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SPRING INTO CONTINUING EDUCATION By Nisean Lorde courses available via monthly new Digital Media Series an in intake meaning you could begin tensive seven week course that is intended to nurture your talents of new beginnings it also on your new career path as soon as As springtime is a season next month Contact ceinfo sheridancollege ca inspires us to pursue new opportunities Whether you re At least 53 of their 75 programs looking to advance your job skills are available in a fully online In the recent Provincial format with over 700 courses are eager to increase your earning Continuing Education Survey available online New courses potential or would like to explore Continuing Education at George other interests outside of your 9 available this spring Mosaic Art Brown College ranked as the Top 5 job continuing education may Discovering Your Creativity and Metro College in 37 areas Oral Overall Health What s the be the next best option to help The school keeps pace with Connection New online courses you achieve your professional and changing student and industry available this spring include personal goals needs by consistently revising its criminal psychology and Web With many new continuing programs New certificates and Usability Writing and Design education courses available this courses are available this spring in spring tonight is here to help you Visit durhamcollege ca coned Arts and Design Communication sortthroughafewprimecontinuing HUMBER and Languages Health Sciences education options in the city Located in northwest Toronto and Community Services and HUMBER and provides the benefits of both Technology Trades university and college programs Offering more than 1400 courses Visit coned georgebrown ca including seven programs for and 200 part time certificates EVEREST undergrad students and two de Humber targets people who Everest College of Business gree completion programs Early are looking for career changes Technology and Health Care is Childhood studies and Justice advancements at work or even extremely convenient with 14 lo Studies for personal growth The school cations across including Students have the ability to offers flexible scheduling which one in central Toronto College for example can be helpful if you balance work and school life Park want to spend time with your fam through online and weekend The school offers career educa ily while working toward your classes tion programs everything from dream career Visit guelphhumber ca accounting and computer applica Students can choose from more SHERIDAN COLLEGE tions to massage therapy and law than 400 online courses and 40 New courses offered this spring enforcement foundations Some fully online programs as well as include The Entrepreneurship programs can be completed in libraries and research services Series these courses will help less than a year with online search capabilities you achieve your business goals Contact 1 866 297 8891 Visit humber ca continuingeducation whether you re getting ready to DURHAM startyour own business or looking to grow your current business Durham recognizes the needs of And if you re ready to take your today s adult learner by offering writing and storytelling skills to flexible learning through a variety new heights check out Sheridan s of delivery formats including

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TRIOS With 9 locations across south western Ontario including Toronto Scarborough and triOS offers over 25 different diploma programs across five faculties including business technology healthcare law and supply chain The school is pretty hands on Each cam pus is equipped with career ser vices representatives that assist students with resume writing interview skills and internship placements Visit triOS com