TEN-T Multi-Annual Programme Motorway of the Sea -Gedser

Member States involved: 2010-EU-21107-P

Germany, Part of Priority Project 21

Implementation schedule Start date: January 2010 End date: December 2013

Budget: National budget: €22,176,151 Action promoter: €67,261,711

Total project cost covered by this Decision: €111,797,328

EU contribution: €22,359,466

Percentage of EU support: Studies & Works: 20%

Additional information: Coordinator’s Report of the Priority Project: http://ec.europa.eu/transport/infrastruc ture/ten-t-implementation/priority- projects/european-coordinators/luis- valente-de-oliveira_en.htm The Action is part of a global project, covering infrastructure initiatives on the transport axis Copenhagen-Berlin: extension of railway Rostock-Berlin, upgrading of European road European Commission, DG MOVE E55 into the port of Rostock, introduction of new ferries. The wider project links to TEN-T http://ec.europa.eu/transport/ priority project 1. index_en.html This transport axis has seen a growing demand. The current ferries are operating at capacity limits and have reached their technical lifetime. They will be replaced by new Trans-European Transport Network ferries (2012), which will double capacity and improve operational reliability, Executive Agency (TEN-T EA) environmental performance and service costs. http://ec.europa.eu/tentea Additionally the link must cope with changing framework conditions. The Fehmarnbelt axis will induce additional competition and modal back-shift. The limitation of sulphur content Beneficiaries & Implementing in ship fuels in the (2015) is expected to result in significantly rising sea freight bodies: rates. Both developments will have a negative impact on the competitiveness of the link Hafen-Entwicklungsgesellschaft Rostock unless investments are made in port infrastructure and vessels. mbH www.rostock-port.de The ‘traffic machine’ concept of high frequency (9 departures per port per day) and short turnaround times of approx. 15 minutes must be ensured. To warrant this top Scandlines Gedser Havn A/S performance, purpose built port infrastructure and vessels are required. Additionally, the investments will allow the development of intermodal traffic, which is expected to reach 6 www.scandlines.com % of the link’s annual traffic (2017).

Danish Road Directorate Finally, the E55 crosses Nykøbing city. This is a main bottleneck and an obstacle www.vejdirectoratet.dk to the efficiency of the transport corridor. A new bypass road will remove this bottleneck, improve road safety, ensure mobility of freight and passengers and reduce the environmental impact. This Action consists of infrastructure investments in the ports of Rostock and Gedser and the Nykøbing Falster bypass road.

This project has been completed.

Update: July 2013