||||IIIHIIIHIIII USOO5151540A United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,151,540 Aslam Et Al
||||IIIHIIIHIIII USOO5151540A United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 5,151,540 Aslam et al. 45) Date of Patent: Sep. 29, 1992 (54) THIO CARBAMATES AND THEIR Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Marvin Turken; Donald R. DERVATIVES Cassady 75) Inventors: Mohammad Aslam; Kenneth G. (57) ABSTRACT Davenport, both of Corpus Christi, A method is provided for preparing N-acylaminothio Tex. phenols, e.g., N-acetyl-para-aminothiophenol, or 73 Assignee: Hoechst Celanese Corporation, aminothiophenols, e.g., para-aminothiophenol, or N.S.- diacylaminothiophenols, e.g., N.S.-diacetyl-para-amino Somerville, N.J. thiophenol, by reacting any of certain sulfur-containing 21 Appl. No.: 935,461 ketones, viz., an S-(acylary) N,N-di(organo)thiocarba mate, e.g., S-(4'-acetophenyl)-N,N-dimethylthiocarba 22 Filed: Nov. 26, 1986 mate, an acylthiophenol acylate ester, e.g., 4-acetothio 51) Int. Cl. ................... C07C333/00; CO7C 211/00 phenol acetate, or a free acylthiophenol, e.g., 4-aceto 52 U.S. Cl. .................................... 558/232; 558/242; thiophenol with hydroxylamine or a hydroxylamine 558/234; 558/241; 564/428 salt, to form the oxime of the ketone, subjecting the 58 Field of Search ............... 558/242, 232, 234, 241; oxime to a Beckmann rearrangement in the presence of y 564/428 a catalyst to form an S-(N-acyl-aminoaryl) N,N-di(or gano)thiocarbamate, e.g., S-(N-acetyl-para-aminophe 56 References Cited nyl) N,N-dimethylthiocarbamate, an N,S-diacylamino U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS thiophenol, e.g., N.S.-diacetyl-paraaminothiophenol, or 3,476,791 1 1/1969 Newman et al.
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