Mathematics People
Mathematics People US$10,000 prize will be awarded at the International Con- Bressan Awarded Feltrinelli ference on Number Theory and Combinatorics, December Prize 19–22, 2006, at SASTRA University in Kumbakonam, India, Ramanujan’s hometown. Alberto Bressan of Pennsylvania State University has The 2006 prize citation is as follows: “Terence Tao been selected to receive the Antonio Feltrinelli Prize in is awarded the 2006 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize for his Mathematics, Mechanics, and Applications of the Acca- path-breaking contributions in number theory, harmonic demia Nazionale dei Lincei. The prize carries a monetary analysis, representation theory, and partial differential award of 65,000 euros (approximately US$82,000), a cer- equations, which have had a major impact in combinator- tificate, and a gold medal. ics and ergodic theory as well. Among other things, the Bressan has done important research in nonlinear prize recognizes his notable contributions to the famous analysis, differential equations, and control theory. He Kakeya Problem in higher dimensions, which has major is best known for his breakthrough work in hyperbolic applications in Fourier analysis and partial differential conservation laws, in which he established the uniqueness equations, especially his joint work with Nets Katz, Iza- and other fundamental properties of solutions and the bella Laba and others, that significantly improves all pre- convergence of vanishing viscosity approximations. viously known estimates for the fractal dimension using The Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, founded in 1603, is new and surprisingly simple combinatorial ideas in an considered to be Italy’s most prestigious scientific society. ingenious way. The prize also recognizes his outstanding One of its first members was Galileo Galilei.
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