I STAR OF AS - - By Jack Sords^

! .4 Ala 4a*a AAA 4. x x x XXX xxx XX* LEADERS BATTER BOSTON BRAVES Pepsis, Gunners Win In Cape Fear AuRiertl'1 Near Riot Seen as Brooklyn’s Daffiness Lads Win 2 Be- PALE HOSE PILFER Club Faces Davis Dick. Pepsi kings,Founders urffiMS Af hind Fitzsimmons, Hamlin |p mg TWO FROM INDIANS Cannoneers W STOPPED BY CUP op rilS ednesday RAIN BROOKLYN, Aug. 10.—Wl-The The Davis Cannoneers and the Cola lads at their next encoun- CAKCfcK. battering Brooklyn Dodgers cashed Cleveland Losing Streak Ex- Camp Cola Lads Wreck i as the Pepsi Cola club will play in Allen is round- Marks Ma- SiAce Ae JoiAieo in on their power and the guile of ter. Snag rapidly ifc rmisa tended to Five Games as the second game of a series to be chinery as Davis 1 Ae was Meveft Aste Freddy Fitzsimmons today to re- ing Into shape and will draw the Cannon- * at twilight at Legion Stadi- WifH a 300 Av/eRASe- tain their hold on the in played eers top rung Chicago Sweeps Series afternoon at six pitching assignment for the Pepsi Blast Finks the humpty-dumpty National lea- um Wednesday o’clock. The Pepsi team defeated club. The first of these twilight gue pennant race as they knocked the Cannoneers in their last meet- last week out a down the Boston Braves in both CLEVELAND, Aug. 10.—UD-Chi- games brought Only two games were ing a shutout and the soldiers large crowd who seemed to ap- completed ends of a , 14-4 and cago’s White Sox floored tjie Cleve- by in the Cape Fear eer\ are anxious for another try at the preciate witnessing a game in the loop yesterdav 4-0, before a happy crowd of 29,- the n&lMKees) land Indians twice today, Ted Fear league first-half win- coolest time of the day. The game Pepsi Cola club vuisA I 445. Cape defeating the -TMey Lyons getting his 11th win 5 to 2 ners. The soldiers boast some out- will be called promptly at 6 o’clock Marks Machinery team rtAP/vie three Boston and the v / Pounding pitchers and Thornton Lee his 2 to 1. standing talent on its roster and and fans can count on being home Cannoneers for 17 hits in the first the 14th, from Camp Davis game, to make it for eight in the evening. 1 beat, v/ y The Sox the promise interesting by ing the Dodgers won going away behind swept three-game Finkelstein club. the 13-hit of Luke series and ran the At the hurling Hamlin, Indians’ losing stadium the Pepsi Cob who his seventh team hung up victory streak to five games. Carrasquel Hurls Fifth continued their winning Wav* of the. season. by trouncing the Ben Chapman’s triple in the first VANDER MEER COPS Marks club hv As Sens and Bosox the score of 13 to 5 The Dodgers included in their inning, mixed with two errors and Split in a game four doubles and Joe Med- featured by many base barrage a wild pitch, his single in the sixth knock 10.—W— The Marks club used wick’s 14th homer of the year in a and his double in the were ELEVENTH VICTORY BOSTON, Aug. Alejan- three pi'ctl‘ Afdis PResetif PAce eighth ers in an eflort to tumultuous battle which saw police 11,1 ■ ■■■ dro Carr;squel. Washington’s Vene- stem the powerful factors in the first-game of hits tide' PICK SAoOLO FiaJISM THe. twice intervene to what zuelan ‘chalked his fifth from the bats of t]le prevent Chicago scoring. A1 Smith was die hurler, up Cola seAsoti aaaoms- Root lads, who collected a TMe> r >proached a riot between the two loser. Oscar Grimes’ Cubs Celebrate ‘Charley Victory of the season today in the tola! of 14 burner and safeties off the FIRST fiXIft OK FlV& teams. >llie to the second half of a double header combined pitching Hemsley’s triple featured Day’ by Losing 01. Lefty Brew, MiTTeRS In the fifth inning Dick Errick- the Indians’ six with the to give Jimmy Bullock and hits. Prof. Wortman. Sam PlRSrSASe star son, second Brave pitcher, clipped Reds, 3 to 1 in the four- West and In the second contest, Luke the Nats an even split Jchn Barnhard* CP fMe- IMPROVED Medwick on the right elbow with Ap- caught lor the pling’s triple in the fourth and his game series. Mcrks. Lef.y Britt a pitched ball and then struck Dunc:.h went PMiuAoet-PMiA single, followed by Bob 10—W)—The Cin- Washington bats came to life be- the route for the Dolph Camilli, the next batter, on Kennedy’s CHICAGO, Aug. Pepsis and scat, ATMuerics double, in the sixth accounted for Reds the business hind Carrasquel to batter the Sox bred ten base knocks the back of the head. Quick acton cinnati spoiled over the the White Sox winning off Root today 8-2 after Manager Joe Cronin and way. Jennings Edwards the umpires and police averted margin end of "Charley Day” w; s fi,e by Ji-i Gee Walker’s and Doerr had given Boston the Pepsi receive-. Ya^es trouble. Bagby. triple by defeating the Bobby Hawkins and Grimes’ in the seventh to with home runs in paced the oi Fitz- single their veteran pitcher, 3 to 1, necessary edge leverage club at bit The pitcnmg wizardry with four PHILLIES kept Cleveland from being shut out series. It was the first game to gain a 7-6 ver- nits for five followed GIANTS, simmons was too much for Boston sweep the two-game by as Lee pitched six-hit ball. 2 dict. Allen, Rowan and Benson who in the nightcap. The big round the Cubs’ ninth defeat in 11 starts. col (FlrstGame) (First Game) lected two for four. W. Brew GOOD MORNING man with the turnaround with delivery Before the game the 42-year-old AbRH O A SPLIT DOUBLE BILL CHICAGO— Ah R H O A WASHINGTON— two for 3 and Barnhardt witn 2 iu- and the knuckle ball shut 6 2 2 3 0 puzzling Kolloway, 2b_ 4 0 111 Root received a station wagon pur- Case. If_ 4 led !he Marks club. 4 0 110 out the losers with six hits to Kuhlc, lb_ 4 2 16 2 chased with dimes contributed by Cramer, ef_ rf_ 4 10 2 0 At kobert NEW 10.—(^-Wind- notch his fifth win of the cam- Chapman, cf_ 4 3 3 4 1 Lewis, Strange, YORK, Aug. a check for from the 3 0 2 3 4 Merry-Go-Round Kreevich, cf_ 0 0 0 0 0 fans, $1,600 Travis, ss- The ing up a three-game series in without a loss. 4 0 2 9 1 Cannoneers let loose with paign rf_ 4 0 2 1 0 Cubs and other items, including a Vernon, lb_ Wright, end which each game was decided by on Tom in the _ 5 110 2 heavy artillery Starting Earley Appling, as- 4 0 14 2 baby pig. Archie, overwhelmed _ 3 0 0 2 2 By GLENWARD BLOMME one run, the Giants andd last-place third, the league leaders soon put Hoag, If- 4 0 13 0 Bloodworth, 2b the falterin’ Finkeistein duo iv Root then went the full nine in. Evans, c _2_ 4 0 14 0 the Phillies broke even in a double- the away. A walk, Pee Wee Kennedy, 3b_ 3 0 0 1 3 Mj sided score of 23 to 3. in \ game _ 3 2 10' Tresh, c_ 4 0 0 7 0 although the Reds tagged Sundra, p header before a small Sun- and nings 10 0 game 'oosei p.aynl and today Reese’s triple Sibby Sisti's Early, x ..- 10 t?M-.icd The week was one of the biggest sports weeks in Lyons, p- 4 0 0 0 0 him for 11 hits, including four by hard past day crowd of 9,877 at the polo bobble brought two Dodger scores. Zuber, p_ 0 0 0 0 0 by hiUng. Headon Finer Ed'U.e Lukon. Van- xx .. 10 10 0 a happened in most every branch homer accounted for Totals 35 5 9 27 9 Rookie Johnny West, stniifd the gme cut gave war \a many day. Everything grounds. Lew Riggs’ 0 0 0 0 0 der Meer v on his 11th vic- Welaj, xxx_ Re;! ?.liller in from skeet to horses and to base- In the opener young Tommy the third and a single by Herman pitching the fourth and Miller of athletics swimming CLEVELAND— Ab B H O A ball for sev- double tory of the season with a seven-hit Totals_ 38 6 12 24 10 finished the game. The Soldiers even came in for a share of the Hughes pitched good Franks followed by Riggs Boudreau, ss_ 4 0 12 4 ball. And football spotlight. Sundra in 7tli. en innings and the Phils, with closed out the scoring. 2 Campbell cf_ 4 0 0 3 0 performance. x—Batted for collected a total of twenty-one base their of the American xx—Batted for Zuber in 9th. The Yanks continued mastery league Bob a Keltner, 3b_ 4 0 112 CINCINNATI— Ah R H O A hits Brinkley and Franzon Bragan hitting homer, (First Game) xxx—Batted for West in 9th. were O Heath, rf_ 4 0 0 2 0 ss _ 4 0 0 3 6 and the hard charging Buccaneers of Pitt cut down the worked up a 4-1 lead at that point. BOSTON— Ab B H A Joost. the pitchers for Davis, while If_ 4 0 0 3 1 M. If_ 5 0 0 5 0 Ralph Hassett, lb -- 4 2 2 8 2 Rosenthal, McCormick, Nufer But in the Gab- BOSTON— AbRH O A Duncan Batson was between third and first. Prince of Goldsboro, eighth pinch-hitter of_—— 5 0 2 3 1 Grimes, lb_ 4 1 1 13 0 Lukon. rf -. 5 2 4 2 0 caught. the margin Cooney, cf_ 4 1 0 5 (5 by Hartnett and Harry Danning 3b_ 5 0 110 Mack, 2b- 3 0 12 0 F. McCormick, lb_ 5 0 3 9 1 DIMaggio, Finks r?ceiver. Messel and a number of Carolina A. A. U. swim re- Sisti rf__ 4 2 2 3 0 Pulley smashed records; 5 0 0 2 0 Hemsley, c_ 2 12 12 Fr- y, 2h_ 4 0 13 1 Fox, hit home runs, each with a man West. If 2 2 with four for six led the winners A. cf_ 4 0 0 3 0 Cronin, ss_ 4 2 4 were ratten- tf -- 5 0 2 4 1 Smith, p_ 2 0 0 0 3 Cruft, cords and purses on base, to give the Giants a 5-4 Waner, L. ss_ 0 0 0 0 0 at the bat. 2b_ 4 0 3 2 7 Mattick. 3b_ 4 0 10 1 Newsome, at Rowell, William. If_ 4 0 3 1 0 ed and broken Saratoga, victory. 4 0 12 3 Totals -- 31 2 6 27 12 Lombardi, c_ 4 0 2 2 0 Miller, ss_ 0 0 4 At Masonboro. West, c_ 0 10 0 0 Tabor, 3b_ 4 1 Park and Rock- The Phils, winning the second Berres, c_ 1110 0 Washington PRINCETON GAMES Chicago 200 001 020—5 Vandor 3 0 0 0 2 Foxx, lb_ 4 12 14 Rain halted the at Mason- all their ruris in Moore, x_- 0 0 0 0 0 Meer, p_ game A1 Dow- game by 4-3, got Cleveland _ 001 010 000—2 Peacock, c_ 4 12 10 boro in the ingham Park tracks; Masi. c _ 2 1110 fourth inning between the sixth. Danny Litwhieller ac- Totals_ 38 3 11 27 11 Johnson, p_ 2 0 2 0 3 Salvo, p_- 1 0 0 0 0 Errors: Grimes, Mack, Smith, Ken- the King Club and the Masonboro tin of Wake Forest captured counted for two tallies Ryba, p_ 2 0 0 0 1 by clouting Pemaree, xx _ 1 0 0 0 0 nedy. Runs batted in: TO BE BROADCAST Chapman, 2; outfit, with score tied. This game at Biltmore For- a with a on 1 0 0 10 A. CHICAGO— Ab R H O A the top prize four-bagger mate base, Errickson, p_ Wrtght. 2; Smith, Grimes. Two base TotglS___ 37 7 14 27 15 will be 1 0 0 0 0 hit: Chapmmi. Three base Hack. 3b_ 4 0 112 played at a later date forest tourney; Sam Snead won and a triple by Merrill May and Hutchings, p- hits: Chap- Washington_ 002 012 100—6 golf man, Hemsley. : Grimes. Stol- Stringer, 2b_ 4 0 0 4 4 probably in a contest. 2 Boston _ 300 310 00*—7 twilight and a 13-year- Air to Home Games singles by Bragan and Stan Ben- en cf_4 0 110 the Canadian Open Rights Totals_ 39 4 13 24 14 base: Kuhel. Sacrifice: Hemsley. Dallessandro. in: drove Nicholson, rf_ 4 0 110 Errors; None. Runs batted Case, won the National Junior jamin in the others. 2 x—Batted for Berres in 4th. Double plays: Chapman and Kuhel; cld girl Awarded to Oil lb_ 4 0 1 10 0 2; Vernon. 2: Archie, Early, Cronin. Company, (f irst uamei Boudreau and Grimes; Kuhel. Dahlgrcn. Women’s distance swim title. Appling If 13 3; Fox, Tabor. Doerr. Two base hits: long PHILADELPHIA— Kuhel. Left on Leiher. _4 0 0 Ab K H O A BROOKLYN— Ab R H O A and buses: Chicago, 4; Travis, Fox, Peacock. Three base hits: is Precedent c _ 3 12 5 0 The Hanover softball league Shattering rf_ 4 0 12 0 4. Bases on McCullough, Benjamin, 31) _ 0 1112 Cleveland, balls: Off PAULINE BETZ WINS Riggs, Iyons, ss_ 3 0 0 2 2 Fox, Williams, Doerr. Home runs: Case. final of the sea- Murtuagh. 2b_ 4 0 2 1 3 3 3 10 3 1; off A. Smith, 1. Struck out: Sturgeon, playing the stage Herman, 2b_ By Ly- 1 0 0 0 2 Cronin, Doerr. Stolen bases: Fox. Ta- Marty, of -3 1110 5 0 ons, 4; by A. 1. Root, p_ the next Reiser, cf _ 3 2 1 Smith, Umpires: Rue, bor. Double plays: Vernon, (unassist- son and will spend coujile — 10 Etten, lb _ 2 118 0 McGowan a PRINCETON, N. J„ Aug. If .. 3 2 3 3 0 ndQuinn. Time of and Medwcik, game: Totals- 31 1 7 27 10 ed); Johnsno, Cronin and Foxx. Left on cf weeks rained-out If _ 4 112 0 1:50. Attendance: playing (#)—Princeton Litwhiler, Wasdell, If_ 2 12 3 0 (Estimated), 20,000. bases: Washington, 13; Boston, 11. GRASS COURTS TILT no- university announced May, 3b 4 0 13 3 Cincinnati_ 000 ldt) 011—3 games. There were Camilli, lb_a_ 3 1 1 10 2 Bases on balls: Off Sundra, 5: off John- postponed ss Bragan. __ 4 12 2 2 4 0 0 (Second Chicago _ 000 010 000—1 and near no-hitters today it had leased broadcasting Walker, rf .. 12 Game) son, 6; off Ryba, 2. Struck out: By hitters aplenty Livingston, c_ 3 • 1 5 1 N. Reese, ss_ 3 113 3 CHICAGO— Ab R H O A Errors: Stringer. Leiber. Runs batted Sundra. 1; by Zuber, 1; by 1. RYE, Y„ Aug. 10.—(AT—Top- ih the Commercial and Independent rights for all six home games on Rizzo, x- 1 0 0 0 0 Ryba, Owen, c_—_ 5 0 14 3 2b_ 5 0 in: Craft, Lukon. Hack. Sacrifice: Pan- Hits: Off Sundra, 13 in 6 off seeded Pauline Betz of Los p 3 0 10 Kolloway, 13 3 innings; Angeles week. Tho*2 last min- Hughes, 0 •_ 5 13 2 1 Kuhel der Meer. Double 1 in 2 circuits last its 1941 football schedule to an oil Hamlin, p lb- 4 0 0 7 0 plays: Joost. Frey Zuber, innings: off Johnson. 5 in made a to Warren, xx_ 1 0 0 0 o and F. 4 1-3 brilliant recovery today ute drives are very Ivreevich, cf_ 4 0 0 2 0 McCormick: Stringer and Dahl- innings; off Ryba, 7 in 4 2-3 in- devastating refining company. Totals_ 39 14 17 27 14 gren: F. McCormick, Joost and F. Mc- nings. Wild Sundra. win the Women’s Eastern Turf have to hold Wright, rf- 4 0 0 6 0 pitch: Winning and the top teams Totals. 33 4 11 24 9 Cormick; Vender Joost and F. pitcher: Ryba. The move shattered a x—Batted for Boston _001 011 001— 4 Appling, ss- 4 2 4 0 1 Meer, Losing picther: Sundra. Court singles tennis championship in the precedent Livingston in 9th. McCormick. Left on bases: tigK or be caught rushing 003 433 10*—14 Hoag. If- 4 0 0 4 0 Cincinnati, Umpires: Grive, Passarella and Basil. over as xx—Batted for Hughes in Pth. Brooklyn__ with a 2-6, 8-6, 7-5 victory local old as football Kennedy, 3b_ 4 0 3 1 11; Chicago. 6. Bases on hnlls: Off Van- Time of game: 2:20. Attendance: tide/Aggie Morton put golf broadcasting. Errors: Sisti, Rowell, Herman, Riggs. 3 (Esti- Tresh, c- 1 0 0 4 2 c'er Meer, 3; off Root, 2. Struck out: mated), 25,000. Mrs. Sarah Palfrey Cooke of New on the for as she made a Never before has Princeton NEW YORK— Ab R H O A Runs batted in: Cooney, Walker. 4; map good per- Lee, p -:- 4 0 0 By Vander Meer, 2; by Root. 5. Um- York. Whitehead, 2b_ 3 0 0 3 2 Mcdwick. 2; Sisti, Reiser. Masi. 0 1 brilliant showing in Asheville. mitted A commercial Reese, pires : Dunn, Stewart and Magerkurth. (Second Game) broadcast of Ott, zz 1 0 0 0 0 Owen. Wasdell. 2; Hamlin. West. Two Before a of more than Totals- 34 2 8 27 10 Time of game: 1:51. Attendance: (Ac- WASHINGTON— Ab R H O A gallery Little Bits a Hale, 2b _ 0 0 3 2 base hits: Reiser, Wal- Tiger game, although several Miller, Riggs. tual), 18,739. Case, if- 5 2 2 1 0 1,500, Mrs. Cooke got away to a Rucker, cf_ 4 0 14 0 ker, Reese, Herman. Cooney. Home show will CLEVELAND— Ab R H O A Cramer, cf_ 5 0 2 1 0 whirlwind She allowed the An intra-battery boxing contests have been aired on a non- Moore, rf- 4 1110 runs: Mcdwick, Sisti. : Has- start. Boudreau, bp_ 4 0 13 2 Lewis, rf- 5 12 10 Toung. lb- 2 115 1 sett. Sacrifice: Reese. Ponble California 20 in the be in the outdoor arena at commercial basis. play: Campbell, cf__ 4 0 1 fi 0 Bob Muncrief Browns Travis, ss- 4 0 12 0 girl only points staged Banning, c___ 3 114 2 Hamlin. Owen and Camilli. Left bn Aids this Keltner. 3b- 3 0 0 0 0 Vernon, lb_ 2 0 0 11 0 first set, and was within two points Camp Davis week, probably Since Yale a Arnovicli. If_ 4 12 0 0 bases: Boston. 10; Brooklyn. 13. Bases signed lease agree- Archie, 31)_ 4 12 13 the title The Carolina Bartell, 3b_ 3 0 12 0 on balls: Off Salvo, 2: off 4: In 7 to 3 of winning the match and Thursday night. ment in Errlckson, Defeating Detroit, 2b_ 4 2 2 4 1 1938, however, campus ss 4 14 Bloodworth, the Orengo, 0 0 off Hamlin, 2: off Hutchings. 2. Struck c when Miss Betz rallied, Yacht club will stage a series of Griincs lb- 3 0 Early, _ 2 2 2 3 1 squared publications at old Nassou have fre- McGee, p 2 0 0 1 0 out: By Hamlin. 3. Hits: Off Salvo, 5 17 0 after- Mack, 2b 3 0 111 DETROIT. Aug. 10.—tfi-The St. Carrasqquel, p_ 3 0 0 0 4 second set and went on to win that special race# next Saturday q u e n 11 y advocated commercial ODea, z 10 10 0 in 3 innings: off Errlckson, 10 in 3 Desauteis, c- 3 0 0 1 0 the third in f.n- noon for the Platt C. Davis and broadcasts Adams, p- 0 0 0 0 0 innings; off Hutchings, 2 in 2 innings. Louis Browns backed Bob Muncrief and then capture as a solution to declin- Bagby, p 2 0 0 1 2 Totals- 34 8 13 24 15 Hartnett, zzz _ 1110 0 Hit Cameron The annual by pitcher: By Errickson, (Med- Bell, z- 1 0 0 with enough power in their bats to other bitter battle. trophies. ing sports income. Princeton’s Meltno, p 0 0 0 0 0 wick, Camilll and Reiser). Losing 0 0 Brown, p- 0 0 0 0 in front all the and defeat BOSTON— AbRH O A casting tourney held at Wrights- sports has shown a Salvo. Goetz 0 stay way budget profit pitcher: Umpires: Conlan, DiMaggio, cf- 4 0 0 3 1 Totals -S3 5 10 27 13 and Reardon. Time of 2:35. the Detroit 7 to 3 to ville yesterday by the New Han- only four years since 1931 and game: Tigers today box, rf 4 0 2 1 list- z—Batted for McGee in 7th. Totals- 31 1 6 27 5 0 suc- ed a two-game series. Cronin, ss- 2 0 0 3 1 Grand Circuit ever Fishing club was a big a deficit of $125,000 at the end zz—Batted for Whitehead in z—Batted for Bagby in split Racing 7th. (Second Game) 8th. Williams. If_ 3 0 1 1 0 cess. The local club is the of last season. zzz—Batted for Adams in 8th. AbKH O A In winning his seventh game this BOSTON— 000 Tabor, 3b_ 3 2 112 at Philadelphia 020 100 100—4 5 101 000-2 Opens Springfield largest of its kind in the world and Hassett. lb_ 3 0 0 2 Cletrl^u0 eland season, the St. Louis righthander Foxx, lb- 4 0 17 0 Princeton said in a statement New York 100 000 000 100—1 000 04*—5 Demaree, cf _ 4 0 15 0 scattered 10 walk- Doerr, 2b _ 4 0 2 2 boasts more than a thousand mem- that commercial Errors: Error: hits and neither 1 sponsorship “was Livingston, Rucker, Bragan, Slsti, 3b __ 3 0 2 2 1 Lee. Runs batted in: Pytiak, c- 4 0 2 111.. Aug. 10.- Etten. Hoag. ed nor whiffed a He 0 1 SPRINGFIELD, bers. Monthly prizes for the decided the Runs batted in-: Young May If_ 3 0 0 3 0 Kennedy, Grimes. Two base single batter. upon by university aft- Litwhiler. Waner. hits: Ken. Harris, p- 2 0 10 2 (#)—Five days of grand circuit Hart- _.... 4 0 0 0 0 club were announced er careful Bragan, Danning, 2;' Moore, rf nedy, 2; Campbell, Boudreau. Three has been beaten six times. Potter, p- 0 0 0 0 0 yesterday consideration over a pe- nett, 2. Two base hits: base hits: harness will underwaj Young, Orengo. Rowell, 2b _ 4 0 111 Appling. Walker. Stolen Spence, t 1 0 0 racing get one in ■ Louis (Bobo) Newsom, touched 0 0 with only lady the win col- riod of and added: Three base hit: Home runs state fair years,” Benjamin. Miller, as _ 4 0 0 3 1 Kennedy. Left on bases: Chicago. tomorrow at the Illinois the Bragan, for nine hits in four innings, lost his umn. hot weather Danning, Hartnett. Stolen c _ 3 0 15 0 8; Cleveland. 4. Maybe “The Rerres, Bases on balls: Off Totals- 31 2 10 24 with a field of includ- sponsors have made it clear bases: Moore, Benjamin. Lee, Off ~8 toprotchers, caused the ladies to lose their Sacrifices: Earley, p _ 3 0 10 3 1; Bagby, 3. Struck out: By 16th game. Manager z—Batted for Potter in 8th. Ham- ap- that existence of oil in Marty. Bartell. Double plays: Lee, 3; ing Bill Gallon, winner of the shortages Orengo by Bagby, 1. Hits: Off Bagby, sent in Rowe Washington..(KM) 100 43—8 peal to the fish. Spofford plays and Young; Orengo. Whitehead and 24 8 in 8 off Lynwood (Schoolboy) bletonian for the east may result in the commer- Totals_ 31 0 6 8 innings: Brown, 0 in 1 In- 000 100 01—2 classic, competing the “Y” in Hanover softball at Young; Bragan anti Etten; May, Mur- ning. pitcher: to calm the Brownies, but they rr-r- cial time of the and Losing Bagby. Umpires: (Called Sunday law). purses totaling more than $35.0011 broadcasts being taugh Etten. Left on bases: New O McGowan, and Robert Strange this BROOKLYN- Ab R H A Quinn Rue. Time of plastered him with six safeties. Error: Travis. Runs batted in: Bill his f'rst twilight. in to Philkd^phla. 5. on 1:84‘ Case, Gallon, getting given part recommendations Bases balls: Riggs, 3b_ 4 12 13 Attendance: -, Godwin’s Builders the Off off (Actual), ST. LOUIS— Ah R H O A Cramer, _; Lewis, Archie Early won play Bag- for oil McGee, 1; Hughes, 2; off Adams, Herman. 2b_„ 3 0 0 1 4 ’luV chance to defend his newly conservation and to other 1. Struck out: Heffner, 2b __ 5 0 112 Carrasquel, Doerr, Pytiak. Two base Tries in ot Wertheimer ana the Spin- By McGee. 2; by Hughes Reiser cf_ 4 0 0 3 0 hits: is scheduled to race aids to the 3; Clift. 3h ___ 5 2 14 2 Cramer, Archie, Early. Fox. Ta- laurels, national defense pro- by Melton. 1. Hits: Off McGee 9 in lb_ 2 0 0 14 0 Re- tiers of face the 7 Camilll. McQuinn. lb_ 4 0 3 11 4 bor. Doerr. Three base hit: Case. Sacri- day in the $l,000-added Illinois Spofford Royal such as innings; off Adams, 1 in 1 off 0 gram, recruiting appeals.” inning: Wasdell, rf_ 4 0 1 0 cf_ 5 0 14 fices: year on the dia- Melton, 1 m l Hit .Tudnlch, 1 Vernon, Carrasquel. Double view futurity trot for three Bakery tonight lighted inning. by pitcher: _ 4 0 0 3 1 The Walker, If Cullenbine, If_ 5 0 2 2 0 plays: Carrasquel, Travis and Vernon mond announcement said six to ten By Hughes, (Young). Winning 3 2 13 0 olds. of Robert Strange park. pitcher: Franks, c_ rf___ 5 0 0 0 0 and! stations Adams. Umpires: Torda. Barr Grace, £?sql?e1’ biarly Vernon; K. would carry each and Reese, ss _ 2 1113 lra\ entered Ed game. ss _ 5 2 2 is, Bloodworth and Among those against McLaurin, publicity director of Sears. Time of game: 2:13. YESTERDAY'S Rerardino, 1 5 Vernon. Left on The home Fitzsimmons, p ;_ 3 0 0 0 4 RESULTS bases :VV colt are Beach has schedule includes the American Swift, c_ 4 2 3 2 0 nshington, 7; Boston, 11. Bases H. Johnston’s sleek brown Wrightsville a large pho- League on balls: Off traditional with Harvard. (Second New York Muncrief, p _ 4 12 2 1 Carrasquel, 8; off Harris, other starters in the Hamble- to of one of the in the contest Game) Totals_ 29 4 4 27 15 11-4; Philadelphia 2-1. off two girls recent PHILADELPHIA— Boston 4, Potter, 1. Struck out: By Carras- Princeton meets Yale at New Ha- Ab R H O A 7-2; Washington 6-& tonian—H. M. Parshall’s Perpetual in Boston _ 000 000 000—0 Total*--- 42 7 15 27 ^'by archery tourney at the beach (A)62bm-44.(AJWK etao etao aoin shr Chicago 5-2: Cleveland 2-1. 15 Harris, 4; by Potter, 1. Lucy ven 15th in one of 002 010 10*—4 10 in 8 1-3 and Hanover Shoe farm’s the Times-H e r al November two Benjamin, rf___ 5 0 1 o ; Brooklyn_ Detroit 3; St. Louis 7. by.®:, 9ff Hnrris. innings; Washington d off 3 in 1 2-3 driven road Murtaugh, 2b- 5 Errors: Reese, Rowell. Runs National DETROIT— Ab R H O A Potter, Innings. Wild Hanover—Lawrence Abbey, Which is now on the newstands, games. 0 113 Sisti, League pitch: Bel batted in: 2. Two base New York Radcliff, If _ 4 12 9 0 Carrasqquel. Losing pitcher- Herman, Riggs, 5-3; Philadelphia 4-4. Harris. by Sep Palin; Harry Short’s Ed has done a lot with his i