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Plantfile Document Grevillea lanigera PlantFile Report Copyright © 2000 - 2010 Peter Kirkland - Plant Profile Plant ID 965 Botanic Name Grevillea lanigera Common Name Woolly Grevillea Family Proteaceae Cultivars Origin Australia, East Coast, Zone 8-10 Growth Type Shrub Bark Type Woody Foliage Type Evergreen Water Use Low No. of Species 250 Growth Habit Spreading-ascending Growth Rate Fast Height 0.3 - 1.5 m ( 12 - 59 in ) Spread 1.5 m ( 5 ft ) This variable shrub is prostrate to upright with woolly stems that form an open texture. The small grey green leaves are oblong and the tube-shaped shaped Plant flowers are red to pink appearing in clusters from Overview winter to spring. Leaf Type Simple Additional Information Shape Oblong The small sessile are narrow oblong with an obtuse Arrangement Opposite apex and both surfaces are covered in fine hairs. The Margin Recurved leaves are arranged opposite or in whorls densely Colour Grey-green along the stems. Size 10 - 40 mm ( 0.4 - 1.6 in ) Flower Seasons Valid for Northern Hemisphere Perfume None Shape Tubulate Additional Information Inflorescence Cluster or Fascicle The small flower has a pedicle up to 6mm (¼in) long Colour Red - pink with ovoid perianth segments that are red-pink to Size 5 - 7 mm ( 0.2 - 0.3 in ) cream with an exserted style up to 15mm (?in) long. Flowering In Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun The flowers are arranged in a terminal or axillary Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec cluster and may appear throughout the year. Fruit Seasons Valid for Northern Hemisphere Type Follicle Colour Brown Additional Information Edible The cylindrical fruit is up to 7mm (¼in) wide with a Bird attractive Yes thin ribbed pericarp and contain smooth-glossy Size 10 - 15 mm ( 0.4 - 0.6 in ) narrow elliptical seeds to 8mm (?in) long with Fruiting In Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun revolute margins with a short membranous wing. It Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec is reproduced vegetatively to maintain true to type. Environment & Cultivation Natural Soil Tolerates well drained, moist, humus rich sandy-stony loams, tending acid Container Pots, tubs, planter boxes and roof gardens Climate Temperate Aspect Full sun to semi shade, open position, drought and frost resistant Pests & Diseases No major pest or disease problem Fertiliser Not normally required, keep moist during summer Pruning May require an annual light prune after flowering to thicken up Cultural Uses Propagation The Woolly Grevillea is grown for its variable habit and Sow fresh seed during early spring and pre-soak flowers. It is planted in rockeries or garden beds as a seeds in heated water 13º to 18ºC (55º-64ºF) for 24 ground cover or in shrub borders it is suitable for hours. Seeds may require scarification (peeling coastal or mountainous regions establishing from a treatment). Semi hardwood cuttings taken in autumn pot in 1 to 2 years. It requires little maintenance and or spring. Grafted ontoG. robusta root stock. attracts birds..
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