ntul appeared to I"' ntnpr neb¦..mint ll'.an triglitmod by bw receipts from CttUfbrnia.the soft (iniUn of Uw barks 0 rm was held with firmness, but saleB wcro limited BELOW. schrs Elliott, Freeman, for Boston: Kossuth, Gordon, do for YACHT HEGATTAS. II name is said to tin II. .1. l,'*slio. awl prices unchanged. Brig Conquest Saoo; Vesta, Cobb, do for Thomaslown; Crisis, Reneur, do for MODEL position. ppht I1'' enable*the community to «< i.gratulute itself upon having rates Brig Kn,ma..Both by bout . Nunluckst; James 8 Ilewett, Ross, Bnatou for Wilmington, Tins morning the t'tllel of ,u'o examined his carpet V'Ktii nw..The engagements wore light, while James Parker Ren, Croshy, do for Richmond; A1 tlio berim sa It*,te.g uad other cor. paid t'o unusually large a proportion of the debt to the Wore To 800 bales of cotton were BAILED. lie); Henry -.ni,nfti R-c. at Bridgeport bog, containit g cepoud iiuchimged. Liverpool, Moses ami Northern fred, Randall, Klizabethporl lor Salem; White Squall, Sharp; °* once of Uslic, and such a l»t of uot< s of anxious inquiry forcitai world with gold. Tiro only use of tire precious engaged at 8-1lid. to 7-32d., and 400 bills. rosin at 1b. Oil. Steamships Taylor, Light. A spinwall. Deborah Jones, Talem; latdy Kllen, Corson; Maria Roxa.ua, Y' wan new lor or the Con¬ From Quarantine.I'H steamer Mystic, Went Const of Afrit Weaver; R II Jersey CUy-PoPulmrUy relative to obtaining poftllo-.g and employment wore per metals is to sustain confidence in the hanks; that con- There nothing reported Glasgow Coi; T Iaike. Scull: Kenj L Berry, Shannon, Imps never 1m lore wsn Among tliem is a e ullllejiti tinent. To Louden, 1,800 bb!i. sperm oil were engaged Wiutl during the day N.NW, light; at sunset N\V. Murls, and lllack Bird. Comptou, Boston for Philadelpqtn; of reCent from Woodman & Co., of the ut ol u.uo lidence is stonily, and thercforo the gold, which would bo ut 22s. Cd. Niger, Harding, do NYork; Lizzie Taylor, Taylor, l,ynu for Wc below thu record# regattaspartid- Sunlit, iThploym Philadelphia; Fran O Smith, Salem for do; Alliance, Baker, at Unties, touchers, througb Henry Johnson, one of the useless here, is well employed in paying the debt con¬ Hay..The rales cmbvacod about 1,000 bales l'or ship¬ Trlrgraph Marine Report. Dennis for for Jacob ft in "»aU Wttilly called model yachts, lirm ut a RANDY silttiet.One bark outside the do; Campa, Arey, Newburyport do; Dated by aliases; tins telegraphed for tils arrest A ou'titlcuDi tracted to for tin' and merchandise with ment, 66c. 70c. HOOkT Kept B, liar, William, Matthew s, and Jane N Baker, Hand, Portsmouth for 1 1. Bridgeport, (.>01111.; Buffalo, N. Y and Jersey of J. H Wlievlcr and Edward Clark of his no'iit at Europe dry goods Hoi's wore steady, with ' Iiiall sales of 1868 nop with¬ bcnuitl in. Steamships Moaea Taylor, for AspluwaU. olearwt do. Bid achr Kossuth. VIp employ arc llllcd. the bur at 4 Northern for do, at 1:15 I'M. Wind While these boats arc of secondary importance to the Patent Office; a letter from Hon. Stephen A. Douglus which our markets in the range of fic. n 14c,; old wero nominal. Now wore I'M; Light, SW, Arr brig Kolnn, Clifford, Philadelphia for Bonton; schrs City to moat a- a of above the views of light. re¥< for do; Minnesota, Baker, of the Yacht Club, tho interest which is Capt. Meigs, asking employ for Leslie pergonal The following statement the city banks, purchasers. in bound in. andi Jamest HBHoft Fredettpkaliurg the noble vessel* favor; a memorandum, showing that he received $100 1 juk was in good request, with rales of 000 to 800 bills,; I.ONt) BRANCH, Rept 5, sunset.Nothing sight Stroup. Corson, Alexandria for do; Henry May, denotes the increase of the made up to-day, compares aB follows with that of last at Wind b\V, light; weather cloudy. Hoover, and Jane C Patterson, Hand, tor do; taken in them yachting spirit, from eight young ladies; a note of Orvin Carey, endorsed et'tuuu u Rockland ut 70c. Tlie other kind was steady Kmcline do for Philadelphia^ week . Miscellaneous. Rickey, Tlce, Lynn; Mary Patterson, Hoffman, and is an evidence 01 tho growing popularity of yachting by Wallace Klliott, vvhieh l)r. E. pronounces afoi gory;other $1 16. do forKalem; John Walker, Fairen, Portland for Bristol, RI. papers showing that he had acted as agent of file Miami HYtkmd'g. Loans. Sperir. CHrcuVn. Prposits Molasses.The market was quiet but steady. A sale of I.arscit or an Ikon Steamer.This afternoon at 8 o'clock amusements. Vernon Association. the were a num¬ hhds. Rico was made at 36c. YACHTING AT ISLIP, L. I. Among p.i|>erH Aug .$117.641,070 20,728,006 8,234.'270 71,701.817 26 Porto Messrs Hneeden A Rowland will launch from their yard, at ber of of letters directed to Austin Mayson, who had ad 3.. 118,184,268 21,478,299 8,373,318 73,165,700 Naval Stokes..Straight lots ofspirits of turpentine wore the built for fc'opt. bids, in order wore sold Qreenpoint, a new Iron steamer called Alabama, Pavilion, Imp,,1- I., August 31,1859. vcrlised a short time ago in the Baltimore S.m for til'ty dull at 46c., and 200 shipping New Or¬ T R II men to a t at 4Se. Common ro«in and crude were un¬ Captain .lames L. Day, to run between Middle atal Ssf'* Roxann, Lake, B I, Perry, Shannon, The annual of took plaee yesterday, and young engage in profitable business, each Increase $143,188 760,233 139,039 1,363,883 turpentine J uKhi Jacob ft William. regatta Islip have a of sales of moment. on Lake Pontchurtrain. She is 2115 feet long, 82 feet «f U Taylor, Canton, of the entered were cash capital of $5; bank circulars the American the column is not as increased as changed and without leans, r,D KArey, Francis l! Smith, Minnesota, J a men van a decided succors. Toil yachts School the Mount Vernon Association, blank re Though specie largely (Mis..Unwed war Helling ill small lots at 58c. a feet hold. Her frame is of iron Inches lrafJl, and Join, Walker. In at 8 Institute, 50e.; beam, and 10 angle 3)i ni u W'Sj'.r"frm' port the time Tor was the statement is a strong one was at 26 a and nt their places at 12 M appointed starting. ceipts for the nine; handbills offering lii.s services us a expected, considering Crude sperm steady CI $1 27, crude snuare. The is of five sixteenth and three-eighth thick i \i in 1,11 ^ II Bucotah; brigs Vermont, Bolus; schrs to Ch rs uml all whale at while BuleH were limited. plating Several of these were of the most beautiful model, and, guide travellers nl the North. A Mr. imb sought the season of the year other circumstances. This 47c., iron. She has five fore and aft kelsona, and five watertight Alm,rB- 1Iu"ry to Provisions.. Pork . Mess more JtoeBne%