
Sharnbrook Toddington Harrold Houghton Clapham Regis

Sandy Leighton Buzzard

Biggleswade Stanbridge Shefford


Services for people with dementia and their carers in Leighton Buzzard

This leaflet has been produced by the Dementia Steering Group This leaflet has been designed to inform you of services in your area. It is not an exhaustive list and the information may be subject to change so please contact the service directly. Dementia specific services ALZHEIMER’S SOCIETY Dementia Information Points: No appointments necessary, come along to speak with a support worker for a range of information and support issues relating to dementia. • Leighton Buzzard: Library, LU7 1RX Third Tuesday of each month, 10.00am–12.00

Dementia Support One to one dementia support for anyone who has received a diagnosis of dementia and for those who care for a person with a dementia diagnosis. Appointments can be at home or another alternative and suitable environment.

Activity groups (12 sessions) For carers and the person with dementia. (A referral is required prior to attendance at one of these groups, please contact us to arrange). • Leighton Buzzard: Delta House, Hockcliffe Street Baptist Church, 33 Hockcliffe Street, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1EZ Second and fourth Mondays of the month, 10.30am–12.30

CRISP: Carers Information and Support Programme 4 Group based sessions for carers covering information relating to understanding dementia and other information topics.

Singing for the Brain For carers and person with dementia. • Leighton Buzzard: Trinity Methodist Church, North Street, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1ES First and third Mondays of the month, 2.00–3.30pm For more information contact: Alzheimer’s Society: 01234 327380 National Helpline: 0300 222 1122 www.alzheimers.org.uk

CARERS IN BEDFORDSHIRE Understanding Dementia Course Offers information on dementia (the different types of dementia, coping strategies, communication, living well with dementia, a person centred approach and help available).

Three half day course.

Dementia Befriending Service Trained volunteers can offer a flexible befriending service for carers and people with dementia. This can help reduce isolation and provides a short break for carers.

Dementia Focus group Bi-monthly meeting at Memorial Hall for carers on their own or with the person they are caring for. For more information contact: 0300 111 1919 or visit the website www.carersinbeds.org.uk CARERS SUPPORT GROUP Independent Carers Support Group Leighton Buzzard independent group run by volunteers. Carers and the person they care for are all welcome to drop in. • Leighton Buzzard: St. Georges Court, East Street, Leighton Buzzard. Every Friday, 2.00–4.00pm Other services CARERS CAFÉS Carers are welcome either on their own or with the person they care for. The cafes provide an opportunity to acquire information and advice, socialise and access treatments such as chiropody, hair dressing and relaxation. • Houghton Regis: Day centre, Parkside Drive, LU5 5QN Second Saturday of every month, 1.00–5.00pm

Leighton Buzzard • Leighton Buzzard: Arden House, West Street, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 1DD Third Thursday of every month, 1.00–4.00pm

ALSO PROVIDED BY CARERS IN BEDFORDSHIRE: • Opportunity to apply for a grant towards a break from your caring role • Various Carers groups and Drop ins • Walking Groups •  Training in topics including: Confident Caring, Stress Management, First Aid, IT and painting.

For more information contact: 0300 111 1919 or visit our website www.carersinbeds.org.uk

Age UK 01234 360510

POhWER Advocacy Services 0300 456 2362

Social Services For information on help with personal care, day care, respite care and carers assessment. Contact: Council 0300 300 8000 www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk Riseley

Sharnbrook Ampthill Toddington Harrold Clophill Houghton Aspley Guise Silsoe Clapham Regis Flitwick Bedford Dunstable Kempston Caddington

Concerned about your memory?

If you have concerns about your memory please contact your GP, your GP can talk through your individual circumstances and answer any questions. The GP may refer you to the Memory Assessment Service. MEMORY ASSESSMENT SERVICE The Memory Service is a specialist assessment service within the NHS that aims to meet the needs of people who are concerned that they may have a memory problem.Sandy Heath and Reach The team is made up of specialistPotton doctors, nurses, Leighton Buzzard occupational therapists and psychologists. We assess and diagnose the nature of the person’s memory difficulties, report thisBiggleswade to the family doctor and Stanbridge advise on further treatment or intervention. The team will continue to be involved after diagnosis Eaton Bray when appropriateShefford and can offer information, advice and support to the person with memory problems and their family. V1SEPT14