horse-health connection
[email protected] sible to perform a full intra-oral ex- amination of the insides of the horses’ Are Your Bit and Noseband mouths, and so lesions involving these structures were not evaluated or included in the results. Hurting Your Horse? The TDs who participated in the Conclusion: New findings regarding equipment use in dressage competition study as data collectors inspected the corners of the horses’ mouths on both By Hilary Clayton, BVMS, PhD, Diplomate ACVSMR, MRCVS sides. If the skin or mucosa of the lips was lacerated, with or without the presence of blood, it was recorded n the June issue, I explained the How the Study Was Conducted as an oral lesion. Across all sports, 9 findings related to the use of spurs percent of horses had oral lesions at and whips in a recently published A total of 3,143 randomly selected the corners of the lips. The presence research study (“Horse-Health Con- horse/rider combinations compet- of lesions differed significantly among I ing in Danish Equestrian Federation nection: Could Your Equipment Be disciplines and was highest in dressage, Hurting Your Horse?”) that I conduct- competitions in dressage, jump- with 10 percent of dressage horses and ed along with FEI veterinarian Mette ing, eventing, and endurance were 16 percent of dressage ponies showing Uldahl. In the study, we recorded the examined immediately after competi- lesions at the corners of the lips. There types of spurs, whips, bits, and nose- tion by licensed technical delegates was no difference in the incidence of bands used on sport horses during (TDs) who had been trained as data injuries on the left versus right sides of collectors for the study.