District Census Handbook, 9-Manipuri, Uttar Pradesh
11--- , I Census of India, 1951 ! 1 I I DISTRICT CENSUS I HANDBOOK ) UTTAR PRADESH 9-MAINPURI DISTRICT I I . II I I I ALLAHABAD: SUPERINTENDENT, PRINTING AND STATIONERY, UTTAR PRADESH, INDlA 1954 ------------------__.~ DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK.. 1951 MAINPURI DISTRICT FOREWORD Several States, including Uttar Pradesh, have been publishing village statistics by districts at each census. In 1941 they were published il.}. U. P. under the title "District Census Statistics" with a separate volume for each. district. In the 1951 census, when the tabulation has been more elaborate than ever in view of the require ... ments of the country, the Idistrict ... wise volume has been expanded into a "District Census Handbook", which now contains the District Census Tables (furnishing data with break ... up for census tracts within the district), the District Index of Non ... agricultural Occupations. agricultural statistics from I90V02 to 195°"'51 a{ld other miscellaneous statistics in addition to the usual village population statistics. The village populati~.n s_tatistics also are given in an elaborate form giving the division of the population among eight livelihood classes a~d other details. 2. It may be added here that a separate set of district ... wise volumes giving only population figures of rural areas by villages and of urban areas by wards and mohallas and entitled "District Population Statistics" has already been published. This separate series was necessitated by the urgent requirements of the U. P. Government for elections to local bodies. The printing of the District Census Handbooks involves colossal work and is bound to take some time. RAJESHW ARI PRASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: SuperintendentJ Census Operations, December 3 I, 1954.
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