The original documents are located in Box 69, folder “Heritage Group Council for Citizenship Education - Proposed Bicentennial Travel Conference (1)” of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.

Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 69 of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library

~taft of Qiaiifnrnia GOVERNOR'S OFFICE



November 29, 1974

Dr. Karol H. Sitko R.D. 2 Dalton, Pennsylvania 18414

Dear Dr. Sitko:

As Governor Reagan is vacating his office within weeks, he is deeply involved in transition activities. For that reason he asked me to respond to your recent letter and to recommend to you that you contact John Warner, Administrator of the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration, 2401 E Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20276. While it is doubtful that the Bicentennial Commission is in a position to aid you directly, they probably will be able to suggest possible alternative sources.

I am sorry we are unable to h~lp you and wish you good luck with your ambitious and worthy project.

Sincerely, ·/~;_·~ ""~,~>-,,. __ _ /'?:-' ; f•"; [' ..._,

\ ' /( l '' n . ·~ 1 't~....9.. J .. J..~ _ , -J ...-- -0_.)../\..___ / • (Mrs.) Helene von Damm Personal Secretary

" - ~. ' ,,...... ~ilt--.,_.-~bi~>iii:.i\ii:~.lii;f., ;;~~~Jitf'~:~2Af.-·~~·~"i-ifs'·;~-Ji~~~;,s-' i+~~~~~J·~~~i~FJ;;~; ~::~~~i~d~~-L:i~~a:.:~-.~~:,..r~~- ~A';h~~".-.



15. November 1974

Herrn Helmut Kostorz Amerikanisch-Europ3ische Gese11schaft 332 Salzgitter 51 Bres1auer Strasse 2

Sehr geehrter Herr Kostorz! Ich bestaetige den Empfang Ihres Briefs vom 3.11.1974, in dem Sie uns mitteilen, dass Sie mit dem Heritage Group Council for Citizenship Education in Washington in Verbindung stehen betreffs der Zweihundertjahrfeier der amerikanischen Revolution. Vielen Dank fuer Ihren Brief. Wir haben davon Kenntnis genommen, und sollte es sich fuer uns in den kommenden Monaten als wuenschenswert erweisen, mit Ihnen in Verbindung zu treten, werden wir das gerne tun. Mit vorzueglicher Hochachtung, ~~~ Kulturattach~

··-. ~ •• -·.-- f • ACADEMIE EUROPEENNE DE SCIENCES POLITIOUES RUE DU LOMBARD, 68 B. 1000 BRUXELLES . 1/it/ilttt •f 1/Ut 16 It l~ I / ·1n itl?h .tJtt fi lu·-tc wj~A£. k fttfe 5 dtt.. kwf.t·l? /J1 'k -keL d~ I -"ht} 11 u-au '' t e1 d /!; h tU ·~~ «h u ~ "'- :?a ~ j.12t '-It itt '/vt~t I it.1t ~ JJw i nu 'i fi; /I.e· !lui ~ 7?J;Itt!u 1t _

1u rii IJt {(, ' '..u;j/11/JJ ~It nu -k nudeJ ;t& u"t- j; Litl Ci: tfUL ~HUt/ at1tu fat 'tt ~ IL i/ettd'eltVU 14 IlL I 'f1ithl'~ f, lkulllft. I!? ,.u, J/al;- -~;,_; - )( ktf k_}Mal laM Cttl&i?u JuuAdt<. de ))) ,/ ~~111«. ,; fU: N Ju

l f " I M' I z~ 'm tn£ /uti lt'tt 'r:.w,t • 1 ~ t1 ta dt J;u; a a/ult; I"' til~ lzttt z k ft-tJ17~tt,:h /14tlt ~ lw u~A~:t'& / 'J1.41U It! ht IJZil.lf ttldtt ttY fAUt, -& /t:u 'u.) mat/ /vtu/ hit im_~ ?n Vii ";tvi; tui ~ tdttt t tJ tt~ /h 1 ~udt ~me, ~~ a- d, /k u :!:-~ /ttittM _ I.e/fl. ti/d k .U'tt~ dL 4tu:z 41t%te. l'fi1 dH l'4:?.1-Ptth t4. 'ctd,; ~.[1ft t'fai./J .. 1 t #f. /ut-u.t{Utt' J 'h.' J.t 'Hz ~ tfw Uti; ~Jut -( J;!tu t«,MW< IJw,c bl-Ilt 11< '*' it£ t-1 :k- , tnt.t a JUu 11r l1zH · JJu h1L · e_Jt Jz.tter 4 ~ ~ ~" · ·.tu fov~ ttt 4 i,;z_ ~~ t[ /!Jttt tulitt IL-k. '-- fet ttY_

AUt! a~utl du tnI ttj t Nuh ~~,- fu h 11-zt_ J il7l M)- lnlt .de ~ ~ ~. fwu zdA-Ut t6 tV'« ?At M .. /J;u, · auu {;aft nutd' t~ I ACADEMlE EUROPEENNE DE SCIENCES POLITIOUES RUE DU LOMBARD, 68 B. 1000 BRUXELLES TEL. eoz: n.,.,e.e:e ET 02111.:~7.44

le 2! octobre 1974.

Cher .i.Jonsieur SITKO,

Monsieur le Dr Wolfram :BITSCHNAU, President du Comite J\i.triMen pour le Bicentenaire des Etats-Uni s vient de nous faire parvenir l~s noms - adresse et quali tes des nou­ veaux membres de son Comite qui sont a ajouter a la liste precedente que nous vous avons fait parvenir : Mr .August LOVTI.EK, Kul strunkstrasse, 1 ;), A.5026. Sft.LZBD1?.G-AIGTIN , President de AJ~ION OSTEP~ICH-EU~~PA. Prince Viru:enz von LIECIITENSTEIN, A.. 8122 Y!.ALDSI'EIN, President de Jeune Europe, .Mr Dr Thomas CHA.D.10To'JICZ, Karl Strockstrasse ,11, A. 5026. SALZBURG-AIGEN, Dozent a 1 'U:niversite de Salzburg, Air Erich FEIGL, Stormstrasse, 14/9, A.I200 WIEN, Journaliste, Specialise dans les questions culturelles, Alme Nora HILTL, Treuman..'"'lgasse, 9, A.II)O ii'IEN, Ancien Depute, ~fini sterialrat a.D.

Par votre telegrrunme du 11 octobre dernier vous nous annonciez une lettre explicative de lJr P..IG!>NI, nous n 'avons encore rien regu a ce jour et sornmes sans aucune npuvelle de sa part.

Nos Comites et nos Commissions se developpent, on nous questionne de partout en Europe, c'est pourquoi nous insistons une nouvelle fois sur votre ranide visite soit a Paris ou a Bruxelles. Elle doit nous permettre de prendre les dispositions indispensables qui decoulent de la nouvelle situation et nous aimerions les pendre avec vous.

Avec notre souvenir amical et devoue, Address any reply to: 31 Hopkins Plaza. Baltimore. Md. 21201 @@~fillrruouu®rru~ ®f! nDD® u(?@@@Q£](?~

@B@~[?B®~ @)B[?®@~®[? Internal Revenue Service in reply refer to: Date: ,j UL 1 2 1971 Au:FA:ll)O:JEC --'---·------l -- --

t> The Heritage Group Council for Citizenship Education 1028 Connecticut Avenue J N. W., Suite 905 l'lashington, D. c. 2003b

Purpose: Educational and Scientific

Address Inquiries to the District Director of Internal Revenue: Baltimore, Haryland File Returns With: Mid-Atlantic Service Center Accounting Period Ending: December 31 Gentlemen:

Based on information supplied, and assuming your operations will be as stated in your exemption application, we have determined that you are exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Any change in your purposes, character, or method of operation must be reported to us so we may consider the effect of the change on your exempt status. You must also report any change in your name and address.

Pending issuance of regulations under Section 509 of the Code, we are unable to make a determinatio~ as to whether you are a private foundation as defined in that sec­ tion. Upon issuance of the regulations we will evaluate your application, make a deter­ mination as to your status under Section 509 of the Code, and notify you of our decision.

For years beginning prior to January 1, 1970, you ~/are not required to file the annual information return, Form 990-A. For each subsequent year, please refer to the in­ structions accompanying the information return for that particular year to determine whether you are required to file. If filing is required, you must file the information return by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of your annual accounting period.

You are not required to file FederaL income tax returns unless you are subject to the tax on unrelated business income under Section 511 of the Code. If you are subject to this tax, you must file an income tax return on Form 990-T. In this letter we are not de­ termining whether any of your present or proposed activities is unrelated trade or business as defined in Section 513 of the Code.

(0l'rr) FORM MA~-S61J Ill '701 ~2-

You are liable for social security (FICA) taxes only if you have filed waiver of exemption certificates, Forms SS-15, SS-15a, as provided in the Federal Insurance ~ontributions Act. You are not liable for Federal unemployment taxes.

Donors may deduct contributions to you, as provided by Section 170 of the Code. Bequest~, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to you or for your use are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax purposes under Sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Code.

)'ou need an employer identification number even if you have no employees. If ~n ~mployer identification number was not entered on your exemption application a num­ ~~r will be assigned to you and you will be advised of it. Please use that number on all f~turns and in all correspondence with the Internal Revenue Service.

T~i~ ~s a determination letter.

Sincerely yours,

~h(~ Irv:L'1~ I·;acLiz District Director

FORM MAR-5627 ( 11/701 The Heritage Group Council for Citizenship Education Suite 905 I 1028 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. I Washington. D.C. 20036 I Telephone: (202) 296-3630

October Boud of Directors 9, 1974 Dr llerbert C. Mayer Dr Karol H. Sitko M.r Fu11ene C. Heiman Dr I .8. Ozinich Mr Robert Brueckner Mr. Donald l. MiUer Mr. Ernest Rigoni Mis\ Mar11aret Y. Richards Thos. Cook, Inc. Lepl Counsel 4, Pare de la Berengere (iunter von Conrad 92210 Saint-Cloud FRANCE

Dear Mr. Rigoni :

Due to the situation which I explained in other letters and documents, which were sent under separate cover to you, we cancelled our October conference.

We will reschedule the conference by the end of February or beginning of March 1975, subject to final notice by January 15, 1975.

We hope that Thos. Cook will make an arrangement with USTS and will, after processing their own arrangement with USTS, open the files for our work scheduled to start on November 1, 1974. If it is not possible, please advise if budgeting is possible not later than January 1, 1975.

He:r-e ~.n the United States, we will try to establisl1 a new financial basis through a fund raising drive, if at all workable under present cond~~ions.

If it would not work out, we hope to collect enough dona­ tions to start the conference by the end of FeP.ruary or beginning of March 1975,. followed up by the Europe~n conference by the end of April in Brussells. We feel that the amount of money spent now for the conference would not serve the purpose and we must use those monies to start a fUnd raising. drive.

Please propose an agreement between Cook and the Heritage Group Council as well as the Council for American-European Cooperation, our European branch. I hope that after signing this contract we can immediately start the work.

- over - Mr. Ernest Rigoni October 9, 1974 ~~ge 2

We are scheduling regional conferences in the United States during the month of November for the States of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.with the cooperation of Thos. Cook (New York), Mr-.- Aristides J. Drbal, Vice President. Such an arrangement wiil overcome the troubles we have at this moment. It will ~ot-hurt our arrangement for preparation of the receiving end ~d hopefully will not delay too much the arrangements in ~~ope which, of course, w~ll depend on the decision of Thos. Cook. \,' .._ ~ . -· .

~~ w~l~ announce the conference in the United States and Europe not later than January 15, 1975, hoping that by that time all ~~~~~ca~ da;~a and operat~O!J.S ar~ w~~:L under way.

~his is the only way to overcome the present difficulties. We ~~-~~fo~ing our Europe branch accordingly, advising them to ee~~!!J.Ue their WOrk despite disappointments and channel their ee?Pe!~t~on through the !espective u. s~ embassies or to wait ~~~:L the moment we have completed all the arrangements necessary f8! ~ee!~!!J.~tiO!J. ~! t~!s S~ ~portant undertaking. w~ ¥~d ~~ke to emphas~ze that any delays are harmful to the ~e!~~~ ef our people and the motivation for this type of work. W~ ~e ~ot making any promises t~ our organization in Europe p~~ fe~:L t~at we can overcome t~e diffi~~:I_ties w~th goodwill e~ ~!! p~~!~s involved. EM SASSY OF THE


October 1, 1974

Dear J,Ir. Sitko:

I refer to your letter of September 25, 1974 describing your plans for the Bicentennial Travel Conference, to be held in Washington from October 23 to 27. I am taking the liberty of replying on behalf of Ambassador Volpe in his absence.

You mention the need for the cooperation of the United States Travel Service in Italy under the Ambassador's guidance. The USTS no longer operates in Italy. The Ambassador has, how­ ever, established a Visit USA Working Group chaired by Corrunercial Counselor Albert L. Zucca, which includes a representative of USIS as well as representatives of all airlines operating between the United States and Italy, and the offline carriers. Y~. Zucca will be glad to be of whatever assistance he can to your group and I suggest that Prof. Magnino contact him at an opportune time.

Sincerely yours,

. fJ,. ' ' 0\ . '/ . "~;. ' . ·Q- . ; L}~ I)/):J_t di t L c-/tlt \Robertto-6-r M. tefuary Charg~' d'Affairs ad interim

Dr. K. H. Sitko The Heritage Group Counc i1 Suite 905 1028 Connecticut Avenue N.W. Washington D.C. 20036 PRO MEMORIA

~ :r~port involving l.ftc meeting of Dr. Karol H. Sitko of the Heritage Group Coun­ E!~~~ · ~ ~ Donald L. t11ller of the Heritage Group Council, Miss Margaret Y. Richards ef ~}le !:Ier~ tage Gr~ •tq1 Council, and Mr. Farnum from the USTS, Department of Com­ merce • ..... ~- - - '

Mr. Farnum advised 't r: that the USTS cannot be a part of the contract between the ~~!'~tage group· Couli•·Jl and the Thos. Cook.

!Ph~ USTS will make 11. separate arrangement with Thos. Cook (Paris) based on esta­ ~!~~~e~ procedures~

~e ~~art t}le proce~111 t·c s, the Paris office of USTS will be advised by cable today t8 ee~t~~t '!'11°~ ~ ~'n_oJ._ in Paris immediately.

Mr. Farnum stated tl trt t the USTS' s involvement will be decided between Thos. Cook ~d.c:.. __ ...... USTSo... ,_ - " .

~~~~~ons could not he expected before November 1, 1974. The financial aid re­ ~ulting from an agtH~·ment of USTS and Thos. Cook could work within two or three ~e~~~s; ------

:ft~ ~~~~ !ll()IJlent, we '"1tot make the decision to transport our 35 European Bicen­ t~~~~~ cie~egates llltt1 ten travel agents from Europe. We also must make a deci­ ~~8~ ~~V()lving the "Lu.rt of our operations to be scheduled on November 1, 1974. ~8~~ ~~()~!e~s ~~volv~d a financial obligation which we cannot carry alone. w~ n~CJ.l:lest ~~OS~ Ccu,h to make a decision based on the goodwill and future llH~~~~?s to P!OV~d~c1 the 35 European Bicentennial delegates and ten travel agents Rt~ ~!c~~ts· a!J:d 1~11•1 arrangements in the United States for the period of the e8~ft!~~ce to be }1tc!lt'l October 23-27, 1974. Since we have to maintain our office f-8~ ~!le p~r~od of

~ ~ ~~~egate$ fj.!'~1 paying their own arrangements in the hotel and registration f~~ !n ~!1! ~() ~~r $50.00 each.

!! ~!J:()~ ~ 9()()~ :fee:J_::J ~·hat they are willing to provide the tickets and land arrange­ !!!~H~? :for the grouJt ••nning from Europe and later on, to start the operations on t!l:t ~~~!s ()f the bth1p,r•t described in the "Heads of Agreement" dated September 11, 1914 and in the repl.v of Thos. Cook titled "Pro Memoria" dated September 18, 1974, ~£~ ~~i~~~ge g:r()~:p U••uncil will start all the operations as scheduled.

- over - Pro Memoria Page 2

If Thos. Cook decides that it is unable to provide the flight tickets and is also unable to advance a budget without the icrmediate arrangements with USTS, then we }lave no choice but to call off the October conference as well as freeze all future plans.

We do not believe that a reactivation of the future plans will be ?Ossible. We hope that we have the answer of Thos. Cook by Tuesday, October 8, at which time the Board of Directors of the Heritage Group, Washington, D. c., must make a final determination.

The Heritage Group Council of Citizenship Education

! : /} .2 ('J ' Karo;_-H~itk~ / : r- EXecutive V~Preside

October 2, 1974

KHS/llp UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE United States Travel Service Washington. D.C. 20230

October 4, 1974

Mr. Karol Sitko Heritage Group Council 1028 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Suite 905 Washington, D. C. 20036

Dear Mr. Sitko:

I appreciated the chance to talk with you Wednesday about your latest trip to Europe, and think it would be useful for all of us if I ~ecapped the USTS position:

1. The proposal of the Heritage Group Council to develop large volume ~!centennial traffic from Europe to the United States is very inter­ ~sting. We, however, are unable to work with private firms directly ~o we channel all our efforts through the travel industry.

2. If the Heritage Group Council deals with a travel wholesaler in France, West or the United Kingdom, we would be interested in talking to that wholesaler to see if his plans for promotion of that Bicentennial program conform to our requirements, and if the wholesaler ~s interested, or qualifies, for USTS involvement.

3. Any tour development contract made by USTS is only with a travel ~ndustry member and does not include third parties.

4. By the same token, USTS does not become a party to agreements made between others (The Heritage Group Coundl and a travel wholesaler, for ~xample). If, say, USTS is mentioned in a contract of this sort then we become parties to that contract and our approval of it is required.

Let me know if you have any questions.


~ee H. Farnham, Manager ?rogram Planning cc: Ari Drbal, Thomas Cook, New York ' ORG~NISATION DU TRAITE- DE L'ATLANTIQUE NORD


1110- BRUXELLES, 2nd0ctober 1974

REF: DI.32(74)126 Dear Sir, Thank you very much £or your letter dated 22nd August, which I £ound on my return £rom leave a couple o£ days ago. From the documentation sent by you, I noticed that a decision on the plan £or my proposed activities can only be taken during the annual meeting scheduled £or -24th to 27th October, £or Vlhich you were kind enough to send me an invitation. Due to the very heavily loaded programme o£ visitors during this month and to some political events which will take place during the same period, I will unfortunately not be able to attend this very important meeting, because my presence in Brussels is necessary. I· regret this very much. So I will have to vmit patiently £or the results and hope to receive some good news £rom you concerning my proposals be£ore 15th November.

I woul~, however, already like to express my gratitude for your kind e££orts. rely,

Mat tar Briefing & Programmes O££icer Regional Officer Germany ·

Mr. Karol H. Sitko Executive Vice President The~eritage Group Cotmcil for Citizenship Education Suite 905 1028 Connecticut Avenue, N. Vl. WASHINGTON D.C. 20036

TEL. : 41.00,40 . - 41.44.00 - 41.44.90 TELEX 23 • 867 THOS COOK & SON S. A. 2 PLACE DE LA MADELEINE 75381 PARIS CEDEX 08 Cables COUPON PARIS Telex 21764 Telephone 260-33-20 1- -I

EXPRESS t Mr Donald L. Miller ':1 Heritage Groups Bicentennial Committee ..-. Suite 905 1028 Connecticut Avenue N.Y. Washington D.c. 20036 u.s.A. I_ _I

Votre Ref. Notre ER/MD Date September 27th, 1974.

Dear Don :

Please find in enclosure photocopies regarding the activity of the Belgian Bicentennial Committee.

We have sent out today by telex to Mr Aristides Drbal the draft agreement of Thomas Cook with the Heritage Groups Council. Ye had a meeting here today with the participation of the leading managers of Thomas Cook world organization.It has been decided that Mr A. Drbal will talk over this matter with your organization and finally sign the relating agreement ..

I have talked today on the phone w~th Mr Drbal.He will come to Europe (also to Paris) on the Jrd of October. It has been decided , in principle , that I will accompany Mr Drbal to New-York on October 5th in order to assist him in New-York and Washington for a few days,in respect to our various Bicentennial problems.

Sincerely yours ,

P• THOS COOK & SON S.A. Encl. : Bicen~e~~ copy to : Mr A. Drbal Vice-President North America ·Tour Development THOMAS COOK - New-York , N.Y. /.. Rigoni_-·- _.,.-- .r = • MOUVEMENT 0' ACTION POUR L' UNION EUROPEENNE rue du Lombard 68 - B. 1000 - BRUXELLES Tel. :511.62.52 - 511.57.44 tA J6 flt · .... ' '" Ut IUtltUu j il7u ~ . . .

~:/'' ' ' () >;) it 1tt 't

LE SECRETAIRE GENERAL d//-t'u 'dl rJt.tnr -4 ~ d ~· ft () llu ~~~ ~~ ~ • ttk--· ' . .A 'I) nrlt~ #a,u ttu U/ ail ~ u- !btu tuilu - tM hu# k ~ttu~ . -·,

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' ;, l . ' ',. ' '· ·~· D.A.H.L. - Chan--cer Gle:vela.:1.d 27012 Hilliard-Road Clevela.."ld, Ohio 44145 September 26, 1974

Dr. Karl H. Sitko, Executive Vice President The Heritage Group Council for Citizenship Education 1028 Connecticut Ave., N.W. ''ashington, DC, 20036 Dear Dr. Sitko,

I ac ~no1.;l edge '\·.ri th thanks your 1 e tter of Septe:n ber ll and the enGl o sed check for ;34. 00. Please excuse the delay in answering you. Ho1vever, the scrolls and. their related correspondence, have resulted i::.L a CD n­ siderable backlog on my desk.

In answer to ~rour inquiry as to 1vhether you may reprint the scrolls in the ne1tr issue of the "Spirit of 76", please accept this letter as your permission to do so, under the condition that you also publish the source of their origin, along v.ri. th the address vrhe.L·e further co;>i es may be obtained. Thanking you for having show-n in-+.terest in our v.o rk, I remain

' •"1 Sil;lc er,ely rm~ s , / •i1 q}ff{/--,;t/h vl!~ 'i/al ter Dumke President GENERAL VANUXEM

f (A, te ~l.l ntie: u.., a.M.. .ftv"l.. a., w. '.> f 82}i o · "''E'll LA-~


l,w~' I v-, ~ tc,. to.~'-tr tllM\.MI.I).).' L' AHERIQUE ET NOUS

Les naviga•teurs franGais partis de Dieppe ala recherche 1

d'un passage vers l'Ouest ~ decouvrirent les cotes de ces terri­ l . ~ toires qui ferment aujourd'hui les Etats Unis d'Amerique;t~trouvenen

le pays si beau qu'ils l'appelerent :ta Nouvelle France .~ Jur le

premier globe terrestre ,en I929 ,ils firent graver l'inscri~tion:

Nova Gallia •

Ces terres ~nix sous des latitudes qui les faisaient pa­ ,.. reilles aux notres hantaient toujours leurs esprits et il n'est de

roi de France qui n'y ait laisse son nom de quelque faGon •

~auteur britannique vient d'ecrire une histoire de la

Marine FranG&ise .Il y signale ,non sans une certaine h~rgne ,que

la guerre d'Independance fut desastreuse pour la France ,non seule-

ment par les suites du traite de Versailles ,mais 11 le despote bour-

bonnie~(Louis XVI) qui avait trahi sa caste en favorisant la crea-

tion d'une republique ' devait eprouver sur sa personne le choc en retour de sa faute ' • Cela est faux : la revolution franGaise ~ d 1 autres causes

et en l'occurence Louis XVI ne fit que -gr±ERxm±nRf'cnrr-s...Mv-1-( la

politique traditionnelle de la France dans le nouveau monde •

· Mais il est vrai que la fin de la· guerre de 1 1 Lctependanc

lui permit d'alleger les impots de plus de 2~~ .C-e qui signifie

qu 1 avec La Fayette et ~cham beau , non seulemsnt la France donna le -sang de ses soldats ,mais que chaque franGais contribua par

sa sueur ,par son travail et par son revenu a la creation des

Etats Unis d 1Ameriqtie • Ce fut ,~ terme 1 un excellent placement •

Le trait~ d'amiti~ entre la France et les Etats Unis

1 d Am~rique 1 signe ~ Versailles en I783 ,est le plus long qui ait ~xist~ sans faille entre deux nations •

Il valut ~ la France en I9I7,quand elle ~tait exsangue

et ~ bout de forces ,la venue sur son sol de plus d'un million

d'americains :La Fayette nous voici[,.!Cela lui permit , par cette res­

source nouvelle et alors meme qu 'un seul C41f' At..t~americain' , u1ais

avec quel heroisms ,fut e~gag~,de gagner la victoire du droit et

de la libert~ qui allait lui valoir un prestige ja;nais connu.

Une seconde fois aux abois et perdue de honte ,son terri­

toire occupe par l'ennemi ,elle ~litt sa liberation~ ses vieux amis (.., d'Amerique c:t j ~ la gloire d 1 Eisenhower ,il en a manque une,qu'il

a si bien m~ritet,celle d'~tre nomme Marechal de France •

Les Etats Unis y depens~rent un effort inoui ~d'hommes ,

de mat~riel et d'argent /Mais ,ils vinrent encore en aide aux vieux pays d'Europe ~ don~ la destructmun ~tait ~~e1 et en particuliel a la France , par le plan Harshall qui per':li t des miracles et \U'f ~pa-

nouissement ~conomique qui n'avait jamais ete connu •

Contra le danger nouveau dresse a l'Est ,les soldats am~- ricains ,malgr~ l'intention gouvernementale premi~re de rentrer chacun chez soi ,demeur~rent en sentinelles vigilantes pour sauve­ d.t.. r. a'"') 1- garder la liberte et l'independance de l'Eur~ans l'incapacit~ de se d~fendre •

Les Etats Unis d'Amerique par le Jlacte Atlantique ont erig~ le rempart qui a donn& ~ l'Europe plus de vingt ans de paix.

L'Europe Unie pour assembler ses forces en une grande en- tite politique ,economique et militaire , aux dimensions des nations 3

des temps modernes ,ne pourra se faire que sous l 1 egide des Etats- Unis a,'/t~l-,·~Lit,

Hais parvenue elle m~me a puissance egale jl 1 Union des d.(hG\u.(t puissances de 1 1 Europe da 1 1 Ouest RE±x»x ne pourra qu ~f'AIJ~Vavec l'Amerique du Nord ,dans une meme volonte d'ordre et de liberte,

ecarter les nouveaux barbares qui viendraient troublep la paix du monde •

Car s'il est vrai que tant d 1 interets politiques ,3cono- miques et militaires ont uni ,par dessus l'Atlantique qui est leur mer interieure ,l'Europe du Vieux monde et l'Amerique nouvelle , ~ c 'est que di 'une a 1' autre se son t t-t€M'l}~ les vieux ideaux d~ respect de la personne humaine et de la liberte

Cette force d 1 ideal a ete transplantee d'une rive a l'autre dont les habitants non seulement sont d'origine comMune ,non seule- ment ont des interets politiques ,economiques et militai~es communs 1 mais sont de meme esr-ri t et de meme foi , et ~~ coeur1~t au meme rythme ·ftOWt. .( 'h 0\1'\ "~ k { 'kiW)tMe -e ~~ ~ 'ku.•na hi't.e'.

Les Etats Uni? d'Amerique sont l'Europe nouvel~.

L'Europe est la soeur ainee de l'Amerique •

Le Deuxieme len tenaire de 1' Independanc e Americaine sera - . . ' 4U,(,.c..S.,SG«.\ ~ ~t. ~ n, l'occasion ,non seulement de rendre .rlus tangible le~~s de mieux accorder encore nos coeurs et nos esnrits confondus dans 1~ ,U . ~ »l"n r ami tte~ngtemps eprouvee,. et dans ~,S plus nobles aspirations~ t&u.z... "lL1 ~ "'"~"1.'1. IVVlfAte~1 . STUDIENGES ELLS CHAFT STAATSPOLITISCHE OFFENTLICHKEITSARBEIT E. V. ANERKANNT GEMEINNOTZIGES INTERNATIONALES INSTITUT FOR ERWACHSENENBILDUNG ------DEN HAAG· LAUSANNE · LONDON. PARIS ZENTRALVERWALTUNG: 8762 AMORBACH tODW.,KONVENTBAU, SCHLOSSPLATZ 1

Bayerische Hypotheken- u. Wechselbank, Wiirzburg, Kto. Nr.l49-232467 Postsched

Sektion Siiddeutschland s M 0 N cHEN 2, 2 1 • D e z em b e r 1 9 7 3 I A Lenbachplatz 8 (im Kiinstlerhaus) Miss (Biiro Dr. F. Roder) Margaret R i c h a r d s Telefon (0811) 555077,592700 OrgaP~ing Committe~for The Presidents' Forum Suite 905, ----·------J 1028 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.

W a s h i n g t o n D.C. 20036 U. S. A.

Dear Miss,Richards,

besten Dank fUr Ihr Schreiben vom 7. Dezember, das aber erst vor kurzem hier eintraf und auch von Mr. Sitko mit­ unterschrieben war.

Wir verweisen auf unser Schreiben vom 28. November an Mr. Sitko, das alles wesentlicne enthalt.

In Europa haben wir allerdings viel vordringlichere Sorgen, z.B. den massiven Aufmarsch von sowjetischen Angriffsdi­ visionen in Ungaro gegen Jugoslawien. Es ware die hochste Zeit, daB USA die Neutralitat Jugoslawiens garantieren wlirde • • Wir bitten vor allem auch Mr~ Sitko und Ihre Freunde urn Ein- fluB in dieser Richtung. l; ~ .j Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie im Januar kommen und wUnschen Ihnen ' frohe Weihnachten und ein gllickliches neues Jahr.

Mit vielen GrUBen 1. Prof. Herman F. Achinow ·11. Buchersendung, Deutsch­ D8 Munchen 80 Ukrainische Gasellschaft Prinzregentenstr. 93 8 Muenchen 80, Eggernstr. 8 , Europe West Germany

2. Gottinger Arbeitskreis 34 Gottingen, Calsowstr, 54 12. Bund der Danziger West Germany, Europe 23 Lubeck, Muhlenbrucke 1 West Germany

3, Dietrich Bahner, Jr. 1 44 13. BundesjugenfUhrer Berthold Fruhauf Grenzalle 9-11 6 FrankfUrt amjm:.:1in West German, Europe Eschersheim, Haeberlinstr. 23 West Germany 4. Karl Ludwig Bayer An Report Vertrieb 637 Oberrersel 14. Friedrich Caspary Kinzigstr. 2 D-8731 Garitz b. Bad Kissingen Wast Germany, Europe Meulandstrasse 11, Deustchland West Germany

5. Frau Dr. Irene Biermann 6 FrankfUrt am/main 15. Cercle Des Nations Fritz-Tarnow-Strasse 13 Avenue Franklin Rossevelt,25 West Germanry 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium - Tel: 49 51 46 49 83 95 6. Mrs. Bohlke c/o D.I.D, Chef-Redaction 16. Alain Contini, E.S.C.A.E. Directeur Adjoint Vetrieb; Bonn 17 Ruede Provence Postamt 9, Schliessfach 9144 75009 Paris, France - Tel: 523-25-80 West Germany, Europe

17. Roger Contini 7. · Johannes Bork 9, Rue de Montevideo 1000 Berlin 21 PRris-16, France - Tel: 504-17-34 Krefelder Strasse 3 504-37-20 West Germany 17 Rue de Provence Paris-9, France - Tel: 523-35-80 Telex: 29971 8. Dr. Karl otto Braum Buero Muenchen 800 Muenchen, Karolinenplatz 2 18. Dr. George Curenk _ West Germany (4630) Bochum, Wasserstr. 183 West Germany 9. Frhr. V. Braum Der Gottinger Arkitahreis e.v. 19. Der Europaische Osten 34 Gottingen • 8 Muenchen - 13 Calsowstrasse 54, West Germany Adelberstrasse 96, West Germany

10. Prof. Dr. Emil Brzoska 20. Deutsche-Ukrainische Gesellschaft e.v. Frankfut am/main 8 Muenchen 80 Domplatz 14, West Germany Eggernstrasse 8, West Germany 21. Deustsche Umachau 3 Hannover Lonigsworther Str. 2 ·31. Dipl. Kfm. Herbert Hertlein ~ans peutscher Osten, West Germany 8-Muenchen 2 ottostrasse 6/111 1. Aufg. West Germany 22. ~~~ister of Welfare & Social Affairs, Werner Figgen · · · Dusseldorf NRW., Ministerium 3?~ Prof. Dr. Frhr von der Heydte West ~ermany · · 8702 Gerbrunn, d. Ober Wrerzburg, Gieshugelerstr. 45 West Germany 23. Dr. E.H.G. Gambke ~/o Wolkswagen Foundation Vo~~sburg · · · Herrn Charlie H. Roese V~~swagen~Werke, West Germany peutsche Jugend Des Ostens Bundesgruppe Berlin-Mark Brandenburg 33 Brannscheweg-Bienroder Weg 80 2?+. Mr. W. Gartke West Germany ~~~ersche Landsmannschaft, 2 ~~burg 13 w~~t ~ermany 34.- . Mr. Hoffmann c/o P-onnnersche Landsmannschaft 2 Hamburg 13, Johnallee 18 ?'~ Herrn Joachim Goerge Gorlich w~·st- Germany '6B7 Haan~Rheinl:, Am Brunnen 11 w~~t ge~any.- ...... W~~~i Homeier Bu~d Der Vertrieben, 3 Hannover ''~aus Deutscher Osten", 26. Helmut Gossing ~~~~gsworther Strasse 2 5!±86 Oberwinter · · Postfach 1127, West Germany Rheinhohenweg 6o w~~~-~~rmany !J:r' ~ Hupka ,MDB c/o "Der Schlesier", 27. Karl Friedrich Graw ~350 Recklinghausen ~ ¥~~f'ir-t- am/me. in 1. ~~:r'~~T-Ctr. 12/12a, Postfach 1360 West Germany · -· · W~ st Germany ~~!; ?8 ~9 42 & ?8 50 ?7

~~!~ E. A. L. Iremonger 28. Herrn Werner Guillaume International Federal of Allied Servicemen Hems de Ostdeutschen-H:einlat ?-~e Foudreau Paris (9e), France sfresemannstrasse 96-102 ~~!!~~ ?~, West Germ~y Private Address: 14/16, Avenue RObert Schuman, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt ~~~~s, France - Tel: 825-58-36 ?9~ ~a~0grve von Hassel, ~~P~~~ !3~!1T!-' Bundeshaus ·· -··· West ~ermany · !Jr~ Hans Edgar Jahn, MDB • B3? ~ad Godesberg Lindenallee 9, West Germany 30~ Prof. Dr. Walter Hallstein Der Pras id.€mt Der Kammission Der Europe 39. Mr. Max Kafka (Europaischen) Wirtachaftsgemeinschaft 3504 Kaufungen III - West Germany 24, Avenue de La Joyeuse Entree, Brussels 4 gBelguim 40. Dipl. Ing. Kaizik 51. Herrn Josef Mackiewicz 8 Munchen 25, Diepoldstr. 5/0 Lks. 8000 Munchen 22 West Germany Windeckstrasse 21, West Germany

41. Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger 52. Herrn Andrzej Madejsczyk 53 Bonn, Bundeshaus, West Germany Koln-Bocklemund, Grudenbecherstr. 9 West Germany

42. Pfarrer Franz Klimsa Welz 3t. Lambert, Rhineland 53. Herrn Dominik Marcol West Germanh 4 Dusselfdorf-Wersten Pattscheiderstr, 14, West Germany

43. Dieter F. A. Knoblauch, L.D.C. Ostopolitischer Deutscher Studentenverband,e.v. 6 Frankfurt am/main - 1 Niddaster 79, West Germany 54. Dr. Stefan Marinoff 8 Munchen 71, Schliessfach 710646 44. Dr. Konrad Koch Forstenrieder Allee 2 Bremen, Graf Moltke Str. 66 West Germany West Germany 55. Herrn Egon Maschler 45. Mr. Kottwitz "Unser Obershlesian" Bund Der Vertriebenen Wilhelm-Hauff-Strasse 8 53 Bonn, Gorch-Foch-Strasse 1 Wiesbaden, West Germany West Germany 56. Prof. Boris Meissner, Director 46. Dr. Hans Kramarz Institute for Research on Marxism-Leninism 5302 Beuel, Feldstr. 94 University of Cologne West Germany Cologne, West Germany

47. Atty. Adolf F. Krzeir.ien 57. Atty. Alfred Musiolik 6 Frankfurt am/main - 1 Berlin-Wilmersdorf Bergerstr - 48, West Germany Aschaffenburger Str. 4 West Germany

48. · Gerhard Kubatz Runderoth - Schliesfch 18 58. Clemens J. Neumann Rheinland, West Germany OSMIPRESS GmbH 53 Bonn, 3orch-Fock-Strasse 1 West Germany - Tel: (o 22 21) 23 20 42 49. Landsmannschaft Weischsel-Warthe 582 Gevelsberg/Westf. Hagener Strasse 234; Fest Germany 59. Dr. Theodor Oberlander (Bundesminist. a.d.) D - 53 Bonn 50. Dr. Lothar Lohrisch Luisenstr. 6, West Germany European Confidential Report 0 5000 Koln 1 - Postfach 190229 Sp~chernstrasse 342, West German 60. Ponnnersche Landsmannschaft 2 Hamburg 13 - Johnsallee 18, West Germany I I 1 >

61. Wolfgang Reineke 70. Sr. George W. Strobel 69 Heidelberg Institute for Research on Marxism-Leninism Schloss-Wolfbrunnenweg 46 University of Cologne West Germany Cologne, West Germany

62. Dr. ~isela Rheker, 71. Most Rev. Franz Wosnitza Legationsrat - Aus. Amt. 5 Koln - Bayenthal Bonn, West Germany Schillerstrasse 84 West Germany

63. Prof. Dr. Balko Freiherr von Richtbofen 81 Garmisch-Partenkirchen 72. Dr. Zisel Triftstr. 29, West Germany Deutshland-Stiftun e.v. 8211 Breitbrunn/Chiemsee West Germany 64. Clemen Riedel, MDB 53 Bonn, Bundeshaus West Germany Tel: 16 32 21

65. Dr. Friedrich Roder Bund Der Freiheit e.v. 8 Munchen 23, Schwedenstrasse 35 West Germany

66.Frau Dr. med. Charlotte SikoFski 675 Kaiserslautern, Burgstrasse 5 !'lest Germany

67. Herrn Josef Siwitza 532 Bad Godesberg Kornprinzenstr. 51 West Germany

68. Prof. Dr. Georg Smolka 672 Speyer Frh-vom-Stein-Strasse 2 West Germany

69. Franz Josef Strauss, MDB 53 Bonn, Bundeshau~, West Germany COI'.UTE BELGE POJR LE BICENTENAIRE DES ETATS - Uf,JIS.


C 0 N C E P T I 0 N. ·. La commission "Enseignement" s'adresse a la nation et aux elites de demain. En favorisant une m~illeure connais­ sance des Etats-Unis d'Amerique, ella veut etablir une plus grande sympathic pour ce pays et pour son peuple. Elle entend resserrer les liens d'amitie, bases sur des valeurs communes et des conceptions similaires, entre les nations europeennes et americaines de demain, ce qui influencera la politique de leurs etats.

SCHEMA DE T R A V A I L. La commission "Enseignement" s'adresse - aux institutions d'enseignement de base: primaire et secondaire ·- aux institutions d'enseignement superieur et profes- sionnel (universitas, hautes ecoles, enseignement technique, instituts agronomiques et d'horticulture, ecoles des beaux­ arts et conservatoires, ecoles de langues et de secretariat, ecoles hotellieres, ecoles d~ navigation etc.) Dans ces deux secteurs la commission prendre des initiatives pour 1°/ favoriser les sejours et voyages aux Etats-Unis de la jeunesse etudiante et des cadres d'enseignants 2°/ orgoniser des manifestations en Belgique dans le cadre.des diverses institutions d'enseignement pour mieux faire connaitre las E-U.

Les activites preparatoires de la commission "Enseigne~ent"· debuteront des la fin 1974. Pour plusieurs initiatives elle se verra naturellement obligee de collaborer avec d'autres commissions, en particulier avec la commission "Culture". ..

I. E N S £ I G N E M EN T P R I M A I R E aa======a E T S E C 0 N D A I R E.

A- .. Sf.J~IRS ET VOYAGES AUX ETATS-UNIS. ~~--~~------

Il est evident que pour la jeunesse en bas age de ce cycle d'enseignement les chances de pouvoir aller aux

Etats-Unis sont asse~ reduites. Nous favoriserons et organiserons - la participation au jumboree scout (cfr. commission ad hoc) - pour l'enseignement secondaire superieur, les jumelages entre ecoles de meme obedience philosophique (cfr. ordres religieux) ou dependant d'organismes similaires (cfr. Inter­ national Schools) afin d'organiser des sejours dans ces insti­ tutions aux Etats-Unis. Le logement sera prevu dans des inter­ oats, ou chez des parents d'eleves • . - un congres Etats-Unis- Europe de pedagogie et d'enseigne ment audio-visuel, destine aux enseignants, psychologues, res­ ponsables des ministeres de !'education nationale etc. Les frais de voyage seraient partiellement supportes par le minis­ de !'education nationale et partiellement par les firmes concernees par l'enseignement audio-visuel. Cette initiative devra etre accordee avec les comites d'autres pays europeans.

un concours de disser~ation interprovincial, dont les finalistes se verront offrir un voyage aux E-U par des firmes commerciales.. La dissertation devra etre ecri te en anglais et le titre aura trait aux E-U.

une vaste campagne d'infor~ation dans les deux dernieres annees du secondaire superieur sur les possibilites de voyage aux E-U en 1976, sur les possibilites d'accueil, de travail ... Cette campagne sera organisee avec le concours de 1' American Field Service . - . .•,t B. MANIFESTATIONS EN BELGIQUE.

En accord avec le Ministere de !'Education Natio­ nale et avec l'aide des services culturels de l'ambassade des E-U, la commission essaiera d'obtenir dans toutes les ecoles belges en 1976 des cycles de cours specialement consacres auxT E-U. Il s•agira en premier lieu des cours - d'histoire: un cycle de quelques cours dans toutes les annees du secondaire sera consacre a l'independance de E-U; - de geographie: un cycle de quelques cours evoquera les grands traits des paysages, des villes, de l'economie des E•U. La commission se chargera d'obtenir le materiel documentaire aupres des services cultural; de l'ambassade (diapositives, manuals, cartes) - dtanglais: dans le secondaire superieur on introduira des lectures de quotidians et hebdomadaires americains qui seront fournis gratuitem~nt d'art: un materiel documentaire (diapositives et exposi­ tL•on itinerante) evoquera les arts plastiques americcins dans les ecoles. II. E N S E I G N E M E N T S U P E R I E U R,

•=-a=====:::::~•z=a:=a U N I V E R S I T A I R E E T aaaaac::a===a HAUTES ECOLES.



1. Dans chaque ville universitalre un bureau de voyages sera organise, informant les etudiants des diverses possibilites de voyages, sejours, travail, accueil aux E-U. u (Q/{tilrJi•N"' ' t 0.1) ~ ll~ti J111 , tAll ''•'7' f,v4 I '£~tift .. uU. l'tJtytilu ~~VJ.,. 61.~ .l;#f"AI t.~_ ~- _ .c. Ces bureaux de voyages recevront des guides pour etudiants voulant se rendre aux E-U, ainsi que toutes les adresses et documents utiles: American Field Service, listes d'ad resses de familles prates a accueillir des etudiants, cartes de tou­ risme-etudiant, listes d'auberges de jeunesse, programme des manifestations pour la commemoration 2. La COMmission se fera un devoir d'afficher regulierement ad valvas diverses informations ayant trait a la commemoration. On informera egalement les etudiants des tarifs ·reduits, des conditions particulieres d'acc~eil •.•

3. Par le jumelage d'universites ~e merna obedience philosophi­ que, ou enseignant la meme specialite (ecoles superieures d'agro nomie p.ex.) on favorisera des sejours d'etudiants belges qui seront accueillis par l'institution-soeur aux Etats-Unis. n. Chaque faculte universitaire (tant les candidatures que les doctorats) pourr~ introduire des candidatures d'etudiants voulant obtenir le titre d'ambassadeur de leur universite . • La selection se fera par un comite a constituer en collabora­ tion avec des delegues des corps academiques, ~r base du curriculum vitae, revelant un interet particulier pour les E-U. 5. En collaboration avec nos deux ministeres de !'Education Nationale et des universitas concernees, notre con~ission encouragera les echanges de professeurs. Des professeurs belges eminents pourront etre invites a donner des cycles de cours specialises dans diverses universitas amaricaines. 6. Les professeurs et chercheurs ayant accompli partiellement leur formation aux E-U seront contactes pour les inviter a retourner en 1976 dans !'institution qu'ils ont visite. 7. La publication d'une liste complete des travaux de recher­ che en cours en Belgique et des personnes qui les dirigent, fa­ vorisera les contacts avec des chercbeurs aux E-U. La commis­ sion se propose d'envoyer la liste dans tous les centres univer­ sitaires americains. B.· Les secretariats de facultes universitaires et les socid­ tes savantes}eront invites a organiser le plus possible les congres internationaux aux Etats-Unis en 1976. 9. Les eguipes sportives des universitas et hautes ecoles seront invitees a disputer des competitions aux E-U.

B.------MANIFESTATIONS EN BELGIQUE. Dans le cadre des universitas et hautes ecoles, et en collaboration avec la commission "Culture" on organisera conferences saminaires d'etudes consacres aux E-U semaines du cinema ameriacain (plusieurs universitas ont des salles de cinema pratiquement reserves aux etudiants) concerts theatre (troupes universitaires) semaines culinaires (les restaurants pour atudiants, mess seront contact6s) ' -• semaines ame~icaines dans les librairies facultaires, financees par des maisons d'edition - une publicita intensive pour les abonnements aux grands magazines americains.· ----~:------~ ,.. Octobre 1974 -J \lXI D. van StAenberghe • THE WHITE HOUSE


January 25, 1974

Dear Dr. Sitko:

Anne Armstrong has given me your letter of January 23, which forwards a letter from Margaret Y. Richards on the problem of foreign language material for the Bicentennial. I have forwarded it to Mr. William Blue, Director of International Activities, ARBA in whose area of responsibility this lies.

Thank you.

Sincerely, ~~~ ohn Moellering o . j

I Dr. Karol H. Sitko The Heritage Group Council for Citizenship Education Suite 90 5 1028 Connecticut Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20036 BRITISH AMERICAN BI-CENTENNIAL (HERITAGE) COMMITTEE cfo C.I.G.T.S. 4/5 BERKELEY STREET LONDON W.l.

••• l):t;..:/'1

~ .ftD it" .i tf t1 "f Chairman: Lieut-Colonel cl~JJ'~ E. A. L. Iremonger, Honorary Ufe President International Federation of Allied Ex-Servicemen --

Vice Chairman r u·~./1},~ - /'( ~ ._} The Duke of St. Albans, o.B.E. v . ...

/fl -::· .::/ f.'c t"~·k .... ,/;.(<.. Secretary General: y Major General Stockdale, C.B.,C.B.E. f U>-J 1r rt "'"' ,, ., v'I

Hon. Legal Advisers: Claud S. Mayes, Esq. E. P. Rugg & Co., 12 Henrietta Street, London W.C.2.

Official Travel Agent:

T. Cook & Son Ltd. (/r 6 Berkeley Street, /l(jj::JY /'((I }(4... ~,tic_, fOJ tr'oA 'r/ London W.l. J OJx;,.

ttif(t_ /t-tt' j,~ ,de t{J ,a....,,) ~(If~ 4 ~ f(X"' V ('Yt Bankers: j~ r Lloyds Banks Ltd., fo·J {, "J ,,., ('()'.... -~ ll' ,((. .h lfrnl 6, Holborn Circus, ' /(.;t,l Ul. London E.C.l. 4fl ?(.4rQ~ I I ft,; (~ /c;,l. /~tv\( JW'ifrl ho I ')I {c,J. ~ JV(7

.... .u11.l ) .)~ tc. J .~r; ,,·~;.; ~-l(JrNrl

1) r ;~.·(( .tfn~ (I"~J; ~,·.,.,I v1 /)'(JI c)(r)(( ,/ v J) ~// J (l")'tt~'-. ~'". ,c/i.h•, §'!.. ("~/«<"'"• tl•cl (Mu ~ .<{.,1 }OcJ J?,,.,J,., / J.., jh /1. )""/; d,:,, {'~ro;r""""' 7 J,, (A" /"'{" PI\ )-t,' l 4. ra, ,c; /fa '!.f· d., 1 () fC.h,"', ~ r- ,; ('J· hd .)g fl,t IJ,

J I)<",,;·~· }•~" t ,t'!t "'I,, f"w.' ~ ft.t, . ~~ J.'lj'' } /Jr;../u J, ,.,,.,!, () rr» Ja- cr-ju

/Jivc• .. ~J 1:) J t1 r .-a") /"\ ~~I),·~) tr, fY'irA y j ('Cf (

' i I \ I \ fec~e~c:'l A"; 1 ....1tnJu, \ . JC'"") r·,~. . 1 . ("r' 1 ' . . . l ~ }l- I) l- ' \ l',.. I . /7. \ l Jl I I THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN


;e~~~:e~ JJuUJt> ~rol &{oul

fuo&- 2!,--2?r ;q 7lf. ~e o~ /Zt-u. .) ~ tJ-

lkfe1na-r o/ G e01-w v._ mt<.e ricru.. - 0'-etiua. ~·be_ he*/'.er; OJya~/2../'-';! Gttktca'llee 1 -t-ou ,,_daJ,_ c 1. . COl-liTE BELGE POUR LE BICENTENAIHE DZS ETATS - UNIS • ...... 1111 1115. at'IHilllll'llllli!IJ!BlUilllleliWL--D!IIII!II:IIIIII·I-IIID-1110!._1 JJIIR--UII:Iza-.1 i~ JliiU& I!IJIHSll!r__ ~J'iM·~

Q BUT: Renforcer les liens d'amitii et rrovoquer la criation de nouvelles 11:passerel1es" ne co:rdialite confraternelJe entre les midecins des Etate-Unis et de Belgique. II) MOYENS:

Sensibi1iser i ce projet tous lee midecins belges qui ont reQu,au moins p.

Anir.tateur-res:!;)onsaJH~ :Dr.J~~·;u~~I:;:F: 1 Vice-President du Cor.seil Nati0nal de l'Ordre des Heded.ns. IE.r,;x,.:!..lf•s :, Participants d~ja retenus: Dr.NAULhERTS,Pr~sident de l'Associntio~ des-ObsteT.;fdens et G~vnccol0r.u.~e :~eJ.res. (Anvers): "l:.volut~.on de la nHtali te 11 • L ,.. rrJ•~:-n 1 Dx·.u•...- lt',.r.rJ_·;"f"S ,secre1:a1re-gener':t• • • , , 1 0e,, ._a Fbderation ilondiale de Eed(-!Cin::: :r•)u~ le respect de la vie humaine. (Ostende)

• RelPtion~ V~~ico-Soci~les Anima-teur-resnonse.hYe:i;:r:). \{YNEN ,Pre8ident du Conseil d 1/\dr.:in:i Gtra- - -tion~(feTiAssociation Hed:i.cale l·lont1i.nle. (Br~ine-1 1 Al1Aud)

.·' .: ~t>~eo ~t~d !iJ~u-. .,.. -.M,u_,.

• Nedecine ('h~nerale ( Fnti te) : Participant deja retenn:if;:A.l{AIJFLIE.'T,President de la CommisGion · frderale des-Medecins-seneralistes Belves. • Medecine Militaire 1940 -J944. (et Resistance) (Dworp) Anima teur-respo;lsa.l)le ~·:sEVm;s, membre de di verses Commissions Nationales de~endant des Ministeres de la Sante Publirp.te et de la Prevoyance Sociale, qui,ayant paene l'An~leterre pendant la ~nerre fut char~e de ~lusieurs misAions et narachufe en Belgique oc~upee. ( GAND). ~ · "Contacts entre medecins americains ayent accompafne en Belgique les trou~es apres le debarquer.~ent du 6 juin 19lt-4, et les medee:tns belges ayant coopere aux operations militair~s de liberation de notre territoire.u


• l ~~ I Studienzentrum Wirtschafi und Offentlichkeit - lnstitut fur f\t1itarbeiterschulung {I~J1S) - Wolfgang Reineke, 69 Heidelberg, SchloB-Wolfsbrunnenweg 44-46

List of German Participants for the Symposium Ziele Problemlosungen in Washington, D. C.~ October 1974 Situationsregelungen

in Unternehmenspolitik 1. Wolfgang Reineke~ D-69 Heidelberg~ Schloss-Wolfs­ Gesellschaftspol1tik brunnenwe g 44 Umweltschutz (You will find a curriculum vitae attached.) in 2. Ursel Reineke, D-69 Heidelberg, Schloss-Wolfsbrunnen­ Fi.ihrungstechniken weg 44 Offentlichkeitsarbeit Rhetorik u. Dialektik. Conference interpreter, head of IKM, Buro fUr Inter­ Konferenztechnik nationales Kommunikations- Management (Public Verkaufstechnik Relations, translations and interpreter's service, conference organization) in Aus- u. Fortbildungsfragen 3. Wolfgang Grutzner~ D-68 Mannheim, Friedrichsplatz 17 Dozen ten -Vermittlung lnnerbetrieblichem Training former executive Strebel-Werke, Mannheim, close Einzelberatung contacts to German industry Unternehmensberatung

4. Gunther Sachs, D-6000 Frankfurt/M 701 Letzter Hasenpfad 6 3 Seminare often u. geschlossen aile Project-Manager, International Conference Consultants, Unternehmensebenen contacts to German industrial organizations Verbiinde Verwaltungen 5. Mr. Munzel, Schwaben International GmbH, Organisationen D-7 Stuttgart 1, Charlottenplatz 6

Executive Director, Schwaben International Moderne Lehrmethoden unter Einsatz von 6. Johann Weber, D-69 Heidelberg, Landhausstr. 9 Fallstudien, Rollenspielen u. Video-Aufzeichnungen Head Christlicher Gewerkschaftsbund (Christian Labor Union) for the Nordbaden District 7. Richard Hanslovsky, D-79 Ulm, Oberer Hasenkopfweg 72 .. Konferenz- und • ·.a. KongreBorganisation Executive Director, Katholisches Volksburo~ Ulm (activities in the field of adult education) Sprach- Lern- Systeme 8. Hugo Schwobe1 D-69 Heidelberg, CDU, Poststr. 30 •1 Fachzeitschriften Managing Director, Christian Democratic Union, CDU 1 Heidelberg~ Regional District Unterer Neckar lndustrie und Handel 9. Paul Buchert, D-68 Mannheim-Rheinau 81, Sporworthstr. 113 high school teacher, leading position in teachers'associations (Oberstudienrat)

· cont'd. ,,

- 2-

list of Participants, cont' d.

10. Mrso. Hanna Anhalt, D-69 Heidelberg, Im Buschgewann 106 President, German-American Friendship Club, Heidelberg 11. Jochen Haupt, D-69 Heidelberg, Angelweg 16 journalist, former editor-in-chief, Heidelberger Tageblatt, NATO-correspondent, Mannheimer Morgen, President, European Movement, Heidelberg.

This is the selected staff. Furthermore there are established contacts with the presidents of large German associations.

If one or the other of the mentioned participants is unable to attend the October Symposium because of difficulties as to the set dates, I shall nominate further key persons to make full use of my quota of 11 people.

Sincerely yours, Wo~~e

Heidelberg, June 28., 1974 WR/us

.. Oli~~Z.IONE Gt~Nf.J.-l.O.L[ • PER 13L.l SCAM81 CUL TUHAL:

Home, 5 8ofit 1974 vir.: Gr~r:tsci, 16 t61.73G634 (bureau) " 3605626 (maison)

. Monsieur Dr. Erne:Jt Hi;:;oni l-r Allf c/o Thos Cook P a r i s

Cher h1onsieur Higoni, en reponse a Votre uimable lettre du 26 juillet,et faisont suite a notre conversation t&le= phonique de la semaine derni~re,je d~oire Vous assurer mon ac= ceptu tion de p1·endre lu direction du Corai te i toli.en qui devra promouvoir los d.if.L'erentos uctivites integrees avec le Bicen= tenoire USA. Je tacherai de mottro sur pied,le plus tat possible, ce Comite itolien du Bicentcnaire,qui pourrait etre coopose par les suiv~m.ts norainatifs: Leo !IIAGNINO, prof.univ., directeur de la Division des echanges culturels au ~inict~re de !'Education Nationale d'Itelie Armando BATTISTA, ancien prefet de la Republiq~e

Mgr. Carlo C1~LI~OVIHI, dignitaire du Vatican, prof.a l~U.niver= site rontifice, pr8sidente des "ilt::is du Trentino" Gionfranco 1\LIJIAT.l\, ancien depute au Parler.1ent, president de 1'1\cademie de la ~e~iterronee · IciliQ C1iRVELLI!r, prof.u.niv., pr~sident du Centre d'etudes . americaines de Rome

l.Iossimo LfiCCHBI, critic d 1 urt Giulio G~fLIBTJ~H, journaliste Je me reserve de Vouo :.:;dre:-Jscr proct.Ginomont une listo des porsonnulites des divorses couches de la populntion ./. qui pourraient psrticiper h notre activit~. Au plaisir de Vous lire, je Vous prie de bien ~ouloir agreer,Cher IIonsicur Rieoni, mes sentiments les plus cordiaux. Apart e1do 12.220 Madrid-12, Snain .Aur:rust 5, 19?4 Mr Kar0l H. Sitk0 1028 Connecticnt Avenue ~fli Washin~tnn, D.C. 20038 USA Dear l:!r. Sitko: Desni te his recent major sur~ery, the Harou~s de Yaldeitlesias met with us and has approved the foTJ owin~ list for your Snanish ~rational Committee for the Bicente:nial of the Declaration of US Indenendence. He stresses that ynu should keen open the possibility of havin~ substitutes make the October trio. We· are hopin~ to obtain a historian who would be conver~~~t with the-Spanish role in relation to the ..Ameri~Zan Revolutionary War. Since I have not heard from you, no steos h~ve been taken to obtain an honorary chairman. The six oersons listed have agreEd in nr~_m.ciple to partiGinate. ~he seventh would prob~bly pe ilfredo. Sanche?:-Bella, ~1 th ~hom we spoke at C..:.DI, no'.'leverhe 1s out of town on vacation and h1s name cannot be used without his permission. Gonz alo Fer nand e.., de 1 a Hor_a.

Blas Pinar Looez._

Emilio de Hit;uel ~;~ore no llanu~l Yalent!n-!1ama"'o y de Cardenas Ernesto Fernandez-Xesta y Va"-q_uez

Marqu~s de Valdei~lesias, Chairman

Sincerely yours, ~;"At~~~-.<_ __ Kilburn• 1:.acLurrM ,If auf',h ' ----

" Studienzentrum Wirtschaft und Offentlichkeit - lnstitut fur l\1itarbeiterschulung {IMS) - · Wolfgang Reineke, 69 Heidelberg, SchloB-Wolfsbrunnenweg 44-46

Ziele Problemlosungen Situationsregelungen Mr. Dan Miller The Heritage Group Council in for Citizenship Education Unternehmenspolitik Gesellschaftspoliti k Suite 905 Umweltschutz 1028 Connecticut Avenue, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20036 in U. S. A. Fuhrungstechniken Offentlichkeitsarbeit Rhetorik u. Dialektik Konferenztechn1k Heidelberg, June 28, 1974 Verkaufstechnik WR/us

in Aus- u. Fortbildung.,fragen Dear Dan: Dozenten -Vermittlung lnnerbetrieblichem Training Einzelberatung Before Dr. Sitko continued his trip to Spain he requested me Unternehmensberatung to send you a short report of our activities in Brussels and The Hague as well as a list of the representatives for the Bicentennial operation in my area. Seminare often u. geschlossen fUr aile I. Brussels Unternehmensebenen Verbande We discussed the Belgian Bicentennial operation with Verwaltungen Organisationen Mr. Florimond Damman. Mr. Damman invited Dr. Sitko to attend a meeting of his academy with European political leaders in Madrid, Escorial, July 8 - 9. Moderne Lehrmethoden Dr. Sitko will have the opportunity to meet further unter Einsatz von Fallstudien, Rollenspielen u. representatives at this occasion. I include the confi­ Video-Aufzeichnungen dential list of participants. You will also receive a first outline of the Belgian considerations as to the Bicentennial. Konferenz- und The Belgian representatives to attend the Symposium KongreBorganistJ.tion are:

1. Mr. Florimond Damman, Rue du Lombard 68, Sprach- Lern- Systeme B-1 000 Brussels 2. Mr. Vankerkhowen Fachzeitschnften 3. Mrs. Vankerkhowen, Cercle Royal, Brussels fUr lndustrie 4. One assistant of Mr. Damman und Handel

cont'd. - 2-

II. As recommended by Mr. Damman the participant from Holland will be Mr. van Heuvel,. head of Interdoc, The H3.gue. All further information will be submitted orally by Dr. Sitko.

III. Attached you will find the list of the German participants for the Symposium.

I am looking forward to meeting again in October.

Sincerely yours,

~tJLL Wolfgang Reineke


.. Studienzentrum Wirtschaft und Offentlichkeit - lnstitut fur Mitarbeiterschulung (l~t~1S) - Wolfgang Reineke, 69 Heidelberg, SchloB-Wolfsbrunnenweg 44-46

Ziele Problemlosungen Mr. Dan Miller Situationsregelungen The Heritage Group Council for Citizenship Education in Suite 9o5 Unternehmenspolitik Gesellschaftspolitik 1028 Connecticut Avenue, N. W. Umweltschutz Washington, D. C. 20036 U. S. A. in Fi.ihrungstechniken Offentlichkeitsarbeit Rhetorik u. Dialektik Heidelberg, June 28, 1974 Konferenztechnik WR/us Verkaufstechnik

in Aus- u. Fortbildungsfragen Dear Mr. Miller: Dozenten -Vermittlung lnnerbetrieblichem Training Einzelberatung Enclosed you will find the list of all action leaders who Unternehmensberatung shall be included in the invitation to the United States Bicentennial Symposium in Washington, D. C., October 1974. Seminare often u. geschlossen aile All these persons will be actively involved in my area Unternehmensebenen Verbande of operation. Verwaltungen Organisationen Sincerely yours,

Moderne Lehrmethoden .. unter Einsatz von ~• '·' ...... :'!"'St Fallstudien, Rollenspielen u. Wolfgang Reineke Video-Aufzeichnungen

Konferenz- und Encls. KongreBorganisation

Sprach- Lern- Systeme


Presidents d'honneur

Hon. Presidents

General Kcenig (decedel General Sir Richard Gale K. C. B., K. B. E., D. S. 0., .\1. C., General Hardoin de Ja Revnerie

Saint-Cloud, August 28 , I974.

Le Secretaire general Dr Karol H. SITKO Suite 905 1028 Connecticut Avenue N.W. WASHINGTON D.C. 2003§ U.S.A.

Dear Karol :

Thank you for your letter of the 22nd of August. I think that in the meantime the "FIACA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION" News-letter has arrived to both you and Don Miller , and this way you got the names of the committee of Helmut Kostorz. Anyhow , please find in enclosure the two letters of H.Kostorz giving again· the names. I spoke today with Edmund. on the phone .He has finally the British Eicantennial Committee's names : Chairman : -~dmund A.L. J:REII10NGER Vice-Chairman : Duke of St AlJ:>ans Members : .Lady SOANES , ~orman St John Stevas M.Po ,Chairman of the boy-scouts of Great Britain. Sir William GLADSTONE. A delegate of the Trade unions will be nonu.nated very soon. Some other members will follow later ono I shall go on week-end to Durley (near Chichester) . :eo ..see Edmund and talk over with him the whole matter- this week. I am sending you copy of the letter of Mr Damman for. your information.l'le have to be careful with the Belgians but utilize them as much as we can.Our operation has to remain "above politics". Giscard d'Estaing has spoken on the TV yesterday to the nation.He emphasized that he wants a Europe without America.The French are really strange fellowsoAll thay want is business out of politics and fool everybody.I am sending you two articles of the IHT - "French Policy. on Defense gets Post-Gaullist Review". Interesting and characteristic ! Dr Ku Cheng-kang answered my "message".Copy equally in encl.o~uz;~ Sincerely •/it~ fl'/zl/(

.;_ '-·' E.Vo Rigoni 4 Pare de la Berengere 92210 SAINT-CLOUD :!<'ranee !CADEMIE EUROPEENNE DE SCIENCES POLITIOUES RUE DU LOMBARD, 68 B. 1000 BRUXELLES TEL. 81 'It lUI fill ET 0211Ui7.44

le 2I aout 197!}.

~!onsiem.· le Dr I~rol !T.. ST.:.':D, Suite 905, ~Jnnecticut Avenue, 10~8, ~11.J.S!:IING'rON D. C. ~003G.

CI'ler !:onsieur,

,Je I'!U:i.s heureux d'avoi.!' !"e-:-u de vos nouvelles et de savoir c;ue le5 lettres et docu- + . • f.. . t . , ', ~·,1 •• nwn,s que J'? vou~ D1 : ;11~ :,:>arven1r son. arr1v·~s

n:r.rz::mJC Hent s?. Conf0rence Tn:~r:utionale nnmt;;lle les 6 &. 7 septc.:r111re proclwins a Noordc.\)"C~' nan Zee aux rDys-3ns. J'y aasisterai aCCI):.l::a~n~ de ..:!. Vanker!.:!IOVC.:l, Jonet, de :larcken et ?reu~l•)nt. Xous aurons ainsi 1 'occasion d';,m C()n-tact. dirr~ct uvec le Co•;li ~.c ?'Teerlu~H1ai :S pcn•lani:. nott'e s0 jour en 'Ioll nnd·~ • .2.u

Pour b 'Jr..:.xn DU~m D: L U:3.:JOU!1G, je rcncont.rc '-, notre r.SunioP rlc ce soi r a :r3r~uxe 11 e s :.:r :3crnarcl 7... i..:.:.2T>T, .i.(Ldnis+..ra(;enr ::?rincip<.oll £!11 si0ge u2 Luxc~:1bourg des Cowtilll:uut,.$s "'· , • L , • 1 .. • I • ' ..:.url)pecnnes qu1 ~ G.CCCl1o-~ ~:~ prcn(!'C .i.t'!S pro.:ners COll~::.c~a.:! L ux?mJou.rg, l_)OU: 1 a fo:L-;aation d'un Cc::;itS. Je lui d pr.,pos{! :l'~n ?ffrir la ;,Jdsidencc 1 :.:r ::?i'2rrc !'f:;:::GI')I:'l:!;, .Ancic!l .'iinistre des Affaires :trang?!rc.s et ancien Pr·~sident de la Chu:l'H-c des D5ymt•!s. . • ,~,GOI~,., + J • • 1 + • ' , • ' 1 · •. 1r 11.1:...'. t _..;. esu un ce n.. Js nm1s nvec qu.t nous ::;~Lues Cll re a .. 1ons r;•gutleres (Cpuls plus de dix ans. II est aussi Vice-Pr2 si dent du- Couscil International ue Paneur~pe. Je verrai :tr GP£G:.>I~ \ 30~~N le 5 octolJre •

.Avec :non souvelli r nmi cal c t (lSYfHlt$,

Florim~nu D A :.I :J A N •


1110 • BRUXELLES , den 30. Juli 197 4

REF: DI.32(74)91

Se:Q.r geehrter Herr Doktor Sitko, Gestatten Sie mir Bezug zu neh~en auf mein Schreiben vom 27.5.74 mit dem ich eine Vortragsreise meinerseits zu Deutsch-Amerikanischen Kreisen im Frillljahr 1975, im Rahmen der vorbereiter1den Veranstaltungen zur Bicentennial Celebration anbot.

Ich w!lre Ihnen ftlr einen kurzen Z\'lischenbescheid dankbar. Nach Rfickkehr aus dem Urlaub (12.8. bis 12.9.) mfisste ich mich urn dieses Problem kt.!mmern und bis sn!ltestens l'Iitte Oktober die Reise in mein Jahresprogramm-1975 einkalkulieren.

Mit freundlichen Grt~ssen, /!,;

Paul Ivla ttar Briefing & Programmes Officer Regional Officer Germany

Dr. Karol H. Sitko Executive Vice President The Heritage Group Council for Citizenship Education, Inc. Suite 905 1028 Connecticut Avenue, N.U. \'lASHING TON, D.C. 20036

TEL, : 41.00,40 - 41.44.00 - 41.44,90 TELEX 23 • 867 !CADEMiE EUROPEENNE DE SCIENCES POLITIOUES RUE DU LOMBARD, 68 B.lOOO BRUXELLES TEL. ll'M 'II U ll'l ET 02/ll.:i7.44

le JO septembre 1974.

Monsieur le Dr Karol H. SITKO, a WASIINGTON.

Cher Monsieur SITKO,

Monsieur Pierre GREGOIRE, ~pute, Ancien Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres, Ancien President de la Chambre des Depute a accepte la Presidence du CmiiTE L~!BOURGEOIS pour le BICENTENAIRE DES Rl'ATS-UNIS. Son adresse est : 117, rue d'Arlon, a srRA.SSEN, Grand Duche de Luxembourg. ~r GREGOIRE prend les dispositions souhaitables pour la formation de son Cowie. J'irai le voir prochainement a Luxembourg.

Pour l'AUI'R.ICHE: Mr le Dr '1olfram BITSCHNAU, Rechtsml''Talt, 94, Pernerstorfergasse, A.IIOO WIEN, s'occupe actuellement de la formation du Comite Autrichien, il est deja assiste par 1 'Archiduc Radbot de IIabsbourg, que j'ai vu a Bruxelles, par le Dr iVai ter OBEBL!:IT~lER et par .Mr Auguste LOV:P..EK, President de Aktion Osterreich - Europa que je rencontre le 5 octobre a BONN.

Pour la Suisse : J'ai enfin pu toucher le Professeur Henri RIEBEN, rentre en SUisse, Directeur du Centre de Recherches El!!"opeennes de l'Universite de Lausanne, il va etudier le probleme, peut-6tre aurons nous comme President un des anciens Presidents de la Confederation Suisse. Ce serait un grand succes.

Pour la Belgique nous avons des reunions de nos Commissions les 3 - 7 - 9 - 10 - 14 - 16 & 17 octobre. Nous serons solidement equipes pour 1a reunion du 25 a Washing­ tiJn. Nous n 1 avons pas encore regu confirmation de .Mr RIGO!\"' pour ce voyage.

Veuillez croire, Cher Monsieur SITKO, en mon souvenir amical et devoue.

Florimond D A M M A. N • ltru ~ 1-tl lklk .. 'j •n•l!lfWn\1enro : wu~ HH"t.J,;,'I El. tl;G to lhe•0·;1'', ?~--·.. FEDERATION INTERNATIONALE ....-~;.r- :-:<,..::~c"-'·•:;.::.:::1_; ~-INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION ., - DES tl:kc. ·~ . • · ,;I)'.J:~ OF - •''; ; ANCIUNS COMfiATTANTS ALLIES H;:-:= ALLIED EX-Sl]RVICEMIJN (F. I. A. C. A.) , ;· ,.. (L F. A. S) · . Commission FILCA,/HERITAGE GROUPS . . . l' ·· ... ,, FIACA/EERITAGE GROUPS ccc.rJj zoicn · du Bicenb:r.Cl.ire do:J Eto.ts-Unis /\. · · ;:.": for the Bicentennial of the Unitod ~-»~ '::·:\.J State.. ~._.;tn· Hon. P~~ \'J)~, n1y Gonml s;, Rkh"d G,J, K, C. B., K. B. E., D. S. 0., M. C., • J f ,;\ ~ V . ·, ·' •· .···- General Hardoin de Ia Reynerie \U I ~ . . "11

News-letter \ '·, .. ' \ ~ i to all national committees Paris , August 22nd , 1974. L, in &1rop3


J :- Please be informed that so far the follm·ling national HERITAGE GROUP Bicentennial com:ni ttaes have been founded and are operating in Europa :

. ' : .... ~, ' . 1) BEl-Gim'l Chairman : J.Ir Florimond DJ!J.lHAN" Vice-President : l•Ir Paul VAUKERiillOVEN Secretary-General : Hrs Paul VANKERKHOVEN " ... Vice-Secreta~ General : l1r Jean-Paul PBEITn~ONT

2) FRAIJCE : Chaiman : General Paul VANU.XEH -Vice-President Miss THONAS Secretary-General : l\Ir Samuel :HERC IER Treasurer : I·Ir HODRIL.LON

llembors of the acting committee : •' General GARDOJ '' Senator :·, Tll!AHT l-lembor of Parliarn.ent l'Ir DRONNE l-1ember of Parliament General STEHLIN Hr DORGEO ~Ir Hare de LESSEPS ~ .. ,. 1-Ir LADOUET

.. I>lr B. BOULTI~ ;:~ :' t • .·., ..

' ' 3) GERHi\NY : '\

· Con;mi tteo leaders J.Ir KOSTORZ and r.Ir& REINEKE Coffimittoe c3mbers :

·.' ' · J.Ir Oskar Bv5i3 , l·Ir Hellmut GOSSIUG, \·Ierner GUILLAUI-IE , Hr \·Tilli HOI·IEIER , f.Ir Friedrich­ -Karl I.ULTIIAI&'l , I·Ir Robert NtJLLER-COX , Nr PETERS , I·Ir Clemens RIEDEL , 1-Ir Herbert SCHEFFLER , H:rf Hans-Jiirgen SCHUCH , Nr Friedrich \'/ALTER, I·Ir Henning HUSSIGB..llOTi! , Hr Rudi NEITSCH , Nr Giinter SClli1IDT, - l·Irs Ursol HEDOO

4) ITAIJY : Chairman : Professor Dr Loo NAGNINO 1-Iembers of the Committee : r

Paris , August 22nd , 1974.

Hon. Presidents

General Sir Richard Gale K. C. B., K. B. E., D. S. 0., M. C.,

General Hardoin de Ia ~eynerie

Hr Gia.nfranco ALLIATA (Pres. Academia de la Hediterranee) , Mr Icilio CARVELL! (Pres. American Study Center in Rome) , I•Ir 1-lassimo LACCHEI , l1r Giulio GELIBTER (journalist). Other uan:as will follow in due course. 5) SPAI:T : Committee in Spain formed by the Narquis de VALDEIGLESIAS , l.fu.rquis de BLAS PllfM , ,· ' J.Ir Gonza.lo Fernandez de la NORA , Nr Emilio de lUGlJEL , 1-Ir Manuel-Valentino GAHAZO ~Ir Ernesto-Fernandez XESI'A, (f. Hinister SANCHEZ-BELLA).

The Bicentennial Committee in Great-Britain is nu~ under formation by Col. E.A.L. IREI•IONGER. We shall inform you in due course about any change and/ or modification . in the composition of the national committees in Europe.

for the FJJ~A/HERITAGE GROUPS Commission for the Bicentennial of the &U~tedjtate~ •

J' \. . . . ,(''"' • ··.' .. ·-· ~. 1'. ••,.., .. ) ~ • 7 -"I (E.V. Rigoni) Chairman- ' ~ t ..t • address : 4 , Pare de la Berengere ' 92210 Saint-Cloud France

Teleph.: 260.33.20. 771.76.15.


:' ··-~ ~ ,.

• Stichting Nederland-Verenigde Staten

Doel: Bevordering van solidariteit en verbondenheid met de Verenigde Staten en het tegengaan van anti-amerikanisme.

Comite van aanbeveling: Mr. Th. M. Bautz - Mr. D. A. E. de Loos W. A. H. C. Boellaard - Mevr. Mr. A. H. S.M. Liickers-Bergmans Dr. K. van Dijk - Prof dr. A. Lijphart Mr. W. H. Fockema Andreae - Mr. H. van Oordt Ds. C. M. Graafstal - Mr. E. Oosterhoff S. Jurriaans - Jr. F. J. Philips F. Jutte - Mr. H. van Riel Jhr. H. A. van Karnebeek - M. W. Schake/ H. 1'. J. van Ketwich Verschuur - Drs. L. J. M. van Son Dr. F. J. Krop - Luitenant-Generaal b.d. W. den Toom Generaal Mr. H. J. Kruls - Mr. H. W. B. Wefers Bettink Prof. dr. G. A. Lindeboom

Bestuur: C. C. van den Heuvel, Voorzitter H. Pors, Secretaris Mr. P. /edema, Penningmeester P. J. G. A. Ego - H. G. Groenewold H. J. Hergarden - G. K. Timmerman Drs. H. Wissink - A. Zeegers Jr.

Jongerencomite: G. K. Timmerman, Voorzitter Mej. J. H. A. Zeegers, Secretaris Jhr. H. A. N. de Brauw A. Zeegers W. J. Scholtz

Administratie: Van Stolkweg 10, Den Haag Tel. 070-542703 Secretaresse: Mej. A. L. van der Bree Girorekening: 352090 t.n.v. Penningmeester Stichting Nederland- Verenigde Staten te Laren Bankrekening: S/avenburg' s Bank-Amsterdam nr. 64.2/.41.177 Foundation Netherlands-United States

Purpose: It seeks to promote solidarity and alliance with the United States and to oppose anti-Americanism.

Recommending Commitee; Mr. Th. M. Bautz - Mr. D. A. E. de Loos W. A. H. C. Boe/laard - Mevr. Mr. A. H. S.M. Liickers-Bergmans Dr. K. van Dijk - Prof dr. A. Lijphart Mr. W. H. Fockema Andreae - Mr. H. van Oordt Ds. C. M. Graafstal - Mr. E. Oosterhoff S. Jurriaans - Jr. F. J. Philips F. Jutte - Mr. H. van Riel Jhr. H. A. van Karnebeek - M. W. Schake/ H. P. J. van Ketwich Verschuur - Drs. L. J. M. van Son Dr. F. J. Krop - Luitenant-Generaal b.d. W. den Toom Generaal Mr. H. J. Kru/s - Mr. H. W. B. Wefers Bettink Prof dr. G. A. Lindeboom

Board: C. C. van den Heuvel, Chairman H. Pors, Secretary Mr. P. /edema, Treasurer P. J. G. A. Ego - H. G. Groenewald H. J. Hergarden - G. K. Timmerman Drs. H. Wissink - A. Zeegers Jr.

Youth Committee: G. K. Timmerman, Chairman Mej. J. H. A. Zeegers, Secretary Jhr. H. A. N. de Brauw A. Zeegers W. J. Scholtz

Office: Van Stolkweg /0, Den Haag Tel. 070-542703 Secretary: Miss A. L. van der Bree Giro account: 352090 in the name of: Penningmeester Stichting Nederland- Verenigde Staten at Laren Bank: S/avenburg's Bank-Amsterdam nr.