgeted December 2022 Station Barren Ridge - Haskell 230 kV Line 1 Upgrade Budgeted December 2022 Toluca 500/230 kV Bank H Upgrade Budgeted December 2021 Lugo - Victorville 500 kV Line 1 and terminal equipment Budgeted August 2021 Upgrade to 5,000A (Disconnects, CBs, wavetraps, and T-towers) New 230 kV Rosamond Station in the Barren Ridge – Budgeted December 2023 Haskell Canyon Corridor New 230 kV Receiving Station X in the Scattergood – Budgeted February 2023 Olympic Area

LADWP requests a Waiver of “Significant Transmission Project”

LADWP is not seeking a path rating for any of the Projects listed below, which are required to serve load and improve local reliability in the long term planning horizon. Completed studies have demonstrated there are no disturbances or flow of energy impacts on other entities systems.

No WECC transfer paths have been identified as impacted by these Projects. No flow control devices have been planned for any of the proposed Projects. These projects are not expected to have significant impacts on the operation of the Western Interconnected System. Thus, LADWP requests waiver of “Significant Transmission Project” status for the purpose of the Project Coordination Review Process.

Transmission projects and upgrades with voltage levels over 200 kV

Modifications to existing facilities on the 230 kV beltline

These facilities directly feed load at LADWP Receiving Stations in the Los Angeles basin. These modifications are expected to have no regional impact.

Facility Status In-Service RS-J (Northridge) 230kV CB & DiscSw Upgrades Budgeted September 2019 RS-B Voltage Upgrade to 300kV Budgeted June 2020 Voltage Upgrade 300kV Budgeted June 2020 Victorville Bank K Upgrade (500kV;960/1260MVA) Budgeted December 2020 RS-E 230kV Reactor Installation (90 MVAR) Budgeted December 2020 Scattergood – Airport Line 1 138 kV Upgrade Budgeted June 2021 Valley - Toluca 230 kV Line 1 & 2 Reconductoring Budgeted May 2022 Haskell - Sylmar 230 kVLine 2 Construction Budgeted May 2022 Rinaldi RS 230kV CB & Disc Sw Upgrades (5KA) Budgeted December 2022 Marketplace 500kV Reactor New Installation Budgeted December 2022 Pershing - Olympic 230 kV Cable B Construction Budgeted February 2023 Scattergood – Pershing Olympic 230 kV Cable B Budgeted February 2023 Tarzana - Olympic 1A and 1B (Convert from 138kV to Budgeted January 2024 230kV) Toluca-Hollywood Underground Line 1 Replacement N/A June 2025 (230kV)

Transformer upgrades and additions on the 500 kV system

These circuits deliver power to LADWP’s 138/230 kV beltline. These modifications are expected to have no regional impact.

Facility Status In-Service Victorville Bank K Upgrade (500kV; 960/1260MVA) Budgeted December 2020 Adelanto-Toluca 500 kV Line 1 Rating Increase TBD December 2026 Adelanto-Rinaldi 500 kV Line 1 Rating Increase TBD December 2023

Victorville-Rinaldi 500 kV Line 1 Rating Increase TBD December 2021 RS-B Banks F Replacement (480/705MVA) Budgeted October 2020 RS-K 138kV-230kV Bus Bank E Upgrades Budgeted October 2020 RS-K 138kV-230kV Bus Bank F Upgrades Budgeted December 2021

Generation projects and upgrades of 20 MW or greater

Generation Additions – These are all new photovoltaic central station faculties

Project / Location Capacity Status In-Service date Upgrade Eland 1 Barren Ridge Switching (Solar: PPA signed June 2023 Station 200MW with BESS: 100MW) Eland 2 Barren Ridge Switching (Solar: PPA signed November 2023 Station 200MW with BESS: 100MW)

Initial Progress Reports

Apex- Crystal 500kV line

A new 500 kV line from the Apex generating station to the Crystal substation. The project is designed to provide a direct path the LADWP owned generating station into the LADWP balancing authority. The Apex – Crystal Transmission project is currently in the process of sending a Request for Proposal (RFP) through SCPPA in order to obtain a consultant engineer to complete a 60% design with technical specification. SSR/SSCI studies are in process as requested by NV Energy. This project is estimated to be in service by June 2023.

McCullough-Victorville Series compensation upgrade 500kV line

The McCullough Series compensation project consists of adding additional compensation from 35% to 70% on McCullough- Victorville line 1 and 2. The intent of the upgrade is to increase the West of River transfer capability in conjunction with SCE Lugo-Mohave and Eldorado- Lugo. LADWP has completed phase 3 of the WECC Path rating process for path 46 (West of River) in collaboration with SCE in order to increase the path rating to 13,400MW. The project is schedule to be in service by December 2022.

Please note that LADWP is currently performing joint studies with SCE for (Lugo- Victorville 500kv) which has not yet been completed. Lugo - Victorville project includes upgrading terminal equipment at Victorville Switching Station, and transmission line mitigation to increase the rating to 4000 A continuous, and 4500 A emergency rating. This project is currently being scheduled to be in-service by June of 2021.

If you have any questions, please contact Jonathon Flores at (213) 367-0420, [email protected]

Thank you.