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44750 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized The Alternative Tertiary Education Sector: More than Non-University Education by Samih W. Mikhail The Education Working Paper Series is produced by the Education Unit at the World Bank (HDNED). It provides an avenue for World Bank staff and consultants to publish and disseminate preliminary education findings to encourage discussion and exchange ideas within the World Bank and among the broader development community. Papers in this series are not formal World Bank publications. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in these papers are entirely those of the authors and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, its affiliated organizations or to the members of its board of executive directors or the countries they represent. Copies of this publication may be obtained in hard copy through the Education Advisory Service ([email protected]), and electronically through the World Bank Education website ( Copyright © The World Bank May 2008 Washington, D.C. – U.S.A Contents I. Introduction............................................................................................................................. 1 II. Key Themes and Issues in the Study of the Alternative Sector of Tertiary Education ........ 17 III. National Models and Case Studies of ASTE Institutions in OECD Countries................. 51 IV. Critical Success Factors for the ASTE Sector and Institutions: ..................................... 101 References................................................................................................................................... 111 Figures Figure 1. A “System” Diagram of Tertiary Education ................................................................... 3 Figure 2. Institution-based typology of the evolution of tertiary education system, 1960–2007 .. 7 Figure 3. ISCED program-based typology of tertiary education.................................................. 11 Figure 4. Typology of technological occupations in the knowledge economy ............................ 14 Figure 5. Scope-purpose typology of ASTE institutions.............................................................. 20 Figure 6. ASTE governance framework ....................................................................................... 23 Figure 7. Composition of funding for community colleges in Ontario, Canada .......................... 29 Figure 8. Annual earnings of full-time workers in the United States, by educational attainment 40 Figure 9. The U.S. education system ............................................................................................ 52 Figure 10. Canadian education system ......................................................................................... 62 Figure 11. Education system in England and Wales..................................................................... 68 Figure 12. Distribution of FE colleges in England and Wales, by enrolment size ....................... 69 Figure 13. Organization of tertiary education in France............................................................... 74 Figure 14. German system of tertiary education........................................................................... 80 Tables Table 1. Tripartite system of tertiary education in selected OECD countries ................................ 9 Table 2. Examples of technological education in the knowledge economy................................. 15 Table 3. ASTE participation and attainment rates in selected countries, 2004 ............................ 18 Table 4. USTE and ASTE expenditures on tertiary education in selected OECD countries, 2004 ......................................................................................................................................... 26 Table 5. ASTE academic awards.................................................................................................. 33 Table 6. Wage premia of tertiary education graduates, selected OECD countries, 2004–2006.. 39 Table 7. Impact of tertiary education on employment, selected OECD countries, 2006 ............. 41 Table 8. Classification of ASTE articulation arrangements with USTE institutions, selected OECD countries, 2006.................................................................................................... 43 Table 9. Distribution of community and junior colleges in the United States, 2007.................... 52 Table 10. Distribution of public community colleges and universities in Canada, 2005 ............. 60 Table 11. Regional distribution of and enrolment in tertiary education programs in England, 2005................................................................................................................................. 68 Table 12. Distribution of tertiary education enrolment by type of academic award, England and Wales, 2005.................................................................................................................... 71 Table 13. Growth of tertiary education and the junior college system in Korea, 1965–2005...... 87 Table 14. Tertiary education enrolment in Mexico by type of institution, 2006.......................... 94 Table 15. Enrolment trends in tertiary education in Mexico, 2000–2004 .................................... 97 Boxes Box 1. Governance of Tertiary Education in California............................................................... 24 Box 2. Students in American community college certificate programs ....................................... 35 Box 3 Equity in Financial Aid Policies in the State of Texas....................................................... 46 Acronyms AAAC Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada ACCC Association of Community Colleges of Canada AERES Agence pour l’évaluation de récherches et d’éducation supérieure, France, ALI Adult Learning Inspectorate, England ANUT National Association of Universities of Technology, Mexico AQF Australian Qualification Framework ASTE alternative sector of tertiary education BTS Brevet de technicien supérieur, France CAATs Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology, Canada, CCSSE Community College Survey of Student Engagement, United States CEGEP Collèges d’enseignement général et professionel, Québéc, Canada CENEVAL National Center for the Evaluation of Higher Education, Mexico CNE Comité national d’évaluation, France CPC Commission professionnelle consultative, France CSU California State University DEUST Diplôme d'études universitaires scientifiques et techniques, France DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada DNTS Diplôme national de technologie spécialisé, France DUT Diplôme universitaire de technologie, France EURASHE European Association for the Study of Higher Education FE further education FHS University of Applied Science, Germany FONABEC National Education Grant Fund, Mexico FTE full-time equivalent GDP gross domestic product HNC Higher National Certificate, England HND Higher National Diploma, England HRSD Department of Human Resources and Skills Development, Canada ICT information and communication technology ISCED-97 International Standard Classification of Education, UNESCO IT information technology ITAL Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning, Canada IUFM Instituts universitaires de formation des maîtres, France IUT Institut universitaire de technologie, France KCCE Korean Council for College Education LMD license-master-doctorat (a system for sequencing tertiary academic awards in France proposed by the Bologna process) LSDA Learning and Skills Development Agency, England LSC Learning and Skills Council NQF National Qualification Framework OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris OFFA (proposed) Office for Fair Access, England OFSTED Office for Standards in Education, England PPP purchasing power parity R&D research and development RNCP Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles, France RTO Registered Training Organization, Australia SEP Secretaría de Educación Pública (Ministry of Public Education), Mexico STPS Secretaria del Trabajo y Provision Social, Mexico STS Sections de techniciens supérieur, France TSC Tertiary short-cycle institution TSU Técnico superior universitario (higher university technician), Mexico UC University of California UCs University Colleges, Canada UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization USTE university sector of tertiary education UT Universidad tecnológica (University of Technology), Mexico VET vocational education and training YOK Turkish Council of Higher Education I. Introduction An Overview of Tertiary Education A strong correlation exists between participation in tertiary education and the level of economic development of nations. World Bank studies show that gross enrolment ratios in tertiary education average over 50 percent for countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD), compared to 21 percent in middle-income countries, and 6 percent in low-income countries (World Bank, Edstats data1). Tertiary education has become an important priority in the public policy agenda and is seen as an agent of social change, an engine of economic growth, and an instrument for the realization of the collective aspirations of society. Over the past two decades, many low- and middle-income countries have embarked on ambitious