Environmental Impact Assessment Report Rev: 2 for the Decommissioning of Units 1 to 4 at Kozloduy NPP Date: 2013-05-30 Ref: P16Del09Rev02_EIA_R P16Del09Rev02_EIA_R – Chapter 3 Status: Final Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the Decommissioning of Units 1 to 4 at Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant CHAPTER 3 DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENTS AND FACTORS UNDER ART.4 AND ART.5 AND THE MATERIAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE THAT WILL BE SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECTED BY THE INVESTMENT PROPOSAL, AND THEIR INTERACTION E n e r g y I n s t i t u t e J S C 20, Fr. Joliot – Courie Str.1113 Sofia, Bulgaria Tel:(+359 2) 963 45 76, Fax: (+359 2)963 40 38, E- mail:
[email protected] Environmental Impact Assessment Report Rev: 2 for the Decommissioning of Units 1 to 4 at Kozloduy NPP Date: 2013-05-30 Ref: P16Del09Rev02_EIA_R P16Del09Rev02_EIA_R – Chapter 3 Status: Final CONTENTS 3. Description and analysis of the environmental components and factors under art.4 and art.5 and the material and cultural heritage that will be significantly affected by the investment proposal, and their interaction... 1 3.1 Atmosphere..............................................................................................................1 3.2 Atmospheric air........................................................................................................9 3.2.1 Quality of the atmosphere air in 30km area around Kozloduy NPP on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria...............................................................9 3.2.2 Atmosphere radioactivity