Citizen Airmen: a History of the Air Force Reserve 1946-1994
&en Armen 1946-1 994 Gerald T. Cantwell AIR PROGRAM 1997 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Cantwell, Gerald T., d. 1994. Citizen airmen : a history of the Air Force Reserve, 1946-1994 / Gerald T. Cantwell. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. United States. Air Force Reserve-History. I. Title. UG853.C36 1997 95-44624 359.4’1 37’0973-DC20 CIP The Air Force Reserve received its first F-16s (shown being refueled, front cover) in January 1984. The C-5 (top image, back cover) came into the Reserve’s strategic airlift force in December 1984; C-141s (middle image, back cover) came in July 1986. Tactical airlift groups obtained C-130s (lower left, back cover) in this same Total Force period of the 1980s. All aircraft images are from the photograph col- lection maintained by the 1lth Communications Squadron, Andrews AFB, Maryland. For sale by the US. Government Printing Oftice Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328 ISBN 0-1 6-049269-6 . to the ”Eighty-five Percenters” The Reservists: ”pure, downtown, of-base” FOREWORD For nearly fifty years, citizen airmen have served in the nation’s defense as members of the Air Force Reserve. Citizen Airmen: A History of the Air Force Reserve, 1946-1994 begins with the fledgling air reserve program initiated in 1916, traces its progress through World War 11, and then concen- trates on the period 1946 through 1994. The study skillfully describes the process by which a loosely organized program evolved into today’s impressive force. The Air Force Reserve story is told within the context of national political and military policy and stresses that over the decades, as national needs have increased, reservists have met the challenges.
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