Representatives and Committees of the Society

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Representatives and Committees of the Society REPRESENTATIVES AND COMMITTEES OF THE SOCIETY Representatives of the Society in the Division of Mathematics of the National Research Council 1961-1962—Lipman Bers, Herbert Busemann, William Feller, B. W. Jones, Irving Kaplansky, J. L. Kelley 1962-1963—Lipman Bers, Herbert Busemann, B. W. Jones, J. L. Kelley Representatives on the Council of the American Association for the Advancement of Science 1962-1963—R. P. Boas, A. H. Taub Representatives of the Board of Editors of the Annals of Mathematics 1961-1963—Hans Samelson, I. E. Segal, Daniel Zelinsky Representatives on the Editorial Board of the Duke Mathematical Journal 1962-1964—Richard Arens, F. B. Wright Representatives on U. S. National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1961-1964—William Prager Colloquium Lecturers 1896--James Pierpont F. R. Moulton 1942—R. L. Wilder Maxime Bôcher 1925--L. P. Eisenhart 1943—E. J. McShane 1898--W. F. Osgood Dunham Jackson 1944—Einar Hille A. G. Webster 1927--E. T. Bell 1945—Tibor Radó 1901--Oskar Bolza Anna Pell-Wheeler 1946—Hassler Whitney E. W. Brown 1928--A. B. Coble 1947—Oscar Zariski 1903--H. S. White 1929--R. L. Moore 1948—Richard Brauer F. S. Woods 1930--Solomon Lefschetz 1949—G. A. Hedlund E. B. Van Vleck 1931-—Marston Morse 1951—Deane Montgomery 1906--E. H. Moore 1932--J. F. Ritt 1952—Alfred Tarski E. J. Wilczynski 1934--R. E. A. C. Paley 1953—Antoni Zygmund Max Mason Norbert Wiener 1954—None 1909--G. A. Bliss 1935-—H. S. Vandiver 1955—Nathan Jacobson Edward Kasner 1936—E. W. Chittenden 1956—Salomon Bochner 1913-—L. E. Dickson 1937-—John von Neumann 1957—N. E. Steenrod W. F. Osgood 1939--A. A. Albert 1958—None 1916-—G. C. Evans M. H. Stone 1959—J. L. Doob Oswald Veblen 1940-—G. T. Whyburn 1960—S. S. Chern 1920--G. D. Birkhoff 1941-—Oystein Ore 1961—G. W. Mackey Committee to Recommend Gibbs Lecturers for 1963 and 1964 E. J. McShane, (Chairman), I. E. Segal, S. S. Wilks 641 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 642 AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [November Gibbs Lecturers 1923—M. I. Pupin 1937—C. A. Kraus 1950—G. E. Uhlenbeck 1924—Robert Henderson 1939—Theodore von 1951—Kurt Gödel 1925—James Pierpont Kârmân 1952—Marston Morse 1926—H. B. Williams 1941— Sewall Wright 1953—Wassily Leontief 1927—E. W. Brown 1943—Harry Bateman 1954—K. O. Friedrichs 1928—G. H. Hardy 1944—John von Neumann 1955—J. E. Mayer 1929—Irving Fisher 1945—J. C. Slater 1956—M. H. Stone 1930—E. B. Wilson 1946—Subrahmanyan 1958—H. J. Muller 1931—P. W. Bridgman Chandrasekhar 1959—J. M. Burgers 1932—R. C. Tolman 1947—P. M. Morse 1960—Julian Schwinger 1934—Albert Einstein 1948—Hermann Weyl 1961—J. J. Stoker 1935—Vannevar Bush 1949—Norbert Wiener 1962—C. N. Yang 1936—H. N. Russell Visiting Lecturers 1927-1928—Constantin Carathéodory, University of Munich 1928-1929—Hermann Weyl, Zurich Technical School 1929-1930—Enrico Bompiani, University of Rome 1930-1931—Wilhelm Blaschke, University of Hamburg 1931-1932—R. L. Moore, University of Texas 1936-1937—Thirukkannapuram Vijayaraghavan, University of Dacca 1948-1949—Casimir Kuratowski, University of Warsaw 1951-1952—Marshall H. Stone, University of Chicago Committees to Select Hour Speakers For Summer and Annual Meetings: J. W. Green, Chairman, G. W. Mackay, Saunders MacLane For Eastern Sectional Meetings: Everett Pitcher, Chairman, A. Borel, W. L. Chow For Southeastern Sectional Meetings: G. B. Huff, Chairman, M. K. Fort, Jr., Pasquale Porcelli For Western Sectional Meetings: J. W. T. Youngs, Chairman, Har ley Flanders, M. H. Heins For Far Western Sectional Meetings: R. S. Pierce, Chairman, E. H. Spanier, E. G. Straus Ex Officio Committee on Places on Meetings G. L. Walker, Chairman, H. L. Alder, H. M. Gehman, J. W. Green Representatives of the Society on the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences J. W. Green, Deane Montgomery Committee on Applied Mathematics V. Bargmann, G. E. Forsythe, P. R. Garabedian, R. C. Prim, J. J. Stoker, D. M. Young Organizing Committee for Summer Institutes Leonard Gillman, Chairman, A. Erdélyi, R. H. Fox, E. E. Moise, G. D. Mostow, C. B. Tompkins. License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see 1962] COMMITTEES OF THE SOCIETY 643 AMS-IMS Committee on Translations H. A. Antosiewicz, Chairman, Felix Browder, J. R. Isbell, Edwin Hewitt, I. E. Segal, Wassily Hoeffding, Ingram Olkin FORMER PRESIDENTS J. H. Van Amringe, 1889-1890 Virgil Snyder, 1927-1928 Emory McClintock, 1891-1894 E. R. Hedrick, 1929-1930 G. W. Hill, 1895-1896 L. P. Eisenhart, 1931-1932 Simon Newcomb, 1897-1898 A. B. Coble, 1933-1934 R. S. Woodward, 1899-1900 Solomon Lefschetz, 1935-1936 E. H. Moore, 1901-1902 R. L. Moore, 1937-1938 T. S. Fiske, 1903-1904 G. C. Evans, 1939-1940 W. F. Osgood, 1905-1906 Marston Morse, 1941-1942 H. S. White, 1907-1908 M. H. Stone, 1943-1944 Maxime Bôcher, 1909-1910 T. H. Hildebrandt, 1945-1946 H. B. Fine, 1911-1912 Einar Hille, 1947-1948 E. B. Van Vleck, 1913-1914 J. L. Walsh, 1949-1950 E. W. Brown, 1915-1916 John von Neumann, 1951-1952 L. E. Dickson, 1917-1918 G. T. Whyburn, 1953-1954 Frank Morley, 1919-1920 R. L. Wilder, 1955-1956 G. A. Bliss, 1921-1922 Richard Brauer, 1957-1958 Oswald Veblen, 1923-1924 E. J. McShane, 1959-1960 G. D. Birkhoff, 1925-1926 Deane Montgomery, 1961-1962 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see
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    Bibliography [1] Emil Artin. Galois Theory. Dover, second edition, 1964. [2] Michael Artin. Algebra. Prentice Hall, first edition, 1991. [3] M. F. Atiyah and I. G. Macdonald. Introduction to Commutative Algebra. Addison Wesley, third edition, 1969. [4] Nicolas Bourbaki. Alg`ebre, Chapitres 1-3.El´ements de Math´ematiques. Hermann, 1970. [5] Nicolas Bourbaki. Alg`ebre, Chapitre 10.El´ements de Math´ematiques. Masson, 1980. [6] Nicolas Bourbaki. Alg`ebre, Chapitres 4-7.El´ements de Math´ematiques. Masson, 1981. [7] Nicolas Bourbaki. Alg`ebre Commutative, Chapitres 8-9.El´ements de Math´ematiques. Masson, 1983. [8] Nicolas Bourbaki. Elements of Mathematics. Commutative Algebra, Chapters 1-7. Springer–Verlag, 1989. [9] Henri Cartan and Samuel Eilenberg. Homological Algebra. Princeton Math. Series, No. 19. Princeton University Press, 1956. [10] Jean Dieudonn´e. Panorama des mat´ematiques pures. Le choix bourbachique. Gauthiers-Villars, second edition, 1979. [11] David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote. Abstract Algebra. Wiley, second edition, 1999. [12] Albert Einstein. Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K¨orper. Annalen der Physik, 17:891–921, 1905. [13] David Eisenbud. Commutative Algebra With A View Toward Algebraic Geometry. GTM No. 150. Springer–Verlag, first edition, 1995. [14] Jean-Pierre Escofier. Galois Theory. GTM No. 204. Springer Verlag, first edition, 2001. [15] Peter Freyd. Abelian Categories. An Introduction to the theory of functors. Harper and Row, first edition, 1964. [16] Sergei I. Gelfand and Yuri I. Manin. Homological Algebra. Springer, first edition, 1999. [17] Sergei I. Gelfand and Yuri I. Manin. Methods of Homological Algebra. Springer, second edition, 2003. [18] Roger Godement. Topologie Alg´ebrique et Th´eorie des Faisceaux.
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