BARMING, a parish three quarters of a mile from East Farleigh station, and two miles and a half S.W. of . The population in 1851 was 5 83. The church, dedicated to St. Margaret, is a fine building. The living is a rectory, in the gift of the Crown. The Rev. "\Villiam Horne, M.A. is the incumbent. Barnjet is half a mile west. PoST-0FFICE.-Thomas Har,ds, Receiver. Letters received through Maidstone, which is also the nearest Money Order Office. GENTRY. ~arless, Mrs. Hannah Maria Stanton, Colonel, Barming House Horne, Rev. William, M.A, Thompson, Mrs. Lucy, Medway Cottage Randall, Mr. William Whittaker, Charles G., Barming Place TRADERS. Buckland, J ames, farmer Ruck, Stephen, boot and shoe maker Burgess, Elias, blacksmith Samson, Friend, jun., beer retailer Coggen, John, farmer Samson, Friend, sen., boot and shoemaker Cooper, Thomas, shopkeeper Startup, William, beer retailer Golding, Mrs. Mary, farmer, Court Lodge Talbot, Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper Goodsell, William, farmer Taylor, Thomas, parish clerk and school­ Hards, Thomas, Bull and postmaster master Larking, John, farmer W aterhouse, J ames, carpenter Mosely, William, Kentish Yeoman

MEREWORTH is a village, seven miles west from Maidstone, three miles S.vV. from Town Mailing, and two miles and a half from vVateringbury railway station. The church is a handsome stone building, which is dedi­ cated to St. Lawrence. The living is a rectory, in the gift of the Le Despencer family, who have a seat here. The population in 1851 was 912. PosT-OFFICE.- Richard Newman, ·Postmaster, Letters arrive from Maidstone. GENTRY. Crossley, Mr. Henry Harryman, Mr. William, Yoke's Court Falmouth, Right Honourable Viscount, Staplcton, tho Hon. and Rev. Sir Francis, Mereworth Castle Rectory, Falmouth, Viscountess, Mereworth Castle TRADERS. Cheeseman, John, farmer Leonard, J ames, beer retailer Cook, Thomas, tailor Lockyer, 'Villiam, farmer Edmeads, William, farmer Midmore, George, road surveyor Fremlin, John, farmer and hop planter Morphew, Edward, blacksmith Goodwin, Charles, farmer and hop planter N ewman, I den Thomas, beer retailer, &c. Goodwin, Thomas, farmer and hop planter Newman, Richard, grocer and postmaster Goodwin, \Villiam, farmer and hop planter Perch, William, beer retailer Grinstead, Edward, land steward Perry, William, boys' school Graver, Samuel, bootmaker Phillips, Henry Thomas, shoemaker Harper, William, bootmaker Sanders, George, grocer, draper, and Harryman, George, farmer and butcher baker, &c., Harryman, Thomas, farmer and hop planter Sharman, Thomas, Torrington Arms Harryman, Thomas, wheelwright and High Sharman, Richard, farmer constable Standford, James, grocer and beer Langridge, Thomas, farmer and hop retailer planter Sykes, John, farmer and beer retailer Latter, Thomas, farmer Tay lor, John, farmer and hop planter Lee, John, brickmaker Tay lor, William, tailor Leeds, John, registrar for Tyler, William, blacksmith district and relieving officer Wells, William, bricklayer