338 First records of chalcites (: : ) for east-central Canada

Henry Murillo,1 David W.A. Hunt, Sherah L. VanLaerhoven

Abstract—Specimens of (Esper) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) have been found in different municipalities in southwestern Ontario, Canada since 2008. This nonnative species occurs in tomato and green bean crops where it has the potential of becoming an important pest.

Re´sume´—Des spe´cimens de Chrysodeixis chalcites (Esper) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) ont e´te´ trouve´s dans diffe´rentes municipalite´s du sud-ouest de l’Ontario, au Canada, depuis 2008. Cette espe`ce non- indige`ne se de´veloppe dans la tomate et les haricots verts ou` elle a le potentiel de devenir un insecte ravageur important.

Introduction (Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences Inter- national 2012), although it has been recorded in Chrysodeixis chalcites (Esper) and Chrysodeixis Austria, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, eriosoma (Doubleday) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and the United Kingdom in the late summer or are polyphagous multivoltine species, larvae of autumn (Jor 1973; Bretherton 1983; Hachler et al. which feed on a wide variety of leaves and fruits of 1998; Palmqvist 2002). Chrysodeixis chalcites is a vegetables, fruit, and ornamental plants. Morpho- major pest of tomato, lucerne, alfalfa and clover in logical techniques cannot reliably distinguish Israel; it is one of the principal pests on between C. chalcites and C.eriosoma andtheyare soybean in northern Italy and Spain; on field fruit possibly the same species. Although the and vegetables in Egypt; and on potato in Mauritius still requires clarification, DNA barcode data, (Avidov and Harpaz 1969; Zandigiacomo 1990; including specimens from this study suggest that Broza and Sneh 1994; Amate et al. 1998). Indoors, variation between C. chalcites and C. eriosoma C. chalcites is reported as a main insect pest is only about 1% (C. Schmidt; Canadian Food in Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, and Inspection Agency, Ottawa, Canada; personal Turkey affecting tomato, cucumber, peppers, and communication). Should they prove conspecific, ornamentals (Uygun and Ozgur 1980; Inserra C. chalcites would be the valid name. and Calabretta 1985; Loginova 1992; Veire 1993; Chrysodeixis chalcites (Golden twin spot Vos and Rutten 1995). ) is distributed between 458N and 358S, from Chrysodeixis eriosoma has been reported southern Europe, the Mediterranean, and the throughout Asia, in Korea, , Japan, , Middle East to Africa (Centre for Agriculture and Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and all over Biosciences International 2012). Outdoor breeding Australasia (Roberts 1979; Centre for Agri- populations occur in Europe as far north as culture and Biosciences International 2012). The northern Spain and northern Italy. No successful larva feeds mostly on Solanaceae and Asteraceae breeding is reported outdoors in northern Europe (Compositae) plants. It is one of the most serious

Received 15 February 2012. Accepted 17 September 2012. First published online 25 January 2013. H. Murillo,1 S.L. VanLaerhoven, Department of Biology, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4 D.W.A. Hunt, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada – Greenhouse and Processing Crops Research Centre, 2585 County Road 20, Harrow, Ontario, Canada N0R 1G0 1Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]). doi:10.4039/tce.2012.106

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horticultural pests in , , that are expected to cause damage to agricultural Indonesia, Japan, and , feeding on a or natural resources if introduced into the United variety of crops such as tomato, soybeans, States of America (United States Department of beans, pumpkin, capsicum, tobacco, and cabbage Agriculture- and Plant Health Inspection (Roberts 1979; Cameron et al. 1986; Talekar Service-Plant Protection and Quarantine 2009, 1987, Luther et al. 1996). 2010). The pests on this list are the Animal and In 1995, C. eriosoma was intercepted at Plant Health Inspection Service’s high priority United States of America ports on a species pests that should be surveyed. of Moringa Adanson (Moringaceae) and on Sullivan et al. (2007) reported that based water dropwort, Oenanthe javanica (Blume) on host availability, areas from North Dakota Candolle (Apiaceae) from Hawaii (United States east to Ohio and south to Texas/Louisiana were Department of Agriculture 2006, 2007), and at considerable risk of C. chalcites establishment a specimen of C. chalcites was found on and areas along the west coast such as Oregon, Pelargonium L’He´ritier de Brutelle ex Aiton California were at moderate risk. (Geraniaceae) (geraniums) in a greenhouse in During September–October 2008 in a 4-ha Ohio (Passoa and Gilligan 1995). Olsen (2005) multi-crop field plot of tomato, pepper (Capsicum reported that C. chalcites was intercepted by annuum Linnaeus, Solanaceae), corn (Zea mays Customs and Border Protection at Atlanta, Linnaeus, Poaceae), cabbage (Brassica oleracea Georgia, United States of America airport on Linnaeus, Brassicaceae), green beans (Phaseolus Hydrangea Linnaeus (Hydrangeaceae) from the vulgaris Linnaeus, Fabaceae), and onions (Allium Netherlands. By the end of December 2005, a cepa Linnaeus, Alliaceae) located in Leamington detection of either C. chalcites or C. eriosoma Ontario, Canada (42802036.4500N, 82838005.6000W), was made in two vegetable production green- four universal moth traps (Great Lakes IPM Inc., houses in Delta, British Columbia, Canada. Vestaburg Michigan, United States of America) The facilities were placed under quarantine and with pheromone lures for Trichoplusia ni (Hu¨bner) compliance agreements from the summer of (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were placed in the plot 2006 to the spring of 2007 to prevent potential corners and separated by about 300 m from each spread with agricultural products; facilities were other. Weekly sampling of larvae of the subfamily also required to carry out eradication activities Plusiinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was done and because detections were not made after the during September–October 2008 in the multi-crop quarantine-eradication process, the status of the field plot and from May to October during 2009 pest in Canada is eradicated (North American and 2010 in processing tomato, cabbage, and Plant Protection Organization 2007; Lafontaine broccoli fields in different localities of the and Schmidt 2010). Essex and Chatham-Kent counties in southwestern In California, United States of America, Ontario, Canada. During 2009, larvae were col- specimens of C. chalcites and C. eriosoma have lected in 16 tomato, two cabbage, and one broccoli been detected or intercepted in the counties of crops located in Kingsville–Leamington (eight San Mateo, Shasta, Contra Costa, Los Angeles, tomato fields: 42802036.4500N, 82838005.6000W; Orange, and San Luis Obispo from 1999 through 42805007.2500N, 82836008.6500W; 42804057.3700N, 2007 (California Department of Food and Agri- 82834001.8300W; 42805000.7800N, 82837007.2600W; culture 1999, 2005, 2007). In 2006 the rating of 42805004.0300N, 82834009.1900W; 42802028.9100N, C. eriosoma was changed from Q (Quarantine) 82843049.6600W; 42805006.6800N, 82834042.2400W; to A (Actionable) status (California Department 42806000.5300N, 82837042.3300W; one cabbage and of Food and Agriculture 2007). United States one broccoli field: 42802036.4500N, 82838005.6000W), Department of Agriculture-Animal and Plant Harrow (five tomato fields, four individual plots: Health Inspection Service-Plant Protection and 42802000.8200N, 82853058.4900W; 42802011.5400N, Quarantine (2008) lists C. chalcites as a pest 82857003.7800W), Blenheim (one tomato field, of national concern for fiscal year 2009 but one visit on 31 August: 42816000.0800N, C. eriosoma is not listed. The priority pest list 82803006.8200W), and Ridgetown (one tomato for fiscal years 2010 and 2011 report C. chalcites and one cabbage fields visited on 31 August: though without ranking it into the top 50 pests 42826051.0600N, 82852042.2200W). During 2010,

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Table 1. Number of Chrysodeixis chalcites larvae collected in field crops that turned into adult by month during 2009–2010.

Month Year Crop May June July August September October Total 2008 Tomato – – – – 15 6 21 Beans – – – – 32 0 32 2009 Tomato 0 0 13 341 31 23 408 Brassica 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2010 Tomato 0 26 177 238 68 0 509 –, There was no sampling.

Table 2. Number of Chrysodeixis chalcites larvae collected in field crops that turned into adult moths by localities in the Essex and Chatham-Kent counties, Ontario, Canada during 2009–2010.

Essex Chatham-Kent Year County Crop Kingsville–Leamington Essex (Harrow) Blemhein Ridgetown Chatham Wallaceburg Total 2008 Tomato 21 – – – – – 21 Beans 32 – – – – – 32 2009 Tomato 325 70 11 2 – – 408 Brassica 0 0 0 0 – – 0 2010 Tomato 485 1 23 – 0 0 509 –, There was no sampling.

larvae were collected in 11 tomato crops located in at 248C, 12:12 hours light:dark photoperiod Kingsville–Leamington (four fields: 42802036.4500N, and 60% relative humidity. Voucher specimens 82838005.6000W; 42805007.2500N, 82836008.6500W; have been deposited in the Canadian National 42804059.2100N, 82834010.9300W; 42805007.9500N, Collection of , Arachnids, and Nematodes 82838019.0200W), Harrow (one field: 42802011. (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada). 5400N, 82857003.7800W), Wallaceburg (one field: During September–October of 2008, from 42831040.800N, 8282029.3200W), Chatham (four Trichoplusia ni pheromone traps in the 4-ha fields: 42823026.9300N, 82809027.1300W; 42823056. multi-crop field plot located in the Leamington- 2300N, 82806059.49300W; 42827054.0700N, 82805017. Kingsville area, 25 adult males were collected 7500W; 42824045.4400N, 82805038.6700W), and and they were identified as C. chalcites or Blenheim (one field visited three times: C. eriosoma making this the first record of this 42816000.0800N, 82803006.8200W). A few scattered species for eastern Canada. Based on the state- larval collections were done during 2011 in ments above in the first paragraph, from now on six processing tomato fields located in the this species will just be named as C. chalcites. Kingsville–Leamington area (42802036.4500N, During this year, the larvae sampling in the 82838005.6000W; 42802011.4800N, 82842001.1600W; same plot, yielded 32 specimens of C. chalcites 42804057.3700N, 82834001.8300W; 42805007.2500N, collected from the green bean crop and 21 from 82836008.6500W; 42805000.7800N, 82837007.2600W; the tomato crop. 42805004.0300N, 82834009.1900W). For each field, a During 2009, 408 C. chalcites were collected total of 100 plants were sampled. Starting from a from the 13 tomato fields but none were different corner of the field on each sampling collected from brassica crops. During 2010, 509 date, five plants were selected and examined for C. chalcites were collected from the 11 tomato larvae every 10 steps in a random zigzag pattern. crops. The number of C. chalcites specimens Larvae were reared individually on a pinto bean collected can be observed by month in Table 1 diet (Shorey and Hale 1965) in a growth chamber and by location in Table 2. The larval collections

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made during 2011 in processing tomato fields Broza, M. and Sneh, B. 1994. Bacillus thuringiensis located in the Kingsville–Leamington area all spp. kurstaki as an effective control agent of yielded C. chalcites specimens. lepidopteran pests in tomato fields in Israel. Journal of Economic Entomology, 87: 923–928. Based on the information provided above, California Department of Food and Agriculture 1999. we hypothesise that C. chalcites is probably an Annual Crop Report. California Department of established insect pest in North America in Food & Agriculture and Marin County Board of processing tomato crops at least in the counties Supervisors. Vol. 18 (1–2). California Department of Essex and Chatham-Kent, southwestern of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, California, United States of America. Ontario, Canada and that it could already be California Department of Food and Agriculture present in surrounding field tomato crop areas in 2005. California Plant Pest & Disease Report. the United States of America states of Michigan, California Department of Food & Agriculture Plant Ohio, and New York. After four years of the Pest Diagnostics Branch. Vol. 22 (1). California presence of C. chalcites in southwestern Ontario, Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, California, United States of America. we believe that the species overwinters in North California Department of Food and Agriculture America. However, it is unclear if the over- 2007. California Plant Pest & Disease Report. wintering occurs in southwestern Ontario, or if it California Department of Food & Agriculture Plant occurs further south with a spring migration Pest Diagnostics Branch. Vol. 23 (1). California to Ontario. In Europe, breeding populations of Department of Food and Agriculture, Sacramento, California, United States of America. C. chalcites are reported only up to northern Cameron, P.J., Allan, D.J., and Walker, G.P. 1986. Spain and Italy where weather conditions are Insect pests and crop damage in soybeans. New much milder than southwestern Ontario (Centre Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 29: 93–100. for Agriculture and Biosciences International Centre for Agriculture and Biosciences International 2012). Chrysodeixis chalcites has the potential 2012. Crop protection compendium. CAB International, Wallingford, United Kingdom. of becoming one of the main insect pests for Hachler, M., Jermini, M., and Brunetti, R. 1998. Two the field tomato crops and other crops such as new harmful noctuids on tomatoes in glasshouse in beans in eastern North America. Studies about South and Western Switzerland. Revue Suisse de the dispersal and overwintering of C. chalcites, Viticulture, d’Arboriculture et d’Horticulture, 30: on its interaction with other Noctuidae and about 281–285. Inserra, S. and Calabretta, C. 1985. Attack by potential biocontrol agents are currently being noctuids: a recurring problem in greenhouse crops performed by the authors. of the Ragusa coast. Tecnica Agrı´cola, 37: 283–297. Jor, J. 1973. Plusia chalcites Esp., found on Funen (Lep., Noctuidae). Entomologiske Meddelelser, 41: Acknowledgements 187–188. The authors would like to thank all the Lafontaine, J.D. and Schmidt, B.C. 2010. Annotated check list of the Noctuoidea (Insecta, Lepidoptera) growers in Essex and Chatham-Kent counties of of North America north of Mexico. ZooKeys, 40: Ontario, Canada who allowed us to take samples 1–239. from their crops and to Dr. Christian Schmidt Loginova, E. 1992. Some new pests of glasshouse from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency for crops in Bulgaria and their control by an IPM the taxonomic information. programme. European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization Bulletin, 22: 357–361. Luther, G.C., Valenzuela, H.R., and DeFrank, J. 1996. References Impact of cruciferous trap crops on lepidopteran pests of cabbage in Hawaii. Environmental Amate, J., Barranco, P., and Cabello, T. 1998. Entomology, 25: 39–47. Identification of larvae of the principal noctuid North American Plant Protection Organization 2007. pest species in Spain (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Update on Chrysodeixis sp. (chalcites or eriosoma) Boletı´n de Sanidad Vegetal, Plagas, 24: 101–106. eradication in British Columbia, Canada/Le point sur Avidov, Z. and Harpaz, I. 1969. Plant pests of Israel. l’e´radication de l’espe`ce Chrysodeixis sp. (chalcites ou Israel Universities Press, Jerusalem, Israel. eriosoma) en Colombie-Britannique, Canada. North Bretherton, R.F. 1983. Noctuidae and Agaristidae. American Plant Protection Organization’s (NAPPO) In The moths and butterflies of Great Britain and Phytosanitary Alert System. Official Pest Report Ireland. Vol. 10, Part ii. Edited by J. Heath and 05/08/2007 [online]. Available from http://www. E.A. Maitland. Harley Books, Colchester, United pestalert.org/oprDetail.cfm?oprID5264 [accessed 10 Kingdom. February 2012].

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Olsen, C. 2005. Charles Olsen’s images. United States United States Department of Agriculture 2007. Department of Agriculture-Animal and Plant Importation of fresh water dropwort, Oenanthe Health Inspection Service-Plant Protection and javanica, from the Republic of Korea into the Quarantine. Atlanta [online]. Available from United States. Risk management document. United http://www.insectimages.org/browse/autimages.cfm? States Department of Agriculture-Animal and Plant aut542128 [accessed 10 February 2012]. Health Inspection Service-Plant Protection and Palmqvist, G. 2002. Remarkable records of Quarantine, Riverdale, Maryland, United States of Macrolepidoptera in Sweden 2001. Entomologisk America. Tidskrift, 123: 53–63. United States Department of Agriculture-Animal and Passoa, S. and Gilligan, T. 1995. United States Plant Health Inspection Service-Plant Protection Department of Agriculture-Animal and Plant Health and Quarantine 2008. CAPS National Survey Inspection Service-Plant Protection and Quarantine- Guidelines for 2009. Pests of National Concern Pest Alert: Chrysodeixis chalcites (Esper) for Fiscal Year 2009. National Cooperative (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Golden Twin Spot. Agricultural Pest Survey Program [online]. Available Entomological Supplement to Identifier’s Notes of from http://caps.ceris.purdue.edu/webfm_send/54 Interest Number 1. The Ohio State University, [accessed 10 February 2012]. Reynoldsburg, Ohio,United States of America. United States Department of Agriculture-Animal and Roberts, L.I.N. 1979. Biology of Chrysodeixis Plant Health Inspection Service-Plant Protection eriosoma (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in New and Quarantine 2009. CAPS National Survey Zealand. New Zealand Entomologist, 7: 52–58. Guidelines for 2010 [online]. Available from Shorey, H.H. and Hale, R.L. 1965. Mass-rearing of http://caps.ceris.purdue.edu/node/8 [accessed 10 the larvae of nine noctuid species on a single February 2012]. artificial medium. Journal of Economic Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture-Animal and 58: 522–524. Plant Health Inspection Service-Plant Protection Sullivan, M., Flores, D., Salinas, E., Salas, B., and and Quarantine 2010. CAPS National Survey Ramsey, C. 2007. Soybean Commodity-based Guidelines for 2011 [online]. Available from Survey Reference. Cooperative Agriculture Pest http://caps.ceris.purdue.edu/node/30 [accessed 10 Survey. United States Department of Agriculture- February 2012]. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service-Plant Uygun, N. and Ozgur, F. 1980. Identification of pests Protection and Quarantine-Center for Plant Health of greenhouse vegetables in the Icel and Adana Science Technology, Raleigh, North Carolina, regions, and the effects of endosulfan smoke tablets United States of America. and pirimicarb on Myzus persicae (Sulz.). Turkiye Talekar, N.S. 1987. Insects damaging soybean in Asia. Bitki Koruma Dergisi, 4: 185–192. In Soybean for the tropics: research, production and van de Veire, M. 1993. First observations in utilization. Edited by S.R. Singh, K.O. Rachie and glasshouse sweet peppers in Belgium and K.E. Dashiell. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, laboratory rearing of the parasitic wasp Eulophus United Kingdom. pp. 25–46. pennicornis (Hym.: Eulophidae). Entomophaga, 38: United States Department of Agriculture 2006. 61–62. Movement of Moringa oleifera Pods from Hawaii Vos, R. and Rutten, A.L.M. 1995. Migrating into the Continental United States. A Qualitative Lepidoptera in 1992 (fifty-third report). Entomo- Pathway-Initiated Risk Assessment, United States logische Berichten, 55: 37–46. Department of Agriculture-Animal and Plant Health Zandigiacomo, P. 1990. The principal pests of soybean Inspection Service-Plant Protection and Quarantine, in north-eastern Italy in 1989. Informatore Fitopato- Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America. logico, 40: 55–58.

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