The Magazine of the Royal British Legion in December 2013/January 2014 Incorporating the Derbyshire LegionLetter Newsletter Registered Charity No. 219279 Shoulder to shoulder with all who serve Vol. 4 Issue 3

Poppy Appeal and Remembrance Edition

Display Poppies as Erewash Remembers Erewash Borough Council proudly installed two “Building Poppies” on the outside of the Long Eaton and Town Halls as a tribute to the annual Poppy Appeal. The two 5ft x 6ft showpieces have been purchased from the Royal British Legion, which is delighted that the

council has supported the annual Remembrance event in this way.

Councillor Chris Corbett Leader of the EBC says: “It is with great pleasure that this council supports the Royal British Legion and we are extremly proud that Erewash is among the first in Derbyshire to have these impresive “Building Poppies” to display. The Poppies will adorn our Town Halls every year as we approach Remembrance Day and will give the clear message that Erewash residents will always remember those who have served their country in the past as well as the servicemen and women of today”

Christine Selden, the Royal British Legion Community Fundraiser for Derbyshire adds: “It is fantastic that the council is supporting the Poppy Appeal with the “Building Poppies”. Though British troops are now coming back from Afghanistan, those who served in that conflict and all previous conflicts will be eligible for our support for the rest of their lives”.

Because the older part of both Town Halls have listed building status, the Poppies were placed on the newer

sections of each building. Press release by Stewart Millar, Erewash Borough Council

Councillor Chris Cobett and myself in my other capacity as Poppy Appeal Organiser for Long Eaton and District. This was one of the pictures taken at the photo shoot by the EBC photographer on 28th October in the Council Chamber Long Eaton Town Hall. In the background is the Long Eaton Great War Roll of Honour. Above The Poppy on the building. Picture taken by John P. Irwin, Editor. Chairman’s Commentary

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Chairman’s Commentary

I have received a number of comments regarding the new RBL Call Centre, located in South Wales. The following information may help Branches and members. We, the County, are now well into the new way of Welfare working, following the Pathway for Growth reorganisation. All “calls” for Welfare assistance MUST now be channelled through the Contact Centre 08457 725725. It is no good ringing the County Secretary, or the County Chairman for that matter, as they can only say; “Please ring the Contact Centre”. I am aware that this Centre is very busy with many, many calls every day; however the intention is for it to be open from 8 to 8 seven days a week shortly, which will improve waiting times considerably. Other requests for help or assistance regarding Remembrance, Representation or Comradeship, the other three pillars, can also be asked of the Call Centre, but please note that the County Secretary will be in the County Office nominally on Monday, Tuesday and Friday of each week.

As we approach the end of 2013 I wish to issue just three reminders regarding the Anniversary of the start of WWI and other events important to the County. th On the 8 of December 2013 at 3pm, together with the Women’s Section, we are holding the Annual Carol Service in St Mary’s Church at . It is being held in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire and I am sure will be a most enjoyable Service. You will also be offered light refreshments when it is all over, Q!!

th On Saturday 8 February 2014 at 2pm we are back at Wirksworth, for our Annual County Conference, but this time in Wirksworth Town Hall. Full details will be issued to all Branches in the next week or so.

nd At 2pm on Sunday 2 November 2014 we, together with other Ex-Service Associations will be presenting “A Festival of Remembrance” in the Assembly Rooms. Further details will be issued as they become available, but please mark this date in your diaries, as I will be hoping for full support from Derbyshire members at this

prestigious County event.

I am aware that there a number of other events being arranged to commemorate the start of WWII. I would be grateful if Branch Secretary’s would advise the County Secretary of any that are due to be held in their areas in order

that he can produce an “event” diary.

Finally – There are seven Branches that have not submitted their R & P Account forms to the County Office. To say that this is most disappointing is a vast understatement as the financial year ended on the 30th June, almost five months ago. I rest my case as the Branches concerned know who they are.

To end on a real friendly note, may I wish all Derbyshire members and their families a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Derbyshire RBL County Chairman Bernard Page MBE


Picture taken on Remembrance Sunday while I was on parade at the Long Eaton War Memorial. I was unaware it was being taken until afterwards. Taken by our Branch Secretary Allan Munns.

I had a terriffic response to Chris Black’s appeal for Poppy Appeal and Remembrance items as you will see in this magazine. Thank you to everyone who contributed, sorry but I have had to leave some items out to give everyone space.

I would like to wish every reader and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy & properous New Year.

John P. Irwin, Editor

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Derbyshire LegionLetter


Branches have announced with sadness the following Members have passed away since the last Derbyshire LegionLetter. Victor Chittertun Allenton Dennis Lyth Allenton Raymond Smith Allenton Mr William Hutchinson Cromford & District Michael Hardy Ilkeston Major Reginald Banham Repton Jack Hibbert Stavely & District Mrs A Greaves Whitwell Miss D M Webster Wirksworth

Wirksworth Standard Bearers School For Standard Bearers training sessions please contact Dilys Elliker on 01629 826617 or Email: [email protected] please do not give out Dily’s number to anyone outside the Legion.

Results of the Standard Bearers Competition held at Wirkworth 19th October 2013 1st - Sam Clarke from Whitwell 2nd - Malcolm Jarvis 3rd - Neil Harper from Sam will take up the position as from our Conference in February and also compete in the Regional Competition at Loughborough.

200 Club Draw November 1st No. 17 Eddy Dobson £15 2nd No. 53 Arthur Hibbert £10 3rd No. 28 Peter Fairey £ 5 £ 5 The next Derbyshire Legion will be published on the 25th January 2014 Please send your contributions to me by the 15th January for inclusion. If it is received after this date I might not be able to get it in. Editor John P. Irwin

Polite Request I recently asked you all to insert your branch name somewhere in the email. This has been a great help to me. Thank you all, please keep on doing it.

After the AGMs can I ask all membership secretaries, whether newly appointed or long-serving, to check up on your members to see if the correct details are held? I recently came across a member who had changed his address two years ago and couldn’t understand why he hadn’t heard anything, hadn’t received a Legion magazine or a membership card. Also check on email addresses and phone numbers – it really does help if they are up to date. Chris Black County Secretary – Derbyshire and

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Derbyshire RBL Women’s Section Forthcoming Events

Joint RBL & RBL Women’s Section Carol Service The above service, in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire, will be held in St Mary’s Church,Wirksworth on Sunday 8th December commencing at 3pm. Branch Standards are requested to attend together with Members and their guests to what will be a joyful introduction to Christmas. The Service being conducted by Cannon David Truby, Vicar of St Mary’s, and the Rev Dr Jocelyn Lewis, the County Chaplain. Refreshments will be available after the service.


Angie Swift Derbyshire WS County Secretary. Email: [email protected]

Ilkeston Branch at Hallam Fields Words by Roy Cox pictures Ilkeston Rugby Club Branch Members attended a Service of Remembrance at the Ilkeston Rugby Club, Hallam Fields which was the first of its kind for the Rugby Club and the Branch. The Service took place at 12.00 noon on Saturday 9th November, at the small Memorial to those who died during the Great War. It was organised by Mr Sean Wright (Community Rugby Coach) Ilkeston Rugby Club with the Branch invited to attend. The first part of the service was the laying of four wreaths in honour of the twenty-five men from Hallam Fields who lost their lives in the Great War. The attending Branch Members were then invited to lunch in the club house before the second part of the ceremony. This comprised of the Standards and Branch Members leading out the two teams playing the match followed by the service, given by Branch Chaplin Rev David Fergus the reading of the Twenty-five names on the Memorial, the Act of Homage, two minutes silence and the Kohima Exhortion.

Top: Ilkeston Members before wreath laying Top: Lined up for the Service Below: Ken Foster lays the first wreath Below: The Memorial in the grounds of Ilkeston Rugby Club formerly known as the Stanton Institute

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Allenton RBL Remembrance Day Parade Pictures and text by Lynne Hickton

The parade was lead by Deputy Lieutenant of Derbyshire Mr Bubber, then the and Rutland RBL Pipe Band, Members of the Legion, Veterans, Serving Personnel and members of the public. We marched to the War Memorial for a Service and laying of the wreathes.

Afterwards we returned to the club for refreshments and entertainment.

Display of Remembrance Crosses

Members of Aston on Trent Branch

spotted these twenty named crosses in All Saints churchyard while on their Remembrance Sunday parade.

Picture by Jim Ballington Branch Secretary

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Service for Gunner Stone VC On 11th November Members of Branch RBL held a short service at the graveside of Gunner Stone VC (mentioned in the last edition of the Derbyshire Legion, Editor). The service was conducted by Mr E Reedman, President of the Belper Branch.

Left hand picture: Branch President Mr E. Reedman (left) is pictured with Committee Member Mr. P. Smedley outside the Belper Branch prior to the service.

Right hand picture: On the left Chairman and Standard Bearer Nigel Winn, Vice-Chairman Mr J. Glew and Committee Member Mr. K. Parkin

Words and pictures

by David Woodward

Cromford Remembrance Weekend by Mrs Mary Parkin, Branch Secretary (alas no pictures)

Sunday 10th November: The Service of Remembrance at the parish Church of St. Mary, Cromford was well attended. Supported by the Wirksworth Detachment of the Army Cadet Force who presented their Standard along with our lady Standard Bearer. The first part of the “Act of Homage” was pronouced by our President Major HJC Loveday, the second part by a Cadet. We thank Bishop Humphrey, Bishop of Repton and Dr Robert Foster the Methodist Minister for assisting the Vicar Rev Nick Grayshon. Also thank Mr John Rivers representing the Lord Lieutenant of Derbyshire for laying the wreathes on behalf of her Majesty the Queen both at Cromford and Scarthin War Memorials.The morning service at Holy Trinity Church, Holloway was attended by the Branch Standard Bearer and four Members of the Branch.

Monday 11th November: Twenty -six children from Cromford Primary school and teachers attended both Memorials. The Children said prayers and planted crosses, in the presence of Branch Committee Members.

Chapel en le Frith Branch Remembers by Edward Fell

th On Sunday 10 November Chapel en le Frith held its usual parade and church service. Commencing with a service in the

Parish Church, St Thomas Beckett at 0945 hrs and processing out to the War Memorial in the Market Place for the “Two Minutes Silence” and wreath laying ceremony. This year we were led by our new chaplain Rev Kerry Tankard. The turnout was excellent and several people have commented that it was the largest group that had gathered on the Market Place for very many years. At 15.00 hrs we had the Rembrance Service in the Methodist church and had the great

pleasure of the Chapel en le Frith Male The Poppy Display in the Methodist Church. The picture Voice Choir performing. at the base of the display is a Cross Stitch made by myself.

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Oakwood Branch Poppy Appeal and Remembrance Words and pictures supplied by Pam Ford

Poppy Appeal We are very grateful to Sainsburys Wyvern for allowing us to stand in their foyer for the full two weeks up to Remembrance Sunday and for the generosity of their customers. Last year in the same period they contributed £13,300 to our final Poppy Appeal total of £31,895.40.

Top Left hand picture: Amanda Solloway, Stuart James, Manager, Pauline Latham, OBE, MP, Ken Bower, Eddie Dobson, Oakwood PAO, Harry Mycroft, President and Chris Wilson Manager.

Top Right hand picture: Cadets from 126 (City of Derby) Air Training Corps helped with our Poppy Appeal on Sunday 3rd and Saturday 9th by bag packing at Sainsburys Wyvern Store. We are very grateful to them and Sainsbury for all their help.

Remembrance Service at Soldiers Corner Derby Rd Cemetery Chaddesden

2nd Left Hand Picture: Branch Members at the service from left Andrew Bailey, Colin Ford, Standard Bearer Cliff Aldridge, Chaiman Eddie Dobson and Ken Bower 2nd Right hand picture: Taken during the service, Eddie Dobson pronounced the Homage.

Service in Chaddesden Park 8th November Harry Mycroft Branch President who organises the Service every Year invites six schools to take part. 3rd Left hand picture.

4th left hand picture Standards by the Memorials

3rd Right hand picture: From the left Rev Dr Jason Ward, Derbyshire RBL President Bill Else, Mayoress, Mayor Clr Fareed Hussain and Barbara Taylor, Chair of the Friends of Chaddesden Park.

4th Right hand picture: The Memorials

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Derbyshire County

RBL Riders Branch. Derbyshire RBL Contact Numbers The “Pie & Pea Meet and Greet” etc. Meetings

County Office Address: at the Market Place Café,

Saxon House, Heritage Gate Ripley, Derbyshire, DE5 3FJ

Derby, DE1 1NL Have started again and will continue on County Chairman the first Wednesday of every month at Mr Bernard W Page MBE 19.00 Hrs (7.00pm) to 21.00 hrs (9.00 pm) until further notice. Email: [email protected] Dean Fowler (Deano) Derbyshire County Secretary County Rep RBL Riders Branch Mr Chris Black Email: [email protected] mob: 07966 442387

Telephone: 01332 341508 Email: [email protected] Fax: 01332 331841

Ripley Branch Poppy Appeal County Manager Mr. Paul Mulingani

Tel: 01332 296757 Email: [email protected]

RBL Welfare Call Centre Contact Number

08457 725725

County Community Fundraiser Mrs. Christine Selden Mobile: 07973 750816 Email: [email protected]

County Training Officer Mrs. Yvonne Robinson Collecting at Sainsburys Above is Dale and his son Jacob Tel: 07870 853365 on the left collecting at Email: [email protected] Sainsburys in Ripley. Dale is PAO for the area 14yrs old Jacob is a L/Cpl in the Ripley det County Website Webmaster ACF and our Branch Youth President. Mr. Chris Drury Tel: 01332 556385 The future of the Legion Eight year old Harvey Dean Email: Fowler grandson of Dean [email protected] Fowler helping Dean with the collection at the Ripley CO-OP. Harvey loved every minute of it. County Website Pictures supplied by Dean Chairman of Ripley Branch

Registered Charity no. 219279 The Derbyshire Legion is edited by Mr John P. Irwin Mobile: 07501115814 All contributions should be sent via email to [email protected] or post to 82 Bridge St. Long Eaton Derbyshire, NG10 4QQ

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