High-Dose Review

The Safety and Efficacy of High-Dose Chromium Davis W. Lamson, MS, ND, and Steven M. Plaza, ND, LAc

Abstract malabsorption or to pharmacologically influence The data on the standards for chromium the chemistry of blood sugar control in diabetics. requirements and the safety of various Questions have arisen as to whether chromium at chromium compounds and doses are higher dosages can cause DNA fragmentation reviewed. The 350-fold difference between the (clastogenic effect), which is separate from any acceptable daily intake and the calculated issue of biochemical toxicity. While evidence for reference dose for humans of 70 mg per day this concern is sparse, the question deserves to be seems without precedent with respect to other examined along with potential benefits of higher nutritional minerals. Previous claims of chromium doses. mutagenic effects of chromium are of Chromium compounds (along with other questionable relevance. While studies have higher-than-divalent minerals) are not readily ab- found DNA fragmentation (clastogenic effects) sorbed. Along with the question of chromium dos- by chromium picolinate, anecdotal reports of age level, there is also the question of potential high-dose chromium picolinate toxicity are few variation in absorption or utilization with differ- and ambiguous. The beneficial effects of ent chromium compounds. The data on chromium chromium on serum glucose and lipids and surveyed below includes historical background of insulin resistance occur even in the healthy. biological effects, as well as results of chromium Serum glucose can be improved by chromium supplementation on hypoglycemia, diabetes, se- supplementation in both types 1 and 2 rum cholesterol, serum dehydroepiandrosterone diabetes, and the effect appears dose (DHEA), and calcium excretion. The safety of dependent. Relative absorption of various various oral chromium doses is discussed. The chromium compounds is summarized and the phenomenon of glucose tolerance factor (GTF) mechanism of low molecular weight chromium and the mechanism of low molecular weight chro- binding substance (LMWCr) in up-regulating mium-binding substance (LMWCr) on the insu- the insulin effect eight-fold is discussed. There lin receptor are reviewed. This presentation is in- is evidence of hormonal effects of tended to demonstrate important concepts with supplemental chromium besides the effect on respect to high-dose chromium, not be a compre- insulin. Chromium supplementation does result hensive survey of chromium biochemistry. in tissue retention, especially in the kidney, although no pathogenic effect has been demonstrated despite considerable study. (Altern Med Rev 2002;7(3):218-235) Davis Lamson, MS, ND – Coordinator of oncology, Bastyr University, Kenmore, WA; private practice, Tahoma Clinic, Introduction Renton, WA; product consultant, Thorne Research. Correspondence address: 9803 17th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA Chromium, an essential nutrient for hu- 98115. E-mail: [email protected] man life, has been used at dosages higher than the Steve Plaza, ND, LAc – Steven M. Plaza, ND, LAc - minimum nutritional level to offset problems of Research fellow, Tahoma Clinic, Renton, WA; private practice, Northwest Center for Natural Medicine, Olympia, WA. E-mail: [email protected]

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Historical Background hyperglycemia and insulin resistance, but also In 1929 Glaser et al1 discovered brewer’s peripheral neuropathy, ataxia, postural tremor, and yeast exhibited a potentiating effect on the hy- muscle weakness, was treated successfully by the poglycemic action of insulin. In 1958 the potenti- administration of 250 mcg/day of Cr III, and ating effect was rediscovered when rats fed a resulted in normalized blood glucose, as well as Torula yeast-based diet began to show signs of improved insulin resistance and nerve 15 glucose intolerance, which was reversed by a diet conduction. of brewers yeast.2 This discovery led to the isola- tion of a “glucose tolerance factor” or GTF.2,3 Chromium in Glucose Homeostasis Trivalent chromium (CrIII) was found to be the One aspect of the diabetic model often active component of GTF. The biological activity focuses on a deficiency of Cr III leading to poor of chromium was found to be contingent on the blood sugar control. Although this is true, the pic- valence, Cr III being the only biologically active ture is more complicated. Chromium is part of a form. glucose/insulin system that maintains homeostatic Chromium is now recognized as one of 15 control of blood glucose in the organism. From trace elements critical for proper physiological this systemic point of view there is a range of im- functioning of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. balance along a glucose/insulin axis, which can Deficiency of chromium has been linked to a num- lead to hypoglycemia on one end of the spectrum ber of disorders, including symptoms of type 2 dia- and diabetes on the other with “normal persons” betes, such as decreased glucose tolerance,4-7 in- in the middle. Chromium has been shown in a creased serum insulin levels,8 and decreased num- number of studies to have profound effects on glu- ber of insulin receptors.9 Chromium deficiency can cose homeostasis in all these categories. also mimic many signs of cardiovascular disease, Chromium deficiency has been associated such as elevated serum cholesterol and trigly- with hyperglycemia in test animals as well as hu- cerides, as well as decreased high-density lipo- mans. The condition is reversed by supplementa- protein cholesterol (HDL).10 tion.12-15 Chromium has also been shown to have a The most dramatic examples of clinical positive influence on individuals with no diabetic syndromes due to chromium deficiency have been symptoms. Morris et al16 studied plasma chromium seen in long-term total (TPN). levels in healthy volunteers and compared fluc- Although chromium had been previously found tuations to diabetic patients. Serum chromium lev- in animal studies to be essential in glucose control, els in healthy individuals were found to be in- it was not until 1977 that the first definitive human versely related to insulin peaks in response to a case of glucose intolerance with neuropathy and glucose challenge. The observed rapid decrease was reported in a patient receiving in chromium in response to glucose (as high as 50 long-term TPN.11 The administration of 200 mcg/ percent in 45 minutes) was not due to urinary ex- day of chromium chloride corrected all symptoms, cretion. In diabetic volunteers chromium levels and in three weeks the patient was able to were not found to fluctuate with respect to insu- discontinue all insulin medication. This patient lin. was the first documented case that showed humans The effects of chromium supplementation could have similar clinical presentations of glucose (200 mcg/day of trivalent chromium as chromium intolerance as test animals, and that the clinical picolinate) were studied over a period of 10 weeks syndrome could be reversed by the administration on six healthy individuals in order to measure of Cr III. Similar dramatic reversals of high blood changes in insulin sensitivity to endogenous and glucose have since been reported with the exogenously administered insulin. After seven supplementation of chromium in TPN patients, weeks of supplementation, fasting blood glucose although these cases did not include neurological decreased by eight percent and fasting insulin de- deficits.12-14 Another case, involving not only creased by a statistically significant 28 percent.

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There was a significant improvement in endog- Diabetes enous insulin by week four. Half of the volunteers Chromium deficiency is associated with had a significant increase (30%) in sensitivity to the blood sugar irregularities of diabetes. Recent 17 exogenous insulin. Similar results were produced studies have demonstrated that chromium is ef- 18 in earlier work of Anderson et al who found that fective in treating various types of diabetes, in- a three-month course of chromium III chloride cluding types 1 and 2, gestational, and steroid-in- supplementation (200 mcg/day) given to hyper- duced diabetes.21-24 glycemic subjects resulted in significantly lower Treatment of type 2 diabetes with chro- glucose and insulin (the concentration at 90 min- mium has led to improvement in blood glucose, utes post chromium administration) leading to insulin, and hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) levels. The improved glucose tolerance. use of organic chromium complexes has been The effects of supplemental Cr III were found to give superior results when compared to studied in 29 individuals who were not found to inorganic salts.25 Recent studies have shown a be deficient in chromium nor diabetic, but were dose-dependent response to chromium. Although obese and had a family history of type 2 diabe- 200 mcg of an absorbable organic form of chro- 19 tes. This trial showed a significant increase in mium such as picolinate can improve blood indi- insulin sensitivity at 1000 mcg/day of chromium ces for type 2 diabetics, it was not sufficient to III picolinate over a period of eight months. “In- reverse all glucose abnormalities.25 A double-blind, sulin sensitivity” was defined as the ability of in- placebo-controlled study (employing 180 Chinese sulin to enhance glucose disappearance and inhibit type 2 diabetics) described random supplementa- hepatic glucose production. The combination of tion of placebo, 200 mcg or 1000 mcg of chro- these three studies support the idea of a continuum mium as picolinate daily for a period of four of functioning within the glucose/insulin axis in months. The higher dose of 1000 mcg was found which seemingly healthy people can have im- to have a more pronounced effect during the four- proved blood glucose and insulin sensitivity by month trial. Fasting and two-hour glucose levels supplementation of chromium. (after glucose challenge) were significantly lower in the 1000 mcg group, both at two months and Hypoglycemia four months, while the 200 mcg group had no sig- Hypoglycemia is on the opposite end of nificant drop. The 1000 mcg dosage of chromium

the glucose/insulin axis. If Cr III is a key factor in also led to significant decrease in HbA1c after the overall glucose/insulin homeostasis, it should be second month of treatment, while the 200 mcg effective in controlling clinical symptoms of low group did not reach significantly reduced HbA1c blood sugar. Studies have shown supplemental Cr until the fourth month. (Note the HbA1c of the III can have a beneficial effect on both subjective 200 mcg group reached approximately 7.4 and objective parameters of hypoglycemia. In a micromol/d, while the 1000 mcg group reached placebo-controlled crossover trial it was found that approximately 6.6 micromol/d in the same four- three months of supplementation with chromium month period, suggesting that the higher chro- III chloride (200 mcg/day) was effective in allevi- mium dose did not merely speed the arrival of the ating the symptoms of hypoglycemia while sig- same endpoint.) The higher chromium dose also nificantly raising the minimum glucose levels 2-4 resulted in a decrease in cholesterol levels, which hours after a glucose challenge.9 Similar results was not seen in the group receiving the lower dose were obtained with the administration of 125 mcg/ of chromium (200 mcg).22 A follow-up survey of day of yeast-based chromium for three months.20 the original Chinese study (833 type 2 diabetic Evidence for the successful clinical use of Cr III patients) demonstrated the effect of supplementa- for hypoglycemia is apparently based on these two tion was long lasting. Fasting glucose as well as reports. postprandial glucose still showed significant im- provement after 10 months of treatment with 500 mcg/day of chromium as picolinate.21

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Although the majority of research on dia- picolinate (600 mcg/day) was effective in lower- betes has focused on type 2 diabetes, a few small ing blood glucose by almost half, decreasing from studies have tested the efficacy of Cr III on type 1 13.9 mM/L to 8.3 mM/L in 47 of 50 such patients. diabetes and found it effective.23 One study supple- Patients were also able to reduce insulin and/or mented 162 patients (48 had type 1 diabetes, the hypoglycemic medications by half within one others type 2) with 200 mcg/day of chromium week of beginning chromium supplementation.29 picolinate. Seventy-one percent of the type 1 pa- tients responded positively, allowing a 30-percent Chromium and Cholesterol decrease of insulin dose. Blood sugar fluctuations Recent studies have demonstrated the cho- also responded positively, decreasing as soon as lesterol-lowering effect of trivalent chromium in 10 days after treatment. Supplementation of chro- both human and animal studies. Trivalent chro- mium as picolinate (600 mcg/day) in a 28-year- mium at 5 mcg per gram of food given to 20 Wistar old woman with an 18-year history of type 1 dia- rats for 10 weeks resulted in a significant decrease betes reduced HbA1C from 11.3 percent to 7.9 in cholesterol levels.30 Human studies have also 24 percent in three months. demonstrated significant reduction in cholesterol Approximately 2-5 percent of pregnant levels with daily supplementation. Chromium as women are diagnosed with gestational diabetes picolinate (200 mcg/day) given in a placebo-con- mellitus (GDM), which is thought to be the most trolled trial to 28 healthy volunteers with slightly common medical complication of pregnancy. Al- elevated total cholesterol for 42 days demonstrated most 180,000 women this year will be diagnosed a statistically significant decrease in total choles- in the United States. Gestational diabetes often terol (7%), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) choles- develops in the second trimester when the mother’s terol (12%), and apolipoprotein B, while showing pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin to no significant change in triglycerides (TG).31 overcome the insulin resistance brought on by the 26,27 A blinded crossover study found that a added demands of pregnancy. It has been hy- nicotinic acid-complexed form of trivalent pothesized that supplemental Cr III should be able chromium at 200 mcg/day slightly lowered fasting to reduce insulin sensitivity and benefit women total and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose with GDM. A trial of 20 women (25-43 years old concentrations, and 90-minute postprandial with GDM and between 20-24 weeks gestation) glucose levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes. tested the effect of Cr III supplementation on However, the authors did not regard the results as GDM. After eight weeks of supplementation the statistically significant.32 A study of 26 non-obese women were found to have significant improve- young adults using chromium as picolinate (220 ment in fasting insulin levels as well as one-hour mcg/day Cr III) showed no reduction in total glucose and insulin levels during glucose toler- cholesterol after 90 days.33 In a contrasting study ance testing with either 4 mcg/kg or 8 mcg/kg of of 23 male athletes, it was found that Cr III. The 8 mcg/kg/day group had significantly supplementation with either 200 or 800 mcg/day lower postprandial glucose levels (approximately of Cr III as chromium nicotinate produced sizeable 40 mg/dL less than placebo) than the 4 mcg/kg decreases in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, group. The data show a dose-dependent decrease 28 with some reduction in HDL cholesterol. There in blood glucose between the two groups. This was demonstration of a dose-response small trial demonstrates the potential usefulness relationship.34 In another study using an inorganic of chromium supplementation for gestational dia- form of chromium III (chromium chloride) for 76 betes. patients with established atherosclerosis, doses of Dysregulation of blood sugar and insulin 250 mcg/day were not shown to decrease total resistance are significant sequelae of the chronic cholesterol levels while triglycerides decreased, use of corticosteroids. Chromium has been found HDL cholesterol increased, and VLDL continued to be effective in reversing diabetes caused by the to decrease over the 7-16 month period.35 In this therapeutic use of glucocorticoids. Chromium

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study triglycerides did not fall significantly within weight of a 70 kg man at a rounded per kg dosage the first three months of supplementation; of 1 mg from the actual RfD of 1.47 mg/kg. The therefore, longer periods of time and/or higher RfD reflects a staggering 350 times the Estimated doses may be required to see a triglyceride- Safe and Adequate Daily Dietary Intake lowering effect. (ESADDI) of 50-200 mcg.37 The ratio of RfD to Perhaps the most significant data on the ESADDI is less than 2 for zinc, about 2 for man- reduction of cholesterol attributable to chromium ganese, and about 6 for selenium as compared to supplementation is demonstrated in the 1997 study 350 for chromium.38 The ESADDI value for chro- by Anderson et al22 of 180 individuals with type 2 mium has been criticized for the arbitrary “safe diabetes using either 200 mcg/day or 1000 mcg/ and adequate” dosage being 350 times less than day of Cr III as chromium picolinate. There were that of the RfD, given the lack of toxicity or ad- no significant effects of chromium supplementa- verse effects of Cr III.37,38 This suggests dietary tion on HDL cholesterol or triglycerides. Exami- supplementation may be greatly underdosed. nation of the graphs in the paper indicates little difference in total cholesterol over four months in Safety/Toxicity of Chromium the 200 mcg/day supplementation group. However, Chromium occurs in both trivalent and total cholesterol appeared to drop steadily during hexavalent (Cr VI) forms. has the four-month period in the 1000 mcg/day group. been almost exclusively linked to the hexavalent In summary, there appears to be evidence that chro- form. Ingestion of hexavalent chromium is 10-100 mium supplementation can lower serum choles- times more toxic than trivalent compounds.39 Cr terol, but it may require a longer time or higher VI is chiefly known as a man-made product of doses of chromium with diabetic patients. industry. Cr III is found naturally in foods and is associated with nutritional supplements in vari- Chromium, DHEA, and ous complexed forms. The most popular Osteoporosis complexed form is chromium picolinate, although A placebo-controlled trial of 27 post- chromium nicotinate and chromium citrate are also menopausal women given 200 mcg/day of chro- used as nutritional supplements. mium as picolinate for 60 days found a decrease in insulin levels (38%), plasma glucose (26%), and Five Anecdotal Reports of Toxicity urinary calcium (19%), while dehydro- Although no in vivo study has demon- epiandrosterone (DHEA) levels increased by 24 strated toxicity of chromium in either the triva- percent. The authors suggest that a 47-percent lent inorganic salt form or the trivalent organic- decrease in urinary hydroxyproline/creatinine complexed form, there have been only five anec- ratio indicates that chromium might be effective dotal case reports of suspected toxicity associated in the prevention of osteoporosis.36 with use of chromium picolinate supplements. After ingesting 1200 mcg of chromium Chromium Dosage Criteria picolinate over a period of two days, a 24-year- The U.S. Environmental Protection old female body builder began to develop muscle Agency (EPA) has replaced acceptable daily in- cramps, which were later diagnosed as take (ADI) with calculated reference dose (RfD). rhabdomyolysis. After the removal of her program The RfD is calculated from the No Observed Ad- of more than 30 supplements, hospital treatment verse Effect Level (NOEL) or the Lowest Ob- for three days resolved symptoms, but left some 40 served Effect Level (LOAEL) from animal or hu- residual renal dysfunction. man experiments. From this data, safety factors Another report of an adverse reaction are applied consisting of “uncertainty factors” and involved ingestion of 600 mcg of chromium a “modifying factor.”37 The RfD has been calcu- picolinate daily by a 49-year-old female nurse who lated for Cr III at 70 mg per day, reflecting the presented with renal insufficiency. She was

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diagnosed with severe chronic active interstitial changes. The symptoms (“feeling funny,” nephritis that was ascribed to chromium intake disrupted thinking, and difficulty in driving) over a six-week period that ceased five months subsided within two hours.44 prior to diagnosis.41 The concomitant use of One or more of the anecdotal reports cited terazosin, hydrochlorothiazide, and verapamil above may be true individual reactions to chro- used to treat her hypertensive condition were not mium supplementation. The majority of cases ap- considered as significant contributing factors to pear explainable by other factors, especially when the nephritis. Thiazide diuretics have been compared to clinical trials that have monitored associated with allergic interstitial nephritis (but patients for adverse side effects over long periods onset is usually rapid) and verapamil is associated of time. Although these anecdotal reports of tox- with increased deterioration of pre-existing renal icity due to chromium picolinate leave consider- failure. able doubt as to the true origin of the toxicity, the A 33-year-old schizophrenic and de- commonality among three of the five reports is pressed woman (height 5’2” and weight 90.2 lbs) the occurrence of renal dysfunction. This concern was admitted to the emergency room with a 1-2 is explored further in the in vivo studies below and week history of severe fatigue, malaise, fever, the section on chromium retention in tissue. chills, weight loss to , jaundice, urinary tract infection, anemia, thrombocytopenia, In vivo Studies hemolysis, liver dysfunction (aminotransferase In vivo laboratory studies have not sup- enzymes 15-20 times normal, total bilirubin three ported claims of toxicity of chromium picolinate times normal), and renal failure (serum creatinine in test animals. A study by Anderson et al45 exam- 5.3 mg/dL; blood urea nitrogen 152 mg/dL). The ined the possible toxicity of trivalent chromium renal failure was ascribed to her ingestion of 1200- using both chromium chloride and picolinate at 2400 mcg/day of chromium picolinate for a pe- levels of 5, 25, 50, or 100 mg/kg of diet in rats for riod of 4-5 months for enhancement of weight loss. a 20-week period. The results showed no toxicity She was taking the supplement on admission to at levels as high as 1500 mcg/day (15 mg/kg body the hospital. Her history included concurrent weight) as evidenced by analysis of blood chem- monthly injection of paroxetine (Paxil) and istry (BUN, creatinine, LDH, ALT, and AST) as fluphenazine (Prolixin). Hospital treatment con- well as tissue histology. In another study, Sprague- 42 sisted of dialysis and transfusions. No consider- Dawley rats were given a single dose of 0, 33, 250, ation was given to the potential associated side or 2000 mg/kg of chromium picolinate and sacri- effects of liver and kidney damage from fluphena- ficed 18-24 hours later. Analysis of the tissue re- zine injection as cited in the manufacturer’s pack- vealed no chromosomal aberrations.46 These re- age insert. sults support previous in vivo research of the safety A 35-year-old male presented with der- of trivalent chromium. matitis ascribed to chromium picolinate ingestion The use of 1000 mcg/day of chromium as because of a positive skin patch test to potassium picolinate in 180 type 2 diabetic patients for a 43 dichromate (Cr VI). No chromium dosage was period of four months showed no toxic reactions furnished in this case nor details of other supple- in any of the patients.22 No toxicity was found in a ments ingested. Numerous errors in units were follow-up survey of more than 830 patients who present in the paper with no mention of patient had taken 500 mcg/day of chromium as picolinate follow-up. Potassium dichromate is a strong oxi- for 10 months. The only symptoms reported were dizing agent and will show skin reaction in a ma- decreases in thirst, fatigue, and urinary frequency jority of normal individuals. in a majority of patients. No negative side effects A male patient who took chromium were found after one year of supplementation.21 picolinate on three separate occasions (200, 400, In a study 29 obese patients at risk for diabetes and 400 mcg) experienced three progressively were given 1000 mcg/day of chromium as worse episodes of cognitive, perceptual, and motor

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picolinate and all patients were found to have The higher range of safety set by Minnesota stems normal renal and liver function tests, both before from a number of studies that have examined the and after the eight-month study.19 effects of chronic ingestion of chromium III in Oral administration of trivalent chromium water. Schroeder et al8 found that 461 rats given has found little, if any, toxicity associated with its drinking water containing 5-ppm Cr III for a pe- use in both test animals and humans. Studies con- riod of three years were found to have no signs of ducted in 1934 on cats found ingestion of triva- sub-clinical toxicity or microscopic abnormalities lent chromium complexes produced no illness or in tissue, while the rats demonstrated an increase tissue damage. Ten cats were fed 50-1000 mg/day in growth rate and mature weight as well as in- of either chromium carbonate or phosphate for a creased longevity as compared to controls. period of 1-3 months. Histological examination failed to demonstrate any tissue damage or irregu- Subcutaneous, Intravenous and 47 larities. A similar study of rats also demonstrated Intraperitoneal Injection of Cr III no long-term toxicity of trivalent chromium. In this study, 60 male and 60 female rats were fed The lethal dose of chromium III chloride, chromium oxide at 72-75 mg/kg or 160-180 mg/ subcutaneously injected, was reported to be 0.8 kg daily for a period of 90-730 days. There were gm/kg for dogs and 0.5 gm/kg for rabbits. Rats and mice intravenously injected with Cr III showed no significant changes in blood indices, teratoge- 4 nicity, litter size, or carcinogenesis in adults or an LD50 of 10-30 mg/kg. Another study demon- pups as compared to con- strated the chromium III chloride LD50 to be 1.75 trols.48 In another study of toxicity in rats, 20 rats were given 25-ppm chromium chloride in drinking water. No adverse effects were Figure 1. Proposed Hydroxyl Radical Generation noted after one year of treat- ment as determined by gross or microscopic pathological changes in tissue or blood.49 Later studies showed that rats fed up to 100 mg/kg of either chromium chloride or chromium picolinate for a period of 24 weeks were found to have no toxic ef- fects.45 Presently the EPA Federal-State Toxicology and Risk Analysis Commit- tee has set state and federal drinking water standards for all chromium regardless of valence at 100 mcg/L, while Minnesota has refined its standards to include chro- mium III at 20,000 mcg/L.50

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mg/100 g and the chromium III hexa- urea chloride complex LD50 to be 1.0 mg/100 g.4 In an attempt to study chronic toxicity, mice were given in- Figure 2. Structure of Chromium Dinicotinate and traperitoneal injections of Cr III and Cr Chromium Tripicolinate VI compounds. Along with the obvi- ous acute toxicity of Cr VI, the median N lethal dose in distal time, regardless of oxidation state (more than 10 days af- ter treatment), averaged (17.9 +/- 1.8) mcg chromium/g body weight.51 C O O Ð Mutagenic Potential: In O Ð Ð O vitro Studies H2O OH NN The results of many studies Cr3+ support the conclusion that Cr III is Cr3+ H2O OH2 Ð relatively nontoxic. Most Cr III com- O O OÐ Ð pounds have failed to induce genetic O defects in bacteria, yeast, or mamma- N O lian cell lines.52 Recently, the safety of C O chromium picolinate has been ques- tioned with the research of both Stearns 53,54 and Speetjens. Stearns et al cites that N organic forms of Cr III such as chro- ¥ H2O mium picolinate and nicotinate have much higher absorption (2-5%) as com- Chromium dinicotinate Chromium tripicolinate pared to 0.5-1 percent for chromium III chloride and carbonate or phosphate salts.4 Stearns contends this increased absorption of organic-complexed chro- mium could cause toxicity due to the concentra- with three picolinate molecules (Figure 2). tion of this heavy metal in various tissues. She The gastrointestinal (GI) tract readily ab- also argues that concentration of Cr III in various sorbs these hydrophobic compounds. The tight tissues over time could lead to eventual damage bonding within the complex also makes it diffi- through chromosomal aberrations from cult to break down in the GI tract as well as in the clastogenic action of the metal, as has been ob- cell. It has been shown to be relatively stable in served in vitro.53-55 (A clastogen is a specific mu- gastric juice for more than three hours, requiring tagen that causes breaks in chromosomes.) Chro- 0.1 M concentration of acids to break chro- 55,56 mium picolinate is thought to become clastogenic mium bonding. Chromium picolinate has not due to the redox potential of the compound, which been found to transfer chromium to transferrin, 55,57 can enter the cell intact and possibly generate hy- albumin, or LMWCr (see GTF section). For droxyl radicals (Figure 1). this reason it was hypothesized that chromium Hydrophobic complexes such as those picolinate can, due to the nature of its aromatic with the pyridine nitrogen ligands of chromium bidentate ligand, form hydroxyl radicals. This idea picolinate are thought to readily enter the lipid is supported by the clastogenic activity of bilayer of the cellular membrane. Chromium picolinate alone in cell culture at supraphysiologic 53 tightly binds to picolinic acid forming a complex levels of 2.0 mM. Stearn’s study found that chro-

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mium III picolinate at supraphysiologic dosages is still far below the level needed for clastogenic of 0.5 to 1.0 mM caused chromosomal aberrations activity (50 microM or 3000-fold higher) and the in vitro on Chinese hamster ovary cells.53 Chro- level for DNA nicking (7-fold higher). mosomal damage could not be produced with chromium III chloride or chromium III nicotinate Mutagenic Potential: In vivo Studies 53 at levels of 10 microM to 2.0 mM. Using a A number of in vivo studies have failed to slightly different technique, Stearn’s work has 55 find any mutagenic potential of Cr III such as was been repeated by Speetjens et al. Chromium III found in the in vitro studies. Rats injected with picolinate (120 microM total concentration) and significant amounts of chromium III chloride were ascorbate (5 mM) were mixed directly with sus- found to have detectable chromium in both kid- pensions of super-coiled plasmid DNA. The com- ney and liver chromatin, but 40 hours later were bination of chromium picolinate and ascorbic acid found to have no DNA damage as measured by was found to nick the DNA within 20 minutes. cross-links or single strand breaks.65 A recent study This result supports the earlier work of Tsou et looked at the levels of DNA damage from 400 58 al, who found that Cr III in combination with mcg/day of chromium as picolinate given to 10 hydrogen peroxide could cause DNA damage women for eight weeks. Titers of an antibody through a Fenton-like reaction. It was hypoth- against an oxidized DNA base (anti-HMdU) esized that Haber-Weiss or Fenton cycles could showed the supplement dose did not increase oxi- be responsible for the production of hydroxyl radi- dative damage to DNA, with a confidence inter- cals through the reduction of chromium III val of 0.96-1.00.66 The ability of chromium III ni- picolinate. Hydroxyl radicals and singlet oxygen trate to induce a clastogenic reaction at levels of have been generated with Cr III and hydrogen 58,59 500 mg/kg by intraperitoneal injection in mice was peroxide at physiologic pH. measured by the micronucleus test. While Complexes of chromium and amino acids hexavalent chromium was found to be positive for such as arginine, aspartic acid, glycine, chromosomal breakage, there was no mutagenic hydroxyproline, and lysine were found to be non- activity of chromium III nitrate.67 mutagenic to various strains of Salmonella typhimurium at concentrations of 50 microM.60 Chromium III glycinate was found to be non- Glucose Tolerance Factor and Low mutagenic to human skin fibroblasts and to have Molecular Weight Chromium no effect on the DNA repair mechanisms at levels Binding Substance 61 above 0.001 M. Chromium III glycinate Although glucose tolerance factor was complexes were not found to cause DNA damage recognized almost 50 years ago, attempts to iso- in cultures of Hamster V79 cells at concentrations late the specific structure have eluded scientists 62 of 0.5-1.0 M. to this day. In 1959, Mertz identified trivalent chro- Other researchers have questioned the rel- mium from yeast as the active constituent of GTF, evancy of these studies to animals or humans. It is which, when given to brewer’s yeast-fed, chro- not surprising that supraphysiologic dosages of mium-deficient rats, corrected imbalances in car- chromium cause clastogenic reactions in cell cul- bohydrate metabolism.2 Determination of the bio- ture. It is difficult to extrapolate or compare re- logically active form of chromium focused on the sults from in vitro studies to possible human tox- isolation of GTF from brewer’s yeast. Acid hy- icity. McCarty cites that the concentrations re- drolysis with 5N HCL for a period of 18 hours quired for mutagenesis are four orders of magni- was part of the isolation protocol,68 which would tude higher than the physiologic level of serum have destroyed most protein structures associated chromium, which is 2-6 nM in average individu- with the bioactive molecule. Yet this protocol led 63 als. Supplementation of 200 mcg daily of chro- to the discovery of a low molecular weight mol- mium picolinate for two months has been shown ecule that was determined to consist of nicotinic to increase serum concentrations to 16 nM.64 This

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acid, glycine, glutamate, and a sulfur- containing amino acid.69 Although some early studies used porcine kid- ney as a raw material in the acid hy- Figure 3. Insulin Receptor drolysis isolation procedure, most used readily available yeast as the raw ma- terial for GTF studies.3 Today, the term GTF is reserved for the organic chro- INSULIN mium degradation product from yeast.69 The question as to whether Alpha-subunits GTF is a biologically active substance or artifact centers on the ability to

stimulate production of CO2 from glu- cose in rat adipocytes as a function of insulin concentration. GTF appears to Cell Membrane Beta-subunits function as a carrier of chromium to the chromium-deficient proteins in the cell.70 Tyrosine Protein Analysis of mammalian tissue Kinase Receptor has resulted in the isolation of a low- molecular-weight chromium binding substance (LMWCr) that in many ways is similar to yeast GTF. Yamamoto et al71 isolated two LMWCr chromium-binding substances: a low molecular weight substance and a high molecular weight substance. The high- molecular-weight chromium binding substance (HMWCr) was isolated al57 have discovered that LMWCr is stored in the from both rabbit liver and mouse organ homoge- cytosol of insulin-sensitive cells in an apo (un- nate and has a molecular weight of 2600 and an bound form) that is activated by binding four chro- ultraviolet absorbance of 260 nm. LMWCr has mium ions. This activation is the result of a series also been isolated in a number of mammalian or- of steps stimulated by insulin signaling. LMWCr 72 73 gans, including rat lung, rabbit, mouse and ca- potentiates the action of insulin once insulin has 71 74 nine livers, and from bovine colostrum. bound to its receptor.76 (Figure 3) LMWCr has a molecular mass of 1500 and has an This insulin potentiating or auto- ultraviolet absorption maximum at 260 nm, which amplification action stems from the ability of corresponds to the absorption maximum of GTF, LMWCr to maintain stimulation of tyrosine kinase 69,73 also at 260 nm. The LMWCr oligopeptide is activity.25,57 Once insulin is bound to its receptor, composed of cysteine, glutamate, aspartate, and LMWCr binds to the activated receptor on the glycine. LMWCr differs from GTF in the combi- inner side of the cell membrane and increases the nation of amino acids and does not contain nico- insulin-activated protein kinase activity by eight- 75 tinic acid. Yet acid hydrolysis of porcine fold.75 There is also evidence the autoamplification LMWCr, similar to early protocols, yields GTF- effect of LMWCr may be enhanced by the 57 like isolates. LMWCr has been found to bind four inhibition of phosphotyrosine phosphatase, which chromium III ions in a multinuclear assembly inactivates tyrosine kinase.25 Further study is much like that of calmodulin. Studies of Vincet et required to understand the inconsistent results of

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Davis et al77 who found that LMWCr actually considerable variance with respect to absorption activates membrane-associated phosphotyrosine is reported in the literature. One study of men over phosphatase in insulin sensitive cells. As insulin age 60 found absorption of trivalent chromium levels drop and receptor activity diminishes, from dietary consumption was approximately 1.8 LMWCr is transported from the cell to the blood percent.79 Other sources cite absorption between and excreted in the urine.78 When chromium is 0.5 and 2.0 percent.80 Variations in absorption of absorbed from the gut, it is carried by transferrin, trivalent chromium can be traced to differences in which transfers chromium to the apo-LMWCr. the type of chromium ingested, competing miner- Excess chromium is carried by albumin. It has als, and the effect of , proteins, drugs, and been estimated that each millimeter of serum other nutritional factors used in combination contains 2-3 mg of transferrin, of which only 30 (Table 1). percent is saturated with iron, leaving the Dietary factors such as starch, ascorbic remaining unsaturated sites able to bind trivalent acid, minerals, oxalate, and amino acid intake can chromium.71 have a significant influence on chromium absorption. Carbohydrate intake has been shown Chromium Absorption to influence chromium urinary excretion and tissue 51 In the last three decades evidence has been concentration. Mice fed Cr-labeled chromium III collected demonstrating that both exogenous and chloride concomitantly with starch were found to endogenous factors significantly alter absorption have significantly higher concentrations of and ultimately bioavailability of chromium. A chromium in blood and tissue compared to those fed with chromium III chloride mixed with

Table 1. Absorption and Retention of Various Chromium Compounds

Type of Chromium % Blood Absorption Test Subject

Chloride 0.9 ± 0.2 (4 hrs.)81 Rat 0.69 (mean range 0.3-1.3)82 Human 0.583 Rat

Nicotinate 1.3 ± 0.381 Rat

Picolinate 1.1 ± 0.381 Rat 2.8 ± 1.14 SD84

Dinicotinic acid diglycine cysteine 0.6 ± 0.181 Rat glutamic acid complex

Chromium from food 1.8 (36.8 mcg Cr/day)79 Human 2-385 Human

Chromium from brewers yeast 5-1082 Human

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sucrose, fructose, or glucose.86 Diets high in simple ration of transferrin by iron.93 sugars have also been shown to increase urinary It has been found that substances forming excretion of chromium by 10-300 percent, with chelates with chromium generally stimulate ab- no change in absorption rates.87 Animals fed sorption and that EDTA (ethylenediaminetetracetic ascorbic acid with chromium supplementation acid) or DL-penicillamine significantly increase demonstrated increased absorption.88 A study of absorption as measured by 51Cr levels.91 However three women found that the ingestion of ascorbic Chen et al94 found no significant difference in ab- acid (100 mg) in conjunction with chromium III sorption when EDTA and 51Cr were administered chloride (1 mg) increased the absorption of to rats. Naturally occurring chelating agents, such chromium as measured in plasma levels.89 as phytates and oxalates, have also been found to A number of minerals influence absorp- influence chromium absorption in both in vitro and tion. In rat studies, zinc supplementation reduced in vivo rat studies. Rats fed chromium with ox- chromium absorption, while had alate were found to have higher 51Cr blood and tis- the opposite effect, elevating 51Cr levels.90 A later sue levels, while rats fed phytates with chromium study by Anderson et al81 found no alteration in had lower blood and tissue levels. tissue levels of copper and zinc when mice were A number of amino acids have also been fed a diet with 5000 ng Cr III/g of feed. In in vitro found to increase absorption of chromium from rat studies, iron, manganese, and calcium have all the intestine. It was found that a mixture of 20 been shown to depress intestinal transport of chro- amino acids nearly doubled the rate of absorption. mium at levels of only 100-fold that of chromium, Amino acids like histidine and glutamic acid that while in the case of titanium, concentrations only readily form complexes with chromium were also 10 times that of chromium inhibited absorption.91 shown to increase absorption.91 In a study of rats fed 5000 ng/g of feed of a num- Earlier studies found trivalent chromium ber of organic chromium compounds (chromium had consistent absorption and excretion regardless picolinate, nicotinate, acetate, glycinate, of previous diet history (unlike the absorption of histidinate, or chloride), results showed that all other elements).4 In 1996 it was discovered that compounds tested increased the iron content in the chromium analyses in biological samples prior to liver and spleen while decreasing iron levels in 1980 were inaccurate due to the state of early ana- the heart.81 lytical instrumentation.95 More recent, post-1980 The interaction of iron and chromium is studies, using more accurate instrumentation, now thought to be linked to the shared binding sites on find dietary absorption to be inversely proportional transferrin. Sargent et al92 first proposed the theory to dietary chromium intake (as with other miner- that increased iron stores due to hemochromato- als). Humans consuming a self-selected diet with sis might result in the competitive inhibition of an intake of 10 mcg/day Cr III had an absorption chromium binding, leading to diabetic symptoms. of two percent, while an intake of 40 mcg/day pro- He found that patients with hemochromatosis did, vided absorption of only 0.5 percent.96 in fact, have significantly less plasma chromium Different forms of trivalent chromium than iron-depleted patients. Chromium has been have distinct characteristics of absorption, with found to preferentially bind to the B site of trans- inorganic complexes of trace minerals known to ferrin. When saturation of transferrin with iron have lower levels compared to organic complexes. increases in hemochromatosis to over 50 percent, Chromite ores, chromic oxide, and chromium III iron competes with chromium binding, affecting chloride have historically been shown to have the its transport.92 This theory is further supported by lowest levels of absorption. Ingestion of inorganic studies of patients with hemochromatosis who salts such as chromium III chloride have levels of were found to have significantly higher excretion absorption ranging between 0.4-1.3 percent, with of the unbound plasma chromium as well as a a mean of 0.69 percent.82,83,97 smaller blood pool of chromium due to the satu- Many authors cite absorption levels of 2-

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3 percent of dietary chromium as organic com- Drugs and Chromium Absorption 4,82 plexes. Chromium from brewer’s yeast was ab- Chromium absorption is influenced by a 82 sorbed in the range of 5-10 percent, although number of drugs. Rats fed 40 mg of aspirin had an 81 others were unable to duplicate these results. increased absorption of chromium III chloride as Chromium picolinate was found to have absorp- measured by blood levels of 51Cr.99 Intraperitoneal tion in humans estimated at 2.8 percent ± 1.14 injection of 5 mg indomethacin increased 51Cr lev- 84 SD. Studies on rats found that 3-8 times more els in the blood and tissue of rats given 51Cr III chromium nicotinate was absorbed and retained chloride.100 In contrast to aspirin and indometha- than was chromium picolinate or chromium chlo- cin, a number of antacids significantly decrease ride. After 6-12 hours, tissues retained on the av- blood and tissue levels of 51Cr III chloride.99,101 The erage 2-4 times more chromium nicotinate than decrease in absorption of 51Cr III chloride when 98 chromium picolinate. Similar results in rat stud- combined with antacids (Tums¨ or Maalox¨) has ies using a number of different organic complexes been ascribed to a competitive inhibition by the of chromium found the relative absorption/reten- minerals in the antacids.99 tion as follows: Cr nicotinate > Cr picolinate > Cr 81 chloride. Concentrations of chromium picolinate Chromium Retention in Tissue in the liver and kidney were found to be 2-6 times higher than for chromium chloride- or chromium The extent of chromium retention in vari- nicotinate-fed rats, with no detectable toxicity.45 ous tissues is of as much interest as the absorption of chromium compounds. Rats fed a high-chro- mium diet (5000 ng Cr/g food) compared to a low- chromium diet over a three-week period followed by organ dissection revealed that by far the ma- jority of Cr concentrated in the kidneys as com- pared to liver, spleen, heart, lung, and gastrocnemius muscle. Table 2 demonstrates that not only is there a pref- erential organ concentration Table 2. Chromium Concentration in Rat Organs in the kidney but that the spe- Following Supplementation cific chromium compound had substantial effect, with chromium picolinate > nico- Form of Cr tinate > chloride.81 (ng/g, dry wt.) Kidney Liver Heart Gastrocnemius Chromium dosage at quite high levels in animal Picolinate 374 49 28 25 studies showed no disturbance in liver and Nicotinate 170 14 12 11 kidney function or tissue histology. In human studies, Chloride 78 10 4.6 14 no abnormalities in liver or kidney function at doses as Control 20 4.7 12 16 high as 1000 mcg/day of Chromium concentrations in rat organs after chromium supplemented diet (5000 ng Cr/g chromium picolinate were diet) for three weeks vs. low-chromium diet. Adapted from Anderson et al81 by analysis of found. It remains to be published graphs. determined if much higher doses will demonstrate a similar lack of toxicity. There

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has been no demonstration of any toxicity so far daily in diabetics over four months or at 500 mcg in the clinical observations of the authors with the after one year. The clastogenic potential reported use of chromium nicotinate at levels as high as for Cr III picolinate in vitro was not produced by 5000 mcg/day. other Cr compounds, nor was it able to be repro- duced in vivo in animals. Conclusion Absorption of chromium is low, as it is Deficiency of chromium can result in hy- for other polyvalent minerals, ranging from less poglycemia or presentation of diabetes. Even in a than one percent for Cr III chloride to above one healthy person, supplemental Cr can increase in- percent for Cr III nicotinate to 1-3 percent for Cr sulin sensitivity, and decrease fasting serum glu- III picolinate in rat studies. Human absorption cose and endogenous insulin production. Treat- from food is estimated at about 2-3 percent and 5- ment of type 2 diabetes with Cr has led to im- 10 percent from brewer’s yeast. Absorption of in- provement in serum glucose, insulin, and HbA1C organic Cr is increased by starch or ascorbic acid. levels. Organic chromium complexes give better Concurrent supplementation with zinc, iron, man- results than inorganic chromium, and higher Cr ganese, or calcium retards Cr absorption. Concur- doses give both faster and better improvement in rent mixed amino acids increased Cr absorption. glucose and lipid levels. Glucose control also im- High-dose Cr in rats increased iron content in liver proves in type 1 diabetes. Supplemental Cr reduces and spleen, while decreasing the level in heart. insulin resistance in gestational diabetes in a dose- In humans, dietary Cr III absorption is dependent manner. Chromium is effective in re- inversely related to dietary intake, varying from versing the diabetes caused by therapeutic use of 0.5-2 percent. Several drugs increase Cr absorp- glucocorticoids. The effects of Cr on blood glu- tion, while several antacids decrease it, suppos- cose homeostasis are accomplished by increased edly due to competitive inhibition by the minerals activation of insulin receptors through binding of in the antacids. In animal studies, the retention of chromium with LMWCr. Cr from supplementation occurred chiefly in the Chromium can reduce elevated choles- kidneys, followed by liver and heart muscle. The terol and triglycerides in a dose-dependent rela- order of retention was Cr III picolinate > Cr III tionship. Triglyceride reduction may take a longer nicotinate > Cr III chloride, which varies from the time or higher dose in diabetics. One publication order of absorption. No disturbances in the organ demonstrated increased serum DHEA levels in systems showing high concentration of Cr have postmenopausal women with supplementation of yet been detected low-dose chromium. Other data suggested that Cr The overall chromium picture causes the may help in preventing osteoporosis. authors to question whether there is enough chro- Chromium appears to be the only nutri- mium in the national diet or if we are absorbing it tional mineral with a several hundred-fold differ- appropriately. The authors believe higher doses of ence between the acceptable daily intake level and Cr than are generally prescribed by nutritionally the calculated reference dose. A search for any oriented physicians may be appropriate for type 1 report of toxicity from supplemented Cr revealed and 2 diabetes. At this time, there is no demon- only a few anecdotal reports of chromium stration of general chromium toxicity in animals picolinate toxicity. Only one of these seemed to at a dose that would extrapolate to humans as 1050 have validity and exhibit an individual subjective mg daily, recalling that the RfD for humans is 70 reaction that resolved with cessation. Animal stud- mg daily. ies have failed to show toxicity by histological or One of the authors has employed high laboratory examination at doses of Cr as high as dose chromium as nicotinate for the treatment of 15 mg/kg body weight. The only trials conducted type 2 diabetes patients at the level of 3000-4000 in humans showed no subjective toxicity or ab- mcg twice daily (based on previously unpublished normal liver or renal function tests at 1000 mcg

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research by Jonathan Wright, MD), with outstand- 10. Riales R, Albrink MJ. Effect of chromium ing reductions of glucose and lipid levels in many. chloride supplementation on glucose tolerance None of the patients, followed for months to years, and serum lipids including high-density lipopro- tein of adult men. Am J Clin Nutr 1981;34:2670- have shown increases in BUN or liver enzymes or 2678. other laboratory abnormalities. Further studies on 11. Jeejeebhoy KN, Chu RC, Marliss EB, et al. safety and efficacy of this high-dose range are Chromium deficiency, glucose intolerance, and being conducted. neuropathy reversed by chromium supplementa- tion, in a patient receiving long-term total parenteral nutrition. Am J Clin Nutr 1977;30:531- Acknowledgements 538. The authors wish to thank Richard and 12. Freund H, Atamian S, Fischer JE. Chromium Jileen Russell and the Smiling Dog Foundation deficiency during total parenteral nutrition. JAMA for a grant supporting this project and Bastyr Uni- 1979;241:496-498. versity for grant administration. 13. Borel JS, Majerus TC, Polansky MM, et al. Chromium intake and urinary chromium excretion of trauma patients. Biol Trace Elem Res References 1984;6:317-326. 1. Glaser E, Halpern G. Uber Die Aktivierung des 14. Brown RO, Forloines-Lynn S, Cross RE, Heizer Insulins Durch Hefeprebasft. Biochem Z WD. Chromium deficiency after long-term total 1929;207:377-383. [Article in German] parenteral nutrition. Dig Dis Sci 1986;31:661- 2. Mertz W, Schwarz K. Relation of glucose 664. tolerance factor to impaired intravenous glucose 15. Verhage AH, Cheong WK, Jeejeebhoy KN. tolerance of rats on stock diets. Am J Physiol Neurologic symptoms due to possible chromium 1959;196:614-618. deficiency in long-term parenteral nutrition that 3. Schwartz K, Mertz W. A glucose tolerance factor closely mimic metronidazole-induced syn- and its differentiation from factor 3. Arch dromes. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr Biochem Biophys 1957;72:515-518. 1996;20:123-127. 4. Mertz W, Roginski EE, Reba RC. Biological 16. Morris B. Chromium action and glucose activity and fate of trace quantities of intravenous homeostasis. J Trace Elem Exp Med 1999;12:61- chromium (3) in the rat. Am J Physiol 70. 1965;209:489-494. 17. Morris B, Peacey SR, MacNeil S, et al. Enhance- 5. Woolliscroft J, Barbosa J. Analysis of chromium ment in insulin sensitivity in healthy volunteers induced carbohydrate intolerance in the rat. J following supplementation with chromium Nutr 1977;107:1702-1706. picolinate. Med Biochem 1998;1:65-72. 6. Hopkins LL Jr, Ransome-Kuti O, Majaj AS. 18. Anderson RA, Polansky MM, Bryden NA, Improvement of impaired carbohydrate metabo- Canary JJ. Supplemental-chromium effects on lism by chromium 3 in malnourished infants. Am glucose, insulin, glucagon, and urinary chromium J Clin Nutr 1968;21:203-211. losses in subjects consuming controlled low- 7. Schroeder HA. Diabetic-like serum glucose chromium diets. Am J Clin Nutr 1991;54:909- levels in chromium deficient rats. Life Sci 916. 1965;4:2057-2062. 19. Cefalu WT, Bell-Farrow AD, Stegner J, et al. 8. Schroeder HA, Balassa JJ, Vintonwh JR. Effect of chromium picolinate on insulin Chromium, cadmium, and lead in rats: effects of sensitivity in vivo. J Trace Elem Exp Med life span, tumors and tissue levels. J Nutr 1999;12:71-83. 1965;86:51-56. 20. Clausen J. Chromium induced clinical improve- 9. Anderson RA, Polansky MM, Bryden NA, et al. ment in symptomatic hypoglycemia. Biol Trace Effects of supplemental chromium on patients Elem Res 1988;17:229-236. with symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia. 21. Cheng N, Zhu X, Shi H, et al. Follow-up survey Metabolism 1987;36:351-355. of people in China with type 2 diabetes mellitus consuming supplemental chromium. J Trace Elem Exp Med 1999;12:55-60.

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