other "too num. It is seldom that you will feel unwell or Kor I ho l>emociat. bore the name of Providence, —W-e-n-d—Wendell. Here it is," rush, and several things THE GREAT GERMAN post-mark suffer from Indigestion If you use Brown's FRIENDS IN NEED. date of 20. On said to himself. There erous to mention, and was on the point Iron Bitten Democrat REMEDY Rhode Island, and July Tom, muttering or of out the front door when the ÛefcVorÎi BY WM. BRl'NTOK. the other side of the was a pret- were a few Wendells, but no Frank crawling Never look a gift mule at the heels. IS envelope or was laid on his W -t Francis not even a Frank hand of Wendell ty monogram of three letters, Κ H. H., simple heavy There is no bitters in the market which FOR PAIN. When rose* liloom ami flowers a to rich as KVKKY TUESDAY Krlii-vM η»<1 rum shoulder. will do so without the U'PMSHKD «lay. or W. H. P., or H. W. P.. or some com- r rancis. many people good as When abundant ; risk of doing anybody harm Wheat Bit- BI every garden grows grace "Do know a Mr. Frank Wendell ? "Come in and She KHKIMATISM, bination, Tom couldn't decide which. So you explain thing. t. M. Neuralgia, When earth unit *kv rejoice with smiling May, she never heard of before ! «KO. H. WATKINS, We little care their wondrous worth to trace : he the letter and read : Tom of the hotel clerk. says you Sciatica, Lumbago, opened queried The lovliest spot on earth—The ace. Editor and rraprlvtor. When birds are singing In each grove aner Year. hardly well, got the complexion, and brings to old and SOF.E THROAT. We half their but love for made me of tftt (|t hardly checrincss reccivc' my you unreasonably "Who'd be to know a the whole affair. young the bloom of health. As :t itiiff, a MiKtiot VII I.NSY. 8WKLLDCG8, likely young explained pnrillcr 1 *'thn ·:« mouth*. a of the it has no » I: pi· Hut when the exacting and unwilling to yield. Forgive but I believed Clara blood, equal. <*«1· WtH be «PUÛM, frosts have been and summer's fellow about the ?" asked I'm not certain, .la- oa Of t.T«-ntï It**· city again of tbe me, for Heaven's sake, and say I may come Bade. If not |>».d tilt the end Sornm. Cufv Brunei. past. kissed him. At all events, a few Truth lies in a well. This Is because there will I* «-barged. j Tom. day· vrar two dollar· FROKTBITHS, Or when by chance afar from theiu we're cast, to you. I will wait one more weok in are no llsh stories connected wit'i well a HI K>V «< (MM. A single flower of Home evokes the tear, "Well the clerk after he went back to Providence to hear from you. Do write. (second long stare), Washington hap- water. other arh·* And one bird can win a willing car; " And all Nullly stray Fkaxk." he would, and he'd fellow, made others so happy. and |«Iml So thought (the cleark) py having s Nerve Is the lint··· of /Yr. Kt.iXK Great Restorer FIFTT CENTS » BOTTLE never Frank That was a Casual marvel of the for all Nerve LEGAL SOTtCSS. Has charm- that Summer circles never shck. » «0 tiy All Uts free. Scud to 'JJ1 Arch ν i>f «pace turret*··» In U " an came round Observer told me a or two since that stopped a man 1 he old fellow who sometimes day Karh «at»er^uret w«-k. SI neat·. latlCtia*^. THE AI.BATKOSS. in love !" said Tom. only Street, l'hlla., Pa. Notice·— » tH-r cent. additioaal. to at hotel. That wasn't Tom had received cards to the The Charles A Vogeler Co. settled is that the first letter of I buy bottles the wedding « thing matter if the is reduced It is r*'»BAT« «once· » 4 T'lllUttOOl) BY CKMA TIIAXTEH. was it ? of H. Wendell and Clara K. Dennett, No postage » blue 1 hat the one the meant, F. l.t® that monogram is an K, l·. gentleman as much trouble to lick a two cent o! \c ce oa Heal K*ta'e, lUlllmurr. I .K.A. just < j.'m 1JI0 next w ·. not. to come off a week from τ He spreads his wings like banners to the amount to 1 don t Tom thought Monda), stamp a> a three-cent one. ■ 1.3» doesn't anything. (, .,Mian·' VO — --"'sad Kaoeut |ihi>lr) tun wltlihuutl the (>u»rr League* upon leagu· s, across the lonely seas, is." Somehow he was led to put the ing. ing <-oettai:*>d acv ron.:1rriMe ing Cough, Croup. Induen/.a, Consumption cr a..■■rt'tcmenu Of It* honest Ullrrtow. lie sweeps above the vast, uneasy tide. he had another look at a sister of Clara's. Furthermore, Umm· tag eitcB- one side of it in Next morning nett, racU >t ar, al*0, for occupy letter instead throwing and all diseases of the Throat, Luug* and two > e — want to hear .V) a bottle. f Freu For days together through the trackless skies, d the letters. The written one Casual said, "If you Chest. cents and 91 In the Pkmoorat of I'-ening the waste He thought he delicately a.ra.-:« ! >r advert!· ng Steadfast, without a quiver of bis plumes, rcceptaclc. well cataMivhrd l't ^ K, .ii ; f-r the Cer- rave in of another fellow, :-<· maV at tbe following deeply ^ratefu' once him no clew for the doa't The chil- rr.v Without a moment's for rest, he flics like to look at that more, gave present. people praise Weary mother, worry. Lave rwf.iiil from the dm pause monogram ai-arle·: U I Miss Dennett and Mr. dren are all now. and they won't be « ο 10 Spnjce *t.. New Vuk ; dazzling sunshine and the other didn't. Tom them you should hear right i' Rowell A ~.l α *1ιι·1ι Ιι ι» Its or»;in and Through through it was such a one. tainly put St.. N»w ^ ork J. II. pretty so sick again until next Christmas. .ν Λ M VlbN about Co., *». M. 1. ir ht-autiful 1 tUat other· cloudy glooms. on and turned to Wendell talk Tom." far. ri· ·. Nf* Vork I'rlletijtl.l oitj.and piujr seven, nine more let- both the mantle Ht M.il .· Five, six. eight, piece V»w York. T. C. ν ••-•■la.· t l»av«· been find like re- λ f*rk Κι*. may IKiwii the he or skims the As.voyan'cb Ανοιυκι». Co.. 1». ^t*lr -t green gulfs glides, his hair at the mirror two r. M k.». >. X. l'rMIIIIIlâ 1.·: : t; 1 N the of a f»w ters in the of brush (a by »t jj indulgence read, and nothing shape ORKAT BRIDGE. hairs are honorable but their pre- Uor»,-e IXkJiI. .'· J W.i.h:ngt.«a foam. A (iray ton Ha··.. r 1.·Γ the of >οβ. I valuable j*ij«cr privilege one and a half bit of a mature is Parker's >■ M ut Ν H". Ayer Α rhiladelj-hia, Searching for booty with an eager eye. business Number ten! Number len looking glass). appearance annoying. lit.. β. U. Nile». m to a brtef itateiwiit o( yet. It is net known that in the !ί C Λ. « ook A C·., i-htra^o, it.ng ^i be was a small delicate hand, directed being color. 1 ί O'er wrecks forlorn, that topple helplessly. of is the largest promptly restoring the youthful msbs < vicinity Washington at bh'r: : t * tli .ti every side. Many f tn> friends well Prank St. 'fixed' a nice little gust of wind 'un- « follows: "Mr. H.Wendell, a n ihe colored attach! « stone the with of the another of the Β tlaklava "six .· :el :.Te*am nf ρ k «kit 1 haee be»· η Very severely afflicted He loves the st ; he Is to see arch in world, span By way in.tae wieb· temp· glad at his hair was » ibe a:aoant due. and date fixed' them ; but last has died. This reduces the r t-at»*r<·. v. »-t >r a nuuiN-r of year», xud to the billows Albans, Vermont." This letter bore that ot the hundred" jn-»t ol th·· adTaoccd pa> mrot·. dy-·f The roaring gale heaven toss, 220 feet, the second c. .» a> I Ui< lUM'lve· being ranks to about nine hundred. or baad to lite ncarcm *_··»; !: *' ^ϋΙΤ··ΓτΊ It ui it a* only tln«e can suffer For to i»attJe with the storm I s he, dressed. Tom turned to take the letters -•β -.r ! bv βιλ.Ι. utrouK of 21, and Pitchburg, tha ·· «j4 July post-mark with a of 21)0 ». on tbc alip, »r»a« | aj-cr * have that diarase ; it reduced uiy strength so the Orosvenor Bridge, span 1 he mvstic bird, wanderinKalhatro·»! and— "Confound it, if haven't ΙΓίίΙ.Υ AXD ΠαΤΚΚΓΓ., o· :hti U.itc. Jon that I ..J wa!k aero*» room, Massachusetts. they rare be U· scarcely my —>t Nicholas for February. which crosses the river Dee. The w ..ru ai ittTK «eut, «nould feet, But I couldn't It. went λ: rrikltml «ne m short- help (Everything tbe :»enrr i» no: rrvdite·! the 1< i»t rit-rU»n for the mo- tumbled into the of water!" w. lut *;.»·. and if Tom had quite forgotton pitcher Cabin with and 1 thought I hadn't a w· be aHtiaH oi lt. I iUr.nl scare» and life structure in is named wrong me, • ii- ur week· ahoaM l.r.-.i:b«-4 that ly move, question but There was such a on the table in the cause I this ν bur !· s me. I was treated for DKAl) LKITERS. ment the other St. Albans letter, all receptaclc friend world; dyspepsia ry my John from the stream it spans, and " Bridge, and for months I couldn't eat anything I: i«l\ by the !>r»t |.1.\*. ut«, and derivt*! noben- of a sudden he cried to himself, Hollo! under the mantel r prescription* until Hun," just A short of two an J his va- St. Albans is full business ! He "Now I must dry them, I suppose. Bitters, three bottles cured m:.—l> /. »ci I » .« adviv-d b> my family physician to use «pare days of to-day a hermit fisherman and named after J J Boston. s >τεακν>. ma» them on St., li'-M » Keii ). as my trouble caiued by in cation would commence. Two weeks Î then and read : Just my cursed luck ! He took ^ opened of the who lived in ί t li:« >·, «Ιι h affecte»! ver» «'ri· trapper olden time, Hut two weeks were two of land, the letters, and If a man could but take his troubles as < Γ art years fun, •'My Frank :—1 dry -■'> th.· ; ΐι.ν li. I uiinm.'fd tak- Dear only hope you shipwrecked a near the of the creek, and Attorney and Counselor at Lau, hut mouth as other make th-m what a »ii i little faith In it or any other medi- two centurie* of real two cen- have back to St. Albans, for Heaven them with a towel. The easily people enjoyment, Rone patted gently as Cabin John. 1 he world this would be.' WATEKI OKU, ΛΕ. nie was known happy c M and it Uiu 1ι·1|»»1 wonderfully, and I at only happy, turies of rest, to the constant alone knows how else this may reach you. monogram letter had been cut open ρ * » great >ί.·:\1 N'tter, an·! have been ever compared arch is the of the conduit, an ι; -TRE A HEItEllk. I uke chance, it seems to me, left support Livixr, Witnkssics. 1 it- lu (art I have taken »e in that business which my only one end, but the water had loosened the Irag, drag, lonely structure for the hundreds of and «·' since mv brick passage The hearty, healthy- i. tint lias benefited m*- greatly. My for happiness. 1 mu.-t write, elliptical at took all his hours in dreams. and it turned ba:k. looking men. women and children that hive Attorneys Laic, < a» up night tlap, easily lr. i*.h·. « ia v. ai..l I have In feed on the of Bttiui. Mb. gxii!<-d «trength heart will not let me sit longer and of the water which city on these en- supplies been rescued from beds of pain, sickness, Κ. IlKKKlt Κ •o much that 1 am abl·-1>> .It· mv h-'Usevr>rk. I Two weeks away from the constant read- "Mean stickum they put £><•011 FoBTLK. ΛΙ»1·Ι*<>\ my own sorrow without breaking. Dear, and comes from the Poto- and well-nigh death by Parker's Ginger cheerfully rr.'.winieu«l Hunt'» U.medy to all who and then he Washington, ing of letters which were written for since went from me on that sad, said Tom ; paused Tonic are the best evidences in the world *. ai ixiuN ·. ay !- ·~ :··Ι a» I ha%> Iwvn,· who arc suffer- you away velopes,'* mac at a several miles the river. ^ point up worth. Von will ai u.-rvoui r»tra- no name. On the of Its sterling merit and ing fr general «Uhility and j other eyes than his! How he eter got sad night, not one moment of peace, to read the maker's edge or which, such in almost tiotk. Over this conduit aqueduct b) tlnd every community. and Cowmllor at Law, lUttpnt fully, into the Dead letter Office he couldn't day when a song was pleasant to hear, no of the in raised letters was the Mrs A. O. envelope Attorney ntX'KWELL. the is about nine feet in diameter our dried Ri'mfukd. Ms when I could sit silently glad, has Hlank way, China ami Japan buy apples iVarl Strvet, I*r>>vii*~ pulling not trust "By population JttHSI growing proud, and angry that you could which is one of the most popular leading at La w. < ι· "I've it. If atnl Counnrior ·. I·: j-·■·. Kiilticy, Itl. kler, an-l tiUn,luLar out all his hair and ramming into have ex- ards !" cried Tom, got my Wise men nothing in dangerous Attorney pens me; and though I could easily from Washington. Cabin John Bridge ·.·" say Dl\KIKLl>. maim: is Female Weak- new John- times." Wise men use uothiug In danger- Ma.a.l:·» Hunt'· Keimslv. I his brown he couldn't, for the life would not. for that short half friend, dear friend, found eyes, plained, I I, my a of 101 < :it. n* and fro'jlU· hi >Mra· a >|·<·<·ι*lif. the chasm at height ous diseases but the most reliable reme- IVη ii the Kvk aixl !<'ins, tiravel, I>iûbete«, I springs oo two believed I could bear son doesn't know for whom he made that o( him. tell. He had stayed hour, everything, dies. Thus is employed un- w its extreme Kidney-Wort II Ιι ν ; i ν·-*-, ai.'l l'rietrati.'U t>f the feet. It is 20 feet wide, u since I bore your harsh words (as they he'd better -»ell out and in cases of diseased liver, kidneys and was much honored, in a small monogram, go was iversally -·. u- are curi«l liuiit'f years, 420 feet. The cost but a trifle by Hen»e«ly. seemed). Now I know I was wrong. length being and bowels. It will cost you at as a into the fish trade, l'eradventure I call and Councillor Law, ^ Kei ·~.1* h<-alth an.l t<· the way, skillful clerk in the and the result will be most de- Attorney Ha: impart» depart- will not write to me?-.iu*t *217,000. The is at once im- to try it, Fmibbiko. Ms. Darling, you spectator p. ■>· ·■..: η viLen it lu» U-cotne debilitated, ment. He couldn't tell In at .01 Blank Street lightful. why, again. one to me, and, If to-day." of Communcnrr tor New Uaat>»bire. word say you forgive with the and strength pressed grace " turn over a new lluiit't l.ciciy ru the invalid to health. career was a series of "couldn't I Tom did call. Young man, you may fact, his you can, say you still love me? Shall the structure its airy lightness taking leaf;'* that Is very easily done. But the were the never see Dear heart, 1 was Mr. Johnson was in ? c 1)AVIS· [til whys," which, however, you again? of It is, cannot t >ar out the old away all idea of the immense pressure gall you 11. never thius but true to you. Will you said a nice who waited on one. rogs to the wheels which kept his life any "Yes," girl tablet of and it. Cut in the granite not write to me? Just one letter, a upon AT LA Ti. :H:E:A:R,îT' be down in moment. " ATTORNEY Casual Observer might have Tom. and he'd that I.adiks' Toxic." i-goiog will bless each I if God makes tbe vast abutment is an inscription < I-i -ν OI K you day live, Bkmkdv is At Probate )rvicE. :old he was considered one of the Johnson came, and Tom asked him Τιικ Grkat Fkm u.e prepared why me live a thousand years. is of note. The bridge was institut'· MA1XK HEART worthy by the Woman's Msdira! <>/ llujf'i· ΡΛΚΙ8 beet «clerks in the and slid a or two. Johnson said, in department, "Always being. 1 am still, only yours, question under the direction of the Secretary Ιο, V. ami is their favorite prescription SOUND? built weak- have remarked that it ••Cuaka P. Dennett, "I made that monogram for ladies who are suffering from any if .· » .V lAl>U Observer would substance, jfor was W. Dams. of War. who at the time Jefferson common to the sex. It J. ·τκ·( ·' ness or t: I Wallace Street, Fltchburg. some time and he complaints λ as because he— There ! I've Mr. Wendell since, at 00 bottle. -j, ι. xckt'A got just that the arch is sold druggists $1 per »» Davis. It is noticeable by s. ι am with my couslu, passing Send ut :*< >MrL so tar without a nam'., ana ι was then with an uncle—I think Ladies can obtain advice kick·. stamp using nopeu living name has been chiseled SVSHEOJV DEXTIST. Mfi the summer, and, unless 1 hear from you, traitors carefully for names of those who have been CURKD. com- me at" an old order- urtMaι ·!*<.** I'd pet through the story without he told (consulting who made So. Par?s Maiae, trust I may never return to St. Albans. out. The government official « I ,ft so Street. At A counterfeit dollar Is now in circulation o\ kk Saviwi Βλ>κ. ; but it's no use. These "No. 17, So and omet il ohm mitting myself book) name so od- a ·,;■* Jove !" said Tom, "here are two the order to cut out the that is almost beyond detection. It is M' work w4rr*n.«J. *.ιίι-ίϋ··.;οη £uar*atec4. "By the was y r. at 17. Mr. Wendell l'om will do, won't it ? Tom's a name, then called No. ton has been most sacredly perpetuated as So. Pari*. V .llM I'MliX. (1) cards Ilrrald. Cnt'rt Tom was rather to Cleveland so also has an·' '· given playing left a hero and statesman, Iiei«*r» by t-> Urn. 1. Τ Dana, ·. .4 I. ( ifrj, y. U, and there are lots of Toms in had been there, but had that of permi*ai~>n r. a. Washing- staying for skin 0 II anU,oî l'onlU'l. his So he the the fame o" Swayue's Ointment 1*^ therefore language.) put before for Boston. Servant SCRAPING TRBE8. ton, and several Toms in the Dead I,et- three days diseases descended into as the : them in a closer un- perpetuity * IIBKâBT, S : two aside, and left Trees. In the market for ev- HEAET^®B€)UBLE ter Office. Now, then, we will take didn't know where abouts in Boston. Do we approve of scraping only reliable remedy as as the J^lSIîKK ion as letters than had been in ery character of skin disorders, and Ob- they of missus. Coming back, asks a friend of ours. we do, at Law, another start with Tom and the Would inquire Certainly reward of well-deserving merit. Worth Counsellors If Tom had been a mesmerist From !!»«· I'ort'and liailv A'lvtrllte!1 beings. at the Tre- need and one can rareh and merit go haud in hand. It is useless Buckfteld, Iff. server. servant said missus thought provided they it, he would I contradict the worth of this article. or a believer in mesmerism, to New that does not. Aside to Notary Pt'BLtc for υχροκυ Coi'stt. I that the Observer would have mont House, if he hadn't gone find an old tree say two let- Ο. H ΗI KBIT wondered if the '· I». BIBBBB- have the removal of the old a necktie have on I" remarked that back a few lines for probably York. from the fact that That's lovely you (go influence on the "Glad like it. I thought Λ * ters would have any a for var- she remarked. you CAPILLARIS the of the was ticcause to sentcn- bark*scales breaks up refuge it would look "On the neat "Ves. É Wnnlrd. explanation "it") two writers. As he way Fitchburg," it rather myself." life of the I aui to on :hat are day's the so well In the silk i|Ullt and Counsellor at Law, 1 / \/ W l PEK-OS> call tr.e, Tom bad a very tender heart in his poss- tiouslv said Tom, and took the next train ious insects, including Woolly-aphis, patchwork loelnic Mieir hair. troubled i. wasn't a mes- Attorney Maine. 1 UUU bad. wasn't, he didn't; <·, of the tree making." mwu cinm >r. that have been u n· the increased repays » in -Ijl'ÎiuC or tho.»e ession. A sad thing to hare ζ tender for Boston. beauty cuit··! an·) 1 will cure An w a he didn't wonder ; lU· t<> (ft merist or believer, are made I take this to bear testimony live dollars or nothiag. No with said the trouble. There scrapers opportunity capillar·· lor heart when you're dealing jîersons, Mr. Wendell was there, "// Iiitfrn." Kx- Ε TILTON. M. D.. mil all it the above cure· to form a for stopping to the elHcacy of your φ FRANK pay nijuirel he commenced plan one of these has a tri- 1 chaileree in the it sadder when only the Tremont House. "Here ! for the purpose ; to tlnd them nauseous aud bitter, ir<· mvif, an; p«-r»on city they say. Tom thought ended the clerk of pectiug and of I*orliAod, u> p;«« that 1 can- his vacation. The commencing wit ι and of bad whiskey, we were Surgeon, arc 85." blade, another along blade, composed Physician not i-u'd, unie»* Hie ruoU entirely 'lead, dealing with letters. He would choke show the to No. angular mild taste,— Imiir. one c»w ten his work gentleman at their *orwn), i· nul the ca··· in more than In half an hour after agreeably surprised U.'|'< day's another concave and a hare ΐ···*η bald (or year·. Any times a while some just one one fiat and slightly a of tea. A Mrs. Cresswell Mreet, Β**·: and yet they may fifty day reading No in. like cup H~· >ilce and KnMtirt, otiaffe "< caaoot be bambagged, I was over. ui. one ut ng aprillari»" 1 I as a friends, have likewise tried, Office Hour·, 1.' α». 10 p. uii ι» worth An old hoe is Mrs. Conner, Be»: Hotel. a».: iiiinr. ial tor a >*ir dresmag .in>l earnest, heart-felt which, an wamea edge. quite good epistle despite auïi w Tom waited around hoar, them the best medicine lo .· tB Two or three m ΙΟ riUVIUCUVC ua; and pronounce p. it e acta· oi α tar lliat purpose. "1 going cut off the handle to about carea. Never- and a mother's \iand had tool as ever taken for building up will make all of the above the love fidelity over and came any; have M. said that the burned district, back, they B. UOLDEN. U., tbeli·», ww think akepin-al and iocredalou· per- morrow, Mrs. Wilkins," Tom, too the I was nor 18 and do not the blade strength and toninn up system. -J· art· < ared of all the above disease·. and buried in the lines, had misr.arried, and was in inches, grind I'f son·, that Mr. Wendell had returned, troubled with costiveness, headache aud iiair ou;hi to be willing to pay #5 to his landlady. is not thiiT re-toied, a evening as a are uow at I· would ever reach dear son* s Or, to No. and sharp, cutting implement want of My ailments <(■ Surgeon, aitrr flic tesult aiiii^i acronpliibed. eyes. Mr. Tom ?" course his room. Tom went 8.3, appetite. Physician T. HILL M \ W lKl.l'. r, "On business, (Of On a ol I have a contract with a SotTH lA»H, UklXK. I'roj. it was a father's call— needed a scraper. very all gone. yearly « enlmuial Blcek. I'oitlaud. Maine. perhaps, strong only after the health of of the chi't » "Mr. but that will knocked. doctor to look myself »*· [>■.«<·*·.'# «pecialty. I' 'Γ'land Me <»· t J tti. I^'J. she didn't say Tom," some be needed to de- "«tor»·. in tears and in love—which trunk force may need him not now. OfB«e at Η olden'a l>ru* Prlrr «ί ru. (itru((lit>). H y mall, 73 strong strong "Come in !" and in he went, to find and family, but I Three bottles %J. do as are loose, out S. GlI.UI.AND, eta., pre paid. never back t fold just well.) tach the scales that would bring ο the home a full tall, partly JONES A CLARK, many Testimoniale we a fellow with beard, Pittsburg, Pa. τρνκ-s. l· rout the City "No'm ; it's my vacation." young not to wound People's AJcocate, * «•Ive a fiw, on trees be careful a straying daughter. stout. young dentists, MB have a nice time." and » At'ILLAIUS Cl'KSU "I hope you'll quite bark. The may be Ml. E. C. M. I). The letters Tom read with a heartache him- the healthy scraping XOBWAT YlLLkOB, if dandruff aod|huiuor, SEAL,) said Tom "So much for my fancy," said To It cured me ot l>endrulT. H. P. g. «JOl'LI», trust is in Providence," next month or later. When Teclh InacrtcJ OB ttold. Stiver or which like and some- "My done now, NOT CLAIM \ ΟΓΜΤ and Coogre·» street». neuralgia, "She'll be fat and a burnette." WE DO irj Myrtle spread but he couldn't re- self. will curv « very· Vulcaaiied Robber. h- -a!»· lu popularly, Ut Ι'Γ V I» IN*- a little a ov- that ilnoD'n Sakmapaiulla C- A CI.ASK. prove filled his whole bo< with an untold irreligiously, there comes moist drizzly spell, go U. Ρ JONES. Λ \ 1.1 ·ΚV how ly Wendell ?" Tom. un tiic and M \V l>iuigisla. "This is Mr. queried tiling, but tbc ία< t tli.it purity ι- out α κοο·1 growth ot hair where sist the with soft and It briugmg were a pun. er the bark good soap, blood the vigor I'AR«m\i, UEO. C. the thou sand year; but was the "Excuse scraped vitality of tlio depend uruir.su institute. I was bald C A Droggiat.) pain, by "Yes, sir," reply. and that diva*»» t Η. Η O AKUlNEK M.PAK I've wanted a clam bake, with water to health of the whole system, BE MtSE. IM1.IN, his interest in the sad cases was never "And always Wen- made thin enough apply ^Jai.ne J V Ι.ΑΜΊ.Κ. toiletta," said H often only the sign that KEK on the my continuing my of various kinds to Female Invalide. ■« mr c jttomer* of no over a coat Devoted I know lu rise twelve of a and do say there's spot a brush. Paint thick tlio disturbing EzcioBÎTclj and be made they with nature is to remove bilJnt »·, dm dru S, Λ> Ε. ο. S 'M Κ US. Baiber. tiagging, always good his shirt collar. trying WiTUKKD, Μβ. the little dell, buttoning to the led to the conclusion It baa cured a number of my customer» of the earth for a clam bake like and leave the rest cause, we are naturally η to have »."ne letters which came from to of this soap W f SHATTUCK. M. D., 9Bperin;» lag Phy JullN 1*. tt EL 11. Barber. push "Mr. Wendell," asked Tom life and vigor to above tli»e»-· -, Frank that a reinedy that give# •ic .Surgron. ·#-All wierealcd it sur- call Rhode Island." season the trees will ac vC'l Oieralin? 1 am hlgtil) plea»ed with Capillari». ham'.s ones take one they rains. Later in the and other Im- «end for Circular. for the ladiea' toilet. loving for loved back-yard tlic Mo<>d, eradicates scrofula Will pieaM ι anything 1 ever usel make certain. in 't, MISS M. E. to-morrow became as with It. as Hook's Sajuapakilla 1 lake ti ea-ure r»-eonimending more chance of their destina· Day after to-day, if furnished mahogany purities from I »ad maa\ other*. reaching sir Frank Wendell," appear means of pre- K. ; V It Γ 1 \ 1 It. KitS HEUtN D III*·'tl\» "Yes, ; undoubtedly does, must be the hair think it haa all and Tom started. trunks. — American for occur I have ueed your dreaalug, tion. If Tom's successes had each been went to the bottom of Agriculturist diseases that would J/IHMi claim for it on your circulars Then Tom very vent ίηκ many the merit* you a whole the field of its useful- K, Kre Tom has smoked without its use; hence JOHN C ritOCTI ESQ. a block of the Washington Mon* long : February. and we are AUCTIONEER, granite, the matter, and said ness |s quite an extended out, miles on his way it for all de- District, ument would have been over and got several A Wkather Item. "Mary," said warranted in recommending Hill, Bonanza Ukmkmhkk This. completed cigar, s ν stem which are caused Kimball A "I*come from a friend of yours—Misa raugemeuts of the are Bitters will toward Providence, Rhode Island. "can state of the blood. ■ ETHIIL, ME. If you sick Hop surely eleven months ago. and he, gazing into her bright eyes, you by au unnatural in well when ail out Dennett" Wendell blushed, aiil Nature making you he calls it ; an to find (how ?" Ρ Ο. Box ι*»». Locke's Mm.·*. Tom was to have t wo weeks' vacation quest attempt tell me are like the weather else fails. "she's also & why you Suffer with Salt-Rheum ? and then to re-intro- then turned pale !); partic- Why If are costive or dyspeptic, or are —two weeks in two Frank H. Wendall, it said yon commencing days. she don't "Give up, Mary quite prompt- C. I. Hoop & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hotel from other of the numerous He ular friend of mine (though Messrs. West Paris suffering auy duce him to Clara F. Dennett. at sufferer from ASD He wasn't often idle ; but this Gentlemen—I was a pre of the stomach or bowels, it is morning sotto "and a diseases know said Tom, voce,) ly· on limbs, for dozrn years those two all his it," ec Salt-ltheum my which TLIVCRV stable* own fault if you remain ill, for Hop he held one of a batch of lived with journey. said are to the summer of iHTft, at your letters—episto- if cat "Because," Charlie, "you previous a in all such he was she would like very much, you time I was cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla. S- J. CALDWKIJ., Proprietor. Bitters are sovereign remedy Clara had blue and fair hair, crack «at of eyes confounded you know." Hie nk In would become dry. chap, Mt. latory corpses—and thinking any- to hare call on her changeable, so that I West Pari-. complaints. a muatachc the time, you bleed and Iteh Intensely, confident ; Frank wore spare "but car open, of course If are wasting away with any form but his work. Where should he slight said Mary, not scratching, which you thing and—" "Very good," could help I com- Death She's in worse. At the time of disease, stop tempting * was he was certain living Fitchburg, made them Kidney wu no and rather thin, Charlie, you are nol Karsaparilla (In the turn for a cure to go in vacation There mother, next ; tell me, why menced taking Hood's JONKS, this moment, and Hop "For God's when does the you were so bail that tlicy ~X.~C. two sake, summer of they and so he built imaginary per- to keen them Bitters. or brother, or sister for him to up like the weather ?" and I was obliged MACHINIST, waiting train start ?" and Wendell was ruihinj ; discharged, Hie skin was SMITH AND If are sick with that terrible sick- and even found himself foolishly bcindaged with linen cloths. Maint. you " come were r.o kisses of sons, failed to she ad· the heat of the dhsea»c South Paris· will find a Balm home. There a "Dial" rail Charlie having guess, drawn so tight by ness Nervousness, you on to fel down stairs and over would crack open of *ral marhlncrT.iteai» to fit his grabbing that ii I stoo|>ed they M AM'FACTI'REB *ei in the use of Bitters. welcome for him. the trying imaginations "Because the here says th tears Into eves. The nu. an ! tool· in Gilead" Hop waiting among seconds ded, paper and actuall»'brlnu my • at[ce·.ail work. »pooi binery or a resident of road sheet in less than four me m> much that I con- made and If you arc a frequenter, first bottle Ίη nei'teil bolt*, «et *cr«w·. tap», <].β· aari dril> you s waters. low travelers. is to clear off." till I was cured I used one miasmatic district, barricade your system hills or h.;ning a weather going tinued taking it mowing and thre.hm* ma green by pleasant, mo- Time there was, and little baj to relieve the repaired. *ewlng, the of all countries— malarial, at laat. Hotel a few enough box of Hood's (Hive Oiutiueut. of all k:nd·, pre-**·. f ma. pi»u>U against scourge Providence serious and the cbioe·. pun.pa and intermittent fevers—by Where should he ? Hei ! He could > Charlie looked bega many others may learn neatlv and repaired epidemic, bilious, go gho was soon Tom he'd gi itching. Hoping as nire·. trap·. Ac promptly Plen· packed. thought * and receive done to order. the use of Hop Bitters. ments after. Tea after dressing. Tran value of Hood Karonn>, pains fair like a cat he c tme back to hii ty thought s. 8. MOODY. able jfrnrra ly. Hop Bitters will give you awaking, went down script. Mks. was no harn ι and he and Wendell togethei No. 73 Uroadway. skin, rich blood, and sweetest breath, health, out that There work and on the one letter from go night. wi Jan. 1*78. Norway Cip Manufactory, and comfort. gazed went over to Wallace street, am 1 Gentlemen who are growing gray Lowell. Mass., IS, cure Diabase» ot the stom- of the ( They MAINE. In short they all a before him he had semi-un- iu a brief perusal City Directory tha NORWAY, Bowel», Blood, Liver, Nerves, Kidneys, many pile house after three trials. Ton 1 to learn from a fashion ach, at the bote I hit the be glad paper WHOLU1IJ DBALZBB IN Bright'* IM-easK· (.'rnu will be paid for a case taken dit ection ο however ; and so Tom atood Hood's Sarsaparllla coneciously The • white hairs i or six for f5. they will not cure or help. up. > would wait in the hall, he thought "the custom of inserting Is sohl by druggists. Priée $ι, That poor, bedridden, invalid wife, sister, as " and the Director] -1 » & Lmnll, Mass. the letter was folio· *s : Miss Clara F counter monopolized * t>y C. I fOOt Co., File HAVANA ail DOMESTIC Cigars or can be made the one scream, two kisses, fur has been abandoned." Prepared mother, daughter, picture j Tom heard dark MaaulactuTura oi Um celebrated brand·, coat- to marble. "W-a—W-e- of health, by a few bottles ot Hop Bitteis, Dennett, St. Albany, Vermont.*' The chained the B*V1" una "Oxford Bear." ing but a trifle. Will you let them suffer? ι OF Τ HP) WEEK. fine of laree size, for Male at maud for bricks is than they can NEWS Ol R COUNTY JAIL. OXFORD COUNTY LOCALS. | good paper greater the Echo Priutlug Ofllce. supply. Mr. Editor : .. train on AIm> the : overland express have been Saturday An Jan. school in district No. ï, The schools In Porter quit* San Fran- In Lewiston Journal daily issue of Albany.—The | llistory of Jack Nips. the Southern 1'aciflc H. R from tèïforb successful thus fur. No of any and ran Jlmecrat. under the head of "Our Jails,"— closed on the 19th lost, after a suc- In Mr. Ituseel's de- complaint broke away at s station 34th, Friday, No. May 17, 17U8, cisco, when it ·' kind as four tndes What the have to say of their cessful term of ton weeks under the charge sire ter shows itself in yet. down a steep grade JANUARY 30, 188.Ï. Inspectors patronage poetry: and was wrecked ; the PARIS, MAINE. " wells are and cellars arc cold. the track we : of M. E. Mlllett of Waterfowl. Mr. No. It) of the will be Many dry jumped PLAIN Condition"— find the following Miss Echo published fire and 20 or more ;»'*r- is cars were set on War- I.'/.zle Dresser are on the .list of ami Hie Edito# Intends Stock Is wintering well and hay plenty. >r Oxford Coott .I vil—At Paris. Edwin French and Miss May; Ished, including the wife of Ki Ooveru Décision». It after that time. a Newpaper ren O. Jailer. One hundred No. publishing weekly At Freedom. Ν. II., there is religious The Gifrman Douglass, among the number attending Brldgton ·· Downey of California. subscribers would be ves- Λ»τ who lake· a dollars was for The More cheerfolly revival with new converts. with another I. person paper regular!? expended repairs. t many steamer Cimbria collided TRUTHS ou our at r on theo®ee— whether directed to ht· came o: in as con- Academy. enrolled list which has present sank jail is well cared for and is good of is one of lu a In the North Sea and ; or whether he h*· subscribed or sot- or seven farms are for sale In or Alonzo Thompson l'orter sel fog another'·. as its construction admits of. As Some six barely enough to pay the fx peu ses pub- tor ment. dition 350 Railway The blood is the foundati >n of it rssponaibie the pay the fortunate ones. List week he bad a over per&ons perished. a order* a matter of the is a success, this at the More licatioo. Northwest t. It person hts paper discontinued economy jail town, present writing. travel was expended in the by life, it circnlates through every part s ηuat par all arrearage», or tac ma) at a late term of " check come to him for back to the publisher as the presiding Judge than at one time for several years. Ho! nil who thirst for New*. pension a snow-stortp. of the and unless it is pure to it i· mat any body, continue MB«i until payment le, an! one toin«> αη·Ι our abeci* the Alex- is Court instead of giving a prisoner and his pernio- amount of $1.»«. He was a soldier of l'rlnce Fr«d rick Charles and rich, health impossible. Mliact the whole amount. whsuicr the paper li George French is very low. Ihe I· Ρ re m lnvltea Sunday good sentence lu the a·» he would ryeburg the William of has entered the lalaa from the o*oe or not. year's jail, ΛII. Jew* antnn sentenced death Is S. TbeCourta hare decided that refusing to tak( have done had it been suitable, daily expected. PMrmenti *tuy mart»». In anything you please. died. the sure and waytodnve oiBce Germany, only quick Mwapapera and Periodica]» rrom the poet ; to that de- F. Lord sold a nice « beat, oorn, butter, pork. Max. ohe«*o, In him to State Prison Instead John recently pair rye, Milton-The steam mill at Allensvllle Senator Prye's residence it out is to and enrich the or rea*TU>| and 1 earing them uncalled tor.lt with Cash will not be rwjectort I Monday: purify making the other counties share for two hundred dollars. Mr. was loss $5,000.— κνμ/μμ evidence ol fraud. gree of cattle Tho* much le not expected." was burned down in the forenoon οΓ Jan l.<-wiston burned; blood. Oxford in the expanse which belonged to oWest surviving Lord is considerable of a cattle dealer, but in the Joshua Hutchinson, the These simple farts are well of In No. 11 the terms of the Echo are: -.'2d. The fire wae first discovered it. Whole number commitals, twenty- member of that famous musical family, and the medical there is more to be made on known, highest SIX PAGES. one. One for drunkenuess, and one fur thinks money ! and all efforts to extinguish tt»« S· nate *d I ay in anything or sotnrthin'j." dry-room, died at Mllford, N.H The p'ac authorities agree that I ;t Four were on nothing intoxicating liquors. fat oxen thau {»oorer grades. flames The wind classes of lumber ou the frets tariff the blood to selling F. Smith and proved unavailing. certain iron will restore kj sent to State Prison. •Ian. 27.—Mr. Charles Miss Mk Wrh;ht's letter on "Oar Count? Two Utile children of Ruel Abbott, have blowed hard, and If It had not been for the list, despite Mr Frve's earuest protest. natural condition ; and also that Lizzie were married Mr. Stone. Krnsas wat Now if this were true, we would deem Osgood by : Senator Plumb of the iron hit!, r > Jail." coûtait» a just rebuke to the Jail been <|uite sick with scarlet fever, but are SHOW on the roof/» of building» Tuesday all preparations adjoining also Senator Coke of Texas. but it is not un- W ednesday, Jan. 24, and immediately left re-elected; made blackcn the teeth, cau'*)· waukee lire took place; Gem»:—Upon law do not half attend to their duties. considered moving a fistula which threatened his lift·, quite ( a fricrvt I If ! by j ·)οθ were In the Γΐικ TarilT t I and we ' that he can eat three a for ·Λ) procession. Iron Uittiks a« a Ionic an·! rt- all or rounded by a high picket feuce, He remained at the one week. Is fVrr. Hose Supper at Court Hall. Thurs- quails day the House They report every thing lovely, pile hospital Hill was, at last, brought iiefore fur ιην * η Jau. ϊΛ. Auction Sale λ Show n· native daughter, it one of the best and safest of the now at rare day, Baby I unvmccl «.ι criticism unjustly upon some well con- believe home doin? nicely, under the I days. md lis merits debated. 1 wr.s il '·; at 0 r at 8. Admission to II ill «ni» \ ob* old fashioned in the State. The of Dr. II HI of Bethel. Suppi The farmers to be a very ac- In many in Vermont and wasting away C>n-.antft, ducted institution, without having jails 25 Music appear Friday place* l-Mt thrc« the Fn·.·. Supper 2">, Oysters by it was below/er lltvinj daughter* by at a " tive set of men now. are haul· New Hampshire iui'Jt the (·„ uf tained correct information concerning statement that "the presiding Judge Miss Nellie Ward well who has long ! Orchestra. Dauee by Ve Olde Folkea." Just They terrible «lu»»»', B"th branches of Congres» discussed eminent I was loth t> late term of Court, instead of a an is now a more com- 1 ! of wood and timber to phyaicians, it. Our County Jail is good enough for giving been invalid, little A committee of ladies were on hand in lug large .tuautities the tarilf believe that an\ thing u! ! j-mt as ijueetlou. the of ilie · ttle ill* *■>% and it is so safe and secure that no prison- he would have has spent much upon many physicians. of Isions that in and meeting OBITUARY. quantities pro\ poured In t Uittms, »he fjin 1 -1 him to State Prison instead, was struck on the Is to l>e alK»nt the shoe mat· rest· :.-r er can escape except by the door, through sentenced .lames Flint head by j early in the evening the people began to doi\p factory an t now i* quite :e-J t<>f. DOUGLASS. health. A Mill daughter began to Jailer. is not a to the people ol this a tree and made insensible for a was ter. the carelessness of the only .surprise filling assemble. The hsll decorated with j ahow of n. and James S »:gi·.· C"n»umpt» but is not correct in fact. No The New Hall will soon bo Died, In Upton, Srpt. ", 18*'-', when tlie »as et:·. 1 County, time. 1.. I η wreaths, tligs and lan- completed. physician the committee voted vergret Japanese ·'> he t.uJ "Tonics »»· r«. —The meml»ers of for such a aged 7"» years aud months. rjuic^ly such reasou was ever assigned and little in It will be dedicated with grand "break Douglass, and when inl roe Reform School accompam d Axuoxkk. Jan. -'7.—This contin- terns. Young ladles girls to visit the long of tills notice moved to I.et- I sitter was tak. .j U«< *-, sentence, to our knowledge; and if the down" The .subject r'tfl;"elder hv their wire*, on Thurxlav, Feb. *th.— uai cold and is fancy costumes sold button-hole bouquets, probably. Ikon Uirraxs, re«^it.-cj "thai it weather, good sledding, now about ago, will examine the Statutes, The stir In certain over the ter Β, I'pton. tlfty years a u»e it." Fr. Inspectors candies, leiuouades, corn etc. The quarters jwd toaic, the best for lo^giug operations which are balls, Auojlam Piku". in- will see that some when the was almost a wilderness. th* importance of this chapter 137·, section 2. they on borf the divorce question may lead to good place Considering to nearly full contracts at curtain the stage «.i<;n Baby· or being pushed arnl his tt" irt cleared a farm stitution. and the recent of all sentences "for the terra of one year with of results. The marriage laws need to he by untiring up investigation this time. J. A. Thurston expects to get show, together advertisements State all aud raised a 11 «· lived to il- ,s we should thiok the com- more. vVi.V be *n the Prison, and overhauled. Cause and effet go hand in up large family. Brown's Iron BirrFRictTcrt management, iu seventeen hundred and soothing svrup and kindred r.-nutllrs. Be- thousand, may, w·· η I one of bus.- a term in the or house see eighteen who. trust, cures Indigo mittee would make their visit for less county jail, a small consideration one could grandchildren, ly Dyspepsia, two million of for Mark 1*. hind. for Ihand. and renders the : spruce, Emery. will to call him n* w is ai- Weakness, great a of correction." This has not Kev. W. W. delivered an excel- rise np blessed, ness rather than "junketing expedition" provision of Portland, and M. T. Cross, see a marvtllous group of biMes, who Hooper relief and benefit to persons sut: η: < es<|., esq., so t·» >f his broth- in the of lent sermon S*'ibath at the 1 niwrsa- ways kiud them. Two is < η A or two. could be well spent the '>cen changed except by provision mon are but children last. from such diseases day ot Bethel, who own tu the North Surplus seemed to show that wasting that list church, lie Is much liked aud has ers survive him: Nebcmiah O. Douglass, etc. of this school the Legislative law since the Statute» of ls7l, a MimpCuu, Kidney vicinity by passed what proves to be a valuable tract, ami of larger growth. been for enother who lives at Peering. an 1 Philip Β I> >ug- Some pract -αϊ "when the provided bylaw r wa> s<> soon announced tint the encased year. and Council Committee. puuishmint V* i : : more *<», when the Ν irrow Gauge Supp State Prison lass of Durham. should emanate frDm the Com- may tx? imprisonment in the sale was Of the suggestions Κ. K., from Bethel Is This new auction omitted. supper i running. l»Alti The next entertainment for the A few weeks afU r the death above chron- mittee and be embodied in a law.before the for three years or less, such punishment it is to that the tables were R. H. is n<»t over estimated in any partic- enough say of the will »>e 1 in dis- benefit Academy building, icled. the oldest son of the above w is taken ad ourns. may be inflicted by the Court, its i»«kj and ;t« m » Legislature ular your filled again and again—between by experienced correspondent held next evening. Feb. 2d. an about cretion. in either of the work Laws Friday down with typhoid fever, 1 after SKKTCHKS jails." from Bethel in the last i«>ue. when being served. lhe| BIOGRAPHICAL Again drama "Sunshine through the Clouds." two Jj!ui II i> luglass of 1*7;'· as amended bv ch. 1- Laws of Weeks of si eorxTY mkmhkrs or 1*77, and incorporated in was led off Mr. Johu Smith and Miss Andover an l other towns, by men so ripe by The com.nitt.· have spire·) '.· ISLATlRr. presented. and months. Hy the death of John II. vision of Statutes. c!i. 1" If prisoners Pike. Blasts in let there be no faltering on the no make this entertainment a suc- years ; pains to the town has met with a severe are sent to the work-iail. are to t«· Douglass, Wintry was by howaki> owix or tut maisk they or men who are to A little notice of Mr. Smith givin ranriuu pirt younger presumed I cess. loss. On account of his and riuu sentenced to the "nearest or mo»tconven- ! '· uprightness in time derive the most benefit. The the artitir on Fryeburg Memories in the town lia I seen lit to give hint ient one to the county where the offense !a.it week's Democrat. No. Paris.—Mrs. Hiram Chase Informs honesty, wîhtry ùlasts brihc SENATORS. expense of rt utiuii down the many its most otllc -s. At is committed, aud in such case the county me, she has wove two hundred and some of important W ., S >ine sixty t lam. JtM(< Ληdover Republican. tuilliou of spruce and p>ue is Im· other dunce* followed. auuually the was COUGMS Conere|t*ti<»«ia;isL pain 1er in·! boardlnjr-boute from which the i« sentenced y arils, all but i: flannel. time of his death he Deputy Sher- t prisoner pay* m· use this village was chiefly Inter- carpctlujc, yards married. age t3. Born t» Krit ng,\ and besides the hard β Although COLDS kftpfr. uncertain, au J also one of the Selectmen of th·· com mon nchoo le. Lived m the board of the the since the first of last beside iff, Up- ud ttttniiHl prisoner, receiving w >od that mu*t worked here. ested iu the the neighboring towns March, doing nineteen of ajfe up Would object, CONSUMPTION » farm until he wa* year» For own work. *·· tou He leaves a wife and live small chil- of h credit for what labor he may perform. aud her house ■inoe then be ha* been lit «everal kind» η >t this aloue run a of Brownfli'ld, Denmark, Co-iw.iy par- expense railroad? an BRONCHITIS .nf·», was :n sta^fe buaine»·· iereateen \car» have beea dren: nls« nged mother who lived with the past two year* Ave prisoner-» Lovell were well on ι ar route·. fnrtwei·. Messrs. Dresser λ Porter are having ticularly represented. Sot-τπ l'AHi.s -Will Shaw, and mall contractor not good euglncer and to whom he was to be a start" to RHEUMATISM l* President of sentenced to the Slate l'ri>ou from this were him, yr year», at the preeent Bryai success, in on the West Something over eighty dollars the Branch Κ. Κ has moved into (.'·> 11m liel putting spruce, Norway | Ν LURALCIA Pond and Andover Telftfrspli : oik· iu IsM, for and lar- lean upon lu her declining years. the ··. County burglary of the low of the May tbe Tartou· towu oflJce» Member ot tli.· I Branch, as are the crews at No. Romford cleared iu spite price his new house. of God sustain her in her bt- ■eiature ia IS*. ceny, two years; four in l->*2—-three iKing Isu grace great au 1 So. Andover. Not a m u cau be spar- supper. Col. Swett pointed ont a pair of work STEARNS. > Μ.ΓΙ T.I···.. one an J one for aa reavement. Davit's Pain Hi lier for adulUry. year each, son. j 1 roercb-uit mil farmer. mat e 1, as not a mau could be hired to take bofM· bought m Vermont by his Perry oocreeal>°naii»t. The children of Jam· s S. ned. a*·- •'S4 Born In Lovell. an·! educat· t assault. This last ouc wa* Indicted for surviving CURES his Harifoiid, Jan. IV—The meiuliers of that had a air u!>out them. lb# town school* and at A>adena place. Harvey, foreign fryebei* not able t » Douglass are: Charles L. Douglass, is.;., on :><»*! *»f -»« -tin an>5 ihe jury being agree, COUGHS Served six yean» the rajK. At the Smith Steam mill, business is the ( rystal Wave Good Templars, East They impressed us as being the most v*l- | four rear» a· chairman 1'art it pat·-' ::i tli·· their verdict KlwinW., of Angusta, Kansas; evidently compromised by Backfl. are reminds! that the fifteenth it we had seen. If I'pton; COLDS war of the rebellion. Λ!*») » a Repnbli· is and was it n<»t for this -«team Id. IIable working span th good Warren Ο of Mrs. H. W. him of the les>ir offense of an will occur ou even- l'iris; Chap- REPRESENTATIVES. convicting power, corn would have to be fed whole. anniversary Tuesday we could raise such horses instead of CONSUMPTION ·.· Mrs. Jimes Rk*k< *. Hkskt μ ν"r*iiv );· assault. The Judge who passed the sen- Jan. who inet man. Burlington, Vermont; IS i: ·■ Potatoes are otf fast at "> cts. on 1 ing. ;50th. Of the sixteen breeds, It woul 1 add BRONCHI! reltjriou» pretence·, at tornex at la*. going liçhter trottlog(?) ; Mrs. Α. Κ at H' » tence, of the fict tUat he hid L<>i ke, Augusta, Kansas, Frost, a*e 4% Born In H<-bron, and ed.uated cogni/.ant the G. T. R. R. to form the lodge, fourte»a are living, (if value and worth. RHEUMATISM terrllle College. Puitmwtrr thirteen year» Dyke. served a senteuce iu the Auburn work- thirteen arc Upton. now Pi evident of the Norway National Γ n.k Stock is making a telling effect ou the the sixteen charter members We noticed Ambrose Swan's colt step- NEURALCIA Wa* Lieutenant ία tb«· amir, and iacuroera:·-: 'til, and one in the State prison. gave him m »w. r. 1 lie o. !->t members belonging to out about a 2:4» rate, in on in a rebel cl^Lt month* \lway-» a hay Cokrkspoxihîn tiling. pin- coming HOWARD. j-riaon one in State Prison. Such off*uses year the are Win. liiekncll and wife. th. Uucktleld road. | Γγ>>* i ; Republican 1"'ge Di d, in North Nov. 12th, at the STE1 llfc>, MOW IK" liOTat. I'll. are now declared felonies anil he Newry. ! t (HASI'LXR, may pun- Bry*nt** Povt»—Mr. Caleb B«-sse. nir-.l Th« y were present at the Hr.-t meetings the little store the try I ; ! *er«ah·» In s. faru.· ». They say opposite residence of Frtuk Biiuett, of con«ump- relUhoosprefermo· ish* 1 in the State Frison * Born in t batham, S H ud at- by imprisonment .«bout >ixtï years. r of Jefferson Lodse for the lirst live 3Iet their throe the stores. I l\M- 1 Λ Ν Κπ I Ι riend. at th<· Lodge meetine. coming plentifully. tlian and Lusana Bennett of Ν wrv, and EVERY CCDD ORUCCIZT KEEPS IT a* t > State Frison iu cou- Tuesday ten year* >upervt!»nr o· vhool» nearlT prisoners wasa^nt years two grandchildren have met with SamCorbettof Hebron he the other minor office- evening, in his usu.»! health, and attended Uncle says wife of Miltou Howard of lira "ton. maov. and has held all *. ·> ,iience of the nnsuitablcness of the til. to town affairs Knhsted in I J to duties there as the theiu iu addition to the above. wasts one more with Dr pertaining bis Tyler. During just argument as » Mrs. Howard died, she had always irgln's regiment in 1«·;.'. mu-tered out of tin but in const· of the decree of the ho of jueuee evening complained feeling unwell, At the meeting orthe Wave on the 11th, ltouuds to take the out of him. senrtce In July, !«<». skepticism a Christian; ever In sickness offense, and η > such reason as in mil Dr. Sawyer wss called ati a>- lived, ready Ηγββακι·. Cuarleo E., Hiram Republican. alleged among the exercises were recitations, dec- He al>o that h<· died about 11 o'clock says phrenology gives Capt. md trou and s t'ie KJ E^-WORT -- slsted home, where de. doing Q!bl I oncrexationolUt. railroad and eipi· agent, the foregoing report, to our knowledge, of the :"Λ> cumber of always tying saint lamations, reading U dater a for hon- mamed. a*e 40. Bom in lllram. and a'.tcude-l the night. Cause of death unknown. very prominent organ right thing in the right place. She w-s •g| HAS BEEN PROVED common school·. r>»itmutrr our has ever been any here, for j the year. given by Judge —Journal. the lVarl by Miss U. E. lri*h and remarks auil that he wants to see his The SUREST CURS for Treasurer thr«*e At the .«ty, partuef, loved and and to those Town years bejrir a to State l'risou. respected by a'l, cf the war enlisted as a in the ;l. sentencing prisoner for tho irood of the (>rd»r by young and with his hat off °- inn( priva'e Walker, who knew aud loved her best her § KIDNEY DISEASES. Maine In the arm γ two \ears an Prisoners have been sentenced t<> t!..» i Canton—Water H very low in Canton place Regiment. jail old, lucluding Miss E*t.-s of Waterville. Comi'j s· baci ord;.' Ιτ Ι nr. ·.» li rame oat as 1st Lieut t .· Hi bfl Some iarmer- are 11 drive cau never with term* obliged their be tilled. Iu conversation eautbaty iiri»Ti.<:af T11EI· t*J Î.'OT,' Kemaine·; at borne one and theu went to for six months, and other ler-s thau W V 1 KIM I'Ul·. —The seenlid lecture in the I year some to tln«l She was listened to with great luterest. KESTTATS; ti- K.dne7-\V rîtte: : Ï antl tended the •attle distance water. The W ater- with a short time before her l.lttle Rock, Ark Gov't stop course before the Home school at her, death, 'ir 'a .lit ν... ·ι· one year. As a matter of fact, we arc in- mill at Canton cannot remarks for the order of Good ;i j till the cloae of the war grist wheat Her Tem- .i ji grind Wis delivered ou Tuesday evening, she told me she was to die or will- ATii tuo U μ ν»β αι.·'. γ' .·-ογ« } ι,·· ; formed the Jailor for lSs·.·. that the In- and t>ut a small amount of corn. willing Κ m h » l, ( HARLLS M Bethel Republican. by I piarisuj will be remembered for good by .j m lrt. Kev. J. Κ Mason. D.I), of I iriir.r η by to as the Lord willed. UUVilWw· lurii nt ;sln -J Methodist, farmer. marri»*!; a«:e 4< Bor not The most wood and lumber business has ing recover, just y spectors have visited this jiil »ince two in which the us a la Kethel, and attende·! tbe common «chool. Was man\. Ihe Wave has «laughters, Krvebnrg, speaker gave KlWltMkKii'.r.«r-W<-:t tmaurpcuacd. | J teen done h»-re for G. c > many years. U. She seemed to the will a* it a.-t four Tear· in California Has held the office* 1»-". and believing had bc«.u misin- h-af from his travels In lie es- perfectly resigned Wi:i ρ r-v.:;y and —ieljr. they Forest Lake, iu her fourteenth Europe, i->t,dil7 jru ïil to eura'-ΐτ·· jwirT.jïl Γ on is t. farmer, marrirtl, .*■ correction be made. I f.nd bas^wood, an 1 a«n Witham, thirteenth 1 see that our law- Greenwood, daughter more severe. Iu 1874 I noticed non aebool.· Hi« 'mu m Town (. ir l> by the press reports growing ot It describing the glaciers, the Alpine lecluian, Nathan I'. Revnold«. died on the 22 1, wl'h the fourteenth chapter of Revelations. and *»chool Supervisor makers at are an the same snow which fell on the roof in ucaks Mt. Β!·»η<·, anil the thunder storm Augusta really making lung fever, after a brief illness. She leaves Tbact. GaASvtLLX L .Oxford Republican twing among the lluest of word Grafton. o. n. FARMS 5 HOMES effort to devise some way of the four little children.—/■•uni'il. November, remained till into In speclmeus Second Adrentlst, rler*vman. married a*·· taxing April. " ο n ni u nalntlng your correspondent ever heard. (" Mouiituiiiecr copy.) Th* l>e*t in the w· rid, pr ta«ily Born In Kranklin Plantation, in a log house a please n vriii/. Kir«: ■· β·ι s rtnily e, limited in life. Ha· held lent institutions. be but Denmark.—Mr. C. B. Hartford of Den- smith at Itritton Livertnore. (>o this lecture In the cours··, as all •• very early Baaidp·] This may well, Mills, securing DAVIS. w Vnl. Count t:i «1» iν>(I ·η fl >n " has a m office·, been nlster of the «.osa <*'ik'·'and rfulit, a they E., > year* Always Republican .. Λ -·. years as conductoi on the horse-cars, has : fortunate iu the privilege they ltK"*VN \»·ΐ Γιΐ, Μι win oeori.i: A south Pari» millions of now taxable could down the banks of the river enjoyed.- oc- Ptui κ'ν #«»β ■ Mm· W1LS05, RepuKll property by law, gone into the meat and business, they go of Milton II Davis, of Canton, which Wiikta^M M Boat provision JouriHtl' » -» ·· can t. onjrejrationalist preferences, lawyer, Ν'» ΐΓβί' Ι·· t *n- ·| ·λι Innt. that taxation iu whole or iu u Maiden. Mas». We are told that he has to drink. HaBTTORD. curred oo the has caused sor- married. a^e ui. Born in Turner. anοι»lulit Corporation year». Always to this great aud Jan. 24, State Mrs. deared her to all who know her. and ber publican. attempts remedy cryiug Mr. Edward Smith of Denmark, died in followed by a January thaw of a few hours, Wednesday, by Deputy Ils w nun 1^1 Oxford is on the increase. At the al. The funeral, which was under the we have pt to rti Ι· »ι η Ιι· r·· It largely we to be thankful for small favors, would have the roads. of much with is charter members, has run the train on the It. F. £ fm ·*·1 to k We rr| «■(. Pi ·< h t* m ,'.λιι m <(·· to be even thankful for. D oar Hepresen-· brother of the deceased. At a meeting of ponds. ami deep wells are showing effects Frank (^uimby, W. C. T.; Miss Minnie ployees, together with hosts of friends, C. A. PIHhUXfl JL CO.. Portland, M«· The ts to an a>- liifenl t r S » *■*. Register obliged employ tat. ν es Denmark Lodge of Odd Fellows, Jan. 10. AiiW.l ('nil*·! and Senators expect to escape pub- I of the long-continued drouth, Keene, W. V. T. ; Joseph Ilobinson, W. with him in his sffiir· «Utant a of the time, which is resolutions of to the of causing deeply sympathize portion lic criticism a tax ou respect memory by imposing the much extra labor for the want of water. Chap ; S. II. Marston, W. Sec.; Mrs. Kos- lion. The a a on his their tate brother were adopted, in which Company provided special quite hardship present salary, small accumulated these so- W. F. S?r. pittances by tribute to his worth and his labors in the Owing to the many demands for Hartford aie Conant, ; MellenS. French, car to convey friends to Mechanic Falls in It which is altogether too small for the Γh»T« · posltlrn nmntjr f«r tni ■ !>··— «II»»»»·.·, by II* cieties. and to and since its institution, March W. Treas. Willis W. M. ; Lizzie rt .< τ doing nothing equalize Lodge 27th, Cold Spring Water, a new machine of ; Oldham, order to attend the final obsequies which η·· itinuMr*·!» ι-ίt Ih·» w< -t V I.J and ( amount of business in the oftice. 1 s.;;, was •'andnff S«v« b·—·» rur-.l tr.| ·» ■■' nff 1- » the burdens of taxation? expressed.—.Vnw. W. I. G : l'.lias Past W. C. * c mitigate larger capacity than the llrst, has been put Llbby, Keene, were held at Minot Corner. The attend- lu lt« rliiiT, t it I I .WO tOTlLK> I· MÎ, ι*«tb.rwi«h»T»i.r*nt.»!rKE»rtsi. .t ·*·«, Mrs. Estes also .· We wish to inform the Lincoln ClTKKN. into the barreling and bottling house, near Γ., ami Lodge Depnty. ance was large, as the deceased was held fi'i, «arn «titra·* County FryehCKG.—liusmï» Echoot The Xorth r-Uh I'M. HI I' «I M Saw Yo»r Anff that the First Get the Watei. the for and the orgauized a tine lodge at Turner Village, in high esteem wherever known. Revs. poem, was one of the earliest spring, charging bottling AN <>L1> BANK NOTE. Star papers printed Xinplptr Av KKTisEMEN rs—Ν. 1). Bobte Compliment.—Gov. place J. Waldo » undertaking. Nash, more confidence this than in his inaugural, paid a high compliment very profitable run but a of the time. What is need- Pkklkt Wilkv >Com. upon any politi- has 40 Inch for 8c aod part ALMOST AS BAD. sheeting per yard, to the zeal and of Maj. Gen. The advertisement is found in SlMKoN Hakkiman,) cal organization of the Democracy in th-t efficiency following is a What the Κ inch for 7 1-ic. id good stone dam. well cemented, and have never Ptrpltiril Phytlrlant do lu Chamberlain as commander of the iirst di- No. 179i: country. They ''bargained," 7, Apr. 19, Main κ Gajik.—Fish Commissioder Stan- Caaea of I£ni*rji*ncy· Elizabeth C- Creenleaf of Oxford vision of the Maine Volunteer Militia. it is what will be had soon. •'tradtd," or compromised their principles peti- Wanted the Printer hereof, 8 or 10 in his annual recommended that Not intending to detract from the by has broken out in this ley report or organization as yet, and deserve appro- "I'll tell ycu the h"*ert truth," atstwered the dor tions for a divorce. compli- work, those who wish to pay Diphtheria again a be to the of flsh and ment to days persons stop put exportation bation as being faithful to their ev- tor "Br if lit'·· Direa-e b thert the medical auu the Division Commander, we At Porter are party for distribution of estate of for newspapers in this way are invited to rlcinity. village there sev- from Maine. A for a law to Petition think he omittei to mention the services game petition ery time.—Drmorratic Advance. ilmott a* ba'llj- a« cancer doe*. II tTing pa**ed come furnished with axes. ;ral cases and one death has occurred. that effect was presented to the Legisla- Jane T. Reynolds. of the one other officer. Adjutant General a certain siajpt, both po.nt ittai#hl t» κ nu I y Also wanted a tew pouuds of BUTTER. \ little son of N. F. ten ture Mouday. The object is to check the Cnr iv Postauk—'The Senate has Commissioner of in estate of Beal. to whom of all others in the state, Holmes, aged passed It mar be unprofcanlor al to let out the ► écrit, bot Insolvency Terms of the Echo. of fish and in the the House Postal in- the Militia of Maine is indebted for the re- rears. James A. Black of this has a rapid depletion game Appropriation bill, whenever a patient comct to mc with Jlr.fbl't Hattie B. Estes of Woodstock. place Maine wooJs. 800 deer are cluding the ameudraent which reduces the markable it has atta:ned.—Letr- Fay in anything or—Cash. Nearly report- Di*eaae. or any kldner trouble aetina lilt»» It. efficiency ittle son sick with the disease. Mr. Î Notice.—Account of W. 0. very ed to have >>een shot for the Boston mar- postage on letters from three to two cents tell htm to on BKS80V* CAPcINK Insolvency iston Gazette. No. 8 puts it a little stronger : put POROUS Tillman F. Norton aud wife are sick ket alone this and in summer the lor each half ounce. The Ρ LAST/. R without del »v." in estate of very winter, bill now goes Douglass. Assignee Stephen Terms of the Echo— Tfce doctor rpo*e by the rani. The Opcine Te\iperati*re last webe at 7 a. m.— >f and have been for several pot-hunter does his best to extinguish the to the President for his signature, when it S. Hatch. Pay iu anything. fever, days ; *o** right to the «pot, Κ you cad be helpe I, tbo Sunday, 34®, clear; Monday, 2 », clear ; trout family. Unless the havoc Is made will become a law and will go into eTTect Caprine will do i'. Look out f >r frnult. I* the : >ut it is arc now convalescent. Notice.—Estate of — In the same number is this notice hoped they cot in tha Messenger's Anthony Tuesday. —10, clear; Wedn^isdav, 6, to cease, the Maine woods bid fair to be when the next fiscal year for which the aoiotCAPCIMK micd «01 the plaoter? John Weeks & Son arc for If to you are all tight. Price c att. f»ebnry Lefkire of Jonathan Blake. clear ; 4 ®, ; —β, Blanks for Justices of the Peace in Mass- preparing, rotfbed of their chief attraction to the were made that Norway. Dep. Thursday. cloudy 1'riday, appropriations begins, is, A Johnson, Cbemiata, Xtw Tori. 4 achusetts or New on ι mother brick kiln another The de- and summer touriste. 1883, Upbeat fterlf. clear ; Saturday. °, cloudy. Hampshire, printed year. sportsmen July 1, iwul it be- her for this is a fas- Woodstock. a told hie annexation to Woodstock in 187.3. The exterminate their enemies, hence honor, wonderfully HORACE COLE, From I.apham'A History of Rufus then, in low voice, Β. CLARK the societies and came a of book for girls. It is the beau FRANK Ι'·ΛΙ.ΚΚ IN i INCIDENTS AND ANECDOTES. father to look behind him, which he did, statistics of religious spurious interpolation script- cinating of a a as a names and and now after the of three thous. ideal story, full of clear WIIOLK&ALK AM» RETAIL and at once recognized his pursuer of ministers members, ures, lapse plot vigor, NEW USE FOB A SKI LETT LEO. j fatcte. Silter ί Plated Goods. as in its outline, carried with a ; Jewelry, moderately-sized bear, and not more the various fortunes of different sects, and years regarded genuine. along strong stream with Clocks, Violin & Guitar are The The who from the earliest of of interest, touched tender- Cutlery, Strings, in a than fifteen or feet off. The succintly given. Baptists first, pricsta, & Stationer When John Hilling* lived log twenty ; Bookseller of the ness, darkness, but y OR WAT, Μ Λ IS Ε. Elder at once into the frame, 1802, followed the Methodists about times have taken advantage igno- despondency, coming AIS Confrrai ! house, on the farm afterwards sprang by occupied out at last in the clear It is of and seized an and the Universalists in 1343. rance and of their followers, light. good Music at 5 Cents by Johnathan Cole, and had but dropped hie dish nails, 1814, superstition (Sheet per Copy, Capt. one MAINE. axe were account of the "Millcrite" delusion under the of reading and withal, and PORTLAND, a one his and rushed out. The tables An might, pretended authority profitable AT small clearing, morning dog a to kill his we recommend for the fireside these win- now the became th· and its effects follows, then the stored law, husband i began to run and bark through the turned and pursuer pitiful require HORACE if ter COLE'S The bear crossed the road and of the movement, daughter or "wife of his bosom," they evenings. η îighboring woods, and soon becoming pursued. history temperance some J. Γ. THE LAR6EST ASSORTMENT ran land masonic and "enticed him to unknown 2. "The Jolly Hover," by JEWELRY STORE. stationary, Mr. Billings knew that he down through the level toward •choole, military bodice, secretly or— also be a This is a book for the the where Newel F. Rowe now hotels, the several villages gods." This command may Trowbridge. WORWAY. had treed his game, whatever it might place post-offices, as the of the on the and their tho' regarded times showing perniciousness i be. So down his old "queen's lives. Rufus, from hi· perch "nicknames," manufactories, spurious interpolation, Cards taking stories of the and Christmas see the whole affair. traders, die. It moat Christian believers. cheap penny papers, arm," he loaded it heavily with powder building, could lawyer·, physician», genuine among Sut*. the evil of bad an l this no- la ike now stand will be noticed that the author As the translatons of the Bible rejected companions, In Great ! and buck shot, and, to make it doubly Near where Rowe's buildings puts poli- ar< a^ain inDanger. jrn at dwnr of be- l'uMli- or both of the Old tion of home and a thr initiation o( was a across this the tic· before "mill·," which may many books, leaving being indepen- s Mail will re re ire Ini; «kcelv. I b\ rt«>o«l of sure, he a skillet into the field, and just apocryphal On 1er .lull* dropped leg plowed by ITtif••I V Vtw.t< MMkms "I hav·· 1*·«·η ι!<■(·«·iv··»! MV· barrel. it, he went over to bear pursued his flight, the Elder may may a tten tion. ! in thr same Shouldering ; t ral time» y tin· imitation put up ous Jewish as ventures in and tell a tale prompt time more than two rods behind manner of "civil service reform." A passages in the Scriptures, plenty, every I soap·-·. hnlllw ud Μιο>'·>1 by DM *Woe>V Joseph Whitman's, his nearest neighbor, being PRICES 6IVEH TO DEALERS. wh: itnltAtlon ha* always prorvd nearly the bear's number of «tories and inci- the of men, and not reader will see that carries its own mor- SOCIAL wort hi. »». if u to catarrh anil and him to with him to see him. Klder found entertaining writings designing 1 subject engaged go Butethe an«l has tri· Ί numerous tnitllctnea, and The author is the of pan».>»i-s too much for him, and as he dents arc here related, and then come inspired by a God of mercy, justice al. prince good In 0"lfrtne l'h» oua« »r.l» wlitlhM you I Lut a* a eoiislaut ιι»-twin·· MM IhTI iflven what the dog had treed. The direction strength as I".'* "IT h of t er both hT m much n-llef "I.. AlVWtfl not- love. fellows for a venerable Arabian vu: Pli ringed 1 crowed the old road on the "Whale's sketches and boys, ! tkm« SM lias alao foiin·! nlm<>M iWMdMl vu on the hill east of Mr. Whitman's biographical family « anl 1 in The of Joeiah be re- in- tx'Uftt in «Miotlpation 'y»i»op*ia, Back" and into the be- ices. In the is "extract· prophecy may Nights story-teller. He charm*, "> inin came near swamp given Cards .(··-< <·ί otie t< aapoontul. K<>r tl·· latter house, and when they where plunged appendix A Fine Line of Birthday *>lth the j as the irrevocable word of God ; structs and fills with noble ideas and i tn> .laughter has used tbrui was The from the of 1801- guarded plaint!· and saw the abandoned. diary Stephen Chase, C>b«Uuic1t ob !·. *b ! I «am··NMt J(»U\ 1'lkE." the dog was, they looked up yond pursuit for Christ hundreds of is a I Ka»t tryeburg, Mr. the and also a census of appeared years purposes. This good a cat-like animal from tree bear went over through Bryant 1806, complete emphatically large leaping and his mission and I «· Tin- tni" "I. K." Atwooil Medicine fivra the town for 1870. The excellent afterwards, advent, book. to tree. was ex- and into Greenwood many ! Rrll«f, an.I l*-ar thr Lirx· Re«l PitU*ntiil Tru-lr Mr. Whitman greatly neighborhood passed Announcement sons death, agree with the Special Mark 'L K as aril as the aiynaturv of "L. near the foot of South Pond, seen of the town's prominent perfectly prediction —A man at Omaha found $ 5 on the To ALL IN WANT OK j cited, and axe in hand, over being pictures f." AtW.MHi. jumped we the he are a feature of the and of the If omit passages windfalls and tore the under- at various on the way. As pleasant work, prophet. street, and he advertised the find to the REKORM school. through pointa Overcoats, Ulsters, STATE will with inconsistent with the attributes of a wise, * into the among these many recognize amount of 87 and made the looser foot lairing TiiV MMMliM ith thr ««tal·· MM brush, exclaiming, it» a cata- passed "Shadagee," people I. I Atwon·!*· Itlttvr'· "By golly, benevolent and merciful the Bible, he was the faces of the author God, to Made w.-rv ■■·! tt·· r> u»«'.i with market close be turned out and him until pleasure genial the bill. It is disagTeable Fine Ready Clothing, nitr.»lu an«l mount." Mr. Hillings followed pursued something «ucc· «··, lu Hiltou· atTiOtiona. could be sustained Christians, particularly himself, ex-Gov. Perham, R. K. then, by an honest man. Λ P. 1111.1. MAN hind, and soon the monster captured. Sidney meet with CAPS, stopped, the of disbelievers in HATS. BEAKS OS A IlKSnKR. Dunham, esq., Hon. Charles P. Kimball agaist argumenta Thi« it>TK\T R* MEI»Y. mlW. Itarnilras, but turned toward them and prepared to MAINE SAVINGS BANKS. r»·»- an and the truth of >1 Kh in its operation, |>-day, In Celebration; ROOMS »:♦ Covr.BK*» *»τ Oi l· I'utiti.K ΙΙυι»κ upon just the could make the bears go world and the world STOWELL'S CLOTHING rails, they Hat wo are unable to bo at the meeting, reduction. was of and Hank, en- married, full courage, and Judaism is one of the most ancient wo ft In the case of the Wise-asset Maine. hope in any direction they pleased, they So a· yoo request, will you greeting. South Paris, PORTLAND. MAINE. in Η79, the was dismiss- and so was his wife, and neither of them But thev and date back to We congratulate yoo, aged Bridegroom and joined injunction Br: >u Hank. Jt they out, goods were off. The result was, that Jews were of the Semitic race, which the Hank an.I the Crerc:ats ani Ulstsrs, sobering Ever faithful in duty us iiusaand and Wife. Newport and Mrs. Whitman rode Is estimated that th" ilr-t named will j. iy 1ΙΛΤ9, CAPS. few and men the Phircians, In the fifty years past, many changes have simple, some of the got pretty severely comprised Babylonians, 7i cent, to and the ti»i cotne. per depoettora, on horseback as far as Lemuel I'erham's, would have fared worse, Hebrews, Arabs and Cartha^enians. named 100 In the tlrst case sev- &c , handled, and And sickness and death oft have clouded your percent. Gents' Furnishings, suits are and an s-ttie- which wa·» the end of the road. From in one Jeho- eral pending early fbrCa»h had not a of arrived and kill- The former believed God, home. is«j Erer »hown :■ 0*fhrr. so prosperity 1878 the decreased ?.?,7'J*<.and *td .:jr. Here Mr. Whitman already followiug appreciative Creator. As Judaism is well under- deposits both >■ to Price crowned. further decreased In Vour· Truly. οΓ Woodstock is from in 187'J a in which he and his Laphatn's History reader of the walk hand in till life's oey in log cabin, compan- stood by every intelligent May you hand, Joui 1880 the deposits increased $1,908,1'.; ; and the New England Historical R'yisUr, pub- is dune, increase was $J, 900, lh from No- Ε. Α. S. & υο., ion set up their household goods Bible, it is unnecessary to enumerate the 1881 the lished in Boston, and the leading Histori- The last battle fought and the victory won. vember 7, 1881, to November 1, 1882, the had re- MASONIC BriLDINfï. i;ods. It was some before thev tenets of that It is To your children and frieuds who aro with The amount years cal in the country. jteculiar people. yon Increase has been $o,029.3,U. tne Jim. -e» οι the S ΓτΛ' publication The num- »fcc Hoaorabie, HAPPY BABY nearer than Mr. Perham. that Christ foresaw the calamities to-day, now on deposit is $29,S03,889. ..It >u-t t»ev t> '>e ·γ>Μ·'·ι a: any neighbor boook shows the careful and corded a Jk This pa- And your grandchildren so cheerful and the has in· Τ ountv of Ox ibid. ou U»< dear, ber of depositors during year w.Jk,i for UJC ν On two occasions those years, the about to fall the nation, and act- .· *i. Α 1·*1 during one wh(> unites the upon g*T. the number being a**"· ι Τ if la οι X Λ, tient work of loving c.-ea«*id 7(5i2, present "I Bethel, » tint? of Ο*· are of •K'orr«<*«· O. F il*om SOOTHING SYRUP fire went out on the hearthstone, and Mrs over the ill fated May blessing attend them wherever they go; of which 76,002 depositors wh->re «he lit· te«tDlli< »a«t wife of Frr was to to Mr. Per- one for D'f tl>· mother» 4 Um l u.i·. Suu· tkl Whitman go More than million by to of each l>(»l« —<1 HommKI· bt ilurtif obliged clear of the city. perished through a mount Che credit depositor mm ftwwfiillT last m judgment practical journal- age wa* Nwf Μι\'· «1 mthv is .n1 onued tiat ahe tly a It was no mat- was All the of even down to old The reserved fund $9.'>8,s C> art to be Tb«· Bab·" is tb· οη!τ Soothing ham's for easy its the Romans, under Titus ; the city change· life, age; is $3t!J * hk h (xiiUin* no opiatea or Theu may they look back on a well written an increase duriug LI sea'η an I «tatc of Mi ne. ot Syrup ter to fire two milee the over lu ihe oaaty f and cut be aaed m then carry through events in and the nation literally ikvidtiuds declared Λ I> bÎJ Uil km had dru**, by of the facta, dates and destroyed, page of The tti# £11 la* of Srpt· m' κ bow liT.nc. but she took a of old cotton have been With no biota, or which will caose a from 3 1-2 per coot., or truubb-d witfi Croup, l>y»entery. l'ian-h-ra. woods, piece the brief annals of the town as well as thrown. They dispersed mistakes, ran*.· tli· w r 1 tielan: inn their .n'errnar banks four pçr r*l«om ftc Il the r>«r*«· *ud glre· th· child regret, of the tlfty-five payiug with h-- «aid "urban ! «ni eoh«bited .Ac quiet· rolled it and the of the and have rtaie »ed that mlu-al al*rt> *hicb priu 4m the health of cloth, tightly setting in which Jt is writ- among the nations earth, '••'u' wlf» for elrht fin, l* the entertaining style When their life's work Is done, and their last cent. with hi· a» hi· Ik ik mu*h. r ar.l child. If your dru»'?tat Λα·· the lit- w η tM« Mat*. thtt ·Η» on alive until she reached >«.*··. of »h«· W'i>« tSi h'm end fire, it all the fiendish and ■un must set. The Examiner recommends a^t ha»e h.ui it «uer» be get· bia kept ten. A brief but suffered persecutions beraelf *■ a faithful, lia·*' lu«|i it, ,'i-t comprehensive descrip- 1877 lim- ha* »lwa*» behaved and (1» not uki el*. One boon we cation of the strict law of rigidly the aaid Fred«WiCk m»' une·, anything and re- would crave—To u· 1* It givon, aad al^'ffoette »'fo t«>w*r1· her home. They suffered many priva- tortues which arguing of bv ttilMKVn MEDICAL tion of the natural scenery, mountains, agonizing political To all »ate the Investment of deposits, the «aid Frederick wh >!lr re;a<-lieaa )«V-PTTi»r^l greet you at the bunquet In Heaven, iting bet tKat I while the ta 1 dntr. on the Un Οι» ο. Ν. Y^iuIkîI bjr but Mr. Whitman was a stalwart alone invent. At statute was enacted li marrage eoeenant Ι**Τ1ΤΓΤΚ. tions, lake· the formation of its malignity could Where Jesus our Saviour will welcome each that the Tour lil-ellanl. le· » «u. P1UCE. tS C'CNTS. streams, ; ligious the financial 4a* ·/ Mi*. l"Ki abandoned Lir-»-» was suffering f/om rate the necwaa-y tr>'an- worker and well skilled in woodcraft, from the 12th to the 16th guest. country ιόν bereaurelv Je·* of soil* the Flora and Fauna of various time· Ha ari » rocks and ; we of and that an ! ah.· ha·· beea compelled au η Ami In hie presence shall evermore rest. panic 187.1, provisions of «ι μ port, of had a Iu this recom- h*r own earatnr* %«»d the help and in process time, they large of thousands of families oar now rigid. pert hereelf from the ia followed by the story centuries, compris- With hearts full of hope, and good wishei unnecessarily tail Una *ι· *υ done br h n with- region, are not to of her fr .-eda reared a for mendation we prepared join. t>»ee«»f.»r Κ» the «aid libelant and farm. They women and children you, OOt Mr ke"W« •-«are productive earliest fishere and hunters, ing defenceless statute may to sow* ex- 1 «tn.-e their aai | wtiriage explorers To our dear loving friends we now eaj The restrictive —that her «aid bu»h«n NOTICE^ of and to seek wilt| Investments, bat at interesting were from their homes with sound ha» treated her al.u«ive'y, harl*g diff.-rvnt large family intelligent and then the first settlers. The first banished adieu. tent interfere A NEW 1 those iu- as J «track her aererely with ut anv OT.OF a strong shield to torn beat but all save one died some it has proved "he hel.rTea—that the n-wnt children, young, was made in the western an in clime, uo •uH'-ieat i-«c«e a* settlement asylum inhospitable Kather! and who can afford to take risks, W KoUnig |« un. Mother! your children are here vestors re»i1rn · of the aaid Frederick moat of them in man and woman- were sold into and certain returns c ►»« w^'rfainnl early while other thousands Your hand· to and wWo small know· to tmir libellant anl utnot of the town in 1778 clasp, your hearts to cheer and prefer Black Walnut & part by Christopher error be in ad rew*<->a»i'i»> that «tnoe u.· tall Ebony with his hazards. If by dlligewee. hood. The father also or in to her ι· Μ*τ. Α. Γ» sleeps sons of 8olomon miserably faggots Some tokens we from far >t'ofllising of cau- erirfc 4 Γοΐ*)·· abandoned and Solomon, Bryant, slavery perished bring, and near, bettor to make it on the side bat ib It is l»*ï. abe baa a >t heart I from hra once, this hill-side where a execu- Of our love fer in this fathers, upon farm, m the hand of savage you, golden year. ·ι|ρ| be TABLES, Λ — Λ IAN June. I*·*, lett·'. w-erein he tben BRACKETS, of i'arie. me territory oeiongeu jci ignited by tion. -» -I ·· l»y » .v. or Weal. &in« w m- reine down South he had toiled for more than The sunlight warm, on the snow-clad hill*. The Examiner »u*nv*v, an.t forty years. but never been tioner. Wherefore, the «aid libellant μίνι ruM to Massachusetts, had UK. At Ue time the on·· per from ih· In the air a golden distills— of the titate '••tl «an ί Ui»· «he m« be dieor.-ed the sur- glow BOOK AND CLOCK SHELVES, health only enter- These calamities hare been wu iuveMiaouU yielded her Failing compelled out. These regarded cent tax r«oa·.· of :a»tr ucwir between her and «aid and lotted imposed surveyed our heart* warm the interest an·! that : M c* «UJdr an! r in· a-lon of and he our Ami up, with a happy gloti. seven and cent. But haa' and. son to sell out the farm, a to as a retribution for the crucifixion of eight per ί οβ account of tt» MUSIC viving surveyor we one cent. So tie the «ai·! minor 'WH, l^ena STANDS, prising pioneers employed As dream of day In the long ago: Is now no more than four per tender year··, brint η >w oalv four year· old, may moved to Paris his mother still we the of ; aged ten lots of one hundred acres Lord. If admit great plan now U much more onerous. One-fourth committed and entreated to her, and aa ia out Of one golden in the which stands tax be Wall Towel dtc. lay day past, of U ap- boun 1, will ever prae. Pockets, Racks, with him. consumma- of the earning· depositors duty lives two which salvation could not have been Revealed, by a touch of wand : gross FLOKENCI C. IOLSOSI. ▲11 abotild we them M each, of lots they appropriated, Fancy'· to the State. The comprint A rOISOX ELDER. his death the cross, propriated makes and were followed soon others to whom ted without upon The day when mother, a red-ceeeked bride. seems well taken, and the Kxaruiner ίΤΛΤΕ Ο» ΜΛ15Ε by that First came when he urges were in the to the home, on the old hill-aide. α suggestion »th. ISKJ. Kowse who built the first mill other lots. While this was those who instrumental work, pertinent taxa- OTroRP, is—lannary DRUG Bisbee, they granted reduction in the rate of Tben peraoeally at>pe.ire«i the above nanW NOYES' STORE, a reasonable Our we see in her was at Pin- council and fore· mother, girlish grace. diminish tht Floreoc· C. Kolaom ta 1 made oath to ib.· tr-itb SORfVAT, ME. in town, and the first settler on the State the same ter· the "determinate tion will increase rather than going granted by The sun-shino of on her a of lh« foreiroinz libel br her aicned. and alto that love, bright 70unfl amount of revenue, while po- W. was a man but of of could not the rf»i lemc« of tbe aald Γr«--l· rick hook, of few words, to Dummer and the knowledge God," certainly face. aggregate to preaeot ritory Academy, les* liberal will have a tendency Ko.« m .· anknowQ to her. an 1 cannot b<: aarer· licy After he moved to in be law, either to the savings la- ta.niKi by rea*ona)>'e dillisenre. very strong feeling. trustees of that institution, October, responsible, by any great Our father, we see in his manhood's primo. tr uisfer these deposits Before me, will be at knd k or to distribute The Snbkcribrr Norway open all the evils ere the hands of Time 'Jtions of other States, Juitlcc of the Peace. he had some with the to Michael human or divine. That Long years frosty stu S. V tilCâO>. Pinhook, disagreement 1800, sold grant Little, the »*,0W com- them among depositors, who was a blacksmith. He which infest the life of mankind, have Had flnog white snow, upon his hair, of taxation.— STATE or MAINE. the minister, of Poland, Me., for $6,240. This pro· beyond the reach and Or traced his brow with lines of care : pletely Judical ( onr*. Ib New Jolili themsel- CrMBr*UkVT>, m.-Supreme tap Shop had no with him, in under conditions to settle their source and origin among U> h, A. I). Kxi in wordy controversy being Whiij. Varati«D. l'ortland, January The Second Week June, prietor The tows are make them one. ibat ih- must look for the spoken, which * many the loregoing tttel, Ord«re.l, which he would stand no chance ; but one within a certain nev- ves ; it is there they are 15°°^ peo- Γρβο Krederck W. Where all kind» οΓ will b> done at rea the townships time, And their new life in tin; dear old Old B»*N.—lV*ere Libellant Hive no(i« to the aaid I Jobbing begin*, sanit; IWMr* 111* J-iaiice <»i ur Ηιι. •onable prices. Λ1»υ will aet-p on .hind the of the min- where alone it can be now Fol·»·· :o ai'i'«ar he walked into shop er interfered with the settlers' proper remedy home. ple worrying just I ©art to !>· ho idea at Pari·, with day appropria- pre aye Jadieia! man, Ben LJutier. the of Oxford on the «ecouil a stick of the or ia a··! for County ister, bearing poison ted 1000 acres embraced his grant. found. Oh! dear old home! where our youth was past, Butler wa.< not the noiniuee of March. A. 1·. Ικβ, bv piibii«hinj; an only of the Tara-lay —or- with ns will forever libel, aad thi· infer there the duties the Thy mom'ry, last, Democrats for In the late aue«usl copy of aaid stinking elder, which he stood up by Soon after the western part was thus set- The religious enjoined upon governor elec- : h re· week* »acee»«ii»ely In the Oxfor I l«em is a Oo. dear I where we tion, bat he favorite with the work· la Part·, m oui and went without was to of Israel are written in the Jew- Oh! old lane often played, orra', a printed side of the forge, away tled, the eastern children ret η bac now«paper η U part granted In : and G kern, who have ο .ten Coontr of Oxford, t!ie laat publieati t> ▲U day long, the tumarac's shade ingmeu CARRIAGES! was are ·<»m NEW of the as ·λι·ι 1 a his Most him forward their candidate. How tmrty day· At .ea».. prior to ruen Uv word. It expressive Qorham but to this ish Scriptures. precepts put the· <■ tai l speaking Academy, previous Oh! sweet ! where tall stood. ft Marrh. that he mar there and o«r of Jus- gar«len Jthe; irate will the fkrt that he Is strong with those abow cau«e. if anr h« have, of the minister the kind a settlement had been made founded on the eternal principle t oon appear and way informing grant, also, Where rosemary grew, and southern-wood, elements operate in the next Democratic of aaxi libellant ah>>nl·] not be A. M. TRULL. whv the prayer are other laws in WM. W IKT VIKt.lM. of "elder" he considered him. the name of Abraham tice. Yet there justi- conveution? Butler is now granted. by two brothers by Lilacs, and lilies o' the valley, there, governor-elect JuFtie»· of the *oi votes, and, that, «aid and Order of Coor M ifMluii to r\air. :ne or »,al*o for Rntanuu being A tr*e copy of Libel a wife for her can ■M.tt and 75 rent· eirti. For Mt'e K. and these the of idolatry, by Ah I those golden days we ne'er recall, cratic edicts from Beacon hill which the thereon. 3»',«Λ by Elder Dunham was surveyed by John Smith, killing Clerk. BKVKV M WtTKIVu.PtKiaF.lU.il· When building ail- Aite·» : ALREKT AUSTIN, at the seem Rut tbe Future held· gilden days îor party must consider, even if It do not obey Libellaal. were not disturbed, and still husband, which present day, 8. r. Glneon. Att'y for the house south of Pinhook, which he pioneers them. That he has his queer eye· on the SCHOOL humane of ev- When we shall meet. In heav'nly bowers BOOKS^ hold their title· as under the survey of to the feelings none can doubt; that he will .leliff of Forfflonurf. and which is still standing, repugnant Midst music sweet, and blooming flowers— p-esidency ta long occupied from this to his Where·· Bliiah Β Uoddard of Bethel, th^ were soon heart The bad passages begin day shape plans hu BLANK at store Smith. The two sections ery Christian County of Oxford, and State of M tine, by BOOKS, 4c., he had occasion to go up to the for And Love shall claim, his perfect sway with a view of securing the prize, those deed, dated the twentyni-.n da τ ο the record of doubt- ■art)i||a K. Dun- combined under the title of "Plantation with many In Eternity's long, bright, golden day. who know his restless and tireless ambi- Aaguat. A 1». 1*73 and recorded in the Oxfor· dome nails. His son, Rufus together CROCKETT'S DRUG STORE, will not Mr. But- Keciatrr ot l>ee«1·. book I«l. P**e No. 3." and filled with settlers. ful events, have furnished tion question. Suppose and Bobbin» Brown lati at the house, and was gradually supernatural a fur a national to me. I>a»id F. Brown, NORWAY, MAINE. ham, remained Books.—How and ler secures nomination of Bethel, sow decewac l the· c ·partner· >■ set- a theme for to New delightful aaid see The author is able to introduce each fruitful skeptics argue convention of woikingmen, and another nadrr the lira» aame of I». r Br 'Wi Λ i >. T. H1LI. MANSFIELD'S the frame where he could bis trade upon are ui with uf real aatate eUaated in Bethel truth of and rev- books, they give from the anti-monopolists, and these, a certain parcel a tler name m he comes to the town, the Christianity helpful good ll xh «freet oi as he returned. He noticed against into the natioial Democratic conven- aforenaid. oa tk« aoutharly «ldeof father by correct our goes ai who undertake to ideas and false knowledge, Bethel II.11. cotamencuie at a -uke and atone· in the and gives many interesting details and elations. Theologians tion? What would be the result? That the northeasterly eoraer of land own«*d b- i.iluiat GA· PILL-A-RIS. black animal following footsteps a and us ou in life. To the young of the would on tue liae oi and Chap five them as from God of help many party managers object Chapaaaa theace ranaiog a short distance reminiscences which twenty years defend emanating but Mr. bark frooa »»lf »tieet. »ix rtvla ; Uteact of his father and only to hie candidacy is very certain, aaa'i laad for !be Ha;r and Scalp. to are essential, therefore we have w:th the drat l.ae ·»ν·η roda u Application it would have been to love and fail confute infideli- they Butler has some in breaking at riftit angle· wonderful euree. Hit which at first he to be hence impossible justice, experience bite of other land of «aid Cbauutaa. hence ot Weruleat;, making many behind, supposed in these and it be > la e.»o*inei«»jr that h< the attributes of Democratic conventions, may «aid laat meaUoaed laad »(A roO- t «**!< 1 1 in an-uher oJumn proof In 1812 there were but detract merciful great pleasure recommending up 11 ae of Tbe diff as his father drew near forty.two ity, of bera k of remtrkable men·. a but gather. for that his hand has not street ; tlienc· oiiaM «Met to pUee ik« c^vimoo^ large dog, two Lee & Bos- taken granted ^λΙολπ» in Portland, e» dently lik« our Creator. by Shepard, alvf. wttb tli· bulMiafa there oa. »al whtrca< rn.il Better same families. In 1815, the Plan- benovolent publisned its the years have aa a hair dre»ei«f to en and the animal about the dis- ! February, lost conning though the condition of aaid mort*aire h ta I»~n broken tf. Tbev »»y. Capillar!», kept the b*ir. the clean as town oi the leaders of the Jewish ton, Maes. irosted his hair. bow. therefore reaaoa of UM breach of ooadi liven and bemud»- keep sca:p tation waa the Perhaps by stake the hair dreai tance, he to be that it incorporated with him? Da rid T. Surviving part white aal tree from dandruff, began suspicious So- What will the Democrat*do tton· thereof. I. Browa, w< wars 1. "Janet, A Poor Heiress," by r. Brown 4 well is it i· wurpMwd. and account of "Ham- armies in their with other have aer of the said copartnership of 0. and stay place, was not a his father Woodstock. A full frequent Is the now that they got v^n or u*e« aerthin* e.inal to it dog. Finally question, Co claim a (t>r«eiosure of said mortgage. bare never This true writei now that be has them. r. M. Arkold. R. w. Isi»*· a detailed cen- an phie May. thoroughly him, or rather, got Decern tier 11th. ISC'. JOiiv M. Hovbt. from the road toward the ; lin's Gore" is given, with nations, taught ignorant soldiery they Moll RILL. Β 8. SOKES. JoH!t C urned up Ne\ex. DAVID F. BBOWN. Surririag aia)t>. J. Η. Β a Divine to has added another star to the crown of —(Chicago p. Wst.cn. Ε F. KollixS, II. Y inhabitants in 1870, and its were command, of the Copartaerahiu of D. F. lo!»·"». John ame and kit follower also turned sue of its required by r J. s. unut*. up. | Ktneriwa a CO, UALtt, u. riciutn, 11 Stale of IVfnlne. is Better Shilling. Gowau sank down, she saw that something SociKTT Bkllbs. Nimble Sixpence than^Slow Οα account of its delicae 8·: terrible had happened. " What's the mat- remarkably OXFORD, and lasting fragrance society Uelie· are THE SPRING TERM Court of County Commissioner*, December $ïf0rî) Democrat. : " Term. 1SH5. ter. F»t?" she a»ked. and he replied I'm la their of Floreston load praises Cologne. Whereas ho Ceuntv Com» laaionera of «··*! dying." She stopped the coach. sprang Connty of Oxford, on Um pvtit on of If. M Lom- A roan s Be ν or reachee the f<>- un io section on·, PARIS, MAINE, JANUARY 30, 18£!. out, and concealment. In a min- cariosity bard and otbnra, prvldetl sought male standard nntil tome out telle him bia chapter ol Hie l( ?U««per. ol'M'ilior.U. rnapirr WoMhn Kevlaed HUtulos, it the un- Newspaper Decisions. bottom of which McGowan lay dy- lay ont · highway or r.>*1· or»r land* la III·· Κ COMPMCXIOK known us No. 5. Uançe 1, ,ng. and took ΐΜΓΒΟλ VOUS tor<>rp»iHi«d l"w«»hi|>, 1. An ν who take* a paper regularly iWicm McCoy Farrlagton within t >»n person the use of Pearl'.* White Glycerine. U a ItaCl oflaltd in saldeamity not any r um the oBice— whether directed to hi· name or Mi Gowan to the station-house. He died By or pltnution r.iuiml liy I·» H r«l*» in· llt'Jf, I* or all discolorations, etc. f-»r another'». whether he baa nubacribed or not— removes spots, up- HEBRON make ami repair lughwava. nolle bi ine given jn*eiH>n.»ibte for the payment. as he was laid on the tloor of the slttlng- oo the skiu. anil renders it soft au J beau- a hearing uu «aid petition a· provided I·jr aoetlnn 2. Ji a peraon order* hi* discontinued, 1:3 <>l staiti chapter of Hie Revised Ktaliit**. I lie y paper ! room. was brought to the sU- tiful. sell it. r mu*t pa τ all arrearage», or tne publuter may Delaney Druggists i did, m ewtmplwie* with terttiη fn nrefwhl chap continue to' sen>l it until i· made, aad An am -u ihe duties to out a toed payment tlon-house l»y other officers. It is 1er, perform required lay collect the whole amount, whether the paper U The wrong tneu always get rich. I e<>Bi:ie!u and one West fl»e Self-contained, him. 1 did not intend to use my pistol, Compound, and judging from its extensive I forty-four hall'(Ifdegree· Portable, Mill* and other j (5) rod* and six (0) links to ih* county ro* N cootl Tii< mlit> urinary Πυρ owncrrhip, and do aiwte·* upon eacii, exclusive promptly scribee one scene in these word·. of u a Tuc— lay <>i September. casionally. laniia tescrved lor public ee, sum Mechanic Falls. pr< to the value tharecf. J. W. PENNEY, -Two men came into the saloon and in- porltonate duly regaidlng Λ money-order ortlce would be « great the enMlti· likely t-i result 10 aat.l divisions by 1883. COURT OF PROBATE *ND INSOLVENCY I'aul to llie i'.-iabli»bitient ol and not January, aisled on ha\ ing drinks, and said convenience in small town if the M. A. «Aid road, regarding j every B., m Agnes Lathe, sa'd η s^nt nt upon -aid towιΐι-hipa* unreason- » ! of each with au offensive could order all the that Τι πιΐί «Ί Ftobatc -Third Tu· »jr the bartender, epithet, people mouey they Prc«r|itr··. ably burdensome io the owners thereof, we as 1 m·.·» the -nm arirc»ai f >r m month at l'an*. ηη·Ι lm'*Uv following Nellie L. Whitman, ! with water, and We will send Dr. Kaufman's med- THIS *lted great READ you FAIL TO month, at !*nri«. pewter pitchwr. DONT thirl Toe* Jay of each latter ical work, 100 pages, colored plate» from WtoL threw it at Donnelly. The dodge HI' ΙΙΛΚΙ» Α ΓβΥΚ. Jux.r. life. The most valuble adviser ever pub- next ra,sed a kettle, which B. and l'aul large on two Hattie T. Mayo, L. 11KKKH Κ < D VVIjs KibtHTti, l'aria. lished. to any address receipt of 3- contained boiling water, and also hurled cent stamps u» pay poatage. AddHM A. M. Γ. λ Mass. M. Phinney, COURT OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. it at the barkeeper. At this juncture Ordway Co., Boston, G. M. ATWOOD, Hugh lloyt llomnatMd 1W $ii»> $0 13 HAS BOUGHT DIRECT FROM an>se and told l'aul that that was no way Τι con : Τ"-· -ί·»\ ··: Y|a> tln»t Tut «.lay /. h. Iiutkee hwuieatcad i-'si 1 JO IW pawn chocks were fouud ou Prlnripal of Conttu<-rrlftl ll(|>krluunl. me in Sixty-five xetli Walker limber lot I·*· I"' "· ,.· aud |ao Tm lay uf IV to on; he kicked .rcimiisitMi^ ■».|>teml'vr, carry whereupon a woinau arrested iu this city. It is easy W lu,low tV. I innell hoiecsbad I'M 1-'1 S11 ■ t«BWrI^Cl.W comber. the pit of the stomach, and 1 was rendere* to tell her tribe. She lielougs to the Hearv Μ (Aim bard home «lead Stock of and Hint lot U4 ÂVi *1 Another large •.tnsciess. on cms iousness. I ; Pawnee*. * <■ W.VLI*· rm i V.U.I. « ua:kMA>. regaining HATTIE P. BAILEY, Klihn Ι.-ivltt homestead 1Ό lid entrv. lU riin Mills boarding ATSTXD FA-ISTCY GOODS, liumtorl aaw l'.uil and Donnelly Ûghtiug beWnd the use Company DRY Stop that cough, by of Ayar's Towctier of >Iiifle. honte and lot IW) 1*j0 2 7*) ·Μ». I*ari- liKORid > ΙΙΛΜΜ» the h.ir. They were in a clinch, and l'au. Cherry Pectoral,—the brst specific ever Berlin Mills Company North And will offer for the next SIXTY DAYS nome Special barguine in Dr*™ h: \nk > r.i; \ ι ι ν \ I rvvburii· of middle division λοοο eWW 1J 0») broke and. from behiud the known for a!! diseases of the throat and part a line of away. coming Nahitui VV ltonnsu humistead IΌ *·*» I i" (îoods, including full lungs. It will soothe the roach feeling in bar. b-nan Hinging chairs at the barten- David M Stuetevant homesteail r,V) 3·**) » So COUNTY ATTORNEY your throat, give the vocal urgaus flexi- The A· idcmv will Ueyln the 8pr:cf T«rm with Ayr·» Mason lot iu western dl- der. The latter hid a in his hand, ■n adilltioan MVIxr, »i.d will thrn pniact· tn- Vuion '(·>· l > WKK.UT. c-ro*·*··I Unlitl·· lur rtomir e«>d work m ig» t·η< Wot \V >1 ;ison Mcetern divla- which he tired, shooting Paul and killing breathe aud »|>eak clearlv. >>( In the now shades of ou· depart meat*. A large variety raajecu I nd lot 2Ι'Λ iwsi -i ts ClERk OF COURTS him." w ill t.r taught «It.irlit,. »< h »tuil»ul rtn opt»>rtli Oliver il. g««in land 00 pine The country mu»t be waiting for the ii:jr t > cho·* tboae mo»t iultr<] ΙΛ lu« n»c<1. Λ pdnt lissi ]«wr> 1 50 ai itK.irr >. vi >tin. l"uri- [ rla·· In lh·- an I ol l<-a<°iuurf « III was in tu be sev- theory practice λ. Wnlk'T it Clupm.in liiu e ·-'> 1otiic»t<-aocm1 liargUDH yet fighting ! to hand. ·Ί teaching will l>r untold d f -TAM.I > method* »urfe»«nl I Co* Λ < ■· e«j,tiiu divlr- r»r will bv- allo«e \|< >1 R « Frank irdinrr, Gray, prom- rout·· » foul I road lor a > oi the Fryt'butv regular 'py middle divisl in U1 in«'ut lumber writes that his the head with a bottle John Nevias, merchant, ••«•.ian>c« of »in.!jr Newell I.IUi<-ha!e hoineatead M 3ls· 4j COUNTY TREASURER by Λ ol the rxp<-nte· of thl« Under Table Linens, wife had severe rtuuiuati pains ; *o severe oomp»n».'U »rtua! 1 Flannels, Shirtings, «ci ool ·γ«ι iiioi· of any other >cnoo| of t«|u»l And no peri>on beii g aggrieved by a~iy a«M«s .I\K\I'< M Willi i. l'ari-. an 1 hi^ skull was fractured. In return, as to render her unable to From I ni In the sleep. ι» lOTUfd. ment afor· -.aid.anit taking apical prêta gr*4t Uea.we do hciebv order tbAt raid road rliall be < Crashes, Towels, Napkins, Quilts. was in the back h rank : the first application of the famous German I .>r οΙτ«·»ι »r· »r mi) Information. it-Mrr·· ihr SHERIFF. Nevins stabbed by made and w r.liin nn<· from th·· St. Jacobs she I'i :n·· ipal or Itcv. S. P. Κκι,αΓ ί-υο. or '.lie Sa n opened year time Remedy, (HI, experienced wb«n all shall l»e eloeci and Υ. Γ <» kcxur lail l'on· r. Kellev's brother John, and laid low. two »·ΓΛ·. preoMiliacs Henry J»'Kl'\N STA< relief, and In hours the M ol si, 1 I is Men and Wear. unspeakable /. I.. l'AChAhl»,Secretary. l.ouibtrd township hnrtli; appo'at Woo/ens Β(η/χ had ι-d Age 1 I. iu acettidaae· wit 1 >ectl->n .il I.hap Κ, for DEPUTIES- lost the knife in the patn entirely gone. Ilrtron, l»oeBtliture 9i sahl sum, sat I Agent hereby j WVnr. Kelley Mipiircd to give bonds lo the Treasurer of sawl for Infante > cau « * Kl M W Ib'tliel· cutting machine which do the work of c< « lin sureties to t>e at t»v the ORMLLL. l'artland a blow on the Wad that atretch- unty pcov^l Coun- Ht-nj.-niU r we shall offer a large stock of New Dress Cambrics for c. meu. Better sentence It to State ty 4.omais*i«neis, lo expend the uionev laitb- 1 S V I W VKKI rt»· Id. sixty-four AMI Y Brown ! I till and t 1 rf otir I»· st I'rints f<»r 7 c. I shall also offer at Iiottnin | ;..m senseless. Wnen the police ar- I l'rteon. y of, demaad, and (new stjh's) Y\ WIIITTKY It ickfl.-ld Bridgton nul if the owncia of lauds a«-es«cd mr afortrsaid. 3(5 in, 1*2 4·> ·Γ> I ■'•»>IAH Academy Prices il st(M*k of Bleached Cottons in in., iu., in., nved on the scene, the was over, but s h s 11 tail lo make and open aaid road to the ac- l.irge fight A CARD. t 1ί·>Μ I l.O \ H \KK'»W CAlitvv ME. ivplaner o| Ibr oui ty f'oniml sloner· for said 1 ί> 4. 10 ·"». I have also a lot of Beninmts of NORTH.BRID6T0N, 1 l>otight large Prints, Gingham*, several arrests wero made. To all who are suflering from the errors eutialy. jiicr actual examination b> one or more ΗΊΙ 1.1 λ M II T\1NT1 Κ. IH\tM I. 01 the h >ai n sa'd ('t e ΙΙ'«·η 1 ainl ('ottonaih s that I shall sell aud indiscretions of youth, nervous weak- I, vettr, the afore- very cheap. < ν not unlike these occur a d mnndiate thirvatter I LItlUlM.K t. >»*,( »I>. Vry inr Scenes nearly ness. loss of I \gcnt-hall ptoeecd y lieintunber wo siiall continue to sell the host Brown for c. early decay, manhood, etc., Term of 12 Weeks II said ro It ie Sheeting 7^ The Spring mnkear'l o|>en td, and furth'-r crd<-r ΛΙ Ι;» |;T Γ BA»hl I. Lo\ ell. in the in the saloons of will send a that will care you. krkk t| at >ani a»sc»Mn· ol b- 1 >rihw 11b. an·! 40 in for Xk c. These run in half cuts from 'JO to 40 iu every day year recipe WILLI iM MKNCK pubil*lie>l j goods yds. yds u» ciiAKiîB» This was dis- a< t)i»· l.iw se.j ilr< s three w -rk« aitecraalvely. ιΐκ* «•χ \K \ «·. 11 Nf,, ; ι»·· great remedy a ami .is sold over thousand of these since TUA>K Γ .Mi-a this If were trom tli-j ::»»t ulilication tj u> wiibin three months (mm piece, I* have Twenty yards gfwxls city. the) reported covered by a missionary in South America. the dale of th'· asaesament, aforesaid In the Ken I to I tun recommend them with confidence. JoNATIIVN RI.AKl· Norway new on the Send a aelf-addressed to the Rev. coming Norway, Meus of vice in settlement*, envelope JANUARY 30th, 1883, uct'ei: J 'urnsl the Mile paper, printed a: Align· .loiiN \t cii.vi'la.»! b\f.. O* fori T. luman, Station 1 », Ν. Y. City. ta. :n the State of Maine. *tid the Oaford I»· m» Joseph ι* of ln»trnit in: 1 uskirts of civilizations, we would won- «ι,Ιι tt.e fill n_· Hoard rut. m newspaper pnote·! a: i'arts, in sail c^ua To the Ladies. Λl M|\ 1·. -ri \H\-. bin». ty wl;e e th at i.c >ald lao It He. or ••Whistlers are always der that there to live, good-natured," 1'aie.I 1I1 » lwriilj.ciil.ttl day ol December, A. I have an lino of Κ and Insertions .1 \M»> I I' Kast ·*ι anybody goes just opened elegant Hamburg Igings, \KKKIi neliau says a philosopher. Everybody knew that. J, F. A. I». IV.· in OODY, M., Principal, to match. Kememl>er these are all new and will be sold to run the risk of killed, to to 1 p.itcrns JAM!:·» Μ Ι»λY. P. Bry ant l'on·! rather being ! It's th, folks thit har» listen the mi>s κ. y ri i:ix«;tos, HK^IIV 1». W A Ι.ΚΚΙί, County Com cheap. Wai i"» ι'κτγκν' 111.1», Please call and our Verv Wo. d»! Hλ Bat whistling that get Tea« In r of Vin ek tut HithemitiM mlnfoMra get prices. respectfully, the vicinity of such savages. they ugly. W M. A. KiMlUlNtÎllAM.) ol the M!-S IIKLK.V M. sTAPI.KS. ( ountr of (Vxford. torn a of th»· life of the M. M. \I part daily great Rkniw VnfR T.KASK. T. t c'icr ot M'xicro Language· aod Latin. PHINNEY, Norway. -TIN Γ -T1. \RN> Jailu Γηπ» \fin-ICfHiilriir There are times jn every on* a life when Tn\r«, of the continent. While intei· A W. STARllIRP, m-.trpjlis ai. I a comes In the town of Oxford In the Comity of energy fails miscraMe fettling * I» in; : m-nt iuj To* >her i hri*tian citizens arc t:.e I Priu«\pa!ofCoBim«rr tiafoid fur iho >car l"a·. 1883. 1883. > Oî>- rver enjoying over tin m. mistaken for laziness. Danger of In biatrial Drawing. ligent T!ie following list of taxe» en real estate 1 as s and ed- ι lurks in these they arise from ie-n r.si i'Bt owner- in th·· [. ««nt' tiaford I A. FULL LXIsTE OF IilLLV McGI.OUY AND COMPANY. luv.M* that religion and wealth symptoms, Misa i.orif \ m ιιυηιχϊιιν f HAVE diseased organs. Parker's Ginger Tonic Ti.winr ol Lugiiah atnl Kkilu iJO. for iho χss.ir ls«l. In hill· committed to Ho'ca, | are able to I Krowu, t II.- lor of saidTuwu.ou 01 ucation furnish, they reflect, will restore to the stom- the.;lstday perfect activity ULV. X. LINCOLN, Chaplain. A»„'i't. iNSi.ba? been return· I by him to me a-I S4 I Ni s ν ν \\ IN TU» C!T\ ΟΙ Λ "UK Ν I H> if will think of it, that within ach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood. rcniaininj; un|utid ou llie tlml dav ol July It·'!. they pistol MISS LI//.IK Κ ΚΑΗΚΚΤΓ, Patent Toilet and aud renew lc»s<· of health aud com- by :ns certdicate of that date, and noir remain Medicines, Goods, ·»!*.> ·Μ> I>A\ your Teacher οί Κι Ο* Tills NhW \ nu. „h :. their houses and churches, ami jiotiroia given iluUiflbc said I Fancy colleges fort.—.! it χ- ιΐ". tiupaid, hcivb) MiiS N. u. Hit AY. taxes aint interest and charge* an· not paid into are almost con- 01 wiihin an-1 *-hools, these scepes A»-Ulant in I-aii|tuige< ;.ud Ma hematic*, the Traa.-urj tbc raid Towo, t-iahltun TOBACCO AND He did not object to his laughter join* months frcm the date o| the commitment of CIGARS, We read and hear so much of the 1 s'aiit'.y in progress. And the second re- ing a musical society but gently in«i«ted MHS. A. M. CIIADIM>rit\·, the said bills, so niuc.U of Uni reai estulc reck les- of human the were Teaclivr 01 liramu# and Painting, taxed aswill be «uftich nt to pay tlic amount due 1 Ami all of the (tootle ke in a life, frequency ttiat are that abbreviatious coarse—Philip Staph· usually pt riectj η is. all of these tragedies tht-rcoo, lucludiu^ mttnuil a..d charge*, will, Harmonic soun ls much more MRvJ.K MOODY. >' of in the South and ia the gently, my without lllttiier noi re. I.e Sold at Pllbl Auction, man-killing, :-rformed under one <.lfcil A llawk-a 111 a.t..l towrn onj CLASS DRÏJC Wist, that it is worth while to look at MI«s NKI.1.IK H 01 fill*. tin il th lionday m ftbnury, a. d. i-·*.! atone J? 1RS Τ STORE. etn η g drink. and Com- r Muaic. Billy McGlory A (i.H.ii Ivvkstmcnt.—One ofour Tear In of Yo>'ai o'clock in the afttruo^i. home. There are more hornkiJ -, ia the promi- » » « .n> are licenced the authorities The int>ici-d fioilj'ie* which t * liool υίΤοί» Sa,ut,. Ta*. ρ by city nent linrinw iuen sa:·! to u« tha otl:er : to tcarh. or lor day lor tb<>»e Ii>f college, ~ mid>* of thi> than of us art· p-eparinft »:«■·»■«», Γ.·Ι»·:ΐ. It.llliru lUUII'T· city, many bu>in'»> arc by any ulnol lu the to and sell the material which is the "In the *prng iny wife go? all run down unt'.utied Village, Valued al |.»>, #1 4? PRESCRIPTIONS PREPARED PERFECTLY PURE. keep oountry. PHYSICIANS aware of. arc for the m.»t par* and could li t em ant thing; J *'»:ng your Iletryman, Ja ne», property «ituated in Ox- They cause of this violence and blood- Kor further add re h 4 the lu ring *t<»rc 1 ».»* a of Η >d'« in p.irtloulart Principal. ford U'it'Hl'l b tint* unpaid t the immediate fruit >f li- pile Sarsaparilla Xoith tiild#toU, Mi.·., Die 21. lt'2. ((tarer, Μ··μ·» Ι. Ι·η·Ι situated In Ο * Γ< »- ha I a ap- IK YOU W.VNr iir.p.ll (J '"u quors. perhaps v<. :;ment of the which r< j routing ,· j>rr.·- d. I hor everything. She t<>"k < «mbel'. < liarl··» W jiopertv nitutted la feature in the cade. The fearful crime Ia.id and 1 .'(» scnts the civilization of the thn-e bottle*. and it wis the but three ·!<>1' Ux'oki rnpaid hLhvey, unpi'd average great frOffff Cf. oktr. Job. w situated lu l»r»i«i' CJ. lived & C·.·..Lowell,iilM. JL pcttf Oxford, of murder is the outcome of a lawful κ i.r! and 1 7~ SOUTH ME. is a to the state of CALL ON M'ISs, unpaid I PARIS, community, party Dw ira). K l T., lanl »nu.t<-M m Oxford, va!. trarti trom whicn the derives a rev- ιUy which we are now deploring. It •'Say. papa, are tlrst th.>ai»!its drunkV" u«d «: φβ3· :·η i unp.il 1 3 ίο | 'thing* ·· son. What makes ask l>e«n. aVn/o M pro,··· ι,· »t(U 1.0.1 In Ox· enue. , Why. no, my you H. Porter. So. Paria. com-.-' to this ami less. G·. lorJ. I iiUiiway I it) just nothing such a "'Cause I t.apai «juestion?" alwayys \i»nr liti> Pont Oltico. RarUrtt. \ S χ Co. property iliuttod Ια Οχ- Let me tell you what the 1 happened There i> no nearer connection between h« ar yon taikin' about the -sober second for·*, ν luol at i D. ko J unpaid 1 i·'· IK- a I Of ·»<· day after New Year's. A Connecticut thought."' keeps tplind tjlioe Karrl CslFS, hou»»· nu·) lot «itiisied in any lOect a-id its cause, than there is j l< C I nl'fc/ij. known η* (ho (Mu. Perry ν » lu·» I «t 9(|S. in î A ©".· farmer came to the a few le- Tins.—Parents should Ac. p',eee unpaid city day* bet a en the and crimes of PattKxrs, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipee, Gretn, Josepn L, properly sitiaict in ox- liquor-saloon have at hand some infalli- AI no * full ttock.ot I MitiwiT S 11 fore, a::d of hi* r· always prompt, (ut#, impal kliag disposed M, as Gra<, cb t'ies h Uuted .u Ox- bloo ! And the Govern:nent main- ble, and remedy for their children in W, tmipcrtjr MAKE NEW-RTCH BTXK)D, maiaed to the noli aad see the ■ •ase of sadden attack·» of Dhurrho-i, Dys- CONFECTIONERY. ford uni a d higba ty 1 St.' | keep lays tiit.s these and takes for Aad v. IU roiiiplettfly rl>M(« tli·· liluutl in the rntlrv tic tu In Ihnw mouth·. saloon, money Ile al»o bat al! tie ili.linf' Κι»«I II. prt>i>eity tuatv l la Os· ay Any poN of the nose, cuts, bruise», « 1 town. H" went into a drinking entery, bleeding f.irtl valued at an·) unpii'i « ÎJ fun lu> \\ ill take 1*111 «-itch night from 1 to It wfrk«, may Im· reatnrrd to toutd place for t:.e rmiv«i ta other ca«es of a $ΙΌ. j given Billy McGlory 'sore throat, and many CANJiKP GK>OJ)sl, -ItuU l iai if » 1 HiObard.J din. property Oxford, hr»ltli, Mich tliiitc Im· poaiilblo. for curing IVnulrCompltlnU the··· Pill· hate no where aad sell au hour"? will now 1· the v. irkut, luulu ling Hie CaUloruia ». uit at «ο I BUly McGIury Company similar kind in which delay valued $.'ύ, uiipal 1 1 J- ■ aiid to furnish the fuel for quai. 1'hyiicluii· u»·· the m In thrlr praa-tln·. Sol·! everywhere, or M-nt by uutll for Company lead to serious if uot fatal results. Jordan, TitnMliy property situate 1 in Οκ· and ill ink beer and other accord- often for circular. I. S. JOHNSON Λ ίο··|. val ι·*>1 al 14». *ii I I W I eight l«tti·. Κ···<| CO., BONTOM, MASS» figaon these fires, the Government is re- For thesf the (ïreat Confectionery, Fruit, Xuis, Ac., unpaid, morally complaints Family McDonald, Jo* ph. property situated In Ox· to law. The farmer his drink, at 5 ing gut for the mischief that results. I tttmedy, Post»'» ExTiturr, has beeu long οί all kind·, alwajaon tinnd in t&rgc quantities lorili i»!ll· 1 ni 7"^. nuil unjui'l 5Λ ] "croup, asthma, bronchitis. >p«.in»ibie with the the proper »«Μβ)η for oacû. Ururrre, Henry JJ. property ItSl'ul in Ox· JOHNSON'S and, of the sse»ion of his mon- and successfully used and always ANODYNE I.INIMKNT"Mltn.tan- proud ρ ι»ιγΊ anil valued at i:i, t«.\ I 4? taneoutlv relieve the·· tumble ilitruti. and «H It .< to a sub- same unfailing result. It ran be had at I hive added a unpaid p.itttvaty hardly possible imagine jui>t Perk τι». J«>s ah, |»r«»t»-rty situate I in Οχ. cere nine CM*· ήιΙ of ten. thai «111 un a meat I Inr^math.n ey, offered llarbill in store. nr tax unual I 2u live* «eut iw mall. twenty-d pa) ject more stale and Hat thia this; and I any respectable urug l nivl value) at |lu au>l I j many by Bba't iklay a dnmiL FISH MARKET, GeoO. ru|«erty srt·:- JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT pocket, farmer, now in but the worst of this fashion More iWSKT&fe entertainment to which I wa« invited." style «!e In Ollor 1, vaiu* I at i "■», til l nop» ιιΐ -Ι Γι Neerahria. lultiKma, Lunfi. IDeatllng at the Ijuicvfltronic Huarwne»·. Hi.Ung <'ou«h. Witoutung Coach, «'hr-nte Ithi mn*' fhrnnle « his was at and told is that if a wonuu leaves it unbuttoned FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, Etc., Putnam, I»*vi>1. property situtted In Of ford, »τ·, llUrrtwra. CtimiiK· l»»»oiil·*). h.Jera Muttan. Kidney Trueblee. I»i«»««r« ut Util ing charge, laughed CLAMS, S^:ne ami i.snie U.t< k. S«>ld i*tf) where. s> u4 t»t lu I. S. Jin< ? tru-l ... l.i «· ,-.ui «ut that m.i«t 1 a' as well and valued V'tO, and -11·) .. ι· went to the police court and told his she keeps it buttoned it might just property, f tinpnid ι; .1-1 «II Γ-.Λ J· »·«! I. r· m -f on the mind. "it is m n·· >· ι.'ι > » » preying And, be lined with red flannel, for no one can PBESCRiPflONS A SPECIALY'T. same, law οΒίΐ'β situated UxiorvJ village «··. lie «4- ttlat -ii -rt-Un I The «ent Otficer and valued at |lv>, Λ "i « ·.·! I Il I*· ·ν.·. r» are *b«;iutelv purr and story. Judge Delaney see it. MAKE borne in that the most seri- WK USE ONLY liuuivti». :> .ill m: I» Ν ι.ιι ear 111 «III make > I η LAY me." l.tn* lav like SheridanHENS II I· upon iiaiue, property situate I ir. O.for 1, known il.ln,· ..tut IViwiVn lh^e. I teaap'n- lut tu 1 I ed. tue with the farmer to the den to arrest the a- Oie liodgb land, valu·'·! at |V>, !>u1.1 e\«r><*liar*,oc tent by nail » Ictier at-uupt I. ·. JuMkion A fu.. It. an m Maa·. ou*, and momentous important, question Γονηγμιίιοχ Ct'HEI». Pure and Fresh Drugs, pail t ίο I barman and recover the money. In the PotMr, Aejttnto1 \Y, property situated in of the is involved ia the matter of An old physlcan. retired from practice, Our Store tn of a Non-Krsldcnt day always chirge Oxl'oid and valued at ♦'.in, u ijiai ( 5 4a Taxe·, were a number of men had placed iu his bauds by an Kast Osfnrd, Me.. .1 vn (v- place drinking or in the use of having J· the town of Porter, and Coanty «ί Oalbrd, GRAND TRUNK R. R. tem;*rauce intemperance India the formula of a REGISTERED APOTHECARY. UEO. Ε. UAWKfcH, Tioaaarer for the one woman: missionary simple year 1841. and McGowan, Cooney, οι (Ims t '«it of Oxford. Winter intoxicating drinks. There is no ! vegetable remeby for the speedy and per- Hie loll .wlntf Ii >t of U*e· on real t-aute ol non Am······*, party resident owner· in the to* η of Porter lor th· On anl utter October ilaadaniil further 0 manent cure for S. L. tMirr, Kessier, Cummiakey, Brien, consumption. bronchitis, CROCKETT, ν train* will raa m B.rming- is-ue so nearly vital to the welfare of this Ah»tritt ( ol Writ. far IKS 1 in bille commuted to KlUba Stanley. follow·; catarrh, asthma, and all Throat and Lung Collector uf «aid town,on lit- Utli ul Dec.A.t». hair. and others. the otficer, ELIAS THOMAS ν». ALBERT P. ΛΒΒΎΓΓ. day ooido niT. Delaney, The the affrétions, also a and radical cure Registered Apothecary, lanl, ha* been returned by him to ma m remain- tariff, currency, every- positive A<-tton of II: lit on i»c ivt-reil Rxpresi trmioifor Lewtaton.will leave Portland [country. NORWAY", MAINR. j,niellent apmii ing unpaid on the Jiih day of October, searched for the barman, and M.'Gowan for Nervous Debility an I ull Nervous com- ►aid Albert P. Abtiott, on t he llret Tneailay ol H·.', at 7riu a.m., I :lft p. a S:!S p. a. t dwindles, when with the iiathaway's Νιλ\- Rl<>ck ] by lit* : ii .< 11· ol that date and now remain an- compared after havinii tested its wonderful a. u. ls77,ior lite uutii of twenty-two Fur (South Pari·, Norway. Montreal,Chicago, out. plaints. ; notice it heteby that if the «ai·! ordered Delaney when Cooney caught dollar·· and one sn lth rtcen dollar» |>aid giren t«xe«,in· and the We»t, will leave Ponian l at 7.W a of the evil curative in thousands of cases has cent, délit, tercel and are not into the gigantic proportions increasing powers STATEMENT OF THE of liai charge· |>aid Treat·ry Sooth Pari· at 10:10, )■ <»· a. an·) utnety.live Rent*, cxta suit, wliiclt of Norway m., aad hold of Dciaoey and held him while Mc- felr it his to make it kuowu to his aold town, within eighteen mouth* from the Gorham at 12:10 n. m tram that coaits one source. duty ^Λ··η Rationed for the »«αι of t Aenty dollars Data and Portland at 1 jo from this date of the commitment ol the «aid bill*, *o roach from pestilent fellows. Actuated this motive ol writ, August it. λ. (ι. iivvi, noil returnable to So. Paila. J«0, Norway 3 rtt. Gowan beat him on the head with a suffering by of the real estate taxed a· will be aufficient to Robinson the term, Ai Mixed train· for »ouU) Part·. aad Uor· pis- 1 do not to a solution of and a desire to relieve human suffer Manufacturing Co,, September lrWi. laranua, 110.00. the amount due therefor Norway pretend propose I lug, pay Including lettre*! and ham will leave Portlaa l at .5:16 p. m., So. Parte tol. W'uat foiljwed, I will ia tilt " free to all who Dac. 31, JjvJ. charges, will without further notice be· «old at pub- 7iti «iorhaa II MO at. give ithe what to do about it." I wl!! seed of charge desire OXFORD. MAINE, STATE OK MAINE. p. m., p. problem. j lic auction at K. W. Hedlon'· Law Office in natd OCIKO un. ·. ·» this in German, Erench or «took *11 ία. |'.Ot»,COitOO Judicial Court, word- of the 7 : it. recipe, Kug- Capital paid OAKOltl), »λ:—.«upiTind .Sept. Porter, on the lbtlt of A. report in !(»',»<«> i«> Α. I». IHsi. Saturday day June, D.. Ex pre·· train· for PorUaad will Ittrt Uwhi Wh re there is a sentiment that with foil instructions for Invented Κ«λΙ K-ital«-aud Machinery, Term, at 1 M. public gll«h. preparing lis», o'clock, P. ton at 7 M a.m., 11:10 a. in., After McGowan rau Valuation tiy Λ«·β«'·Γβ unWn own. El.IA* THOMAS va. AI.UKUI' P. ABBOTT. and 1-Λ7 aad « M beating Delaney, and Sent mail addressing with on m. *:!l -ustain laws to the tratfic on the U'ing. t>y by I>ct>U due. other than for ad*in«" gaodis in And now it appearing t-> (he Court that the p. put i ο « For South down stairs, piatol ia hand. outside wa> stamp, naming this paper, \Y. A. Novas, btud· of eelling agenu, about t'.o.uO' oo. (>ie Rcbin»on Macuiartuting Company PlaiutiQ noufy the Orientant ot tbc pendency I ς! M κ Portland I-ewlalaa will in t:i« cui -h for McGowan. He ■* ^ leave Gorham waiting ht .η the And we may I about seven old himself from oath the .ibori! statement by h ira sinnd true thereof bv pauniiiif aa a Ktrtc. of thi·» writ with at S:4A a. SoeUi Pari· 6:tf !; saving people. years kept Ile m, I.»vi 11., M ine a. into his Ιο the be*: of liU knowledge aud belief. thi·· Order of Cour. ,brre< u, to lie publiaheil tliree m., Norway IMa, m., arriving la Portland at put his p'stoi i>ocket as he walked the rest of the company. The lady of the Mountain lot, IA5 1» m 11 a. labor and to the up to j M/fore m», week· aucceMivelv in the (>xlord Oeniocrat, a *4*2 #11 1M0 m., and an afternoon mixed train laave· pray bring people to : and Ilfrry, Julia, relate, i.orham Portland to the coach. Just as he was into house called him, sayiug "Come W M. E. UOU LI>. Justice of the reace. pajier printed in Pari* In «aid County, the !a*t for at 11:10 a. a.»». Paru, getting dwelling hou m· and that mark of virtue where and daece, my dear. Choose one of publication to be thlrtv days at leant before the i W p. b., arriving at Portland at5:lo p. m. It at the front of high-water play lot at Porter to Delaney appeared door " STATEMENT OF THE next terra of paid Coutt, to be bolden at Paria, Village, 1 300 S Trai·· will rna by Portland time. those pretty girls for your wife." No, Win., Fowler and such laws will be made and sustained. aforeraid, on the netïond of March next Furbtub, JOHKI'H HICKM)N. tteaeral Manager. the tenement-house, McGowan drew cried the no wife Tucaday lot. 2 D 40 1 80 i thanks," young cynic; to the end that tbe >aid Defendant may ttien an.t 120 But the aside as we iUudall, Gideon M,, lot his pi*tol and aimed it at De'aney, who push subject may, for me. I don't want to be worried out of there appear at faid Court aed ebow cau»e. If SHEEP ASTRAY. Manufacturing Co., at Kczar Faite 17 1M Harper any he have why thoald uul be reodor- Village U 1 100 Cane into the enclosure o( the »oUerilx>r at retired iL the to draw hi* wea- treat it as a and 1 my life like poor papa." WKLCHVILLE, MK. Dec. 31,1*·». judgment M.uon Jobn H., eutry-way vulgar, dull, dreary od (hereon, and execution l»>ued acrorilinirly. pasture We*t l'ail·, aboat Nov. «nh. one ewe 00 and Heath meadow lot Ml 7 SO β. on aheep, Capital stock al 1 paid lu, f ΐΰ,Λιο Attest: JAMES S. 177 marked π the leR »lde, and a eroea on pon. McGowan sprang into the ut $>!.M0 0O. D. Went ed as the will not be R. Hastings A 60s, Att'ys for PilT. IMHCIKNT HlQBWAT. Paria, Dee. 11,1M. was an great bores, subject beiug of purely vege- H. J. LIUBY. Treai. and, saying he officer, ordered the necessity, composed Dav, Otia half which or Cumberland. h8.—Portland, Jau'y 10, le»a. P., Southerly down. It is on ue and around table ingredients, of Podophyllin lOuimUsloaer»' of Samuel McDonald farm. 40 SU0 60 driver to hait, as he was in pursuit of a put us, Personally appeared II J. Libbv.Treae. ofthe Notice. Yellow Dock and Uilpatrick, Ira, John Sertb mandrake, Sarsaparilla, Ma nulacturini; Company and made oath TllE nndcr«ifrned been lb·; hackman lashed his horses and we must deliver the from the Harper having appointed by ncr farm, 50 500 3 Diaries and Almanacs felon. The to country other concentrated enter into the above s!attni»n'. him signed ie true to the Hon Judite of Probité f<»i ti.o 50 juices largely by County of Oxford, | Wentworth, of hie and belief. to ioc«ive and Ephraim, bog start them, and Deianey of cause of it. and their composition ; the whole strength of best knowledge CointaiMtionere exmiiae tbe rlalmi lotto FOR caught sight Billy McGlory Compa- j Before me, of creditors afrainettheeptitcof Reuben T. called, 00 180 4a 1ΘΘ3, which is extracted on an new prin- Allen, Libby, Jane*, Mr·, AT McGowan leveling a pistol at bim from the entirely W. Κ WOULD, Jostlre of the l'eare. (Ate ol Milton Plantation in axleday of June,! County headache, dyspepsia indigestion, Wool, A Good Tooth Brush trait of Administrator of the estate of fao·, and blood ran through his of and and our and YAB5S,Ccrtom Cloth Dasastifo and Roll !&<), at one o'clock I· the afternoon, for the pur- lingers. Billy McGlory Company, ness. fevers, drowsiness, colds, For δ liENJAMIX M KO I. ΡΕ. late or aching CaKPLKO. pose of receiving and examining aaid c laims. Cents, at Kamford, OTer la aald County tfeeeaaed bond a· the The hack rattled the stones to Eliza- cut of and in the paius, chills, with Hashes of heat, MB. ALVAN Β GODWIN. by gtTlag law fight saloons, pulpit slight HANOVKR, direeta ; he therefore all aud female For a bilious and Gideon a. Hastings. requett· peraoaa who ara beth Street, aad then turned dowa tow a. irregularities. Indebted to the ettate of tald deoeaaed to laa- and ia the and at «leslvin·» a Dated at Bethel the 17th day of lute. auto pre**, market-place, eostive habit, no medicine is so prompt and —FurmTs and othprs genteel, January, CROCKETT'S DRUG mediate meat aad In it, crouched between the seats, was the STORE, pay thoae who h«v· aay daaaaada the must be with effectual. Mailed on receipt of price [in lucrative agency business, by which $5 to NORWAY, MS. thercoa to «xhlhit the taaae to who had seen the drawn poll*, Billy McGlory wonr.a pistols, postage stamps], 25 cts., or live boxes for $20 a day can be earned, «end address at Dr.MACALASTERS SSt ! WALDO PKTTBNGILL. and till we tKem down. loothache is tbe children' a iriend toil Mother's Dee. 19. MM. an 1 wuo had pat ter flage» in her ears Company, put Address I)r. Swayne 4 Son, Philadel- once, on postal, to ÏI. C. Wilkinson & Co. I j THIS k .$1. comlort- It deadens the nerve and glvea perms- Ask for them. 193 & 197 Fulton Ν. Y. j PAPEBr^^^pSS ?nv he of tended Kev. II. C. D. ο OTieriKLD. ! by Kites, 1)., Commercial that "as it seems to Town A Maxwell. a peraon «>f un*o-ind utlnd, of S*··. suggest* ν ! settled a<- ount of tb families who So. 12:30 πι Jin. Ί*n, In ·ιΙ.| C< urtv, h* ;i>g presented lu» SCROFULA l'arts. ρ. Tuesdty. 30th. J. r. M. so· read well the fault Is in Mr. Murch, who Reports [Communicated D., Che! of : by Pratt, guardianship ol said w-rd for allowance ; and *11 «crofulon* Sort·», of what it was us what disease», Krj «Ipela·, Pa s. to be reminded sixty Mam.) may have cranky notions about Oïdered that mid tiuardian give notice to al· WE ARE PRKPABKD TO PRtHT Krtrnu». BlotrhN, Ringworm, Tumor··, Car· To the constitutes goo I as he has of what neraons imerrttcd, bv causing a copy of thla cr ago. LITERARY NOTES. Honble the Senate nml the Honbl· English wars •1er to lté published tmoe *ee«t* *ueeea*lvely Ir hnnrlr*, Boll·, and Kruptlon· of thr Akin, at the House Kepresentatires of the Com constitutes good money." hc I· u only known that time as Stow- of TO^KTJST REPORTS Ο «tord PoMcnl printed at Part*» that tnej are the direct result of an impure state of the moniceallh of .VaseachHsetts in Otnitrai mav appear at it court of Prolate loin· held ai ν Eliat· blood. y Stowell, having pur- —The London Fi'taro tells of a York- Court Assembled— Par!», in «ai·! county. η the third Tuesday ο· shin· Feb. ικ χι at nil··· o'r-Iork In the fori anai fied, and restored to a and natural condi- all of ago created .some st nsatlon, at the "sale healthy ·,» t -To thousand acres, embracing uut be allowed. tion. Avek'h a Plantation of Otisfleld in the ol Sahhα γα HiX-LA has for over forty of gentleman's putting up for County PROMPT & ARTISTIC MANNER. H A. 1 library," hy FRYK.JudgO. .· » w oh now constitute the village been eminent medical au- competition l>ryden'a ••Virjir done into Cumberland in said Common wealth hum' A true copy—aitrst :—II C. l'A Vie, b«4taio of Ilnct treatment, prove· thirty < » *s." *he GIVE US A TRIAL THIS YEAR, Mdi in tail count'. prav|M Hi it <■ %r II Il< r-< self a master of all scrofulous disease·. m Before th·· building of the mills I l'ro^ri remarked, "always seemed complete families the biger part of whom are verj of lltickileld be ai>|olnied administrator en ι'ι to me Of course are familiar Scrofulous tî rtr-t-"ttlers went to New I painful. you e»t*te ol 8u»annah late of Β u<~ktleM n A Recent Cure of ^»re·. Ptarta reduced means of the late Leonard, •vith Bunyan?" 11·· said he had oue on poor, being by «aid c Minty. : "Some months ago I was troubled with serofn- ■>*. 'r t hare their grindiug done. That sores on The were u*h foot. aud thev bothered him a good war i having to encounter the hard ships Ordered, the «aid petitioner give noti· lou* (ulcers) n>y legs. liinlsi to all per«oa« interested α of th a swollen and inflamed. and the sores dis- : ; a--4*t ,u ru-lng balidlOf{i>. deal. OXFORD by ranting copy badly of a Wilderness have been uuder the Nec- DEMOCRAT, jrdirtob·· publish! dtht· e we« k» successively In tbt charged Urge quantities >f offensive matter. i »tt»^l lint· was their only Oxford Democrat at that I tried failed, until 1 used Aver'· V -i> —Salvini h*s been the edl- essatv of contracting debts to along printed Parla, fhcvma) Every remen· antique design, as an ind'rect compen- the the Justice· of the s ,>.i .1 au 1 moved into what is llcnnrable, Suprein<· R. A me. Yours Mr*. Asx O'Bria.n.'· » FRYK. Judge. respectfully, i.'ii for hi* crltic il and arti- be said to accumulate, by our surplusage Judicial next to be holden at Par-la interesting Ί10 Court, A true ropy—atu>*t: II. C. Davi*. I«* I m her huaband. on the third Tu. -dav of Α. I». I^.srt P. Wild· of F.ast Slrirl, New York and until his death, llowelL·· ·· "Modern no advan- EMJ/.ΑΠΚΤΗ Jm., funlly Instance" well ob- ceeding rough, therefore present t harlea F. Urrenlcafof in »n d J08I.PII City, who will take pleasure in teat Ifylng to 4 Norway, County McLELLAN. rained Kxrcutor in a of in l?4l* mtv » the wonderful of k -tat.. di*pos<»d Mîircia's lack of religious train- tage arises from the Lumber trade—That row in part* unknown. aud respectfully ahowa to criaiii instrument purpor time to i>e the In «ι w| ) rfirary Ajrer's Mrwpsril- the Hcnoral·!·· t> urt here that ahe ««> married and tenia.nent of Ruth i. 1», not only In (lie cure of this lady, but In an 1 soou after coo- titf. the cold godless at in «sphere of the McLel'an, lateof Brown : J !» r.ag. Petitioners have received from the to the aald t hat lea F. tJreenleaf, t>v her then Add in said ùcaiiii. hi· own cas*· aud many others within hi· home, the of the m>ther. all your county, havlrg present· I sopiueuess name of Elisabeth C. Mr Al!l«ter, at Ox font a'ore the name lor Probate: knowledge. t. ; into a house. a public furnish moral which are inex- Treasurer of this Commonwealth number »a d. on the flxth of Α. I» okih ulii. that suggestions ('ajr February, I87.V «aid Executor five roticeto all on thr lUntnn on The well-known writer firmld, B. >; franud hou-e erected the woven with the and which a consid- by the Rev.X. flobnrt, Vinl»ter ot Ihe tioftpci, peraon* lntcrc*ted canon* « of till* order tricably story, of Tax Bills amounting to very by copy W. of June 1**.': a;ithf riied to «oleronla* mairijuir·, an.I thai the to be I'tiblUfct'd three weeks successively in the Ball, Rochetter, -V.//.,write·, 7, Elias are lar more " of the wt« built realised in the not *4KlM0 ( some years it is bridge by powerfully erable sum 4 being fully sensible aald hârle* F (ireenlenf, her aald huaband d»· Oxford Democrat, a n«w*p*pcr printed at Par- Having suffered severely f.>r with itself than in of It." •ci ted her on the 24th dav of Λ. I>. ia. that they at and failed to rind relief from other s λ l -t >1 oa the same where story any description Dwinher. may appetr a Probate Court to be Eczema, having a -pot in their power in their Infant present 187.'· ar.d left the Slate and (led to ρ «rte unknow η held at Paris,in «aid county,on the third remedies, I have made u»e, during the past tlire·» stands in the rear —Mr Tues- Tiicku> λ ι, cottage Dow Henry James, Sr., whodied State to discharge the same. & obtain a and thvt (he haa not aeen| hioi nor heard from of Feb. next, at mue o'clock la the forenoon months, of Aver-» Saiiacarilu, which ha# at was a man hun in anv way alnee Mid .Mth dav of December. and show cause, H » effected a rurr. 1 nee of Alrah day. Cambridge, twenty POWDER any they bave, why Uie «al tOmpUtt mafrilH» e»«j.. re-:■'·· Hersey, comfortable support for themselves ar.d 187Λ nor ha· heb-^n in the S'ateof Maine,and he ln*trumeni should not be cent for all blood disease·." y.ars since well known as a writer and proved, approved and remedy was i· not cow in the Hiate of Maine, and that after allowed a* the last Iv I '.a front >»f the house families As have never been able to Pure. Will aad Testament ol sail ;>uMic lecturer; but the brilliant reputa- they Absolutely ilne diligence ahe la not able to tlnd ont or hear In deceaacd. which and ThU powder never rariea. λ marrel of parity .1 liwu. at th»· head of tion of bis son has for the hire suillclent for their poor « hat part of the World he mar he, or may reaidr R A. FRYE, past twenty Schooling «trenKih ane aaid Elizabeth C· (ireenleal A true copy—Attest : H C. Da via Ayer's Sarsaparilla th< front >!·» >r were two *· ar> rather ecl i>sed the reputation of the ami cannot be ■ lraya a divorce from the bond* of matrimony, (tlmulate· and regulate· '«ther. Λ of a when with tbe multitude of low lest, «horl Ss: At .ι .art ι·· .■»«<· (quarter century ago ■<>ΐΒ|>β;ιΐίοη from the aaid Charlea F tireenleaf .an reasonable OXrOU), ol ΓΊΐΐΐΜΐ· and assimilative organs, renews and _ ; -1. Forty years a and the gestive p«»plar- erected school House, present wet»ht Alum, or pfcoaphate powder·. onduene to domeattc and within and for of Oxford doctrine to attract and harmony Pari», the County cure# Swedenhorg's began can*. Co. proper, the vital force·, and speedily wi-t was a Α·>η*-Μ<·<·4 a House for Publick Sold onlp in ltoYAL IUKISU PoWUKB cr.nai»tent wiih the and of on the third Tuesday of January, A. D ISM, •treugthens ili*»r--tep λ attention iu New England, Mr. James vear Intend to Erect peace morality Society Sew York. And ahe will ever t>rav. WILLIAM A. ISAKICOWS, Uuxrdian of Ml ran Hheuniatmn, Neuralgia, Rheumatic (tout. -_·< tre. which was found w »s oue of his b"st known and are to ptn· disciples Worship, but if they obliged par ELIZABETH C. ORBBNLKAF. da «arrow*, an Insane perann, of Pari» In «aid Catarrh, tieneral Debility, and all disease· ■ to of v. τι· at tii »t : me. at riding was wrote two or three books kindred the Several Taxes which now lies Oxford, Maine, January Unit, lv.;. '•oiir.tr, hxviiig preiented hi* account (Dlld· arising from an or corrupted condi- the agains «aid im|>ovenshed sir fit that w*re read. He was lanshlpof ward for allowance : ,v -addle. It win widely *FER»r*Crt tion of the blood, and a weakened vitality. ti in th·* them It will be out of their power Ordered. That the «aid tiuirdian give notice ti- > a fr« contributor to the wholly STATE OF ΜΛΙΝΚ. <|ueut maga- to all per*on« interested a of this It I* incomparably the cheapest blood medicine, tn η·, h tb'.pg for the wires of by causing copy a to build a House, to hire order inies. member of the famous radical club Meeting preach- Oxford, M.—January J'.'tb, lua. to be publiahed three week» successively It on account of it· concentrated strength, and great » aworn to. the Oxford to to ■ J <»ne Subscribed and tietore me, Democrat printed at Paria, that ttlrr> of l'art* journey 11 ision. and of Carlyle's most inti- or schooliug or their private they power over di»ea»e. ing discharge DAN 10 Dl'NN. J tut Ice of the Peace may ap[»ear at a Probate Court to be held at Paria bu.k in the saddle mate American friends. He was of Irish tt- ar i debts Wherefore your Petitioners humbly through the Stale. In «aid county on (hc third Tueadav of Feb. next, PREPARER BY and inherited a fortune from his at nine o'clock in the f >renoon and «how cau*c il wr.t«r was one with i'tr· ntage t! honours would consider their the »amc : at her. who was a merchant at the begin- Pray your ■NNVAL· STATE OF MAINE. any they bare why «Mould not be allowed Dp. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maee. a » w r !e to Worcester and ba~k RICHARD A. I RYE, Judge. the at Albanv. New York. situation and circumstances and 'Ο* Supreme Jndieial Court, at C iiambera, January all »tji bottle· for | century, present -π πι» A true II. Sold Druggist·; price 91. 90. Wéu be uuuloil rem to «11ΙΒΜ,^τ— apillranta, and Ιο 23, IMS. copy-atte»t: C. Davis, Register. by of t.in- s in the saddle, one bun- Much of l.:s life was abroad. Since an abatement of all the Taxes tonwra of !a*trear witb-mt It Itoontalna passed grant them '^nWltw the foregoing Libel, It la Ordered, That •(«Hit 17j | atfea. Illustration·, price·, in urti* Upon OXFORD aa :—At ft Court of Probata held at the war. however he resided chiefly at notic« t>e to the aald 1 harlea F. i.roenleat ! fly miles. which now lies against their Plantation or dr»crtina atid valuaM·· direction» (or plant of given Pari*, within and for the Count* of Oxford, on THE Subscriber hereby given publie notice tnat varMlea the aforesaid l ibel, with thla order i'ambr:dge. Mr. Henry James, Jr., is his lit» of V Market iarlenera fct.YIKA LUST. Administratrix o„ the ol Probate for the I'oantvof Oxford aud assumed a* a lall)· Send for It ! Oxford Democrat, a o· wspaper puhlialied al S: >w .1 h· ι-< was as shall estate of John 8· Lunt. late ol Dixfleld in «aid the tnut of Executor of the estate ol occupied ii t!ie matter of style and intellectual bent ours think til and in duty bound D. M FERRY & CO. Detroit Paiia.lnaald of Oxford, the llrat Miom._ County publi county, deceaaee, having prr*ente,| her account SARAH MOl'LTON late of Porter. About between wis a : !. « areful he received from catioe to be thirty days at leaat before the aittini midway tramming ever (Signed) of administration of the c«tate of *tld dc-ea-"d is said County deceased by giving bond as the law Pray. of the Court, that be may appear at thr .Hapreme of his father. WAITED. for allowance· dircefs he therefore re^u'-^f· all per«on« who sre .nip where a man the came Geo ko κ Judicial Court. t<> h* held ai Pari*. wltbm and (or by Pkikck, j'k ιίο>1 ft Οκηκκκη, that the «aid Administratrix ^irc nolle· indebted to thecntate of said derr*se I to mske Im (toner «1 hou-ew girl. wag I tie ot on tbn second Tue* 01 fir-t Henja Com for said County Oxf»rJ, lay U> all |-·οη« InterMtfd a ol thl« me+llate and tboae who have -hingle- to cover the Om\ r.R Wr.xpKi.i Hoi.\ir.>. Author of Patch, will be to rarh. Tnl· will a the [Μ by r*a»in^ copy payment anydemanda Λι.οκΙ. paid |be good Mtirh, Λ. (>., ΙάΙ. t» .-n-wor to foregoing to t>r Plantation. a * tioae order three weeks in thereon to exhibit the lams to the "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table.*' David Kay. rhao<"<· for marrie»! woman, huaband be liearrlnte<| at Pari* that they THOMAS MOULTON. « Jona. Moors. ( \\ ALT' the >u t. has resigued his Professor- W. IN, lntllMof a : 'ae whrn the Andrews II »use recently to may appear at Probata Court to be holden at Jan. l·;, 188.1. 13 1794 Apply prcmc Judicial Court. on al ρ ;n Harvard I'ulv.-rsitT in order that Otisfleld January liUkACK CUM MI NliS. I'aria the third Tuesday of Frb. next at nine URg. OXFORD, *·.—8rr*Kiir Jcpici al cot κτ. t THE Subscriber gives notice that \ .. It. there wa.- one other dweli- he n»>re to liter- Parla Hill. Me. o'clock iu the lorenoon, and «how cau»e if any hereby public only m iy lievot-· himself fully Clerk's Offio·, Jan. *t, I··;!, i • he ha» been the Hon. ol For the I>rmocr*l they have why the «atno ahould not be allowed. duly appointed by Judge west of that on the Kamford u v Puriui: the year 1S8J he A true copy of Libel and Order of Court there Probate for the of Oxford, and assumed pursuits. Τ AMKI M WltH.Hr. R. A FltYE. Judge. County OF A on. the trust ol Administrai χ of the estate of was Amasa Fo>>* wl write for the Atlantic DEATH NONAGENARIAN. A trticcopy—Attest:-il.c. DAYI8 that buiit by exclusively Attest: AI.UKRT S. ACSTIN, Clerk. Rqtokr. ISAIAH HI Z/.KI.I.. lue ot stow. ι. from the */ '■. to which he lias begin- Solomon Leonard diet! at l'on»!, in said a* ν t'. ("11 Fellow- Hall on the ea-t Bryants OXFORD, aa:—At η Court of Probate held at County, deceased, by giving bond the n one of the πι >st constant and STATE or M \ l\E. law directs: »he »w^, Dec. ninety He & Counselor at Law. Pari», withtu and for the County of Oxioid therefore request·all persons In- in from the road about IfRh, aged nearly year». Attorney on to to >f the road, α s», hllhl} vaM contributors. The OXFORD. aa, Probate Court, January Term the third Tuesday of Jan., Α. Ι). 1^»ϊ. debted the estate of said deceased make was born in Middleboro, Mass.. In 17'.»3, A I). UN the petition of Saviah liorr widow of Cyrus immediate payment; aud those who have any de- \ i- This hou^e wa- then <»wne bt rtr«: Τ his contributors to the Atl mtic for I'ari», Maine. IM. a ha* Dorr, late or Franklin Plantation In «aid County, mand· the.eon to exhibit the same to an of WHEEL AS, petition beenduly tiled,pray iss. An After-Breakfast Talk" in the learned the trade of iron founder Hutlnris and .i.-e,«»« l, for *o allowance out ol the EMILY O. HI /./KM Ί.- i" pman. wh> ownnl a blacksmith Special attention given to Probate tag that the balance remaining in the han.lt 01 praying numHer, in the spirit, and and in 18S1 Colleriinr. 1rs administrator of the e^ute of Jane pcrmmal c»laio of her late huab ind Jan. Ιβ, l*i<3. the where now January quit·.· Caleb Laphaui of Pembroke, Reynold*, which stood spot late of deceased, on settle Ordered, That the «aid notice marked the wisdom and wit, of the T. Reynold-, Dtxdeld. petitioner give Til Κ subscriber notieethat by came he to all lntere«ted a hereby ^ives public ·- 'Ws and it wa- to Maine. Fifty-seven year·» ago, meu t of hia final account. madr at Probate ( >urt person· by causing copy the Old F« ii Hall: \ u toe rat" The of he has been appointed by the Hon. Judi/e of MiT.nal pipers price at Pan· within and (or sal 1 < «11 the of thi* ordertobepubli«hedthrrewe,-k» aucce«»lve· duly a little foumlrvat North Mid ,unty. Probate fur the County of Oxford and aseumedlhc that the wor- :.·· .t ··.* Is 00 ·vear. With a life- built Woodstock, A boor Irintha Oxford Democrat at I'aria.that Λ old >iack»tn.*h -hop #4 L. C. YOUNG, third Tuesday of January, D. I8BS may printed trust of Administrator on the rotate of tiiev at a Probate Court to be held at * i/e of Dr. Holmes. Si next..it nine o'clock In the forenoon and «how cause : Chipman !ι ίγμΟ or MERCHANT directs; he therefore requests all persons In I· bled wv.ttler. Low.;·, Brvant. Kmerson, TAILOR, all persona Interested therein by publish if any they hare why the same should not be τ1- which his carried all over the to the estate of said deci a·· d to make Immediate r. S ·!». At that time, appr s ■·» a ♦ Park peddlars a of lhn order three week· sue- granted. H ught-'t. Mifflin Co., ing copy sod those who bave any demands there a news· RICHARD A. FltYE, payment, He was there a number of Woodford's, Maine,* rcsalvely in the Oafurd Democrat, Judge. » tr.i i« w irkol evenlng«. an I Street, Boston, Mass. country. long KM, that \V v||in<.t<»x IKMNi. ••t rayon ra-1 Hubliard Tnildijr, ·« At a Court of held at lesion, Jan. 16, IsC. a ( b« OXFORD Probate on the same business. In hkt Olh. Ihry may appear at Probate jurt, thru to \ >w« ;·> heat th· rod- r*. Prince in the realm of he carried 18CÔ, Pari* within and forthe County of Oxford wn *h>· ; Ttii·» very held at Paris, within ami lor atid county, at ten THE subscriber hereby public notice that At Ihr Amlr«u· Hon·*, «n. Purl·. M'«d· on the third Tuesday of Jan.. A. lJ. 1κ*Ι give» •!»-rs it last able to enter the hom»*s of he returned to Woodstock and built a lit- tt'cioek in the forcn,>on, and *b«w eauae, if au> be has been dulv appointed by the Hon. Jsdge oi r to r «k·· η Is. All na;,- at that nrxU) anil Thurnl·), Κ·Ι» Till A Nlh. ON the |>eti'Jon ol Willard I> Dunn. Guardian Cyru* bis inimlt- they have, »κ.ιίη·Ι the .une. l'r>!>au· fir th* Conntv of Oxford and av-utned the •r i.nary mortals. Until lately tle near Pond where he of Frank C and l^ura M. Iitinn. minor heir.» of ·ν· w»>r·» ti in i n;a : A! t';·· fir»*. l'uiM- foundry Bryant's At the Hrthrl Hon·». *>*thal lllll. Otrtajr RICHARD A. FRYK.Judge. tiusl of Ex· cutor Ol tha estate of have been in· Kila M. I»unr, lateof Ma»» .deceased, ibta pro hh UoM practically • ml latnrd·)', K«b. Olh A lOth. A truo copy—alteat : II C- Davis, Itcffi-ur. Htonghton. Κ. ΒI.Λ< Κ. late of li.r.un. made a few casting* more for amusement I >r to ·>οϋ and certain real KICUAItU were »« prawnu llcente convey ri^> of Pari·» wrought nailed. «τ» '-le on account of their high co«t. and in «aid » deceased. bond a-· tiiclaiv At Baal*· lintel. ,\nrwa>', Monday- estate described In his ·η on flic In the P. i- ounty by giving of has than Hut he gave up even this l'n.i wlio are S \*.\ vn; the Iwvliiu:;* on the Γ: re· ent >.\ pi ration copyright protlt. Titfaila) l:ih, Notice. bate t»fBcr. to ι, i»uv« II IJver-on. at an a Ivan· reqiiesi» per Coinml^ioiirr'» Indebted to the estate of .· ud d>■< 'eased to make *»cn bv the Ordered. That the «aid Petitioner ;{ive notice v which ha·» to harvest the undersigned appointed < t'ie im·· » preferred the of his life lu I «m t > i«ho\v as larce λ line of Wool an >1 maud tUrcon to exhibit α hou-·. the closing years protracted prepared Hon. of Probate for the Coumy of Oxford. to all |>er«>)ua Intere-ted bv causing abstract wa-the Parson- opposite ·· nt· titan the <-<>imc >E <■· GIlEEN'l. a« of t; tK ml» rather >Ίΐ·ι·αη)ι« foun t e*»t «ί Ι1·»·ΐοο, the alaim* with this order thereon to be He was an mau ·η«τ» Co re····!»»' and examine hl« petition pub- ws >«· Kast, ami retirement. intelligent til t^e la'r.t η >τ··1:ι««< in Korriitn and ltoinr«tic Jan. W, IM. \n !r> Hou«e. *>uiIt *>y J ph .·> of t'·· η. i.i of hi"» countrymen I tif creditor· a^ainat the estate of llaltie It lt«ti·» lished three week* «uni they may appear The nub'Criber hereby give· No' -v >,· a'> >tlt ten Γο«ί- *h«> »te<· :i*ht memory. »ej«OQ bee tu·* I CanDOt Ι«·»τ<· liu«inr»« at public Itarly resented ins dvent hereby ttlvo notice that six a Probate nurt to be held at Pari* In »aM thai l»« ha* been the Hon. Ju l^-e it-autifui h / viredltionof bis the doctrine of Miller, I (he flr»t o( Mareli. I |H lia*e faeili I duly by uwu' ί I-tac Smith r> "Cray- is43, he embraced h (ountv on the third Tuesday of Feb. next, at V appointedc »nl has it· Ku«t hou«f. > ; Tall >rln« January. of Probate f>r the »uutv of Oxford ri « :h a brilliant sketch of the it*· lur Join* the lirxnl M«rrh«nt in which to and «how cau-e paper·» and for he has been IM iittUovrd to ««id rreditnrs o'clock in the forenoon if any they assume I the trust ot Executor of the estate of and ί>η«· <>th«r house g Smith's, ι nearly forty years, lituine·* 111 Maine end my location outside of ; adjoinit ! ■- th·· »'t. Κ II Stoddard. ju*t »η·1 their >-1 « to «. and that ihev will have m hy the same should not be granted li ill S M< I »>N Al.ii, : it< ill » y ρ low enables me In do I present prove for the second ad- Port land, with exp<-ti«et. at ll»ll ·ι H rv ant's Pond. U Λ. ritl Λ. I «. '« waiting and watching |>e in union the Town JU'JC sai deceased bv bond a* the ν 1) N· »'·"·■. II NoM« .ι '-v.t ._· « v.· uine of over is just work it medium I »h«tl be in I County, giving yond 'Ir·l··'!*"· p'iees. of Jane : Il C. Davi» m In VVoodatwk. <>n Saturday,the il l day Atrueiopv-stte·! Regist. r, law he therefor·· n*<| te-U all persons with a view to that he would live to to mfl roy old friend· and ac,|iieintanc ·· directs; »· t wa- a r«r-»t t«» the >%ud a-tuie them debted to the estate -til *asel make »t the place* above motiwoued aald claim*. OXFORD. sa:—At λ Court ot Probste held at curing the immense .sale.that see the of all terrestial. pose of receiving an·! examining imm'diafe and those wh·· hare any de tu i>n tbe south side of the road—about promptly wiudin^ up things Hit: auy order* leit with me will receive my per· l'aris, within mid for the of Oxfori on payment, l»»ted at Woodstock the .Mil ol fan |Λ*1. County m au < to the same to « *» trv t·· make the low is day I thereoa exhibit in·· price pos>l- man aud -ooal attention and be flllM In a fat factory man J the third Tu«--day ot .fun., Α. I». I8KI, » »' He was a kind-hearted DANVILLE LIBBKY, Κ Β. tw > hj* lr- 1 at r* of Tori a genial, Ρ ETE YOCNt. original p.ne ·-. rt" ·r«. t send, ii ordered at once, oer. < ON the |*titi >n of Sarah J sole fur he was ALBION P. OLB. Bradley, Jan. Ι·>, «si. to ad- without an enemy. The fact that vivio;; «'(«-rutrlx of ttie last will testament -, ι, η c->py. in cloth binding any to Knit and Cro- of l»ra«*l It Bradley, late of Fryebur* in said ΓΙΙΚ -ub*crl;ier beretiygtvc* ιι >tice tii.il :r· -- t;j·· cents, or the in the buslu.-ss in Ox- —Kilty Uirls, STATE OK MAINE. public τ". i: i w. -t «id·· Of th»· N«»rw tor wImI pnceof pioneer foundry f >r to «HI and til >> ct"·!. tioo 1 « accê. i'ay Weekly. I.igbl, county, de'eased, pravmr ll<-en*· hr liu beeo dnljr app >inted by the Il'ta. Jud^e » for 4j cents. Irv- the WA3TKI» real -till >n ha!: K»**ia blading ford and lived so far beyond Riven out to be racle at iloj.e. M.—Court ol 3d Wednes- convey eerUin e.tat.· deaoribed ri hop ρ of ProtMU· tor llm omr.· of OxfirJ, and M· frow rh> hlack-r::!th «hop OJd Fel- County, "teady Work, OYFORD, ln«olvency, In· Works are offered for Work rail*,ι for and detivere I fr*c, by Κ (pre·*, A. I· 1^!. on flic In the Probate OfUie, co All>ert Κ M' suraed thr· trust of Etccutor of the of ng's complete of mau, seem to this day of January. w »vi ·<. two average age justify and tire, at in offer of lire hundred > Κ «. \ οι H dwelling ran^;nu iroin le»s than $0 00, up- (ilobe Ki'iltiag Co., cor. of South Tufls Sis., in the matter of STEPHEN G. HATCH, In- advantageous ΚI SVIΝ Κ V. late Paru. prie··» be on dollar*. for ihe payment 01 debts, l.gaciea, ex In (aid deceased it vin^; bind a« the > brief notice which I lloston, Ma·* solvent Debtor. County, by of one «· >r\ ea· t». owned Au-tin w »r .> Γ lie editiou until recent- hope may put by cheapest It Is ordered. That notice be given to all |-fn»ei of **'« *u I administration: lawdlrvc!*: he Uxrrl'irt request· all pers >n« in will Mr. Leonard's hereby to 1 II -the I.it-were >n co-t over $30.00. The publisher record in the Democrat interested In the sett'ement of the Ordered, That the «aid Petitioner give notice drbted lu the f-talo ο' said d''fai I to miki' Im- Cy priai ly li UHX. person* of -end η tree to any one upon and his account of W. Ο inugla·». Assigne.i of tie «H person» interested, by caualng an abstract mediate pigment, and t*i»?-·■ v»ht) have any d· specim· pa_;.-s wife died thirty years ago, to tu -the .1 »hn Β S tu well house anil nearly ai>ove name ! Insolvent Debtor, by causing a her petition with thii order thereon to pub m mil· thereon t > <·ahiblt tli·· »am> r. Johu Β AlJfu, Id publisher, ] oldest with whom he found au In Waterville, Jan.23, lo the wife of Itaae Λ. of this order t·"» bo two weeki, ll«he«l three weeks successively in the Oxford S. JOHN-ON CI "SUM Α Ν. tL»· ·'.-· a«! «iairj ea-t. daughter copy published Street. New York. Hlake. a ton. In the OxCorl Democrat, a news Democrat, a newapsper at ParU, in -aid Jan. 16. 1»«3. V'rsey a successively. printed in his declining years, died year saiil that that may appear at a Probate Court, Froin th»· S:>well h >u«»» to line asylum paper prict 'd In Pari*, in County, they Conuty, they 1 rnblic Votfc·· Ilijit Norway on thinl ol Keb TIIB OwIHiRhII b(fv6j — a for at a Court of Insolreory to He hel 1 at to tx· held at Pari*, the Tuesday Junior." juvenile Operetta, Two children, a son and a daughter, may appear h·* lia· Imm Ί·ιI ν br tin: of the η »rth an I w -t »: If of the road, it "Gyp. ago. M A lilt I ED. Probate Court Itoom on the third Welnesdty next, at nine o'clock iu the fore-noon, and show Appelated Ηοο·<1·4(· hurch.-hool ami other ameteur organiza- the Probate for tin· C»uif nl Otforl, m Msunnl are all that remain of the and the of next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon caute If any they hare why the same ahould not « al for· «t w th the of 1). lamlly, February "I *d niul-t ι: τ of estate of exception tion- Libretto by Lirl Marrie. Music by if see be th« tru«t the X. Stooe, and b« heard thereon, and object they (ranted. Μ. χ ι. — former left the State ago. In >'ryeburc. J*n. itth.br Κ«·* Β. M IKl Λ. Ιϋί'ΐΛ s. a : new of about one hundred F A. operetta many years Or cause. RICHARD A. FRYK, Judge. »rs« clear.ng Hodges. pretty juvenile Mr. Charles K. Smith and Mus Eliitbeth L. .η ·»ι·Ι » ointv. I'V μ···<Ι. virai/ bind in the IXDKX. R A. FRYK. Jndge A true Η C. Davis. Register. by />' .<··η Trurtlrr. Junior," of copy—Atteat all .0 a r· « xtendin:: j«t the hou«e of Diihj "Gyp, food both Eryebur*. Oxford County. law direct· ; be therefore ικρββι· peraons beyond lS8At a Court of Probate bald at dfMid Ό thi! l'itatovl κι 1 ore a. lwti. maud* 1 In iron to exhibit thr »uue l« as Dr. Twitchkll.—Some ago Tueaday I ngsh'· rs were occupied pasture lauds r»·r. The is attractive, and the music Stale of KlalBf. of JITLIA A. Guardian II. Ut ED. plot noticed the fact that Dr. G. M. Twltchell OX the petition SffAX, LKVMS for the entertainmeut of cbll- 3d Wed of (Jeorgie S. Karwell, minor h«'ir of Arthur •Ian. 16. Ittti. ar the time mentioned. Wf-11 adapted front room in In Cmlon. Ian 14. Jennie E., wIf# of Milton B. OxroBU. ss:— Court of Insolvency, 75 hail taken the remaining late of Gilead. ta «aid County, de· drrn —It ·.-.' ·* // .«ι<· Journal. Price M nes.lay of January. Α. υ. lfNJ. G. Farwell, tiv ibiic notic tti.it When the Stowell brother* and would remodel Oar I·, »„·«■'! year*. to sell and eonvev ΤΗ Κ nib· Tib'T ho.1 gives |> purchased Odd Fellows' Block, wife of lu matter of H. Jones, Insolvent ceaaad. praying for license ι-ents. White. Smith i Co., In Canton, Jan II, Mr*. Deborah, the Joseph of hp ha· been «I'll7 t»v tbe lion. Judge publishers, These have now is That notice be one third Interest iu the homestead firm appointed .ι Ν a·. I m 11·* th»· r openings at S his entire office. changes Thomas Allen, 31 Tear*. Debtor:—It hereby ordered, of Probata lor the (bounty 01 Oxford, and as-oinn-d Boston. agid Interested in the settlement Gilman Karwell, late of Gilead, af>re«aid, and we venture the given u> all persons trust of Administrator of tin: estate ·>! now have been accomplished As. deceased, to Wab·»] Karwell at an alvanta*. ou» the Par- Ku-tiMd Norway^ could of tho tlnal account of Warren O. Douglass. of — Rtcieir for Feb- no town iu the State LYMAN W. KOHHKs, iat·! of Li veil, Slate Tkt .I'Hfrici* opinion that country the above named insolvent debtor, bv offer of one hundred dollars. fortlfteen hundred dollar-. 1 •igntc of «l>c :**«d, by glwog bind a» th·? km with a in which a or more attractive this to be i»ubli»he 1 two Ordered, that the said petitioner give notice Mii-iihunU*, boqgM ru oi*n- symposium has better arranged New Advertisements. causing a copy of order s all In- try a bv an abstract law dirre * be therefore request· person· now oc- weeks In the Oxford Democrat to all peraon* Interested causing havt· hi ird Elia« Stowell observe that he \ theologians, representing suite of dental rooms than those successively to debted to the <8'nte of said drci>aa*meut, aul who bar· made uite an if >rt to induce a tuy religious cupied by mav at a Court of Insolvency to be be three week* sueresatvelj wealthy they appear published that ιηαιι I* thereon lo exhibit III·: *am« to view* the and the Probate Court Koom, on the 3d the Oxford Drmoc.rat printed at Pari» they to to their upon question been newly painted, papered carpeted held at H M. F KENNKY. W >ter r »a Capt. Lfwis Barnard pre--iou at nine o'clo-k In may at a Probate court to be held at Paria vision of Creed*·." Prof. Alex- and with uew furniture seem invit- Wednesday of Feb.. next, I ·· of tne ·*Κ· very II appear the third of Keb neat Lowell, Miu Jan II, I, niak- the he hesitated, but "The the lorenoon, and be beard thereon, and object In said County,on Tueaday purchase; finally and« r Wine hell, iu au article entitled ing. The new instruments and appliances at β o'clock In the forenoon and »how eauae il any they ace eause. R. A. FIO Ε Judge OXFORD, s*:—At a Court of Probate held at as was «ο Insti- serve BEST not be c m iuded that it, far out of the H of Universal Suffrage," which have lately been added only of Insolvency Court. Oxford Co. tbey have why the aame should granted 1'ariit within and fur the county of Oxford. (périment R- A. FRYB, Judge into the essential to the ex- A true copy. Attest : H. C. Davih, Register. on the Third Tnesdav ol Jan Α. I».. I**!. w >r t it it w >ul 1 never m ad avail- tut···. a profouud inquiry strengthen opinion already Davis. doctor that A true copy -attest H. C. Re«i»ter. WILL A 111) I). Dl'NN, Administrator on the conditions of stable popular government, pressed. We are glad for the STATE Or~MAlSE, able. he wouid not make the investment. held at Pan» rotate of Klla M. Duna, lite of Atoughtoa, Μι·· ilu U to be. virtue he has so an office, and for our cit- OXVOKD, Hi:—At a Courtof Probate which he substantially, pleasant M January «, a. d. 1883. on deceases, hi· account 01 a 1 nia s. OXFORD. wltbla and lor the County of Oxford, the having pre»ented More &uon. p. p. but these conditions he can be made so comforta- uoiice, That on the fcM «Ι r ot «aid de· jssti tor allow- and intelligence; izens that they ΠΛΗΙ8 I· to a1*8 tbird of Jan. Α. I>. 1M3. alt'iu tbe estate <>f Α. I». I»«3, a Warrant in Tueaday t are unatttiuable un- while their molars are at- day of January, of SARAH KAKWBLL. or ance ; in'· u, Jan., maintain*, absolutely ble aching being X of Insol- On the petition Brown Insolvency was issued out of the Court that lleury far Oplered,That the «aid Administiator five c:iice where said our existing political system, tended to.—Fair Held Journal. I ne estate Bethel, in County, praying der Sheeting vency for said county of Oxford, against oa to all per MM lniere».i··! by causing a copy of tbi· or well, ol Itetnol.be appointed Adminia'raior an electorate either .gnorant or vicious, A. Gordon of Buckfleld la Mid County order lo be published thrt e week· In SENATOR FRYE. of George the estate of ltarbor B. Karwell, late of B ih:l, successively of num- Crank. — The Kennebec to be an Insolvent Debtor, on petition ol tbe Oxford l>emocr.i( at Paris, ibai they •xith. the mere force superior An Oxford adjudged in said County, deceased : printed :n the vot- by which petition wee Hied on the al a Probate Court I·· be held at Paris Krerv Republican Legislature nullities whose said Debtor, tbat «aid Pcl'er give notice to all per· may appear bers, people, Journal that a card has l>een of Jan., A. υ INKl.to which laat nana- Ordered, in on the 1 of leo. neat, was elected to be hi·» practically says postal fliteesth day Interested a copy ofthis said <>>uul) third uesday I ! r Mr F rye wh«· the of the ; That a«iu- therein by publishing right to control government a crack ed date interest on claims is to be computed in the Oxford at 9 o'clock in the forenoon and «how cause If any »· terra of «ix received at the State House from oider three week* successively .«ι c(*vir for the years iu the of debts and the delivery and bave the same should not be allowed. commonwealth is grounded very the payment sny I>eiiioerat at ParU In said county that they they wby ii" The utm «t to said debt- printed It. A. Kil _ March Ith I*·-..!. writes in Oxford County, who appears transferor any propeity belonging to be held at pai i- K, Judge, nature of things. Bishop McQuaid residing and inay apt>ear at a Probate Court >n 's to him or for hia u»e,and the delivery niue o'clock A true copy—atteat: U.C. DAVU. Keai-ter. »rr:. ex su-«l in r»la>i tr> Mr Fry In tor, on ih·· tnird ol Keb next.at ·π_ν of "The of Protestantism." and to be anxious lest he shall be elected ot him la forbidden by Tuesday Decay very REMNANTS, transfer any property by cauie If have >. and show any they flection. N«»t a it. The voice of a creditors of In the forenoon m:— u a 1 oiirtof a^aiti-t to his thesis, makes very as fol- law; That a meeting of the OXFORD, Probata, essaying prove United States Senator. It reads the time should not be granted. an·! for the Count ν of Oxford thf : au·» decldeii that Mr. Fry·· said to prove their debt* and why 1'ari·. within -['le Ions adroit use of the admissions of protestant debtor, choose R. A. KKYB, Judge. A. l> IKMl. : or more of bil Mini, will be held on the third Tuesday of Jan. ! >· rf-< t«l; thf act: >n tak>-n y es- Is the lows one aêiitfnee· C. DAVIS, Remitter. writers. "The Political Situation" W to be holden at the 1 ro· A true copy—atteit:—II. ON the petition of CHAULES W i.RAI and re- " I » M at a court of Insolvency te rtav the if^i»latur»» was but the one Hora- Gentlemen, Scallie and other Wags of of Ox- L.liHAY.ol Minot, in Mid < maty by »mt title of two articles, the by bate court room in Paris, in said county OXFORD, SS:—Al a Court of Probate beld at IlBRBERT will.—Α·ΐΊυ*'α I warn not to of α. υ. ibal Isaiah Tbtirlow of M loot, be ap- eoroin·» ol their supreme the other Geo. S Bout- Maine and East Maine you ford, on the twenty first day February, Paria, within and for the County of Oxford, praving tio Seymour, by >r oa the eut ite 01 Austin \, as a States lest irtsi, at » o'clock in the lorenoon. ot Jan. A· I>. )"*S. pointed Administrai ./ 'umai. off τ their view J upon elert me United Seuator, the thinl Tuesdav well. who respective hand the date first above writ- a Gray, laie of Woodstcck, m said County, de- facts it is be a Given under my On the of SILAS Κ KING, creditor T:ie following biographical the recent overthrow of the the result of il would oonstitutlonal Sheriff, petition M ceased : the causes of ten. J. W. WHITTEN, Deputy of Oxfoia, in *atd County, prating tnu Jeaae tiow to rft-ali. Sfnat"r F'v·* was with no oath in it. Stalwarts, 8 cts. Yard, ixmrt of for on Ordered. 1 hat the said Petitioners give nolle·· An article L)r. D. amendment as Messenger of the Insolvency of Poland, be Administrator tiadj liepuM.can party. by per I.ibby. appointed interested a of this take notice and aald County of Oxford. Jeremiah G. late of Phila- to all persons by causing copy •rn in Lewi «ton. Sept ïl, 1*81: griduat- on Κ Incation in machine men, etc., please the estate of Crosby, week* In A. Sargent, "Physical r· ai estate la order to be published three -uceessively tuur edocatloml Institutions. Fin- POLITICAL. day Jsnuary, Ordered, Tbat | give cause 11 higher of Amos A. Bird, Insolvent a ottni* at · ο clock in the forenoon and -hew any was of LfWi*ton in Η6β-β7; In the matter to all by caualng copy ·": mayor there are two articles on "The Stan- p«rson«interested the they hare why the sause should not be ^ranuo. ally. Brown order to bepubllshed three weckssuccesalrely la "-OfV of the Stat- In Ιμ'.Γ. Best Α. Κ wa.« att KfOf ral Senator Catnd-n of Sheeting That notice be given lo at that may Κ. RYE, Judge, lard Oil Company I hereby ordered, Democrat Parla, tbey bread out of his L>Itur Oxford printed ··- was tufmber of the na- the party's of the A II. C- Davis, Register. and Λ· ; elected th it "Taking all persons Interested in the settlement at a Probate Court to be held at Pana truecopy—attest Wi st Virginia defending corporation which one Demo- of the appear committee in 1-72 and mouth" Is the charge account ol Warren O. Douglass. Assignee on the third Tueaday ol Feb. next at tional and John C. Welch a In «aid County OXFORD,·»:—At a Court of Probate held republican against its a--ailants, Insolveot Debtor, by causing shew eausrif any wi- elected a trustee of cratic In Ohio Mr. above-named at V o'clock Intheforrnoonand within and for the Countv of Oxford, re-elect» <1 in 1«7»ί; reasons for organ prefers against be two weeks, Paris, setting forth the condemning copy oi tins order to published hare, the same should not be granted of -Ian Λ. I>. IsM. Coàl' in ls-Ό; received the de- Pendleton. Democrat, a news- they why 011 the third Tueaday Bowd<>in Ke a Published at REMNANTS, successively, In the Oxford R. A. FRYB. Judge. Vcbola* D. M dangerous monoply. WM.C Guardian ol Mer- ;·ι in Pari· In said that lh fnun Β»u-.« Colif-f IM1; York. paper printed County, A true C. DAVIS, Register havtnz bis ac i· Place, New —The Central Committee ol of to be heid copy—attest:—II. rill, an insane iiersou presented 1«· 4; and Lafayette Democratic may appear at a Court Insolvency ward was a Presi lentiai elector In S Wednes- count of guar liaaahip of sail for alio* to be sued for a bill for at the Probate CoU't Room on the I a ol Probate held at dican Ohio is about OXFORD,as:—At Court ance: was a to the Ν ttional K· pu Feb. at nine o'clock In the forenoon, of delegate the last day ol nest, within and for the County Oxford, the notice wn- » Y. torcnes used during campaign. cts. Yard If »ee cause. Paria, Okdkkku, that said Guarditn give .η 7·· aud cho·· Ci S G Κ ESS M A X DINGLE 36 1\ be beard thereon, and they Jan. a. u.. I"s3. (' >nveution> 1*Γι*. SO; Inch, per anil object on the third of a of of this matter has lueaday to all persons Interested by causing copy this Com- The exposure brought R. A. FRYE. Judge of MBRCY T. HOLM AN. of en Thairniau of thf St*'·· has him- ON the petition order to be published t week* successively in the K-publican Congressman Dingley proved the fact that the committee owes of Insolvency Court, Oxford Count». * that Elij ib Hoi· resigned made to light Dixdeld, In said tunly praying Oxford Democrat printed at Paris, that Uiey may mittee of Maine, after Mr Blaine self a valuable man, and has already A t-ue H. C. Davis, Administrât ici of Mr. to a such jmmissloaers in the Oxford Demo er occasioned br the resignation bill ju>t passed belongs him, say he has been great offender in the estate of Hereon Cum· ed three week* »uceea»ivel y shipping ol creditor· against that at a was in said deceased, crat at Paris, they may appear Blaine to accept the positiou of Secret*ry abd it- accompanied by case». what they charge against mines, late of Albany county, printed *s:—At a Court of Probate held at presentation Possibly that six Probate Court to be held at Pari* in «aid County OXFORD, was to of his iu»olvent. hereby give notice on of State, aud took his seal March Hth, a which listened him is true, but there Is in favor represented of Keb. next at Bine o'clock Paris, within and for the County ol Oxtord powerful speech, South Paris. the date of said are oa the third Tuesday from appointment 1». — the takes a month· any hare the third Tueadav of Jan, A 1**». 1W1. K.r. with marked attention by large audi- the old adage,—"It in which to and in the forenoon and ihew cauae If they employment allowed to eald creditor· present Y. Tl'EI.L, A lrniuialrator On liu : the aame should not be created. ΒΕΝΙΑΜΙΝ ence. he said to catch a their claim·, aud that why late of (imnner, tn said Closing. rogue rogue." prove tbejr ΐ?.·ΐϊ«ΛΪ!on B. A-FRYB .Judge. estste of Hiram Heath, Notice. »t the law office of R. A. Frye In Bethel his account Wk desire to call attention to the ad- influence Is felt abroad in propor- IfltiMBger'i •ion : DAVis.Reglster Conntr. deceased, harln* presented ••Our Frank a well known Dem- of and April, and tne A traecopy—attest H.C. our ma- Mr. Duffy, or the Sheriff or Oxford Couxtt ihc last Saturday· February ot of the Es ate of said decease 1 column of 1). M. to the extension of merchant Orrici thin! of June, adinlmatration vertisement in another tion of New York was ar- STATE or MAINS. laet Saturday before the Tuesday more or lèse dé- ocrat ward politician the ss:—At a Court ot Probate held at for allowance: rine. Our commerce is 18>»3. (M a1 one o'cioek to the afternoon, for par· OXFORD, notice Jt Co.. Detroit. the great rested for intoxicated aud creating OXFORD, M:—Jan. 47, A.D. Parts, within and for the County of Oxford Oft t iKR ut) ,t hat tbe «aid administrator give Ferry Michigan, as our being on the 2'f.i, a this on it, as well independence ia lo give notice, that f"*oï "·'· Tuesdar ot Jan., A. D. 1483. to all interested bv eausint; copy of nudent a at a hour la the In Insol- on the third persons whose m immoth establishment war. 1 of disturbance very early Jan. a. d. IMS.a warrant tri'ï"#. on es- be Ihree weeks sue In seed-men. in and our safety in beg day of ADA M. ANDREWS, Administrator the order to published -essively peace When before the Court THIS of the Court of Insolvency GIDEON A HASTINGS. at tbat one of the sights of the chief of morniog. brought vency vu issued oat of P.Andrew*. Guardlta of George the Oxford Democrat, printed Paria thev is city therefore, however many the eatnte of the 17th day of Jaunary, U«. tate Alfred you, geutlemen, : "Has not a Democrat and for et Id County of Oxford, against Dated at Bethel aad hair ot Dana D. Kai- at a Probate court to be held at Paris do the largest business be as to he demanded Coun- F. Faraum, minor child may appear Michigan. They of there may Lefaire of Norway la «aid held at deeeaaed. bar- said on the ihird Tuesday of Februaiy differences opinion an American citizen a to get drunk Aatbony ββ At a Court of Probate Bun, late of Paris, ta said County, in County, trade in the Lnited States, reach- right be Insolvent Debtor, on petition OXFORD, tt lo the and show cause in their methods, to be willing to try something, ty. «djudfed to and tor the County ol Oxford oa the account of guardlaashlp of said next at o'clock lorennon, the waa filed on the -'/d Pari· within ing presented same should not be even across the Atlantic an l Pacitlc matter; occasionally?" "Yes," replied Justice, of aald debtor wbtcn petition ol D. WW. for allowance: if any they have, wby the ing to take a forward in this for, to which laat named the third Tue» day Ju.,A. ward aud step "but not to create a disturbance." The of January, A. D. 1883. E. DOUGLASS, that the Administratrix bo allowed. oceans. The house is relUble, more in the day : that the ON the of &USAN Ordered, said give entirely we should on ten years on elalm· la to be oompnted petition In a R. A. FRYE, J*.!ge. if go limitation is of attention. date iatereat of H. Doiiglaaa, late of L uion, tioe to all per eon h interested, by cauting copy wish to what yoa order, worthy debut and the delivery and transfer widow John if you get exactly we h ive been on for twenty-flve payment of any for an allowance of this order to be three weeks succes- A treeeopy—atteel:—II. C. DAVIS, R'giswr. way going to aald debtor·, to him •aid County.deceased, pra>ing publishe«l cannot do better than seud to them marine the roost distin- of any property belonging her late hueband : the at Paris, you the American merchant —Mr. J. M. Begole, transfer of any out of the Personal E'tate of sively la Oxford Democrat, printed years ptst, or for hi· uae.and the delivery and Petitioner notice at a Pro- for seeds, and you may d* p-. nd upon will have faded in a meet- Ordered, That the tald give la said Couaty, mat they may appear {«•tie* Of Assignee of Ills Appi»l»tm«al your and the Atnericau dig Greenback-Democrat Michigan, him ia forbidden by law; that oa guished by Interested, causing a copy of this bate Court to be beld at Paris, in said County, In tbe of Oxiord and Mate will the best that the market Flint on Mou property of to their to all peraoa· by ▲t Paris, County it you get CwuriVr-'f'a- left his residence in ing of the creditor· «aid debtor, prove week· «acee··! In F eb. at alae o'clock la *. t>. 1«»3. from the ocean."—Korliaml private of «aid order to be pubUahed three vely the third Tuesday of next, of Mauie. tbe 17th day of January, Their serais have become alone U. dtbta and chooae one or more Assignee· at that il bare, can supply. morning week and traveled to be the Oxford Democrat, printed Paria, thej the foreaooa, aad show cause, any they hereby gives notice ol his setU. day éclate, w ill be held at a Court of losolreaey underlined kuowu over the entire civiliied world for He found a at η Probata Court to be held at Pari· the same should mot be allowed. 11 Assignee of tbe estate of Landing- private carriag< en at the Probate ooart room, ia Pari· ia aald may appear ieb, why TUBappointment hold aaid on the third Tuesday of R. A. FRYB, Judge. L. Jordan of Greenwood, ·η tbe County of aud and have gained for at the but be sale oa the Slot day ol February, In County, Ephraun purity fertility, awaiting him station, Coantv ol Oxford, eteck la the forenoou, and ▲ true attest:— H. C. DAVIS, Reg wbo has been declare·! An· —Hon. Mark Dennett of Kittery, repre- to the forenoon. next, at xlne of the copy- lefts. Oxford, insolvent debtor, them an enviable Their he to and eel ,. D. 1883, at nine o'clock the aame tbould Conrt 01 reputation. the Massachusetts that preferred walk, written •hew cause, U any they have, why an taaoirest upon bis peiiuoa. by tbe for 18 &1. sented that town in quietly Gives aoder my band the date Aral above sua! Seed Catalogue just issued out on foot for the capitol, where he ar Sheriff, not be granted. iMolveney for said County "of Oxiord. beiore Maine was set off from JONATHAN BLAKE, Depaty FRYgJedae. BLAKR with aud ;eg:-latare, Governoi la tor said ^ A JONATHAN Aaaloee. iuforinaiiou beautifully in hU rived in time to be inaugurated aa of the Court of solvency replete Massachusetts in 1*20. He is now I Messenger i A true eopy—att««t : H.CDati·, RegUler. illustrated, will be sent free on appllca- of Michigan. Gouty of Oxtord year. tton. ninety-«ev«ntb

1 .saat 1 <■*. WEED AT HOME. and health Obtain THTRLOW CORNER. Strength go together. A GOOD ODD Ol'K PlTZZLE state a bottle the W ar- FELLOW. this happy physical by using Concerning Thurlow Weed, of Brown's Iron Bitters. ■r. Culler, if SI L.jr«n· ■«.. It,» w Kastman, Kwt Sumner. 1 the world has n»,„ [Prepared by H. wic of American UkH I.If* y politics, !«■«. -Il··* H· Κy Ηο^ 1.-R1IYMINU DBCÀ PITATIOSS. A frit-ml every man turns his his back on liHk bat Thur- XILB had intimate knowledge, •Mil how II· Obtained ihr *Ι··η, A man who was at —, —Η la bed. long pointing to Rr(*l· HI· llraHh. Was by the cars rua o'er anil —. low Weed, the practical philanthropist, Λ man * from and lose of Mr. Cutler, 0(11 Lyon* St.. It a u.thrB: sent his wife the tidings —, uttering debility even to his Oil They waa unknown fnr a mc took two bottles of Iloodi Sarsa- comparitively Fellow, Mil forty yean β And when she hid the message —, appetite ; Whatever Ko. I .the ol». Jitttt^r Tier Then she to —. on to m»ke royaelf feel a l.tilr < began Ό No mixture to credu- "I'm trying η,\ 0·η>: I « F.x-Â slowly cheap impose it is rirt, etc., — in affairs, And now my I will rvfeuNG FmaiiSkinA lous is Wheat it Is a tent of all agencies public I presume It»' the lingering re*u!ii οι, tract of Selpbur, which raak story humanity Bitters, -F-O-Û-D- poaed. Greatest IÎ'-xhI Put; Remedy Diseasesj it of his dinner whbdi I atten led a whi> liie Bv stating that this woman —, evchas most potent tonic and recuperaut. Try trrrt.i.Y mmnrn. certain that the last two decades Lodge ago|.|ow koown. Do cot erer take ΤΚ»ΤΓΤ», hare been, a· ·η ·. Within a a man named —. kTETTER.ITCK.SCRLS. PIVriES. and be convinced. lUOIlOl't.lll.Y at the Bear h. i ra.tnytr year, ACCKPTABLK AM» ΚΕΤ.ΤΛΠΤ.Κ. with deeda. It* m t life were crowded kindly Haven know, a infferer lor ye· BLUE Κ DITII AND ΕτΒΊ 1~ JRKPElASvt WRINGV/ORM, TIiC Thoepliatea of Iho Whoataro in Mew |Pje PILLS is dun on the first nro. when pr K*1 Everybody's duty day ealuakle food property, anil in West Twelfth Street, New Indlieetioa an t billouine··. Whe, I » or arsenic» ther an m I II-HIDDEN to bnlltl the «yiteia. In t κ> I·-arty food I've Ί ,r < wcich up (]al|C* J e»l and beateodlcia*ever# ,,·® \ y g' "M illlons of packages th utrala of ercry * K-nmdf ΛV< I 1 B. tion but If aoluUrn and richest thoroagU ·ϋΐΤΕ lîiT: 'iamCoiteli >y« mat- was a to be pect. Fhoephate*. whll* tne r.tareh ·η·1 impur» and for sight HKMRDY I· the «ι >*t eaee lent m·· ! ι " arc now Three make in then;· years—there 4. Did Carroll send a to you .' Tales for the Marines" pub- ter i>re eliminated. had lor any or th· message λ Med the beet ai'.d in front eeer knoarlelgeof erlvee ft baaie. to which if witness Saturday afternoon /iou.xue the lished nev Km try to every leave· ι>ο· doctor that medi- sea-rially. alinéa, I: :\ ;:'i f '»l an 1 f. tes : The thought THE CREAT^CURE FOP, choicot medicinal qu aboee men:loned. eahiKire «f. a to^caud hitler. It la at once health· Street home not to be an i Ijteî cine would be effectual. make it of that Twelfth felt·, bot rather •trcngib'-n» I r.,a«·., l(lt IVm'twtiit until you το ir jor tiik Skin*. to the taate ar>fl unit not be eon- •>rh ii .1 cl ni. — Notiiino Eqni. ftil, pleaeent -£ r. .· > ν r The cook I to have the thouaand and one cheap It in a charming uitinrr. w, Λ".* especially charged want white «*»·! beautiful founded with seen else in New York. digeatire organ· f If you a clear, whi.-li are eoldaa cnre-a'.U. anywhere dinner on time. al» hollo bitten It a» λ h »n«ehol I me ι-in« an ! I ÀΜ somoatot. to for a but- eflootire when uaed Willi of keep get .11 seven skin, go right your druggist Medicine la doubly was a score or so of little all Κ to fjr It « .ι 7. She ha« looked for her muff in it correct». girls, rommended mf irie'id», A Γν 1 euro jou. Su.j'fctir m art* mouture »tln,:inp, Itch.nr.*· aud use as food. ao aa to nourish while ■ j-tow» tle of Pearl'· White Glycerine. Ν — dllfrrent «r· iu« * ·» rrr'r al- '..t dn-tu'·. tl.OO per Mk prejmrttio /DittenU β places. γτ!ι' ; u if lof iuid by but all evi- «e w »r 1 ■ directed. Χ'Γη. Κ. T. gi* ing lie Cutler inminwi 5. The uiau to astonish the If .tuui; «h«r>rli»t»r«r:»»T ftft r.wted. Α*Λ WIIXAT ΒΓΤΤΚΜ CO., cleanly appearance, r Y ''?0 lnTa"(l'u. i· b il a r £ *·> vno*l *π4 ι fure,ÏWirM'i who were ed if VH.'nd.^j with bis wisdom. j' *.nt, A who lives in a Mat It is too dence of in their dress, thou«»nJ« m ν··* Κ ιχΙιηΊ « §' t: o. ;... : u>. | people O.xtjiintit »nj»rtor tu *ην »r κ'.» It Uj· tr*t»*t. lady says poverty wor·!· «f ί·. l>oes the babe answer the rebel iron th·· »oie u ·β of I) Κ IT IS descrip- S· iMftv pt 3 suite for and no re-'elred / ι itHnakl^KinllOtt anything. for his bornty, HKMI.:»Y ku u!c. l: tion of the lost one Dui 4.tl A'i'» ««,!>.. ? t>»n. i<" Γ!ι :Λ.Γ» weekly applicants KW.UtilK ! w» r»· :t II» ire τ. ::: I his 10. Peace is to l>e but terrible I'khi vun 8 ν kit cures Dyspepsia. Gen- one of whom ever went away from A CLKAJI tfitk.br t.N |7T»~ > ti L t desired, e· «av.·! undrvUa.] are » fleets of war. eral Liver Humors, LV-'l vs ;irrow, the Debility, Complaint, J. U. P. BURNHAM, door Once when a com- 5 ^ Bki.lk Gordon. Boils. Chronic Dlarrhu-a. Nervous Affec- empty-handed. Matcii at th; M a Boitle a Pliwmz Try To-Day! tions, Female Complaints, and all diseases mittee of one called at his house on ( Ιιι·ι c|.)»«d l'or IM. ONE PKICE. DOLLAf. III.—WX'Rl.K ACROSTIC. in a bad state of the blood. originating a to A. J\ Ογ!-λ» >. (." .> be) I'llOTOtiRAi'llKR, afternoon with carriage, THE O. K- mountain in Saturday PLOW, A r 1. A rnentioued Scripture. ιι·η in Ι>οι·ιΙ* Τ «n |·. « Ma.»v,î«ùo l"ivjinctar* V.| a of mathe- Win· ilr«i pr»-nt ·,.. -n, Give the miser knowledge hU attendance at the first 2. A command. COTTAGE STREET, request recep- AUo « In· tlr»t pr·· ι,uni in-m,·! ι matics and be will cipher more. 3. Humble. tion of the New York Tress Club, a 1 < S*r r Λ 4. Madness. NORWAY, MAINE. Swivel Pi I.-wr· <\ Vi«f., aMmt»· ace!*, Au Irishman called at a drug store to get were Pettingill's ones before r« lUiiiin m pi,» ν To witi. of these little Win· Ui-«t *l«ci, >\ι: <■-«· Liniment for throng a b >ttle ο f ./«A **<>»'« Aiiodyn- tak in* be ilr«t premium in ta h cla·· ! | rt. A holy person. Weed the ,7 the KhenrattNm ; the druggist asked him All Sizes. his door. Mr. expressed pleas, the tociety. The initials and finals cach name an Pkflvnpb ani Views, in what of the It troubled him Βιι Ih» Plot* |tha« itaali ilM κ· *· Ε· part body PT.KAHK ΓΛΙ,Ι,. ure it would him to meet the work- Farmer·, γ American poet. ·· " give lit Ihe Field. : it!, fn- most. Be me soul," said he, I have it t··! » ex- .rt.'t of the or, an he K'm'-mberlf rou bey a I'lo* >na I·· i» ·,,*ι IV.-ENIGMA In I very houl and corner of me." ing journalists city, Plk· Slat*. you w 111 en«l!y And jour re| » r. h n iho of 38 letters. it, "the in harness but, wasted. Sen.I for Circular to Composed The man whose opinion Is of no value pressed boys :«n*a at I €. nniKii.i. e 1 My 30. 2, 8. 14, Ô is a harsh sound. is always trying to give it away. he added, "you must wait until feed r. Mv 11. 31. 3s, 34. 3Λ is a metal. THE WONDER OF HEALING! had ftoutli 1'nriv i|f, TV" *'*lri.rt chickens." After the children 33. 33. 32, 1 η Is an animal. Pn loi'i'h UtVorl··"φΛ. I'roin Itev II I* Totsey, LI..IK. President my 0, U)ber II. I"vrt. My valtti 1 Lit ,■ .· f,,r t' ι.»...... ! ;n of Mulm- Wnlt jan x-uitnary Aud Female Mv ». is of a bird. V been loaded with his he 37, 10 part Ji>aJ, Oar" I'ntnrrh I -*l'y (lolli-gi·, Κ rat'it Is lit. M<- gifts, proceeded onset. *1 il t'» τη»*Η err* r.« raacMLr··!·!····· all I La My !». IT. 24. 10. 30. 15 Is an j ;·Γ· l>r. F. II. Ainswiii—Dear Sir: For Ave f th·· ICilrnrli our to the rooms of the I'resi ( lub, where, 1. 3, 7, 13, 21, 27 is to be deprived jtroprrlie· My Uml years the students under my care Tiavc of. iyrfM* he some advice to luti aflccu·!!·, >* uud Ιη··Χ|· naive. used Atlanuon'f Botanic Couoh Raltam, by-the-way, gave go»nl Is of a horse. ! 11», 22. 2". 5N> part to no My Rheumatism. and have. I think, found It second those who were only entering upon the Γν*· T-« Mr J*. 23. 16. 12. 5!» is white. Neuralgia. 1Nr.;'Jr'.r »■ — other remedf for throat and lung troubles. tioa hM rnrrd eo triMIT «un* of th<*»o >li»tr· Important He My 21. 31, i'0. 13 is unfettered road he had traversed to its end. : Int.'c»'ni]·!.»;m* m tlw Kmlmct. Tint fir Karitcr·. who h*v·· whole is from a Tennyson. ptirrhiae.l Ttritfc'» Ρ My poem by Sauerkraut Is never good until It is lor lYrttlitir ihould know tint they run admitted that as he always ~v J Γ LIA. K'eipe frankly day, 1 r. 4.C. Hemorrhages. 1 bad. obteiu None, nrfrnaary ca3«s Uapewliiv ccutfUcJ did in hie the great >!t!a in il.r h< .·» bo» η in Sore Throat of or murrain in changes which had wrought jour- .r CUT* lui! 1. A part of the jaw. Diphtheria λ cows; loss appetite, rot, a Mirpcur*. roar- of 2. An animal. I>ronj;'Cy. It! DriajrtoiUnt'^ruaj. sheep; thick wind, broken wind, and nalism since he was an active member I'or Pitr*. IT tin·!. ItliTiliug ev Itch· ing, aud for all obstructions of the kidneys Dissolved Ground Bone, 3. Space. the No man knew better ins. it U the prv.u<»l kb.<«u MuJ». use Sh^ri>i u.irk»t i.·· require by recipe. yean uu|kidIU·!' loss CunNon —JPOXD S EXTRACT An bsr<. it«i powder. of informa- ·· had become the vehicle \niwers next week 1 IK* rfutii·* /· « I*' m ii I*0\1' S paper is no excuse for when KXT&A 1 ! .11 tta j.'i**, on ! rwir pirfurt There suoriug tion rather than of As he once < ·«" in.; >i* opinion·*. Answer* h> Γι //ι.» "i LaM W KEK. tr u k » at.1 tuf %ri·>]■)■ Λ twelve clothespins can be bought for one o*A.ri« (;■«<■ ·ι»·Μΐ»ι»Γ ■>» A«!»a:i.n. terseiy MRS. VA.IT BURKN '8 ι J: u mw I in II < Iτ i-Miyurc. a but •J.—Holland. ly Bkw u;k.'—I have never sold my interest what an editor think·» about fact, 3.—lee cream. " for Cattle. Λη·1 *11 Chemical· rres care a deal for the fact it- ♦ —Act. act In the f um, at the gieat living present. PO'tD'S LXÎF.ACÎ Jc.. S 1.75. bears " LADIES' TONIG. W il I Ρ $>.00, ••Moses F. Atwood." The original self Tc* t Cream 1.00 Cs'r.r'h Ciifo· 75 " — mV L. F." Atwood also The Greit Female 11 Α Κ Ε siguature,— a more Remedy. Dc-Î.fr Cf.· 50 Plaster. 25 " Yet there was never omnivc- 1 HON trade-mark. L. F." Th« favorlt· Prescription of the LpSaSre 25 IrJalcr Glut60c.)·· 1 .CO " ι* Κ s τ The true I.. F." Atwood's Bitters pur- LOWEST MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. rous reader of although lat- Toilet !C-f 50 25 newspapers, f,.—Wise men make proverbs, fools utter NcM.Syr^e ify the blood, giving new life and vigor to 0.r.t>.« 50 Veo*-tec Paptr — 25 terly he used the eyes of another instead Women's Medical Institute, them. the system. BUFFALO. N. U. S. Α., f arr. S100. Y., y îjHap, ot his own, and those of the We are in of answers to recent *· In hos- usually Fol '>r White·. Inllainrnit. ·η and receipt 11 -, z\ indwNew There ar<- some men so lacking Stock on Hati" ι. Nr·· Γινι iil»t vith ITi-Tonrorora Marrrmic*·, I'ainiui ATU» Tv> idea. It was not new·» that claim- ache, hxltiey Complaint·, ·> Γμγι ακαΤΙΟν.ί hutr 1 OIUH Κ only ;i the \T»t ai. M »k> th·* AVt-ik Oi.d Bokka> on tiiκ Rampa«îr. political and Im-gular UenatrnatiuB and Amen'rrl'i* RuilJ» th·· lïr.>k«n- Λ I.iK»: i.v Danger. the For miking labor ca«v, a* a romi f ir noth· r* Stronc. up The hi^h w .nd wilstled around the ebim- ; POND'S EXTRACT CO., ed and obtained his attention, but all wh ·η nur«ii;rf b. drrn. or I'han*· f i'.fe, drtim. Invijruratr* th«« η aud and blew bricks 1-i West 1 i;h St.. Now York. This is the fact concerning every man, through «y toi"» steeples, that Ν·» ι* rua WORI.l». Brain· »η·1 j woman and child, who has in the the record of event·», great and small, th:«pretentionhi.· ΕψΙ'ΑΙ. down into the street. scaring the |>eople body If \·>u have triad o'.her remrtiie· »itboul iu<- liver and MASON V êc but Laoïte' who walk»<1 below. Snow. sleet and hail seeds of bladder, urinary BROS., to make the er··. do not (1 Miraifre kidney, combine up daily journal. s Τ hic" * Irml. It to gire s dared to diseases, from which may >pring Hrlght nttji* iweer/uW# quvk C U R Ε S drove into the fact of those who ·' 1 > «ο a ct Sole for Paris and The of this fact and of the ptrwu rf Disease of the Such knowledge w « iji themselves, and made them button Kidneys. prosje Agents Norway. If you are '.roubl··! th niy aeakn-ei or com- Gen- Is the of to common U> our «ι ar « Dyspepsia. Nervous Affections. their coats tijht around their throats. Of y\' is simply terrible; and It duty benevolence of his character came the plaint lay PEARL*s one to be riil of the danger at once. |ire«cTl|>ti'>n for once, and try "l.»6t«iT Tojric," eral Fever c >'.irs<· there were sore throats and cold* every Debility. Neuralgia, of a for a pa- «h rti mm KUirantre will |··« lively fur» you. next To do this iufalllbly, use Hunt's Remedy, knowledge reporter daily and A^ae. Paralysis. Chronic an·! coushs ΛΙΚι rheumatisms th·» day. >100 «ι·. Ν- (lin (or My -tae >>f Fiiiiale WHITE the and liver m»iilcine. a some W. .·ι inali wtiUh "l.itue' Τ··ιι< »lll Diarrhoea. Boils. Hut wha' were these to men aud women great kindey per in peculiar way years ago. Λ>>··* 'ity Dropsy, who cou! I into drua store au 1 not cure. Τ)ι>· la a A/» ttvr, ma·!· by step any to a case * >n Hmors, Female Con- The watchmaker should be successful in The had been detailed tftjmtuihl/ ladle*, «ho kn< /r> rp^rxtnet Kdl>r reporter " a l>ottle of /' rry ItocW* JW» l.tuia·' can do. buy GLYCERINE a foot race—that is, if he can make «lût Tone" Liver Com- BFArnriE-S TBI COU Γ LI MON. good of distress which had been to plaints. reported Hold by Drnf(Ut>. PRICK. 91 «ΙΟ. Remittent The newly engaged man of the l'hlla lei- time. plaint, cms all iim of sus the office. In the of this du- The H' itntn'i Hshful Imtitutf < an a'K a- plua Sews has just discover*<1 it. He says msea&m, perfomance of »lt«> h»re Fever, and MCTH- stion in the cavities of the human STOP tlon prominent Ltuiy /'Ay»rui'u, BfMCVFS FIECIUS, that the be>t tim·· to propos- to a girl is Cong· he encountered one of those r^veofullv treotel th· -I ·»■·»··* o muwii t>> thv.r PiTCHÇS TA». heart fatal. It Is necessa- ty pictures ALL HStAStS ORIGINATING W A BAD STATE is not uuder I'.ACIWCRMS, generally prove S5000 60LD. SPECIAL KOTICE, »e\. f..r yrar». Wiv^·. M ih.r· and l>* •rfiit»·'· when her little brother hiding a. I all ·!«·»,» It ». .ti f ·η the iLil imp»-'. to restrain the action of the 1>EWVKK «f < "unteif· its an.I :u, mnoo- which can be seen in a can obtain adr ee eoucernin/ their health an I OF ThE OR ACC0MPAVE3 BY sofa. ry heart,when of misery only BLOOD, the ! CriAPPC ma*:j. rc.cn ce cwArio sun If The htch r«>-nit«tien eatnel bv ΛΙ A M SON'S di«ea»t-« >mi an·! any disease of Its valves manifests itself. by wxù.ff, by «ending tynij't DtSILlTY 0* * LOW STATE '· > ivBimrii IOT1XK COUtiB ΒΑ1ΛΑΜ fcrUwwml of contrasts like New of ·ΐι*»·«· Send two three cent Tu\τ Hi shaxd υ»· Mink MkpMMtHrw AH the combined research and wisdom of great city startling ilewrrtptiou OF THE SYSTEM. aUmp· for our pamphlet to «men. Addre·· the man be was >>efore he since Adam's dav have never evolved was a Is three times man, York. It cold in the Ν Y. ·* bitterly night Wouien*· >|rdlr«l InMltnte, lluflaio, >· umuc Wells' Health Keuewer." WHITE SOAP but one rrrtiin run for heart affections,— : PEARL'S GLYCERINE latter of November, and in a room i Mention Ihu {taper. | $1. Druggists. Dr. Graves's H<-art Regulator is the reme- THIEF. part the one. At on an siJe tenement PERUVIAN SYRUP dy. and only $l. Druggists. 0»ι.ι·ι, ItLKKiuxii υκ Tilt: Li so* the top floor of Kast \ V.i»»ar mi»s reads the -V. Cot:uii4, or College prayer- r:: \ui. 0»Ν·Γ\ΙΓΓ|ο* tin ri»e to LOOK HEBL·! tV Mnr wi I Yh.tl ΙΊ ln< A*TII\iA AM» «lieu was •>SKlj, response it In Fashionable consider the ipuriou· compound·, Mie genome. 'ι \ IK"r Ni * I is n<>w. ami v« ι· y \< to and Window Frames at Wholesale Prices. ginning· never shall be. world r^5 rect thing collect ancient curious nor food and no furniture save two rem- BFI\G I l A" iï L. il* ret.:j· Cnininini pin· t-le 71·· without ineu. Ah, uie!" combs. None of them have undertak- Adamson's Botanic Balsam ,\!> -*« ill w ; c -TXtx yet Cough Hard fine I'nliejr Οι·< il Ml !"< y i· prec ir» I only l>v Hi \ Ν Κ \V KINSMAN A enants of a woman was fourni elyrie. t. arc ir.czu en to in the catacombs. chairs, and fine Fence I .·:■, b-.it J* " gather (o, -»·»lc To votiraelve» Sprare IMrketa, I"· Ko Γι; II ON Proprietor·. protect CokNr1." the tattle and »ee thatth· • IS.ltd per lOtH). " Irom Imposition .examine with two little children. The next morn- r: 1:1 w. ι >wl l n\>, ΐ-κρή* ?%, ε; Λ-k for Wells" Rough on Corns." 15c. On Thirty Days' Trial. Kor Hiali· by i >.^1 Λ.", a care. a of the scene was l:-rr- by ljuick. complete, permanent Corns, Maine Co. Tiiv. Voltaic Bklt Co., M>tr*hnU,Mirk., ing description given *. p. πλχιη λ so*. warts, bunions. Steamship will send Dr. Dye's celebrated Klectro- in the newspaper, together with a short SOUTH ΓΑΗΙΗ. Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Sfinl-Wfrkljr Line Co *rw York Voltalc Belts and Electric Appliances on Co., The brotherly love of Philadelphia is statement cause lor to men or $5000 of the of her misfor- trial youug old) MlLWAt'KKK. WIS. ev iti.'Cvi y the fact that the saloon keep- thirty days name of F. W. liI!WM*f\x. Drnralat. Λα ·· who are aftilcied with nervous in th·' a was ers Usplay Welcome" above their doors debility, βιι-ta, Me., i·blown gla»i ol tbe bottle tunes. That oftcrnoon second call A»#f·- .'·Ί 1. h".' ,*V· & aud kindred \ reward οι ί'·»»-> «oil i«off«rel I »r a bolter ar $!»,<■ ic ^ letters, and then draw of lost vitality troubles, guaran- Sur) lu· orer I ;-*r err.t π·-· ·;β '<> Ι. » glasses of t'e'·· ffttlw "îT r a reward of ten thousand made for the of her a eer teeiug and complete restoration purpose giving ra lowiMsl· μη I :et ··" ,o>«' Ο thret-fourths froth. speedy d^llsr* to the pr iprletor of :iny remedy ihowln* and Address a.s above. Tkrrt !·<>:; p« .re e;t«-r t.Vm a «.iovrmnien·. I health manly vigor. more tefimoniaN of pfnuine cureM of Aathma. small amount which some charitable per- ^n: bus-1. Tlc 4 10 cat com· risk is as •ad l.uoi; s m the aatne length οι" time. per ( .ty j>er Cat\kkii <>i niK N.B.—No incufred, thirty days' < Bladder. and Franconia son had sent to the office for her relief, pet. n <·>ίβ*τ inv<-«t«-i. Steamers Eleanora trial is allowed. T T. M KUK Y » at. \smi. Stiuging irritation, inflammation, all Kid- Will until further notice leave Frankl η Wbarl was uo8 a: Aubmm. and Portland, everv MONI>AV anil Tlll'KSDAYi and she then, found in *k. ney Urinary complaiutj», cured by m.iu who has heard that comparative lite P. M., and leave Pier 38 East Kiver. New Λ bald-headed "liuchu-paiba." $1. s man e head arc comfort. stove made its York, every MONDAY and THURSDAY all the hairs of numbered, REWARD! A had appear- Ito Γ\> ΙΓ Γ«Μ till ΚΑΙΛΑ« P. M. some wants to know if there is not place all and Itealerr was a too summer months those nteitmert Uloraolc hy l>ruK(l>U ance, there of coal, the I & Select Stock Purine at ΙΟ supply he can obtain the back numbers. tenia, J.I tenia ami ?.> cent· Η Κ GOT Κ VEX. Will touch at TlMnrd H.iven on iheir pan where |»ea Large bottle. been OF eageto and from New York. Price,includini closet had filled with provisions, A whose little cor- room*. Chicago speculator Sttie "As Oni> STnritT Sckxk." and mother and chiklren had been These steamers are fitted with fine accom- pro- up He was seen in front of the ottlce rub* "YOUR ners and other ^ames had been several modation* for making this a passenger·, very the vided with stout shoes and warm stock- ueeirai'ic route lor traveller· between New Y'ur* biug himself against telegraph post times a certain i.oods i'ortland '· What exploded by newspaper,! ■nk. "Gotem, "gent," he Doors, Windows, Blinds go rushing Kr m Deo. 1st, to let. no passenger» will May have 'cm her benefactor so full and cjrrect that ; KIDNEY-WORT STOOLS, be Uk< η by this line. said laconically; every spring, mash He said to his A the sort- somebody. simply HKNKY FOX, tienera! gent. Portland small lumps form about rectum; MOULDINGS, the had no in J. F.AMË6· Pierir E.li.,.New fork. reporter difficulty recogniz- he stand it no Ag't to the touch ; thev itch like blazes; a tele- secretary, when ould Ticsete and State rooms can be obtained at 74 an oasis iu the desert to Mr. λ\ eed. \\ hen that afternoon Instruction Hooks. Exchange street graph pole's like ing longer. then was su ffer- Stair Rail, Balnsters, Newels me." Here poor humauity in»|uiry was made of him as to the fact, at- from a which a few applica- AS!I AND PINE SIIKATI1ING, AYER'S PILLS. "James, ascertain who writes those ing complaint A largo vl the di*»-a»«·» «liich Ointment for Mr. Weed admitted that he had proportion PIANO OVT VH! S OUT I tions of Swayne's Itching "helped human COVERS, tacks on me in the Roarer." «utT-ring remit iron» U« nn<(Uiriit of the l'iles would have thoroughly eradicated. WINDOW and DOOR the woman a but exacted a At Ktdurtd Prie·· during lh· Holiday·. TÔ FRAMES, little, prom- ΙΙιήιικΙι, ImVi'lt, aixl livrr. AVI.K'* 1 ΙΓΜΛΚΤΙ·' "It is John Smith, sir. A£ISÎS ΰ 15 S40 wïiV RKACUF.TS, PICHETS, AC. ise that no mention be made in Pilm act directly upi>i» tltcM or^an·», and aro orMinlS iNdlng Cities, Six barrels of soft soap were taken to should ever .·.··■ Prices Loirer than of- "Then him a hint that is J,,«j tly is <*l>eclally désigné»! to cure th·· di»· .»«·-« cau»«d It — give sly pork » M u the at Albany the other hirii··» I'rtiH'ii ul uiv at capitol day. —OF the newspapers of the circumstance ; nor their ν· »i if by denu^meat, Including Constipation. to next week." I ι.·. 1*4. 1 I Λι·\ν ( iilaiojiUi* uni surmised that it will be used the go » by ferred before. up 0 ... : ate AaJxem has the ever been un- lmli|v(tlon, llf«|ir|»l.t, ΙΙιικΙ.ι» In I>>·»·»- "third house" when the session is fairly incident published "Yes, eir." Ν } I n'i/Cl I 17 Battle Square, S. p. MAXIM & SON. trry, an«l a host of other ailments. (.»r all < f til now. 1 his case has not been men- No. Cli Felloes Lit ι«ι LU*-Li, ecston. mass. opened. which they are a cafe, »ure, prompt, ami pica»*ηt 3, Block, was to The hint conveyed John Smith, MAINE· remedy. The cxteiilitrr im of the.**· I'lLU A How ok Peakls SOUTH PARIS, tioned in such detail because it was at 1'T ■ eminent in Aotl ME. and he his a physicians regular practice, SO. PARIS. scraped pockets, mortgaged Glistening through coral lips is certainly all an in the life of the veteran anomaly unmistakably the estimation in which ar«> PfÔFREE but a row of discolored, Ti^icrcs l^w. they Ore·"· wllh two full acta rr*d«, from his house and drained his friends for pleasing ohjed; held by the medical Μ ,..··'■ teeth iu mouth at all Is a but rather as a of the profession. Λ to M atopa lur j'.H to >1 J"i. Κ til. K-iHE'S GREAT bespecked any N.B. Every description of House Finish for journalist, typical Thee*· I'u.iJt « to into p\s arccom|)">uinleou i. '■•■tier >r**n iv>r 1»·· money cash put pork. V- Γί^Γ,TORCH drawback ; add to this that such ni»hc l at t-hort notice. grievous man in that of which the world •tance* are to 'tiret. .w. V aspect only, and free from calomel than ui Hou^e a nre the moat ellectlve and tho the intluence the enamel of ImtaLt Belief for Toothache. acting upon ea»l«-*t phy«ln I have ever found. It Isa pleasure ALROY NOYES, the Roarer. Hence the to inn Traveling Agent.. hanuicap^d Λ few applications of acid secretions in the mouth. un returns from the Internal Revenue to »|»-ak in their praise, and I alway· do m» Medicated Cotton, wet In when occasion offer*. bounce for John Smith. See ? DYE ·· w. In an STUFFS, W. I,. Pvi.r «t and beet rk tn the Coi grand Κ Obtuuder, AT and other of W. I.. Λ Τ l» jrranUe nty P- placed " office, police places, hospitals, Page Bro.** the nerve and But. father, you know love makes the Franklin r tiie MMf. aching t'x-tli, will deaden give St., Itiehmoinl, Va., June 3, I rv!i#f. Medicated Cot· an enthusiastic insane " permanent OUudw, time fly," said daughter, asylums, poor huuses, and other I hare u»empli»n th<> de«ired r<*- eminent undertakes the de- ana bridal than usual. "Yes. my dear, An lawyer Medicines by the Manufacturer, trip HE. •ult We them on Mass. NORWAY, constantly keep hand at our Ο J'. MacaLasTKK, D. D. 8., I.yan, I know it does at tlrst," the old :alculated with reasonable that an.I a!>-usaiit, fence of miserable and dejected looking but if vou dou't take reliable All kind* of Otnrlery Work done to on f geutleman, you'll }ur family nn-dicine. Full I>Ysl'KI*SIA U§E ONLY liquor bills amount to not less tliev are invaluable. Λν. «. ΚΟΒΙΝΘΟΝ. man accused of a coat. find in the eud that time will make love yearly J. T. HaYM." stealing DIAMOND Mexia, Texas, dune 17, 18i2. Haktfokd. Maine. ;han— He cross examines the fly·** Tin· Κκν. Γειχι h Β. Hakliiwi prosecuting " writing from DYES. 1—Direct Atlanta, *ay«: For tome ye m pa»t Î havo and involves him in numerous That Hacking Cough can be so RUBBER PAINTS. expenses, £000,000,000. be« to witness quickly (abject constipation, from whi<-h, in >>f the u··· tears the THE cured Shiloh's Cure; we guarantee it. 2—Indirect •pit<- of medicines of various kind·, contradictions, in pieces flimsy by expenses, 600,000,000. I sutfenM SCHOOL BOOKS Will suffer with and Liv- S, P, MAXIMA iiiast two year* over κογκ HI'Nduku gallon· of It 4—It 70,000 lives. Irregulari- SCHOOL SUPPLYS cr fabric cr terrible Cure is the rem- destroys tie· of the "Xot without the box, RIC30NS, FEATHERS, any cough. Shiloh's lave been used in Tilts VICUOTT, giving In kveht bowels, stimulate the appetite an«l at guilty" leaving or all kin:>s article cae'.y acd perfectly colcrcd to or y for shtakce th« very beat ol satisfaction 5—It makes widows. and their amid a tornado of fancy edy you. 30,000 digestion, by prompt and thorough perfect Wiggins ap- lilark. Bro»n. l-retit, Itlnc. hrarirt, It in λ «II knnwu that the best îead and mix action ■hade. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath oil, gire tone and vigor to the whole Iliac, ^nl llroun, Ollit M in U.C u»u*l way will in a »hort time lose in 6—it makes phy»lcal (ardlinl lltJ, >»vj Catarrh 100,000 orphans. ec< momy. plause. secured by Shiloh's Remedy. Price and rub off or chalk. 1'alnt It (•rfoB, Trrrn Cotta and SO other beat oolcra. (lose Rubber guar· The rehabilitated casts him- :»0c. Nasal free. int»*ed not to CUACK. CHALK, OR I'EEL. 7—It makes 500 maniacs. pnrrtnr.n ητ and Bookstore, prisoner Warranted Fast and Durable. Xaeh packag· will Injector Drug lame side or chest use Shiloh's We are aware of a great prejudice against mi* self into the arms of his defender, bursts to four lbe. of goods. If you haver ever For back, 250 Dr. J. C. & oolorone >d paint* but we confidently recommend tbu, be 8—It instigates murders. Ayer Co., Mast. Maine. these once. You will be delighted. I*orous Plaster. Price 25c. Lowell, Norway, into tears and sobs : used Dye· try ieving it to be the most beautiful durable and Solil by all IiruggUt·. or send us 10 cents aud any Shiloh's and Cure 9—It to ! !" Sold by druggist·, Cough Consumption ■conomiea! paint in the market. consigns jail 500,000 crimi. My preserver My preserver color wanted sent peat-paid. 94 colored aaroplaa is sold us on a enres con- Remember this Ru iber Paint is by guarantee. It composed of A" experience the ben. for a 3c. 1 tab. YOUNG wotulerful fl- "That's all right my good fellow," and a set of fancy cards sent stamp. sumption. >ure White Lead, Zinc, Linseed Oil and India M l»I( II \KD«iO\ Λ CO.. Itarliagt.n, Vt. iubbcr, with the best coloring pigments that can AND For Biliousness the advocate, him on tbe ELLS Shiloh's Vitalizer is what need for OLD, Δ , says patting you te obtained, ground in. A care I el examination Ayer'se^efI,0U4,< : innocence has been at- loss of dizziness, •f buildings on which U has been used will co·· —Bacon was the man who said middle- Sarsaparilla. FiMILï FILLS shoulder "your constipation, appetite, "the Children BAHTLEm TES CENT all of 10 Ince the most skeptical of its merits. iPCn with Sere Κ ye·. Hare Far·, GOLD and SILVER PAINT. and symptoms Dyspepsia. Price Aotu. or lor < 10 centt. tested a of and hence- We reicr to the who have as •est of is that a scrofulotM »>r ·> tak· > the left·!. Four