THE NINETY- NINES, Inc. INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS N ew s L etter International Headquarters — P. 0. Box 1444 — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ------AIR TERMINAL BUILDING — WILL ROGERS FIELD------MARCH, 1959 Attend Your Sectional Meetings! President's Column Friend Of Hear Ye! Hear Ye! M arch 1, 1959 Welcome! to all those new members The time has come for all good whose names have been added to our little 99’s to start sending in their growing membership list . . . and contributions for the 1960 AWTAR. thank you! to all those who are re­ You should have received your sponsible for these new members. letters to all the chapters by now With so much correspondence and de­ and probably have thought of a lot tail work, a real sting from the “flu” of ways to raise your contribution. bug and the weather, I have absolutely had no time for my airplane this Just in case you missed your meet­ month. With the many letters I have ing and didn’t get to read my letter, received, I feel that I have visited this is a prod along the right direc­ almost every Chapter, however. I am tion. The money must be in before so pleased with all the nice plans for the 1st of July. Thanks. the Section meetings, and I do so much, want to urge all of you to at­ Alice Roberts, tend YOUR Section meeting. There is Ways and Means no better way to repay the hostess Chairman Chapter for all their efforts, than for you to be present to enjoy all the nice activities that have been arranged for you. Do make a special effort to Coming Events go, you’ll have a wonderful time, with the Honor­ April 18 because Section meetings are fun for COUNTESS LILY ary Plaque bestowed by England. Middle East Sectional Meet­ all! ing, International Ninety-Nines have been invited to Countess Lily Coudenhove-Kalergi, Airport, Philadelphia, Pa. participate in the World Congress of affectionately known to her many 99 April 24 - 26 Flight, in Las Vegas through the week friends as Countess Lily, is consid­ Southwestern Sectional Meet­ of April 12. I am pleased to have ered to be Europe’s oldest living wo­ ing, Encino, Calif. been invited as guest of honor, and man pilot. Her remarkable flying April 24 - 26 shall attend in behalf of Ninety-Nines. career started in 1911 in Hungary and North Central Sectional Meet­ I hope to see many of you there to Italy, though not now an active pilot, ing, St. Louis, Mo. represent us also, it surely promises her interest in aviation remains as May 1 - 3 to be interesting and educational. keen as ever. Through her love of fly­ South Central Sectional Meet­ Please remember to send your con­ ing and women pilots, she has been ing, Omaha, Neb. tributions to the Amelia Earhart most generous in giving exquisite June 6 - 7 Scholarship Fund and to the All Wo­ pieces of heirloom jewelry as awards Southeastern Sectional Meet­ man Transcontinental Air Race Fund, in many of the 99 competitive flying ing, Panama City, Fla. now is the tim e! events. Recently Countess Lily was June Our International Secretary, Louise honored by Sir Winston Churchill of SKY LADY DERBY. Write Smith, has invited the Executive England and Charles de Gaulle of Martha Ann Reading, 2704 Mil­ Board to meet with her in High Point, France for her outstanding contri­ ton, Dallas 5, Texas, for details N. C., on April 5, 6, and 7. We will be bution to the field of aviation, both as and dates. pleased to consider at that time, any an early pilot and as an international July 1 - 8 suggestions or ideas from any mem­ friend of aviation. AWTAR, Lawrence, Mass. to ber, for the improvement and ad­ Countess Lily resides frequently in Spokane, Wash. vancement of Ninety-Nines. Paris, the Riveria, Italy and Switzer­ July 9 - 11 With Spring just around the corner, land, which gives her an opportunity International Ninety-Nine Con­ bringing wonderful flying weather, to meet and enjoy all the leading pilots vention, Spokane, Wash. and a big increase in air traffic, do of the Continent. On her recent visit No Dates let us all be ever on the alert! to the United States, many of the 99’s International Air Race, write Happy flying, everyone! were fortunate to meet this outstand­ Barbara Erickson, 5617 Riveria Sincerely, ing Ambassador of Goodwill. Our best Dr., Coral Gables, Fla., for dates wishes to you, Countess Lily, and sin- and details. cerest thanks from all the 99’s. 1957-58 Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS This Is Your President Oh, if you should live near a region­ al FAA office and are on good terms BRONETA DAVIS EVANS ZADDIE BUNKER with them, perhaps arrangements can Minco, Oklahoma Hope all of you 99’s had the be made to visit their office monthly Vice President pleasure of seeing Zaddie fea­ to check their records of licenses EUGENIA R. HEISE tured on TV in the “This Is Your issued in that region. In my own 5019 N. Cumberland Blvd. Life” series. Fran Bera, you Greater St. Louis Chapter, another Milwaukee, Wisconsin were wonderful, too. But, then, bouquet goes to Loretta Slavick who Secretary how could a program miss with has worked out just such an arrange­ LOUISE SMITH these two fine people on it. Con­ ment and furnishes our chapter mem­ 421 Edgedale Dr. gratulations to the both of you bership chairman with those names High Point, North Carolina from all the 99’s. each month. Treasurer If you can help, won’t you send me BARBARA J. EVANS your name and address real, real 40 Stuart Place soon? Manhasset, New York Help Wanted! Laura Sellinger, Executive Committee International Membership RUTH DEERMAN According to statistics recently re­ Chairman 405 Camino Real leased, there are approxim ately 20,000 2956 N. Prairie Avenue licensed women pilots in the United El Paso, Texas St. Louis 7, Mo. States! Is it too much, then, to aim BARBARA KIERNAN for a mem bership of 1,500 for 1959? West Road Thirty-six states have an aviation Andover, Massachusets agency. Many of these 36 register 99 Membership List LOIS CASSIDY pilots or keep records of licenses as 5125 W. Division St. they are issued, and we need reliable New York - Section Chicago 51, Illinois volunteers to check with these agen­ cies, scan their rosters regularly and MOORE, Nancy Cooper Deadline For News give us leads on wom en pilots in their (Mrs. F. L.) New York The 25th Of Each Month respective states. If you live in a 16 Pokahoe Drive New Jersey capitol city and can devote some time North Tarrytown, N. Y. to our 30th anniversary membership ME 1-5741 International drive, won’t you please send me your Southeast Section name so I can advise you the agency representative to contact? From then FIKES, Evelyn Marie AIR RACE on, chapter and section membership 6-A Country Clubs Hills Alabama After four years of heading the IAR chairmen can keep up to date on their Tuscaloosa, Ala. and taking a clue from our neighbors recruiting efforts. PL 8-1396 to the south, we have decided to abdi­ A bouquet goes to Leah Warren, North Central Section cate! The new IAR Chairman is Bar­ Central Illinois membership chair­ bara Erickson, 5617 Riveria Drive, man, who journies from her home in HOWARD, Viola G. Coral Gables, Fla. All inquiries should Champaign to Springfield and reg­ Apt. 816 Chicago be directed to Barbara. Irma and I ularly comes up with a steady stream 910 North Lake Shore Dr. Area are now going to try to participate of names from the Illinois Department Chicago 11, 111. and enjoy the activities. We wish to of Aeronautics. WH 4-0115 thank one and all for all the friendship We need volunteers for the follow­ JERMAN, Evelyn Catherine and cooperation you have given us ing states: Alabama, Arizona, Cali­ 350 East Palmer Ave. Chicago over the years and know you will ex­ fornia, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Northlake, 111. Area tend the same to Barbara. It’s been Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, fun! Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, KOKESH, Louise R. Dorothy M. B. Verm orel Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, (Mrs. Raymond F.) Chicago Irma Price Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, 1422^ South Austin Blvd. Area MILLER, Lois F. the other day and no excavating or (Mrs. Edward) Chicago ANADIAN construction work had been started 1041 South Leslie Lane Area yet. Villa Park, 111. SECTION Those of you who are planning to TE 4-8843 participate in the AWTAR and are FIRST CANADIAN CHAPTER looking in this column for activities MINER, Dorothy Helen By Roz Robinson that are being planned for you at the race start, here’s a goodie: Sara Hay­ Box 865C, R.R. 1 Chicago It appears that the gals in First den is having a swim party and cook- West Chicago, 111. Area Canadian Chapter have not yet been out at her home on the lake at 1729 able to come out of hibernation. This Metheun, Mass., on July 1, 1959 for has been one of the worst winters all the contestants. There are books South Central Section Ontario has experienced in many a of tickets to be printed up for each long year and spring will be welcome SAWYER, Juanda M. girl, covering all of the activities. in m ore ways than one. (Mrs. John B.) Albuquerque Those of you who participated last Susan Koch and I v/ere the only 4603 Trumbull S.E. year will remember that this was very 99’s able to attend the Flying Clubs Albuouerque, N. M. successful. Convention in Montreal but we work­ AL 5-3186 and AL 5-5731 The February meeting ai Hotel 128 ed hard while we were there and re­ saw a grand turnout of 99’s, Alice ceived enthusiastic support from the BOZARTH, Brookie C. Mansfield, Chris Seaver, Isobel Blod­ delegates representing all the Flying (Mrs. Marshall) El Paso gett, Usbeck Peterson, Anne Baddour, Clubs in Canada—40 of them from 126 Puma Circle Charlotte Kelley, Sally Driver, Jerry coast to coast. We pooled our supply El Paso, Texas Gardiner, Sara Hayden, Barbara Kier- of pink sheets advertising the race in JU 4-1388 nan, Ora Stevens, Teddy Kenyon, June July and distributed these to clubs Douglas, Eleanor Horn, Janet Bolles from Vancouver to Moncton. This may DIMON, Evelyn L. and Mary Ann Lippitt; new 99 Peg mean some entries from Canada and (Mrs. John R.) Missouri Cowing; prospective member Carol some potential 99’s. We spoke to as Haller; and our faithful guests, Leon­ 3300 Avenue E Valley many club managers as we could and ard Kelley, Frank Kiernan, Bill Sea­ Council Bluffs, Iowa found that most had women pilots at ver, George Perry and Jim Beekman. 3-2639 their clubs. They were all very co­ Cocktails were followed by dinner and operative and promised us lists of STEHNO, Rose L. a business meeting. Then two color names and some “hard selling’’ of our sound movies loaned to me by the St. M ary’s School Missouri organization on their respective parts. Air Force. One about their jet acro­ Bellevue, Neb. Valley Even though 99’s aren’t very strong in batic team, “The Thunderbirds,’’ and Canada, our organization is well the other about the Air Force’s Mata­ Northwest Section known to people in the aviation in­ dor Missile and the men who are dustry and we have high hopes for SVERDSTEN, Alida W. trained in its operation. our future. Susan hopes to follow up (Mrs. E. W.) Idaho News items are few and far be­ this recruiting campaign with a trip Cataldo, Idaho tween, I’d like to hear from all of you. to western Canada this summer where KE 8-3108 I know you’re busy with all sorts of she will try to contact as many girls things. I just wish I could grow a pair as she can. Southwest Section of antennae that would twang like We are delighted to add Hetty guitar strings every time one of you SHOWERS, Virginia Hutchison and Shelia Mann to our did something I could write about. (Mrs. Glenn M. Jr.) Los Angeles membership roster and know that we But, since I can’t—send me a post can count on them to give us a hand 3539 Moore Street card. I os Angeles 66, Calif. on the airmarking program we have EX 7-8706 planned for next summer.

PHILLIPS, Ruth W. N.Y. - N.J. (Mrs. Edward) Long Beach 11811 Kathy Lane SECTION Garden Grove, Calif. SECTION By “ AJ” Starr BREEN, Florence G. Barbara Evans won the $50 out of (Mrs. Jack P.) Sacram ento By Anne Baddour the $179 profit from our dinner-dance. 2695 13th Street Valley Down at East Taunton Airport, This money is to be used for flying! Sacramento, Calif. Mass., Ora Stevens and her husband, Little Craig Evans is just out of the GI 2-4553 Roy, are busy with the enlarging and hospital after having a tonsilectomy. improvement of the airport. There The first English broadcast of a COLLINS, Barbara J. will be one runway 3,500 feet long and TV station in San Juan ,Puerto Rico (Mrs. Robt. J.) San Gabriel 100 feet wide, black top, with lights featured our retired governor, Irene Keith, as a flight dispatcher in an 4924 Dodsworth Valley and taxiways. There will be no city interview with Newscaster Otero. Covina, Calif. buildings for the first few years. They Irene, as of January, 1959, is the first ED 2-8574 are due to break ground the last of March or the first of April, 1959. If and only woman to dispatch a prop REINSTATEMENTS you’re planning a flight to the Taun­ jet Brittania and the Boeing 707-121! South Central Section ton Airport, it will be a good idea to The New York-New Jersey OX-5 call them on Unicom to check the Clubs invited the 99’s to join them at MAYFIELD, Grace B. field conditions. an air defense scrable of F-102’s at (Mrs. Geo. E.) Colorado While we’re on airport improve­ Suffolk Air Force Base on February 335 Hooker ment, I hope the Lawrence Airport 7. Cocktails and dinner were served Denver 19, Colo. has completed its runwav changes by at the Officers Club. WE 4-8289 AWTAR time in July. I flew up there Our Section welcomes Ruth Gwinn, transferring from Chicago, and Nancy newsletter, if each chapter would tell Fla., to Fairbanks, Alaska. The beau­ Moore from Washington. who is earning their living in aviation, tiful Skyway plaque, presented at the Helen Wetherill from the Michigan and how, and why. People are always opening ceremony, was made of Chapter visited Marge Davis over asking. How about it, some month Alaskan marble and Florida coral. New Years. Marge also reports that soon The dedication was in connection with Florence Cates Van Blarcom stopped Our Februray meeting was held in Miami’s Aviation Week celebration. here after a wedding trip to Bermuda Jean Rutledge’s father’s apartment. The closing ceremony was given by and leaves in June for Switzerland. Beth Sturtevant brought two very in­ His Excellency, Dr. Arturo Frondizi, Manila Talley flew to Charleston, W. teresting guests, members of Zonta, President of Argentina. Va., in January. Thea Rasche of Ger­ whom she met when she was guest Soon you will be hearing details of many offered her gold cigarette case speaker for their Amelia Earhart din­ the 49^’er Skyway cruise which will with autographs of early pilots for ner. The business meeting was lively; leave Miami on June 19 and terminate sale. Anesia Pinheiro Machado of among other decisions — the Spring at Fairbanks on June 29. This is be­ Brazil is trying to get permission to Sectional date is April 18, place Phil- ing planned as a joint affair with fly her plane to the South Pole. If aldelphia International Airport—any­ Canada who will be celebrating its permission is granted she will be the body in this area at that time, please 50th anniversary. So get your airplane first woman to make such a flight. com e. engines tuned up if you would like to Margaret Bonnea, former 99’er from M arch meeting is the 20th at Presi­ enjoy the hospitality of our kind neigh­ Rochester is being married in April dent’s apartment dining room; the bor, Canada, and view our newest and will live in Arizona. guest speaker will be Fred Larson of state. It is not a race and anyone The February business meeting was General Electric Co. He is also a can enter. Registrations will be lim­ held at the 71st Regiment A rm ory’s glider enthusiast. ited so get your name in early. Oak Room here in New York City. Everybody was glad to see Lois It was off to Paris, France the lat­ Kay Brick told us about the National Cutler who has been absent for a long ter part of January for Fran Nolde Pilots’ Association and its unique func­ time. who attended the Federal Aeronau- tions. It is an organization of active WASHINGTON, D. C. CHAPTER tique Internationale. She has also pilots which has representation in By Virginia Thompson been appointed Commerce Liaison Of­ Washington at all times to attend ficer for the Air Coordinating Commit­ meetings concerning military, air­ Hazel Dwiggins was hostess at our tee in addition to her present position lines, business and civilian flying. Re­ January meeting where plans were as Director of the General Aviation cently a regulation to prevent flying further formulated for our participa­ Division of the Defense Air Trans­ over Long Island and force the flights tion in the Civil Defense program. portation Administration. to go over the Sound instead was de­ For our February meeting, 16 mem­ Mrs. Donald Quarles accompanied feated due to the intervention of the bers and three guests helped make her husband, Deputy Secretary of NPA when it was explained how very Valentine napkin holders for the D. C. Defense, on a recent visit to the NATO many civilian flights occur in that General Hospital. This has become countries. area. A very worthwhile organization an annual project for our group, one for our members to join! we thoroughly enjoy doing. Betty There was a very nice writeup in the Wilmington Morning News en­ Next meeting will be March 10 and Fisher was our hostess and art direc­ we expect Jacque Andre Istel as tor. We were delighted that our Gov­ titled, Chemist, Wife and Son Form speaker! ernor, Adeliade Tinker, could be pres­ Unusual Flying Family.” Adelaide ent. Tinker and her husband feel quite Although misfortune tapped two of proud of their 17-year-old son who has MIDDLE EAST our members and a former member, logged approximately 40 hours of fly­ ing time. This flying family has en­ SECTION the good Lord must have decided we needed good pilots here more than He joyed many vacation trips by plane. just then. Velta Benn and children We were delighted to learn of Helene EASTERN were involved in an automobile acci­ Oliver’s engagement to Hubert D’er- CHAPTER dent on Jan. 31. Their car was com­ tois a French teacher in Washington. By Louise Sacchi pletely demolished but fortunately all As soon as permission is granted by First, and most important, we ex­ escaped serious injury. Joan Alford the French Army, the wedding bells tend our deepest sympathy to Ann was quite ill for several months but will peal the glad tidings. Piggott, whose husband, Tom, was has now recovered sufficiently to ac­ Jean Howard proved herselt such killed on Feb. 19, testing Piper’s new cept a position with an aircraft com­ an excellent “workhorse” last year Aztec. He told the Piper tower what pany on the west coast. This intelligent that she has again been chosen Chair­ he was doing and that the tail had and charming member will be greatly man of the American Helicopter So­ come off, which not only gives them missed. Claire Callahan miraculously ciety Forum to be held May 7, 8 and the clue, but makes him a hero in m y escaped death when her apartment 9 at the Sheraton Park Hotel in Wash­ book! was completely destroyed by fire on ington. Kay M acario is in Florida for the February 1. She was found uncon­ weekend. 49t£er Tom had a trip for scious on the floor under her bedroom PRR, so she went along. window. Her presence of mind in Jane Morris is starting for Florida smashing a casement window and the for a week tomorrow. yowling of her cat when the firemen Tastykake is making a quick trip stepped on it’s tail and broke it saved to Florida March 1. her life. The latter led to further in­ Last week I was charmed to meet vestigation after the firemen thought Sylvia Roth at LaGuardia, and to dis- all had been evacuated from the cover another female corporation scene. She cannot talk yet above a TENNESSEE CHAPTER She flies for Encyclopedia Brittanica. whisper but otherwise she is improv­ By Evelyn Bryan How many are there? How many girl ing nicely. Our Chairman, Mary Jane Quarles, charter pilots? Aircraft salesmen? I, Blanche Noyes has just returned and her husband, Paul, have recently for one (and Sylvia agreed with me), from the South where she dedicated purchased a Registered Tennessee that it would make a very interesting the new 49’er Skyway from Miami, Walking Horse. Guess they will be taking in all the horse shows come sore ankle she acquired in a fall a gave us a very interesting account of time for them again. few days before the last meeting. her trip across Africa. She told us of Jane and Louis Hilbert have re­ The next meeting is scheduled to flying in DC-3’s and DC-7’s to Cape­ turned from a trip to Mexico. Haven’t be held at the home of Dorothea Ver- town, a 2600 mile safrai, on across the seen them since their return, but morel on the third Monday of the Alantic to Nice, Hong Kong, Tokio, know they must have had lots of fun. month. By the way, all you 99’s who Honolula, and back to Frisco. Thank Understand they drove this time. Since come to Miami, we have our meet­ you, Belle, please come again. they have flown several times imagine ings every third Monday at 7:45. We Our favorite “ jet pilot” Marie Kuhl- they wanted an opportunity to visit enjoy visits from members from other man has had her share of illness this some of the spots they had only seen chapters so if you are in town give us winter with one more trip to the hos­ from the air on those other occasions. a call and join us for the meetings. pital. Flying weather has been fairly good We’d love to have you. Dee Southard is thrilled with her this winter. We have rarely ever had new GM sports car and has joined the more than three bad days consecu­ Sports Car Club here in Kansas City. tively, and then a few good ones, so She assures me however that her first in all we cannot complain too much. NO. CENTRAL love is still flying and hopes to add Heard Betty McNabb of the Georgia SECTION to her ratings. Chapter on Unicom recently as she MICHIGAN CHAPTER flew near our airport here at Morris­ By Elsie Ferich town. For some reason she was un­ GREATER ST. LOUIS CHAPTER able to pick my call to her, but per­ By Maxine Loeffler Bernice Trim ble was hostess to the haps she was too far away or not up Our February meeting was held at 99 meeting in Flint, February 8. There very high. Wish she had landed—we the home of Loretta Slavick, with was an excellent turn-out for the busi­ would like for everyone to see our Loretta and Laura Sellinger as host­ ness packed meeting, and many dimes nice paved runway that was com­ esses. They had invited the Aeronau­ were collected for the AE Fund. pleted last summer. Our meetings tical Chart Plant to put on the pro­ We only had three planes fly in. Pat have been practically nill all winter, gram for the evening and did a won­ Russell from Detroit, Janey Hart from but come spring we plan on getting derful job. A movie was shown de­ Lansing, and our newest member, in one in Chattanooga. scribing how different charts are Rose Anna Veach, from Spring Arbor, made. After the nrocram and busi­ and guest Mary Jacobs (a student SOUTH FLORIDA CHAPTER pilot) from Jackson. By Vera M. Bratz ness meeting a delicious luncheon of biscuits with tuna and ham salad Pat Russell, our Chapter Chairman, Too many outside activities kept were served, followed by cakes and presented a silver tray to Bernice this reporter from sending a letter the coffee. A very nice sized group of Trim ble with the 99 em blem on it, a last time the News Letter went to students again were in attendance. wedding gift from the Michigan Chap­ Closing out first semester reports and Cards are being received from Vir­ ter. Incidentally, “ Bee” did a terrific moving into a new house left little ginia and Burton Duenke who are job promoting the Polio Airlift in time for anything else. It seems every­ vacationing in Jamaica. Ginny reports Flint. It was held two days, and one else was busy too. Verna Burke they are having a wonderful time. grossed $1,830 to help augment the didn’t want to be the fair weather Teddi and Merle Inman have re­ March of Dimes Fund. pilot that one becomes here in Miami turned to their home in Batchtown, Sammy McKay brought Packard so she took off for the frozen—and 111., after a vacation in Florida and Pontiac’s company Mallard in to help she did get frozen—North. She surely Washington, D. C. with the airlife, and with nine passen­ was glad to get back to sunny Miami. Sorrv to hear that Dorothy Wheeler, gers at one time, it helped cut down We held the January meeting at our Wing Scout Chairman, is on the the waiting line. the School of Aviation building of the sick list and wish her a very speedy What terrific enthusiasm Bod Stead­ Dade County school system and it recovery. man (Bernice Trimble’s 49V2er) has! proved to be cuite a central location. In general most of us are being kept He v/orked out at the airport all day We were escorted through the shops ouite busy in our various duties of helping load passengers and checking where our young boys are learning netting readv for our Soring Sectional the crowds. Even Bob’s senior law aviation mechanics. It is surprising in April, but we would like to take a partner, Louis D. McGregor, came what an amount can be accomplished little time out to wish all of you a out and weighen in the passengers. by youngsters. Very Happy Easter. This is the kind of spirit that can The February meeting was held at “ lick anything.” the home of Marion Burke and we GREATER KANSAS CITY CHAPTER The Michigan Chapter 99’s were were pleasantly greeted by the un- By Elaine Morris grieved over the death of Bob Kirk, expecte dvisit of Kitty Nix, the South­ Our February meeting was held at 491/2er. Bob and Fay Kirk have al­ east Section Governor. Plans for the the home of Betty Siggs. The com­ ways been the stauchest of supporters coming Air Race this summer were bination of a good attendance, a fine of the'M ichigan 99’s. We all feel the discussed and Barbara Erickson is pot-luck dinner and a very gracious loss deeply. busy trying to make it a huge success, hostess added uo to a most enjoyable An Aviation Workshop Scholarship secret to a wonderful time at the race eveninc. Members attending were at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, Barbara is going to be the one who Katherine Peck, Marjory Farrell, for this summer, is being sponsored will come out with flying colors. She is Grace Harris, Joan Cayot, Sarah Gor- by the Michigan Chapter 99’s. Bette putting a lot of effort into prepara­ lich, Laurien Griffin, Dee Southard, Crook is chairman of the Scholarship tions. She has a willing helper in the Bettv Siggs and E^ine Morris. Guest Committee. Men and women teachers person of Virginia Britt, a new comer of honor Belle Hetzel and guests in Michigan are eligible. To apply, to the chapter. Lucia Jolliff. Christine Williams, Mar­ they simply write a letter stating their Lona France is becoming cuite a garet (?), Stan Siggs, Bill Morris background, qualifications, what their fan of Cary Grant in a new picture and Bill Williams. A business meeting interest is, and how they plan to use being made in Key West. Adriana was held after dinner and the sale of it, and its future use, also what county Jackson is looking forward to a trip a white elephant for the benefit of our they live in. The winner will be de­ through Texas and Mexico. Irma bank account. The meeting was turned termined by the letters, and receive Price is nursing a bad back and a over to Belle Hetzel from Omaha who the scholarship of $175 for the six- weeks summer course at Miami Uni­ words. He remarked that he never and the airport manager, John Maher, versity. This includes tuition, room realized how many people jumped in­ have promised to give the 99’s sup­ to action when he pressed down on port in all ways possible. Flora Mae and board and books. Opening date that little mike button. Newman of Muncie will be coordinator will be February 23, 1959, and all Our chapter welcomed seven new of all the Kokomo details. She will be letters are to be addressed to Becky members at this meeting. They are: assisted by Jane Ackors, Virginia Thatcher, Stanton, Mich. The scholar­ Vi Howard, Louise Kokesh, Dorothy Maggart and Verona Ruizeka, and of ship is a wonderful opportunity for Miner, June Lore, Lois Miller, Evelyn course all the rest of us will lend any teacher, and it is a step forward Jerman, and Sally Stremple. helping hands. (Verona is returning towards integrating aviation into the to the active list this month and we It was nice to see Sylvia Roth again. education program. are so very happy to have her back She has been 310ing to the West Coast, with us.) Helen Wetherill spent some time in to New York, and to Phoenix twice. Jamaica over the holidays, winding Dallas and Don Sutton came back We will be looking for you then at up in New York City for New Y ear’s from their Florida trip and had to Kokomo. If you need any information Eve with Marjorie Davis. This Helen wait until a snow plow could clear just write Flora Mae. She is very co­ is a much traveled girl. the way to open their hangar doors. operative. Bette Crook is produly wearing a Verne and Bee Siemon just returned ALL OHIO CHAPTER new pin with her 99 pin. It is her from California. They made the trip By Mary J. Fecser membership in Aviation Writers As­ out and back in six days with a stop sociation. at Palm Desert, Calif, and Tucson. At the time this goes to press, most Bernice Trimble’s wedding took Happy flying to our new plane owners, of us will be deeply conscious of the place February 18 to Robert Stead- Eve and A1 Chilcoat with their Cessna rigors which the Lenten Season im­ ham, an attorney in Flint. We wish 182 and Elsie and Wally Wahrer with posed upon us. For some, just as at them both much happiness. their F model Bonanza. We are happy Christmas, it is a time to rem em ber It was nice to see Ruth Woods and that Erlyne Conel could be with us others, less fortunate than ourselves. Diane Ritt again, and meet their before she and her husband take off 49%ers Wayne and Lou. Hope to see for a Phoenix and California trip. There is one member of our Ohio them at a lot more meetings. Hope to see everyone at the Achieve­ Chapter (life) for whom there are no Sammy McKay told me she took ment Award Dinner on March 14. special seasons of giving or helping. time off from her job as manager at INDIANA CHAPTER The life of Marie Ambus revolves Flint Aeronauitcal Corp. to fly her By Ethel Knuth about thinking of those who need help. husband, George, to Chicago to the National Auto Dealers Association. Attendance is good at our meetings, Several years ago, after an auto Looks like he is going to have another but to those who missed our February accident, in which she hovered be­ pilot in the house, too, George Jr. get-together we want you to know we tween life and death, Marie was told missed YOU, and we are sorry you soloed on his 17th birthday, and is by her doctor that she would never working for the private license. did not get to share the cordial hos­ pitality shown to us by Nellie Alger walk again. Marie made a vow, that CHICAGO AREA CHAPTER and her 49%er Evan, who graciously beginning with the day she could By June Basile entertained us at their home. (Pre­ walk, she would devote her life to Our February fly-in meeting at Mid­ paring and serving a delicious dinner the assistance of crippled children. to 24 members and guests is an indica­ way Airport was crammed full of Her prayers were answered, and to­ activity. The business meeting was tion that Nellie had a busy day.) The day her walk gives no indication of held in the Executive Lounge at Butler Algers have several hobbies, music Aviation. Our co-hostesses, Alice and photography included, and we all the ordeal which she went through. Kudrna, Erlyne Conel, Alice DeWitt enjoyed our visit with them. Besides living up to that vow, Marie and Dorothy Vachout, did such a per­ We toured the Alger Pattern Works is also subsidizing a corena bank for fect job of planning the day for us. after which we took a trip, via col­ children. They served a buffet lunch after the ored slides, to South America. Two Recently, The Sandusky Register meeting that was more than the “ light years ago Betty Nicholas and 49%er gave an accounting of the Marie Am­ lunch’’ they announced in the meet­ Ted went down one coast and back the bus Crippled Children Fund over the ing notice. We wonder if their plan­ other and the slides are excellent. past two years. An amount of $3,239 ning went so far as to arrange with They traveled by airlines and have built up through the redemption of Midway that the active runway for some truly magnificent shots of clouds used state tax stamps, v/as used to the morning would be right outside over water, snow-capped mountains, help adults as well as children. The the windows of the lounge. The big and the many historical points of in­ diversified channeling of the fund birds were just over the fence on terest. Betty is a very good narrator. went into: a wheel chair, hospital final as they went by the windows. Congratulations to Barry Smith and care, Christmas and Easter food bas­ What a terrific floorshow while we her 49%er, Les, on the arrival of their kets, an electric typewriter, circus were having lunch! new baby boy! Our former secretary tickets for children, a radio for a 65- In the afternoon we were taken on now has two daughters and two sons. year-old blind man, sending several conducted tours of Midway tower and Enthusiasm is running high with orphans to camp for two weeks, a $125 approach control, air traffic control both pupils and teachers alike as Tan- French fryer, a freezer, and too many center and the weather bureau. We nie Schlundt and 49%er Paul teach other pieces of equipment to mention. found all the personnel in each de­ meteorology to the Wing Scouts; Delia When Marie learned that the or­ partment ready to explain and answer Sander’s subject is navigation and she phans desired French fries, but that all the questions we put to them in reports that the interest is tremen­ the state woudn’t buy the equipment, spite of the fact that the tower radar dous. she bought it for them. One night, went out jus as the field closed down AWTAR ENTRANTS—Please take while she was supper guest of the or­ to IFR. All of us at one time or an­ phans, she learned that it took eight other have read or been aware of the note! AWTAR plans are published now to 10 boys to mash potatoes. What did fine work done at these centers, but and KOKOMO, IND., is a MUST stop. Marie do? You guessed it. She bought Ray Kokesh, a new 49%er, put it into The Kokomo Chamber of Commerce them the largest size masher avail­ able. Now they can make rolls and and your reporter is looking forward fried cakes, too. to this interesting film. Marie is asked to give many talks Thanks again, Broneta and Martha about these unfortunate tots. When­ Ann. ever she is in such a group, she m an­ EL PASO CHAPTER ages to speak of the help which blind By Evelyne Wasser children can get from the corena bank, and she urges her listeners to A big welcoming hello and congratu­ think about giving their eyes to such lations to Brooky Bozart who has re­ a bank when they die. HOUSTON CHAPTER cently achieved her private license There’s a lot more that Marie does, and has now jointed us officially. which space does not allow; however By Alice Seaborn Everyone will be glad to hear that Ann Duthie’s husband, Jim, is well do not picture Marie as running into This weather is fried shoes! Every one welfare organization and out the on the road to recovery after his re­ week we plan to go air marking on other. Marie finds time to fly her 182 cent operation. Our last meeting was and, as far as I know, she has worked Saturday and every week it clobbers at Ann’s house and lots of plans for out her instrument rating. She pilots up. And us with 16 gallons of paint the future of our chapter were for­ a cabin cruiser with equal dexterity, and some eager-beaver painters just mulated. and she is very proud of the fact that standing by! February has been a quiet month she is the first fern member of the for us as a group and even for the Cleveland Flotilla of the U. S. Coast We are growing. We have a new Sunday fliers because of the high, Guard. She is already looking for­ member—Virginia Williams. And we gusty winds. It causes a great deal of ward to the lovely weather when she expect to have more in the near fu­ consternation to have perfect weather will have the members at her sum­ ture. all week while office bound and then m er home, “ The A m buscade,” in have the wind kick up on Sunday. Cedar Point, a summer resort on Cur girls are doing things depart- Lake Erie. She enjoys cruising the We are planning to have a breakfast waters of Lake Erie with her friends, flight on Sunday, March 1, to Santa her daughter, Maxine, son, Joe and Fe where we will be joined by the his family, when she is not off to Albuquerque 99’s. Promises to be lots some far-flung place like South Amer­ of fun and I hope we have a large ica. turnout. DOTS AND DASHES: The Cleve­ Perhaps March will prove to be an land 99’s were recently guests of interesting month after all with fur­ Melba Oliver at the Zonta Club lunch­ ther plans to meet the Corpus Christie eon commemorating Amelia Earhart. 99’s in Alpine, Texas for the pur­ Those attending were Arlene Davis pose of discussing air marking. (a Zonta member), Winnie Caughey, Mary Fecser, Helen Hansen, Joan TIP OF TEXAS CHAPTER Hrubec, Jeanne Naatz, Edythe Max­ By Elaine Needham im, Helen Sammon, and Helen Wied- WELCOMING COMMITTEE from WTe’ve been spotting stripes being wald. the Houston Chapter greets painted rather mysteriously across It is certainly a surprise to learn our skies; they seem to be pointing Broneta Davis Evans and Martha that Blanche O’Brien’s daughter, south of the border for some unknown Peggy, is now a full-fledged teacher. Ann Reading. Left to right: Sally reason. Hey, you gals flying to Mex­ She teaches a class of 48 first grade Gauss, Alice Seaborn, Broneta ico, could this be you? Next time take youngsters in Dayton. Jack, Blanche's a gander under your left wing, you son, is a sophomore at Miami Univer­ Davis Evans, Martha Ann Read­ may be surprised to see a big airport, sity, Oxford, Ohio, where is majoring ing, and Marceline Todd. called Cuddihy Field (in Corpus in social science and biology. Christi). Now, you just put those Margaret Callaway has flown to ment: Joyce Brooks has her instru­ wheels on the ground and taxi up for San Antonio, Tex., to visit her mother. ment rating since our last letter and a little chit-chat. She is also planning to attend the Sec­ she is now working on her Link and One terrific rummage sale held at tional. Sandra Callaway spent a week ground instructor rating. Rhea Hurrle McAllen, Texas last month to raise skiing at Lake Placid with the Uni­ has her seaplane rating. more funds for air marking! versity of Rochester Outing Club. Christine Fernyak’s father, Carlton Merle Boitnott was guest speaker Also, down McAllen way, Merle S. Fernyak, informs your reporter at the Zonta Club’s annual Amelia Dunnam and Veta Tennett dropped in that Christine has been in Florida Earhart dinner. Her subject was “Wo­ from Corpus Christi (in Merle’s 170) during February to soak up the sun­ men in Aviation.” She described some for lunch with Ardath McCreery. All shine. It seems she picked up a virus present activities of women pilots such the world records were broken in in­ a few months ago and couldn’t get rid as Edna Gardner Whyte and others formation exchanged computed in of it—hence, Ole Florida Sol. Chris­ and told about their various Air words per second. tine is a sophomore at Denison U.. Races. Attending the dinner were Granville, Ohio, and gets in a bit of Marceline Todd and Rhea Hurrle. Two brand new fledglings soon will be skimming the skies and trimming flying on weekends and between We have a big deal coming up classes, usually in a 140 or 172. the trees—Wing Scouts Pat Ingle and March 13. L. L. Walker Sr., an early Sherry Dickson will soon sign away We extend our deep sympathy to bird flyer and proprietor of the L. L. earth-bound ways to join the lofty Norma Morton on the death of her Walker Propeller Co., is going to show spiraling of the eagles (and a few mother. his movie, “ I Was There,” and he has buzzards). Virginia Schumacher has been ap­ invited our chapter to hostess the pointed TAR stop (Youngstown) chair­ event. The movie concerns early avia­ Pauline Glasson is trading in her man. tion starting with the Wright Brothers airplane for a boat. More profitable. AWTAR Material Available Now

All information regarding the 1959 AWTAR, including Rules and Regulations, Handicaps and Entry Forms may be obtained by writing AWTAR Headquarters, 2611 East Spring St., Long Beach 6, Calif.

T H E DATES: Opening Dates for Entries ______April 20, 1959 Closing Dates for Entries ______June 15, 1959 Impound Deadline ______1700 EST July 1, 1959 Take-Off ______0800 EST July 4, 1959 Finish Deadline ______1200 PST July 8, 1959

T H E ROUTE: (2470 statute miles) via Lawrence, Mass.; Binghamton, N. Y.; Youngstown, Ohio; Kokomo, Ind.; Chicago, 111.; Rochester, Minn.; Fargo and Bismark, N. D.; Miles City and Helena, Mont.; and Spokane, Wash.

T H E PURSE: A purse of $2500 will be divided between the first five places: $800, First Place; $600, Second Place; $500, Third Place; $400, Fourth Place; $200, Fifth Place. AWTAR Trophies will be awarded to these first five places.

Leg Prizes will be awarded for the best time between the “designated stops” and cash awards will be given for the best scores made by each make and/or model aircraft in which there are at least three in competition. There are also special awards for special catagories.

REMEMBER: 1. Aircraft must be powered by at least 85 horsepower and not exceeding 350 horsepower. 2. All aircraft must be manufactured later than January 1, 1948. 3. All racing aircraft must carry VHF transmitter and receiver. 4. All flying must be done between the hours of official sunrise and official sunset.

The New England Section of the Ninety-Nines and the City of Lawrence, Mass., as well as the Eastern Washington Chapter of the Ninety-Nines and the City of Spokane, Wash., are making great plans for all contestants. Make your plans and get yourself organized, this will be a wonderful race again this year.

Betty H. Gillies, Chairman AWTAR Board of Directors Everyone down here in water-logged querque on C.A.P. business and re­ tending besides the hostess were Mar­ Texas who has ever heard of Noah turns to tackle the big job of race ilyn Nordstroom, Mary Frenzel, Jo and the Ark is doing the same. chairman for the Sky Lady Derby. Dennie, Pat Urling, Alice Fuchs, Ahoy there! All ship captains will You 99’s down sunny Florida way Grace Longbrook, Pat Moss, Peg Ong cease looking at the sky and concen­ can be expecting a visit from Jo Alli­ and guests Grace “Molly” Mayfield, trate on those oars! son and Doris Weller. They flew a Tri Emily Hanrahan and Marilyn Pfleeg- er. Molly was re-instated and Emily OKLAHOMA CHAPTER Pacer down that way this week with By Sally Broyles membership directory in hand and and Marilyn still are students. plan to spend about ten days. Tid bits from here and there . . . After many days of very cold, Speaking of Jo, did any of you get Gene Nora’s address is 1105 College dreary weather we were happy to see to read the wonderful article in the Ave., Norman, Okla. . . . the Long- sunny skies greet us for our February Houston Chronicle entitled “ Baby Sit­ brooks, James, Wenholzs and Mug- meeting at Will Rogers Field in Okla­ ter in the Sky’’? It was written by eles have been skiing. Teppers and homa City. Seventeen members and Frankie Waits, formerly of this chap­ Chouns both flew their planes to the two guests were present. In addition ter and now residing in Denver, and Cotton Bowl in Dallas . . . Thelma to the usual gang, our guests were Thomas has been on a trip including Gene Nora Stumbough, who is a mem­ featured Jo and her grandchildren complete with picture. Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Haiti, Dom­ ber of the Colorado Chapter and is in inican Republic, Puerto Rico, etc. Pat Jetton and Jerry Sloan, lucky her last semester at Oklahoma Uni­ . . . Jo Trinder and 49M*er flew to girls, flew to Wichita, Kansas, this versity, majoring in aviation; and Oakland for Christmas . . . they spent week and ferried back two new Cess­ Wanda Jackett from Stillwater, who New Year’s Eve with the Grays . . . is a student pilot and prospective 99. nas for Dal-Tex Aviation. Joan Huck- also had lunch at the Desert Air (a We had a very n:ce meeting and eba is anxiously awaiting them to fly-in motel south of Palm Springs) were especially happy to have Marie make another trip and bring back . . . Betty Stackhouse also flew to Ketchum back with us after a spinal the new 150, as Zeke Evans has prom­ Oakland recently due to her brother’s operation and long disability. We all ised to check her out in it when it illness . . . Donna and John have been bowed three time to the East when we arrives. soaking up the Phoenix sunshine . . . found out that Dorothy Morgan had Interesting the women of Dallas in the Dennises have a 195 and Jo’s get­ been elected vice president of this aviation is the goal of a new project ting checked out in it . . . Teppers wing of OX-5 and that Mary Lester we are entering into along with our flew to Las Vegas for the weekend passed her instrument written. Con­ W.N.A.A. unit here. Southwest Air- . . . Jane’s teaching an accelerated gratulations, girls! If this weather motive and Dal-Tex Aviation are co­ 5th grade . . . I got some co-pilot ex­ keeps up it looks like Mary will find operating with us in this venture and perience in the Forney twin-beech a use for an instrument rating. plans are being made to form a panel on the way to Sioux City . . . then Billy Tunes has been flying all over to appear before various women’s flew an Aircoupe back with my the country in her Tri-Pacer making groups and clubs to discuss aviation. 49^ ’er in another Coupe . . . much final arrangements for the regional A door prize of a tour of various avia­ chatter on Unicom of course . . . Bar convention of the National Flying tion facilities in this area ending with None is torn down . . . another air­ port is proposed due west of it’s pres­ Farmers. Billy is president of the a plane ride piloted by one of the 99’s ent location . . . no details as yet as to Oklahoma Chapter of Flying Farmers in a new Cessna will be offered at what facilities will be available . . . and is surely doing a nice job pro­ each of the panels appearances. moting aviation. Ft. Collins has a new airport opera­ Not having a meeting this month tor an dthe enthusiasm is beginning The Stillwater girls have been pretty before News Letter deadline makes busy with their meetings in between to mount . . . I got in another Air­ the news a little scarce, so will call coupe trip . . . this one to Dayton, our regular meetings. Their last pro­ it “thirty’’ for this month. ject is painting signs for the Stillwater Ohio . . . and I guess that’s enough for one long continued sentence. Hap­ Airport indicating the way to the taxi COLORADO CHAPTER py Flyin! strips for the various runways. We By Peg Ong hope it will help any of you landing Helen Maxson welcomed us in her ALBUQUERQUE CHAPTER there. Arlene Walkup and Sally home for our Feb. meeting. She, as By Meg Guggholz Broyles plus 49Msers Hoyt and Charlie chairman, presided at the business Albuquerque is back in the news. are part owners of a sailplane and in meeting. We found that the rummage After several monthly socials we are addition to getting glider ratings are getting to the ‘more members’, really looking forward to some fun sale has been postponed for the time ‘more flying’ stage. Looks like spring with soaring when it warms up a little. being. Alice told us of the Jeppesen’s is in the air. Our March meeting will be in Still­ search for a gal with secretarial back­ 17 February a very interesting and water and we plan to really get under­ ground and aviation knowledge . . . stimulating meeting was held at the way with our air marking. If any of it’s apparently a wonderful oppor­ home of Virginia Cutter, our only you are down this way on March 35, tunity for one combining those attri­ OX-5 member. The Piece de resist­ stop in at Stillwater and w e’ll find a butes . . . any takers? Grace Long- ance was the showing of several short brush for you. brook gave us a brief run-down on films supplied by the Air Force commonly used drugs and their ef­ through the good efforts of Mr. Har­ DALLAS CHAPTER fects on our flying abilities . . . a By Dorothy Warren ry Crosby, president of the OX-5 club good thing to know and heed! Helen in this area. The films depicted exer­ Dallas chapter is most grateful to reported on their flying trip to the cises and air work by jet pilots and Dal-Tex Aviation at Addison Airport Yucatan area in conjunction with the members of the Strategic Air Com­ for giving us the use of their lounge “Flying” article of the flying mis­ mand, Scrap book of the Air Force, for a permanent meeting place. We sionary in that same location. The showing the first aircraft flown by have hung our charter along with pic­ possibility of a soaring group form­ the military and progressing through tures of our members and put in our ing in the Boulder area was also dis­ intermediate stages to the present op­ desk and are looking forward to our cussed and Alice gave us some first­ erational planes in the jet classes. first meeting there this month. hand info on the differences of “ sail­ The last reel showed progress toward Martha Ann Reading flew to Albu­ ing” and “powered” flight. Those at­ space travel, but, unfortunately, did not ask for volunteers for first flights. meeting till late in February. As a proud owners of a ’59 Skylane. Now, (There should be at least 100 spaces consequence we have very little to if the weather will start cooperating reserved for deserving 99’s.) report this month. Our most ardent a little better, they will be off in the Members present with their 49%ers correspondent, Vivienne Schrank, is Wild Blue Yonder! were Betty Burritt, Betty Morgan, recovering nicely from surgery but Helen Appel and Marion Owen are Irene Kay and Mary Turney, Virgin­ is not yet flying again. She is busy looking for a sponsor for the AWTAR. ia Cutter as hostess and Jan Evans, getting arrangements in order for the Here’s luck you two! Hope our chap­ from 7 Bar Flying Field, as guest. stop at Miles City for the Air Race ter can be represented. We are edging toward Wing Scout this summer. She is counting on the We are sponsoring a Noel Coward participation. Mary Turney has tak­ cooperation of the girls who live in play, “Nude With Violin”, at the en the first step with a discussion of the Eastern part of the state. Penthouse on March 25. opportunities for women in aviation We are hearing rumors that there Terry Kellogg and Vanecia Adder­ and a dissertation on her own exper­ may be several entries from Montana son met Mrs. Lucile Wright from iences in line of duty as an instruc­ in the Race but until the question of Jamestown, N. Y., for a tour of the tor-pilot. We hope to take turns with sponsors, etc., can be settled, we Boeing - Renton Plant, where they the Scouts in an effort to speed them can’t divulge any names. It would be watched the KC-135’s and 707’s being on their way toward their flying nice to have adequate representation made, saw a movie of the 707’s pro­ badges. Scout leader is Mrs. George especially as the race is coming gress during 1958 and had luncheon Scleppey, ex-99. through our state. Good luck girls. in the Executive Dining Room as FORT WORTH CHAPTER Our Chairman, Pud Lovelace, took guests of Boeing. Mrs. Wright came By Frances Pyland off last week alone in her 175 for San out on the American Airline’s Inaug­ As I type this report snow is fall­ Diego to inspect her first grandchild, ural flight from Idlewild, N. Y., to ing outside my window, and in this a boy, born to her son, Lt. Jackson Los Angeles. part of Texas, particularly, snow is Lovelace. No doubt she will have lots Louise and Bob Smith just returned something to write about. I got up to tell of her adventures or he'* re­ from a vacation in Missouri. Haven’t this A.M. at 5:30 for 8:00 o ’clock take­ turn. heard the details yet so don’t know off from Meacham Field; after get­ WESTERN WASHINGTON where all they gadded. ting dressed and making the danger­ CHAPTER IDAHO CHAPTER ous drive to the airport, gassing our By Ruby Mathis By Lucille Taylor Comanche and checking the oil, I de­ Our host for the February meeting January necessitated two air cided to make a quick check on the at the Seattle-Tacoma Airport was searches for downed aircraft and the weather, after which, I quickly can­ Mr. Edward C. Meredith, aviation 99’s assisted in both. Flying in the celled my flight and am now back on weather forecaster, who conducted a searches were Joyce Morcom in the the inside looking out. As the old tour of the tower, air traffic control, Stinson, Millie Shinn in a Piper Cub, saying goes, I’d rather be on the radar and weather bureau facilities. and Laura Conner in her Cub. 99’s ground wishing I were flying, as to This tour was most interesting and who worked at the airport serving be flying and wishing I were back informative. The following members coffee, sandwiches, etc., to all pilots on the ground! attended: Terry Kellogg, Vanecia were Helen Higby, Edna Hettinger, Talked to Tony Page yesterday; Adderson, Louise Smith, Donna Ez- Georgia Martin, Cleone Berry, Bar­ she tells me she is planning a trip zell, Ginny Andrews, Helen Appel and bara Hornback and Claire Justad. to Paris, France in June to attend Ruby Mathis. We were pleased to Business of our January meeting a convention of the International So­ have three prospective members as included plans for our annual (and ciety of Aviation Writers. An Inter- guests — Alma Sackett of Bothell, well attended) “Hangar” dance plan­ antional Air Show will be held in con­ Adeline Kreiger of Edmonds and Win- ned for March 13 at the Miramar nection with the Convention. She nie Blythe of Renton. Our Governor, ballroom. Laura Conner and Barbara leaves New York June 10th. Minnie Boyd, has offered a trophy to Hornback are co-chairmen and Millie Verna Stubbs is home in bed suffer­ the chapter that gets the most new Shinn is in charge of decorations. ing from a virus. Remember, Verna, members, on a percentage basis, so Note: our ticket price is 99 cents. you are not alone — most everyone we are really going to work towards Laura Conner has been named our I know has had it. Verna and hus­ winning it. candidate for the Amelia Earhart band, Johnny, are restoring an old Terry and Dave Kellogg are back scholarship award. We also report a two story stone home on their ranch. from their long cross-country demon­ new member, Alida Sverdsten from The home has not been occupied for stration tour with the “ Goose” . Un­ Cataldo, Idaho. Cur newest prospec­ many years and their plans are to derstood Dave’s leave was over be­ tive member is Karen Lund, a Nam­ modernize and restore this beautiful fore they finished their tour so they pa high school student, v/ho recently building and call it home. It is a most hopped an airliner home. Terry was received her license. Karen attended interesting and charming place, and fortunate to visit our International our January meeting. I am sure, with Verna’s good taste Headquarters at Oklahoma City and Gayle Evans of McCall has recent­ and imagination, it will turn into brought back an inspiring description ly been in the hospital and Doris At­ something fabulous. of what we are missing in not seeing kinson is still hospitalized. Doris had it. Made us realize that we should back surgery in early January and send in scrap book material to Head­ will be in the V.A. hospital until mid- quarters. March. Eula Logsdon and 49V2er Dick Our chapter is well represented have flown to Wichita to pick up a with new 24-%ers — all boys. Mead new Beech Bonanza and extended and Mickey Gilman’s son, David Wil­ their trip to Florida for a vacation. liam, arrived on January 23, weigh­ Their plans are looking toward a tour ing 6 pounds, 2 ounces. Roger Curtis in Mexico now. Edna and Lawrence Fancher arrived February 3, weigh­ Hettinger have just completed a new MONTANA CHAPTER ing in at 8 pounds, 6V2 ounces. Nancy hangar at Bradley field and 49V2er By Dorothy Sabo and Arthur Nordoff announce that Cecil and myself are busy at build­ Because of the adverse weather Charles Gilbert arrived on February ing our portion of a 5 unit hangar at conditions in our area in January, 5, weighing 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Gem Helicopter Service. (I only go to the Montana Chapter has postponed Van and Gordon Adderson are the the airport to fly while he does the construction). Hilda Elliott will be in in the Daily News every Saturday. WASPS are now 99’s, but there are the air again as the Cessna 170 has I’m making sure that the Ninety many who are not, and it would be just completed repairs. Nine’s get their share of the publi­ nice to once again get together. Our EASTERN IDAHO CHAPTER city. former EO at Sweetwater, Hally By Esther Stone The annual Anchorage Fur Rende- Stires, will be a guest at the South­ vous is now in full swing and there west Spring Sectional which will be Our Chapter was one year old on are parades, dog sled races, exhibits, hostessed by San Fernando Valley February 9. We had much to cele- trade fairs, and a queen contest and Chapter April 24, 25 and 26 at the new members: Betty Storrs of Idaho at least two dances, and a wrestling Travelodge Motel, 16117 Ventura Falls and Virginia Huidekoper of match for the Alaska championship, Blvd., Encino, Calif. The luncheon- Wilson, Wyoming. A joyous welcome with well known wrestlers from out­ business meeting will be held across to you both. side. Aunt Jemima is even here. So the street at the lovely Pucci’s restau­ We celebrated our Chapter’s Anni­ every one is pretty busy. rant on the 25th, also the banquet that versary at Rainbow Ranch, Onita & evening. Anyone knowing the where­ Mark Hoff were our very gracious abouts of any WASP who may not be hostess and host. With a blizzard 99’s, please ask them to join us for blowing, and icy roads, not many of SOUTHWEST the weekend or for a few hours at us were able to make the meeting. SECTION least. Or if some can’t join us, please 99’s present w ere: Onita Ploff, Betty drop a note telling about themselves Brown and Esther Stone. Mary Kil- so we can at least stay in touch. bourne a “Little Sister” 49Mj’s Mark LOS ANGELES CHAPTER Claire, who has not had a vacation Hoff & Galyn Stone, 24% Jim Hoff By Christie Warren in four years, is planning to fly to a brand new pilot, Bob Hoff working Turn out for meetings has been very Shannon, Ireland with a ski club on a license, and Dick and Johnny good since we changed meeting date group in May in a charter DC-6. While Hoff. Mr. and Mrs. Aupperly joined in to the second Tuesdays and have a the group go on to Switzerland to ski, the fun. The setting was beautiful, a permanent meeting place, namely, Claire will take a boat trip down the roaring fire in the fireplace, and soft Claire Walter’s rumpus room. Each Rhine to Cologne, Hamburg, then to candle light (the blizzard knocked month, refreshments are furnished by Paris, London and back to Shannon out the electricity). We ate high, wide a volunteer hostess. Elsie Smith to join the group for the return flight and handsome. While eating “Cod­ served luscious french donuts at Jan­ home. Some o fher students have fish A Gomez De Sa” our host told uary meet, Marijane Brown did the relatives in these countries who will us he cooked it, thinking of you Isa­ honors in February, and Dru Bene- entertain her, and we know she will bel, all the time. For those of you fiel will in March. have a ball! who might like to try it, see North­ February attendance included five See you ALL at the Sectional. west 99 Stove Pilot Cookbook, Isabel of our new members: Mary Ann Rilvas sent us the recipe from Por­ LONG BEACH CHAPTER Craig, Tillie Elements, Teckla Kauf­ tugal. In recognition of their aid, sup­ February 17 found the Long Beach man, Virginia Showers, and Jan port and encouragement, we honored Chapter gathered at the beautiful new Vawter, all former students of our 491/2ers, and presented them with home of Jackie Sepulveda, in Whit­ Claire’s. Also present was another of their 49^ Cards. Paper gifts were tier. We were intrigued with the huge Claire’s students who will soon be given to all 99s present. three-way stone fireplace, especially eligible for membership, Dr. Gloria after learning Jackie had collected ALASKA CHAPTER M. Allen, a practicing physician in all the rocks herself over a period of By Pat Gilda Santa Monica. Dorothy Beachler is years from various places in Cali­ Well, our News Letter reporter is able to attend regularly now because fornia and Nevada. slightly under the weather and I will hubby can be with the children Tues­ Our chapter bid for the start of the try to take over this time. Hope Ann day nights. 1960 AWTAR at Torrance was accept­ will be fine by the next meeting. As special guest, we were delighted ed, much to our delight. After the The meeting was held at the home to have a most charming visitor from business meeting we were entertained of Doll Booth and we all enjoyed that Hamburg, Germany, Hanna Mueller- with films on the history of the heli­ famous cherry pie. Present were Kunath, who looks so much like Ingrid copter, shown by Rita Gibson, then Ruth O’Buck, Helen Stoddard, Mar­ Bergman that we’re certain autograph while stuffing ourselves with some ion Zaegel, Pat McGee, Pat Gilda hounds must pursue her. Hanna start­ home-made pies and sauce Jean Clark and Doll. Plans were made for typi­ ed flying in Germ any in 1933, then whipped up, we caught up on our cally Alaskan luncheon favors for the during the ensuing years, due to short­ hangar flying. 1959 Convention. We also made plans age of aircraft only men were per­ We were happy to see our “farthest to install six plasticized fluorescent mitted to lfy on priorities and Hanna away” member, Sandra Killion from wind socks that we ordered at strips finally took to gliders just to be in the Santa Barbara, who journeyed down where they are badly needed. air. She became one of Germany’s by auto because of the rain. Cleo A fly-in breakfast for March was ace glider pilots and made the Silver Morrison and Dudley Greer were discussed and put off until the next C (and international honor) in gliding missed at the meeting, they were on meeting to see what the snow will and her articles on gliding appear in their way home from Loch Haven do and how the weather shapes up. several German publications. Inter­ with a new Comanche and 49^er Bob Lois Wise has gone to Tok Junction esting note: the German Aero Club Morrison also delivering an Apache to finish cut the school year as a with which Hanna works and flies, not for a local aircraft dealer. Jackie teacher. Hope that we can some of only has all popular German planes, Sepulveda sold her 140 and is in the us make it up there to see her. By but also a Cessna 170. market for another plane. plane of course. Dru and Bob Benefiel, Ruth and Claire Walters has become the own­ Jo Wilson is working at Safeway John Nitzen, and Elsie and Norman er of a Stinson, which she might trade Airways and going to school two Smith joined the San Diego 99’s in a for a Bonanza. Claire is presenting nights a week, studying for her com­ fly-in to Ramona Airport. Everyone our Headouarters with a wonderful • mercial written. brought picnic lunches and had a painting of Amelia Earhart that she Pat McGee is finishing up h°r Red grand get together in spite of threat­ has had for many years. This is our Cross Lifesaving course at the Spa. ening weather. generous Claire. Annette Castle and Yours truly has an Aviation Column Attention. ex-WASPS! Many former 49^er John are Bonanza shopping. Mae Sharp has promised to show her instrument written exam with an 89 year’s tour of Europe. One month in slides, taken on her trip to Europe. percent the first time she took it. Switzerland, one month in Italy, one The San Gabriel Chapter has invited I understand Ann Bledsoe en­ month in Vienna (during the opera us to a fly-in at Hesperia Sunday. tered a Los Angeles hospital for sur­ season no less) and on through the Ruth Gay and Rita Gibson are flying gery. Jackie Trenfelis is recovering continent. Trixie and Dr. Schubert out in Ruth’s 140. from a serious auto accident. She is are ideal ambassadors and we have Rose Finley has been busy getting now home, however, Jackie is re­ the feeling all of Europe will know her new business underway. Rose is turning to Sharps Hospital soon for the purpose and functions of the 99’s now part owner of Torbet Aircraft, surgery on a knee cap. We are very before the 12 months are over. Inc., at the Santa Ana Airport. They happy that Dotty Davis suffered no Lola Ricci and Virginia Hall started are Bellanca dealers. We wish you injury when she recently damaged her out for Palm Springs last week in much success Rose and hope to see 180 on an approach at La Mesa Air­ their Cessna 172 but it was such a you at the meetings more often. port .She plans to have it back flying beautiful day they deciced to continue That’s all for now, see you next shortly. their flight to Yuma, Ariz. After a month. Plutocrats Dotty and Bob Sanders quick lunch at the Stardust they SAN DIEGO CHAPTER have moved their Cessna 140 into their headed north and home. By Aileen Saunders new hanger which is located on an Audrey Shutte was a guest speaker at the Lockheed Pilot’s Club meeting. February started slow for the San acre joining Gillespie Field. Ruby and Jack Keaveny recently She spoke on her experience while Diego Chapter, but gathered momen­ celebrated their wedding anniversary flying in the last TAR. Those who tum as the month progressed, and it at Las Vegas, Nev. Edna Penners is heard the talk were more than com­ appears from things to come that we keeping busy with organ lessons, plimentary in their comments. Others will be quite active for some time. memory course and a modeling went so far as to say it was one of the A pot-luck picnic at Ramona Air­ course. On March 5 Betty and Bud best programs they have had to date. port Feb. 15 was attended by 27 99’s Gillies are flying to Miami, Fla., Jean Parker Rose has changed af­ and 491/£ers. Elsie and Norm Smith, where they will hop off for the Ba­ filiations and is now free-lancing. Still Dru Benefiel and Ruth Nitson from hama Islands in their Apache to re­ the dawn to dusk routine . . . one LA joined us. Although the rain cut lax and enjoy a real vacation. really has to love flying to keep up festivities a bit short, delicious food I had the pleasure of visting the that pace. and hangar flying was enjoyed by all. “Steve Canyon” movie set in Holly­ Our guests at the February meeting The San Diego Chapter donated wood recently, and watched them were Cathy Culver, Lois Zdenek (who $250 to the AWTAR Board. As time for shoot scenes for the TV series. It was is working on her commercial) and the race draws closer I note increas­ quite interesting and educational, but Minnie Morgan. ing activity among the girls, their made me realize being a movie star In spite of all of the hours flown teaming up with one another, discuss­ is a lot of hard work in front of the recently every other available hour is ing the aircraft they intend to fly, cam eras. being taken up with plans for our proposed stops and the quests for Marian Craver flew her 182 in Duns- Spring Sectional. Shirley Robinson no sponsors. mir for the weekend. She reported Mt. sooner finishes up with her Wing Scout Our meeting was held in the Con- Shasta was beautiful, but the weather class then she is off to culminate vair Auditorium Feb. 20, program going up so bad she wants to forget transactions with the Van Nuys Cham­ chairman, Terry Vasques, presented ber of Commerce. Clara Davis and three excellent films, “To Save a that part of the trip. Louise Robertson are giving their all Life,’’ “Flight Decision” and “Inter­ SAN FERNANDO VALLEY to assure our guests of a full and in­ preting Weather.” The AOPA 180 de­ CHAPTER teresting schedule when they arrive. gree film, “To Save a Life” was es­ By Jeanne Strahl Pappy Boyington has been contacted pecially interesting to me since I had ’Midst the mad plans for a merry to be one of our guest speakers at the just received my 180 degree rating Spring Sectional some local and cross banquet. The Travel Lolge Motel on that afternoon from 99’er Carol (Mac) country flying still prevails. Ventura Blvd. in Encino has been Huntington. The meeting was attend­ Virginia Kahse and her husband chosen as our headquarters so get ed by 49x/2ers and also Wing Scouts recently returned from a trip to your reservations in early. who sold cookies after the program Seattle in their Apache. CAUV weath­ to help raise funds for their trip to er on the way up but Virginia never SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY CHAPTER Mexico City this summer. wants to again experience their re­ By Billie Wyatt Thelma Bishop has been kept quite turn trip. One pleasant memory from The eighth anniversary of our chap­ busy making arrangements for the their trip was the dinner at the Nut ter was celebrated on January 24 with air marking and dedication of the Tree Inn which we understand is be­ a cocktail party and dinner at Al­ new Palomar Airport, the Wing Scouts tween Sacramento and San Fran­ berti’s in Modesto. Four chapter will assist. The letters are to be 27 cisco. Virginia said the food was de­ members were present. The speaker feet high. licious—from the moment one boards for the evening was Sgt. Kinnery of On Feb. 24 a group of S. D. 99’s are the tiny train that greets the fly-ins the survival school at Castle Air Force flying to Desert Air Park for lunch. until the after diner cordial every Base. The sergeant had just returned They will be met by Gertrude Lock­ minute is a delight. Robert Kahse from a lengthly training period on wood, local 99 now wintering in Palm controls the 13 western states for the survival in the Sierras. Equipment Springs, Zaddie Bunker and Minnie Nelson, Inc. Advertising Agency. We necessary for survival and that you Boyd, Governor of NW Section. understand Jean Nelson, wife of the should carry with you in your plane Our annual picture hunt is sched­ president of the company, was re­ was displayed—it could all be held in uled for April 5. Those wishing to cently elected chairman of the New the palm of your hand. The first 30 participate kindly contact Ruth Gam- York chapter. A natural marriage of seconds on the ground will determine ber. Also planned is an Easter egg advertising and aviation . . . two of whether you survive, don’t PANIC. hunt. This event will include most of the most aggressive and stimulating We are grateful to have the oppor­ the S. D. County Airports and will be occupations in the field today. tunity or such an instructive and held on March 29. For details call or Trixie Ann Schubert was a very ex­ worthwhile talk. The evening was full write Lois Bartling or Marian Craver. cited hostess at our February meet­ of romance, too, as we presented Congratulations are in order for ing. The Schubert family en masse Fran Dias with a wedding gift. Fran Clare Aldrich who recently passed her will leave after school is out for a pulled a fasty on everybody and was married to Mervin Gustavson on De­ The growing activities of the De adjusted for hasty exit if necessary. cember 26 in, Carson City, Nev. They Thurmond Flight Service have kept We agree with Coral, that it was al­ are now at home in Fallon, Nev. I De and Mary Ann busy at San Jose’s most too exciting! understand that this romance start­ Municipal Airport. Recently they flew Betty and Joe Haynes are back in ed to bloom when Fran, Lucille and to the Grand Canyon (in a little 1958 Lockhaven to pick up their new Laura May were weathered in at 90 hp Piper 18) for a few days rest, Comanche. The Brandleys left our Fallon last fall on their way home thoroughly impressed with the ever- rainy coast this week to back in sun from the Sectional at Elko. Just goes changing colors of the canyon. Their at Waikiki Beach. The Relich family to show that when you leave home stay at the Bright Angel Lodge, the flew their Cessna (accompanied by you never know. brilliantly clear desert weather, and friends in their Tri-Pacer) to Duns- A wedding gift was also presented to the flight over and return, they highly muir over the weekend and really en­ our charter 49% er member, Alvin recommended. When any of you are joyed the snow. Claire Raley flew Zimmerman, who had just returned on the field, be sure to drop by for a Ruth Lummis around northern Cali­ with bride Reca from a honeymoon on visit. fornia touching down at Napa, Peta­ tne Cairibean. Reca is learning to fly Marilyn Anderson, a recent transfer luma, Santa Rosa, Healdsburg, and the 170 and we are looking forward to from Bay Cities Chapter, and Fran Lincoln in her Tri-Pacer. Gerry Mich- having her as a member. We wish all Grant of Bay Cities participated in a elson’s Bellanca, with Rita Hart and the newlyweds happiness. Members Girl Scout parade with a Wing Scout Betty Boy aboard, landed at San attending were Laura May Crawford, float. Yours truly’s daughter, Pat, Simieon this month where all enjoyed Fran Dias, Ev Hendly, Ethel Hieland, was color bearer. Object—to help a tour of the local interests. Gerry Dorothy Koebel, Norma Norton, Lou- raise money for Scout camps. was also at Monterrey for a visit with cele Freeman, Elva Victorino and Patty Sherwood took a flying trip the Santa Clara Chapter. Millie Wyatt. Fifty aviation minded to Burbank to spend the weekend with The famous Wagner Navion is un­ guests attended. her brother and family. dergoing a stripping job in prepara­ Norma Norton was hostess to the Margaret Standish who keeps her tion for a lovely new paint job which February meeting which was held at nose to the grindstone at I ookheed’s will include the new fluorescent colors. the Hotel Covell in Modesto. Plans new missile plant, took time off for Ruth was the happy recipient of a ride were made for future activities in­ the fly-in. in the “Alouette” jet helicopter given cluding flights, air marking and new January 24 Del Hauk and friend at the Sky Ranch in connection with m em bers. from Salinas made a weekend flight the agricultural duster show. This gal with Lloyd and Jackie Petty to Fresno has a knack of being in the right place SANTA CLARA CHAPTER County in their Cessna. at the right time. By Dorothy Monahan Thelma Syrek is in Orlando, Fla., Mabel Zehr and Skeeter made a this week and hopes to contact some A most interesting guest speaker flying trip to I ong Beach and Ontario of the girls there, if the air force for our February dinner meeting at via Bakersfield to visit her sister, doesn’t keep her too busy. Jo Eddle- the Jamaica Inn at Sunnyvale was nephew and friends. She states on a man is looking forward to a visit from Peter Gluckman of San Francisco, clear day you can even see Los Meg Guggolz of Albuquerque. Hurry who told us of his trip and showed us Angeles. his movies of flying a light plane, up, M eg! Jo is all set for a big party Amelia Carmen Reid of San Jose, in your honor. Beech Bonanza 225 hp with wing our newest member. Although Amelia Plan to attend your Southwest Sec­ tanks, through South America across has been flying some time with the tional, April 24, 25 and 26 at Van the South Atlantic to Dakar, through Moffett Club she has just joined the Nuys, Calif. Europe and across the North Atlantic ranks of the Ninety-Nintes. in the early spring. The trip took vwo Jackie and Lloyd Petty flew to SAGUARO CHAPTER months and 200 hours flying time. He Fresno for the long weekend (George’s By Alice Roberts gave us tips on weather, airports and birthday). how to break the language barrier. Eleanor Wortz, who has been busy, Our February meeting was held at Thirty-two people were present, busv with other club affairs, is back the home of our chairman, Jimmye members, 49%ers, and guests, includ­ flying again. Shelton. The meeting was amost inter­ ing Gerry Mickeleson of Sacramento, esting one. Our guest speaker was Mr. Don Kelton of San Mateo, Ruth Ruck- SACRAMENTO VALLEV CHAPTER Church of Air Traffic Control. He gave ert of Bay Cities, Betty Murphy of By Genevieve HaM a most informative talk. Since we United Airlines. (Sorry I don’t have February 14 found us gathered at thought it would be interesting for our the rest of the names.) the Chuck Wagon, where a delicious 49%ers too, we invited them with Fly-in to Monterey on the bay—is buffet luncheon was enjoyed by Ruth the following results; Jimmye and always a guess (is it going to be foggy Wagner, Hialeah Relich, Helen Mace, Frank, of course, Thelma Biegert and or isn’t it). However, February 1 was Gerry Michelson, Claire Raley, Gen­ Max, Melba Beard and Bill, Wilma a beautiful day with 27 flying in :"or evieve Hall, Thelma Syrek, Margaret Bland, Marjie Crowl, June Kaiser and lunch. Jackie and Lloyd Petty, Otto Farkas, Florence Breen (new mem­ Dick, Jaunita Newell, Ruth Reinhold, and Mabel Zehr, Helen and Don Kel­ ber), and prospective members Ruth Alice Roberts and Chas., Betty Slater, ton, Dell Hauk, Pat Gladney, Patty Lummis, Lillian Gray, Faye I ove and Frances Wood and 2 guests, Pat Run­ Sherwood, Marg Standish, Barbara Wilma Gross (who does a beautiful yon and Bill, Ruth Jacquot and her Hector, Clara Lou Cathey, Mayetta job of writing the “ aviation” column 49%er, Tig Rye, Betty Siler, Elaine?, Behringer, Eleanor Wortz, Ruby for the I odi newspaper). and my apologies if I missed anyone. Fielding, Evelyn Eggnik, Amelia Car­ A call from Coral Bloom informed June Kaiser met me at the door men Reid, Lynne Heard and Rita, us she was “weathered out” for this with the exciting news that she and Gerry Mickelson, Mildred and Gordon meeting. She had just returned from Dick had made a parachute jump last Wither, Janet and Susan, Lillian Fair­ a tour of SAC Underground Control Sunday . . . just for the fun( ?) of it. child, Mollie Lyon, and Alvin Cathey. Center at Omaha which included fly­ Those spending their weekend flying ing a “gooneybird” (C-47). They hit Thelma Biegert and Max took a fly­ down the ski slopes were Jeannie and the edge of weather that caused tor­ ing trip last week to Orange, Texas Dave McElhatten at Dodge Ridge and nado at St. Louis with winds of 100 and Shreveport, La. in their “195” . Dorothy and Pat Monahan at Squaw knots per hour with gas running low, Virginia Hash and Margie Crowl Valley. no place to land, and parachutes spent Sunday afternoon flying for the March of Dimes. Ruth Reinhold BAY CITIES CHAPTER jorie Fauth on vacation, destination caught a M A R LIN !!! By Margaret C. Gerhardt not known; Jean Kaye, who is visit­ Our February meeting at Anne Juanita flew to the coast on some ing her brother in the Dominican Re­ business and while there landed at Rambo’s home in Los Altos on the public; and Geri Hill, who airlined to Hawthorne and had a visit with Jean 20th. From what Ruth Rueckert re­ Parker Rose. Juanita also did such ports, I missed a very interesting Los Angeles over Washington’s birth­ a fine job with the Wing Scouts and meeting by giong skiing at Mount day. Also at Mount Shasta was Rose­ Flights for our chapter last year, Shasta. Present were members Mary marie Gehling Blake, who is living on that we had a surprise party for her Fields, Miriam Brugh, Rita Hart, the Penninsula now. Reports from Helen Kelton, Gail Lane, Doris Phil­ at Sky Harbor Airport. She was called members away from home include lips, Anne Rambo, Ruth Rueckert and to the airport thinking she had a Char­ Lillian Anderson, who says it’s been a Annette Anderson, member-at-large, ter to take somewhere and ended up mean winter in Minnesota; Ena Ayers and Marian Barnick from the Santa says the same about New York, but as Honored Guest for the day. Good Clara Valley Chapter. Anne gave a Gal!! Juanita was also nominated for she has been doing some seaplane fly­ fascinating talk on missiles, known ing; Lindy Boyes has been flying a the Amelia Earhart Scholarship from as “birds.” She has seen about 15 Tri-Pacer and doing some instructing our chapter. various launchings, including the and taking Spanish lessons; Ruth Alice Roberts Bananza has a new launching of the Atlas at Cape Canav­ Jacquot reports beautiful weather in paint job. Looks like a brand new eral through her work at Lockheed. Phoenix. She is just out of the hospital plane. Also had a major on the en­ We are proud to hear that she is in­ after minor surgery. She had a flight gine. Juanita’s 195 had a major. cluded in “ W ho’s Who in W om en” for in a Navy P2V. This is a twin engine Melba Beard and Juanita Newell 1958. Helen Kelton, who works at jet, I am told. saw an exhibit on the Atomic Bomb Ames Research Center as a math aid, Mary Fields reports her Swift has a that was sponsored by our Civil De­ also had her name in print. She was new steel prop and flies good. The fense. Said it was certainly interest­ featured as the “Ames Close Up” in Fields hope to fly it to Costa Rica. ing and worth while. January. Congratulations to the Carl­ Gail Lane has a new Lark and Rita June Kaiser has a PT 19 in her sons who welcomed Elaine on Jan. Hart is running the only Boatel in ex­ back yard. 31, and also to the Roberts (Margaret istence, the Dolphin, in San Rafael. Frances Wood has a new 3100 says Topping), their little girl, Jeanette, Our sympathy to new member, Dixie it is m-m-m-good. was born Jan. 24. Lusk, who lost her husband the first See you next month. Traveling members include Mar­ part of February.


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Wynema Masonhalf, Editor Minco, Oklahoma