Histopathological Characteristics of a Novel Knock-In Mouse Prostate Cancer Model
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Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (2006) 39: 759-765 Histopathology of a mouse prostate cancer model 759 ISSN 0100-879X Histopathological characteristics of a novel knock-in mouse prostate cancer model G. Wu1,2*, D. Wang1*, 1Department of Urology, Xijing Hospital, the Fourth Military Medical University, H. Wang1, J. Yuan1 Xi’an, China and J.W. Xuan2 2Department of Surgery, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada Abstract Correspondence Prostate cancer is relatively unique to man. There is no naturally Key words G. Wu and H. Wang occurring prostate cancer in the mouse. Pre-clinical studies involve • Prostate cancer model Department of Urology the establishment of a genetically engineered mouse prostate cancer • KIMAP mouse model Xijing Hospital model with features close to those of the human situation. A new • Gleason grading system Fourth Military Medical University knock-in mouse adenocarcinoma prostate (KIMAP) model was estab- • Prostate adenocarcinoma Xi’an 710032 China lished, which showed close-to-human kinetics of tumor development. E-mail: [email protected] and In order to determine if the similar kinetics is associated with hetero- [email protected] geneous tumor architecture similar to the human situation, we utilized a new mouse histological grading system (Gleason analogous grading *These authors contributed equally system) similar to the Gleason human grading system and flow to this study. cytometry DNA analysis to measure and compare the adenocarci- noma of the KIMAP model with human prostate cancer. Sixty KIMAP prostate cancer samples from 60 mice were measured and compared Received July 11, 2005 with human prostate cancer. Flow cytometry DNA analysis was Accepted November 23, 2005 performed on malignant prostate tissues obtained from KIMAP mod- els. Mice with prostate cancer from KIMAP models showed a 53.3% compound histological score rate, which was close to the human clinical average (50%) and showed a significant correlation with age (P = 0.001). Flow cytometry analyses demonstrated that most KIMAP tumor tissues were diploid, analogous to the human situation. The similarities of the KIMAP mouse model with tumors of the human prostate suggest the use of this experimental model to complement studies of human prostate cancer. Introduction and multifocality of the clinical disease. CaP is a heterogeneous disease affecting a het- Prostate cancer (CaP), the most common erogeneous population. As a consequence, it cancer in adults in North America, is rela- has been difficult to study the natural history tively unique to man, with no spontaneously of CaP comprehensively. To circumvent this arising CaP being observed in rodents in problem, researchers have historically ex- nature. It has been difficult to rapidly de- ploited immortalized human CaP cell lines, velop effective treatment strategies in part such as LNCaP and DU-145. However, the because there are so few animal models that usefulness of clonal cell lines in culture is accurately mimic the specific heterogeneity limited by the ability to study the dynamic Braz J Med Biol Res 39(6) 2006 760 G. Wu et al. interactions between the various cellular com- netically engineered PSP-knock-in (KIMAP) partments of the prostate gland. For this model, some modifications were adopted reason, the development of genetically engi- according to the established diagnostic crite- neered mouse CaP models is critical for ria previously reported (19-21). In view of preclinical studies of CaP (1-10). the heterogeneity of the clinical standard for Prostate secretory protein of 94 amino CaP diagnosis, a close-to-human mouse acids (PSP94), also known as ß-microsemi- standard for histological grading and scor- noprotein, like human prostate-specific anti- ing system was established in the present gen (PSA), is one of the most abundantly study. We termed this system the “Gleason expressed secretory proteins in human pros- analogous grading system”. The architec- tatic fluid and semen (11,12). Elevated se- tural patterns of adenocarcinoma observed rum levels of PSA and PSP94 have been were scored according to 5 different histo- identified and used as serum markers for the logical grades: grade 1 (very well-differenti- diagnosis and prognosis of CaP. In contrast ated): single, separate, uniform glands closely to PSA, which has no equivalent in rodents, packed, with definite boundaries; grade 2 PSP94 from humans, primates, pigs, and (well-differentiated): single, separate uni- rodents is conserved, but is also a rapidly form glands loosely packed, with irregular evolving protein (13-16). edges; grade 3 (glands with variable and We have established a new knock-in mouse distorted architecture): single, separate, uni- adenocarcinoma of the prostate (KIMAP) form scattered glands, and smoothly cir- model line at the PSP94 gene locus (17,18). cumscribed papillary/cribriform masses; The new KIMAP model proved to have sev- grade 4 (poorly differentiated): cribriform eral advantages over the traditional transgenic masses with ragged, invading edges and fused models, such as prolonged tumor growth, a glands; grade 5: non-glandular solid, rounded predominance of well- and moderately differ- masses of cells, cribriform architecture with entiated tumors, highly synchronous prostate foci of central necrosis (known as come- cancer development, and highly stable pheno- docarcinoma) and undifferentiated anaplas- type and genotype (18). In the present study, tic carcinomas. Based on the most prevalent we utilized a new mouse histological grading histological grade (“the primary pattern/ system (Gleason analogous grading system) grade”) and the second most prevalent histo- similar to the Gleason human grading system logical pattern (“secondary pattern/grade”), and flow cytometry DNA analysis to measure the new mouse scoring system was derived and compare prostate tissue of the new KIMAP by adding the primary pattern grade number model with human CaP tissue. The present to the secondary grade number. If only one study demonstrates the similarity of this new pattern is seen throughout, the score is de- murine prostate cancer model with human rived by doubling the “grade” number. CaP and suggests that KIMAP could be used as an experimental model together with the Anatomy, identification and breeding of transgenic models. knock-in mice by PCR genotyping Material and Methods All animal experiments were conducted according to standard protocols. All KIMAP Histological characterization and definition mouse breeding lines were established mostly of various grades of prostate cancer in in the CD1 or 129Sv background, and the knock-in mice C57BL6 background was also tested with no strain differences. Genotyping was per- To study tumor development in the ge- formed by fast PCR genotyping as previ- Braz J Med Biol Res 39(6) 2006 Histopathology of a mouse prostate cancer model 761 ously reported (18). The primer pairs used the χ2 test and Mann-Whitney test. for screening germline progenies from chi- meras by PCR genotyping were as previ- Results ously reported (17,18). The prostate along with the male acces- Comparison of KIMAP mouse prostate sory glands, i.e., the ventral and dorsolateral tumors with human prostate tumors by the prostate lobes, seminal vesicles and coagu- Gleason analogous grading system lation gland (or the anterior gland), were dissected out separately as previously de- The gross pathology of a KIMAP mouse scribed and defined (15,17). 52 weeks of age with prolonged CaP devel- opment is shown in Figure 1A. In order to Flow cytometry differentiate the heterogeneity of the archi- tecture of mouse prostate tumor, we estab- Flow cytometry DNA analysis was per- lished a new mouse histological grading sys- formed on malignant prostate tissues obtained tem similar to the human Gleason grading from the KIMAP model (N = 9), which were system. Each KIMAP mouse with CaP (N = either freshly excised or snap frozen in liquid 60) was assigned a combination of a primary nitrogen. Single cell suspensions were pre- histological grade (a dominant grade) and a pared according to the standard clinical proce- secondary grade (the non-dominant grade) dures of our hospital. Prior to analysis, each using the mouse Gleason analogous grading cell suspension was filtered through a nylon mesh to remove any debris and cell aggre- gates. Normal mouse spleen lymphocytes were dissociated and used as a control to establish the normal diploid DNA peak position. All samples were analyzed with an EPICS C flow cytometer (Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, FL, USA). The resultant single nucleus suspen- sion was treated with ribonuclease and stained with 50 g/mL propidium iodide (Beckman Coulter, Inc., Miami, FL, USA). DNA histo- grams were classified as diploid, tetraploid, or aneuploid. DNA aneuploidy was defined by the presence of a tumor population with a definable G0/G1 peak which was distinct from the diploid population. Tetraploidy was de- fined by a peak with a DNA index (ratio of the channel number of the abnormal to the diploid population) of 1.9 to 2.1. DNA proliferation Figure 1. Gross pathology and histological analysis of the knock-in mouse adenocarcinoma was measured by flow cytometry as values of prostate (KIMAP) model by a new mouse Gleason analogous grading system. A, Gross %S (percent S phase) and %S + %G2M (per- pathology of a KIMAP mouse 52 weeks of age after prolonged prostate cancer development cent S phase and G M phase) separately (22). showing a 0.3-g ventral prostate lobe tumor. B, Histological score 5 from a KIMAP mouse at 2 age 30 weeks. Two boxes show histological grade 2 (right) and 3 (left) tumor foci. 25X. C, Histological score 6 (histological grades 3 + 3) for a KIMAP mouse at age 30 weeks. 25X. D, Statistical analysis Histological score 7 (3 + 4) for a KIMAP mouse at age 45 weeks. Right area, grade 3, small acinar infiltrating the stroma. Left area, grade 4 showing cribriform acini. 10X. E, Histological score 9 (4 + 5) for a KIMAP mouse at age 67 weeks.