ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI C DISPATCH.COM FREE! FRIDAY | JULY 22, 2016 Oktibbeha Co. Welcome class! school mill value rises School board approves My name is operating budget with level tax request BY CARL SMITH
[email protected] Ms. Vacancy The Starkville-Oktibbeha Consoli- dated School District Board of Trustees approved its $59.4 million Fiscal Year 2016-17 budget Thursday, and figures from the county tax office show the val- ue of a school mill will bring in about $15,000 more to the district than it did Area schools face teacher shortages last year. Officials are expected to ask the Ok- tibbeha County Board of Supervisors to BY ZACK PLAIR keep the school tax rate — a combined
[email protected] 66.05 mills — level once the levying au- thority sets its budget in September, but an increase in the county’s assessment ith students returning to school in less than two weeks, evaluation means the district will re- ceive roughly an extra $842,000 for op- some area districts are scrambling to fill multiple erations, $157,000 for debt service and last-minute teaching vacancies before classes begin. $15,700 to support the Millsaps Career W and Technology Center. Chances are, according to school officials in both Columbus Fifty-five mills will fund operations, while 10.05 mills will subsidize debt Municipal and Starkville-Oktibbeha County public school dis- service requirements. The district also tricts, they won’t have full rosters by then, forcing them to adjust levies 1 mill for the vocational center. A school mill previously brought in to a short staff in ways they hope still will not negatively impact about $330,879.