
November 2020


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Costume Hire PET WATCH (Established 1992) Evercreech Drama Group has a wide * Mature, reliable local PET range of costumes SITTER available to care for which can be hired your pets in their own home for any occasion. * Lots of T.L.C. and cuddles Charges are subject to negotiation, Feeding and exercise but broadly £10 per complete * costume plus a £10 refundable * Weekends/Weekly deposit on safe return. * Live in or visit daily If you would like * References available to know more, please contact For more information please Greg Jessop contact: Janet Murray on 01749 831122 07968 683058 [email protected] 1 St Peter Evercreech, St Mary Chesterblade, St Mary & St John & St James , four of the six churches in the Alham Vale Benefice http://www.alhamvalebenefice.co.uk/ which is in the Cary Deanery: https://www.brutonandcarydeanery.net Who’s Who VICAR: Revd Helen Drever Tel: 01749 831053 Mobile: 07949 181745 Email: [email protected] READERS: Anne Sear 01749 838843 [email protected] Rob Sage 01749 850934 [email protected] Jen Richards 01749 812369 [email protected] CHURCHWARDENS: Evercreech: Geoff Hamlet 01749 830924 Eric Deyes 01749 831104 Milton Clevedon: Ian Broad 01749 838979 Winkie Fry 01749 831088 Lamyatt: Freda Gibbons 01749 813477 Ann Skinner 01749 813102 Chesterblade Chapel Warden: Sue Carden 07970 413382 LAY WORSHIP ASSISTANT: Michèle Hole 01749 830875 LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANT: Margaret Elliott 01749 830209 BENEFICE SAFEGUARDING OFFICER: Liz Henderson 01749 830887 A Prayer for our Benefice Loving God, as we travel together we seek inspiration from the which named us. We pray that the life-giving water of your Word will flow in our hearts and minds, that gently but firmly we will be carried along in its current together, that as the river winds and meanders, we too can change course to overcome the difficulties we face, and as the river flows onwards beyond our borders, we pray that your blessings will reach out through us into the communities we serve and beyond. Amen 2

From the Vicar’s Study … When I moved into the Vicarage in January, I was looking forward to meeting lots of new people across the Alham Vale Benefice, and was keen to get to know the rhythms of church and village life. I had no idea how complicated it would turn out to be. In the words of a John Lennon lyric, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”. None of us could have foreseen what 2020 would bring. I thought there would be a lot more tea and cake, and far fewer facemasks and hand-sanitisers. The churches and villages where I served my curacy in Devon, before I moved to Somerset, were very sociable and community minded. I loved that. And when I came to visit in August 2019 I recognised that same generous spirit here. Covid may have tried to put a damper on things, but the people of this place are more than a match for it. This was made abundantly clear at Harvest Festival time. We might not have been able to gather to share food and drink as is our custom, but we came together in our churches to celebrate God’s bounty and to offer donations in great profusion for the Shepton Mallet food bank. At one point the boxes in my hall were piled so high I could not get into the downstairs loo! We might not have been able to feast together this year, but we were determined no one would go hungry. And it is not just in the churches that we see this generosity, such goodness of heart runs right through each of our communities. I have every faith it will continue long after Covid is fading into memory. In November the Church moves towards Advent, traditionally a period of reflection and preparation for Christmas. It is a time when we look forward to the light that will be reborn and a season in which to plant the seeds of hope. Hope for ourselves and hope for others, both close to home and far away. If this troublesome year has taught us anything, it is the value of human connection and community, so let us sow and cultivate all that builds them up, for they are signs of love in action and love is the greatest gift of all. Who could hope for more?

Revd. Helen Drever

St Peter’s Church is now open for private prayer and reflection every day. Please use the hand sanitiser provided and follow the one-way system 3 PEOPLE NEWS If you have people news, we would like to hear from you. Please contact Carol on 01749 347823 or email to [email protected].

Baptism Emmy Elizabeth Pagram was baptised at St Peter’s Evercreech on Sunday 27th September 2020.

Deaths Richard John Phillips died on 24th September 2020, aged 93 years. His funeral and burial took place at St Mary & St John Lamyatt on 15th October. Herbert Cradock died on 6th October 2020, aged 86 years, His funeral took place at St Peter’s Evercreech on 22nd October followed by burial in Evercreech . Social distancing and quarantine measures may mean that you can’t go to the funeral of a family member or friend. The Ministry Team can offer to support you at this time, whether through phone calls, or suggesting ways of marking the funeral at home, thus being with other mourners in spirit, if not in body.

Although we cannot currently meet in St. Peter’s each morning to say Morning Prayer, in our own intercession time we pray for people from across the Benefice who are in need of prayer for whatever reason. Of course, we can only do so if we know who needs prayer. So please feel free to pass names to the Ministry Team, with as much or as little other information as you wish.

A short message to thank everyone for all your prayers, cards and good wishes during and after my spell in hospital. Thanks to all your loving care and the grace of the Lord I've been home for just over a week complete with three stents and active medical support. Tina and I are safeguarding into the foreseeable future and have also valued the support of family, friends and neighbours in keeping daily life on an even keel. You are all in our prayers daily. Peace and blessings. Geoff and Tina Hewitt 4 Inclusive Church St Peter’s PCC has signed up to the vision of Inclusive Church www.inclusive-church.org which says, “We believe in inclusive Church – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate. We will continue to challenge the church where it discriminates against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality ... We believe in a Church which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of God.” Our goal is to offer a radical welcome to all, but we are aware that we are on a journey. Please tell us if we make mistakes, so we know how we still need to improve. Inclusive Church has published a series of little books on Inclusivity, covering Gender, Poverty, Sexuality, Mental Health, Disability and Ethnicity. Please ask me if you would like to borrow any of these. Anne Sear Tel: 838343; [email protected]

Service of Remembering ‘These We Have Loved’ Sunday 1st November at 4.00 pm at St. Peter’s Church, Evercreech

ALL are welcome - (no matter how recent or how long ago your bereavement) but given the current restrictions we do need to know who is coming so please contact Geoff Hamlet on 830924 [email protected] for an invitation. There is a list at the back of St Peter’s for you to add any names to be remembered. Those who died five years ago or more can be remembered by filling in one of the cards in the basket which will then be put on the altar for the service.

Zambia In emails from Richard Mwansa Kaoma, the Parish Priest, at St Joseph’s, he sends greetings from all the people of St. Joseph's to everyone at St. Peter's. In Zambia the numbers of Covid-19 cases have reduced. Although they anticipated that numbers would go up after the opening of schools, that hasn’t happened. Let’s thank God for that. Richard says, “Let's continue to pray for each other and sharing the experiences to keep our relationship strong. Will send you the photos how St. Joseph's will look like after construction.” Anne Sear 5 St Peter’s Christmas Charities As is our custom we are looking for a Local, a National and an International Charity to share our Christmas Collections with. If you have a Charity you would like to be considered please contact asap: Janet on 830800, [email protected]; Anne on 01749 838843, [email protected]; or Belinda on 831341, [email protected]; Details of the Charities chosen will in the December Evercreech News.

Catholic News St Michael’s Catholic Church, (Diocese of Clifton) Park Road, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5BP [email protected] www.stmichaelsshepton.co.uk Parish Priests: Fr. Bede and Fr. Anselm, St Mary's Presbytery, Magdalene St, , BA6 9EJ Tel: 01458 832203 (Parish Priests) or 01458 835931 (Admin Office) It is noticeable that there can be no news broadcasts these days without mention of Covid-19. It continues to dominate our concerns, alongside climate change and news from other nations. Little is said however about the charities who are challenged to meet extra demand for aid with reduced donations. Maybe something to think about as we shop for Christmas Cards and gifts. Organisations such as Cafod World Gifts (https://worldgifts.cafod.co.uk) but there are many others, offer alternative charity gifts that transform lives; gifts that will make a real difference to a family living in poverty. Some good news though - our lovely refurbished hall has finally obtained approval from the Diocese to re-open for bookings following stringent measures to make it as Covid-safe as possible. The bad news is that, because of its size, and the need for social distancing, we are limited to only nine people at a time. Any enquiries, perhaps for small meetings, would be welcome. Please contact me via [email protected]. I have to report that Mass times are changing too. The priests have been reviewing the schedule introduced in the summer and have decided to transfer the 6pm Saturday evening Mass to Wells parish, leaving us in Shepton Mallet with just 9am on Sunday and 10am on Tuesdays. Still, we must be grateful that we are not closed down completely and pray that, as infection numbers rise, we shall not suffer harsher restrictions again. Meanwhile, of course, we are aware that here in Mendip we have so far had relatively few Covid cases but keep in our hearts and minds the millions, here and across the globe, for whom this pandemic is truly catastrophic. Jacky Tucker


Although I cannot display the usual Advent Calendars and Christmas cards and other Traidcraft items at Church Coffee Mornings, I do have catalogues for you to borrow. You can place your order with me (no postage to pay) or on-line at https://www.traidcraftshop.co.uk/ The Real Advent Calendar comes with a free 24-page Christmas story activity book designed to be used every day in Advent. Behind each window there’s a line from the Christmas story with a colourful matching picture. All 25 chocolates are made from a high quality Fairtrade blend with 35% cocoa, are palm free, and foiled for freshness. The box and tray are completely recyclable, and with each purchase there’s a charitable donation. The Christmas cards are sold in aid of Traidcraft Exchange, CAFOD, SCIAF and Christian Aid in a bid to combat poverty on a global scale and make as much change as possible. For a catalogue or to place an order contact Carol on 347823 [email protected]

EVERCREECH RELIEF IN NEED Charity Commission Registered – 205527 The trustees of Evercreech Relief in Need are able to make modest grants to help people in the village. If you, or anyone you know, gets into financial difficulty during or after the current Corona (Covid-19) virus emergency; anyone living in the parish of Evercreech is most welcome to apply, as shown below, for help. We will try to help quickly where needed but the overall sum we can give is limited and we may need to delay some grants until we see the total amount of help requested so that we can allocate the money available as fairly as possible. Applications should be sent via letter or email to: The Chairman: Dr David Lindsay, Southwell House, Shapway Lane, Evercreech BA4 6JS [email protected] or The Clerk: Michele Hole, Bowns View, Weymouth Road, Evercreech BA4 6JB [email protected]


One more step As a vicar one thing I really enjoyed, even though it seemed to come round rather quickly, was writing the letter for the parish magazine. I know that not all parishes are able to produce a parish magazine and some find a website is a better way to communicate with people, however, I do still appreciate reading them when I can. So I would like to express my thanks to all those involved in writing, editing and producing parish magazines. They are often still an effective way to share what we are doing in our churches and to share with others the good news of the gospel. Recently I was reading one which had an article by someone recalling a visit made to the north west of the USA some 40 years ago. They spoke about the warmth of their welcome and the joy of being invited to preach in the church. What caught my eye, was that they remembered visiting Lake Wallowa where it is said: ‘the air is so pure and the sky so clear that one can see the dawn of the day after tomorrow!’ What a glorious expression. Of course, the truth is that we don’t know what the future holds and at the moment things are challenging and uncertain for all of us and indeed for the world. One night recently when I was in hospital, unable to sleep and waiting for the dawn to break, I found myself singing the words of ‘One More Step Along the Way I go’ which has the chorus: ‘And it’s from the old I travel to the new, Keep me travelling along with you’. Maybe as we look to the future, with the joys and challenges that it will bring, that should be our prayer – Lord help us to travel with you wherever you may be leading. With my warmest greetings,

The Right Revd Peter Hancock Bishop of Bath and Wells The quarterly Diocese magazine Manna is no longer printed, it has been replaced with a smaller monthly publication which includes the Bishop’s letter (as above) and other articles reproduced in Evercreech News if space allows, for example A time to remember on the next page. This smaller Manna will be sent to those of you who receive Evercreech News by email. 8 A time to remember With All Souls, Remembrance Sunday and Armistice all falling in November, it is a time to look back, to mourn, but also to look forward with hope. And, despite the challenges of Covid, church communities will still gather, either online or in person, to remember loved ones lost recently and those who lost their lives in service to their country. This year in particular, All Souls can offer a space for grieving for those who may not have been able to say farewell in the way they would have chosen; may not have been able to grieve alongside family and friends at a funeral or held a service to give thanks for a life well-lived. Space to grieve is important as those who sent the names of loved ones to be included in the recent ‘From Lamentation to Hope’ service at Wells Cathedral said. They expressed their gratitude for the service which one person said, “went some way towards beginning to heal the pain of inevitably sparsely attended services.” This service remains available to watch or share with others. Go to YouTube.com/BathandWells. Don’t forget our Service of Remembering (see page 4)

News from Milton Clevedon We have had two services at St. James’ recently. Our first Holy Communion since February was a lovely service despite the necessary changes to the service and of course the arrangements for social distancing. The church looked beautiful for our Harvest Festival service at the beginning of the month with decorations of flowers, foliage and gloriously golden pumpkins. It was good to see so many worshippers and to welcome Jen Richards who preached the sermon for us. It was, however, very strange not to sing “We plough the fields and scatter …” for the first time in living memory. On the farm we have been busy ‘safely gathering in’ quantities of straw from the harvest of our wheat and barley ready for winter bedding for the calves. The weaned calves live in sections of their barn which are three sided which ensures efficient ventilation for them. However when it gets very cold we make a shelter of single bales of straw to act as windbreak and make it warm and cosy. 9 We held our APCM and Vestry meetings in mid-October. We are delighted that Winkie Fry was elected as our new Churchwarden. Not only does Winkie have a ‘can do’ approach to everything she is involved in, but she does so with great warmth and enthusiasm. Earlier this year, she was key in the successful repairs to the north roof of the Chancel and has been fully involved in our fundraising ventures in recent years. We are sad that George Sealey has retired from the post of churchwarden after 50 years. We extend our huge thanks to him for his consistent efforts over this last half century and for his unwavering commitment to St James’. We have many challenges to face and it is heartening to have both fresh and steadfast support within our small community. Tessa & Helen

News from Lamyatt Many apologies for this month’s Lamyatt news being somewhat more personal than normal. When about to write, I was particularly drawn to that famous ‘There is a time for everything’ passage in Ecclesiastes, in particular verse 4: a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance. Both these very different emotions – sorrow and joy – have lived side by side for me this month. Joy – at the beginning of the month, I was licensed as a Reader in the Chapel at the Bishop’s Palace in Wells. It wasn’t the large ceremony that we had been anticipating this time last year, but how wonderful that it could actually take place! A simple, beautiful ceremony in which I was presented with my blue scarf, Bible and certificate. The following day I very much enjoyed wearing my new robes at our service in Lamyatt. Sorrow – on Thursday 15th, our family gathered in our church here in Lamyatt on a beautiful morning to say goodbye to my dad, Richard Phillips, who had passed away at the end of September. One-time churchwarden, all-time gentleman, he had lived in Lamyatt since 1971 and will missed by many. His send-off wasn’t exactly what we would have planned but was a lovely celebration of his life nevertheless. I would like to thank everyone who has supported me on my journey to the time of joy and our whole family would like to thank those who sent their condolences and memories of dad in this our time of sorrow. Jen Richards

10 Benefice Prayer Calendar Here we offer ideas for your prayers through the month, for local and wider concerns. The speech bubbles are for your personal additions to this calendar.

Lamyatt Church and community Evercreech leaders. Milton Fair trade and The media. Clevedon economic justice. For wisdom Children Local agriculture and and and young other businesses. integrity. people. Schools and colleges. Chesterblade Family Day Day life. Health and care 11-15 16-20 workers, and all Day Day who need their 6-10 21- care and ours. 25 Prayer Day People living in Batcombe Day poverty, including 1-5 26-31 Our Christian sisters here in Somerset. and brothers across the Refugees and asylum world. has seekers. Our commitment to Aid and advocacy ecological sustainability. its organisations. roots in

God’s sustaining love for all

11 Sundays in the Alham Vale Benefice 1st November All Saints Day 10.00 am Holy Communion St Peter, Evercreech 10.00 am Holy Communion St Mary & St John, Lamyatt 10.00 am Morning Prayer St Mary Magdalene, Upton Noble 11.00 am Morning Prayer The Blessed Virgin Mary, Batcombe 4.00 pm These We Have Loved St Peter, Evercreech 8th November Remembrance Sunday 10.00 am Short Communion Service St Peter, Evercreech 10.00 am Remembrance Service St Mary Magdalene, Upton Noble 11.00 am Civic Service at War Memorial Batcombe 6.00 pm Evensong The Blessed Virgin Mary, Batcombe 15th November 2nd Sunday before Advent 10.00 am Holy Communion St Peter, Evercreech 10.00 am Reflective Service St Mary & St John, Lamyatt 10.00 am Holy Communion St Mary Magdalene, Upton Noble 6.00 pm Evensong The Blessed Virgin Mary, Batcombe 22nd November Christ the King 9.45 for Café Church Evercreech Village Hall or Zoom 10.00 am 10.00 am Worship4Everyone St James, Milton Clevedon 10.00 am Morning Prayer St Mary Magdalene, Upton Noble 11.00 am Holy Communion The Blessed Virgin Mary, Batcombe 29th November Advent Sunday 10.00 am Benefice Communion St Peter, Evercreech 10.00 am Morning Prayer St Mary Magdalene, Upton Noble 6.00 pm Benefice Advent Service The Blessed Virgin Mary, Batcombe 6th December 2nd Sunday of Advent 10.00 am Holy Communion St Peter, Evercreech 10.00 am Holy Communion St Mary & St John, Lamyatt 10.00 am Morning Prayer St Mary Magdalene, Upton Noble 11.00 am Morning Prayer The Blessed Virgin Mary, Batcombe 12

Helpers at St Peter, Evercreech

Sidesperson Janet Rundle Reader: 1 John 3: 1-3 Mark Godfrey-James 1st November Reader: Matthew 5: 1-12 Belinda Canniing All Saints Day Holy Communion Prayers Eric Deyes Sound Frank Brown Sacristan Nola French These We Have Loved Sidesperson Eric Deyes Sidesperson Sue Kewish th 8 November Reader:1Thessalonians 4:13-18 Lynn Godfrey-James Remembrance Reader: Matthew 25: 1-13 Janet Rundle Sunday Prayers Eric Deyes Service of the Word Sound Geoff Knapman Sacristan Sandra Clubb Sidesperson Val Simmons th 15 November 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 nd Reader: Geoff Knapman 2 Sunday before Reader: Matthew 25: 14-30 Eric Deyes Advent Prayers Belinda Canning Holy Communion Sound Geoff Hamlet Sacristan Belinda Canning

22nd November Sidesperson Sue Kewish Christ the King Café Church Sidesperson Nola French 29th November Reader: Isaiah 64: 1-9 Janine Knapman Advent Sunday Reader: Mark 13: 24-end Linda Denman Prayers Liz Henderson Holy Communion Sound Frank Brown Sacristan Nola French Sidesperson Janine Knapman 6th December nd Reader: Isaiah 40: 1-11 Eric Deyes 2 Sunday of Reader: Mark 1: 1-8 Jane Neill Advent Prayers Geoff Hamlet Holy Communion Sound Frank Brown Sacristan Sandra Clubb 13 Since its launch at the beginning of May the DailyHOPE line has received more than 215,000 calls. That accounts for over 2.5 million minutes of listening to prayers, hymns and reflections. It offers something for those who don’t access things online. Options available include materials also available digitally by the Church of ’s Communications team such as Prayer During the Day and Night Prayer, updated daily, from Common Worship, and a recording of the Church of England weekly national online service. Hymn Line offers callers a small selection of hymns, updated daily. An option entitled ‘Hymns We Love’, provides a hymn and reflection and is based on an initiative by the Connections group.

Benefice Administrator Lynn Godfrey-James is now the Benefice Administrator and among other things is preparing the Weekly Church Bulletin which is sent out on Thursdays and gives the readings for Sunday, internet links and other information. If you have anything to go on the Bulletin or don’t already receive this and would like to, please contact Lynn on [email protected]. Lynn will also be taking on Evercreech News from the January issue. You can continue sending information for Evercreech News to [email protected] until a new email address is in place. If anything is sent to me instead of Lynn I will of course forward it to her, and I will be supporting her for as long as is needed. Carol

SHEPTON LIBRARY IS OPEN! Shepton Library is now open for browsing! Opening hours are: 10.00 am to 1.30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 9.30 am to 1.30 pm Friday 10.00 am to 12.30 pm on Saturday Come in and see us or email [email protected] if you have any questions or queries

14 Shepton Mallet Salvation Army Food Bank Please consider buying a couple of extra food items each week for the foodbank in Shepton Mallet. There is a box at the back of St Peter’s Church for donations (non- perishable items, unopened and in date please). We have limited storage space, so please only try to donate the items we are asking for. Please drop your donations in when the Church is open. Due to the need to respond to changes in Covid-19 constraints, Church opening times are subject to change, please check the notice board for updates. Donations are taken to the Salvation Army once a week. You can donate funds directly to The Salvation Army in Shepton Mallet, so that items which are needed most can be purchased: justgiving.com/fundraising/TheSalvationArmySheptonMallet Many thanks for your generosity If you need to use the food bank, contact Citizens Advice Mendip, Job Centre Plus, MIND, Community Council for Somerset, YMCA, Health Connections Mendip or Social Services to request a referral form. Pete’s Fruit’n’Veg is not running at the moment. Please do not leave your surplus fruit and veg in the church. Thank you. Food Saving Do you hate seeing food go to waste? Every night at around 8.00 pm, the Evercreech Food Saving volunteers collect food which the Co-op (and sometimes other sources) would otherwise have to throw away at the end of the day because it’s reached its use- by or best-before dates. We used to have a table outside Evercreech Village Hall, but since Covid-19 stopped that, we are delivering food bags by car. If you live in Evercreech and could help by using up a bag of food, which may contain bakery or deli items, fruit or vegetables, meat or other items, or if you would like to be one of our delivery volunteers, please contact our local Mendip Councillor Barry O’Leary on 01749 321 421 who will pass your name to me. If you have a garden bursting with produce at this time of year, why not share it in the same way? You can deliver your produce to the volunteer on duty outside Evercreech Village Hall at 8.00 pm on any evening and we can add it to the bags. Together we can save the food! Jenny Newton 15

This year arrangements are in hand to replace our Annual Christmas Fayre, normally held in the Village Hall, with an Outdoor Christmas Market. It is planned for Saturday 21 November from 9.30 - 12.30pm on the Queen’s Road playing fields. All proceeds will support the Annual Village Show. Please come along and enjoy the beautifully made handicrafts, jewellery, gifts, seasonal goods, refreshments and a valuable prize draw. Of course, the event will be subject to any restrictions on gatherings that will be in place at the time. Please look out for posters for further details and check Facebook and the Show Society website for updates at www.evercreechshowsociety.uk Further dates for your diary, dependent on regulations: Saturday 21 February 2021: Coffee Morning in St Peter’s Church Saturday 1 May 2021: Plant Sale in Evercreech Village Hall

Maggie Norris

Evercreech Friendship Club “We will Return” As another month passes without the Friendship Club meeting, I am sorry to say we have suspended all meetings till 2021, the committee will review the situation in January 2021, but currently as Covid-19 cases are on the increase felt it wise “and safe” to wait till next year. Just checked the dates on the sherry and it is well within the “use by” date. By the time this is over we should have stock- piled a bottle of sherry each!!!! Now that would be a party! Finally please take care as we want to see every one of you back again with your friends. God Bless and KEEP SAFE !! For more information please contact one of the following: Edward Porter 830015, Freda Boyce 830703 or Elaine Woodford 830795 16 Evercreech WI Well, just as we thought we could get some meetings going after a very successful games evening in September, Boris Johnson brought in his rule of 6, so we are unable to meet again. We are open for suggestions if there is anything the community would like from us at the WI, we will organise some small groups for walking, kite flying and crafts. Here's hoping we can get together again in the near future. Stay safe everyone, we will meet again. Maxine Clinton, President Evercreech WI

THE ROYAL BRITISH LEGION (Evercreech Branch) At our August AGM the following officers were elected. Officers: President: Colin Davis 831075 Chairman Richard Stevens Treasurer David Lindsay 830640 Standard Bearer Richard Stevens Committee: Tim Covens, Peter Bradshaw, Ian Elliott The branch will continue to meet at The Bell, quarterly at 4pm on the first Monday of October 2020, January, April, July 2021, with our AGM being held on Monday 23rd August 2021 Commemorating Remembrance Day this year is severely affected by the continuing Covid restrictions on meeting numbers and social distancing. Poppy Appeal. There will be no house to house collection in Evercreech supporting the Poppy Appeal and we are unable to hold our Coffee Morning fundraiser. Poppies will be available locally from Tesco Supermarket, Lloyds bank or online from the Poppy Appeal website - https://www.poppyshop.org.uk Remembrance Sunday - There will not be a formal Remembrance Service in St Peter’s Church due to social distancing. We will gather at Evercreech Cemetery at 10.45am on Sunday 8th November to pay our respects to the fallen. Wreaths will be laid in remembrance during a shortened service. People are asked to make their own way to the cemetery, there will not be an official parade from the St Peter’s church. Ian Elliott

17 Evercreech Village Hall “Run by the community for the community” Charity Number 304538 As Evercreech Village Hall is open for business, provided Coronavirus regulations are obeyed, we are planning to hold a Christmas Prize Bingo Evening on Saturday 12th December. The maximum number of people allowed to play will be 38 in the main hall and 10 in the rear hall, consequently admission will be by ticket only. Tickets will cost £1 and will be available from Monday 2nd November from Marion Covens phone 01749 830239 or email [email protected]. Once booked you ticket needs to be collected from from 27 Shapway Road. Obviously this is not as we would have planned in ‘normal’ times but is better than nothing. We will be having a raffle and a flyer game. Refreshments will be available at half time but with table service, thereby avoiding queuing. We greatly regret that we cannot welcome ‘all comers’ and sincerely hope that next year’s event will be open to all. For more information contact me on 01749 830166 or email [email protected] Mollie Purse. Hall Chairman

Evercreech History Society Unfortunately the October and November speakers have cancelled their talks. We might have found other speakers but in view of the rising problems with Covid we have decided, with great regret, to cancel all meetings until the New Year. However I will be selling copies of our various publications including Evercreech Kept Calm and Carried On (WW2), the reprinted History of the Silk Industry and a new booklet of village history, at the planned open-air Christmas Market run by the Show Society on the Queen’s Road playing field on the morning of 21st November. Gill Lindsay

Online Talks for The Arts Society Mendip 3rd November at 11.00 am via Zoom: ‘Last supper in Pompeii’. Paul Roberts, of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford will talk about Roman food and drink. Links will be sent to members prior to the talks. The site will open at 10.30 am. Guests are welcome: to request a link and instructions please contact [email protected]. A guest subscription of £3 will be requested. David Cooke

18 Evercreech Bonfire and Fireworks It is with huge regret that both the bonfire and fireworks are unable to go ahead this year due to the current situation. We do have frozen sausages (bought for the BBQ) for sale, if you would like to buy some please contact Brian on 830331. Let's all look forward to next year's Bonfire Night in anticipation.

Evercreech Village Hall.

Like most other organisations and enterprises we have had to put a hold on our activities in 2020. We are unable to commit to future viewing dates while the pandemic continues to hold sway. We plan to resume screenings as soon as we feel it is safe and worthwhile to do so. Please therefore keep an eye out for our posters around the village and check out our Facebook page for updates. For further information, or with any film suggestions, please either email us at [email protected] or call us on 07765 892004. We hope to see you soon. The Evercreech Film Team

Redevelopment of the old Greencore site. At the time of writing the West Estates plan for the site has been submitted to Council. The plan for 129 dwellings is of urban levels of density, only achievable by exploiting the entire site wall-to-wall, demolishing buildings forming part of the conservation area and felling the trees. This type of scheme would be suitable for an urban setting where there are plenty of facilities within walking distance and good public transport links. As these do not exist in the village we believe it will have a catastrophic impact on everyday life, overloading our already stretched infrastructure and services. We need good quality affordable homes but we also need jobs and amenities in a balanced scheme so that people born in Evercreech can continue to live and work in the village and new residents can become part of the community. We want a forward-looking, sustainable scheme to bring new life and purpose to this village centre site whilst retaining its character and heritage so that Evercreech continues to be a great place to live. Until a decision has been made by Mendip, it is still worthwhile sending your comments to [email protected] quoting the reference 020/1793/OTS. Greencore Action Group [email protected] 19

Evercreech Parish Council www.evercreech-pc.gov.uk Parish Council matters this month very much concentrated on the planning application for the Greencore site which was before us. We were very much hopeful of meeting in Evercreech Village Hall to hear as may views from the public as possible, but changing Covid guidance meant we had to resort once again to Zoom, so many thanks to the many people who took the time to join us, and we did get to hear from many residents. The Council decided unanimously to object to the application, not only because the number of houses was considered excessive, but it fails to deliver any community benefit to the village. We were particularly disappointed that after many meetings with the developers, they totally disregarded our stated wish for a bigger shop and retention of the silk mill. As this is such an important site in the middle of the village, we are now investigating the possibility of employing an external planning expert to help us through the application, and of course, as Mendip will make any final decision, we will be working closely with our Mendip Councillor, Barry O’Leary as the application proceeds. Covid has also made its presence felt in that the much anticipated and enjoyed fireworks in the playing field has had to cancelled, but new guidance will allow a restricted socially distanced Remembrance Service in the Cemetery. There will be no church service, or parade, but wreaths will be laid, so many thanks to the Legion for organising this. There is also no house to house collection either, so please consider buying your poppy at one of the other outlets. I expect all our meetings will be on Zoom for the foreseeable future, so please check the notice board and website for details, all meetings open to the public as usual. Thanks for reading, keep well and stay safe. Best wishes Rob Reed, Chair, Evercreech Parish Council [email protected]

Evercreech Short Mat Bowling Club To all short mat bowlers, as you are aware there is no bowling during the virus. I myself have spoken to most of you and you have said you are well but getting bored now. So here’s hoping that we will be able to get back to bowls again soon. Take care all of you, I shall still keep in touch. Irene Cleverdon 01749 346838 20 From our Mendip District Councillor Hi everyone I want to talk about what is happening to our domestic rubbish services. If you get your community news online you probably saw or took part in my community chat about the big changes, with more items set to be taken away each week. The council has also ‘put its money where its mouth is’, so to speak, as the very local depot in Southwood has been upgraded. This will help transform recycling in all of Somerset. New baling machines, more storage space and expanded collection bays are all part of the £3 million (!!) expansion and improvement. The investment will allow it to cater for the extra recycling once ‘Recycle More’ launches in Mendip. Mendip is the only area getting the service this year, with the rest of the county due to follow in three phases over the next 18 months. Almost 28,000 tonnes of recycling were handled at Evercreech last year. This includes 1,528 tonnes of plastic - a figure expected to rise dramatically once Recycle More starts. New containers - a Bright Blue Bag - are being delivered to homes across Mendip to help hold the extra recycling. With more recycling collected kerbside every week, general rubbish will be collected every three weeks instead of two. I was really pleased to see our investment in new waste wagons and new technology being used for a better environment, saving taxpayers too. Our weekly waste is changing. I think we all have to accept that we will have to do things a little differently and I'm sure the new recyclables and Bright Blue Bag will soon be part of everyone's weekly routine. There will be safeguards for those with vulnerable adults or who have lots of children’s nappies to dispose of, but we all know we can’t just continue with land fill, so let’s give this our best shot. I also want to highlight the new Somerset Community Foundation (SCF) grant that seeks to support community groups that help to reduce loneliness, a problem I am keen we talk more about. The scheme aims to spread Christmas cheer through food and festive activities. Christmas can be a difficult time for some of our neighbours, and this year will be a tough Christmas for many more in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak. as people who would normally come together for a community Christmas meal will be unable to this year, due to the Coronavirus restrictions. SCF wants to fund groups who can help to bring festive food – and the spirit of Christmas - to people at home. The Festive Fund for Somerset offers a £250 grant to groups. Grants will be awarded for work that supports people of all ages who may experience loneliness or disadvantage at Christmas. To apply, you need to complete a short application form by Friday 13 November. For information on how to apply visit: www.somersetcf.org.uk/festivefund Barry Your Mendip Councillor, here for you Cllr. Barry O’Leary 01749 321421 [email protected] www.facebook.com/evercreech.barry/ https://barryoleary.mycouncillor.org.uk 21 DIARY

Sunday 1st November ALL SAINTS 4.00 pm These We Have Loved Tuesday 3rd November Zoom Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 4th November 7.30 pm St Peter’s Choir Practice Sunday 8th November Remembrance Sunday Wednesday 11th November 7.30 pm St Peter’s Choir Practice Sunday 15th November 2nd Sunday before Advent Wednesday18th November Parish Magazine Deadline 7.30 pm St Peter’s Choir Practice Sunday 22nd November Christ the King 9.45 am for 10 am Café Church Evercreech Village Hall Wednesday 25th November 7.30 pm St Peter’s Choir Practice Sunday 29th November ADVENT Sunday Sunday 6th December 2nd Sunday of Advent

The copy date for the DECEMBER Magazine is Wednesday 18th November Please restrict articles to 350 words, notices and reports to 100 words. Items for inclusion and dates for the diary should be sent by email to [email protected]. We reserve the right to edit any item submitted

Ways to receive Evercreech News? We are working towards local deliveries again, if you can help by delivering to those around you please contact me. If you are currently receiving Evercreech News by post or email and would like (and are able) to collect from St Peter’s please let me know. Carol Searle 01749 347823 [email protected]

22 Not all our advertisers are working normally at the time of going to press. Some have amended their advert to tell you the service they are providing. Please do check with them. Advertisers: We are currently producing a coloured emailed version of Evercreech News so if you would like to add colour to advert or change it in any way please get in touch or if you would like to advertise please contact Carol at [email protected] or 01749 347823 A Half Page advert costs £5.50 per month A Quarter Page Advert costs £3 per month

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THE BELL INN EVERCREECH Our doors are now open with social distancing measures and new guidelines in place as instructed by the Government. Please CALL AHEAD of your visit to check available space as there will be reduced capacity inside the pub. For full information please check our website. Dean & Anna Clarke, The Bell Inn, Bruton Road, Evercreech BA46HY 01749 830287 [email protected] www.bellinnevercreech.co.uk