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Games: Bomber Crew, Going Green and More

By Roy Schestowitz Created 15/01/2021 - 1:21pm Submitted by Roy Schestowitz on Friday 15th of January 2021 01:21:58 PM Filed under Gaming [1]

Get a free copy of Bomber Crew during the Humble Winter Sale [2]

How about a free game for the coming weekend? Humble Store has Bomber Crew going free during their new Winter Sale so you can pick up some other cheap games too. Bomber Crew is a really highly rated and enjoyable game too, so it's a pretty good pick to get free!

As for the new Humble Winter Sale, it's a big one with lots of publishers big and small joining in. Plus there's of course masses of fantastic indie games that deserve plenty of attention. If you want to look over what the bigger lot have take a look at the sales for SEGA, 2K, Deep Silver, Humble Games, Codemasters, THQ Nordic, Kalypso Media and also have an existing sale still on.

Prison Architect: Going Green announced for release on January 28 [3]

Paradox Interactive and Double Eleven have announced the next expansion and free update for with the Prison Architect: Going Green DLC launching on January 28.

Seems like bit of a theme with Paradox published games. We had the Cities: Skylines - Green Cities DLC in 2017, the Surviving Mars: Green Planet DLC in 2019 and now prisons are going green too. You will be able to create a more environmentally friendly prison with farming and all sorts.

?Xonotic?Let The Mayhem Commence Again [4]

I had a lot of fun in the last Xonotic stream we did so I thought I'd be fun to try that again, I tried to test out my server with other people on it and it seems like it's working this time but we'll truly see when the open source arena shooter mayhem begins

The State of Virtual Reality on [5]

?Until after some life changes, an unexpected influx of money, and curious about all the news about Half-Life next installment (Alyx) and Valve?s own VR system, the Valve Index, and the claims that it is supported on Linux, I took the plunge and bought it. I got it on my house on April 30, 2020, an exact year after its debut.

What happened to me next was extraordinary. I met new worlds, I felt new things, I traveled to many places in the hardest months of the Lock-downs. It is not easy to describe, since it is so linked to the senses, so real and at the same time so abstract. In this article, I?ll try to laboriously describe what I felt ? without ever leaving Linux ? and give numerous examples. For that, though, I have to start with boring stuff. Stay with me and you won?t regret.

So. This article will try to convey how Virtual Reality on Linux became viable, what are its challenges and limitations, which applications and games run on it, what are the terms and technologies associated to it and what to expect from the future. And also give a light whether it?s worth investing on this technology today, instead of waiting for it to mature as most people must think.

Valve Is Planning Something Special For Linux Gaming In 2021 [6]

Before we get to that carrot Valve is dangling in front of us for 2021, let?s begin with a sobering observation. Despite two straight years of incredible advancements in Linux gaming ? specifically Proton, the compatibility layer that lets us easily run thousands of Windows games on Linux ? there has been a negligible increase in Linux gaming adoption. As marketing-centric scribe James Mawson so poignantly states, it?s a ?growth so feeble, it?s difficult to separate from statistical noise; Linux isn?t even a serious threat to the Mac in this space.?

Wow. Sobering indeed.

Clearly We Have Work To Do

Proton 5 now ships with the for Linux client, and it introduces improved performance, support for DX12 and much more. As Valve?s informative 2020 recap points out, an increase in developers testing their games against Proton (without needing to invest huge time and resources into developing native ports) resulted in some big AAA titles like Death Stranding, Cyberpunk 2077 and others being playable on Linux at or shortly after their native Windows releases. That?s wonderful for gamers already immersed in the Linux gaming ecosystem, but let?s be honest with ourselves and admit that there are still many reasons to dual-boot Windows. Maybe it?s the lure of popular games that rely on anti-cheat software or invasive DRM. Maybe it?s the subpar support for brand new hardware like the Radeon RX 6000 GPUs.

Axiom Verge gets a first ever free update six years later with the Randomizer Mode[7]

While work continues on the sequel, Axiom Verge has a first ever free content update following the release back in 2015 with a new Randomizer Mode. Never played Axiom Verge? You're missing out. A true love-letter to the classic metroidvanias!

This brand new update is currently in Beta, requiring you on Steam to opt into it in the usual way. Right click the game, go to Properties and hit Betas on the left panel and find it there. As the name of the update might suggest, it makes things a bit more random but "in a very sophisticated way". This mode is smart enough so you won't get stuck because of needing a certain item to progress onwards.

How did it come about so long after release? Thanks to the speedrunning community, along with a developer of a mod that gave players an unofficial version of this but it needed a copy of the game. They teamed up to add it into the base game with the modder refusing any compensation for it. How nice for all of us!

Stockholm to host the 2021 CS:GO Major, with the biggest ever prize pool[8]

Valve along with PGL have announced the return of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's next Major Championship that will take place this year in Sweden.

Not only has competitive esport CS:GO returned, it's coming back with a bang too. This will be the biggest single prize pool in CS:GO history with twenty four teams competing for 2 million dollars USD. Not only that, this will also be the first event that is broadcast live in 4K resolution. The main event will be during November 4-7, so they're leaving enough time to hopefully see COVID-19 get a little more under control as this will be an in-person event with a live audience.


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