Domain: Research-Development and high tech No. Name Tax code Field of activity Address Contact data 1 Trading Company 22671457 Research-development Craiova, Dealul Phone number: 0723/620013, fax: SYNTRA Limited in other natural Spirei Street, no. 21 0251/522077,
[email protected], sciences and Contact: Berca Valentin engineering 2 Trading Company 2297669 Research-development Craiova, Dr. Victor Phone number: 0351/414212, EXPO-06 Limited in other natural Papillian Street, no. 0766/298905, fax: 0251/532579, sciences and 52, block. G6,
[email protected] engineering entrance 1, Contact: Ion Patrutoiu apartment 3 3 Trading Company 2316418 Research-development Craiova, Nicolae Phone number: 0251/418882, URANUS Limited in other natural Iorga Street, no. 1, 0748/154403, fax: 0251/418882, sciences and block J11,
[email protected] engineering apartment 3 Contact: Baciu Marilena 4 Trading Company 13522367 Research-development Craiova, Nanterre Phone number: 0745/655763, SIMTEC Limited in other natural Street, block I2, 0251/546439, fax: 0251/546439, sciences and entrance1,
[email protected] engineering apartment 7 Contact: Simanschi Vladimir 5 Trading Company 2319694 Research-development Craiova, Nicolae Phone number: 0251/438789, INAS Share in other natural Romanescu 0251/425166, fax: 0251/426335, Company sciences and Boulevard, no. 37C
[email protected], web: engineering Contact: Ciolofan Constantin 6 Trading Company 14039582 Research-development Craiova, A.I.Cuza Phone number: 0744/538207, NATURAL in other natural Street, block 52 0251/415960, fax: 0251/415960, RESEARCH sciences and (Patria), entrance B,
[email protected], web: Limited engineering apartment 11 Contact: Scorei Romulus 7 The National 3871599 Research-development Craiova, Decebal Phone number: 0351/404888, Institute of in other natural Boulevard, no.