April 16 , 2021 Audience: CLEC,ISP,IXC,Resellers,Wireless,ILEC Subject : Partner Solutions Industry Letter: Notice of Price Changes for certain Interstate Special Access Services in Data Services (BDS) Product Guide

This is to provide notice of rate increases for certain interstate special access services offered under Verizons Business Data Services (BDS) Product Guide.

Effective May 1, 2021, Verizon[1] will: (i) increase by approximately 30 percent certain rates in Regions 1 and 11 for interstate Voice Grade Service, Digital Data Services (DDS) and DIGIPATH® digital service II (DDS II) channel terminations, and fixed and per mile channel mileage and (ii) increase by approximately 20 percent certain rates in Regions 14 and 16 for interstate DS3 channel termination, fixed and per mile channel mileage and multiplexer, and DS1 multiplexer. Rates for Clear Channel Capability in Region 14 will also increase. In addition, certain nonrecurring charges for interstate DS1 channel terminations in Region 1 and interstate DS3 channel terminations in Regions 1 and 11 will increase.

The BDS Product Guide changes will be available at verizon.com/productguides[2] on May 1, 2021.

For additional information, please see verizon.com/productguides or contact your account manager.

[1] The Verizon Companies include Verizon Delaware LLC, LLC, Inc., Inc., Inc., LLC, LLC, Inc., Verizon Virginia LLC, and Verizon Washington, D.C. Inc. [2] To access the BDS Product Guide, go to the web page at the above link, click the United States flag and select the X for Verizon Telephone Operating Companies Product Guides.

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