Thrill to the Photo-Story of Rudy Vallee's Life
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Thrill to the Photo-Story of Rudy Vallee's Life - a Picture Scoop! Radio's Thrills and Entertainment-Yours in 18 Pages of Programs! IN TH 15 155 UE Week Ending April 10, 1937 M. L ANNEN BERG Publisher CURTIS !\1ITCIlELL, Editorial Director I Smash Features I Kinks and Queens What to do about Personality Faulu-What the Stars D:J! by GLADYS OAKS . 3 Death Comea to , Mln.trel The Landt Trio's TraQedy by JAMES H, STRUT.,...... 8 Quick Trigger t.hdden A Calling All Cars Story by ARTHUR KENT 1-1 Network Member Stations L.og .. ..7 I I Norri. Goff ,nd Chester L.auck Behind the Scenes with Lum and AbnCT by ELGAR BROWN ... , ... ,... 4 Ro" B,mpton An All-American SinQer Tells fler Life Story (Part 111). 6 Cheerio Scoop-The Star Revealed! 21 L.OU;" Massey VisilinQ the Westerner at Home 22 I I Mu.ic of the M"ters by CARLETON SMITH ... ,.,.. 10 Plum. and Prunes by EVANS PLUMMER ....•.•• 11 In.ide Stuff by MARTIN LEWIS .. " ... ". II The Radio Week The Latest Radio News.. 12 Short Wavea by CHARLES A. MORRISON 20 I I Mall yc.ur ballot to Ih" Slar 01 Stul Election Tellero, Rldlo Culd", 73\ Ply The Photo· Story of Rudy Vallee's mouth Court, Chlca,o, IIIlnoil. Put" it on • penny pOIIC.rd. II you Wllh, life A Biography in PietllTes! 2.. Our April Fool Guelling Game Fun for Radio Fans! 26 Big Moments with Blg.Tlmers ,. ~J I I Stories of Neal'~by Stations 17 IT'S UP TO YOU! Slogan Contest Winners ,. 17 RADIO GUIDE'S X-Word Puzzle 18 Hits 01 the Week. 18 Voice ot the Listener. 19 Star of Stars Standings . 19 ODAY'S radio is based tion in the program by Short-Wave Programs.. 20 on a get-together of the studio audience; to Contests on the Air ... ,. "U Tthose who. on the one ward a greater apprecia Guessing Game Answers.. -16 hand, care enough about tion 01 classical music. their radio fare to let They think Jack Benny I I others know of it. and the greatest star on the those who. on the other air; Guy Lombardo the Sunday, April 4., 29 side of the bargain, want best light orchestra con Monday. April 5 31 to please the greatest ductor; Kate Smith the Tuesday. April 6 , , ... 34 number of people, finest feminine popular Wednesday. April 7 36 This listener - sponsor singer; Nelson Eddy the Thursday April 8 . 39 get - together is accom greatest male classical Friday. April 9 -ll Saturday. April 10 . -l-l plished by radio polls and s.inger. But the listeners elections. One way these themselves are not in Official Photographer: Delar. polls are handled is for agreement in every case. Radio CitV. New York the radio editors to tell They have shown that in Cover Portrait by Charles E. Rubino their own opinions. Such the early voting in the polls. soliciting votes from Shep Fields: He sbnds No.3 Star 01 Stars election. Radio Guide ia edited and publi.hed at 731 Plymouth Court. Chicago. 1If. radio editors only, are the Perhaps you do not agree New York World-TelegTam and the Hearst with these radio editors at all. IhM.. \;.". 'T ,\I~", kdl"._.· It 1'... ()~. \o.l.",. \ I 'u , ::.. \\ .... l:o>h,. Apd' U. Editors' polls. The other way is more If you don't, your opportunity to do lUI I....." or 11...., "'_ I... ._ " ....." 1101>00 ,;, " III 1'''_1lI l-"'. n IU,_. troublesome. but more effective: it ls to go something about it is here--now! The way ...._ •• __ "'••• _,.... , _" a..... ,,,_' H. lUI. _. A _ J loa to the listeners themselves, learning their to do it is to vote in the greatest listener 1 ....1 lUI II 1"_. I All "."" , ... preferences, their desires. And the greatest poll ever conducted-the RADIO GUIDE •..-h•. 1:.11, ..1.1, II '.'... _ 1"',,__ TJ' I""-~ " ..n. U ', 1111.... .... I~ \-.", poll of this sort is the annual RADIO GUIDE Star of Stars Election. That will be your '1Io1 0( , 4, II 1"_.•:..."'10. I .... I._I, " )I " l"..I. ,,"_II , .... Star of Stars Election. contribution to the radio of the future. Vote !'te01_ ••"' .:.u,.. lol lilt ' •.:d lI.-.•.• 1....'.·_ .... _.. "" '....;,111 ..,.1 -. UI HUh A,_ The 252 editors who voted in the most today-for greater enjoyment tomorrow! '" \..... n.. A".,...l I.. _. UI ""'h .• _ '" \ .._, It"' )1111. IIoI"J,,,,, iii.........1_. ".111<.,,1 •. recent World-Telegram poll think tomor .......... 1'..-' ,Iotln. I.. nhf..I•.•0<1 U I l'I,_tl. , ,. llol,..... lin....A_". u....n.ltN .... row's radio will drift away from participa- (See Slar of Slars standings on J}( 19) ...1"'. _1<1 bo _ ..1<>1 b, ....,••,1. ..n·.oJ<h .... ...'.~_ f.. , ,. T ... .-t. __, I. ,too UII,O<l Ill.... IIob I"'I_ •••• I. II. It. ..... _1_ ..... .....'MI.... II.. I'.n __.1<-0. 1...11 Unklo .1._Ih; __'. _10<1....., .. I. ,...,1.. _""I.. , ,11 _ _..... IS" It...." b, _<01 _ ' ~ """' .- .".n ,..."", .. lI.p.n 0, It•• "."."", " ..... .... 11•••'••1•• 2 ':; '< I BY GLADYS OAKS ----~ e\'er she had a chance like that, Lucy would spur herself on by conjuring up visions of Anna in her he~·day. She knows now that was why she got small parts instead of big parts, Lucy is a cheerful girl, but during those years in musical comedy she wasn't herself. She was unhappy be o YOU have those blue nights cause of that. when you lie awake hour after The day she heard "Criss Cross" was D hour, wondering why you acted going to close, she came home blue as like a fool at just the time you wanted indigo, There'd be tryouts again, to make a hit? Do you look enviously waiting around in managers' offices. at girls not a bit prettier or smarter letters of introduction. than yourself, and hs\'c to watch them grabbing off the prizes you never win? HER mother came in from shopping, Lady, have you a "kink"? her arms full of bundles, There Well, if you have some personality was something lost-looking about the Cailing. you're in distinguished com girl sitting by the window. pany. The first four up-and-coming "f met your old singing teacher on radio stars we queried each confessed the street," Anna told Lucy, dropping she'd had just such a self-handicap to things anywhere, "He says U's a overcome before she could get her shame you're wasting yourself in stride. And here's their testimony: musical comedy." If you hove a mother or sister or So began the talk that has changed aunt who's the most popular woman the whole course of Lucy Monroe's Cor miles around, it's easy to want to life. "I've thought and thought about be Uk", her. It you put in your time it," said Anna. "You've gone about imitating her, instead of trying to "be your work the wrong way. You yourself," the tale of Lucy Monroe ,-, must stop trying to be like I was. I should show you a lesson. must never give you another letter, Lucy is the daughter of a famous You must never tell another soul in actress, Anna Laughlin, one of the \ the profession you're my daughter," most famous soubrettes of America's "And she was right." Lucy told me. last generation. "To try to be like another person is to Lucy is a tall girl, her poise and stand eonvicted of inferiority in ~'our serenil~' crowned with red-gold hair. own eyes." But when she was younger, her lo\'eli So from then on, Lucy tried only for ness never satisfied her, because she serious engagements. And because was always comparing it with her she was being herseU, the way ahead mother's quick. gay, brunet beauty, wasn't long. In 1933 she was starred When she was quite young, singing in popular classics at the Hippodrome, lessons developed a resment, sweet as "Marguerite" and "Juliet" and soprano that made her teachers talk "Nedda," Then radio! Now she is so of concert and opera. But Lucy didn't well established that her old kink has listen, She'd always dreamed of a ceased to be painful. success in musical comedy-like her Dolly Dawn, who sounds so gay mother's, So she went after a job in whcn you hear her with George Hall's Ziegfeld's "Follies," and for a year was t. ol'chestra, was once all crippled up a glol'illed chorus girl. ); with a kInk that's even more common r than Lucy Monroe's, If the very men ANNA wasn't satisfied, She knew tion of looking for a job sends a Lucy had unusual talent, and with shiver coursing down your spine, all her heart she wanted to help her. there's real psychological treasure for "I'll write the managers I know," ,;.--;'i\ you in this tale of a girl who got over _ ~d\ ... , she said, "Pull always helps!" that fear. But in this case pull was a boom "People told me I was silly to be erang, "If you've anyone famous in scared ot applying for jobs," said your family, don't take his intro Dolly, ''They'd say that the boss ductions to prospective bosses," ad needed me as much as I did him. But vises Lucy.