DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF ~HIRE. 49 48 1. George, Citizen &; Grocer of ,bur. 1656 at-St. Lawrence Jewry, London, mar. Grace, dau. of Robt. llngbalt's lli.sitation of tnrk.sbirt, Underwood, of co. Hertford, bur. 10 Nov. 1673 at WITH ADDITIONS. St. Lawrence Jewry. They had issue- James. (Continued from. Vol. XV, p. 259.) George. Doncaster, U Sept. 1665. Thomas. STRAFFORD AND T1c1m1LL WAPENTAKl!, Ralph. Thomas. tlokehu of mtarmsinortb. William. Grace, mar. Wm. Drinkwater, citizen. of .London A1tMS :-Argent, a chevron bet,vee.n three rooks Sable, a canton Gules. (Hnnter). I. THOMAS ROKEBY, of Rokeby and Moreton, in com. Bbor., Mary. · . mar. Eliz. Askewe (see Rokcby, of Mortham, III). They had Rhoda, mar. Mr. Boylston, of Lichfield (Hunter). issue- Sarah, mar. Mr. Field, citizen of London (Hunter). 1. Raufe Rokeby, of Moreton (a quo Rokeby, of Mortham). 2. Thomas (V). 2. Thomas. James. 3. William (a quo Rukcby, of Marske). Fulke, mar .... dau, of John King, Bishop of Elphin 4. James Rokeby (II). (Hunter). Anthony, mar. . . . dau. of . II. JAMES ROKEBY, 4th son, auditor of the Marquis of Northamp• Grundy, of Thurgar- ton and of King Henry VIII, Inq. P.M. 24 Aug. 5 Ed. VI, ton (Hunter). says that he died 3 Apr. last, mar .... da1tghterof Sr Geffrey Frances. (William) Middleton, of Stockhold. They had issue- Margaret. Martin Rokeby, thirty-four years old at his father's Elizabeth. Inq. P.M., mar .... and had issue• Anne. Eleanor. 'l'bomas. Jamee. V. THOlif.AS ROKEBY, Rector of Warmenoorth; in com. Ebor., John, slain in Flanders. cet, 56 ann. 14 Sept. a• 1665, bur. 1680 (Hunter), mar. Anne; Cuthbert. daugliter of Gervase Lee, of Norwell, in co. Nott. They had Anthony. issue-c- ·· · James (III). 1. Thomas (VI). Jane, mar. Thos. Millet, of Whitehall, co. Durh. 2. Will'm, ret. 15 ann. Margaret, mar. Robert Creyke, of Heslerton. Gervase. (7) . Mar. secondly . . . VI. THOMAS ROltEBY, cet, 21 an. 14 Sept.1665, adm. St. John's Ill. JAMES ROKEBY, of Slaningford (Slenningford), in com. Coll., Camb., 24 June 1661, ret, 17. · Ebor., living 1563, mat·. Dorothy, da1tghter of Marmaduke . · ROKEBY ·· OF MARSKE. Gascoigne, of Caley, in corn. Ebor., fonrth son of Sir Wm. Gascoigne, of Gawthorp, at Otley 10 Nov. 1562. They had r, WILLIAM. ROKEBY, of Marske, son of Thos. Rokoby, of Mortham, and Eliz. Askowo (sec Rokoby, of Mortham), issue- Anthony (IV). apprentice of the Common Law, J.P. Will 4 .Apr., pr, 4 Oct. 'fhomas, mentioned in (Econ. Rokb. 1542, mar. Grace, dau. and heiress of . . . Fitzhenry, of William, mentioned in (Econ. Rokb. (Fitzharris, of Mansfield). They had issue- Jane, mar. Wm. Staveley, of Staveley. Ralph (II). Elizabeth. William, clerk, Archdeacon of Cleveland, Judge of one of the Spiritual Courts at York IV. ANTHONY ROKEBY, of Slanin,qford, died circa annum 1635, Lawrence, a merchant, of Newcastle, named in. his mar. Jane(1), daughter of Sir Will'm Sutton, of Averham, in fatl~er's and brother's wills, mar .... 'fhey had issue- co. Nott., Kn'., fir,t wife. They had issue- Cuthbert,} T Henr'!/, died unmarried. John, of Newcastle. mar. Mary, daughte1· of George Abney, of Wilsle'!I, in com. Elizabeth, named in her father's will. Leicestr., second wife. They had issue- E 50 DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF . DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 51

II. RALPH ROKEBY, of Marske, J.P. Will 17 May 1564, pr. at 1. Willi'am (II). York 27 Oct., mar .... dau, of ... Hutton, of Hunwick. 2. Raphe, died unmarried, mentioned in his father's will. '!'hey had issue-e- 1. Eiiz., wife of Rich. Vincent, of Firsby, in com. Ebor., Si1· Robert (Ill). mar. at Mexborough or Conisborough 29 Sept. 1595. Ann, mar. Robt. Layton, of Sexhow (Glover 540). 2. Susan, wife of WiU'm Cartwright, of Normanby, in com. ~ Dorothy, mar. Cuthbert Witham, of Bretanby (Glover Line., mentioned in her father's will. 261 ). Margaret, mar. Wm. Elwick, of Seaton (Glover 133). II. WILLIAM ROKEBY, of llotltam, rot. 28 1584. Will pr. Joyce, mar. John Tunstall, of Long Newton. 27 Dec. 1626, mar . .Dorothy, daughter of William Rolceby, of Grace, mar. Robert Warde, of Marske. Sltyres, in corn, Ebor., E8qr., lie. 1597 (see Rokeby, of Skiers). They had issue- III. SIR ROBERT ROKEBY, of Marske, at Visitation of 1584, 1. Sir William (III). adrn. Gray's Inn :30 Jan. 161!-, mar. Muriel, dau. of Gerard 2. Alexander Rokeby, of Sandall, in co. Ebor., adm, Gray's Salveyn, of Croxdale. They had issue• Inn 3 July Hi22, d. 6 May 1635, ret. 32, bur. at Ralph (IV). Sandal in the Chancel, M.I., mar. Susan, da. to Christopher. Gervase Boswell, of Warmenoorth; in co, Ebor., of Robert. whom. there is no issue remaining. They had issue- Frances. William Rokeby, of Sandall, adm, Gray's Inn Helen. 23 Mar. l 65z, d. 3 Feb. 1662, ret. 30. Will Margaret. pr. at York 15 Mar. 1666. M.I. at Sandal; Joan. mar. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Bourchier, of IV. RALPH ROKEBY, of Manfield, tet, 19 1584, mar. (1) Joan Beningborough, at Belfreys, 14 Apr. 1657, bur. Rutland. at Sandal 31 Jan. 1705 .. Will 3 Oct. 1705, They had issue- William, died young. Alexander, died at Trin, Coll., Camb., ret. 17. Uothcrlmm, 16 Sept. 1665. STaAFFORD AND TICKRJLL WArRNTAKR, .'I. Thomas (see H.okeby, of Ackworth Park). 4. Philip Rokeby, adm. Gray's Inn 23 Feb. 162f, mar. Jane, da. to Wm. Godfrey, of 'l.'hunnock, in com. Line., bur. at St. Helen's, York, 3 Apr. 1647. They ttokeby had issue- Joseph, in foreign service 1672. Philip. Nathaniel, living 1680. of Catherine. Mary, wife to Christopher Legard, of Aulaby, in co. Kingston-&uper-Hull (Glover 55).

ljotba1n anb jkires. III. SIR WILLIAM .ROKEBY, of llotltam and Skyres, in co. Bbor., Bar1., cet. 64 ann. 10 Sept. a0 JGGo, er. Bart. 29 Jan, 166~, bur. at Wentworth, M.L, mar. Frances, daughter of Sr William Hickman, of Gaynesboroug!t, in com, Line., Kw., ARMS :-Quarterly- 1 and 4.-Argent, a chevron Sable bclwcen three rooks of the second, bur. at Wentworth. They had issne- legged Azure, a crescent for difference. 2 and 3.-Argent, three chevronels braced in base Sable, on a chief of 1. William Rokeby, died unmarried, v.p., bur. at Went• the second as many mullets of the first, (Danby). worth. 2. Alexander (IV). I. THOMAS ROJ{EBY, of Hotluim, in com. si»; E,qr., son of 3. Sir Willoug!tby Rokeby, third Bart., ret. 33 ann.16 Sept. Thomas Rokeby, of Mortharn, and Jane Constable (see 1665, adm. St. John's Coll., Camb., 18 June 1646, ~ Rokoby, of Morthum, V). Will 7 Sept. 1590, pr. at York Lincoln's Inn 22 Dec. 1649, d. unmar. 6 July 1678, o Nov. 1591 (vol. xxiv, 430), mar. Catherine, daughter of when the Baronetcy became extinct. Will 6 July Laurence Legh, Sergeant at Armes. 'l'hoy had issue- 1678. 52 DUODALE1S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. DUGD.UE's VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 53 4, Francis, died unmarried, in France, oot. circa 20. 1. Mary, died unmarried, bur. at Wentworth, M.I. ~. George, b. at Ackworth Park 9, bp. at Ack• 92. Elizabeth, bur. at W cntworth. worth 22 Nov. 1660, d. s.p. 20, bur. 21 June 1673 at Ackworth. ".Q Milrlred, wife of Wm. Sandford, Esq., of A.skham, co. Westm., mar. lie. 20 Oct. 1680 at St. Andrew's, 3. Alexander, b. 26 May at Ackworth Park, bp. Holborn, d. s.p, at Ackworth 8 June 1664, d. s.p. (1) Adm. 4. B1°idget, wife of Alexander Montgomery, of Welton, as of Gmy's Inn 8 May 1683. mar. lie. f) Feb. 168~- at St. Andrew's, Undershaft, 4. Thomas, b. at Ackworth 13 Jan., d. Mar, St. Nicholas', Cole Abbey, or St. Andrew's, Holborn, 1662, bur. at Ackworth. d. 26 Sept. 1709, bur. at Welton, M.I. 5. John, b. 3 Nov. 1667 at Ackworth, drowned near Doncaster Dec. 1686. IV. ALEXANDER ROKEBY, cet. 36 ann. 16 Sept. 1665, of 6. Thomas, of Sandal, b. 27 Jan., bp. 15 Feb. Welton, adm, St. John's Coll., Camb., 11 June 1649, d. v.p., 1670 at Ackworth, d. s.p. 2 May 1706. rot. 37 in 1G67, M.I. at Welton, mar. Jlargaret, da. of John 7. Ebenezer, b. at Pontefract 14 Apr. 1678. Cooke (Coke), of Holkam, in corn. Norff., Esq». They had 1. Emme, wife of John Mason, b. at Skellow issue- 8 Sept. 1654, d. and bur. at Pontefract 2 Aug. 1678. V, SIR WILLIAM ROKEBY, second Bart., cet. 9 ann. 16 Sept. 2. Elizabeth, mar. 'I'homas Askham, of Boston, co. Line., Gent., b. at Skellow 27 Aug. a0 1665, of Skiers, d. s.p. Apr. 1678, mar. Dorothy, dau. and h. of Edward Darcy (remar. Capt. Paston). They had 1658. issue- 3. Jane, mar. Hemy Scott, of York, at York Elizabeth Rokeby, (1) mar. 19 Oct. 1708, Sir Stafford Minster 14 Apr. 1688, b. 24 June 1666 at Fairborn. Had a fortune of about £10,000. Ack worth. 4. Mary, b. at Skellow 12 Feb. 1672, d. and bur. 30 June 1673 at Ackworth. 5. Dorothy, mar. Sir Thos. Ianson, Bart., b. at Ackworth 2 Mar. 1674. 6. Susannah, b. at Pontefract 5 Sept. 1676. OsaODCJlORSI! w APl!NTAKF., Pontofract, 16° Mnrtij, 1665. 2. Sir Thomas Rolceby, an Utter Barrister of Cray's Inne, adm. 17 May 1650, Judge of the Common Pleas ttokrbu of J\rkfnortb f arke. and Kiug's Bench, b. 1631 or 1632, d. in London Amrn :-Quartcdy- 26 Nov. 1699, rot. 68, bur. at Sandal 8 Dec. M.I. 1 aud 4.-Ai·gent, a chevron Sable, between three rooks of the second, Will 15 Dec. 1697, mar. Urnua, da. to James Danby, legged Azure, a crescent for difference. 2 ancl 3.-Argent, three chevrons braced in base Sable, on a chief of the of New-building, fuxta Threske, coheir of her brother second three mullets of the firsf (Danby). William Danby, d. 10 Aug. 1707, set, 74, bur. at Kirkby Knowle. M.I. Will 9 Aug. 1707. I. TIIOMAS ROKEBY (Sa son of William Rokeliy, of llotltam, 3. John, a merchant, of London, d. s.p. and Dorothy, da1tghter to Will'm Rokeby, of Skyres, see 4. Joseph Rokeby, a merchant, at Leeds and London, bp. Rokeby, of Jiotham and. Skiers), of Bnrnhy, in the par. of at Cottingham 30 Sept. 1641, d. 14 Aug. 1688, mar. Cottingham, killed at Dunbar. Will 6 July 1650, pr. 19 Dec. Milcah, dau. of James Danby, sister to Ursula, l 655. (Abs. Yorks. Reg. Soc., vol. ix), rnar. Elizabeth, da. to 20 May 1668, bapt, at Belfreys 25 May 1637, bur. at Robert BU1-y, of Grcmtha, in com, Line. Tboy had issue- Kirkby Knowle 10 Oct. 1726. M.I. They had issue- 1. Will'm Rokeby, of Ackioorth. Parke, ?'.n com. Ebor., cet, James, died young. Thomas, died young. 35 an. 16° Marti.j a0 1665, bur. at Owston 2 Dec. 1700, mar. Emma, da. to Sr Will. Bury, of Linwood, Joseph Rokeby, of New Building, Gent., adm. in co Line., Kn1., at Hayton Skcllow 9 Nov. 1653 Gray's Inn 27 Nov. 1694, d. unmar., bur. (Northern Genealogist), d. 2-l Jan. 1703, bur. at at Kirkby Knowle 12 Aug. 1741, ret. 64. Tunbridge Wells, M.I. They had issue-e- Will 17 Sept. 1739, leaving his South York• 1. William, b. at Skellow 1 Ang. 1656. Adm. shire estates to the Rokebys of Arthing• Grn.y's Inn 18 Dec. 1673, d. s p. beyond worth. the sea. Dorothy, sister and coheiress to her brothers, mar. James Wyndlow, of , Gent. 54 DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. DUGDALE's VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 55 Elizabeth, sister and ooheiress, mar. John VI. REV. HENRY RALPH ROKEBY, Rector of Arthingworth, Buxton, Gent., mar. lie. 1 May 1693 at St. succeeded his brother, b. 8 Apr. 1788, d. 1870, mar. first Margaret's, Westminster, bur. at Kirkby 26 July 1827 Caroline, dau. of Rev. George Boulton, Rector Knowle 12 June 1721. of Oxendon, d. 20 Apr. 1832. They had issue- 5. Benjamin (II). Henry Ralph ( VII). 1. Mary, wife to Francis JIall, of Dunnington, in co. Bbor., Isabella Caroline, mar. 2 May 1855 Rev. G. F. Pearson. mar. 10 June 1658 at Belfreys. Anna Maria. f!. Anne, wife to Raphe Waterhouse, of Burnby, in co. Ebor., mar. secondly, 6 Sept. 1837, Harriet, dau. of Joseph Walley bp. at Cottingham 30 July 1640, mar. at Belfreys Esq., of London. 'l'hey had issue- 15 Aug. 1658. Langham, Capt., R.M., F.R.G.S., b. 18 Mar. 1839, d. 3. Emme, wife to Leonard Weddell, of Erswick, in co. Ebor.; 22 Feb. 1873. had .£200 from her father. Will 27 Nov. 1704. Willoughby Charles, in the Admiralty, b. 25 May 1841. 4. Susanna, d. unmar., had .£200 from her father. Charlotte Matilda. Elizabeth, eldest, d. 1652, had £300 in her father's will. VII. REV. HENRY RALPH ROKEBY, Hector of Arthingworth, b. Dorothy. 2 June 1831, mar. 1861 Mary Jane, dau. of T. B. Beale, Esq, IT. BENJAMIN ROKEBY, of London, merchant, and of Stratford, They had issue- Essex, where he died 17 33, mar. Rebecca, dau. and h. of Thos. Henry Langham. Langham, of Arthingworth, merchant of London, mar. lie. Ralph Thomas. 3 Dec. 1683 at St. Martin's, Outwich, bur. there. They had Arthur Willoughby. Caroline Mary. issue- Langham (III). Rebecca. Elizabeth. III. LANGHAM ROKEBY, ESQ., of Arthingworth, b. 15 Dec. 1692, adrn. Gray's Inn 9 J unc 1710, mar. Catherine, dau. of Major Nicolaus Morgan. They had issue• STRAF}'OUTH AND TrcKHILL WAPl!NTAKI!. Doncaster, 4 Aug. 1665. Langham, d. inf. Thomas (IV). Elizabeth, d. unmar.

IV. THOMAS ROKEBY, ESQ., of Arthingworth, d. 8 Sept. 1796, mar. Elizabeth, dau, and heiress of Col. John Scott, of Galashiels, N.B., d. 1815, oet, 91. They had issue• Langham (V). of 'I'homas. Elizabeth, d. s.p. Catherine, mar. Joseph Jekyll, Esq., of Bath. Sarah. Anne, d. unmar. V. REV. LANGHAM ROKEBY, of Arthingworth, d. 16 Dec. 1826, mar. Sept. 1780, Maria Isabella, dau. of Somerset ARMs :-Argent, on a pile Sable three quatrefoils Or. Davies, Esq., of Wigmorc Hall, co. Hcref., d. 31 Dec. 1810. CRIIST :-A leg in armour, couped at, the thigh, quarterly Argent and Sable, spurred Or, charged with II quatrefoil quarterly Or and Argent. They had issue- Langham Rokchy, Esq., of Arthingworth, Lieut.-Col. Militia., D. L., b. 6 Mar. 1784, d. uumar. 6 July 1844. I. • • , EYRE, had issue- William (II). . Henry Ralph (VI). Anna Maria Isabella, d. 11 Mar. 1818. Thomas Eyre. His children mentioned in his brother William's will. Charlotte Jane, d. Apr. 1803. ,56 ,DUGDALEtS VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE.

II. WILLIAM EYRE, of Bramley, in com. Ebor., ,yeoman, bur. VI. HENRY EYRE, ESQ., of Bramley Hall, heir to his uncle, atBraithwell 12 July 1582. Will 16 Dec. 1581, pr. at York bur. at Braithwell 2 Apr. 1727, mar. Sarah, dau. of John 5 Feb. 158%, mar. Alice, daughter of Roger Fretwell, of Bolle, Esq., of Thorp Hall, co. Line., coheir of her brother Hellowby, in com. Ebor. '!'hey had issue- John Bolle, at St. John's, Laughton, 24 Feb. 1690, bur. at Braithwell 21 June 1709. They had issue- III. ·· WILLIAM EYRE, of Bramley, died in a01601, velcirca, mar. John (VII). Edith, daughter and coheire of Robert Marsh, of Darton, in Henry. com, Eborum (remar. Henry Leadbeater, Rector of Thrybergh, Charles. mar. lie. 1603 at 'Phrybergh or Braithwell). They had issue- Nathaniel. 1. , Nathaniell (IV), Elizabeth. ~- Reresby Eyre, of Dorton, in com. Eborwm, Vicar of Sarah. Darton, bp. 9 Oct. 1601, d. 14, bur. 15 Sept. 1641 Margaret, mar. 4 Dec. 1726 Wm. Spencer, of Bramley (Hunter's S.Y.), mar. Mary, daughter of Robert Grange, Gent., at Wickersley, bp; 22 Nov. 1697, Batt, of Okewell, in com. Eborum, at Birstal, 12 Nov. died a widow, the sole heiress of her family, bur. at 1633 (remar. Henry Hirst, Vicar of Huddersfield). Braithwell 23 Sept. 1745. 1 .. }rfary, wife of Leonard Stanley, of Mexborough, in co. ss»; mar. 1641. VII, JOHN EYRE, ESQ., of Bramley Hall, bp. at Braithwell 22 Mar. :2. Martha, wife of Thomas Raysin, of Doncaster. 1691, died s.p., mar. Frances, dau. of Francis Elwick, of Full 3. Sarah, wife of Thoma« Shirle, of Wickersley, m co. Sutton, Gent.., 10 Jan. 1711, at the age of 13 (Yorkshire Ebor., mar. at Laughton 1616. Diaries, Surt. Soc.). She remar, William Simpson, Esq., of 4, Judith, wife of James Bothomley, of Cawthorn, m co. Stainforth. ss». 5. Edith, wife of Thomas Bone, of Ranlpton, in co. Nott. Margaret, d. inf.

IV. NATIIANIELL EYRE, of Bramley, died in August a0 1659, bp. 1598, mm·. Alice, daughter of Jolin Franke, of Pontefraet, STRA~'~'ORDAND 'l'Wl.J'-lce of Yorke, mar. Agnes, daughter of . . . Barlow, 9/ rot. 43, bur. at Brait:.hwell. Barlow, in eom. Derb, They had issue- 58 DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. DUGDALE's VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. Bryan (II). 59 1. Allison. 2. Isabell. 3. Bryan, bp. at Conisborough 13 Sept. 1600. (7) Elizabeth, bp. at Conisborough 20 Apr. II. BRYAN VINCENT, temp. Edw. quarti, mar. Beatrix, daugh. 1596. of Sr Tho, Cockaine, of Ashburne, in co. Derb., Kt. They had issue- John, b. 1559, d. 1560, bur. at Braithwell. Christopher, bp. 1562. Brian, bp. 1566. III. JO/JN VINCENT, of Braywell, a0 1 Ilenr. 7, mar. Anne, Ellen, exec. of her father, bp. 1563. daugliter of . . . .Rowlesley, of Rowlesley, in com. Derb. They 3. Richard (V). had issue- Jolin (IV). V. Cliristophr, died unmarried, (7) bur. at Conisborough RIC/JARD VINCENT, of Firsby, neei·e Braywell, in com, 15 Mar. 1573, mentioned in his nephew Thomas' Eborum., bur. at Conisborough 17 .Apr. 1593, admin. at York, will, so must have been married, and had issue- mar. Alice, daughter of Thomas Allen, of Rowley, neer J en net, named in her cousin Thomas' will. Wetherby, in cam. Ebor., widow of Robert Lepton, of Firsby, Richard, mentioned in his nephew Thomas' will. at Conisborough, 9 Oct. 1559, bur. there 26 Jan. 1593, admin. at York. They had issue- Ricliat·d (VI). IV. JO/JN VINCENT, of Braywell, mar. Agnes, daugh. of (1) Jane, bp. a.t Conisborough. Lacy, of Bevet·ley, in co. Ebor., 24 H. 7, mar. llfargery, daughter of . . . Page, of Bunney, in cam. Nott. They had VI. issue- RICIIARJJ VINCENT, of Firsby, in cam. Ebor., died a01617, 1. Thomas Vincent, of Brapwell, 7° Edw. 6, d. Apr. 1559, bp. at Conisborough 27 May 1560, bur. there 19 July 1617, bur. at Braithwell. Will 17 Apr., pr. 18 May 1559, mar. Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Rolcel,y, of Hotltam, in mat·. JJionisia, da. of Rich. Pewtinger, of Carleton, com, Ebor., at Coni8borough or Mexborougb, 23 Sept. 1595, in Lindrick, in cam. Eborum; They had issue- bur. there 6 June 1617. They had issue- Dorothy, sole dau. and heire, wife of Thomas 1. John, died unmarried, bp. at Conisborough 9 Sept. 1596. Waterhouse, of Hallifax, in co. Ebor., died in e. ~l'homas (VII). a0 1627, mar. at Carlton 8 Sept. 15i3 (Hunter). (A quo Waterhouse, of Braithwell.) 3. Pliilip Vincent, Rector of y• church of Stoke IJavernoun, 2. John Vincent, of Braywell, 16 Qu. Eliz. Will 9 Aug., in com, Surr., bp. at Conisborough 23 Nov. 1600, pr. at York 1580 (vol. xxi, 496), to be bur. at m.ar. Frances, da. of Xtoph» lleydon, (i/ Baconthorpe, in co. N01ff., Knight. Braithwell, mar. Marg1, daugh. of ... Hudson, of Brocher, neere Bradfeild, in com. Eborum. They had 4. Will'm Vincent, Citizen of London, bp. at Conisborough issue- 2 Mar. 1602. Francis Vincent, Standard Bearer to Sr John VII. Norreys, Generall of y• English Forces in the TlIOJl!A.S VINCENT, of Baronbrough, in co. Ebor., Esqr., Netherlands, aqed. 62 years a0 1630, exor, of his cet. 67 ann. 16 Sept. a0 1665, bp. at Conisborough 27 Aug. father, bp. at Braithwell Mar. 1568, mar. Susan, 1598, d. 15 July 1667, bur. at Barnborough, M.I., mar. daughter of Jolm Gifford, of Laught01i in le Susan, da, & coh. of Tho. Wormeley, of Hatfield, in corn. Northing, in com. Ebor. They had issue- .Ebor., widow of Gervase Bosoile, of Warmsworth, in co. Ebor., 1. Richard Vincent, of Nicopring, in Swevia, bp. at Thorne 9 Oct. 1586, bur. at Conisborough 10 Dec. Standerd. Bearer to Col. Tho». Mus• 1652. They had issue- champy, under the King of Sweden, 1. John (VIII). a• 1627, mar .... dau. of Dr. James 2. Aleaandr, died unmarried, bp. at Conisborough 3 Dec. Frenyham, Maid of Honour to the 1629. Queen of Sweden (Hunter). 1. Sus1-n, wife of Samuell Cotes, of Rawd01i, in cam. 2. John Vincent,of King's Uounty,in Ireland, Ebo1·u., Gierke, bp. at Conisborough 1 Juno 1624. bp. at Conisborough 21 Jan, 1598, 2. Sarah, w1je of Ricl1ard Warde, nf Upton, in com. Ebor., mar. Kath., da. of Philip Brady, of bp. at Conisborough 28 May 1627, mar, there Brenny, in Ireland. 24 May 1655, bur, at Badsworth 10 .Apr. 1719 (Hu11ter's S.Y.). DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 61. 60 DUGDALE1S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. Mary, bp. at Barnborough 5 Nov. 1696, bur. at Melton . 8. Elizabeth, wife of John Warde, of Tanshelfe juxta 5 Oct. 1702, M. I. . Pomfret, in com. Ebor., bp. at Conisborough 24 June Elizabeth, d. 1 Aug. 1701, aged near sixteen, bur. at 1628, d. I Feb. 1668, bur. at Pontefract old church, Melton, M.I. M.I. X. PHILIP VINCENT, ESQ., of Barnborough, bp. at Barnborough VIII. JOHN VINCENT, of Barnborough, retat. 40 an. 16 Sept. 9 Mar. 1692, d. s.p., bur. there 9 Sept. 1730, mar. Elizabeth, 1665, bp. at Conisborough 16 Aug. 1625, d. 17 July 1676, dau. of Richard 'l'olson, Esq., of Wath, bur. at Barnborough, M.I., mar. Mary, daughter of John On Philip Vincent's death the estate of Barnborough was sold by Griffith, of Llhyn, i1i com. Caemarvon; mar. lie. 26 Aug. his four sisters and coheiresscs (Hunter). 1650. They had issue- 1. Thomas (IX). 2. Griffith, ret. 12 ann. 3. John, ret. 5 ann. 4. Philip, cet. 3 ann. 1. Susanna, ret.12 ann.16 Sept. 1665, mar .... Clayton, WBST RIDINO, d. 16 Nov. 1723, bur. at Marr (J.C. Brooke). Yorke, 13° Aug. 1666. ~. Margt, cet; 10 ann. 3. Elizabeth, wt. 8 ann.1665. 4. Jane, ret. 3 ann. 5. 11:lary, cet; 1 anmi, d. unmar. 12 Sept. 1726, bur. at ®tin au Doncaster, M.I. 6. Ann, d. unmar, 10 Apr. 1741, ret. 72, bur. at Doncaster, M.I. of

IX. THOMAS VINCENT, ESQ., of Barnborough, cet, 14 an. 16 Sept. 1665, mat. 15 Aug. 1667, rot.16, at St. Edmund Hall, Oxf., Bar. at Law, Inner Temple, 1676, d. 16 Aug. 1726, bur. 3Jngmer iaU. at Barnborough, M.I., mar. Isabel, dau. of Philip Packer, Esq., of Groombridge, co. Kent, lie. 5 June 1682 at Wickham, Kent, bur. at Barnborough 13 June 1736. 'l'hey had issue- ARMS :-Argent, a. pile Sable, a chevron counterchanged, 1. Philip (X). CREST :-Out of a ducal coronet Or, two wings displayed Sable. 2. John, bp. at Barnborough 29 Oct. 1688, d. s.p. For proofe of these armes he voucheth his father's se-ile, who died at the age of 88 yeares, 3. Thomas, bp. at Barnborough 27 Nov. 1690, bur. there 5 Mar. 169~. . I. THOMAS OTJVAY, of Middleton, in coin. Westmerl. Had 1. Isabella, eld. sister and coh., mar. Rev. Joseph Cromp• issue- ton, Rector of Normauton-upon-Soar, (1) bp. at Doncaster 12 Mar. 168%, mar. at Darn borough 2 Nov. II. THOMAS OJ'WAY, of Middleton. Ifad issue• 1721. Roger (III). 2. Anne, mar. Henry Dunster, Esq., of Worksop, at George Otway, clerke, Barnborough 14 Dec. 1721, bp. there 7 Mar. 169{. Edwm·d Otway, of Bocking, in co. llartf., Gierke. 3. Margaret, mar. Robert Dalzell, Earl of Carnwath, at Worksop 19 June 1735, bp. at Barnborough 5 Nov. III. ROGER OTWAY, of Middleton, in com. Westmerl., and Ingmire 1696. Hall, died 10 Febr. a0 1648, then aqed 88 yeares, bur. at 4. Catherine, mar. George Nevile, Esq., of Thorney, co. Sedbergh 12 Feb. 1648. Will 9 Feb. 1648, pr. 20 May 1650, Notts, at Worksop, H Dec. 1735, bp. at Barnborough mar. Anne,1 daughter of John Mayer, of Sedbergh, in com. 15 Nov. 1698. Ebor., bur. 27 Mar. 1652 at Sedbergh. They had issue- Mary, (1) bp. at Doncaster 24 Mar. 1683, bur. at 1 There i~ 11 mar. lie. 1595. ·itoger Otway, of Middleton, co. West., Gent., and Barnborough 16 Apr. 1684. Ann Hebblethwayte, of New Malton. The marriage took place at Grimaton Jane, bp. at Barnborough 29 Dec. 1691, bur. there 22 June. 8 Sept. 1695. 62 DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE.

John (IV). George Otway, died unmarried, bp. at. Scdbergh 23 Jan. 1625. Abigal, wife of Daniel Iiedman, of Balylinch, in com. Kilkenny, in Ireland, had .£500 from her father. Edward, bp. 11t Sedbergh Sept. 1622. Elizabeth, bur. at Sedbergh J nly 1634. Henry, had £:W from his father, if he be living. Dorothy, mar. . .. Jackson. Anne, mar .... Warde.

IV. SIR JOllN OT WAY, Knight, a Benche«of Gray's Inne, Yice• Chancelour of the County Palatine of Lancaster, and the King's Attorney Gen}1 there ; now also of lngme1• Hall, in the parish of Sedbergh, in com. Et.or., rr:tatis 47 ann. a0 1666, b. at Beckside Hall, in Middleton, ed. at Sedbergh School, adm. St. John's Coll., Oamb., 3 June 1636, rot. 16, adm, Gray's Inn 1 Nov. 1638, bur, 17 Oct. 1693 at Sedbergh, M.I., mar. Mary, daughter of Robert Riggs, of Fareham, in co. Suth1, 1 wife, bur. at Sedbergh 11 June 1659. They had issue- 1. John, cetaii« 16 ann. lfJ66, b. at Sedbergh, ed. there, adm. St. John's Coll., Camb., 19 June 1667, adm, Gray's Inn 24 Oct. 1668, d. unrnar, 2. Charles, LL.D., Fellow of St. John's Coll., Camb., adm, 22 May 1671, rot. 16, adm. Gray's Inn 1 Aug. 1671, Governor of Sedbergh School. 1. Anne, mar. in Ireland. 2. Mary, wife of Posthumus Wharton, Master of Sedbergh School, bur. 8 Sept. 1690 at Sedbergh, M.I. Margaret, bp. at Sedbergh 5 Mar. 1658, died next year. mar. Elizabeth, only daughter of John Brathwayt, of A11,bleside, in co. Westmerl, £<.I wife. They had issue- 3. Elizabeth, wife of John Byram, of Byrom, co. Lane., bp. 24 June 1662, mar. lie. 5 July 1682 at St. Giles'• in-the-Ficlds. 4. Margaret, wife of . . . Fothergill, bp. at Sedbergh 1663. 5. Katherine, wife of John Upton, :B;8q., bp. at Sedbergh 2:l Sept. 1664c. Braithwaite, adrn. Fellow Com. of St. John's Coll., Camb., 12 May 1684, mt, Hi, student of Umy's Inn, adm. 6 Dec. 1677, d. unmar., 1\.1.1. 1744, when tho proporty passed to his sister Katherine.

Authorities :-Pratt's History of Scdbergh. 105

llngbalt' s ltlisitation of [email protected], WITH ADDITIONS.

( Cnntinuccl /1·0111 r· 62.)

flARKF.STON ASHE WArEN'l'AK~. Pomfret, 70 Apr. 16615.

Jungatt of iaxton.

AnMS :-Gule-s, a chevron engrailed between three hounds sejeant Argent. CREST :-A hound ,18 in the arms. I. WTLLT AM HUNGATE, of Burn by, d. intest., adm. 10 Aug. l4(i7, mar. Tsnbol] . . . Will D June, pr. at York 3 Nov. 1468. They had issue- William (II). ,John, } Richard, named in their mother's will. Leonard,

II. WILLIAM HUNGATE, of Bumby, mar. Margery, dau. of Sir Anthony Oughtred, of Kexby (Glover's Visitation). They had issue- William (TIT). Leonard (Glover).

III. WILLIAM HUNGATE, of Bumby and Saxton, mar. Margaret, dau. and coh. of Wm. Sawley, of Saxton. They had issue- William (IV). Robert, of Bumby. Will 22 Jan. 1542, pr. 12 Apr. 1543, to be bur. there, mar .... and had issue-• William, } Anne, named in their father's will. Emmott, Edward (Glover). . Jane (Glover). I 106 DUGDALE1S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 107

IV. WILLIAM HUNGATE, of Saxton. Will 22 June 1547, pr. Richard, named in his father's will. 19 Apr. 1548, to be bur. there, mar. Alice, dau. of Sir Wm. Thomas, of Bulmer, gent., exor. of his father, Gower, of Stittenham. They had issue- mar.: Dorothy, dau. of George Creswell, of I. William (V). Nunkeeling, lie. 1596. They had issue• 2 .. Raphe. Dorothy, mar. John Stapleton, son of 3. Thomas, of Stillington, mar. Janbel, dau. of Sir Thos. Henry, of Wighill. Metham. They had issue-1 Ursula, mar .... Dickens. William. Ann, d. unmar. Thomas (Glovrr). Ku.therine, d. unmar, 4. Hugh, of Drax, to he bur. there. Will 26 Jan. Charles, d. s. p. 2 Eliz., pr. York 9 Nov. 1560, mar. Elizabeth, dau. Elizabeth, mar. . . . Cockgrave. of . . . . Swale, of Staveley. Abigail, mar Idle, of Bulmer. 5. Edward, mar. Margery, dau. of John Byrnand, of Jane, mar Lepington. , and had isaue-s- Maud, had £100 in her father's will. 1. Isabell. Audrey, wife of . 2. Alice. Isabel, wife of . . . Richardson. 3. Elizabeth. Anne, had £100 in her father's will. 6. Robert, of Saxton, gent. Will I July, pr. 28 Aug. George, of North Dalton, d. unmar, Will 8 Sept., 1576, mar. Margorie Thimbleby, and had issue- pr. York 12 Nov. 1556. William, mar. at Watton, 12 May 1593, Marmaduke, mentioned in his father's will. Mary, dau. of Thos. Sotheby, Esq. A quo Ralph, of North Dalton, exec. of his mother's will, Hungate, of Birdsall and Malton, see mar. Anne, dau. of . . . Thorpe, of Burton Stan• Hunter's Minorum Gentium, vol. iii, 954. hope, co. Line. (Glover). They had issue• Elizabeth, (1) mar. Apr .• 1582 at Watton, William, of North Dalton, ret. 7, 1584, mar. Roger Sotheby, of Pocklington, bur. there Cath., dau. of . . . Cresswell, mar. lie. 3 Aug. 1619. 1596. They had issue- (7) Thomas. Ralph, }GI over. Alice, mar. Ralph Aungier, of Rednes. Murgaret, Anne, mar. Oliver Ryther. Susan, wife of John ,Velbury, of Custle Eden, Jane, mar. Thos. N esfield, of Bumby. co. Dur., mar. lie. 1596, secondly of John Wall. V. WILLIAM HUNGATE, of Saxton, died v.p. Will 2 Sept., Robert, mentioned in his father's will. pr. 3 Dec. 1535, mar. Audrey, dau. of John Saltmarsh, of l. Beatrice, wife of Thos. Ellerker, of Lisset. Saltmarsh. Will 4 Dec. 1570, to be bur. at North Dalton. 2. Alice, had fifty marks in her father's will, d. unmar, at They had issue- North Dalton. Will 11 Nov. 1605. JVilliam (VI). 3. Lucy, wife of Anthony Blowe, of co. Line. Henry, Merchant of London, had £10 in his mother's· 4. Isabell, wife of Thos. Stillington, of Acaster (Glover, will, mar. 14 July lo63 at St. Mich. Bassishaw, 633). Elizabeth, dau. of ... Baskerville (Glover). They 5. Jane, wife of Ti10H. Lovell, of Skelton (Glover, 222). had issue- VI. JVILL'M HUNGATE, of Scuxton, in com. Ebor1im. Will William, of Mark} name d m. Rbo er t H un- 8 Feb. 158{, pr. 28 Mar. 1583, mar. Ann, dau. of Thomas Lane, London, t , .11 1619 Thomas, ga e s wi ' . Stillington, of Acaster-, bur. at Saxton 28 May 1591 Anthony, of Catton. Will 7 Apr. 1584, pr. 27 Mar. (Wheater). They had issue- 1585, to be bur. there, mar. Isabell, dau. of Richard I. William (VII). Hansby, of New Malton, to be bur. at Catton. 2. Robert Hungate, of Sand Hutton, Barr.-at-Law of Will 6 July 1584, pr. 28 Mar. 1585. They had issue- Lincoln's Inn, founded a school at Sherburn, d. 5 July 1619, bur. at St. Cuthbert's, York, M.I. 1 Hugh in his will mentions two brothers, Thomus the elder, and Thomas the Will 10 May 1619, pr. at York 8 Oct. 1620, mar. younger who had two sons, William and Thomas. There is II will of Thomas Hungate of Saxton 16 Apr. 20 Eliz., pr. 22 Aug. 1579, but no mention of wife or Catherine, rel. of Sir Wm. Bamburgh, daughter of children. Matt. 1'himelby, cf lrnham (Glover). 108 DUGDALE's VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. DUGDALE'S VISITA'fION 0~' YORKSHIRE. 109 3. Raphe Ilnngate, of Sand Hutton; in co. Ebor., living in VIII. Sr PHILIP HUNGATE, of Saxton, ](t., died in a0 1655 or a" 1584, mar. Isabel, dau. of Henry Dixon, of thereabouts, er. Baronet 15 Aug. 1642, bur. at Saxton 20 Dec. York. They had issue- 1655, mar. Dorothy, da. of Roger Lee, of Ifatjeild, in co. 1. Jane, wife of Nicholas, son of Cuthbert Ebor., widow of Andrew Younge, of Bourne, in com. Ebor. Fairfax, of Acaster, mar. lie. 1602, mar. They h11d is8ue- secondly Thos. Allanson. Franci« (IX). rl. France«. l\fargery, wife of Henry Darley, of Scraying• IX. Ji'RANC:IS llUNUA rs, 1if' Scw;ton, in com: su-; E11qr., slayne ham, mar. lie. 26 Oct. 1619 at Scraying• ·i-n the seruice of I{. Charle» tlw first in the late toarrs at ham or St. Cuthberb's, York. Chester 1645, mar. Joane, dmiyhter (if Robert 11:[iddleton, of Anne, wife of Wm. Consett, of Riccall. Leighton, in com. Lamc., ofterioard« married to Will'm Edmund Hungate, of York, gent., d. 23 Nov. 1614, Ilamond, of Scarthingwell, E;,q"., d. 7 Jan. 1698, bur. at bur. at St. Cuthbert's, York, M.I., mar. Jane, dau. Saxton, M.I. They had issue-- of Richd. Bell, Barr-at-Law (she remar. Wm. Sr Francis (X). Greenbury, Ald. of York). They had issue- 2. Will'm, a Colonel in Lord Dunbar's Regiment. Catherine. 1 llfary, wife ,if John Jf',.iirfax, a y,mngcr brother to Ann, wife of John Anlahy, of Etton. Cluirl,:.~, Vi.~1:'. Fairfa»; ,f Emeley, in Ireland, d. Marg:iret, wife of Wm. Paver, of Braham (Glover, 17 May 16!)6, M.I. at Saxton. 559). Isabell, wife of Leonard Foster, of 'I'adcaster (Glover, X. Sr FRANCIS IIUNOA 1'.E, nrt ,",'tapliiton, of XI. SIR PIIILIP IIUNOA1'E, son & he-ire, third Bart., ret. 5 an. Carfotun, in com. Ebor., Esqr. 7 Apr. J(J(J(j, died 10 Apr. 1690, bur. at Saxton, M.I. Will 2. jlfa!ry, (7) Elizabeth, wife of Sr 1Ien1·y Browne, ef 9 Apr., pr. May 1690 (Beckwith), mar. Elizabeth, dau, of Kiddington, in co. Oxon, Bar., (Kt.), rel. of Sir William, Lord Monson (she mar. secondly Lewis Smith, of Marmaduke Grimston, of Orimston, mar. lie. 1599. Wotton, co. Warw.). They had issue- 3. Catherine, (7) l\lary, wife of Richard Cholmeley, of Sir Francis (XII). Bransby, in co. Ebor., afterward to Sr Wili'm Sir Philip (XIII). Iloioard (of Brafferton), youmJer son to the Sir Charles (XIV). L'l William !Ioward, of Naworth Castle, in com. Gumb•·. XII. SIR FRANCIS HUNGATE, fourth Bart., cut off the entail, d. 26 July 1710, ret. 27, bur. at Saxton, mar. Mary, only dau. 1 1618, 8 Feb. Catherine, dau of Edmund Hungate, gent., bur. at S. Mary·e, We.lmga.te. of Wm. Weld, Esq.; of Lulworth Castle, co. Dorset, wid. of 110 DUGDAl,JlS VISITATION 01<' YORKSHIRI<~. DUGDALI<~'s VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 111

Nicholas Fairfax, Esq., of Gilling, 22 July 1707 ('fhoresby), Elizabeth, mar. Edward Hawley, of Stotfold (Hunter). died 1 July 1741 (Beckwith). They had issue- Anne. Mary, b. 10 Aug. 1709, mar. Sir Edward Gascoigne, of Dorothy, named in her father's will (~by which wife). Purlington, 26 Nov. 1726 at Saxton. He mar. secondly Margaret, dau. of Piers Savage of Hatfield. Frances, d. 1713. Will 25 Sept. 1557, pr. at York 14 Oct. 1558. They had Ho was succeeded by his brother. issue- Francis, of l\fan1Jfield Woodhouse, mar. Mary, dau, of XUT. SU{ PHILIP UUNUATI•:, Iif'th Hart., d. s.p., HULi'. Elir.1theth, Wm. Jackson, of Snydule (Glover). duu. of Mr. Cotton. '.l'hey had issue, but all died young. John, of Broughton, named in his father's will. He was succeeded by his brother. Philip, Rector of Sprotborough, bur. there 12 Aug. XIV. SIR CHARLES HUNGATE, sixth Bart., Captain of Marines, 1596. a lunatic, died 6 Nov. 1749, ret. 63, bur. at Saxton, M.I. Christopher, of Wadworth (A). (Beckwith). III. PIIILIP COPLEY, of Sprotborouqb, in com . Bbor., Esq•., Authorities, York Wills, Beckwith's pedigrees. bur. there 21 Oct. 1577, M.I. Will 31 May, pr. 27 Dec. 1577, mar. 1}foriJ, dm"yhter of S• Bryan Ilastings, Kw., 1 wife, bur. at Sprotborough 8 June 1507, M.1. Will 16 Apr. Doucnstcr, 90 Apr. 1666. 1580, pr. 26 Jan. Hi\J8. They had issue- 1. W,ill'm Copley, ef Sprotboro1-111h, in com. Ebor., Esqr., bur. at Sprotborough 7 Doc. 1598, mar. Eliz., da. and coheire of Godfrey Boswell, of Gomelthwayt (Gunthwaite), sister & heire to Francis Boswell, of (toplry Gomelthwayt, in co. Ebor., Esq". They had issue- 1. Godfre1J Copley, of Sprodborough, Esqr., died unmarried, bp. there 31 Dec. 1567, bur. of there 19 Nov. 1633. 2. Baphe Copley, dyed without issu,e. Elizabeth, wif,i of Ilenry Sacheverell, of Rat• clif/"e-upon-8ore, in com. Nott., bp. at ~prohhorougb. Sprotborough 7 Mar. Hi68, mar. there 25 Sept. 1599, died s.p. John, died s.p. (Hunter). William, died s.p. (Hunter). ARMS :-Quarterly on an inescutcheou the badge of a baronet of , l. Argent, a cross moliue Sable, a crescent for difference. Mary, (1)bap. at Sprotborough 25 Mar. 1564. 2. Lozengy, Argent and Gules. Edith, bur. at Sprotborough 4 Apr. 1593. 3. Or, 11 maunche Oules, Jane, bur. at Sprotborough 18 Feb. 1587. 4. Argent, five fusils in fe&< Gules, i11 chief three heurs' heads, erased ~o.l,Jc. 2. Ave1·y (IV). 3. John (sec Copley, Skelbrook). C!lES'r :-Out of 11 ducu] coronet Or 11 plume of five o,itl'ich feather•, Argent. of 1lforynrd, wffi rif l!fmry Sam,~ford, mar. at Sprot• I. .1011 N COi' Lli: l', of lJntl,iv, 1'.n co. Elmr., Bxq., mar. Agnes, borough, 13 May 1565, secondly, to George Cressy. duu, of Sir Uel[ l'igot, of Clotliorham. 'l'liey had issue- Frances, died s.p. (Huntct·). }. John Copley, of lfatley, Esq». (See Copley, of Batley, Thomas, of Norton Priory, died s.p., mar .... dau. Genealogist, N.S., vol. xii, p. 52.) of ... Fletcher, of Campsall. 2. Sr wu» (II). II. Sr WJJ,l'Jf COPLEY, of Sprodborouqh, in com. Ebor., Kn,., IV. AVERY COPLEY, of Warren Hall, in (Sikehouse) co. Ebor., Inq. p. m. IV Sept. 3 and 4 P. and M. says he died 28 Apr. died circa an. 1606, bur. at Fishlake 13 Aug. 1615. Will Will 14- Apr., pr. at York 13 July 1556, mar. IJorothy, 30 July 13 Jus, I, pr. 18 Aug. 1615, mar. Joane, daughter of daniJht

2. Anne, wife of Emanuell Moote, of 1lfelton, in com. Catherine, wife of Joseph Moyle, Esq., son of Sir Ebor., mar. at Sprotborough 27 Nov. 1617. Walter Moyle, of Bake, co. Cornwall. Her father 3. Isabell, wife ,f James Pinkney, of 1.Yewton, in com. left the estates to his relative, Lionel Copley, of Ebor., mar. at Fishlake 18 Apr. 1598. Wadworth, who entailed them after the death of his Catherine, bp. at Sprotborough 27 Dec. lu80. own sons on Joseph, Hon of the above Catherine, who took the name of Copley, and was er. a Baronet V. WILL'Jf~ COPLEY, of Sprodhonmyh, B11

Susan, wife of Thomas St. Nicholas, of Ashe, near Catherine, bp. at Wadworth 20 Oct. 1703, bur. there Sandwich, bp. at Wadworth 23 Mar. 1605. 31 Jan. 1704. Mary, wife of Wm. Parkyn, of Mortomley, d. 30 Aug. 1736 (Hunter). C. LIONEL COPLEY, of Rotherham and Wadworth, bp. at Anne, wife of Richard Higgins, of York, bp. at Sprot• Wadworth 8 Nov. 1G07, d. at London 7 Dec., bur. at borough 27 July 1714 (Huutce). W1Ldworth l!) Dec. 1670. Will 20 Nov. 1675, mar. Frisulimi, duu. of Gco. Ward, of Cupcsthomc, co. Cestr., wid. of John Wheler, of London, bur. at Wadworth 7 Nov. 1696, ret. 85, COPLEY OF SKELBIWOK. l\LI. They hud issue-- A. JOJIJ'{ C:OPLEV, from whom the C:opley8, of Skelbrouyh, Me Lionel (D). desceruied, son of Philip Copley (III) and Mary, bur. at William, bp. at Rotherham 15 Sept. 1654, d. y., bur. Skelbrook 11 Mar. 1615. Will 28 May 1613, mar. Jane, at St. Margaret's, Westminster. daughter and coheire of Raphe Anger, at Skelbrook 30 Nov. Anne, wife of John Crofts, of York, mar. at Wad• 1588, bur. there 24 June 1626. Will 18 June, pr. at York worth 14 May 1674. 12 Dec. 1626. They had issue- Castiliana, mar. first John Beckwith, Esq., of Thur• Gudfrciy (B). croft, at Wadworth, 28 Sept. 1675, secondly Rev. Thomas, bp. at Skelbrook 30 Oct. 1597, had £100 in ThoH. Mau lovorer, Rector of Sprotborough, at York hi:-i father's will. Minster :n Mar. 16!)2, bur. at Wadworth 15 May ~lfory, wife of Edwd, Lawson, of Little U sworth, co. 1700, M.I. Durh., bp. at Skelbrook 30 July 1592, mar. there 8 Oct. 1616. D. LIONEL COPLEY, of Wadworth, Governor of Hull and Eli~abeth, wife of Bartholomew Rolston, of Campsall, Maryland, mat. at Brasenose Coll., Oxf., 14 July 1665, ret. bp. at Skelbrook 12 May 1594, mar. there 26 Jan. seventeen (Foster), d. beyond sea, adm. 3 Mar. 1699, mar. 1618. Anno, dau. of Sir Philip Boteler, of Watton W oodhall, Herts, roar. lie. 8 June 1676. They had issue- B. GODFREY COPLEY, of Skelbrook, Bencher of Lincoln's Lionel (E). Inn, Recorder of Doncaster, mat. at Magdalen Coll., Oxf., Anne, wife of lHaac Milner, of London, mar. at \Vad• :n Oct. 1606, iut, seventeen (Foster), (1)bp. at Sprotborough worth 4 Aug. l GU8. 31 Aug. 1589, bur. at Skolbrook 24 June 1648. Will 7 Feb. 1637, pr. at York 9 Nov. 1648, mar. Thomasine, dau. of Thos. Ravenscroft, of Chipping Barnet, Herts., bur. at Skelbrook E. LIONEL COPLEY, of Wadworth and Sprotborough, heir to 27 Jan. 1667. They had issue- the estates of Sir Godfrey Copley, Hart., which he entailed John (C:). · after the death of his sons, on the issue of Mrs. Moyle, Thomas, d. unmar., bur. at Skelbrook 10 Apr. 1629. daughter of Sir Godfrey, d. at Bath, bur. 1Lt Sprotborough Godfrey, bp. at Skelbrook 7 Sept. 1630, mar. Sarah, 7 Feb. 1720, mar. Mary, dau, of John Wilson, of Burril, in dau. of Darcy Washington, of Ad wick, bp, there the par. of Be

Godfrey Copley, Esq., of Skelbrook, bp. there 17 July III. 7'HOMA8 BRADLEY, dr. in divinity and chaplein to 1655, bur. there 20 Mar. 1700, died deeply in debt, K. Charles the Ji'irst, now prebend in the cathedral church of his executors sold Skelbrook, mar. Mary, dau. and York and rector of Ackworth, in com. Ebor., at. 67 an. h. of John Allott, of Bentley Grange, at Cawthorne, 7° Aiu}. n° 1B65, of Berks., pleb. mat. at Exeter Coll., Oxford, 3 Oct. 168!), bur. at Skelbrook 21 June 1700. !) May 1617, tet. seventeen, B.A. 21 June 1620, D.D. 20 Dec. Jolin, bp. nt Skclbrook .J Dec. 1657, d. unmur, 1G42, Rector of Castleford 1630, of Ackworth 1648. A Hovol, of Cold Axton, hp, at Skclbrook !) June 1660, g1·eut Royalist, expelled from his livings l 644, restored ut the 11m1·. Hit1111nl1, duu, of ] Icnry Bright, of Whirlow, Restorntion (1,ee Diet. Nat, Hiogmphy). Died 10, bur. at hp. at Sheflield l!J Apr. l 6G:l. Ackworth 17 Dec. 1672, mar, 5 l\luy 16:31 Fm1u.:es, daityhter William, bp. at Skelbrook 11 Apr. 1665, d. unmar. unto John L01·d Savile of Pomfret, in ,:um. Eborum, d. 30 Jan. Jane, bp. at Skdbl'Ook 27 Nov. 1651. l66t, bur. at Ackworth. 1\1.I. They had issue- Elizabeth, bp. at Skelbrook 11 Oct. 1653. J. Thomas ll?·adley, a merchant in Virginia, wt. 32, an. Sarah, bp. at Skelbrook 26 Jan. 1658. 7° 1605. Authorities :-Hunter·'s South Yorkshire. York Wills and Parish 2. Savile Bradlep, Fellow of Jlfaydalen Colledge, in Orford, Registers. mat. Hart Hall 17 Dec. 1654, .Fellow of New Coll., B.A. 14 Apr. 1659, M.A. :1 July 1661. 3. Frauci» Bradley (mar. lie. 2 Nov. 1G7fi Francia Bradley of Acworth, gent., bachelor, about thirty-five, and 0800I>Clltl8SE W Af'~N1'AIO:, Pontfract, 7 Aug. 1665. Mrs. June Jennings, of St. Martin in the Fields, spinster, about tlifrty at St. Martin, St. Ma1·y, Savoy or St. Paul, Covent Garden). Barbara, wife of Daniell Godfrey cif Jfujfield, in com. Oxon. They had issue- 1. Daniel. 2. Oharlee,bp, in " the now font" ~t Ackworth, of 24 Nov. 1663



AnMs:-Or, a fess Azure between three buckles Gules, He refers himselfe toy• Visitation of Berksh. for proofe of y• Armes. I. JOJ/ N JJHAD lE r, ,if ... in com. Ebor.,. an ensiqne in King ldnis I fonry; tlu. E·~1ht'.< 1irmy nzmn hi« 1:a:ped·ition to JJulloigne in J!'rnw:e, mnr·. . . . They Juul issue- J. Hi,:luird, di,;d w·itlunu. i11sw;. 1 ;J. l fonry (TI). · of .'J. Ab,il, died unthout i11sue. II. HENRY BRADLEY, ,if Okehinyham, in com. Berks., died 'ltb.ston. a0 164.5, mar. Barbara, dnv,yhter of Walter Lane, of Reding, in com. Berks. They had issue- ]. John Bradl,;y of },file.~, near Okinyham, in Berkshire, mlir. S'll.. ~a1n, da?LfJhter ,if John Fedder of . . in ARMS :-Sable, a chevron between three trefoils slipped Or, on an inescutcheon the cum .•..~'o'l1,tht 0"· 'l'hey had issue- "'.'::' badge of e. Baronet of England. Jlenry Bradley,

I. ~MORGAN. Had issue-s- (7) Jane, mar. .T ohn Staniforth, of Darnall, died at Carhead, bur. at Silkstone 2 May 1632. II. JORDEN, mar. Philippa. Thuy had issue- (?) Elizabeth, mar. . . . Ricard, had £20 in her grandfathct·'s will. III. PHILIP, mnr .... dau!Jhier to G1-1,illam Sa,ys a;p lrfadock ap 8. Thomas Leuns, had issue- Ilouell. They had iRHue- Frances, }mcn~ioned in their grandfather's I saboll, will. IV. ])A VJ]), mar. . . . dauyhter of Will'm Robnet. They had 4. Hobert Lcun», had isaue-c- issue- A daughter, at London, mentioned in her Thomas (V). grandfather'« will. Leuns, mar .... daughter of Will'm Robnet.

X. JOHN LEWIS, of 1.lfarr, E.,q1·., died si Eliz. R., J.P., Recorder V. THOilfAS, mar. Anne, danyhter of John Evans, of Northop, in of Doncaster, died v.p. 17 Oct. 1589, rut. forty-five, bur. at Flyntshire. They had issue- Marr, M.I., where a brass (York. Arch. Journal, xi, 86), mar. Mary, danyhtP-r 78, bur. at Marr, mar. Jane, d(w.ghter of Edward J}funday, of Mr.wketon, in com. ap Guilliam. They had issue- Derb., Will 9 Jan. 1666. They had issue- 1. Roger Leuns. E.~qr. 2. . .. Lewis, of Waverclow, in Northwales (VIII). 1'homas Lewis, son and heir, obijt sine prole 3. George Lewis. Sept. 1634, mar. Eii«, da. & coh. of Tho. Talbot; of Rashall, in co. Ebor., 5 Aug. 1627 (Hunter), at Penwortham, she mar. VIII. LEWIS, of Doncaster, in com. Ebor., mar. Elizabeth, secondly J'lteobald JJuryh, Visel. Mayo in dn1-1,yhttir of ... [mar. Thoma» Elli~, Alderman of Doncaster, Irel» 1fi27 (Hie), who wus shot at Galway ;JJ'l h1tsb,ind, and Alderman Richard Marshul], of Doncaster, 15 J un, 165:3. third husbund), bur. at Doncaster 19 Dec. 1567. They had Mary, wife of ri«, son of s: William Chey• issue- tor, of Crofte, of whom there is noe issue remayning. IX. ROBER1' LEWIS, of Marr, in co. Ebor., 4 E. 6-36 Eliz, R., Francie, died unmarried. a lawyer. Will 2 July 1594, pr. at York 10 May 1595, to 2. Richard (Xl). be bur. at Marr, mar. Eliwlwth, daughter and heire of John 1. Margaret, second wife of John Maleverer, of Letuiell; lf1.inley, cif lfiyh Jlfrlton, in co . Ebor. They had issue- in com. Ebor., Rsq'., mar. at Ma!'r 23 Nov. 1610 (York Transcripts). J. John (X). 2. Ric/1,wrd Lewis, of Molton-on-the-Hill and Thorpe• 2. Ellen, wife unto John Rameden; of Lascells Ilall, Audlyn, gent. Will 21 Nov. 1610, pr. 12 June second son of John Rumsden, Esq., of Longley 1611, mar. AgneH ... exec. of her husband's will. Hall. 3. They had issue-i- Edith, wife of Timothy Briyht, a Counceller at Law, Robert, named in his father's and grand- mar. at Marr 4 July 1610 (York Transcripts). father's wills. He had issue- 4. Mary, wife of Richard Horsfeild (Horsfall), of Starthes• hall, in com. Ebor., mar. at Marr 29 May 1604 Robert, I . d . th . d (York Transcripts). El .. b •th l montione m err gran - Ellen,iza e 'J f a th er ' s wi'11 . XI. RICH.AR]) LEWIS, died in anno 1661, of Selston, co. Notts., Morian, Richard J . . . , . mar. Jane, eldest daughter and coheir of Gervase Brinsle.y, of John, ' mentioned m their fathers will. Brimley, in com. Nou., 18 Feb. 161! at Melton-on-the-Hill Agnes, (Reg.). They had issue- 120 DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE.

1. Brin.~l;}y Leu-is, slain in the late warn on the King's part, unmarried. 2. Sr John (XII). 3. Edwrird Leun«, of 1lfarr, in co. Ebor., died s.p., 30 Mar. 1675, l\LI. at Marr, left his estate to his two nieces, dau~hters of Si1· John Lewis, mar. . . . , da. and heir« of Elli.~ IVoodi·

XII. Sr JOHN LEWIS, of LedRton, in co. Ebor., 111., (P,t. 50 an. 13 Sept. 1fJU5, acquired a large fortune in India and Persia, bought Ledston, died 14 Apr. l fi71. Will pr. P.C.C. (145 Duke), mar. 81.t1·ah, !Jtl d11.. and colw-ir rj' Sr Thoma» Foote, (.),itizmt of London, K1• d: [lur', (remar. Denzil Onslow). They Imel isHue- 1. Thomas, dyrid v01iny. 2. John, dy~d you,ny, twin with Sarah, died 1690 (Thoresby). 1. Elizabeth, ost, 11 an. 1655, mar. Theophilus Hastings, seventh Earl of Huntingdon. They had issue• George, eighth Earl of Huntingdon, who died young. Lady Elizabeth Hustings (the Benefactress), who

1 They had a son Valentine, bp. at St. Antholin 17 May 1649. 170 DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. DUGDALR'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRK 171

r-- ---,------,----T-----; 1. Sr Robert (II). John Basset, Edmund Basset, Katrine, Isabella. Margaret. 2. Sr William Belt, Kt., Recorder of the citty of Yorke, ob. s.p. ob. s.p. I I Margaret, Simon. died circa annum 1652, adm. Gray's Inn 15 Nov. presented 1598, mar. first at Belfreys, York, 24 Aug. 1624 temp. E.3, Susan Millington, wid., who was bur. there 26 I Dec. 1630. He was bur. there 11 Feb. 165y, Walter Rom1ey, Kt. Will 9 Feb. 1651, pr. 12 Apr. 1651 (Abi;. Yorks. Ree. Series, vol. ix, 26), 1nar. secondly Martha, De Banco. Mich. 7. ti-« 5. m. 627. dauyhter of ,tfa.'timilian Waterhouse, of Walliny Somerset.-Geoffrey Wake, and Isabella, his wife, and Richard Frere, Wells, in com. Nott., at Carleton juxta Snaith sued for execution of a Fine levied in 20 E. 3 by Thomas Gaillard and 17 Apr. 1631 (C.B.N.), bur·. at Belfreys 26 Agnes, his wife, respecting lands in Dychesyate, Pennard and Welles. Sept. 1652. Will 18 Sept. 1652, pr. at London Thomas Gaillard, seised,=Agnes. 14 May 1653 (Abs. Yorks Ree. Ser., vol. ix, 53). 20 E. 3. I They had issue-- r------~---, I. Will'm Belt, ef Overton, in com. Ebor., obijt J 0110. Margaret. sine prole, adm. Gray's Inn 16 Mar. I I 1811,bella.= Isabella. 164-r bp. at BclfreyR 22 Feb. 163J, Geoffrey I bur. there 20 Nov. 1654. Will 14 Nov. Wake, Richard Frere, 1654, pr. at London 20 Apr. 1655 (Abs. plaintiffs. plaintiff. York. Ree. Series, vol. ix, 76), mar. ( 7'o be continued,) Susanna, dau. of Thos. Lovel, of Skelton, bp. at Skelton 20 Apr. 1627 (she mar. secondly Edwd. Stanhope, of Grimston, and thirdly Sir Henry Thompson, of Mar• llngbalt' .s lJi.sitation of !orksbirr, ston), bur. at Marston 29 Apr. 1701. wrrn .ADDITIONS. !!. Robert JJelt, of Overton, in com. Ebor., E.,qr., wt. 28 an. 13 Sept. 16(]/j, adm, Gmy's Tnn ( C'onti.nuedfrom t- 1 ee.: :rn Apr. l 6fi5, bp. !Lt Belfreys 2 May Yorke, 13 Sept. 1665. 16a7, bur. there :W ]\far. 1661·· Will 22 Mar. 166-~, pr. at York 29 Mar. 1667; mar. Frances, dm.tghter of s,· Will'm Robyn• /ion, (// Roecliffe, in co. Ebor., ]{t, They had i88UC- 'lhlt J. Robert, rnt. 1 ann. et 3 mens 18 Sept. 1665, bp. at St. Martin's, Coney St., York, G Aug. 1664, bur. at of Belfreys, 29 Aug. 1666. 1. Franr:r:-', named in her father's will. ;!. A{m·ywrnt, named in her father's will. CID bertan. Martha, "Little Miss Martha," bur. at Belfrcys 29 Aug. 1664. William, bp. at Belfreys 15 Mar. 166,}, bur. there 19 Feb. 166~. ARMS :--Gules, on a. chevron Argent between three bezants a cross patee fitchee Mary, bp. 5 Aug. 1667 at St. hetween two mullets pierced Aiure. Michael's, Spurriergate (Beck• I. LANCELOT (LEONARD) BEL'l', 'l'owne Clerke of the citty with). of Yorh:e, bur. at St. Crux, York, 5 Aug. 1590. Will Martha, wife of 'i'obyas Thsorcrosse, of Kirklw 11 Apr., pr. at York 16 Dec. 1/HlO; mar. Mary, daughter of 1lforexide, in ,,om. Ebor. ; (lfl

Richard, bp. at Belfreys 23, bur. 31 July Ann, hp. at All Hallows 23 Mar. 1622, bur. 27 July 1634. 1623. Mary, bp. at Belfreys 24 Apr. 1638, bur. there 21 Mar. 163l ITT. JASPER BELT, of Pocklington, bp. at All Hallows 20 July Sarah, wife of George Askwith, mar. at St. Crux 5 June 1625, d. 1662. Will 4 Dec. 1661, pr. 11 June 1662, mar. 1599. -Iane, dau. of Thos. Crosby, of Holme, d. 20 May 1703, bur . . . daughter. at Bossall, :M.I. Will pr. :30 July 1703. They had issue- Robert (IV). II. Sr ROBERT BELT, Alderman of the citty of Yorke, Lord Sarah, wife of Wm. Bower, of Bridlington, mar. Mayor, knighted 24 Aug. 1640, of Bossall, bp, at St. 10 Oct. 1676, d. 23 Apr. 1690, bur, at Bossall, M.I. Crux 22 Feb. 157~, d. 4 Sept. 1656, bur. at Bossall, M.T. Will 16 Dec. 1652, pr. 9 Oct. 1656 (Abs. Yorks. Ree. Ser., n~. ROBERT BELT, of Bossall, heir to his uncle Daniel Belt, d. vol. ix, 100), mar. first Jane Hudson, at St. Crux, 7 Feb. 25 Mar. 1690 of a wound by a pair of compasses stuck into 160J, bur. there 29 June 1608, mar. secondly, at Halifax, his neck, bur. at Bossall, M.I. Will 16 Jan. 1689, pr. Grace, dau. of Daniel Foxcroft, of Halifax, 17 July 1609, d. 13 Oct. 1600, mar. Goodeth, dau. of Edward Pegge, Esq., of 11 Aug. 1664, bur. at Bossall, M.I. Will 24 Apr. 1663. They Beauchieff, d. 1 Jan. 1717, bur. at Bossall, M.I. They had had issue- issue- 1. Leonard Belt, of Bossall, adm. Gray's Inn 16 Mar. 164~, Robert (V). bp. at All Hallows, York, 1 Apr. 1612, d. 4 Apr. Leonard, of London, drysalter, bp. at Bossall 18 Jan. 1662, bur. at Bossall, mar. first Ann, dau. of . . . 168!, mar. Mary, dau. . . . Hammond. They had Atkinson, at Bossall, 2 June 1630, bur. there issue-- 26 Sept. 1631. They had issue- Mary, wife of Wm. Savage, Almoner of St. Susanna, bp. at Bossall 23 Aug. 1631, bur. Paul's, London there 14 June 1636. Elizabeth, d. unmar. 15 Mar. 1723, rot. 33, bur. at He mar, secondly Mary . . . Bossall, l\LI. 2. Hobert, bp. at All Hallows 24 July 1614, bur. there 7 J an, 161-}. V. ROBERT BELT, ESQ., of Bosaall, d. 7 Apr. 1746, bur. ut a. Daniel, of London, silkman, xuccceded his brother Bosimll. Will 13 Oct. 1744, pr. at York 10 Sept. 1746, mar. Leonard, bp. u.t All Hallow« 6 Aug. 161G, d. itL Mary, dau, of . . . Overend, of Pocklington, d. 27 Oct. Putney 7 July 16!l2, bur. there, (1) mar, Anne, duu. 1753, bur. at Bossall, l\LI., exec. of her husband. They had of Francis West, mar. lie. 30 Aug. 164!l. They issue- had issue- Robert (VI) . .Anne. George, bp. 19, bur. 22 Apr. 1725. 4. John, bp. at All Hallows 8, bur. there V May 1619. Daniel, named in his father's will, Captain of Marines 5. John, bp. at All Hallows 28 June 1624, bur. at Bossall 1778, bp. 26 Apr. 1726. 31 July 1632. ,John, named in his father's will, a surgeon in York in 6. Jasper (III). 1778, bp. 28 Apr. 1732 7. William, bp. at All llu.Jlows 22 Dee. 1628, bur. at Leonard, bur. 19 Dee. 17 40, ret. 11. Bus1;all 6 oa, 1631. William, bur. 22 Apr. 1736 at Bossall. 8. Robert, uf Boseall, bp. 30 Nov. 1630, bur. 7 Jan. 1661.. Guodeth, named in her father's will, wife of Samuel Will 1 Jan. 1664, mar. Thomasine bur, at Pegge, Esq., bp. 7 Aug. 1727. Bossall 16 Feb. 1680. Mary, bp. 5 Dec. 1728, named in her father's will. Mary, bp. at All Hallows 20 Nov. 1610, (~) bur. Jane, bp. 24 Jan. 1733, bur. at Bossall 12 Feb. 1760, 11 Apr. 1627. named in her father's will. Grace, bp. at All Hallows 16 Oct. 1616. Grace, wife of Richard Nelson, bp. at All Hallows VI. ROBERT BELT, ESQ., of Bossall, bp. 30 Nov. 1723,. d. 6 June 1620, mar. at Bossall 9 Sept. 1641. 21 June 1780, bur. at Bossall, M.I., adm. 23 May 1781 to his SaruJ1, bp. at All Hallows 10 Feb, 1621, mar. first relict, mar. Elizabeth, dau. of James Wallis, Esq., of Hull, Joseph Oley, of York, merchant, 6 Feb. 1648, 13 Nov. 1746, d. 8 Feb. 1805, bur. at Bossall, M.I. They had secondly Thomas Bawtry, of York, Alderman, bur. issue-- a.t Bossall 22 Mat·. 169; .. Robert (VII). DUGDALFl'S VISITATION OF YORK8HIRK. 175 174 DUGDALE1S VISITATION 01<' YORKSHIRE. I. WILLIAM DE SLINGSBY, of Studley, 11 Edw. III, mar. James, b. 17 48, a merchant at Bencoolen, d. Apr. 1779. Johanna, dau. of Henry de Scriven, 20 Feb. 1333. They Leonard, of Pickering, b. 1750. had issue- ... of York, M.D. 1. Gilbert, d. s.p. 134i, mar. Margaret, dau, of Henry de A daughter Querton. VII. ROBERT BELT, ESQ., of Bossall, of the Crown Office, Court 2. Richan] (II). of King's Bench, h. 17 4 7, mar. at Beauchieff, Frances, dau, J ohanna or ,J enetta, mar. Robert de Winksley. of Streliey Pegge, Esq., of Beauchieff, 15 May 1775 (Hunter's Hallamshire ). They had issue- II. RICHARD 8UNGSRY, of Scriven, Capital Forester of Robert (VIII). Knaresborough, d. 136J 37 Edw. III, mar. Johanna, dau, Christopher Pegge, b. 177 8. and coh. of William N osfiold, of Scotton. They had issue- Peter, d. at Bristol Hot Wells, 19 Aug. 1804, ret. 22, bur. at Clifton. . TU. WILLI AM SLINGSBY, d. 139}, mar. Margaret, dau. of William, a Russia merchant, mar. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Winkesley. They had issue- Marmaduke Langdale, Esq., of New Ormond St., 12 Aug. 1815. . TV. WTf,LTA:Vl SLTNGSBY, of Scriven, mar. ,Janet, dau. of .Iamos, mar. at Bordeaux, Elizabeth Segny, dau. of Halph l\folto11, of Molton Hall, co. Derb. They had issue• M. Simon, an advocate there. .John ( V). A dau, Robert, d. s.p. VIII. ROBERT BELT, ESQ., of Bossall, Barrister-at-Law, Com• William, U)mar. ,Jane, dau. of Sir Robert Plumpton, missioner of Bankruptcy, mar. . . . and had- mar. sett. 21 June 7 Hen. V 141 !) • Anne or Agnes, mar. Thomas de Knaresburgh. IX. WILLIAM JOHN BRLT, ESQ., F.S.A., fifth son, Barrister• at-Law, Trin. Coll. Carob, adm, Lincoln's Inn, 29 Apr. 1858, V. JOHN SLINGSBY, of Scriven, d. 14f&, mar. Isabel, dau. of mar. Sibolla Marianne, only clau. of Wm. Albin Garratt, of Walter Calverley, Esq., of Calverley. They had issue• Lincoln's Inn. (Foster·'s Men at the Bar). John (VI). Authoritics-e-Hunter's Minorum Gentium; Pm-ish RegiAters; Will» Marjory, mar. Thomas Coghill, of Knaresborough, at. York. Johanna, Prioress of Nun Monk ton. Anne or Agnes, mar. Hugh Tankard, of (Glover).

THE AYNSTIE OF YORKE. Yurke, :.1.3 M>lrtij, 1665. VI. JOHN SLINGSBY, of Scriven, mortally wounded at Flodden, d. 16 Sept. 1513, Inq. P.M., mar. Margery, dau. of Simon Pooley, of Badley, co. Suff. They had issue- I. Thomas (VII). 2. John, d. s.p. 3. Marmaduke, d. s.p. 4. Pete!', of Hilton Park, Keeper of Knaresborough Castle, mm·. . . . and had issue- of Anne, mar. Richard or William Goldesborogh, secondly Henry Brakenbury. 5. Simon, mar. . . . and had issue- Christopher, mar. . . , and had issue. ~rrulten.~ Robert. Peter. Had issue-- Sir Anthony, er. Bart. 23 Oct. 1628, . Governor of Zutphen, d. s.p, 1630. Aim~ :-Quarterly :- 1 and 4, Gules, u chevron between two leopards' faces in chief, and a Ann, mar. John Swale, of Staveley. bugle horn in base Argent. Margery, mar. Walter Pulleyne, of Scotton (Glover 2 and 3, Argent, a griffin segreant Sable debruised with a fees Oules. 243). CREST :-A lion passaut Yert. 176 DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 177 Isabella, mar. Thos. Lambton, of . 7. Sir William, of Kippax (purchased from Francis Elizabeth. Baildon), Carver to Queen Anne of Denmark, M.P. Knaresborough 1597-1620, mar. Elizabeth, VII. THOMAS SLINGSBY, ESQ., 0£ Scriven, Inq. P.M. 14 Mar. dau, of Sir Stephen Board, Knt. Will 5 Dec., 5 Edw. VI says he died 24 Aug. 5 Ed. VI 1551, mar. pr. at London 6 Mar. 16.''\5-6 (York Ree. Ser., ix, 91). Johanna, dau, 0£ Sir John Mallory, 0£ Studley. They had They had issue- issue- William, bp. at Knaresborough 16 Dec. 1618, I. Francis (VIII). bur. there. 2. Marmaduko, (1) 0£ Wighill, mar. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir Henry, Master of the Mint to Chas. II, Wm. Mallory, rol. of Sir Robert Stapleton; admon. member of the First Council of the Royal 25 Apr. 1599 to his brothers Christopher and Society,1 mat. at Exeter Coll., Ox£., 5 June William. 1635, mar .... dau. of Sir ... Cage. 3. Christopher, bur. at Knaresborough 6 Feb. 160J, mar. They had issue-- Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Tancred, of Pannall, Henry, d. s.p., mar. 1695 Kath., dau. of wid. of . . . Browne. Sir Wm. Lowther of Great Preston. 4. William, d. s.p., bur. in Knaresborough Ch 8 Oct. Anthony, d. unmar. 3 Apr. 1697. 1606. Elizabeth/ wife of Adlard Cage, of St. 5. Peter, d. s.p. Andrew's, Holbom, mar. lie." 27 ,J une 6. Thomas, d. s.p. 1696. Elizabeth, wife of Christopher Conyers, of Holtby. Elizabeth, mar. first. Col. Chichester Fortescue, Dorothy, wife of Frances Tancred, of Pannal. secondly Viscount Purbeck, bur. at Wath Anne, wife of Robert Byrnand, of Knaresborough, 23 Jan. l 69j}. Will 24- ,July 1695 (Top. mar. at Knaresborough 30 Sept. 1561. and Gen., iii, 593). Joan, wife 0£ Hugh Basforth, of Thormanby, secondly Jane, bp. 9 Oct. 1608. of Thos. Norton, of Seacroft. Robert, bp. 8 Sept. 1610. 8. Sir Guilford, Comptroller of the Navy, bp. at VIII. FRANCIS SLINGSBY, of Scryven, in co. Ebor., Esq"., living Knaresborough 7 Oct. 1565, knighted 28 July 1603, a• D. 1580, M.P. Knareshorough 1G72--lo86, Captain of mat. 11t Queen's Coll., Oxf., 23 Mar. 158t mar. Horse at the siege of Boulogne, ret, twenty-seven at his Margaret, dau. of Wm. Watter, Lord Mayor of York, father's Inq, P. M., -bur. at Knaresborough 4 Aug. 1600, M.l., ma!'. lie. 1609. They had issue- mar. 1}/ary, dctughter of s,· Thomas Percy, second brother to Guilford, Secretary to Earl of Strafford, Henry, Earle

Sir Arthur, of Bifrons, Kent, er. a Bart. S. Alice, wife of Tho. Waterton, of Walton Hall, in com. 9 Oct. 1657 at Bruges, d. 1665, mar. a ]!]bor., Esq1·., bp. at Knaresborough 26 Oct. 1585, Flemish lady and had issue- mar. lie. 1602. Sir Charles, second Bart., sold Bifrons, .1. Gath., wife of Sr John Fenwick, of Wallington, in (1)mar. Mrs. Lee. 1:nm. Northf,1,br., K1., bp, at Knaresborough 31 July Peter, 1584, mar. lie. 1603. Anne Charlotte. !>. /1'rri1u:f'8, wife of Bryan Stapleton, ', lfrirt., b,:hr.rtd,id npon Ttnoer I WI luul i>iHlle- 8 .Tnn~j, .zc;;s, in the time 11.f Otuv»: Cromwell',q UN1trpation, Frunci«, mt. 6, 1617, mat. at Trinity Coll., for hi,q 11iynall loyaltic to 011,r pr,i:,l'nt SrnJt:rr1,iyn Kiny Oharle« Oxf., 20 .Iune 1628, rut. sixteen. y' second, M.P. Knaresborough 1640, b. 14 Jan. 160!, of Remy, knighted, mat. at Trinity Coll., Oxf., Queen's Coll., Carn b., er. Bart. of Nova Scotia 2 Mar. 1638, 20 June 1628, ret. fourteen. mar. Barbara, danghter umto Thomas, Viscmmt Fauconbridqe, Mary. at Kensington Church 7 July 1631, d. in London 31 Dec. Katherine. 1641, bur. at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, They had issue- Anne. 1 Thomae (XI). Elizabeth. 2. l!Mi1·y, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to King Jane. Chas. II, of the Council of the Royal Society, bp. Eleanor. 29 ,Jan. 1638 at Hodhousc, Anne. Barbara, wife of Sr John Talbot, of Lacock, in co. Elizabeth, bp. at Knareshorough 5 Apr. 1567, bur. Wilts, to., b. 14 May 1633. there 31 Mar. 1569.

IX. (SIR) IIENRY SLINGSBY, of Scryven, Esq., died in XI. Sr THOMAS SLINGSBY, of Scryven, second Baronet, retatill Decembr 1(134, High Sheriff 1611, M.P. Knaresborough, .'30 annormn 2.'~ lfartij, a0 1606, 1\LP. Knaresborough 1678- 1601-1625, Vice-President of the Council of the North 1685, Scarbro' 1685-1688, High Sheriff 1660, b. 15 June 1629, bur. 11t Knarcsborough 28 Dec. 1634, M.I., mar. Frances, 1636, bur. at Knaresborough l Mnr. 168!; adm. York 15 .Iune 1692, mnr. Dorothy, dnnylitl!r r1,nd coh,iire of George dnnyht,11· of IV11' Vnva.~o?br, of Weston, in co. Ebor., E11g'., mur, at Knarcsborough 11 July Hi80, bur. there 24 July Urndock, of Cm,er.m;rill Ca..•tl1:, in com. Sta:ff., E~q'., d. 24 Jan., hur. 2 Feb. 1673 at Knaresborough, M.I. They had issue-s- I 611. They had issue- t, Will'm SlinyHb;11, died unmarried, s.p., killed in Sir llmry Slingaby, mt. 4 asm. et (J men,q 23 Mwrt. 1{](]5, third Bart., M.P. Knaresborough l 685-1688, Florence 1Gl7, art, twenty-one. bur. at Knarcsborough 15 Sept. 1691. e. Henry (X). 3. Thomas, Col. Royal Army, fined .£340, d. s.p., bur. at Thomas (XII). Knaresborough 11 Feb. 1670, adm. 1670. George, of Redhouse, (1) bur. at Knaresborough 2 Nov. 1. El,izabeth, wife of Sr Tho. Metcalfe, of Nappa, in co. 1703; adm. 1703 to his brother Sir 'I'homas. Ebor., Kn'., bp. at Knaresborough 17 Oct. 1581, Dorothy, eldest dau. mar. there 28 Jan. 159t. Elizabeth. 11. Mary, wife of Waltr Bethell, in com. Ebor., Ki.,

(1)bp. at Knaresborough 8 Apr. 1583, mar. lie. 1 There i8 a letter of Anne Slingeby 11 Ap. 1621 in the Sliug•by Diary aud 1602. Correspondence. 180 DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. DUGDALE1S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 181

Barbara, mar. first Sir Richard Mauleverer, Bt., mar. XV. CHARLES SLINGSBY, of Lofthouse Hill, b. 17 Mar., bp, lie. 10 Apr. 1688, secondly Lord Arundell of 26 June 1777 at Knaresborough, d. 20 May 1832, bur. Trerice, thirdly 21 Sept. 1708 Henry, Earl of there, mar. Emma Margaret, dau. of Thomas Atkinson, Esq., Pembroke. at Ripley l Oct. 1823, d. Mar. 1857, bur. at Knaresborough. They had issue- Sir Charles Slingsby, tenth Bart., b. 22, bp. 23 Aug. XII. SIR THOMAS SLINGSBY, of Scriven, fourth Bart., bur. at 1824, at Staveley, drowned in the Ure 4, bur. 11 Feb. Kneresborough 15 Nov. 1726, mar. Sarah, dau, of ,John 1869, at Knaresborough. Savile, Esq., of Methley, at Methley, 12 Apr. 1692. They Emma Louisa Catherine, wife of Capt. Thos. Leslie had issue- (who has assumed by royal license the name and Sir Henry Slingsby, fifth Bart., mat. University Coll., arms of Slingsby), b. 6 Feb. 1829, mar. 19 July Ox£., 13 Oct. 1710, ret. seventeen, M.P. Knares• 1860, d. s.p. 24 June 1899, the last of the main borough 1722-:--1763, d. s.p. Jan. 1763, mar. Mary, line of the family. On her death the estates dau, of .Iohn Aislabie, Esq., of Studley, d. at descended to her cousin, Charles Atkinson, who has Beaconsfield ;31 May bur. 7 June at Knaresborough assumed by royal license the name and arms of 1736. They had issue- Slingsby. (7) Henry, bur. at Knaresborough 23 Sept. 1729. (1) 'Mary, bur. at Knaresborough 19 Sept. 1729. Authorities-Slingsby Diary; Knaresborough Registers. Hir Thomas ::-llingsby, aixth Bart., was blind, d. s.p. 18 Jan. 1765, unmar. Sir Sa vile Slingsby, seventh Bart., succeeded his brother, d. s.p. 1780. CLARO W Al'JIN'rAKE. Knaresborough, 15 Aug. 1665. Charles (XIII). ,John, bur. at Knaresborough 24 Feb. 169-£. (1)J ohn, bur. at Knaresborough 8 May 1705. Mary, Maid of Honour to Queen Anne, wife of Jllorton Thos. Duncombe, Esq., of , mar. at Moor• Monkton 18 Aug. 1714. Sarah, d. s, p. Barbara, d. s.p. of Jane, d. s.p.

XIIJ.. CHARLES SLINGSBY, of Lofthouse Hill, Barrister, d. Aug. .ia1nle!J. 1772 (Paver), mar. Catherine, dau. of John Turner, Esq., of Stainsby, at Nun Monckton 28 Feb. l 73J, bp, at Sta.inton 25 Apr. 1710. They had issue- Thomas Turner (XIV). Amis :-Azure, a maunche Ermine, over all a bend Gules. Sarah, d. s P: I. EGBERT CONYERS. Had issue- II. HOGER CONYERS, mar. Margaret, dau. and heiress of XIV. SIR THOMAS TURNER SLINGSBY, eighth Bart., mat. Richard N orton, uf N orton, They had issue- Queen's Coll., Oxf., 26 Apr. 1759, mt, eighteen, High Sheriff 1785, d. 14 Apr. 1806, mar. at Thurnscoe, Catherine, dau, of III. ADAM CONYERS, called himself Norton, mar. Alice, dau. George Buckley, of Thurnscoe (Paver), 28 Oct. 1773, she d. of Sir Thos, Nunwyke (Glover). They had issue- 16 Jan. 1778. They had issue- Richard (IV). Sir Thomas Slingsby, ninth Bart., High Sheriff 1812, John, settled in Suffolk. b. 10 Jan., bp. 10 June 1775 at Knaresborough, mat. Queen's Coll., Oxf., 11 Apr. 1793, eet. eighteen, IV. SIR RICHARD NORTON, KNT., Chief Justice of the d. s.p. 26 Feb. 1835, bur. at Knaresborough. Common Pleas, 26 June 1413, d. 20 Dec. 1420, bur. at Charles (XV). . Wath, mar. Elizabeth, duu, of Sir John Tempest, of Studley He reroar. Mary, nat. dau. of his uncle Sir Henry Slingsby, at (Glover 156, 319), d. 20 Sept. 1438, bur. at Wath. They had Moor Monkton 25 Oct. 1781, she d. 18 Feb. 1815. issue- 182 DUGDALE'S VTSITATION OF YORRSHIRl•'. DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 188

John (V). Sheriff of Yorks. 156 i, joined the insurrection of the North; Elizabeth, mar. Richard Goldesborough, of Goldes• estates forfeited; fled abroad; pensioned by the King of borough (Glover 369). Spain; b. circ, 1488, d. abroad 9 Apr. 1588 (see Dictionary Margaret, mar. Sir John Stapleton, of Wighill (Glover of Nat. Biography), mar. Sn8an, da11,ghter unto Richard :333). N evile, Lord Latfowr. They had issue- 1. Franci« Norton, of Norton Conyers, uttainted iu the V. SIR ,JOHN NORTON, KNT., of Norton uud H,twley, d. N ortheru insurrection, tied with his father, and 4 Dec. 1489, bur. 11t W11th, Inq. P.M. 6 Apr. !J Hen. VII, never obtained pardon, d. in exile, mar. Albreda, 1490, mar. Jane, dau, of Sit· Randolph Pigot, d. 6 Aug. 1488, sister of Th», Wimbi11h, of ... in mm. Linc., had bur. at Wath. They had issue- an allowance of 100 marks per arm. June 1573. John (VI). They had issue--- John, died youny, s.p., mar. Bridget, dau. of VI. SIR JOHN NORTON, KNT., of Norton, High Sheriff 1514, Sir Robert Stapleton, of Wighill. aged thirty years at his father's Inq. P.M., cl. 27 Aug. 1520, llenry Norton, of Burrowbrig, bur. at Aid• bur. at Wath, Enq, P.M. 5 Nov. 12 Hen. VIII, 1520, mar. borough 10 Sept. 1620, mar. Catherine, Margaret, dau, of Sir Roger Warde, of Givendale, d. :3 Sept. y• daughtrw qf Will. (Thomas) 1'ankard, 1520, bur. at Wath (Glover). They had isHue- 1if Braauon. (Brampton), in com. Ebor. John (VII). (Glover 271). They had issue- Henry, d. s.p. 1. 'l'hevphil1is, died unmarried, hp. Margaret, mar. Sir John Lascclles, of Brukunburgh at Aldborough 25 Nov. 1582. (Glover 61 ). B. Baliill, died usunarried. Jane, mar. Sir Wm. Mallory, Knt., of Studley (Glover 3. Johm, now 67 yeare,~ &: 11,nmarr. 157). Jeremy, d. s.p. Anne, mar. Christopher Wandesford, E8q., of Kirk ~u~an. lington. Hand1. l\I urv. VJT. ,JOUN NORTON, ESQ., of No1·to11 Conyers, forty yt:al's old Eliz;;,heth, mar. Ed w. Barton, of \.Vhenby at his father'» Tnq. P.M.., d. 16 Jun. 15!i~, lnc1. P.;\l. H -Iune (Glover G). :} nnd 4- P. and 1VI., F>!i7, mur, Anne, rluu. and heiress of :2. John, died without ix.~1w male, of Hipon, 157 4. Will William R11tcliff, of Hilston, lie. 12 .lun, 14D~, in the chapel 12 Nov. 15M, pi·. ut York 19 June 1585, mar. first of Norton (Test. Eh., iii, 357). 'I'hey had issue- Jane, dau. of Rubert Morton, of Bawtry. They Richard (VTIT). had issue-i- ' Thomas, iu the Northern rebellion, executed at Ann, mar. . . . Salmon, of , '27 JYfay 1570, mar. Eli:tahctlJ, dau. of ... Ashe or Mar. secondly Margaret, dau. of Christopher Red• l~she, of Skirmiughu.rn. They had iswo- shaw, of Owston. They had issue- 'I'homas, of Skirmingham, named in his uncle Elizabeth, agreed in father's will to be married William's will. to George Sands. Efo:aheth. 3. Edmnnd (IX). \Villiiun, of Topclilf geuL Will :! I. Ap1-.. l!i90, pr. at 4. William, of Hartforth, urruigned 1570, confessed his York :n Mar. l:i9:.!, mentions l1is nephews Edmund, treason, probably pardoned, mar. Anne, duu. of George, Henry, Marmaduke and Thomus. Matthew Boynton, Esc1-, of Barrnston. They had Christopher. issue- Marmaduke, Thomas, mar. at Pickhill, Anne, dau. of John, d. s. p. Michael W andesford, of Pickhill, there, Isabel, mar .... Battie, of Hewicke (Glover). 27 Oct. 1581. They had issue- Anne, mar. first Robert Plumpton, of Plumpton, Anne, only child. 2 Sept. 15:18, secondly Robert ~forum, of Bawbry. 5. George, of Cleasby, sentenced to death, but probably - Margaret, mar. Thomas Murkeutield, of )farkeufield. not executed. fi. Thomas, not implicated in the rebellion,

VIII. JUCJJARlJ NOR'l'ON, rif Sorf.o'/1., in com: A'bur., JJ15g1·., 7. Christopher, in the insurrection of the North, executed. attainted iti (./u. Eliz. time, Governor of N urham Castle, at Tyburn 1570, after Iii~ uncle Thomas. DUGDALE's VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE, 184 DUODALE1S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 185

8. Marmaduke, of Stranton, co. Durh., pleaded guilty, Milicent, probably pardoned, bur. 4 Nov. 1594 at Stranton. Elizabeth·. Will 2 Nov. 159,i, mar. first Elizabeth, dau. of ,John

Killinghall, of Middleton St. George, co. Durh., X. WILLIAJl NOR'l'ON, of Snwley, in com. Ebor., died a0 1644, bur. 2 Mar. 158f. They had issue- mar. lvforgant, sole da. and heire of Will'm Welbury, of Henry, bp. 8, bur. 14 Ap1·. 1584 at Htranton. Newton, in Oierclosui. They had iH~ue- Susan, bp, 21 Dec. l:)80 at Stranton, d. inf. Willia,m (XT). Helen, bp. 7 May, bUI'. 26 July 1583 at Edward. Stranton. Richard. Jane, living 1594, iet. 14, chose her uncle George. Henry Killinglmll, her guat·dian, 7 Jan. Jane. r(Glover 588). 159}. Ciceley. Mar. secondly Frances, dau. of Ralph Hedworth, Margaret. of Pokerley, gent., wid. of George Blakiston, of Honor. Seaton, gent., 13 Aug. 1590 at Stranton. They had issue- XI. WI'lLIA.M NORTON, of Rawley, in co. Eborum, ret. four Margaret, hp. 14 Oct. 1 so 1. ) yeJ11·.~ 1612, bur, at Hishop Wilton 3 Nov. 1645, mar. Anne, Margery, bp. 16 Aug. lfi!)2. ,·Living lii!H. ,;ld,-.,r. dnnyhtiir mu] r:ohl!'irn (!f Sr Witl'm lfilliard, of Bishop Agnes, bp. rn Sept. 15g;3, . Wilton, in co. Ebor., di,:d circa an. 1U45, bur. 18 July 1644 D. Sampson, of Wath, in the rebcllion ; at Mechlin 1571, a at Belfreys, York. They had issue- pensioner of King of Spain, d. before 17 Nov. 1574, 1. Welbur-y (XII). mar. Bridget, dau. and coh. of Sir Ralph Bulmer, 2. John. Kt., of Wilton (remar .... Layborne), 3. Will'm. 10. Richard, d. 1564-. 4. Robert. 11. Henry, d. 1564. Ann(l., mar. John Wadowe, of Lofthouse Hill. Mary, mar. first Henry Greene, of Newby, secondly John Lamborne. Anne, mar. Robert Byrnand, of Knaresborough. XII. WELJJUR r NOR'l'ON, ()f Sauilt:y, in com. Ebor., Esq'., now Clare, mar. Richard Goodrieke, of lW>~ton. one

Thomas, bp. at Rothwell 20 Nov. 1712, Ripon Minster, M.I. Will 13 May 1721, pr. at York, mar. bur. there 23 Feb. following. Margaret, dau. and coheir of Ralph Lowther, Esq., of Stanhope, bp. 13 Aug., bur. 4 Feb. 1691 at Ack worth Park, d. 26 Nov. 1717, rot. thirty-nine, bur. at Wragby. Ripon, M.I. They had issuc- Elizabeth, mar. . . . Stephenson. William, d. in£., bur. at Ripon. Anne, d. unmar. at York 17!'>9, bp. at Wragby Margaret, only surviving dau., mar. first Thos. Liddell 2 July 1689. Bright, of Badsworth, secondly Sir John Ramsden, 1. Catherin('., mar. 'I'hos, Stringer, of Sharbton, gent., Burt,, of Byram, bur. ut Brotherton 7 June 1775. bur. 28 June 1707 at K irkthorp. Dornthy, d. mt, twelve 1729, bur. at Aekworth, M.I. 2. Mary. Authorities-Sha1·p's History of the Rebellion; Parish Registers. 3. Anne. 4. Helen, mar. Edward Beckwith, of Nutwith, in 1679.

XIII. WILLIAM NORTON, E8Q., of Sawley, ret. 8 an. 15 Aug. 1665, d. 27 July 1735. Will June 1735, pr. 17 Apr. 1738, THE 4096 QUARTIERS OF THE PRINCE OF WALES. mar. first Margaret, dau. of Thomas Gabetis, of "\Vt\;;tmore• BY G. W. WATSON. land, mar. lfo. l!'eb. 167 4, a•t. twenty, «I. 2 Nov. 1712. They had isaue-e- (Ountinuc,l from. 'P· 104.) William (XIV). G44. Gahetis, of Sawley, d. s.p. 17 Oct. 1754. Will 9 May A.ntonia-Sibylla, Countess of Barby-Miilingon ; b. 7 Apr. [ not 1752, pr. at York 28 Nov. 1754, mar. Frances, rel. 1 ilpr.bl641; m. 22 Aug. 1673; d. 2 May 1684. of Captain John Furness, of Ovcuden, near Halifax. G45. Emest, uke of Saxe-Hildburghausen; b. 12/22 July (not Edward, of Knaresborough. Will 17 June 1756, pr. 12 June] 1655; d. 17 Oct. 1715. at York 9 Feb. 1757, mar. Elizabeth, dau. and G4G. Sophia-Henrietta, Princess of Waldeck; b. 3/13 Aug. 1662; m. h. of Henry Redshaw, of Littlethorp, co. York. 30 Nov./10 Dec. [not 10 }?eh.] 1680; d. 15 Oct. 1702. G47. George-Ludwig Count of Erbach-E1·bach; b. 3/13 May 1643; They had issue- I, Ed ward, of Knare-~borough, mat. at Univ. d. ;30 .Apr./10 May 16!l3. Coll., Oxf., G ,June l 73f>, rot. nineteen, mar. G48. Amelia-Catherino, Countess of' W aldeck-Eiscnberg ; b. 8/18 Aug. Grace, dnu, of Richard Moor, of Cotting• 1640; m. 26 Dec. 1664; d. 4/14 Jan. 1697. ham, living a widow 1809. They had (iii): 4 Jan. 1697 (Luck, from the Erbach Church-Register, Simon, Behr); not 1ssue- 1696 (Imhoff, Schneider, Biedermann, Cohn, Varnhagen], nor 1699 (Hoffmeister}, Conyers, of Sawley, b. 16 Aug. 1774, H LINE (128). aged forty-two in 1816, then un• Hl. Ernest I, der Fromme, Duke of Saxe-Gotha; b. 25 Dec. 1601/ married. Margaret, mar. Abel Collin Lander, Rector 4 Jan. 1602; d. 26 March /5 Apr. 1675. (Life, by J. H. Gelbke, 1810 : by K, Klaunig, 1857: by A. Beck, 1865 ; see also of Clifton. G. Kreyenberg, 1890). Eli:1.ahcth, living unmnr, 1772. Wclhury, in Merchant Sorvicc, urlmun. 6 DPc. 170G. H2. Elizabeth-Sophia, Duchess of Saxe-Altenburg; b. 10/20 Oct. 1619; m. 24 Oct./3 Nov. 1636; d. 20/30 Dec. (not 25 Dec.] ThomaM,

lhtgbalc's •isitatiau of I! urhshire, WITH ADDITIONS. (Oo,itfoued from p. 187,)

1'HI! BOROUGHo•• RlOHMUND, Richmun




AIIMS :-Quarterly, a fleur-de-Iia for difference, 1. Azure, three ciuquefoila between nine croae-crossleta Argent, {Darcy). 2, Azure, three bars gemcllos and a chief Or (Meyuell). 3. Azure, a rnauuche Or (Conyers). 4. Sable, a saltire Argent (ltyleston).

I. SIR WILLIAM DARCY, d. 30 May 1488, mar. Euphemia, dau. of Sir John Langton, of Farnley. They had issue--

II. SIR THOMAS, first Lord Darcy, K.G., of Templehurst, summoned 1, 6 and 21 Hen. VIII, in the Pilgrimage of Grace, b. circ. 1467, attainted and beheaded 20 June 30 Hen. VIII, bur. at St. Botolph, Aldgate, M.I., mar. first Dowsabella, dau. of Sir Richard Tempest, of Ribblesdale, They had issue- George, Lord Darcy (III). Richard, d. s, p. Sir Arthur (A). Mabilla, d. s.p. Mar. secondly Edith, dau. of Sir William Sandys, wid. of Lord N evile. They had issue- Elizabeth, mar. Sir Marmaduke Constable of Flam• borough.

III. GEORGE, first Lord Darcy, of Aston, restored in blood 1548, at the battle of Flodden, High Sheriff, Yorks, 1535, d. 28 Sept. 1558, bur. at Brayton, M.I. Will 15, pr. at 242 DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORK.SHIRE. DUGDAU~'s VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 243 York 24 Aug. 1558,l mar. Dorothy, dau. and h. of Sir Mar. thirdly Mal'Y, dau, of Thomas, Lord Fauconberg, at John Melton, of Aston, rot. thirty-eight, 38 Hen. VIII, d. Harthill 7 Nov. 1624, bp, at Coxwold 11 Apr. 1606, d. 21 Sept. 1557, bur. at Brayton, Inq. P.M. 7 Oct. following. 1624, ret. nineteen. They had issue- Mar. fourthly Elizabeth, dau. of Wm. West, of Firbeck Williaml (remar. Sir Francis Fane, K.B.), executrix of her husband. Thomas d. y. (Collins). William The eldest branch having expired, we return to :- John (I ). A. SIR ARTHUR DARCY (son of Thomas, Lord Darcy), Lieut. George, who killed Lewis and Edmund West, his fate of the Tower of London, in the Scottish wars, d. 3 Apr. unknown (see Hunter's S. Yorks., ii, 176). 1561, bur. at St. Botolph-without-Aldgate, M.I. Will Agnes, mar. Sir Wm. Fairfax, of Gilling, d. s.p. 16 Sept. 1560, pr. P.P.C. 10 May 1561, mar. Mary, dau. Edith, mar, Sir Thos. Dawnay, of Cowick, bur. at of Sir Nich. Carew, of Beddington, co. Surr. They had Snaith 8 Oct. 1585. issue, ten sons and five daughters- Dorothy, mar. Sir Thos. Metham I. Sir Remy Darcy, of Brimham, co. York, and Leigh• Clare, mentioned in her father's will, d. s.p., unmar. ton, mar, first Catherine, dau. of Sir Robert Mary, mar. first 11t Aston, 1560, Henry Babington, Tirwhytt, of Leighton Bromswold. E8

Conyers, Lord .Darcy (C). St. Mich. le Belfrey 27 Aug. 1570, bur. at Hornby 6 Mar. Daughter, (7) bp. 23 Feb. 157~. 165{, mar . .Dorothy, daughter of Sr Henry Bellases, of New• Mar. secondly Collubia . . . (?) bur. at Hornby 29 Feb. borough, in com. Ebor., Bart., lie. 1594, bur. at Hornby 1593, mar. thirdly Elizabeth ... , by these wives he had 11 May 1653, M.l They had issue- issue- 1. Conyers, L" narcy (D). Thomas,' Darcy, of York, gunt., to be bur. at St. 2. Sr Will'm narcy, Kt., of Witton Castle, co. Durh., Sampson's church, York, b. 15 June 1581. Will had to compound for his estates, bp. at Hornby 16 May 16GO, pt·. 14 May 1653 (Abs. York. Arch. 15 May 1608, mar. Dorothy, dau. of Sir George Ree. Soc., ix, 55), mar. firstly Jane ... , bur. Selby, of Newcastle. They had issue- at St. Sampson's church, Y 01·k. They had issue- George, (1) bp. at Hornby 25 Nov. 1633, Thomas. adm. Gray's Inn 20 Mar. 16H, William, of York, gent. Will 23 May 1640, Thomas, a Captain. pr. at Y 01·k 27 Nov. 1648, mentions Henry Arthur, bp. at Witton-le-Wear 1 May 1651. Simpson, a brother-in-law. Margaret, mar. Sir Metcalfe Robinson at Lewis, named in his father's will. Witton-le-Wear 29 Mar. 1653 (Sharp). John, of York. Will 10 Mar. 1636, pr. Dorothy, bur. at Witton-le-Wear 12 Sept. 1651 31 July 1638. (Sharp). Henry, named in his father's will. 3. Ilenry .Darcy, of New Parke, neere Yorke. (A quo Arthur, named in his father's will. Darcy of Colburne.) Frances, mar. Peter Barrett, named in her 4. Thomas IJarcy, of Winkeburne, in com. Noa., bp. at father's will. Hornby 19 Dec. 1613. Katherine, named in her father's will. 5. 11:farmaduke narcy, Gentleman Ussher to K. Charles Alice, named in her brothers William and the Second, adm. Lincoln's Inn 2 Nov. 1633, M.P. John's wills. Richmond 1665-78, bp. at Hornby 4 June 1615, Jane, named in her brother John's will. d. unmar, 3 July 1687, set, seventy-two, bur. at Mar. secondly Susanna (H?ourd, wid., at St. Crux Windsor (Collins). 1637). They had issue- (]. Jamee .Darcy, of Sedbury Park, near Richmond, in com. Ehor., EHq1·., ret, 44 arm. 21 An!J, lfJfJ5, bp. i~~t::d }named in their father's will. at Hornby 30 Nov. 1617. Will 13 Oct. 1673, Mar. thirdly Frances (7 Crackenthorpe, Holy Trin., pr. at York, mar. Isabell, da. of S• Marmadu,ke Good1·amgate, 1648), exec. of her husband. Wyvell, of Constable Burton, in com. Ebor., K1 and Edward, had 100 marks in his father's will. Bart. They had issue- Arthur, had 100 marks in his father's and brother 1. James, of Sedbury, cet. 15 ann. 21 Aug. Lewis' will. 1fJfJ5, er. 13 Sept. 1721, Lord Darcy, of Lewis, of York, gent., to be bur. at St. Sampson's, Navan, with remainder to his grandson, York. Will 18 Sept., pr. at York 9 Oct. 1618. James Jessop, b. 21 Aug. 1650, d. 19 July 1731, ret. eighty, bur. at Gilling, mar. Francis l first Bethia, dau. of George Payler, of John Mathias all to have 100 marks in their father's will, Nun Monkton, d. 19 Nov. 1671, rot. eighteen, bur there, M.I. They had Nicholas J 1605. Philip issue-c- Charles Mary, eld. dau, and coh., mar. Wm. Thomas, exor. of his father. Jessop, of Bromehall, lie. 15 Jan. Dau., mar. . . . Robinson. 169t, at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, d. 17 June 17 37, bur. at Sheffield. Will dated 17 May 1735. C. CONYERS, L"' .Darcy and Conyers, died a0 ••• er. Lord Darcy 10 Aug., and Lord Conyers 11 Aug. 1641, entitled Mar. secondly Ann, dau. of Ralph, Lord to the Barony of Conyers by writ 13 July 1644, bp. at Stawel, bur. at Gilling. They had issue• Anne, mar. John Yorke, E1-1q., of Rich• mond, d. s.p. 29 June 1768, bur. at 1 Like hia father, he was thrice married. According to his will, Uilbert aud St. George, Hanover Square. Richard were by second marriage. DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 246 DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. 247 Elizabeth, mar. John Hutton, Esq., of Rokeby, bp. at Hornby 27 Apr. 1623. Marske, at Hornby 22 Feb. 172%, bp. Philip, bp. at Hornby 13 June, bur. there 28 Aug. 1626. at Gilling 13 Oct. 1706, bur. at Jo, ... bp. at Hornby 2 Apr. 1630, bur. there 9 June Marske 10 June 1739. 1630. Tsnholl, d. unmar., bur. at Gilling. Mar, thirdly Mary, dau. of Sir William Ursula, mar. Sil' Christopher Wyvill, M.P. of Constable Hickos, Bart., of Ruckholtz, co. Essex, lie. Burton, bp. at Hornby 23 Nov. 1619. l!) Oct. 1693, d. 1710, bur. at Gilling. Elizabeth, mar. at Hornby 18 Dec. 1650, Henry Mar. fourthly Mrs. Margaret Garth at Stapylton, Esq., of Myton, bp. at Hornby 8 Dec. 1624. Forcett 6 Apr. 1725. Mary, br, at Hornby 9 Aug. 1627. 2. Marmad7tke, cet. 14 ann. a0 1665, of York, adm. Lincoln's Inn 19 May 1670, d. s.p, Dorothy, bur. at Hornby 22 July 163L Will 4 Feb. 1713, pr. at York. Grace, mar. at Hornby 18 Oct. 1655 Sir John Legard, of Ganton. 3. Christopher, mt. 12 ann. a0 1665, d. s.p. 1. Isabell, mar. Sir Ralph Carr, of Newcastle. Margaret, mar. at Hornby 19 May 1658 Sir Henry Marwood, of Buskby, bur. at 18 June 2. Jane. 1660. 3. Elizabflth. Anno, bur. at Hornby 22 Aug. 1684. Dorothy. Edward, bp, 11t Hornby 27 Jan. 1621·, bur. there E. CONYERS DAHOY, second Earl of Holderness, summoned 26 Dec. 1621. in his f1Lther's lifetime as Lord Conyers, bp. at Belfreys Barham, mar. Matthew Hutton, of Marske, at Hornby 3 Mar. 162~, mat. Univ. Coll., Oxi., 13 Nov. 1637, adm. 22 Apr. 1617, b. 3 May 1600, bur. at Marske Gray's Inn 5 Apr. 1640, M.P. Boroughbridge 1660-1, 31 Mar. 1696. Yorkshire 1661-713, d. at Aston 13, bur. at Hornby 18 Dec. Ursula, mar. John Stillington, of Kelfield, 21 Sept. 1692, mar. first at Mereworth, Kent, 14 May 1645, Catherine, l(i20, at Hornby, bp. there 7 July 1601. dau, of first Ead of Westmoreland, d. s.p., admon. 3 Oct. L-mbell, hp. at Hornby 22 J uno 1609. 1649.' Anne, mar. 'I'homna Metcnlfc, BHq., of Bollerby, 4 Aug. M:i.r. secondly 6 Feb. 16!~ Frnnces, dnu, of Thos. Howard, 1G33 at Hornby, bp. there H> Mar. 1611. fi1·i;t Earl of Hcrkahiro, lie. Hi Jan. 16}/} 11t St. GilP~'l', All Grace, mar. ut Hornby 5 Aug. 1633, George Best, of Hallows', or St. Stephen's, Coleman St., bur. at Hornby Middleton, secondly Francis Molineux, bp. at 10 Apr. 1670, M.I. They had issue- Hornby 25 Aug. 1616. John (11'). Fillydelpha, bp. at Hornby 17 Oct. 1619, bur. at St. Philip, M.P. Richmond 1688-90, bp. at Hornby 1 May . Mich. le Belfrey, York, 8 Mar. 162}. 1661, d. unmar. Mary, mar. at Hornby 30 Oct. 1655, Acton Burnell, Charles, bp. at Hornby 29 l\fay 1666, d. unmar. of Winckeburne, co. Notts., bp. at Hornby 5 Sept. Grace, bp. at Hornby 20 May 1655, bur. there 1624. 20 Apr. 1656. Dorothy, mar. John Dalton, Esq., of Hawkswell. Frances, hp. at Hornby 23 Apr. 1657, bur. there Margaret, mar. Sir Thos. Harrison, of Allerthorpe, 18 Oct. 1G58. bur. at Burneston 1668, M.I. Elizabeth. Mar. thirdly Frances, dau, of the second Duke of Somerset, D. CONYERS, Lord JJarcy and Conyers, summoned in his wid. of the fourth Earl of Southampton, d. s.p., bur. in father's lifetime as Lord Darcy, er. 5 Dec. 1682, Earl of Westminster Abbey 5 Jan. 168~. Holderness, bp. 24 Jan. 159~ at Kirkby Fleetham (G.E.C.), Mar. fourthly Elizabeth, dau. of John, Lord Freschevile, d. 14, bur. 16 June 1689 at Hornby, ret. ninety-one, mar. wid. of Philip Warwick, Esq., lie. 10 Dec. 1684, d. s.p., at Wentworth 14 Oct. 1616, Grace, dau. of Thomas Rokeby, bur. at Staveley 9 Mar. 1689 (Hunter). Esq., of Skiers, bur. at Hornby 4 Jan. 1658. They had F. JOHN DARCY, M.P. Richmond 1681-8, adm. Gray's Inn isHue- John, bur. at Hornby 2 June 1618. 2 Aug. 1675, bp. at Hornby 5 Nov. 1659, d. vi, pa. 6, bur. John, bp. at Hornby 2 June 1619, bur. there 29 Apr. 11 Jan. 168} in Westminster Abbey, mar. Bridget, dau. of Robert Sutton, Lord Lexington, d. 18 July 1736 (Collins). 1621. They had issue- Conyers (E). DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. ~49 248 DUGDALE'S VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. Norman, b. at London 26 Jan., bp. there Feb. 1679, marriage being dissolved May 1779, she mar. bur. at Hornby 18 Apr. 1681. secondly John Byron, Esq., at St. George's, Hanover Square, 9 June 1779, b. 12 Oct. 1754, Robert (G). Sir Conyers Darcy, of Aske, K.C.B., P.C., Lord Lieut. bur. at Hornby 11 Feb. 1784. of North Riding, M.P. Yorkshire 1707-8, 17 4 7-58, Authorities-Hunter's South Yorkshire; York Wills; Hornby d. s.p. at Aske 1 Dec. 1758, ret, seventy-three, bur. Registers. at Hornby 13 Dec. 1758, M.I., mar. first Mary, dau. of first Earl of Portland, wid. of second Earl of Essex. Mar. secondly Elizabeth, dau, of John Rotherham, of Much Waltham, co. Essex, wid. of sixth Earl of Effingham, 12 Sept. 1728 (Collins), (~) bur. at St. Mich. le Belfrey 14 Aug. 1758. STRAFFORPANO T!CKHILL W ArEN'rAXI!. Pomfret, 7 Ap. 1666. John, b. in London 7 Apr., d. there 19 Aug. 1683. Francis, b. at Aston 28 Feb., bp. there 9 Mar. 167f, bur. there 27 June 1679. Elizabeth, mar. Sir Ralph Milbanke, Bart., 1808, d. Oct. 1720. Charlotte, mar. Wardel George Westby, Esq., of Ravenfield, d. in Great Marlbol'Ough St. 1760 (Hunter). of

G. ROBERT DARCY, third Earl of Holderness, succeeded his grandfather, Lord Lieut. of North Riding, b. in London Jrickley. 24 Nov. 1681, d. at Bath 20 Jan., bur. at Hornby 2 Feb. 172k, mar. 26 May I 7Hi Frederica, dau. of third Duke of Schomberg (remar. 18 June 1724 Benjamin Mildrnay, Earl Fitzwalter), d. 7 Aug. 1751, bur. at Chelmsford, Essex, M.I. ARMS :-Argent on a bend Sable three martlets of the field. They had issue- ?RKBT :-A woman's head, couped at the breast, hair dishevelled, George Schomberg, b. at St. James', London, 14 Apr., bp. 10 May 1716. I. SIR WILLIAM ANNE, of Frickley, mar. Alice, dau, and Robert (H). coh. of Mr. Robert Harengel. They had issue- Caroline, mar. 1735 William Henry, fourth Marquis of Lothian. II. ALEXANDER ANNE, of Frickley, mar. Agnes, dau, and h. of Sir Henry Grammarye, Kt. They had issue- H. ROBERT DARCY, fourth Earl of Holderness, Minister to the Hague, Secretary of State, Lord Lieut. of North Riding, III. RALPH ANNE, of Frickley. Will on the Feast of b. 17 May, hp. 12 J une 1718 at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields S. Dionisius 1456, to be bur. at Frickley, mar. Elena, named in her husband's will. (Glover states his wife to (G.E.C.), d. at Sion Hill 16 May, bur. at Hornby l June 1778, M.I., mar. 3 Nov. 1742 Mary, dau, of Francis have been Grace, dau, of Sir Richard Goldsborough.) They Doublet, a noble of Holland, bur. at Hornby 28 Oct. 1801, had issue- in her eighty-first year, M.I. They had issue-- Thomas (IV). George, Lord Darcy and Conyers, b. Sept. 17 45, d. Elizabeth. v.p. 27, bur. 29 Sept. 1747 at St. Margaret's, Alice. Westminster. IV. THOMAS ANNE, of Frickley. Will 11 Feb. 1467, pr. Thomas, d. y. Amelia, sole heiress, Baroness Conyers, mar. first 7 May 1468, to be buried in church of Hampoll, mar. Francis Godolphin, fifth Duke of Leeds at St. Elizabeth, dau, of John Bosvile, of New Hall. They had George's, Hanover Square, 29 Nov. 1773. This issue- s 250 DUGDALE'S VISI'l'A'l'ION O}' YORKSHIRE. DUGDALE'S VISITATION or YOH.KSHIRE. 251

John (V). Ragnall, co. Notts, rel, of Thos. Bosvile, of Newhall (Glover), Hugh by whom he had a son John, who d. y. (Glover), secondly Percival Frances, dau. of Ralph Aungier, of Redness. They had issue- Alice George (VIII). ' }named in their father's will. Marion Gervase, named in his father's will, mat. 3 Dec. 1575, Elizabeth mt, seventeen, Exeter Coll., Oxf., of Thorpe, Yorks. Agnes Will pr. in London 20 Sept. 1606 (Foster). Elizabeth, wife of Francis Gascoigne, of Gawthorp, V. JOHN ANNE, ESQ., of Fricklcy. Adm. 14 Dec. 1520, remar, Marmeduke 'l'yrwhit. mar. Katherine, dau. and coh. of Thos, Preston, of Dorothy, wife of John Tindall, of Brotherton, Hickleton, Her will 23 Nov. 1523, pr. at York 3 Mar. Jane, wife of Edward Grice, of Wakefield, secondly 152-i, to be buried in the church of Hooton Pagnell. They of Thomas Hopton. had issue- Mary, wife of John Ellis, of Kiddal. John (Vl). Alice, wife of Rich. Danby, of South Cave. William, named in his brother John's will. Agnes, wife of Francis Holmes, of Hampole, mar. at Jane, wife of John Peck, of Wakefield, named in her Adwick 17 Apr. 1582. mother's will. Frances, unmar. at date of her father's will. Alice, wife of 'I'hos. Grenc, named in her mother's will. Elizabeth, wife of Brian Otes, named in her mother's VIII. (JEOIUJE ANNE, of Frickley, in com. Ebor., E.~qr., living will. in (tnnu 1586, cl. 1620 (Glover'H Visitation). Will nunc. Anne, wife of George More, named in her mother's 27 Mar. 1620, mar. Afargciret, daiujluer and sole .h(iire oj will. Richard Fenton, of . . . in co. lJerb., of Burghwallis (Glover). They had issue- VI. JOHN ANNE, ESQ., of Frickley. Will 24 Apr. 1544, pr. 1. John, died in his childhood. at York 24 Nov. 1 &45, to be bur. in church of Frickley, 2. Philip (IX). I.P.M. 22 Nov. 36 Hen. VITI, sayi,; he died 28 Aug. ; mar. 3. 01'.orge, died usomarricd: first Margery, dau. of Humphry IIcrcy, EHq. They had a 4. 'l'homas Anne, 1if Snttun, in hisick. Will 23 Dec. 1653, pr. at London Gabriel Anne, of Cridling Park, bur. at Darrington 24 Nov. 16&6 (Yot·ks. Roe. Ser., ix, 101). 4 Feb, 1 &8}, mar. Anne, dau, of Ralph Aungier, 5. ~1fartha, wife

s. Philip, died w'hout issue, of Pickton. Will 17 May Jane, d. set. seven. 1659, pr. 19 July 1660 in London (Abstract Yorks. Anne, wife of Arnold Knight, of Buslingthorpe, co. Ree. Ser., ix, 162), roar. Margaret, dau. of Ambrose Line. Pudsey, of Stanwick and Pickton. Elizabeth, a nun, d. in a French prison 1791. Jane, died unmarried. Elizabeth, died usunarried. Helen, dfod unmarried. XIII. GEORGE ANNE, ESQ., of Burghwallis, d. 5 June 1785, Maryarct, died unmarried: mt. sixty-eight, bur. at Burgh wullis, M .I., mar. first Elizabeth, duu, of Thomas Walton, of Winder, near Cartmel, wid. of >( Thomas Cholrnley, Esq., of Brandsby. They had issue- x. MICHAEL ANNE, of Frir:kley, E.~q•., rot. 40 annor. 7 Apr. Elizabeth, d. zet, sixteen, bur at Trinity, Micklegate, a• 1660. His estate was sequestered. Will 20 Mar. 17-H, York, 25 Mar. 1760. pr. at York, mar. Eleanor, da1-1,ghter of Robert Stapleton, of He mar. secondly Mary, dau. of Robert Needham, of Hilston, Templehu.r,qt, in com. Ebor., E.,q•·. They had issue- co. Monm., sett. 26 Oct.1773, d.15June 1816. They had 1. Miehaell (XI). issue- 2. Georqe, mt. 10 an. 1060, of Burghwallis, nonjuror in George Marmaduke Anne, Esq., of Burghwallis, d. 1715, then of Doncaster, (7) bur. at Burghwallis s.p. 27 July 1802, ret, twenty-seven, bur. at Burgh• 20 May l no, mar. l\fo!'garot, dau. of 'I'hos. wallis, M.I., mar. Frances Editha, dau, and eh. of Fitzwilliam, of Doncaster, widow of John Roundell, Wm. Gage, of York, 9 May 1796 at St. Martin's, of Hutton Wansley. Micklcgate (C.B.N.), d. 1844. 1. Ur81da, died usimarricd. Michael (XIV). 2. Ellen, died unmarried, bp. at Burghwallis 5 Nov. 1660. 3. Elizabeth, wife of Anthony Saltmarsh (Hopkinson). XIV. MICHAEL ANNE, ESQ., of Burghwallis, assumed the name He mar. secondly, Frances, dau. of Sir Francis Fortescue, of Tasburgh on his marriage, b. 4 Oct. 1777, d. at Calais Bart. They had issue- 10 July 1853, rot. seventy-six, mar. Mary Augusta Rosalia, Frances, wife of Edward Killingbeck, mentioned in dau, of George Crathorne Tasburgh, Esq., 23 Apr. 1810, her father's will. died May 1844. They had issue- George Anne, Esq., of Burghwnllis, J.P., b. 25 July 1813, d. 25 Aug. 1882, in Italy, when the family XI. MICHAEL ANNE, rot. 12 ann. 7 Apr. a0 J(J66, of Frickley, became extinct in the male line. Will 9 July Esq., bur. at Burghwallis 20 Mar. 1716, mar. Hon. Jane 1878. Langdale, dau, of Marmaduke, second Lord Langdale, of Michael Tasburgh, b. 20 June 1818, d. 15 Jan. 1819. Holme, mar. sett. 10 Mar. 167 fi, non-juror in 1715, bur. Michael Tasburgh, b. at Versailles 15 Dec. 1823, d. at at Burghwallis 23 Oct. 1730. They had issue- Paris 4 Apr. 1827. Michael Anne, Esq., of Frickley, d. s.p. vi. pa., bur. Mary, mar. Charles Gregory Fairfax, of Gilling Castle, at Burghwallis 19 Mar. l 71f, mar. Elizabeth, dau. 28 Feb. 1837. of Francis Howard, Esq., of Corby, wid. of William Frances, mar, George Fiosclii Heneage 17 Jan. 1833. Errington, Esq. Barham Tnshurgh, mar. Wm. Henry Charlton, Esq., Marmaduke (XII). of Hesleysidc, co. Northumb., 20 June 1839. Their Elizabeth, d. Y: second Hon, Ernest Lambert Swinburne Charlton, Anne. has assumed, by Royal License, 31 May 1883, the name and arms of Anne.

XII. MARMADUKE ANNE, ESQ., of Frickley, a nonjuror in Authorities-York Wills ; Burghwallis Registers, etc. 1715, d. 18 Aug. 1722 (Hunter). Will 15 Aug. 1722, pr. at York, mar. Elizabeth, dau, and coheiress of Robert Plumpton, Esq., of Plumpton, b. 26 May 1692 (Hunter), remar. Wm. Knight, of Fricklcy. They had issue- Michael Anne, Esq., eld. son, sold Frickley, d. unmar, George (XIII). Philip, d. y. 254 DUGDALE's VISITATION OF YORKSHIRE. THE 4096 QUARTIERS OF THE PRINCE OF WALES. 255

0SG0DCROS8E WAPENTAKE. Pontefract, 8 Aug. I 665. III. JOHN III'l'CHING, of Carleton, j1.1,xta Ponifract, ret. 31 ann. 8° Ang. a0 1665, adm. Gray's Inn 6 July 1650, bp. there 20 Sept. 1631, bur. there 24 Feb. 171%, Will 23 May 1711, mar. Payth, daughter of Will'm 1Vakr!jwld, of Ponifract, Feb. 164~, bur. at Pontefraet 18 Feb. 1,H!- They had i}iitrbing issue- Thomas, oit, 5 an. 8 Ang. a,n 16(]5. 1. Elizabl!th. of 2. Fayth, bp. at Pontefract 12 Sept. 1658. S. Anne, bp. at Pontefract 1 Feb. 166i, William, bp. at Pontefract 29 Aug., bur. there 1 Sept. 1662 in Mr. Wakefield's quire. Qtarltton. John, bp. at Pontefract 27 Feb. 166i- William, bp. at Pontefract 10 July 1671, bur. there 12 June 1675. Joshua (IV). ARMS:- ••. ,i chevron between three pelicans Alice, bur. at Pontofract 1 Aug. 1663 in Mr. Wake• No proofe 1111J.1lc of these armcs field's quire.

1. 'l'JJOilfAS l!I'J'CIIINO, of llitchiny, in ro. Ilartf l\far .... IV. JOSHUA HITCHING, of Carleton, living 1620, mar. Rebecca and had is;me- (i) Smithson, (remar. Wm. Daunt, of Selby, apothecary). 1. Thoma..q (TT). They had issue- !8. Henry. Smithson (V). !3. .Mark. Elizabeth, mar. Robt. Harrison, of Sunderland.

II. TJIOJ,fAS Jll'J'Cl!ING, of Pomfret, in co. Ebor., died in V. SMITHSON HITCHING, surgeon, of Selby. Will 13 Apr., an" 1(1.ft.4, 1>11/, circa, Mayor of Pontofract 1625 and 1635, 1752, pr. 1 May 17 59. bur. 12 Aug. 1641 (Holmes), mrir. Annt!, (7)l~fo:abeth, Authorities-Pontefmet Registers and information of Mr. Richard dam,yhter 1if . . . Uluipman, 1 unfe, lie. 1608. They had Holmes, of Pontefract, issue- J. Thomas Ilitchiau], of Pontfract, died in ams 1652 (vel 11irca), to be bur. in Norrnanton church. Will 17 Feb. 1651, pr. 30 May 1656 at London (Yorks. Ree. Sor., ix, 96),1 mar. . . . They had issue- THE 4096 QUARTIERS OF THE PRINCE OF WALES. Elizabeth, wijiJ of . . . Nicholls, 1if Norman• BY Q. W. WATSON. ton, in com. Ehor. A minor at her father's death, and had to compound for his estate, (Continued from p. 192.) which was fined .£117. (i) Mary, bur. 1tt Holy 'I'rinity church, Hull, 30 Jan. I LINE (256). 1624. 11. John, Duke of Saxe-Weimar; b. 22 May 1570; d. 31 Oct./10 mm•. Elizabeth, sole danyhter and heire of John , oj Nov. 1605. Pomfret, 2 wife. They had issue- 12. Dorothea-Maria, Princess of Anhalt; b. 2 July ( not I July] 2. John (III). 1574; m. (c. 29 Aug. 1592) 7/17 Jan. 1593; d. 18/28 July 1. Sarah. 1617. 2. Dorothy, named in her brother Thomas' will. 13. John-Philip, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg; b. 25 Jan./4 Feb. [not Anne, named in her brother Thoma.'!' will. 26 Jan.) 1597; d. 1/11 Apr. 1639. Elizabeth, wife of Michael Harrison, of Hull. 14. Elizabeth, Duchess of Brunswick and Liineburg in Wolfen• Mary, wife of Wm. Warren, of Tadcaater, clerk. biittel; b. 23 June 1593; m. (c. 12 Feb. 1618) 25 Oct./4 Nov. 1618; d. 25 March/4 Apr. 1650. 15. Philip VII, Count of Waldeck-Wildungen; b. 25 Nov. 1613; 1 Mentions sisters Dorothy and Anne Hitching, Eliz. Harrison, Mary Warren, d. 24 Feb./6 March 1645. , , Grosvenor, and Uncle John Smith.