Pride Committee of Houston at I)~ Have Your Parade Entry Application Westheimer, Near the Mandell (713) 529-6979 and Leave a 3~ in No Later Than June 4, 1997
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Holocaust Museum Houston Step-By-Step For Planning, Outrage, Inc. Elected To Bears Witness As A Building and Decorating Host Official Pride Party 5 Community Remembers 7 A Night-time Float 10 After Parade HOUSTON GAY AND LESBIAN PRIDE WEEK COMMITTEE ROBIN DUNCAN by the Pride Committee. The Because Pride Week has grown screening can be done during any tremendously, it takes a lot of time he 1997 Gay & Lesbian of the regular Pride Committee and money to pull it together. Pride Parade is closer meetings. In lieu of the actual However, we also want to . than you think, and this item, a catalog photo or similar encourage more lighted units and year will be bigger and sample may be used for the floats. Therefore, non-profit betterthan ever. For the screening. Items not approved organizations will have a $50 entry fTirst time, Houston will host a night- before the parade will not be fee for floats and a $75 fee for a time pride parade, a first for allowed to be thrown. walking unit. Businesses will have anywhere in North America. With Another major change this year a $100 entry fee for floats and a only four months remaining for the is the parade awards. Each parade $150 fee for walking units. The parade, this is the time for you and unit will have the option to compete parade will be promoted nation- your organizations to plan and for one or more of the parade tro- wide this year, and we want to prepare your parade entries. phies. Only the pre-selected ensure everyone is "Glowing With Because of the night-time categories indicated by the parade Pride" to make it a true success parade setting, there have been entry will be judged. The award Late fees will be assessed for units significant changes made to the categories and parade trophies which do not complete the parade parade route and rules. Whether have been updated for 1997 and applications by the deadline ~~ you are a parade veteran or a new will be a great surprise for If anyone has any questions or _. -----' "'\l~fDr.~:LaQ7_cJ",_", c:G....b""-SLlLQ_to ey.eLvDDe._LoDk~f.Q(.Jb.e--IlBw comm ents re9ard in9 the new _ Ut::;:lltl lIlclll ever. I VI lIle ..::> ••...... ' ••...... '-='1111'8- Il<;"""IloJ' ' ••.....l • L-lt'-'I'-"''-'vc.; ••....• ••.....~ct•• l • ILc..tu ••....., 10.• VVIII I IGlV<C:;Cl -.v .•....V• CI"l'l'TJ' i • first time, Houston will host a night- before the parade will not be fee for floats and a $75 fee for a time pride parade, a first for allowed to be thrown. walking unit. Businesses will have anywhere in North America. With Another major change this year a $100 entry fee for floats and a only four months remaining for the is the parade awards. Each parade $150 fee for walking units. The parade, this is the time for you and unit will have the option to compete parade will be promoted nation- your organizations to plan and for one or more of the parade tro- wide this year, and we want to prepare your parade entries. phies. Only the pre-selected ensure .evervone is "Glowing With Because of the night-time categories indicated by the parade Pride" to make it a true success. parade setting, there have been entry will be judged. The award Late fees will be assessed for units significant changes made to the categories and parade trophies .which do not complete the parade parade route and rules. Whether have been updated for 1997 and applications by the deadline. 0"'0 you are a parade veteran or a new will be a great surprise for If anyone has any questions or )::D entry for 1997, please be sure to everyone. Look for the new comments regarding the new parade rules, route and fees for )m0° familiarize yourself with the new awards to be announced soon. (0 rules. Deadlines will be strictly The new parade route is set to 1997, please contact the offices of 1)0 adhered to so please be sure to begin at Ridgewood and the Pride Committee of Houston at I)~ have your parade entry application Westheimer, near the Mandell (713) 529-6979 and leave a 3~ in no later than June 4, 1997. intersection on Saturday night, June message for Robin Duncan. T ~~ Entries will be lined up on a first 28 beginning promptly at 9 p.rn. m The route will continue East on m come-first serve basis, so be sure II o to get your application in early to Westheimer to Montrose. The route TI guarantee a prime location at the then turns South onto Montrose, I beginning of the parade route. All East onto Hawthorne and North "I!manL.ut. .".J.. ....j: o parade entry fees are required at onto Roseland. the parade route C (f) the time of the application in order will end at Roseland and Lovett. On Tuesday, April 8, we will d to be accepted. ~ z One of the most notable host a special workshop for all changes to the rules is the addition community businesses and of "Item Distribution" during the organizations to learn how to build .~ parade route. The Pride Committee the perfect parade entry to take t± will now allow parade entries to advantage of the night-time setting. throw items to the spectators from The meeting will be hosted at 7:00 ~,' the floats. You must have prior p.m in the Multi-Service Center at in' 1.{:.. ·.:.·.·.:-:.z.~,.}-:·.·. r~- ·t~···,.····· approval from the Pride Committee, 1475 West Gray by the Krewe of c: however, regarding the item you Olympus (see side bar). Because want to throw. Because trash clean we prefer no major mishaps during ?t~;;::· up is ,a major concern, we want to the parade from incorrect lighting -z ensure the items thrown have some connections, we ask that every )0 value and will be .kept by the spec- lighted unit have a fire extinguisher JZ tators (e.q. caps, strings of beads, on board. While we like to show the )\J candy) and will not be left on the "flaming" aspect of our community, tl )::JJ ground. Before or during the we prefer to not see real flames €E ~O mandatory parade entry meeting, a destroy a parade entry. )"1l- 1---1 t. sample of the items to be thrown Parade entry fees have also must be screened and approved undergone a change this year. l~~jjil' JO >::D -G} J. ..~~0..~z. ~~It(r5.ft(if!!:p.r:~: ~~.R..9..~/,l\.p...:..~~~!!.~ MAP. fF"" $~l 1.'\0:w;lf! 4;F""w..::"" W:, fF;'~ I:: '11: I it: m J"!::!'« ~¥1k JULIE SISKA and approved, it became neces- on how to "light up" for the parade. sary to educate everyone about There will be many events The excitement and momentum the change and deal with a new scheduled for the week of June of our first-ever Night Parade set of challenges in preparing for a 19th through the 29th, so block out is building ... fun, safe and successful Pride I your calendars and let your out-of- It's hard to believe that a year Week. This change required town friends know that Houston will ago we had established a task forward-thinking leadership and be the place to be in June of 1997. force to determine what we should we have found that in our current We can all be proud of the fact do about the parade date and time. Pride Week Co-chairs, Darren that this isbecorninq the PREMIER We had numerous complaints about Armstrong and Susan Guerrero. gay and lesbian event in the region the heat, the time of day, the time of They have been masterful in and throughout the nation for year, the weather and on and on. developing timelines and staffing celebrating ourselves and our Through many months of committed the committee with capable pride as a community. effort by a Special Task Force in coordinators who have been It is not too late for you to gathering information from the City enthusiastically at work for come and participate with this of Houston, the weather bureau, the many months in promoting . celebration. There is always a replies from the community and and developing the upcoming need for your time, talents and much debate (about the shorter Night Parade. ideas. I like the saying - "the parade route, security, etc.), it was They have prouqht together the more, the merrier", so come and decided to keep the parade in June many ideas and programs you will join this .exciting team of people. to commemorate Stonewall and to be hearing and reading about in The Pride Committee of Houston move the date to Saturday night the upcoming months. You can meets the first and third Tuesday of when the heat would be less of a soon expect to receive your each month at 7:00 p.m. Call the problem for members of our parade entry application packets, PrideLine at 713/529-6979 for community. With the decision made and there will soon be a seminar more information .••. ,.,' 4<~* '~ .... , f.":<t~ ~c;.Y'i «~1!1' \,S>t." ~ \r -\.....-. ' KI. '~j' •• ~. Th .ifu. iff 9r' ", 00.· ~'fl.:"" /-@If%;.*;;XA,W,illW"%P'" . S J.U6 &",%, "'@"'''''**,,"mffiHi k~' sse ~t.t:& C. @ "& r: wOO &""" .~ ;;x . 11< iii """'wft 10 d~ up Pr SUSAN GUERRERO & DARREN ARMSTRONG cuttin with s This month we will focus on questions about Pride every organization that even considers us for sponsor- Week sponsorships.