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The BG News May 18, 1976

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An Bowling Gran. Ohio Independent Tuesday, M»y 18. 1976 Student Volume 59/Number 115 Voice THe BG news Presidential campaign: 7 976

By Kevin McCray By Jim Sluzewski Managing Editor Editorial Editor

ABOARD THE PRESIDENTIAL EXPRESS-In a style "I'm going |o pul America hack lo work -that's my i last used by his own favorite president. Harry S. Truman. promise." President Gerald R. Ford revived presidential whistle-stop Wiili lhal message. Democratic presidenlial candidate campaigning Saturday in his home state of Michigan. Morris K. Udall came lo die Universily Sunday to address The trip, arranged on a five-day notice by Ford campaign more than 1,000 sludenis and United Aulo Worker union officials, was an effort to avoid a home state primary defeat members. from Republican challenger . Reagan has Udall was introduced to the crowd by a former fellow defeated Ford in five of the lasl six primaries. college student at the Universily of and - The stop at Flint marked the beginning of the day's constituent. University President Holds A. Moore Jr. 1.65-mile journey for the red. white and blue seven-coach The Arizona congressman spenl most of his hall hour train. speech supporting the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act. FORD ASKED the crowd of 4.000 gathered there "to help us on Tuesday. We must win in Michigan." "TODAY IN OHIO 35 or 40 per cent of Ihe carpenlers The message delivered in Flint was repeated again in can't find work and I've been in old folks and senior Durand. Lansing. Battle Creek. Kalamazoo and finally citizens centers and they need housing more than anything Niles. else." Udall said. Time and time again Ford referred to the 21-month He accused President Gerald R. Ford of nol supporting record of his administration. The economy was his topic of public works projects and tolerating a seven-and-a-half per the day. cent unemployment late Ford said his administration's policies had reduced "Tomorrow morning when America goes lo work when inflation from a rate of I 2 per cent when he look office to ihe sun comes up. eight million people will want jobs and three per cent or less for the first three months of 1976. tlieie will be no jobs," Udall said. "Hall of llicm arc under Unemployment, according to the President, was also 24." declining because of his politics. He -aid a president cannot hold ihe country together very long by telling a whole generation there is nolhing lo "A YEAR ago today we were having serious employment do. problems, and we still have them in some areas of our The Humphrey-Hawkins measure, according lo Udall. is a country, including the stale of Michigan." Ford said. "But workable plan lo implement full employment. in the lasl 12 months we have added 3.300.000 jobs in the THE ESTIMATED $40 billion needed lo pul the bill into . We have 87.400.000 people gainfully operation, he said, could come from a variety of sources. employed, an all-time record." Udall estimated $10 billion would come from laxes which •: But it was his comments on unemployment lhal drew people working under Ihe program would make and Ford's only heckler of Ihe day. In Bailie Creek, a man in another $10 billion would be acquired from savings from KM the crowd shouted lo ihe President. "You blew it. Mr. people taken off the unemployment and welfare roles. Ford." Pres. Gerald R. Ford Rep, Morris K Udall An additional SI0 billion each would come from income Angered by the remark. Ford answered, "We blew it in lax reforms and of the defense departments allocation the right direction, young man...And if you'd go oul and for building missile systems. Udall said. look for a job you'd gel one." See related stories and photos on pages four and five. • To page four

City officials to apply for grants Parking survey results 1 2 3 4 S No answer Percentage Percentage [ > By (.ail Harris THE GOVERNMENT mighl officials al $50,000, will be used Staff Reporter approve $19,000 more loward loward cily street and traffic light LaSalles parking lot improvements, improvements. Ticketing student cars: not strict enough 2 2 18 28 48 too strict 2 The city may be in for a little good which would be the balance of the Wilson said he thinks citizens should . news fui.inci.illy. for a change, if Ihe total project cost. $16,000 lo develop have the right to determine whether Laws governing services: reasonable 9 12 :.^ 28 26 unreasonable 2 federal government approves grants city parks and SSO.OOO lo acquire ihey want lo pay Ihe tax, which enabling several projects already in Ihe more land for Winlergardcn Road council approved last month. He said Interest of students: nol very well 37 26 22 II 2 very well 2 - planning to be carried out. Park. half of Ihe persons who have signed Municipal Administrator Wesley K. In observance of Handicapped the petition arc against the tax while Informing students poor job 24 24 31 14 3 good job 4 Hoffman told members of City Awareness Week. Mayor Alvin L. the others arc unsure of how Ihey feel ' Council last night that the federal Perkins and other city officials about it. saying they have nol had Commuter lots: nol very well located 31 19 20 16 9 very well 5 ' Department of Housing and Urban executed their various duties enough information to decide. , Development has approved Iwo yesierday-from wheelchairs. If after investigating the fads more On-campus lots: nol very well located 39 21 18 10 10 very well 2 pre-applicalions for funding and has "You don'l realize whal It's like thoroughly he sees Ihe lax is a 1 invited city officials lo apply for the until you're silling there in lhal necessity, Wilson said he will advocate Attendants' job training: poorly trained 9 12 38 13 17 well trained 11 . grants. wheelchair or have a handicap." ils passage. . . Officials now will apply for a grant Perkins said. ■ will provide for S2I6.0O0 of " storm sewer improvements throughout HE SAID that officials will work to • ward two and one that would pay remove barriers lo the handicapped Survey reveals negative student attitudes , $142,000 loward improvemenls to throughout the city, adding thai an LaSalles' parking lot, 139 S. Main St. elevator will be installed in ihe new ' Hoffman said he thinks the city has city building soon so handicapped Editor's note: This is the first of considered reasonable, received 23 per "Do you feel ihe meter attendants, . a good chance of receiving funds. persons can have easy access to three stories about University Parking cent and 21 per cent of Ihe sludenis regarding job training are: poorly . especially for sewer improvemenls. He municipal facilities and personnel. Services. Today's story shows results polled thought the laws were more trained I 2 3 4 5 well trained," 30 per The Parking Services Survey was explained lhal ward Iwo of a survey by the News about Parking than reasonable. cenl thought Ihey were well trained (4 done on a random selection basis of ' improvemenls will be delayed about In other business. Monly Wilson. Services. Tomorrow we will present an A large percentage of the sludenis or 5). 38 per cenl thought ihey were the sludenl population. Three students • three to four months, as the city will 615 S. Orleans Dr.. told officials and interview with Lt. Melvin Jones, think Parking Services are nol serving average (3) and 21 per cent thought were selected from each page of the . wait to begin the project until the councilmen he is circulating a petition parking supervisor, who will explain the best interest of sludenis. Ihey were poorly (rained. student telephone directory, the most federal government either approves or lo place the recently approved motor the functions of his bureau as well as Answering the values statement "The readily available listing of University ' denies the grant. vehicle lax on the November ballot. reaction to our survey. On Thursday, University Parking Services are serving Approximately half of Ihe students students. . Three pre-applications for Each citizen would be required to we will publish a story about student the best interest of University students polled said they had been ticketed by . secondary projects also were approved pay an annual $5 tax on each motor views of their encounters with parking wilh Iheir present policies: nol very Parking Services. Of those ticketed, 60 This list of students was then violations. well 12 3 4 5 very well." 63 per cent by the government, Hoffman said, and vehicle owned, effective next year if • • • per cenl said thai al Ihe lime of all divided and distributed to a journalism ' that the city will also submit formal Ihe tax is approved by voters. Money answered 1 or 2. 22 per cent answered Iheir violation (s). Ihey were not class who helped contact the students • applications for these. generated by the lax, estimated by 3 and 13 per cent answered 4 or 5. aware ihey were committing a by phone. Of the original 320 students By Bob Bortd violation. selected, 184 were surveyed. Makeup Editor Also a large percentage of students think Parking Services are doing a less OF THOSE receiving tickets from A secondary list was selected from Home state primary A survey conducted by The News than adequate job of informing Parking Services. 16 per cent said they ihe sludenl directory to reach the measuring sludenl attitudes toward sludenis of parking regulations. had received different amounts foi the desired completion number of Universily Parking Services indicates a Responsing to the stalemcnl "In same violation. students for the survey (200). large percentage of those surveyed regards lo informing students of The results of the sludenis surveyed Ford's next target have negative attitudes toward Parking parking rules. Parking Services do: a The survey also asked sludenis lo were encoded on data keypunch cards Services. poor job I 2 3 4 5 good job." 48 per estimate ihe total amount of fines and fed into a computer which broke One of the most talked-about and Former Gov. Results show a majority of students cent answered I or 2 (poor job), 31 received from Parking Services since down Ihe responding students data by possibly one of the most interesting of and Gov. George C. Wallace think Parking Services are loo strict per cent said 3 and I 7 per cenl said 4 first enrolling al Ihe Universily. The class rank, commuter/on-campus and the presidential primaries will take are contenders in Ihe race for the when ticketing, Ihe laws governing Ihe or 5. average amount of fines received by sex. place today in Michigan as President Democratic presidential nomination. services are unreasonable and they do Half Ihe students surveyed do nol sludenis, broken down by class rank is A data breakdown shows that 58 Gerald R. Ford seeks his home state's Carter gave a last-minute press not serve the best interests of think the commuter lots are well as follows: freshmen-$6, per cent surveyed were women support in gaining the Republican conference yesterday at the Detroit University students. located and most think the on-campus- sophomores-$7.55. juniors-$ 13.96, compared to the University's projected nomination. Metropolitan Airport and also spoke losts are poorly located. seniors-S34.75 and graduate female enrollment of 54 per cent for Yesterday, while the President was to persons at an area shopping mall, Sludenis responded to the values studems-$23.80. All students fall quarter 1975. Responding sludenis in after spending the said Isabele Hyde, national issues statement "In regard to ticketing RESPONDING to the values surveyed, regardless of having been on Ihe survey were 26 per cent weekend campaigning in Michigan. coordinator of Carter's campaign. registered sludenl cars, Parking slatemeni "The commuter lots are: ticketed or nol, were averaged into freshmen, 23 per cent sophomores, 26 Sen. Robert P. Griffin (R-Mich.) Services are: not strict enough nol very well located 12 3 4 5 well these figures. per cent juniors, 18 per cent seniors toured parts of the state campaigning "WE'VE BEEN having volunteers 12 345 too strict." Seventy-six per located," 50 per cent answered 1 or 2, and eight per cent graduate students. for Ford, according to John Breen, try to get ihe people lo the polls," cent answered they were too strict. 20 per cenl answered 3 and 25 per Also asked on the survey was ihe Ford's press secretary at the Lansing Hyde said. "We're doing more responding with a rating of 4 or 5. cenl though the locations were better queslion "Would you be in favor of a campaign headquarters. telephoning than anything else." Four per cent answered 1 or 2 (not than average. shuttle bus system which would make "WE'RE CONFIDENT the A spokesman for Wallace strict enough) and 18 per cent scheduled stops at outlying commuter President is going to win in Michigan," headquarters in Detroit who declined answered 3. Responses to the statement 'The lots?" Sixty per cent said (hey would Weather on-campus lots are: not very well Breen predicted. to identify himself described be in favor of such a system. Ford's competition for the yesterday's campaign activities by A MAJORITY of students polled located 12 3 4 5 well located," were. Additional information gained from Mostly cloudy and cooler Republican nomination is former saying," We're doing what everybody consider the laws governing Parking 60 per cenl answering I or 2, 18 per the survey is that 47 per cent of the today, nigh in the mid 50s. Partly « California Gov. Ronald Reagan. else is doing, just like any other Services unreasonable Answering the cent answered 3 and 20 per cenl students polled have cars in Bowling doudy tonight and tomorrow. Low tonight in the mid 30s. High At the Reagan camp in Lansing, Kae campaign." values statement "Do you thought the location was better than Green. Sixty-six per cent of those » tomorrow in the low 60a. Raridin. Reagan's Michigan campaign The Maryland primary also will be feel ihe laws now governing the average. having cars are registered with s coordinator, said she thinks her held today and will test the strength of Parking Services are: reasonable University Parking Services. Probability of rain 20 per cent Students opinions on the training of today and 10 per cent tonight. I • candidate will do well in the contest, Democratic California Gov. Edmund 12 3 4 5 unreasonable." 54 per cent Sixty-three per cenl are registered as especially since he is running against G. Brown Jr. in his first primary said they* were unreasonable, Ihe mcicr attendants were evenly on-campus and 37 per cent as » divided. In answer to the statement Ford. outing. answering 4 or 5. Column 3, commuters. Paje 2/The BC News, Tuesday. May 18. 1976 eoueRiaLS brown has odd mixture WASHINGTON-lf the Democrats Capitol Hill and at the National Press Ronald Reagan instead of a Democrat were to pick their presidential Club. who hails from the liberal side of the nominee by applause meter instead of party. He says there are many things stick up for your rights delegate votes. Jimmy Carter might SO PERHAPS what's unorthodox is that cannot be solved by government. well lose to . The what Brown says, not what he's been "To put government on a smaller scale Georgian is a bona fide front-runner, doing. and still make it work is a pretty good After years of unjust suffering, a group of students have seen fit to but the Califomian is a happening. John Kennedy talked of getting the trick if you can do it." Heavens to stand up and persue the nght of non-smokers at the University. This reporter has been following country moving again. Noi Brown. "I Hubert! Although it's sad to see it lias taken the non-smokers this long to presidential candidates for more than a reject get-it-done, make-it-happen But most of all. Brown excites folk realize their privacy and rights have been violated, it is commendable score of years, but seldom has a thinking" goes one of his lines. "I with his new generation approach to foreign affairs. He calls it "planetary' that something is now being done about it. candidate come along with greater want to slow things down so I ability to set off crowd vibrations than understand them better." realism" It is a curious blend of One avenue to insure rights to those who care enough about their fatalism about man's survival and the health not to smoke is to offer smokers' and non-smokers' sections Kdmund G. Brown. Jr. John Kennedy had his "jumpers." in the Maryland primary on May IX is traditional doctrine that America has a of some classes in which there are many sections offered. Brown has them, too, even in jaded to say it inadequately. Even as a late Humphrey wants to decree full responsibility to play a major world This way, a non-smoker might request to be placed, for example, Washington and New York, those starter in the pnmary race. Brown is employment by act of Congress. role. The US must join widi other in an English I 12 class with only other non-smokers and students wide-eyed. wide-mouthed young very big box office. He may not be Brown pleases the Democratic liberals nations "to find more benign ways of who don't mind the smoke would be placed in a class only with women who leap and shriek able to catch up with Carter, but on a by saying he supports the living in this fragile space" even while smokers. ecstatically at just the sight of him. one-to-one basis. Brown is his match. Humphrey-Hawkins bill. But Brown maintaining "a strong economic and Such an idea has worked in sectioned-off areas of commercial And. interestingly, jusi as hard to pin carefully refrains from specifying how military presence." airline flights and could probably be implemented in classes. ADLAI Stevenson had his devotees, down on the issues. he would do it and leaves the distinct Separate classes is only one idea that can be pursued on the issue those voters who cherished his Brown came east with a reputation impression that he wouldn't do it So what should we make of Jerry thoughts and savored his phrases. So. as an unorthodox politician with a Humphrey's way. Brown'' Is his call for America's of non-smokers' rights. Then are other ideas being proposed to repentance and retrenchment the most students from the wrath of harmful smoke which usually hangs in a different way. does the governor lean lifestyle. No mansion for him. No of California. Hubert H. Humphrey limousine. No time for those political As governor. Brown once suggested message the Democratic party has in most classrooms and can cause harm even to people who are not was not the only politician who stood banquets at which governors like to that full employment could be heen waiting for'' Or is'he just another ' j actually smoking the cigarette. on the sidelines at a crowded Capitol hear themselves. achieved by "working-sharing." with stop-Carter pol in prophet's clothing'' Something has to be done. Now. caucus room the other day and Yet Brown has been doing all the full-time workers culling back on their Whatever he is, the Eastern crowds are watched in fascination as the slender orthodox things on his campaign hours so die unemployed could have lapping it up. If he ever gets into the young man at the microphone foray-handshaking, patting the heads part of the action. That, by die way. is While House, you may not like his enthralled more than 100 Democratic of children, huddling with old-line not so different than the job-sharing style of governance, but he's positive it a | lawmakers with die thoughts of Democratic bosses in Maryland and in system in socialist countries. will be good for you. give them the privilege Brown. New York and New Jersey, and To say that Brown is the Pied Piper bidding for national media coverage AND THERE are times when Jerry Copyright. I<>7(i. Universal The Ohio legislature recently passed a bill that would give. who will lead voters away from Carter through appearances on television, on Brown sounds like Jerry Ford or Press Syndicate/Detroit News neighborhood residents the same rights that bar owners in those neighborhoods have enjoyed for years. It is about time the legislature has seen fit to look out for the interests of the citizens, who until this time, had absolutely no means our society's problem of appealing the issuance of a liquor license once it had been cleared by the Department of Liquor Control. Before passage of the law. if residents of a neighborhood wanted By Michael A. Cindotac 20). Needless to say. I was appalled by determined by the age of live, if not Mr. Thomas and others of his narrow to prevent a bar from opening on their Mock, they were forced to 433 I hiiiMni this suggestion-thai homosexuals are then, then certainly by Ihe age of mindset have a duty to educate take their appeal to the State Department of Liquor Control in Guest Student Columnist necessarily transvestites-and thought seven. themselves about homosexuality and Columbus. If the citizens won, the bar owner could still appeal the that stereotyping went out with the to come to grips wilh the reality that decision. If the harowner won, the people could do absolutely One need not go into the issues of dark ages. For the benefit of Mr. What possible stigma can be there are alternate lifestyles lived by I nothing. compassion or human justice in Thomas and those of similar mind. attached to another human being for real people who are worthy ol With the passage of the new law. citizens not only have the right discussing the subject of who are among the enlightened. what was determined by basic genetic, understanding. common decency, homosexuality; more at seems human dignity, and respect. to appeal the issuance of new licenses, they also have the right to Informed, and intelligent or Bowling physiological. psychological. and to me. is the process of educating an Green's student community. I present environmental factors at such an early appeal liquor license renewals. uninformed, if not misinformed, my views. age'' And yet. one need only listen to Certainly. Mr. Thomas cannot pui I This new law gives neighborhood residents the means to society. the conversations of students on himself above the American effectively oppose proposed new bars for their area. It would also This a.tide was prompted by Jerry The fact is well-taken that I lace a campus to detect not Psychiatrist's Association which has | insure that barowners would be more concerned with the effects of Thomas' letter in the BG News very hostile and. indeed, homophobic open-mmdedness. but a perfect removed homosexuality from Ihe their businesses on the surrounding community. (Friday, May 14) suggesting gays on audience. The fact is also well-noted microcosm of societal prejudice: "sickness" list and has accepted it as a . The legislature has waited long in protecting the rights of campus "wear pink lace dresses on that the audience (college students, scorn, mockery, and contempt for valid means of sexual expression. non-drinkers. But the new law is better late than never. that big day" (Blue Jean Day, May and particularly, college males) is at an gays. age when sexual matunty and It is ironic that it has taken integration are still in-process In any I can only stale I basic psychology thousands of yeais for man to discover case. I feel the time has come for the ptineiple--"delense reaction "--and lhat neurosis does not depend on one's , | young men and women on tins campus caution these sexually insecure orientation, but rather on one's lack of to discuss the subject of "he-men" on campus that perhaps, in it (whether sexual or otherwise). In " ] homosexuality with seriousness, downing gays. Ihcy themselves this enlightened age. we have maturity, and intelligence. "protested! too much" and may be uncovered the fact thai there arc , experiencing revulsion at that neurotic heterosexuals as well as The fact is. society has imposed potential homosexuality in their own neurotic homosexuals. (Most upon the male an unlortunate personalities. homosexual neuiosis. I might add. "machismo" role; therefore, it is results from dealing with the guilt as . j understandable that college-aged men Too many men and women, quite well as with societal pressures should feel naturally threatened and heiaosexually oriented, greatly fear condemning this form of sexual defensive about homosexuality at a that homosexual potential which orientation; and subsequently, the • time when peer pressure, especially, exists in all of us; and yet. homosexual is hindered from achieving _ j demands nothing less than total psychologists tell us that, in fact, an acceptance and integration o f masculine behavior We had all hoped homosexual experiences. dreams. his/her own sexuality.) that the Women's Liberation fantasies, and curlositles-whether Movement would have dispensed with acted out or repressed- are often a Neuiosis, for all of us. results whenJ "role-playing." valid and necessary part of the we fail to accept reality. I think it is growth piocess. Theie is time for BG students to consider the/] CONTEMPORARY psychologists no shame to this reality and yet, I feel, homosexual reality in an intelligible* hold that human beings begin life with that if this campus took part in a fashion if only, through understanding, a bisexual orientation and. as the total sexual survey, there would be violent, and dialogue, to make this world a process of adolescence occurs (and not unequivocal denials that tittle better place to live not just for' necessarily ending at the ages of 21 or homosexuality had a part in anybody's gays and "straights." but for anyone 22), one form of sexual orientation life. who believes in respondinga takes precedence over another openmindedly to other human beings. (although the basic latent potential for I AGREE with Mr. Thomas" letter 'BJOJSEMESlR- IT'S TIME FORTH* tf.EttSAR HOW FUBUC rWKE the oilier remains). In addition, some that people have a right to do I INTEND to wear blue jeans this' psychologists hold that a person's whatever they wish in the privacy of Thursday. May 20. simply because I, m> MEMORIAL WHIPPING...' sexual orientation is already their own homes; hut I also feel that like them and find them comfortable; but. even more so. they are an' indication of my willingness to listen- and learn. I encourage oiher, open-minded people to do the same. For the gay organization on campus, I* strongly suggest a future seminar on- Lerrers the subject of homosexuality, not for, protecting us from those whose job it condemnation, divine justice required other gays, but rather, for the co-op is to protect us in the first place. that Jesus die (1 Cor. 15:3, 22; Ex. education of the heterosexual students' Walking across campus, or riding my biblical 21:23) however. God being of the THe BG news on this campus; I hope that by taking" itself seriously, this organization will, Would you like to buy youi hooks bike has turned into a game of divine nature (Rom. 16:26). could not EDITORIAL STAFF receive a seriously worthwhile and cheaper and sell ihein loi more? If SO, dodgem. So far in the last three weeks have died. confusion aditor iosaph f. svolkrt N accepting response from students. ' then you should visit the Student one security cat and two meter maids' managing aditor kavin b. mccrey Co-op. Located in die Centre* three wheelers have come close to The death of Jesus entitles all men. nanw aditor patrieia a. thomas running me over. In his letter of May II. Mr. Heim living and dead, to the perfect and aditoria! aditor iamaa a. duiawsfci I think Thursday, May 20. can be air Building (just south of Education), the wira aditor wtHiam p. aaundan Co-op is a student-run establishment states "The Bible tells of God's harmonious life which Adam lost opportunity for the start of thatj (Rom. 5:14-18). One might ask if free makaup aditor rabart w. bortal which sells textbooks, lecords and Thiotighout the year other metei becoming a man in Jesus Christ." His worn aditor «iii» e. anap positive response, and personally, f other assorted items. It is a non-profit maids have also almost made me their reference to Jesus "Being God..." is life is offered lo all, what keeps one photo aditor lanoa a. wynn intend to utilize that day for organization with you. the student. In victim. They are good at giving tickets Incorrect. God has a plan to restore from doing whatever he pleases, right copy aditor charlaai. ackstain intelligent discussion with members of j 10 people, but not owning a car. I mankind, un the earth, lo the or wrong. The scriptures say that after mind. We're sure you have got better BUSINESS STAFF the gay community, hoping other. | things to spend your money on. so should not be one of their victims. 1 harmony and happiness he knew in the the resurrection Christ will rule with a students will do likewise. Any sexually rod of iron (Rev. 2:27. Psm. 2:°); businsu minaoir douojas a. Hank save a little and visit the Co op guess that when they get in then garden of Eden (Matt. 6:10. Isa. mature and well-integrated person' | vehicles they gain a false sense of 35:5-9, Rev. 21:4) and this is possible those who are used to living sinful lives •(•vanning manafar .... aordon 1. aayra cannot see this as threatening. Rich Stewaid power. These drivers were going well because Jesus, not God. "gave himself shall have a more difficult time ulaa manasar rynna d manak 3I.H'oiikhn over the speed limit, and not taking a ransom for all to be testified in do returning to the righteousness that God will demand of them (Isa. 35:8). Tha BO N.w» it publnh.d Tuaadayi Fact: there are 7,093 males on the, Kim Hawkins proper care to watch foi pedestrians time," (I Tim. 2:6); all refers lo all thru Fridays during rh« regular school while turning into the student services men, living and dead (1 Cor. This is why it was necessary for yaar, and onoa a waak durinf tha BG campus this spring. The old Ktnsey 331 McDonald North Sodom and Gomorrha to be destroyed study detei mined that 5 per cent of [ Resident Life Association parking lot where it happened on May 15:12-24). aummar tasuont, undar authority of tha 4. (2 Pet. 2:6,9). Furthermore, those Publications Committaa of Bowling the males are homosexual; recent* I The confusion about God and Jesus who are unable to progress toward Groan Slam University. studies indicate lhat figure may be,| righteousness during Christ's reign will Opinions asiprasaad in aditoria) closer to 10 per cent or IS per cent. safety If I hadn't been watching for cars. I being one being is due lo a cartoon* or othar columns in tha Nawa might have been a new addition to the misunderstanding of John 1:1, be destroyed (Isa 65:20. 1 Cor. do not nacaawniy raflact tha opinions of The reality then, is that at least 354,* | health center's critical list. specifically "and the Word was God." 15:25). At the end of one thousand th« Univanity Administration, faculty or and possibly as many as 1,063 of the' All the recent concern about the naff or tha Stata of Ohio. Opinions rapes on campus, which are just, and Let's see if these people can't slow The original manuscript states "and years. Christ will turn the kingdom males on this campus are homosexual., 1 over to God (Rev. 21 :l-6). From_that asprassad by columnists do not You may think you are able to pick the controversy over the round-nose, down. Sure they have Uieir jobs to do, the word was theos." theos meaning nacassarily raflact aha opinions of Tha or hollow point bullets is showing that but if they relaxed and took things "a God". This is further supported by time on, mankind will experience BG Nawa. EdMoriafs in sna BO Mava out ten or twenty on campus who are* I happiness such as has never entered raflact tha opinions of tha majority of obviously (but can you be sure?) "one> [ our BGSU campus security is trying slower the campus would be safer to Phil 2:6 ie. "form of God." 2 Cor. 4:4 the hearts of men before (Rev. 21:4,1 mambars of tha BO nkma. editorial very hard to protect us from the walk across, and these people would ie. "the image of God," Col. 1:13 ie. of them," but how do you pick out, Cor. 2:9). raj, those whom you have no season to criminal mind. probably do a better job. "his dear son." and Eph. 1:3 ie. Editorial and Buasnasa Officot The meter-maids are doing a fine "Father of our lord Jesus Christ." 108 Unraatglty HaJI "suspect'7 For all you "know, you/ I Gerald E. Moore job of protecting us from those who David Lipkin Furthermore, in order for Jesus to Phona 372 2003 own roommate could be homosexuali j 213Conklin and you would be none the wiser. park illegally. But what about 434 Danow redeem mankind from Adamic Tuesday. May 18, 1976. The BG News/Tap 3 i day in review Summer job outlook 'not good' Editor's note: Thh is the only were about 40-50 employment," Zimmerman our mailing lid," candidates for jobs and arid last of two articles dealing full-time positions on said, "we do not have a Zimmerman said, adding the employment office it campus last year and of need-based referral system thai these would most likely the University is at I From Reports with the functions of the Office of Student those. 15-20 were held by although there are some be new organizations or disadvantage- over meat campuses that do have those hiring for the first organizational personnel A FEDERAL APPEALS conn ISrAEU SOLDIERS killed an Arab Employment. Today's furloughed staff employes. yesterday upheld conspiracy and perjury youth yesterday and ordered three These employes are the them." time. He said professors offices, because the office article examines University convictions of former military curfews as new riots erupted classified University who recently received must deal with a diverse summer employment. assistant John D. Ehrlichman for against Israel's occupation of the West employes who work He said financial aid is federal giants for research number of jobs. authorizing the break-in of the office of Bank of the Jordan River. full-time during the involved to the extent that protects frequently fall into "The quarterly turnover Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist. The 20-year-old Palestinian was the By Sherry Kirkendall academic year. wages from employment this category, as well as of johs and class schedules rs The three-judge court also upheld the ninth Arab killed since the outbreak of Staff Reporter Zimmerman said the could affeel the amount of employers who do not not a part of most personnel conviction of G. Gordon Liddy. the anti-Israeli disturbances in the West Bank average number ol hours money that a student operate during Ihe regular functions." he said, adding former White House official. who planned nearly three months ago. The Israeli The outlook for students involved in a part-time job is receiving federal financial academic year. his job has further been the 1971 burglary against Dr. Lewis J. military command said the youth was seeking University johs this 10 or II. and that he aide is entitled to during the Zimmerman said his complicated by a lack of Fielding. killed by army warning shots when angry summer is not good, discourages a single student academic year. office tries 10 reach not funds forcing labor cuts. He : But the court reversed the convictions rioters attacked a truck on a highway according to Kurt K. holding more than one only the department, but is the only fuH-time of Eugenio Martinez and Bernard L. outside Jerusalem, threatening its Zimmerman, director of occupational position. The University also also the person in that professional in the office. Barker, the Cuban exiles who actually passengers. Two soldiers in the truck fired student employment. "It "We try to keep student participates in the Federal department who will be in TO BE eligible for .). broke into the doctor's office and in self defense, a communique said. doesn't look any worse than employment down to one College Work Study need of employes. "We try employment during the searched Fielding's files for material But an Arab school principal, who said in previous years, though." job per student." Program which is geared to pinpoint not only the academic year, students about Ellsberg. he saw the shooting, claimed an Israeli he said. "It's always been Zimmerman said, "and the especially for students with department but also the must be enrolled for I Ellsberg stood trial for leaking the soldier sprayed a random burst of rough." reason is that we try to financial need. "That is the person." said Zimmerman. minimum of 12 credit Pentagon papers study of the Vietnam sub-machine gun fire from a moving truck The University employs spread around the number only strictly need-based "IT*S A two way hours. These hours of war to the press, but charges against him at stone-throwing rioters "and the truck about 2.800 students during of jobs that are available to program that we process." he said. enrollment must be were dismissed by a federal judge. didn't even stop." the regular academic year. the greatest number of administer." Zimmerman "If you solicit johs you maintained throughout the The number of available sludents." said. better have the candidates period of employment. jobs drops to about 500 available, and if you have During the summer, during the summer, "We try to keep student employment down to one job the candidates hut not the students musl be enrolled A NEWLY DISCOVERED FBI IRAN AND VENEZUELA will push according to Zimmerman. per student," Zimmerman said, "and the reason is that we jobs, it falls down there too. for 12 or more hours for "assassination file" is expected to provide for an increase in oil prices when the "We have the same basic- try to spread around the number of jobs that are available The personnel function is both summer terms further evidence of what the bureau 1 .'-nation oil cartel meets next week in jobs that are available to the greatest number of students." always caught in-between. combined or at least ax failed to tell the Warren Commission. Indonesia, but opposition by Saudi during the academic year." "If we make the wrong credit hours for the term Senate aides said Sunday. Arabia could lead to another he said. "There are just Zimmerman said students Inventory of the student referral the first time, they desired employment. The aides, who had not seen the file confrontation between price hawks and fewer of them in the aie given first priority for labor pool and solicitation they're not going to think It is recommended #i«t but who had seen an mdex of items doves. summer." jobs, after furloughed staff of summer jobs is handled student employment the students work no more than contained in the tile, said there was no James E. Akins. former US ambassador STUDENT JOBS lie members. On occasions through personnel services. next time," he said, "so we 20 hours per week, but they indication it would contain evidence to Saudi Arabia and an oil expert, available in areas such as where job specifications Zimmerman said the office have to think of both ends may be employed up to a about previously unknown assassination recently predicted the result will be a clerical work, recreation, icquire an employe highly will be sending memos to all of the supply-demand total of 60 hours for a plots against foreign leaders. compromise agreement to raise prices by research, food service and trained in a specific area, departments asking for picture," two-week pay period, if no Instead, the file apparently reveals a about 10 per cent when a nine-month the library. one student with those skills statistical job data-job He said the office spends more than 40 hours are much greater awareness by the FBI of freeze expires July I. Other oil sources The Office of Student may work several jobs availabilities, times and much time screening accrued in any one week. CIA attempts to kill Fidel Castro in the say the increase will be only five per cent. Personnel has been related to those skills. qualifications. earlv 1060s. they said. A ten per cent increase in the price of compiling a record of the Outside labor may he Existence of the file was publicly imported oil. which accounts for about student labor force available considered if there are no HE SAID, departmental revealed Sunday by Sen. Walter F. 40 per cent of US needs, would add a for summer jobs. students available who meel mailing lists are kept for all Mondale (D-Minn.). a member of the penny a gallon to the consumer's price of Zimmerman said he expects the specifications. departments and Senate Intelligence Committee, m an gasoline if oil firms passed along the the academic departments organizations who employ interview on the CBS program Face the entire increase. to begin releasing their job Zimmerman said the anyone at the University. ■ 1 Nation. However, the impact of any increase requests and specifications Equal Opportunity Solicitations are directly Mondale said the committee had ordered by the Organization of Petroleum in the next two weeks. Employment Act. Title IX sought from this list. He [Sag*! written to Atty. Gen. Edward H. Levi Exporting Countries (OPEC) could be "Historically, job and financial aid are all said the office musl depend asking that the file be turned over and for softened if some smaller exporters follow requests and specifications considered in making labor on the first-time employers an explanation of why the FBI had not existing policies and do not raise their come in late." he said. referrals, but added that coming to the office told investigators about the file's prices. Ecuador has already indicated it "Only employers who really financial need was not a themselves, for he has no existence before. will not raise prices. know what . their primary factor. way of knowing where all specifications are and don't potential employment have to wait on trustee "THERE IS no financial possibilities exist. | 4 PM — close every Tuesday gat a | approval of budgets can get aid form attached to our "There could be people Rib-Eye Dinner for only S1-39 (Reg. $1.70) THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S FRENCH PRESIDENT Valery Giscard their requests in before application for hiring that wc don't have on platform committee switched chairmen d'Estaing opened a six-day bicentennial May." yesterday and elected a drafting visit in Washington yesterday celebrating He said the tendency is subcommittee heavy with supporters of the key role France played in helping for academic departments presidential contender Jimmy Carter. America forge its independence two to slow down their GROUND FLOOR | SOD/ViC MEAL | Gov. Philip Nod of Rhode Island centuries ago operations in the summer, opened the committee's final four days of rather than shut down OPPORTUNITY "*£ DEM. • hearings by announcing that he was Giscard crossed the Atlantic at a completely. The 1544 E. WOOSTER stepping down to spare the committee 1,350-mile-per-hour clip aboard the administration offices are RAPID ADVANCEMENT! any embarrassment from recently Concorde supersonic transport and was the ones most likely to ACROSS FROM THE FOOTBALL STADIUM reported remarks he made about black greeted by President Ford at an elaborate employ a consistent number FOR AMBITIOUS PERSON ghetto home life. White House welcoming ceremony. of people throughout the Gov. Wendell Anderson of Minnesota After his arrival was signalled by a year. NO LOCATION BARRIER then was elected unanimously, on Noel's 21 -gun salute. Giscard stepped to the ZIMMERMAN SAID most of the employment recommendation, as permanent chairman podium on the While House lawn and CALL BILL & DIANE WALLHEAD MIDNIGHT available to students both of the platform committee. stressed the timelessness of the concepts 216-324-2009 7173 Freelander on and off campus during of AT THE OASIS which initially brought the two countries 10 am - 6 pm Elyria. Ohio 44035 the summer was part-time A perslan shlihkabob dinner together. employment. He said there ICE ARENA LOUNGE i ' SAT. MAY 22 7:30 PM »500 a person ■r MODEL OPEN- Sponsored by the ltd S I: Restaurant Club % NOON TIL 4:30 P.M. WEEKDAYS •LIVE ENTERTAINMENT* BELLY DANCING* KEEP YOUR CAR TUESDAY EVENING 7 -9 PM I ' r&+ All tickets in advance 352-2113 SMILING... w 11-2 P.M. SATURDAY BRING IT TO: RALPH THAYER CAMPUS MANOR ' CHEVROLET APARTMENTS P1//Y1 1 DM BEHIND BURGER CHEF & CRUSTY'S PIZZA PUB PAUL THAYER NEXT TO STERLING MILK & DORSEY DRUG N. DIXIE HIGHWAY - SERVICE DEPT. 353-5751 J MOW RENTINGRE FOR SUMMER 8, FALL SCHOOL YEAR OF 1976 AMERICA'S HOURS: 8 am - 9 pm MON *♦♦♦♦ • am - 5 pm TUES thru FRI OPENINGS FOR 1-4 STUDENTS ' • am - 12 pm SAT TO FILL 4-MAN APTS. (FALL SCHOOL YEAR) F/S/ORfTE Keep your car on the go with factory authorized service. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES (21 BEDROOM (1-4) STUDENTS SUMMER QUARTER 13 GOOD REASONS FOR LIVING AT CAMPUS MANOR PIZZA Modern • Furnished • Cable T.V. | TRY OUR LUNCH SPECIALS l • 2 mm. Walk to Campus These coupons good during the hours « • 5 rrrfn. Walk to Downtown * of 11 am-2 pm and 5 pm-8 pm every day $ '• 25 business establishments at your front door l • Entrance doors secured at all times • Largo freezer for additional food savings 9" ONE ITEM PIZZA 14" ONE ITEM PIZZA & • Intercom between apartments & entrance & ONE SMALL DRINK TWO SMALL DRINKS • Pro* parking at your front door •1.43 •3.25 • Gas barbecue grill for tht gourmet cook E«p™ Jm is, W78 Expire* Jvne IS, 1978 i i * • No car recurred, save on gas, parking & operating cost * • No long walks on those zero winter days In mud & slush SMALLSUB & LARGE SUB A * ONE SMALL DRINK ONF LARGE DRINK • Wefl lighted streets between apts, campus and shopping areas + r Our^ Vliiix inn I.II1UMP, •1.25 •1.73 * • Friendly Helpful Landlords Deep ReguUr * Dish ♦-YOUR CHOICE-* l Crusl * FOR THE CREAM OF THE CROP, 1kl'i//.ij Eaplm JIM* IS, B)76 E>*t0>w*n *"»• 'egu"*' ■no '«•■■• one meO-vX" J"R\ Cf«llp.l la ai menu o*ce * FROM '240.00 PIR PERSON PIR QUARTER l<;aiMtDtl Mw *n ■"<■ * •QweiftU "WO' MODEL OPEN NOON TILL 4:30 P.M. WEEKOAYS "ii*HF£ Wiovpcp*" t. QMea* Ote-.iWIi""- t The Falcon Open * TUESDAY EVENING 7 - 9 PM SATURDAY 11 A.M. - 2 P.M. * °il !?r rr" *1* *. WoostGr St. jjj&b 352-9302 ^jgj* 1616 E. WOOSTER D. II vary 332-1306 11:00am $ * t&i*^ EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS «5W; 352-4636 • Try our New Whole Wheat Dough. • | *«J^ 352-7365 *S&«* «• WMMMMMA HWWMMW Pag* 4/The BG News, Tuesday. Miy 18, 1976 Udall promises clean cr/r, jobs

and we're also going to have After leaving the Union on the issues and unfairly • From page one CARTER'S campaign running on an anti-Washing- slogan is "Elect me and I'll (he full employment act and rally. Udall traveled to ton platform. The last two proposals tell you my programs later," have jobs-that's my Toledo for two more Ohio brought resounding ovations Udall said. promise." campaign appearances Seeing that he had the Other issues addressed by before he made his last He said there is nothing and some of the crowd to wrong with the government its feet. audience enthusiastically Udall included the pardon swing into Michigan Udall blasted the tax accepting his theories on of former President Richard yesterday itself, but it has to be breaks for wealthy unemployment. Udall M. Nixon and amnesty. improved so it is responsive Americans and cited moved from his prepared Later, in an exclusive In a brief address at a to the people. Vice president Nelson A. text too(her issues. statement to the News. fund-raising cocktail party Rockefeller's failure to pay His statements calling for Congressman Udall said he at the Concordia He told the 1.000 any taxes on his S3 million clean air. water and beaches was pleased with the Apartments in Toledo, he Democrats present that income several years ago as were met with widespread reception he received at the resounded his remarks from "I'm not going to dismantle an example of the rich acceptance and he University and admitted it the University appearance. the government. I'm going getting off the lax hook. He continued by criticizing the was more than he expected to make it work." said such people would help ecological policies of the "When you go to a But later, at the Lucas Guests at that dinner pay for the full cmploymenl President. college on that time on County Democratic Party included Democratic act. " is the worst Sunday and get that kind of Tenth Annual Ward dignitaries Irom around the president since Warren G. reception. it's really Chairman and Precinct slate, including US Rep. Udall later attacked Harding on the marvelous." he said. Committeeman Dinner, he Thomas L. Ashley (D-Ohio). front runner Jimmy Carter environment," Udall said. Udall's wife, Ella, stressed how important it Treasurer of State and for changing his stance The candidate also commented that the was for him to beat Carter. favorite daughter candidate on the Humphrey-Hawkins criticized the President's University's crowd was the from Ohio Gertrude W. Donahey. Toledo Mayor bill. He said Carter first said statements that full type of people the '1 KNOW AN underdog the measure was employment and a clean congressman is most when I see one." he said, Harry Kessler, senatorial unacceptable, then, after environmcnl are impossible. comfortable with. "and I saw one in the mirror candidate Howard M. (he "backlash of ethnic this morning " Mct/.enbaum. Lt. Gov. purity." switched his "WE'RE GOING to have "HE UKES young Richard F. Celeste and position to one of support clean air and water and people." she said, "He has a There he accused Carter Secretary of State Ted W. for the proposal. beaches and wilderness areas special rapport with them." of being overlv conservative Brown.

Curiosity lures spectators

By Jill Feder became an issue and Kurd "I just turned old enough and Carter were the to vote. Before I vote I feel Rep. Morris K. Udall candidates, all points would I should know the (D-ArlZ.) was greeted by be represented: K'ord in the candidates, the issues and "On Mo" chained In middle and Carter on all where they stand. Right rhythmic repetition and a sides." now I'm uncommitted. I'm landing ovalion Sunday When Udall said. "We're still checking things out." evening in the Grand going to have more jobs Jennifer L Cross, freshman, Ballroom, Union, where an starting January 20." shouts said. estimated 1.000 people of approval rang out from withered to listen to his the crowd, mostly views on the iSMUS, college-age. "I'd like lo know more Udtll's opening joke. Udall's tax icforni plans about Udall. I realize this is aimed ll loniu'i President and his assertion that the a stopover. I thought he was Richard M. Nixon, and his American people want a little bit general hut 1 haibed reference to Jimmy "clean air, clean water, realize he didn't have much Carter's "winning smile" decent beaches," also lime. I'd like to read more drew ippltUM, laiigliler and received prolonged positive of his literal uie. I'm cheers. So did his reference recognition. definitely interested." to President Gerald R. Several minutes of anothci student said Mo seeks to slowdown Carter Kord's being called too standing applause ended the Others were Udall Traverse City and liberal by "some ex-movie 40-minutc speech. supporters who attended to By Joe Wollet day Saturday was spent decay that is jusl as AFTER SATURDAY Marquette. which is the actor." confirm their opinions Editor campaigning here in the deadly." night's block party, Udall The audience seemed to AFTERWARD, meinbeis about Udall. city, going from the city's flew back to Washington. upper peninsula of the state. No presidential candidate agiee with Udall's of the audience gave their "I was supporting Udall DETROIT-Presidential Palmer Park to the home of IN A televised message. DC. but returned to Detroit has ever campaigned in the HMMmcnl of Ronald reasons for attending the before I came heie tonight. candidate Rep. Morris K. Democratic US Rep. John Udall said Ihe Democratic Sunday. He campaigned upper peninsula before Reagan. He called Reagan Udall rally. I specifically wanted to hear Udall ll)-An/ I campaigned Conyers Jr. Throughout the race began in January wilh here, made a short stop in "ultra-conservative. when Most said (hey came out heavily here over the day he offered the message 12 candidates, but now the Ohio and went back to Udall. according lo a press his exact stand on the aide, so the congressman you can find out where he of curiosity, but reasons issues." I.ynne I). Schmidt, weekend, with hopes of of jobs ft* all and better field has been narrowed to Michigan yesierday. thought it would be a good stands and it ain't often." varied. junior said. winning Michigan and handling of the urban he and Carter. His last-minute efforts "I'm curious for the most slowing down the problems. "Bui the so-called experts yesterday took him to political and symbolic pasture. LAUGHTER again broke part. I'm not really settled "I was definitely a Udall momentum of fellow If he is elected. Udall said now say it's all over. That Lansing. Saginaw. Flint. out after Udall's remark on who I'd vote for in the supporter. I'm going lo vote Democratic candidate "The first order of business your vote in Michigan about his opponents' views election yet." said Matthew for him." Karen S. Martin, Jimmy Carter. on January 20 will be to put doesn't count. That the on abortion: "If abortion H. Knute, junior. freshman said Though he crisscrossed the people to work." The voters of Pennsylvania and the slate. Udall's intensive Government would be an and Indiana Newsphotos by Daniel Ho- efforts were focused on this employer "of last resort," have already made the miMiopoln.iii area, wilh his Udall said, but the nation choice for you. headquarters in a downtown would be better off not "I have come to Michigan Howard Johnson Motor lo rely on welfare. to make a fight--to give the Lodge, He suggested work people of this state a clear "If I can win here. I can projects such as those choice. A choice between clearly win in Ohio," Udall conducted by President ihe doubletalk of Jimmy told the Detroit Free Press Franklin D. Roosevelt in the Carter and the clear and last week. "If I beat him in Depression era as specific stands of Mo Michigan,if al long last in a possibilities for (he future. Udall." one-on-onc contest there is "Economists-and a Taking a break from his a majority for progressive growing number of routine campaigning, Udall change, a Mo Udall-Phil govemors-from all over Ihe took lo the court Hart-Muskie-Humphrey-Ted n.ilion agree thai welfare at Wayne State University Kennedy part of this party, costs are rightfully a here lo have a shoot-out and I were to beat him here, national responsibility," with his old rival. Dr. Noah this would he as big a Udall stated. "They know Brown, counselor to the shocker as Reagan's result in that when welfare costs are president for ethnic North Carolina." paid by stale and local relations at Wayne State. governments the result is In i».K,..i7. while Udall SEVERAL TIMES Udall large population shifts that was playing roundball for mentioned he is now second are economically harmful, the , f to Jimmy Carter in terms of both lo the area people leave Brown was a guard >r the committed delegates. Carter behind, and the area lo Wayne State team. has 602 delegates, while which they move." Udall has 208.5, LAST SATURDAY four-and-a-half delegates NATIONAL HEALTH though, neither Udall nor more than Washington Sen. insurance would become a Brown was too polished, Henry M. Jackson. reality if he became with Udall shooting three Excluding today's president, Udall said. The for 10 and Brown one for primaries in Michigan and Kennedy health bill would 10. Maryland, there are 1.322 help, create a government- Udall said he has learned delegates yet to be chosen. administered heallh to compensate for having Of these. 133 will be security trust fund. only one eye. He lost his selected in Michigan. Udall said the nation right eye in a childhood On Friday Udall attacked could have national health accident, but by constantly Carter's call for elimination insurance as soon as it had a moving his head from side to of 1,700 federal agencies, president who would sign side, he said he is able to saying it is "nothing but an ihe bill. perceive depth. empty campaign ploy." He "Gerald Ford says he challenged Carter to name won't sign it," according to From the courts, Udall 17 agencies-one per Udall. traveled to Palmer Park for cent-and said Carter should "The urban crisis is a vital a trash cleanup and speech. give voters specifics about part of America," Udall Later, he went to greet Aa "Mo" pots on his tennis shoes before taking to the Presidential candidate Morris K. Udall explains the theory of dpth perception to what he intends to do to the said. "It is vitally important people at a recreation courts, he discusses the New Year's Eve, 1946 game with a group of spectators gathered towateh him play basketball against his old rival government or drop the in 1976...The fires and riots center, a bar, a Dr. Noah Brown, counselor to the president for ethnic at Wayne State University in Detroit. campaign promise. of the '60s may be gone, Greek-American festival and relations at Wayne State University. A GOOD pan of Udall's but in their place is a quiet an open-air block party. Tuesday. May IK. 1976. The BG News/Paae 5 ,

Rolling through Michigan with the Prez

By Kevin McCny smiled and waved to the proclaimed that "these life. As Walter (ronkiie made up in large number! Managing Editor President and his wife. trains make my body so settled upon his throne hjf tiirl ScOUt! and young And so it went on down unstable," but that among the CBS seats, the ichool children who had • ll was a depressing the line, from station to impression was already knaves of the reporting learned their ABCl all so Saturday in southern station, crossroads after made. kingdom came forth lo tell well. "Ford fot President. Michigan It was like the crossroads, from Flint to King Walter about the Ford lot President. Ford for Wolverines losing to the Niles. THE PRESIDENT'S alma goodness of his health and President..." Buckeyes. mater was certainly reporting. • Under gray, rain-heavy THERE WERE hundreds well-iepresented for the In Niles. the final stop of Although it could have wlouds President Gerald R who braved the rain, lining day. Besides two University the Presidential Express, the lx*en any candidate, it was a Ford's Presidential Express the tracks, waiting for the of Michigan cheerleaders, Ford's greeted their largest depressing Saturday in rolled gently westward to a opportunity to wave to the there was also head crowd of the day. A crowd southern Michigan. rendezvous with voters. speeding train and its Michigan football coach Bo •Ronald Reagan and perhaps Nurred faces. To the end of Schembechler and head the President's own political many lives a memory will basketball coach Johnny Cut ure. burn. "I waved to the Orr. both along to help the After being hidden President's train." President win the big one. several miles from the Flint On the outskirts of And then there was the Amtrak station for three Kalamazoo stood a solitary press. Always searching for /fays. Ford's red. white and high school girl, holding her the other guy's credentials blue train was pulled In the white kitten up so that it to see if he sizes up, Ihey 'depot area by its lead too could see the President seem to enjoy entertaining locomotive. No. 1776. and his train. each other, perhaps to complete with eagle and But there was more to somehow make the stars and stripes. this presidential journey boredom of six identical than the President, his wife campaign speeches easier. " THE CROWD, clustered and the people who came to The funniest scene of the aider every available shelter see them. day may have come as the within eyesight of the The Secret Service was at train passed through a small presidential coach, every comer. always hamlet. The President, at bverflowcd across the watching, never looking at .the rear of the train, was tracks. you. but through you. saying hello toon-lookers. Bands played patriotic Police armed with But at the press end of the tunes. "Yankee Doodle." automatic rifles stood guard Express all that could be ""The Battle Hymn of the at each and every bridge and seen was a grass-munching ■Republic." and then tall building, always herd of cattle. •suddenly, that tune held searching for that one The media heavies were dear by thousands of unfortunate moment. A there in full force. Johnny 'Michiganders. "Hail to the helicopter rode shotgun to Apple of the New York .Victors." tilled the air. and the Express, circling ahead Times. Jules Witcovcr of the than stood the President of like an energetic puppy Washington Post, (he the United States, most waiting for its tired master. London Times had even Valuable player for 1°34. A bevy of blonde sent reporters, as well as *x-University of Michigan beauties paraded through papers from Australia, , football center. Jerry Ford. the train, accompanying a Norway, Germany and The President and his Dixieland jazz band that Grand Blanc High School. wife. "First Mama" as she is entertained all those aboard. But it wasn't until the inown over the C'B radio One young lady, Miss god of the airwaves boarded airwaves, smiled and waved Minnesota for Ford (she the Presidential Express that to the crowd. The crowd really was from Michigan). the media people came to -Newsphofos by Lance Wynn- Fife 6/Ttie BG Newt. Tuesday, May 18.1976

Most Stores DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE 45 South Pacific 22 Buffalo Bill 40 Mine excava- V*Ja retene the noht to limit OPEN Island kingdom Z3 Fuimar rock- tions quantitiei. Pticn tV it arm 47 Certain records. name fore 41 County of effective at Krooar. in for short bobby Ireland ■ovrfmg Green Man.. May 24 48 Pitchblende and 26 Massenet opera 42 Threatening 17. 1976 thru Sun.. May I others 27 Mont sensible words 23. 1976. Nona told to Classified 43 Part of U S. A 50 Hasten 28 Railway car- daalari. Copyright 1976. HOURS 51 Balzac charac goes: Abbr. 46 Chicago airport Tha Kroftr CO. 0«NJUND*Y!l»M TOtP tar 30 Diagnostic 49 Cause to go CtHMl'M female. items 51 Caeear'acon- lot* M Ho-1., 54 Weasellike animal 32 Tamarisk salt quest 56 Handcuff tree 52 over 57 Trap 34 Actor Alan lightly Kroqei ads 38 To wit, 53 Watercourse 58 Attain a deeired Latin style 55 Transport of a U.S. fiov't Bradad Choice goal Baef Round 59 Gardener's 36 Frogs-to-be sort USOA 56 Author's con- spring concern 38 Heavenly be- 60 Precipitates ing Fr. cern, for short CHOICE ) ROUND STEAK 39 Tried out DOWN get 1 Soft drink men 2 Surpass $.•■28 •on •-//> 3 Con (with MSWtl TO ntcvioos roan spirit): Mus. ate* 4 Summer place 5 Sweet sixteen Lb *%* •r and others results 6 Thy: Fr. UUi'JJU tJJEJU 7 Vivacity 8 Sugar-bowl ACROSS 18 Sharpens 32 Prefii meaning accessory KHO 9 Curator's ■ ■■ lOr.F H MINI MIZER COUPON 1 North American 19 Work unit "g»»" f Country ClubI Assorted Flavors lynx 20 Antarctic sea 33 Dwelling of sorts 7 Remain in onr 21 delaCite 34 Finally 10 Belgian river piece 22 Crunchy 37 Phiral euffix 11 Win. in ICE 14 Gallantry 24 Fiddler crab 38 Part of the cribbage % Gal 15 Lara .con- genus street scene 12 International Ctn CREAM queror of Rome, 26 oil, used on 40 Geological term »rg 500 B.C. leather 43 Surface beneath 13 Of the ankle »> Limit 1 With Coupon I '5 Additional Furchito 44 Norsegodof 14 Gambling piece i ..•».<«••. WhnaaDaMntnafcidHwait.M.... —haw'm'ltjiimpiii 16 Now and then 29 Laud ABORTION 17 Whole number 31 Certain gardens war 19 Greek god 1IMIT ORE COUPO* PC R FIMILT Starting Rate Pricat good Won . May 17, 1976 thru Sun.. May 23. 1976 at K'oqar in Bowling Orttn. Subject to applicable ttata & local Sl2r, I -2-1 week pregnancy DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeai 'nezimmnmni terminated bv !■■■■■ KROGER MINI MIZER COUPON I Licensed Gynecologist Exflau/.awe- ABSOUIWW10VHB voummaHxarWOR? 7WTr$ IWi I NOP ANP10U fmecrranwT OH.ieAH, Assorted Colors Northern ^ CLOSf TOVOURARCA uarracTGmr.w 10U!rrs TIMEWE UHHTHEV POST-iOU KNOU KH/OOA nxmm. IAMPKTTY r INI ST f AC ILI TICS AND AmT eoratfr muN- SOT DOWN TO RSOUTTHE lOTsoFpeone IOUMBJIN-' eemem V6HTUITH BATHROOM 4CA MODF HN TLCHNIOUCS TBBsvaxxarum' SOMB SERIOUS LeOMBN' UHOAKE-UH.. | J08S TWT CROUP'.. OW0SBIN6I CALL TOLL FREE _ TISSUE a D9 800-362-1205 39 llOtO* Limit 1 With Coupon I '5 Additional Purchn. N I ...;■■ •'«*• »«> It f <|tnnM *otf OWti Cawyoni aV.e* »nn«at«l>«>».h \ IMHT tH COOPM Pit FUM.T V Pricat good Mon . May 17. 1976 thru Sun., May 23, 1976 at Ktoyot in Bowling Graen. Subjoct to applicable ttata & local .taxes,

KROGER MINI MIZER COUPON ■ enuine IDAHO is *fJ &&?**** =^ POTATOES I | Limit 3 B«t« With Coupon * '6 Additional Purchase -««*>- CLaSSIFIED «•» LMIT 0II C0UPOI PBUSES'" Save MCJJ good Won., May 17, 1976 intu bun., May 23, 1976 at Km*, in Bowling RIM Subnet lo apoucaola .1.1. * |«,| '2.10 WANTED: CAMPUS CALENDAR Way lo go Duck & Gary. Oh Apt. A. turn., 3 bdrm. June! !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ yeah, HI KAREN!! 15- Sept. 15. Total rentl Tuesday, May 18. 1976 $300. Deposit $75. Call] ■ KROGER MINI MIZER COUPON ■ ■■■I 353-3611 or 352-6489 Articles, Kroger Hl-Nu (2% Butterfat) Sarah Coventry Jewelry Party Living Center No. 12 Home Don't forget to wear your Ec. Bldg. 347 p.m. Open to all. Door prizes. Jeans on Thurs. May 20. 1 f. to subl. for summer. 2% LOWFAT Furniture, Frazee Apt. 353-4592 Personal Devel 1 Life Plan. Center CREATIVE FINDERS OVERSTOCK Gallon EXPRESSION WORKSHOP. Rm. 320 Stud. Serv. 3-5 p.m. SALE, prices reduced. 2 bdrm. apt. to subl. sum*.| Household Goods, qtr. Carpeted, a/c, laund [ MILK Ctn Free & open. 1 PADDY MURPHY arrived fac. in bldg. 4 blks. froml Limit 1 With Coupon I '5 Additional campus & 150/mo. util.| Active Christians Today fellowship meeting Commons NE 7 in BG today upon his ta»>a«a< IVMaa hi,»i.»tu,».ui)ih.. i o-prt Ha*- '*»—- H i ■e.MHetteM *"a1 Ottai Canaan*. Pm*+*mm Wasmata——«u M. serious student 841 and item pickup 21043 the body to show, House to subl. sum. 3| LIMIT OAl CJUrOII rtfl rltlll' Save Luther Apts. 120/mo. Then Saturday morning bdrm.. 4 man 52.50/mei.f Priest good Mon.. Way 17. 1976 rhni Sun., Wav 23. 19/6 at 3 72-3985 after 5. 353-2821: util. incl. Krogar in Bowling araan. Subiact lo applicabla ttata a, local Ph. 372-2664 LOST: Car keys, 8 keys, br. its off to Cedar Point park 15' leather holder. Reward. On to Fremont Holiday Inn 2-1785. 1-2 f. needed to share apl. to party through dark. 1.2 & 3 bdrm. fum. aptf..I ■uLiflLM tmimn summer. Call 352-7844. for sum. 1/or fall. 352-5239| ■ KROGER MINI MIZER COUPON ■ ■ ■ I Eumes Bar. Happy Times. or 823-7555 after 5. * Herrud HELP WANTED PERSONALS Thurs. 8-12 p.m. 809 So. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT. Main St. 1 bdrm. fum. apt. to subl. WAYNE FINDERS - OVERSTOCK June 15-Sept 1; $350; a)l| SMOKY Job openings in dining room APTS. & kitchen. Island House SALES, Prices reduced. FOR SALE util. incl. Free laund: rm; 2| Hotel. P.O. Box K, Port blks. from campiAj LINKS Clinton. O. 43452 or Blue Jean Day Thurs. B.G. '71 Nova Low mi. $1475. 6 352-1369. DELUXE : KI)R\I Gay Union. m 1-734-2166. eye. radio & 2 dr. 352-0546. Limit 4 With Coupon I '5 Additional nwehate FURNISHED \PTS 1 bdrm. turn. apt. avail 7-1.1 I •< .. • ft.,. IrV.rt. h I .»av*t I.. Anal ()*► CiMQIBWa «*•»*» Pur.Kai** HaQ-|n«|iHI Drivers w/car. Apply in Eumes Bar. Happy Times. BSR 310 turntable. $20. Yd. veg. oiden $150 util [ LIMIT ORE COUPON H* MMILT Thurs. 8-12 p.m. 809 So. pd. sblet/rent. 352-3866. Pricat good Mon., May 17, 1976 thru Sun,, May 23. 1976 at ■VPTS. \\ AILXRLI person. Crusty's Pizza Pub. Call Sue. 352-3167. Kroger m Bowling Green. Subiact to applicable ttata & local FOR F VLL 532 E. Wooster. Main St. '73 Ford Super Van. a/c., CAMPUS MANOR APTS.I Laurie, Everything's coming 505 CLOUGH ST. (Behirfdl SERVICES OFFERED fm 8-Track stereo. CALL FOR APPT up roses! Congratulations 352-2197. Burger Chef) CARTY| 372-0052 EMPA Emotional & for being chosen Pi Kappa APTS. 311 E. Merry St. {IVt IFNOANSVVLK Mateiial Pregnancy Aid. We Phi Rose Queen. We're all 71 Chevy Vtn, carpeted, blks. from Towers) <2| proud of you. L8>L, Your bdrm. -4 man apts. (will! CALL 352-3029 care. 352-6236 M&F 1-3 good cond. Asking (1300 or GROUND BEEF CHUCK ADPi Sisters. place 1-2-3 students into aVtl p.m. T.. W.. Th„ 6:30-9:30 make offer. 352-8242. p.m. apt. to fill 4 man apts,)| 724 Chi O's - Thanks for making 1975 CB 400F, Honda Summer rates for l-2-3-4| Sixth St. Expert typing. Reasonable formal a huge success. Love, Sopor Sport Low mileage, students. 352-7365. aTaWa__FaV* rates. Call 352-7305. T.C. ex. cond., extra's, $1150 Lb firm. 353-2572. 2 bdrm. house big lot. f6rl Wash your jeans now so PHOTOS • Passport, I.D. sum. Call Gary. 352-401,3 Applications & Portraits. they'll be clean on Thurs. '69 Datsun convertible. Low after 5 p.m. Call Hager Studios. mileage. Call 352-0789 after 353-5885. AMERICAN INDIAN 4 p.m. Apartments & rooms fall JEWELRY GREAT summer rentals. 352-7365] WANTED GRAD. GIFTS. NOW AT Mini-refrig. Call 2-5.790. Harrud Round Water Added THE LITTLE SHOP. 2 apts. in Grand RapidsJ F. housemate wanted. Own Red 1970 MGB-GT wire 1-bdrm. carpeted. $135.1 rm. $80/mo. sum. or fall. TEKE EPIPRYTANIS wheels, ex. cond. Ph. 2-bdrm. w/kiL, 1. R.,d.r. &| Inquire 402 E. Court. ALAN NEIBES Defiance, 784-1538 after 5 pantry. $165. Both unfum... BONELESS HAM Congratulations on being p.m. overlooking Maumee Rive*.I 2 f. needed summer qtr. 121 tapped into OOK! Call 832-6263 col lac t. afte Lehman (rear). Lee, TR-6 1973 Sun/fun; am, 5 p.m. ' Plant sale through Thursday 352-5656. fm; custom bumpers; area 138 in the Union foyer. Many URGENT - APT. TO SUBL.J 419 collect 473-2267 or WANTED: COOK TO varieties to choose from. All 531-4314. 2-MAN. $75/MO. CALA COOK FOR FRAT. proceeds go to charity. 352-5750. HOUSE. APPROX. 48. FOR RENT Dave B. • Thanx for the 372-3946 Dan: or 372-3746 4 f for 2 bdrm. fum. apt.1 song. No one ever, sang to Jim. Preferred Properties renting living rm., kit., bath, study! me before. Kathy. P.S. for summer & fall. Special rm., front & back porches | Great Show Sunday! -i "RAINCHECK " POLICY F. for 1976-77 acad. yr. summer rates. $300. Call for Free wash & dry. A.C., surt Room & board in exchange Info. 352-9378. deck. $250 ♦ util. Laase.l N tverythinu, you buy at Kroger is guaranteed for your total satisfaction ipgard for babysitting & light ATTENTION LADIES. Call 353-0055 froml ERF STILL DOESN-T 8:30-4:30 M-F. less of manufacturer If you are not satisfied Kroger will replace your it en house work. 352-3190 after Married couple: 1 bdrm. HAVE A DATE FOR THE with the same brand or a comparable brand or refund your money 5 p.m. turn. apt. $160/mo. pd. util. HUN PARTY, LETS GO 4 bdrm. house to sublet for) We erso guarantee that we will do everything in our power to have ample 3520143 after 4. GIRLS HE JUST GOT HIS sum. fum. $300/mo. CJ supplies of all advertised specials on our shelves when you shop for them F. for summer apt. Call . ■> OUTFIT READY. Wooster. Call 352-6160. If due to conditions beyond our control, we run out of an advertised special, 352-6118. Univ. VIII. & Courts fall we will substitute tfte same item in a comparable brand (when such an item apts. avail. Office open 11-3 1 1. needed. Apt. 76-77. B.G. Baar says: "Don't dally. 235 Mercer or call Apt. to subl. for sum. a/c.,2, •t • ■• available) reflecting the same savings or if you prefer give you a RAIN $70/mo. 352-8362. forget to turn in your 1977 bdrms. Close to campusl CrfFCK which entitles you to tha same advertised special at the same pnee 3520164. KEY order blanks with your University Village] any time within 30 days M. graduate student wants registration cards." For summer 256 S. College. 352-6268. Tues*y, May 18, 1976, The BG News/Page 7 Wind turbine seen os future cheap power source

By Wfflk Sbuchtcr of 100 kilowatts (lew 1 and is mounted on a 100-foot tower. Construction time was 18 months, and Glasgow Staff Reporter The rotor contains two aluminum blades, each measuring estimated that it would provide about 30 years of service. 62.5 feet and weighing 2,000 pounds. "We have firm plans to build four additional machines of .«« Because of rising utility costs, the National Aeronautics The turbine begins to generate power in 8 miles an hour different types in the future, but the sites have not been and Space Administration's (NASA) Cleveland-based Lewis winds, and reaches its maximum 100 kw output in 18 miles chosen yet ."he said. Research Center is trying to find alternate power sources an hour winds. The maximum blade rotational speed is 40 The practice of using the wind as an energy source would .!• for the future. One such soiree is the wind turbine. revolutions a minute and the blades automatically stop if continue "only if it proves to be competitive with energy Located in NASA's Plum Brook Station in Sandusky is wind speeds exceed 40 miles an hour. produced by other means," he explained. the world's largest operating wind turbine. Construction on ACCORDING TO John Glasgow. NASA's project Glasgow said the economic factors of using wind turbine the experimental wind turbine was completed in manager for the wind turbine, the cost of the machine was on a large scale wcie not known, but would be determined September. The turbine has a maximum generating capacity $650,000 with research equipment costing SI million. within five years. Non-smokers rights put forth in petition, seminar

By Renee Munwski protection of rights of any time, according to and University Provost Dr. According to McNeil, the lo leave the room, according Stiff Reporter non-smokers. Parsons. Kenneth W. Rothe. petitions will prompt to McNeil. •i «. HPE Department Parsons also said research Sheili G. McNeil, students to bting up "WE'RE NOT trying to How far do the rights of Chairman Dr. Terry W. shows that cigarette chairman of the seminar's the smoking issue the first come down and discipline smokers extend'.' Parsons, who conducted the smoking poses hazards to committee for non-smokers' day of every quarter in smokers, but we want to According to a group of seminar, said students think smokers and non-smokers rights, said the petitions do every class. Non-smokers promote a self-enforced graduate students in the a state of hypocrisy exists alike. not call for sanctions against should voice their code of respect for the department of health and on campus because smoking smokers but are designed to objections to smoking in the nglits of others." she said, physical education (HPE). takes place in classrooms "Smoke from a cigarette increase students' awareness classroom at that time. adding that smokers also are smokers' rights stop when although it is prohibited by lingering in an ashtray is of their rights as McNeil said she is not in encouraged to sign the smokers begin to inflict law. more dangerous than that non-smokers. favot of designating a petitions. their habit on non-smokers. which is exhaled because THE PETITIONS state scclion of each classroom as "This may be an With this in mind. 12 A 1959 decision by the the smoker acts as a that non-smokers have the a "smoking area." opportunity for smokets to students who participated in University Board of filter,"he said. right to breathe clean air. to "You can't section off stop and lake a look at their a winter quarter graduate Trustees ruled that no Parsons said the gtoup speak out against smoking smoke, bul thai may he one habit. Maybe if they cut health seminar are smoking be permitted in hopes to collect 8,000 and to prevent or discourage alternative if all else fails." down in the classroom circulating petitions this classrooms, laboratories or signatures, which they will smokers from polluting the she said. Students who wish they'll cut down week calling for the olher instructional rooms at forward to Kaculty Senate atmosphere. to smoke should be allowed altogether." Michigan, seat of next primary, seen as crucial

By The Associated Press could not be so serious to me," Carter said of his race Udall. in Michigan also, demanded an apology from against Brown, who is facing his first primary test. Carter Carter and from Detroit Mayoi over a President Ford and Ronald Reagan stayed home left Maryland for Michigan on Monday, while Brown remark Young made tying Udall to the racial policies of the yesterday while Democrats Jimmy Carter and Morris Udall continued campaigning in Maryland Mormon Church. went to Ford's home state of Michigan. The most tecent Maryland polls indicate a dose election, Udall said his parents were Mormon leaders bul ( he Michigan is holding Republican and Democratic with a Baltimore Sun poll published Monday showing splil with the church 30 years ago over its policies, which presidential primaries today, and the GOP vote in his home Carter leading 31 per cent to 28 per cent. But the polls deny blacks the rank of priest, which is given lo every other state is considered a crucial test for Ford, who has lost five show 25 to 30 per cent uncommitted, with the rest faithful male member. of the last six primaries to challenger Reagan. scattered among other candidates. Frontrunnei Carter was challenged in Michigan by Udall In Michigan later. Carter said: "One good thing about my MWWWWWWWWW NASA researchers arc trying to devise in inexpensive and in Maryland by California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr.. campaign has been that I can accommodate a loss every source of power to hold down the rising costs of but he said neither was crucial in his getting the Democratic now and then without having it deal a major blow to me. I The Brothers of utilities. One of the sources tried is the wind turbine, nomination. He is "absolutely" certain of a first ballot don't have to win every primary." like this one, located in Sandusky. (Photo courtesy of nomination. Carter said. NASA Lewis Research Center) CARTER SAID he thought he would do well in BETA THETA PI "A DEFEAT for Brown would be a serious Michigan, but he said a loss would not cripple his chances. would like to congratulate Sigma Phi Epsilon Wheelchoired athletes face University seniors and

By Dennis Ssdowski and Zajac lifts weights in A track meet for ihe summer Winners in the the US, however, some exhibitions, the Silver Alpha Phi Staff Reporter competition. handicapped includes every national championships will persons temain behind the Streaks usually spot their for winning the Zajac said he runs the event except the long jump, participate on the US scenes ot do not know how opponent 20 points and Dave Ramirez and Jim 100-yard dash in about 20 high jump and pole vault. Olympic Wheelchair team in organized the sport is. "just play around with BETA 500 Zajac. members of the seconds and the half-mile in Ramirez said he did not the Wheelchair Olympics The Toledo Silver Streaks. them" to maintain the Toledo Silver Streaks 3:24. Ramirez said he runs know organized wheelchair being held August 3-17 in finished this year's season interest of the fans, Ramirez ALSO Montreal. wheelchair basketball team, the 100 in about 22 seconds basketball existed until the with a record of 26-9. The said. We wish to thank the demonstrated their skills in and the half-mile in almost Silver Streak team came to Last year Zajac finished team competed in a front of the Union four minutes, but hopes to his high school for in third in weightlifting in conference that included The game will be held at participating sororities, yesterday to publicize their cut it down lo three exhibition. "When I saw national competition by Detroit, Cleveland and 7 p.m. Wednesday at fraternities as well as the game Wednesday night with minutes by June. them I really wanted to lifting 2t0 pounds in the . Zijic said there Anderson Arena. The Silver Streaks will perform a full university staff for their senior University athletes Both said they "push" play." he said. lightweight division. Now, are about 115 conferences cooperation in this year's race. from the football, about four miles a day. REGIONAL competition he said, he is lifting 300 in the US and about 20 range of athletic events basketball and hockey "Pushing" is the equivalent is being held in track and pounds. "It's not good, but independent teams. before the basketball game. teams. to jogging when a person in weightlifting through June it's not that bad." he said. Wheelchair basketball is "You've got to keep in wheelchair pushes himself at with qualifiers going to the Both agreed that played under the same rules as high school basketball, shape somehow," Ramirez a quick pace. Zajac national championships in wheelchair sports art DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN AND RUSSIAN - FALL 1976 said about participating in explained. Farmingdale, NY, this becoming more popular in only slower, he said. In * i sports despite his handicap. COURSES WITH NO LANGUAGE PREREQUISITES "I'm going to win everything at least once." German 100 (2 hrs) Introduction to Language Studies: German "I plan on staying in - FEATURING - FRAZEE AVE APTS. Section 1363, 1 TR, Gray shape." Zajac said. He said Chit Broiled Stt*ki and German 260 (4 hrs) Nodern German Literature in Translation he participates in sports Chop* Section 1379, 1-3 TF, Staff because he enjoys it. Full Court* Family NOW LEASING ' Section 1380, 3-5 MW. Staff Dinner "You've got to have German 31S (4 hrs) German Culture and Civilization competition." 12 VARIETIES FOR JUNE Section 1382, 2 MTRF, Shllaku PANCAKES 4 WAFFLES German 316 (4 hrs) Contemporary German Life . BOTH SILVER streaks Open Tuti. tftfu Sat. 7:30-« Section 1383, 3 MTWR, Thrash members participate in Sunday* 7:30-7:00 occupancy - 2 bedroom German 360 (4 hrs) Franz Kafka in Translation track and field meets for the 412 EASTWOOSTER handicapped in the Selected readings from Kafka's stories, novels, diaries and letters. BANQUET ROOM Exploration of Kafka's life, personal myth of existence, and his 100-yard and one-half mile 2 full bath, fictional work. All readings and discussions in English. dashes. Ramirez also NOON SPECIALS DAILY Section 1385, 1-3 MW, Gutmann participates in swimming completely furnished Russian 311 (3 hrs) Russian Literature: From the Beginnings thru Pushkin events for the handicapped Section 3465, 10 MTR, Hartman ■ 1 Vt blocks north Russian 402 (4 hrs) Solzhenitsyn: Life, Work, Impact (in translation) of Towers An overview of the author's major fields of work - novel, short . • ABORTION story, drama, manifesto, etc.; selected readings from his biographers?] 00 responses to his work in the Soviet Union and the West. In English. 1 '• •125. Section 3467, 3 MTWR, Hartman «* TOLL FREE • a.m. 10 p.m. 1 -800-438-5534 Closed Monday 412Ea»tWoott«r


■'■ Summer Study HAMPTON **************************. 7 r HOUSE IVEIY TUES.WED. in ■ DELUXE * 2BDRM * I SPECIAL FURNISHED J LEASING FOR FALL * VACATIONLAND APTS. * : 352-6293 j •»lfO*t.» Isn't all that bad. Ridge Manor * APIS AVAILMBLL * * r I-O'RSIJMMLR * 519 Ridge St. Ask for our brochure and 1 * 705 7th STREET * •290 - 9% mo. i then CALLfWRITEf OR VISIT a;*:****; ****** « 3 ..„ 270 - 12 mo. Bowling Green State University * SEWING t Old Fashion Prlc«d ot Rudy's FIRELANDS CAMPUS t MACHINE * •320 - 9V4 mo. ¥ DBS A IP I 4 man 901 Rye Beach Road REPAIR 300 - 12 mo. 3^*1°° Huron, Ohio 44839 * IN YOUR ROOM $ *fecr« With Rudy i «p.o#l uucfl. mustard, Tel: (419) 433-5560 ♦ CLEAN. OIL, ADJUST* onont SAVE! fully furnished AS A BONUS well tell you about sailing, cruising, swimming, summer J ALL MAKES ' * .V theatre, museums, caves, deer parks, mystery hills, CEDAR POINT — - all utilities paid RUDY'S HOT DOG p and a whole lot more!!! { 352-5600 t 4747 5606 999 5. MAIN 946SYLVANIA C U 3 717 GLENDALE'SUMMIT • BOWLING • AVENUE -f( TwoTerms: June 21 to July 23 July 26 to August 27-^ hr,. 105 * "-° AVE GREEN ************ ' ************************* a, Pi|e 8/The BG News. Tuesday. M«y IS. 1976 Earthquake in USSR worse than Italy's

MOSCOW (AP)-A Injury, according to Soviet Kizilkm desert, inhabited in Bkhara. 65 miles lo the tent city because of the severe earthquake caused officials. mostly by herders of lOUttl, reached by earlier quake. serious damage and sonic Karakul sheep. The nearest telephone, said there were That earthquake, which casualties yesterday in a BOTH EARTHQUAKES town. Gazli. about 45 miles no injuries or serious registered as strongly as mountainous par! of Soviet were reportedly several away, had already been damage al Ga/Ji. yesterday's. caused no central Asia, officials said limes sirongei than the one flattened by the April 8 He said the town, once injury because seismologists but niajoi cities in the area winch devastated northeast tremor. officials said. Ihc home of 8.000 people, gave early warning of the appeared unharmed. Italy early this month, An editor al a newspaper was now m> more than a tremor. The earthquake struck the killing more than 'K)0 Two University iparsely-populated pe 1 s o 11 s, A Moscow students do the bump, Kul/huktaii area in the seismologist said on helping to raise over U/hck repuhlic 1.500 miles television yesterday's quake Udall full of confidence S3,000 in last southeast ol Moscow. measured 7 ; on the Kichter weekend's Muscular Residents ol the area, in scale, and the April X quake 'hey. have you heard this Dystrophy Dancathon the middle ol the Soviet registered 7.0. The Italian •v By Cindy In, AT 6 FEET 5, Udall held in the Forum. one yet?'and tell him jokes. Union's largest gas fields. quake measured 6.5 lo 6.9. stands inches above almost Student Services Bldg survived .1 similar severe However, ihc epicenter It's remarkable thai a any crowd. He joked about (Newsphoto by Daniel Ella Udall. nickamed quake last month without came in the middle of the politician on the campaign the "imperial presidency" Ho) trail from 8:.'0 a.m. lo 2 of Richard M. Nixon, saying "Tiger" by campaign aides, o'clock ihc nexl morning Nixon probably had former also wonders where her can keep his wit and his press secretary Ron Zicgler husband gels lus energy. wits. precede him into the White local briefs Morris K. Udall. Arizona House bedroom saying "WE'VE BEEN running congressman, ex-pro "Mrs. Nixon. The President all morning and he hasn't basketball player, cardshark. of the United Slates." stopped once." she said. bookworm. amateur Haul B. Costdlo, Udall s Bui Udall. who lias not SGA meeting comedian and Democratic advance man. said he won a primary, has never doesn't know where the been a man to give up. There wilt in* J meeiin| <>i the Student Government presidential hopeful candidate finds his energy Coslello said Udall has Association el '' o'clock Ionian m ihc SiuJom Court, salvaged both. When Udall strode into and sense of humor had a glass right eye since a Student Services KlJ^*. fhe meeting is free and open to "He's like another Will childhood accident, but ill the Grand Ballroom. Union. Sunday, everyone , look Rogers," ("oslello said. "All never let die handicap stand Home run derby notice. ol IIS (campaign aides) say in his way. A home run derby to aid cancel victims will he held Medical records studies offered between baseball nines toda) with Wayne State. The in si game begins at 2 HI p in . Slellet Field. By Scott Haworth courts. and compile an Accredited Record broad breadth of curriculum Sponsors are needed to pledge dollars fbl each home Staff Writer statistics for medical Technician hy taking an in mosi technical education 1 tin 111 I Interested persons should contact Dennis W. research and public examination through the areas, except for public Smith b) calling I'.' 2876 A two-year program in information. American Medical Recoi d services," Reed said. "I am medical record Icchnology The program includes Association, pleased with the will he offered for the first studies in anatomy, "This is the culmination enthusiastic and continued Math lecture tune this fall at the physiology. medical of our Iwo-ycar planning support of the hx*a Firclands Campus of the icchnology. medical record with the assistance of the hospitals, and their sincere Dr. Clifford A Long, professoi of mathemalics, will Universily. Pie program is science and directed Firclands Medical Record expression of the need for lecture on computei techniques ol displaying designed to prepare students practice in a records Committee comprised of this program." three-dimensional data .11 noon tomorrow in 168 for careers in hospitals, deparlnienl al a local physicians and local hospital Further information Overman Hall clinics, doctor's offices and hospital, The student administrators." said Dr. M. concerning the program can nursing homes. receives an Associate of Douglas Reed, dean of the be obtained by contacting Applied Science degree after l-irelands Campus. (he admissions office al the l/FW openings "This program will train completing Ihc program. "With Ihc addition of the liielands Campus. people for entry level A medical record medical record icchnology The limed I aim Workei • has staff openings for both positions in a records technician may alto become progam. we will have a permanent and lummet work in the Ohio area. Staff depart men l." said Roy L. members will receive training in organization, Shafci. administrative Stall members will receive room, hoard and S5 a assistant to the dean of week, lor more Information contact Jean Pcierman. * STUDENT COURT 1976-77 * luelands Campus. "There GREEN VIEW APTS. Committee to Support the United Farm Workers, arc not a lol of programs * * 352-6228 like il statewide or NOW RENTING jsl CHIEF ADMINISTRATOR. Scott Hewson j. nationwide." FOR SUMMER & FALL QTRS. jL CHIEF DEFENSE COUNSELOR. Bob McGrew ^ Nursery show * CHIEF PROSECUTING ATTORNEY Scot Ocke J MEDICAL RECORD OPEN DAILY .2-6 The home economics department afternoon nursery technicians review, analyze ••flWW^It present its end- "I school program, and code patient records; Special Summer Rates 5 TRAFFIC STUDENT * ' ffciu\ noils." at 7:30 p'.nl Tnur'sday in 105 Manna assist in medical record T rUll. department*; prepare and 214 NAPOLEON RD .152-1195 t COURT ARBITRATION} Elementary, early childhood, child development and lake medical records lo special education majors are muted lo allend this program * CHIEF JUSTICES CHIEF JUSTICE * WEDNESDAY IS Dan Ponton Bruce MacPherson 4 Frank Copeland » J $T Ct$ * DOLLAR DAYs 4 JUST.CES " ' k | Je "WOMEN'S RIGHTS W. r» L «I_I. «- i " Spneicher * a Laura Dunbar Philip Cole ± and the QUARTER POUND Laura EQUAL RIGHTS jRick Hutchinson John Grim Cosentino J CHEESEBURGER PLATTER )f Mark Andrews John Kerns Rich Vornholt J AMENDMENT" Enjoy a quarter pound of freshly ground beef and )t> David Wylie Robert Latta Wendy Leatherman )f dairy fresh cheese on a toasted sesame seed bun. REG SI.37 Presented b> on a platter with cowboy fries and crisp cole slaw J A JUSTICE" ALTERNATE JUSTICE* PROFESSOR jf Tom Smith Mark Behlert J JANET WALLIN Toledo Universits School of Law ••••••••••••••••••••**** Good Only MAY 19th, 1976 at 7:30 MAY 19, 1976 $1.00 RM. Ill, BUS. Levi's. Levi's. Levi's. ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Roy Rogers (The largest selection ol Levi s' .leans is at your County Seat store I Sponsored by the Law Society Family Restaurants 10:30 am FREE & OPEN TO ALL 300 E. Woostez 2741 Woodville Rd. Bowling Green North wood

CONGRATULATIONS Tomorrow Night! TO THE NEW OFFICERS OF BETA THETA PI PRESIDENT MARKMcLAIN All the $' VICE PRESIDENT KEN LACKEY TREASURER DAN CICCHELLA Pizza and ASSISTANT TREASURER PHIL REID RECORDING SECRETARY FRED GREENWOOD Salad vou Children RUSH CHAIRMAN JIM SNOW under 6 PLEDGE TRAINER PAT JAQUA SOCIAL CHAIRMAN AMAURY GALLISA CORRESPONDING SECRETARY SCOTT BROWN Family Night Bullet Wednesday 5 to 9 pm <**> ALUMNI SECRETARY BOB WILLSON Levi's Jeans. In more colors, more styles, For the Lrnt't line that's moat complete more sizes! County Seat has them all. «* 'If ATHLETICS BRIAN DACY Regular denim, pre washed, pre shrunk and corduroy When it comes to Levi's. IFC REPRESENTATIVE BOB JOHNS COUNTY• TOW SEAT Pizmiott AND ACTIVITIES come to your County Seat store EAST WOOSTER STREET MARC LEHMANN (Across from lire football stadium) ""SMMATIONS Southwyck Mall near Wards SCHOLARSHIP AND SONG JAYHAWKINS TRADITIONS DAVEFENN 'ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL PARTY ROOMS Woodville Mall near Lasalles. CHAPLAIN DONN MARTIN Final MAC standings piamondmen lose hotel, 3 of 4 games MAC OVERALL TEAM W L GB W L PCT. Eastern Michigan 12 3 - 34 12 .739 The Falcons play their By Greg Smith omen when the Falcons 385-foot mark in center runners to score and force and hit a towering three-run Ohio University II 7 2V4 25 20 .556 finil home pi me, of the Assistant Sports Editor were knocked out of their field. the game into extra . homer over the left field Toledo 8 6 3M 33 11 .750 year apinst Wayne State at hotel by President Ford and But the Falcons wasted fence to give the Falcons a Miami 10 8 3H 40 20 .667 ROMIE Schwieterman Warren E. Stdler Field at 2 There"s no place like his party. BG was forced to little time scoring four runs 6-2 win. Ball State ° ° 44 34 14 .708 p.m. today. Senior Kip home. find accommodations hurled the nightcap and in the eighth frame. BOWLING GREEN 8 s .»', 32 17 .653 Young. Randy Law , Romie The Bowling Green elsewhere before Friday's pitched perhaps his best Law led the BG hittets Western Michigan 8 10 5*4 25 22 532 Schwieterman, Fred Jereb baseball team lost three of game with Eastern Michigan contest of the year. The Ron Ullery collected a with three singles, while Central Michigan 7 II 6tt 29 16 .644 and co-captain Dale Swiaer four Mid-American University (EMU)). senior lefthander limited game-winning two-out Black. Dale Swiger. Groth. Kent State 6 II 7 13 26 .333 will be playing their final Conference (MAC) games Bowling Green lost two EMU to three hits through RBI-single before Fred and Jereb each collected Northern Illinois 4 10 7Vj II 22 .333 home contests. The third last weekend to finish with hen t breaker-. to MAC five innings as the Falcons Jereb used his "blister bat" two hits. annual home run derby will a fifth-place 8-8 mark. champion EMU, 5-4. and held a slim 4-3 advantage. take place between games. Perhaps it was a bad 6-4. before splitting a pair Black's fourth- with Central Michigan single set a BG season University (CMU). The record for most hits (53). Women race to 4 locals lost the first game. The previous mark was held 12-3. but took the nightcap. by Garry Haas in 1170. The BG New 6-2 in eight innings. But the Hurons rallied for school records three runs in the sixth to SPORTS TWO OF THE top MAC win. 6-4. Gulliver's two-run By Sue Caser . Bowling Green I double highlighted EMU*! Tuesday. May 18. 1976 Par" Sports Writer Kip Young and EMU's Bob sixth frame. Owchinko. dueled for five After finding oiher hotel As a team, they finished first in the Male and 30th in the scoreless innings before the services, the Falcons went Buckeyes, Redskins prevail nation. As individuals, two of them placed among the top Falcons touched Owchinko through the motions in the ten in the country. for four runs in the sixth first game of the CMl' Bowling Green's women's track record books have been inning. doubleheader, playing in the literally rewritten this season. One might say the women After walks to Randy dismal, rainy weather at Women netters third in state thinclads have had a good year. Law and Chuck Black. Mount Pleasant. Mich. Five girls from this year's squad travelled to Kansas State Larry Owen reached base The Chippewas broke Jim By Sue Caser rewarding finish to a fine in straight sets. 6-0.6-0 and 6-1.6-2. Pilz lost to the University for the Association of Intercollegiate Athletics safely on EMU shortstop Joyce's seven-game winning Sports Writer season. 6-0.6-0 respectively. She second-seeded third singles for Women (AIAWI nationals last weekend. Four new Glenn Gulliver's error to streak with nine runs in "I am really thrilled to be was defeated by Ohio player. Fran Kielbowciz of school records were set in the four events in which BG load the bases Jeff Groth three innings Black had two ("old. rainy conditions number three in Ohio." Slate's Ann Wilson, the the College of Wooster, participated. Mistered Owchinko's first of BCi's four hits. caused last weekend's head coach Janet Parks said. state's number me singles 6-3.6-3. pitch well over the 345-foot Wrmen's state tennis "Ohio State and Miami arc player. 6-2.6-1. IN DOUBLES FRESHMAN DEB ROMSEK. running in her first marker for his first career Mike Oleksak. making tournament at Miami exceptional tennis schools, Freshman Barb Swick competition, the senior national competition, finished fourth in the 400-meter Stand slam and sixth later only his third start of the University to be moved and I am proud of out downed Wittenberg's team of Sue Rupert and hurdles with a new school record time of o.'. It. During the of the year. year, allowed two unearned indoors. performances." number two singles in Jonalee Wiandt advanced to preliminary trials. Romsck recorded a bl.l.but due to wet runs ii the fifth frame to But the change in ALL BG'S netters were straight sets 7-6.6-0. but fell semifinal action by getting and rainy conditions all the finals times were higher. The Falcons' bubble soon COUl lo Ins third win in environment did not cause a seeded in the tournament victim to Dciuson's mini her by HI HI 11 on \ number one "Deb ran beautifully." head coach Dave Williams said. burst in the bottom of the four decisions. The lanky change in the expected All divisions, except the two in the quarterfinals. doubles. 6-3. 6-4. and "She was a bit nervous the first day. but she ran better and inning as EMU rallied for sophomore limited CMl" lo results number two singles made it 6-0.6-4. whipping Cincinnati's stronger every day. five runs off loser Young. five hits after the hosls Ohio State University and to the semifinal rounds. Junior Patty Pil/. moved number one 6-2. 6-2. The "I was very happy with everyone's performance. They all 10-2. racked BG pitching for 13 Miami University finished Sophomore Mary KuiZ, to semifinal play by duo was downed by Miami did the best they could and more." Thorn Boutin's Iwo-out. safeties in the opener first and second respectively BG's number one singles, defeating Wrighl State's and 6-2.6-1. The mile relay team failed to qualify for the finals but ihrcc-run homer highlighted lo no one's surprise. annihilated Oberlin's and Ohio Wesleyan's number BG's number two doubles set a new BG record with a time of 3:57.9. Williams said lie the EMU uprising. Boutin's JIM SELGO'S fielding Bowling Green copped thiid the University of Akron's three singles with respective freshman team of Carol was disappointed that it did not qualify but pointed out Nast just carried over the error allowed two CMU place. which was a number one singles players scores of 6-0.6-3 and Rantala and Robin Ziska that only the top four preliminary finishers of each heat easily defeated their advanced. BG. running in the fastest preliminary heat, opponents. Wittenberg and finished fifth. Cavaliers on verge of NBA title elimination Case Western Reserve, in straight sets with respective MEMBERS OF the relay team include Romsck. CLEVELAND the Celtics won game No. 5 Cavaliers losses in the series. Bingo Smith saw it. failing few seconds, despite the scores of 6-4. 6-1 and 6-1. sophomore Jan Samuelson. junior Lynne Iteckman and (AP) - The Cavaliers face a Sunday in Boston 't'l-'M to to hit. emotional boost the Celtics 6-1. senior Stanene Strouss. Sttouss also ran in the 880-yard dash do-or-die game lonirfit with go ahead in the National "I THOUGHT all our They also included early gol by entry of injured John The Buckeyes took fust and set a new school record (2:16.2) but failed to qualify Boston, and Celtics coach Basketball Association's guys played as well as they foul trouble for Cavalier Havlicek. who took the place in every division for the finals. Tommy Heinshon. who was Eastern Conference playoff could, considering the stalwart Nate Thurmond, court as Thurmond walked except the number three Sophomore Jenny Gill, competing in the pentathlon, doused with beer here series 3-2. circumstances," said Cavs who acknowledged off, and the looming singles where Miami copped amassed 3.488 points to finish seventh in the nation. Last earlier, says he just hopes A fourth victory will give coach Bill Fitch after that afterwards that "I had to presence of their former its only first. Ohio State year she finished eighth. the fans realize it's possible the title to Boston. A Sunday defeat. play careful after I got my long-time coach and now repeated as state champs In the 100-meter hurdles. Gill ran 15..'. She also cleared the Cavs can Use at home. Cavaliers victory will mean a The circumstances fifth personal." general manager. Red among the 23 competing 5-2V4 in the high jump for a new BG record and hit 17-11J4 "I don't particularly like final opportunity for each included missing free But the Cavaliers Auerbach. teams and the Falcons in the long jump in addition to recording ■ 26.3 clocking in eggs and beer thrown at team, hut it will he back in throws, executing plays and managed to stay in Fitch was yesterday named bettered last year's the 200-meter hurdles. me." Heinsohn added after liosion. the sue of all three then-at least as the Cavs' competition until the last NBA coach of the year. sixth-place showing. ■■■i - **************** SUMMER RATES $ JUNE & SEPT. J Furnished Efficiencies 5 LEASING FROM MS MO j. FOR MARRIED STUD. SPRING 1 Bedroom Furnished from MOO urn J OR SINGLE GRAD. STUDENT * 2 Bedroom huruislH-d from SI IS ntu J '160/mo. ¥ Coll 352-0717 I BDRM..FURN..A.C. Call or slop .ii J»T 2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS ¥ SAVINGS ji 3I7MANVILLE Call 287-3896 after 4 352-2680 M 224 E. 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HD[===3QC Page 10/The BG Newt, Tuesday. May 18, 1976 BG golfers talk peculiar, play well

153 (76-77) and freshman Steve Cruse thrill with a hole-in-one on number 17 By Dick Rees HOWLING GREEN got balanced totaled. "I'm tremendously pleased or three team race. There a"re people at 155(81-74). Saturday. The steady rookie hit Associate Sports Editor scoring all weekend to total 759 with the five-man team effort." behind us that have good chances." five-iron on the 166-yard par three strokes. 10 behind leader Northern Low total for the locals belongs to Rounds of 86 and 81, both of which were not counted, put Jim hole to earn a new nickname-"Ace." PLAINWELL, Mich.-Members Dl Illinois and a shot away from host WITH THE weekend's encouraging freshman Pat Dugan, who had a par 72 Decker in a precarious position to "It hit two feet short of the pin. the Falcon golf tejin have a Western Michigan. play and with the final 36 holes slated Friday and a 77 in Saturday's remain in the lineup for the final two bounced two feet by, and sucked right particularly peculiar way of talking Both the Huskies and the Broncos this week at Miami's Hueston Woods incessant drizzle for a 149 aggregate, rounds, although the junior kept it at back into the hole," Cruse said, among themselves. got outstanding individual course, where BG has always played good for a sixth-place tie among 60 recounting the situation. When the players say things, like performances from their number one well, things, to use team lingo, "be individuals. par (36) the final nine holes in Northern's Mick Soli, defending "We be in there fighting" or "We be man. but the Falcons showed the lookin'good." Saturday's rain. conference medalist, conquered the hangin' in together." which they did I (Meant field what team golf is all However, fourth-place Toledo is just "IT'S PROBABLY the best I've It was the Falcons' play in that rolling Lake Doster layout, tying the last weekend, they mean exactly what about. 13 shots back at 762 and any one of played all year. I finally put it all discouraging dampness Saturday that course record Friday with a 69 and those simple terms suggest. the next five-Miami (767). Kent State together," the Lima native said. "1 gave Piper a feeling of optimism. setting a new mark Saturday with a And in simple terms, coach John There's only a six-stroke difference (768). Ohio University (768), Central think the biggest thing is I felt loose all "Our team effort today (Saturday) Piper's squad played excellent team among BG's top five player totals Michigan (770) and Ball State weekend. I didn't feel any pressure to was the big thing." he said. "We had to 68. Western's Mike Huriey. co-medalist golf Friday and Saturday en route to a while, by comparison, 25 and l6strokes (771) has a legitrhate chance to make shoot real good." tepeat our 380 of Friday and the 379 in 1974. carved rounds of 72 and 70 third-place ranking as the first half of separate Northern's and Western's first a run, providing it gets hot. under the weather conditions is to place five shots behind Soli's 137. the Mid-American Conference (MAC) five respectively. "The question in the last two Right behind Dugan are sophomore evidence of the guys' guts and Toledo's long hitler Barry Good is championships concluded at I .iki' "I'm happy to be where we are," rounds is who has the best team Gary Treater at 150 (75-75), Johnny courage." Doster Golf Club here. Piper said after Saturday's scores were depth," Piper said. "But it's not a two Miller at 152 (76-76). Steve Mossing at CRUSE PROVIDED the weekends third with a 144 total. Tracksters edge Miami; MACs next Taylor keys Falcon dual win

By Bill Estep tracksters to a 86-77 and Kevin Ryan, the hosts looked like a repeat steeplechase. 800-meter run Sports Editor Mid-American (MAC) dual entered the last event with a performance. and the 5,000 to offset meet victory over Miami 81-77 lead. "I was a little leery when Miami's dominance in the Ron Taylor quickly University. I got the baton," Taylor weight events. dispelled any notions that Although Taylor's 400 THE SITUATION was said. "I knew the guy from he is injured Saturday run was impressive, the just a cruel remembereance Miami (Sullivan) had run a The losers, led by afternoon at Whittakcr senior's 47.0 anchor split in of last week's dual contest 47.0 quarter before. I saw powerful Geoff Lawrence's Track-very quickly. the mile relay, the meet's when Ohio University held a him run it. I was kind of victories in the hammer, The Falcon captain, final event, spelled the similiar lead-hut won the worried. I just wasn't really discus and shot put, swept slowed recently with a cyst difference between a BG mile relay and the meet, sure I could make up the those events and outscored behind his left knee, sped to victory or defeat. 86-77. difference." the Falcons, 38-1, in the a school-record 47.1 hollowing a Falcon sweep But he did andthe tables four weights. Jeff Brown, clocking to win the of the top three scoring And after Miami turned this time-to the who took third in the 400-mctcr dash and spots in the 5,000-meter run speedster Calvin Knox gave delight of the Falcons and javelin, was the lone Falcon anchored the winning mile by Gary Desjardins anchorman Mike Sullivan a the scattering of weight scorer. relay team to spark the local (14 43.6), Tim Zumbaugh 12-yard lead on Taylor, it rain-drenched fans. BUT BG, as expected, "I WAS just trying to put controlled the running that (cyst) out of my mind events, winning eight of the MACs top two squads all week in practice," Taylor 10 track races. said of the injury. "I figured Joining Taylor and I'd just have to run the best I Desjardins. who also won whip Falcon netters could and I didn't want to the 1,500 in 3:52.4. as BG wrap the knee. I just wanted winners were: Zumbaugh in By David Smercina The team of Huffer and THE RAINS eventually to get my mind set and I the steeplechase (9:19.8). Sports Writer Dowling ran its victory came and caused havoc for think it worked." Brian Storm, who "slipped" streak to 14 with the three the last match against WMU. to a second-place finish in One win and two losses. wins. In an attempt to find dry And with the MAC the 200-meter dash, in the It may not sound "We didn't play badly." courts, the match was championships this 100-meter dash (10.6). Dan impressive, but the Bowling said Falcon coach Bob Gill. moved from Mount weekend. the victory Dunton in the 800-meter ■ Green tennis team should be "I was happy with our Pleasant. Mich, to Midland. couldn't have come at a run (1:54.7) and Dave encouraged by the improvement from one When the Falcons got there more opportune time. Thus, Godfray in the 400-meter weekend's results. week to the next." they found unplayable an injury-plagued Falcon intermediate hurdles (54.9) The netters blanked host conditions. squad finishes the dual Central Michigan University THE FALCONS started They were forced to season at 24 overall and 2-3 Senior I e» Maclin led (CMU).'I-O, on Friday. the weekend off by rolling return to Mount Pleasant. in the MAC. Miami, the BG field performances The two losses on past CMU. No one lost a set From there they were meanwhile, host of the with a school record-break- U Saturday were at the hands in singles competition. directed to Bay City, Mich., MAC title chase, finished ing first-place leap of 4 -10 of Miami University (MU) Glenn Johnson won 6-1, where the match was played 4-7 overall and 2-2 in the 3/4 in the triple jump 7-2, and Western Michigan 6-2, as did his doubles on indoor courts. Because MAC. Other BG field winners University (WMU), 5 4 lint partner Olson. 6-1, 6-0. The of the delays and travel included pole vaulter Shawn Miami and Western finished duo won their match. 7-6, time, the match wasn't In all. BG won II of (he Bcamer (14-6) and long the season with the best (v.t Other BG winners completed until midnight. meet's 19 events and swept jumper Tom Newbern dual match records in the were: Huffer. 6-0. 6-3; The Falcons nearly upset the 3,000-meter (22-10). Mid-American Conference Dowling. 6-2. 6-2; Doug the Broncos. The two teams (MAC) Dennis, <>-2, 6-0 and Dave split the singles. Olson (64, Silver Streaks 2nd Trimble. 6-0. 6-2, 61), Huffer (6-2, 6-2) and THE FALCONS closed Dowhng-Huffer, 3-6, 6-3. Trimble (6-1. 6-1) all pulled The Toledo Silver Streaks, a wheelchair athletic club, with a 6-3 MAC match 6-2 and Dennis-Trimble. out BG straight set victories. finished second of 19 teams in the 12th annual Michigan record, good enough foi a 7-5.64. games held last weekend at Wayne State University in third-place tie with Toledo But Saturday. Olson and But the streaking Detroit. University. Dowling-Htiffei were the Dowling-Huffer team was The Silver Streaks won 23 gold. 13 silver and 10 bronze Freshman Tom Olson, lone Falcons to prevail over the only one to prevail medals in competition that ranged from swimming to table Falcon sophomore Shawn Beamer, shown here clearing the bar in playing second singles, and the Redskins. thereafter, by the score of tennis to track and field events. earlier season action, jumped a career-best 14-6 to win the pole \.§(*m" "m\t during Saturday's dual meet with Miami The hosts edged the number two doubles Olson beat Bob Gardner. 64, 6-2. Johnson and Olson Bob Ocvirk, Ice Arena employe, was the meet's most w team of Brian Huffer and i lie defending MAC champ fell in three sets 6-3, 5-7, valuable male athlete as he garnered eight gold medals for *" the Redskins in themie relay, the day's final event, and the meet. Rob Dowling each went last year at number four 64. the Toledo unit. 86-77. (Newsphoto by Lance Wynn) through the weekend's singles. 3-6. 6-2. 6-2. Time matches undefeated. Both and threatening weather "I leel we're every bit as THE SILVER STREAKS basektball team will be earned the top seed in the permitted only a pro set to good as Western," said Gill, taking on a group of BG senior varsity athletes at 7 p.m. MAC championships, which be played in the doubles. looking forward to a close tomorrow evening in Anderson Arena. begin Thursday at MU in The number two BG team MAC championship chase Tickets are SI for student advance tickets. $1.25 for Tuesday Special Oxford won it. 10-4. this weekend. adult advance tickets and $1.50 at the door. **************** ANNOUNCING: 7 WAYS * SUMMER * Blouse Bonus To PUT Spank Back I LEASES { INTO YOUR NiqkTtih. Buy a long sleeve blouse at regular price « 8th ST. APARTMENTS ¥ buy a second one for M.00 (same value or less). 6*k ¥ 803-813 8th St. BRING A FRIEND AND SHARE THE SAVINGS Dixie Electric Co. * 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED £ WITH AIR CONDITIONING OPEN TILL 9:00 P.M.

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