Parish: Ward: Lavant


Proposal Proposed dwelling on land adjacent to Wherstead and proposed vehicular access to existing dwelling.

Site Wherstead Coach Road(North) Westhampnett West PO18 0NX

Map Ref (E) 488278 (N) 106174

Applicant Mr Adie Girdler


Note: Do not scale from map. For information only. Reproduced NOT TO from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the SCALE controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Crown Copyright. License No. 100018803

1.0 Reason for Committee Referral

1.0 Reason for Committee Referral

Parish Objection - Officer recommends Permit

2.0 The Site and Surroundings

2.1 The application site is located within the Settlement Boundary and Parish of Westhampnett - located on a corner plot to the south of Stane Street and west of Coach Road.

2.2 The application site is adjoined by residential properties and gardens to the south and west.

3.0 The Proposal

3.1 The application proposes the retention of the existing two storey property and the construction of a further dwellinghouse within the garden of Wherstead. The proposed property would be sited to the east of the current main house beyond the river, set slightly forward of Wherstead and centrally between the east and west boundaries. The proposed dwelling would comprise of a one and a half storey detached dwelling, set back from Stane Street, with a pitched roof, cat slide to the principle elevations and slightly offset glaze gable element. The maximum ridge and eaves heights would measure 6.7m and 3.5m to the south east and west and 2.5 to the north.

3.3 Internally the proposed property would include a ground floor lounge, kitchen, dining room, family room, utility and w.c. with hall way and staircase leading to three first floor bedrooms and two bathrooms.

3.4 A vehicular access is also proposed from Stane Street that would serve the existing property. Connected to this access would be a driveway, parking and turning space. The existing vehicular access from Coach Road, to the new plot, would be retained and would also accommodate parking and turning space for the new property.

3.6 This is an amended scheme to planning permission 14/01895/FUL that was approved in the 13.11.2014 for; '1 no. detached dwelling, demolition of sub-standard garage, proposed new access for Wherstead and a double garage'.

4.0 History

04/03088/OUT PER Outline application for one detached dwelling, demolition of substandard garage, proposed new access for Wherstead and one double garage.

81/00024/WH PER Remove existing thorn hedge and replace with 4 ft high fence fronting Coach Road.

14/01895/FUL PER106 1 no. detached dwelling, demolition of sub-standard garage, proposed new access for Wherstead and a double garage. 5.0 Constraints

Listed Building No Conservation Area No Countryside No AONB No Strategic Gap No Tree Preservation OrderNo South Downs National No Park EA Flood Zone - Flood Zone 2 No - Flood Zone 3 No Historic Parks and No Gardens

6.0 Representations and Consultations

6.1 Parish Council

Response received 19.07.2016

The Parish Council wishes to sustain it's previous comments, thus, Objects to the proposed vehicle access from Stane Street and urges that the application is refused for safety reasons. Having reviewed the planning application, Westhampnett Parish Council endorses the safety concerns expressed by Mr & Mrs Craven in respect of the proximity of the proposed vehicle access from Stane Street, which is close to the very busy junction with Coach Road. Stane Street is already an extremely busy road and vehicle movements will increase when the 100 homes on the former hanging basket site to the east, WH/12/02360/OUT are completed (already under construction); and the 300 homes to the west between Stane Street / Madgwick Lane, WH/15/03524/OUTEIA, approved in the Local Plan, have been completed. Additionally, commercial and domestic vehicles associated with the Rolls Royce factory (east) and CDC depot and Transit site (west) exacerbate the dangers at the junction with Coach Road and vehicles turning to access the amenity tip. The Parish Council considers that vehicle access to the site should be from Coach Road, as approved under application 14/01895/FUL

Response received 06.05.2016

The Parish Council Objects to the proposed vehicle access from Stane Street and urges that the application is refused for safety reasons.

Having reviewed the planning application, Westhampnett Parish Council endorses the safety concerns expressed by Mr & Mrs Craven in respect of the proximity of the proposed vehicle access from Stane Street, which is close to the very busy junction with Coach Road.

Stane Street is already an extremely busy road and vehicle movements will increase when the 100 homes on the former hanging basket site to the east, WH/12/02360/OUT are completed (already under construction); and the 300 homes to the west between Stane Street/Madgwick Lane, WH/15/03524/OUTEIA, approved in the Local Plan, have been completed. Additionally, commercial and domestic vehicles associated with the Rolls Royce factory (east) and CDC depot and Transit site (west) exacerbate the dangers at the junction with Coach Road and vehicles turning to access the amenity tip.

The Parish Council considers that vehicle access to the site should be from Coach Road, as approved under application 14/01895/FUL.

6.2 WSCC Highways

Response received 18.07.2016

This application has been dealt with in accordance with the Development Control Scheme protocol for small scale proposals which include up to 5 residential units or extensions to single units accessed from roads that do not form part of the Strategic Road Network (SRN). As such the comments provided by Strategic Planning should be considered to be advice only, with respect to this planning application.

This proposal has been considered by means of a desktop study, using the information and plans submitted with this application, in conjunction with other available WSCC map information. A site visit can be arranged on request.

Summary County Council, as the Local Highway Authority (LHA), have been re-consulted on the above application for proposed new dwelling and new access point on to the public highway to serve existing dwelling. In our comments of 12/05/2016 the LHA requested modification to the new access width, pedestrian visibility and clarification on parking and turning arrangements for the existing dwelling.

Access The vehicular access point has been widened to approximately 3.4 metre to provide sufficient width for a car to pass in/out of the site. The applicant will need to apply for a licence from WSCC Highways for these works on to the public highway. It is also noted that an area of block paving approximately 4 metre into the site has been demonstrated to ensure that loose gravel/material does not disperse on to the highway.

The pedestrian access into the new dwelling from Stane Street appears to be approximately 1 metre wide. Department for Transport guidance on Inclusive Mobility advises that "…a blind person using a long cane or with an assistance dog needs 1100mm. A visually impaired person who is being guided needs a width of 1200mm. A wheelchair user and an ambulant person side-by-side need 1500mm width". The applicant may wish to consider the pedestrian accessibility in to the site. Any gate across this entrance should not open on to the highway.

Vehicular Visibility The applicant has demonstrated vehicular visibility from 2.4 metre back from the edge of the carriageway into the centre of the new access point. The plan annotates these splays at 43 metre as per Manual for Streets (MfS) standards for a road subject to a 30 mph speed restriction. However, the plan cuts these splays off at approximately 37 metre in the east and 22 metre in the west direction. Nevertheless, as stated in our previous response the LHA are satisfied that sufficient visibility is achievable in this location and that the required 43 metre could be demonstrated. The Local Planning Authority (LPA) may wish to secure this as a condition to ensure the full splays are demonstrated on a plan.

Pedestrian Visibility The applicant was advised to demonstrate a clear area of 2m by 2m (from the edge of the footway in to the site) to provide a pedestrian visibility splay so that vehicles can see users of the footway as they exit the site. This has not been demonstrated on the plan but can be secured via condition.

Parking and Turning The applicant has amended the plans to demonstrate the parking and turning of cars on site. Although a floor plan for the existing house has not been provided, the Application Form states that it is a 4+ bedroom property. On the basis of it being a four bedroom dwelling in this location the WSCC Car Parking Demand Calculator envisions that three spaces should be provided. The LHA is satisfied that three cars could park and turn on site and exit in forward gear.

Summary The applicant has addressed the LHA concerns regards access, parking and turning. Pedestrian visibility splays should be demonstrated to ensure the safety of users of the footway adjacent to the site; this can be secured via condition.

The LHA does not consider that the proposal would have 'severe' impact on the operation of the Highway network, therefore is not contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 32), and that there are no transport grounds to resist the proposal.

Response received 12/05/16

West Sussex County Council, as the Local Highway Authority (LHA), was consulted previously on Highway matters for this location under planning application 14/01895/FUL to which no objections were raised and was permitted by the Local Planning Authority (LPA). The application proposed that a new vehicular access be created on to Coach Road for the existing dwelling and the existing access be used for the new dwelling. It is now proposed that the existing access on to Coach Road be used for the new dwelling and a new vehicular access on to Stane Street be created for the existing dwelling.

The LHA do not wish to raise any concerns to the proposals in principle, however further information is requested in relation to the parking, turning and access arrangements.

Access The new access point will be located approximately 20m from the junction of Coach Road with Stane Street. Stane Street is a 'C' classified road subject to a 30mph speed restriction in this location. The LHA has reviewed data supplied to WSCC by over a period of the last three years. There have been no recorded injury accidents at the junction. There is no evidence to suggest that the junction is operating unsafely, or that the proposed dwelling would exacerbate an existing safety concern.

The driveway is to be constructed from shingle. This may result in material being dispersed onto the public highway affecting the surface of the road. The applicant should provide a gravel trap or area of block paving, or other bound material, at the point of access onto Stane Street (on land within the applicant's control; not within the publicly maintained highway). This should me demonstrated on an amended plan.

The access appears to be 2m wide at the point where it crosses in to the site. This is not sufficient for a single vehicle crossover. The applicant should amend the plan to demonstrate an access point of at least 3m in width to enable safe access and egress to the site.

Visibility Manual for Streets (MfS) quotes a standard of 43m of visibility in both directions from a 2.4m 'X' distance back from the carriageway edge for a 30mph road. From an inspection of the plans and local mapping the LHA are satisfied that visibility upon exiting the site is adequate. The trees/vegetation shown either side of the new access point should be cleared to an area of 2m by 2m (from the edge of the footway in to the site) to provide a pedestrian visibility splay so that vehicles can see users of the footway as they exit the site.

Parking and Turning The Proposed Site Plan demonstrates that the shingle parking area off Stane Street will provide space for the parking of four cars. The space appears restricted to enable four cars to park and turn to exit the site in forward gear. The applicant should amend the plan to enlarge the hardstanding area and demonstrate that cars can park and turn in the space available by way of a swept path analysis so they can exit on to Stane Street in a forward gear.

The WSCC Car Parking Demand Calculator envisions that three spaces be provided for the new dwelling. These spaces will be accessed via the existing crossover on to Coach Road and includes a single detached garage.

Sustainability Bus stops are within short walking distance on Stane Street with services on to . A cycle route runs along Stane Street and cycling would be an attractive and sustainable mode of transport in this location. The applicant should provide secure and covered storage for the new dwelling; this can be secured via condition.

Conclusion The LHA accept the use of the existing vehicle crossover (VCO) and parking area to be used in conjunction with the new dwelling. The new VCO on to Stane Street to be used for the existing dwelling should be modified on the Proposed Site Plan. The access should be widened at the point of entry in to the site. We also request that pedestrian visibility splays are demonstrated and that parking and turning are further considered. The off street parking area should be enlarged and it should be demonstrated where and how cars will park and turn to leave the site in a forward gear.

Please ask the applicant for this additional information and re-consult.

6.3 Natural

This application is within 5.6km of Chichester and Langstone Harbours SPA and will lead to a net increase in residential accommodation. Subject to the financial contribution as required through Council's interim policy, Natural England are satisfied that the applicant has mitigated against the potential adverse effects of the development on the integrity of the European site(s), and has no objection to this aspect of the application.

6.5 1 x Third Party Objection

2 x letters from same household - concerns regarding safety of proposed vehicular access and accuracy of plans and therefore the available space to provide the proposed parking and turning.

7.0 Planning Policy

The Development Plan

7.1 The Development Plan for the area comprises the Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029 and all made neighbourhood plans. There is no made neighbourhood plan for Westhampnett at this time.

7.2 The principal planning policies relevant to the consideration of this application are as follows:

Policy 1: Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development Policy 2: Development Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy Policy 6: Neighbourhood Development Plans Policy 8: Transport and Accessibility Policy 12: Water Resources in the Apuldram Wastewater Treatment Catchment Policy 17: Westhampnett/North East Chichester Strategic Development Location Policy 29: Settlement Hubs and Village Centres Policy 33: New Residential Development Policy 39: Transport, Accessibility and Parking Policy 40: Sustainable Design and Construction Policy 47: Heritage and Design Policy 48: Natural Environment Policy 49: Biodiversity Policy 50: Development and Disturbance of Birds in Chichester and Langstone Harbours Special Protection Areas

National Policy and Guidance

7.3 Government planning policy now comprises the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), paragraph 14 of which states:

At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking:

For decision-taking this means unless material considerations indicate otherwise: - Approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay; and - Where the development plan is absent, silent or relevant policies are out-of-date, granting planning permission unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly or demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole; or specific policies in (the) Framework indicate development should be restricted.

7.4 Consideration should also be given to paragraph 17 (Core Planning Principles), 32, 56, 59, 60 and 64.

7.5 The government's New Homes Bonus (NHB) which was set up in response to historically low levels of housebuilding, aims to reward local authorities who grant planning permissions for new housing. Through the NHB the government will match the additional council tax raised by each council for each new house built for each of the six years after that house is built. As a result, councils will receive an automatic, six-year, 100 per cent increase in the amount of revenue derived from each new house built in their area. It follows that by allowing more homes to be built in their area local councils will receive more money to pay for the increased services that will be required, to hold down council tax. The NHB is intended to be an incentive for local government and local people, to encourage rather than resist, new housing of types and in places that are sensitive to local concerns and with which local communities are, therefore, content. Section 143 of the Localism Act which amends S.70 of the Town and Country Planning Act makes certain financial considerations such as the NHB, material considerations in the determination of planning applications for new housing. The amount of weight to be attached to the NHB will be at the discretion of the decision taker when carrying out the final balancing exercise along with the other material considerations relevant to that application.

Other Local Policy and Guidance

7.6 The following Supplementary Planning Documents are material to the determination of this planning application:

Chichester District Council's Planning Guidance Note 3, Design Guideline for Alterations to dwellings and extensions (revised September 2009) (PGN3) Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing SPD

7.7 The aims and objectives of the Council's Sustainable Community Strategy are material to the determination of this planning application. These are:

B1 - Managing a changing environment

8.0 Planning Comments

8.0 Planning Comments

8.1 The key considerations in this case are whether the development would have an acceptable impact on; i) Visual amenities ii) Neighbouring amenities iii) Highway safety

Assessment i) Impact on visual amenities

8.2 The principle of a net gain in one dwellinghouse on this site has already been established via the previous permission, which remains extant.

8.3 The proposed property would be sited in a similar position (to the previous permission). However, it represents an increase in size, height, bulk, mass and scale. In comparison to the previous approval the ridge height would be increased by 0.5m in height. The eaves to the front and rear differ and would be comparable with the previous approval. The bulk, mass and scale increase would arise from an increase in footprint and change in form of the roof to an L shaped building with southerly gable end projection. The plot is considered to be of a sufficient size to accommodate the proposed dwellinghouse without appearing cramped or overdeveloped. The staggered from of the roofs, walls, gable and dormer would break up the bulk, mass and scale of the development to an acceptable level. The submitted street scene elevation demonstrates that the proposed dwelling would remain subservient to the two storey properties to the west.

8.5 The alteration to the vehicular access to the existing (host) dwelling is proposed to move from the southern end of the site (on to Coach Road) to the front of the existing property, on to Stane Street. This repositioning of the vehicular access would open up the existing property to localised views from the road. However, many other residential properties take access from Stane Street and this would not be uncharacteristic of other properties in the area.

8.6 In conclusion; the increased size of the proposed property and new vehicular access would respect the character and quality of the locality in accordance with polices 33 and 47 of the current Local Plan and there are no material considerations that indicate otherwise. ii) Impact neighbouring amenities

8.7 The proposals would not have an unacceptable impact on the amenities of the neighbouring properties with regard to loss of light or outlook. The proposed dwelling would be located within the same building line as the ‘donor’ property (Whersted) to the west and would be located a reasonable distance from this boundary, separated by an existing stream. In order to mitigate against a loss of privacy through overlooking it would be necessary to include a condition requiring the first floor glazing to the west elevation of the proposed dwelling to be obscure and fixed below 1.7m from finished first floor level. The sills of the rooflights would also be required to be above 1.7m from finished first floor level within the rooms/spaces in which they serve. The impact on Ramblers to the south would be limited given the depth of the rear garden (33m) of the application site, their open plan front garden and their set back position from Coach Road. To the east existing properties are separated from the application site by the road and therefore any additional impact this this direction would be limited. iii) Impact on Highway safety

8.10 The new vehicular access to Stane Street has raised concerns regarding Highway safety through third party comments and the Parish Council. WSCC Highway (LHA) have been consulted on this case and have not raised an objection on highway safety grounds. Conditions are recommended as per their suggestions to ensure the development meets the requirements of the LHA. Sufficient visibility and on site turning and parking would be possible. On balance, the new access would not cause significant harm to highway safety. iv. Other matters

Water Management

8.11 There is a stream running through the site. However the site is not within an EA flood zone 2 or 3 and this is not a designated main river. Surface water would be managed within the site and porous surfaces proposed.

8.12 Foul water is proposed to be connected to the existing mains network. The site would drain to the Wastewater Treatment works and it is not anticipated that the additional of one dwelling would be significant or cause capacity problems, in this case.

8.13 Broadband will be proposed to the new property via the existing network and the occupant's desired supplier.

Significant Conditions

8.14 Conditions are suggested regarding;

 External finish materials to be agreed with the LPA - notwithstanding the approved plans and those suggested by the LHA.  Landscaping - soft and hard  Obscure glazing windows to first floor – west elevation.

Section 106 Agreement

8.15 A Unilateral Undertaking was submitted and contributions paid to mitigate the likely significant impact on the SPA, in accordance with policy 50 of the Local Plan.


8.16 Based on the above t is considered the proposal complies with the Development Plan and there are no material considerations that indicate otherwise and therefore the application is recommended for approval.

Human Rights

In reaching this conclusion the Human Rights of the applicants and nearby occupiers have been taken into account when reaching this recommendation and it is concluded that the recommendation to permit is justified and proportionate.


1 A01F Time Limit - Full 2 U03341 Plans 3 U03342 Materials TBC 4 U03343 Obscure west first floor windows 5 U03344 Sills of rooflights 6 U03345 Landscaping – details TBC 7 U03346 Landscaping - implementation 8 U03347 Boundary treatments TBC 9 U03348 Parking provision 10 U03349 Visibility 11 U03350 Pedestrian Visibility 12 U03351 Vehicle parking and turning 13 U03352 Bins and bikes 14 U03353 Surface water 15 U03354 Construction plant and materials


1 U03355 Contact the Highway Licensing team 2 W45F Application Approved Following Revisions

For further information on this application please contact Maria Tomlinson on 01243 534734