A W A R D ● W I N N I N G jmillers.com 934-6200 Gulf Breeze ● Pensacola ● Destin 50¢ YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER May 29, 2008 Pen Air Credit Union robbed White man in 20s HURRICANE SEASON JUST displays gun, escapes DAYS AWAY, 3A with undisclosed sum BY JOE CULPEPPER Gulf Breeze News PAG E 4D
[email protected] An armed white male described as being in his early- to mid-20s robbed the Pen Air Federal Credit ■ Noise Union at 1177 Gulf Breeze Parkway of an undis- levels closed amount of cash Tuesday, May 20. Gulf Breeze Police and the Federal Bureau of create Investigation responded to a 911 call at 12:26 p.m. debate after the man entered the credit union, pulled up his shirt to dis- play a handgun tucked into his waistband and demanded money. “He told tellers something to WEEKEND the effect that they didn’t want Weather to get hurt,” said Lt. Rick THURSDAY 5/29 Hawthorne of the Gulf Breeze Police Department. Sunny Artist rendering “He received money from the of suspect high 85O tellers and left running toward low 72O the rear of the store. From there, we lost track of him with the K-9.” FRIDAY 5/30 The robbery occurred in a matter of seconds, and there were no injuries. Hawthorne said the man – Iso. T-Storms between 5-foot-9 and 6-feet tall and 160 pounds – O high 86 wore a white shirt with thin red, white and blue low 72O stripes, white baseball-style hat and mirrored sun- glasses.