.Bandwidths to 500 kc, sensitivities to 200 p/cm Automatic triggering on all models, calibrated sweeps Single or dual channels No-parallax, no-glare 10 x 10 crt’s I . . I

1205 Scope DC to 450 KC -Four calibrated 122A Scope 200 KC Dual Channel -Provides 130C Scope 500 KC, 200 pV/CM -Identical vertical ranges, 10 mv/cm to 10 v/cm: separate traces for simultaneous study x and y amplifiers having 16 calibrated 15 calibrated sweeps from 1 psec/cm to of signals, chopped or on alternate ranges 200 mv/cm to 20 v/crn, differen- 200 ms/cm, 25%; x5 sweep magnifier sweeps, single trace when desired. Each tial input on all ranges, less than 1” works on all ranges; horizontal ampli- vertical amplifier has four calibrated phase shift between amplifiers to 100 kc. fier has 3 calibrated steps 100 mv/cm to ranges, 10 mv/cm to 10 v/cm, differen- 21 calibrated sweeps 1 psec to 5 sec/cm, 10 v/cm. For x-y, phase shift between tial input at all sensitivities. 15 cali- *3%; x2, x5, x10, x20, x50 magnifier vertical and horizontal amplifier less brated sweeps from 1 pseclcm to 200 extends fastest sweep to 0.2 pseclcm. than 22’ to 100 kc. Beam finder msec/cm, 25%; x5 sweep magnifier Beam finder quickly locates trace. quickly finds trace. Modular cabinet for works on all ranges. Modular cabinet for rack or bench use. rack or bench use. NEW 14011 DUAL PLUG-IN SCOPE .Bandwidths to 20 me, sensitivities to 10 p/cm .Accepts single or dual plug-ins .Sweep speeds to 20 nsec/cm .7.5 kv crt, internal graticule, beam finder

140A Main Frame accepts all 1400 series 1402A 20 MC Dual Trace-Two traces pre- 1421A Time Base and Delay Generator -22 plug-ins; 7.5 kv post accelerator crt with sented in chopped or on alternate ranges 0.1 ps/cm to 1 sec/cm *3%; x5 ’ 10 x 10 cm internal graticule. 1 v and sweeps. Each channel has 11 calibrated magnifier extends fastest sweep to 20 10 v 1% calibrator; Beam Finder for ranges 5 mv/cm to 10 v/cm with band- ns/cm. Triggers internally to over 20 locating trace. Modular cabinet for rack width of 20 mc. A + B or B - A also mc; single sweep. Calibrated delay time 1 or bench use. available. Signal delay included for 0.1 psec to 10 sec continuously variable. viewing leading edges of pulses. Incremental delay accuracy 0.2%. Time , VERTICAL PLUG-INS 1403A 10 pV/CM AC Differential-10 pv/cm jitter less than 1 part in 50,000. Mixed , 1400A 100 pV/CM Differential-100 pv/cm to 100 mv/cm in 13 calibrated ranges sweep for slow and fast sweep signal I to 20 v/cm in 17 calibrated ranges. with bandwidth 0.1 cps to 300 kc. Both display. I Bandwidth, dc to 400 kc, selectable. Dif- upper and lower limits are selectable. 1415A Time Domain Reflectometer -For j ferential inpu.t on all ranges with com- Differential input with common mode measuring reflections from discontinui- i mon mode rejection of 40 db. rejection of 94 db. Noise, 20 pv p-p at ties in transmission systems. BW 1 full bandwidth. equivalent to 3500 mc. Reflection co- I 1401A 1 MV/CM Dual Trace -Two traces HORIZONTAL PLUG-INS efficients of 0.001 can be observed. In- i presented in chopped or on alternate 1420A Time Base-22 ranges 0.5 psec/cm cludes 90 ps rise time sampler and 50 sweeps. Each channel has 13 calibrated to 5 sec/cm 23%; x10 magnifier ex- ps rise time pulse generator. Sweeps 20 , ranges 1 mv/cm to 10 v/cm with band- tends fastest sweep to 50 ns/cm. Trig-‘ ns/cm to 200 ns/cm with xl to x200 width of dc to 450 kc. Differential input gers internally to over 20 mc, single magnifier. 0 to 2000 ns delay for ex- with common mode of 40 db. sweep. amining long transmission lines.

TESTMOBILES Features Price For 175A. 1208, 130C. 140A. 1115A storage comparlment For 1608, 170A. 1858. tray for 1116A accessories 1117A ACCESSORIES See General Catalog for complete list of probes, adapters, viewing hoods and service aids. HIVE .COM 3500 MC, SENSITIVITIES TO 10 pV/CM

Time base: 20 ns/cm to 200 ns/cm, xl to x200 magnifier -Horizontal Plug-Ins

ne Base Provides sweeps for 140A 0 5 ps/cmautomatic to 5 sec/cm. triggering x10 magnifier, $250 le Base Provides normal and delayed sweeps for 140A 0 1 as/cm to 1 sec /cm, x5 magnifier. delay time. 0 1 psec to 10 sec $625 ~-Moue1 Lnannels Bandwidth Sensitivity Sweep Range Other Features Price 175A" Up to four Up to 50 mc UP to 5 mvcm 10 ns/cm 5 sec/cm 6 x 10 cm display, to tunnel $1325 Vrrtiral Pliicr.lncf*

*Extra fast writing rate model also available for photographing high speed transients. Ask your field engineer about the hp H30-175A. Special plug-ins with 2.5 ns rise time also available. Ask your field engineer about the K01-1759A and K02-1759A. NEW INSTRUMENTS WWW.HPARCHIVE.COM hp WIDEBAND AND

hp 175A 50 MC UNIVERSAL Bandwidth to 50 mc, sensitivities to 5 mv/cm Single, dual, or four channel 6x 10 cm display with no-parallax, reflection or defocusing Easy to calibrate and maintain, no distributed amplifiers Preset tunnel diode triggering over entire bandwidth

175A Main Frame-6x 10 cm display on brated ranges 50 mv/cm to 20 v/cm 1 part in 50,000. Mixed sweep for slow 13 kv post accelerator crt with internal *th bandwidth dc to. 40 mc (9 ns rise and fast sweep signal display. graticule. Beam Finder locates trace. 24 time). Has sync amp11fierfor triggering on any channel and trace identifier. 1782A Display Scanner-permits permanent calibrated sweeps 0.1 psec to 5 sec/cm, recordings of crt display with x-y or f3%; x10 magnifier extends fastest HORIZONTAL PLUG-INS strip chart recorders. Scanning is in- sweep to 10 nslcm. Preset internal trig- ternal, manual or external. gering to over 50 mc. 1% calibrator. 1780A Auxiliary-Allows 175A to perform 1783A Time Mark Generator-Provides syn- 1 VERTICAL PLUG-INS all standard functions. Single sweep in- cluded with internal or external arming. chronized 0.5% accuracy intensity 1750A 40 MC Dual Channel-Two traces modulated time markers on the 175A 1 presented in chopped or on alternate 1781B Sweep Delay -Provides calibrated trace. Markers are selectable at 10 sweeps. Each channel has nine Cali- delay times from 1 psec to 10 sec with psec, 1psec, or 0.1 psec internals. Mark- I brated ranges 50 mv/cm to 20 v/cm &0.2% linearity. Time jitter less than ers also available for external use. with bandwidth dc to 40 mc (9 ns rise ~ time). Differential input with common mode rejection of 40 db. 1751A 50 MC Single Channel-Nine cali- brated sensitivities 50 mv/cm to 20 v/ cm with 7 ns rise time, bandwidth dc to 50 mc. 1752A 5 MV/CM Differential-Twelve cali- brated ranges 5 mv/cm to 20 v/cm with bandwidth of dc to 18 mc on 5 mv/cm to 20 mv/cm ranges and 22 mc on 50 *These probes have mv/cm and above. Differential input on ranges 5 mv/cm to 50 mv/cm. 17528 5 MV/CM Wide Band Differential-Nine calibrated sensitivities 50 mv/cm to 20 v/cm with dc to 40 mc bandwidth, x10 amplifier gives 5 mv/cm sensitivity with dc to 30 mc bandwidth. Differential in- put on all ranges. Two attenuators allow mixing signals of different levels. 1754A 40 MC Four Channel-Four traces presented in chopped or on alternate sweeps. Each channel has nine cali- NEW INSTRUMENTS SAMPLING OSCILLOSCOPES

hp 1858 SAMPLING OSCILLOSCOPE w Bandwidth to 3500 me, sensitivities to 1 mv/cm w Bridging sampler avoids terminating signals w High impedance probes, 100 K shunted by 2 pf Calibrated sweeps to 0.1 ns/cm w Complete line of accessories

1858 Scope-Ten calibrated sweep ranges generator output adjustable from 0.1 v nals to be monitored without terminat- 10 ns/cm to 10 psec/cm *5%; xl to to 20 v in eight steps. Vertical amplifier ing unless desired. Each channel has 8 xl00 magnifier increases maximum has sensitivity range 10 mv/cm to 10 calibrated ranges 1 mv/cm to 200 sweep to 0.1 ns/cm. Delay control per- v/cm (vernier to 4 mv/cm) . Supply #1 mv/cm with 0.1 ns rise time (3.5 gc mits any portion of unmagnified trace provides 0 to It-30 v; supply #2, 0 to bandwidth). to be viewed when using a magnified *lo v. Supplies may be referenced to ACCESSORIES ground or stacked. Circuit test boards sweep. Triggers to over 1000 mc; sensi- llOOA Delay Line-Enables signals to be tivity, 15 mv in sensitive position, 200 for transistors and diodes included. viewed whenever suitable triggers are mv at 50 to 1000 mc in high frequency 1878 1000 MC Dual Channel-Signal input not available separately by providing a position. 1.5 v sync output pulse for is through high impedance probes delay between the trigger input and the triggering external equipment. Has out- (100 k shunted by 2 pf) for minimum vertical amplifier input of the scope. In- put for X-Y recorder, internal graticule circuit loading. A special 50- Tee is put impedance is 50 ohm; rise time, ap- and beam finder. available for bridging 50-ohm transmis- proximately 0.25 ns. PLUG-INS sion lines. Each channel has 5 cali- brated ranges from 10 mv/cm to 200 1102A Accessory Kit-Allows you to meas- 186A Switching Time Tester-Includes a 1 ns ure larger signals, sample 50 ohm sys- rise time, 20 pulse generator, 0.5 ns rise mv/cm (4 mv/cm with vernier). Noise tems, block dc and reduce circuit load- time vertical amplifier and two bias approximately 1 mv p-p. Differential ing. Includes a 50-ohm termination, 50- supplies for general purpose circuit input (A-B). ohm Tee, four resistive dividers with tests,and for displaying transistor and 188A 0.1 NS Rise Time Dual ChanneCBrida- cable, two 1O:l urobe dividers. and diode switching characteristics. Pulse ing sampler in 50 ohm line allows sig- three hlocking capacitors.

hp MIL SCORES AND ACCESSORIES H02-160B, dc to 15 mc and H02-170A, f/1.9 lens, shutter speeds 1/100 to 1 sec of 1 mv/ma. With the amplifier, sensi- dc to 30 mc are militarized oscilloscopes (plus T & B) and a detented moving tivity is directly calibrated in ma/cm offering rugged dependability under a lens for multiple exposures. on the scope with a maximum sensi- wide range of environmental conditions. tivity of 1 ma/cm. Eight plug-ins (described in the scope The hp lllOA Probe and 1lllA Cur- table) increase versatility. rent Amplifier permits observation of The hp 1115A, 1116A, and 1117A Test- fast rise time ac current waveforms. The mobiles provide easy mobility of hp QS- The hp 196B is designed specifically for clamp-on probe obviates breaking leads cilloscopes or other equipment. They photographing no parallax internal and circuit loading. The probe may be have storage capability for plug-ins and graticule crt’s. It features a black used with or without the amplifier. By accessories and adjustable viewing light for illuminating the graticule, itself, the lllOA Probe has a sensitivity angle for easy viewing. Basic electronic rneasuremenw are easy, fast and accurate with Hewlett-Packard instruments, including voltmeLers, a11 , amplifiers, and distortion and waveform analyzers. Voltage Iiicasuiciiiciifs are accurate and simple with a wide assort- ment of hp instruments. The hp 4000 Vacuum Tube is a moderately priced stable instrument for ac applications, offering *2% accuracy. Other insrrumenw in the 400 Series include the hp400H VTVM, which offers 1% accuracy in ac measurements, and the hp 400L, which provides a logarithmic scale for ac measurements, plus a linear 12 db scale. The hp 403B AC Voltmeter is a compact, solid state model offering accuracy of _t 1%to 1mc, * 5% to 2 mc. The hp 3400A provides ns readings of ac voltages having crest factors of 8: 1 at IUII scale (higher for down scale readings) over the frc.IIUc:"b.J range 50 cps to 3 mc with 1%accuracy and 10 cps to 8 mc with 5% accuracy. New all solid state 34404 Digital Voltmeter fea- tures 4-digit readout with storage, printer ourpur ana plug-in flexibility. Accuracy on dc,0.05% of reading. Especially useful for low-level measurements is the Dymec DY-2401A Zntegrat- ing Digital Voltmeter whose floating and guarded input permits accurate measurement even in the of high common mode or spurious noise. Dymec DY- :/ Converter expands DY-2401A capability to ii ated and guarded wideband, low-level ac and resistance meauiwieiim. The all- purpose hp41OC VTVM is ideal for audio. rf, vhf nieasure- ments, also measures dc voltages ana resisrance and provides a dc output proportional to meter indication. The hp 411A Milli- voltmeter is a highly sensitive instrument for measurement to 1 gc. Versatility is a major advantage of the hp 412A Preci- sion -Ohm-,which provides accuracy of t 1% on voltagc 3 *2% on current ients. The hp 413A DC Null Voltmeter is a null meter, dc voltmeter and amplifier in one instrument, featuring input isolation and high input impedance. Low drift and high sensitivity make the hp 4254 Microvolt-Ammeter ideal for low-level measurements of voltage and current. The hp 738AR Voltmeter Calibrator and the hp 739AR Frequency Response Test Set are useful instruments for a wide range of voltmeter and oscilloscope cali- bration tasks. Current its possible with Hewlett-Packard instrumenta- tion also cover a wide range of applications. The hp428A,B Clip-on DC Milllammeters permit measurement without break- ing leads, making dc connections or loading circuits under test. These instruments, which differ primarily in range, also use the hp 3528A Clip-on Current Probe and the 35294 Magnetom- eter Probe, for special applications involving measurements on I large cables, pip,, ,,,eguides and measurement of magnetic fields, ac fields, earth's field. Similr ot measurements may De maae witn me hp 406 5 , employing the hp456A AC Cur- rent € ch, used with the hp456A-2IB 1OO:l Divider permib IllcauuLementup to 25 amps. The hp 4574 AC-to-DC Converter simplifies ac m nts with standard hp digital voltmeters. Resistance measurement capability from Hewlett-k'acaard is onered in multi-purpose instruments, the 410B, 410C and the 412A, described above Special test instrumentation available trom Hewlett-raceara incluaes the hp 35504 Portable Test Set, which combines an oscillator, voltmeter and patch panel in a portable instrument designed specifically to measure transmission line and system-character- istics such as attenuation, frequenc ie or gain. Amplifiers offered include the hp 4SUA tieneral-rurpose Amp11 fier, hp 460AR, 460BR Wideband Amplifiers, hp 4664 AC Am plifier, Dymec DY-2460A Solid State DC Amplifier, made ver satile with a wide range of plug-ins, and the 860-4000 Series of amplifiers from Sanborn (see EEM Section 3000). Distortion and waveform analyzers from Hewlett-Packard are especially simple to operate, as indicated by the direct-reading hp 302A and hp 310A Wave Analyzers, solid state instruments which require no calibration. The 302A will operate mom ac line or from batteries, is hum free. The hp 2974 Sweep Drive is a useful accessory for the 302A, and 310A, converting the wave- form analyzers to a sweep oscillator-tuned voltmeter for auto- matic frequencyJ IrupvlLuemeasurements. The 302A operates to 50 kc; the 310A to 1.5 mc. The hp 330 Series Distortion Ana- lyzers are four instruments in one, measuring total audio dis- tortion, voltage and amplifier gain, noise and hum level and, with an AM detector, envelope distortion of AM rf carriers.


Primary Uses Frequency Range Voltage or Current Range Input Impedance Sweep drivefor302A. 310A Wave Analyzers Provides x-axis output -. .__ Waveform analysis; direct reading, no calibration rewired 20 cps to 50 kc 30 pv to 300 v full scale High frequency waveform analysis; direct reading, continuous tuning 1 kc to 1.5 me 10 pv to 100 v full scale Measure total audio distortion; 20 cps to 20 kc 0.03 v to 300 v full scale, includes input amplifier, vtvm 10 CPS to 100 kc For AM. FM broadcast measurements; 20 CPS to 20 kc 0.03 v to 300 v full scale. special VU meter to meet FCC rules 10 cps to 60 kc For AM. FM broadcast measurements; AM detector and VU meter to meet 20 cps to 20 kc 0.03 v to 300 v full scale, FCC requirements 10 cps to 60 kc

~ ~~ Wide range ac measurements, high sensitivity 10 cps to 4 me 0.001 to 300 v full scale, 12 ranges High accuracy wide range ~~ ac measurements 10 cps to 4 mc 0.001 to 300 v full scale, 12 ranges Log voltages, linear db measurements 10 cps to 4 mc 0.001 to 300 v full scale, 12 ranges Battery-operated portable; fast, accurate, hum-free ac measurements 1 cps to 1 mc 0.001 to 300 v full scale, 12 ranges AC voltage measurements in lab or 4038 field: ac line or battery operation 5 cps to 2 mc 1 mv to 300 v full scale True rms readings of complex 3400A ac waveforms 10 cps to 8 mc 0.001 to 300 v full scale

~~~~~~ Plug-in flexibility. d3Ttal voltage 0.001 v to 1000 v 3440A measurement, automatic polarity, de (accuracy &0.05% of reading dc range, printer output k 1 count) Digital voltage measurement, automatic 0.001 v to 1000 v range, polarity; 405CR has printer dc (accuracy +0.2% of reading 11 megohms to dc output & 1 count) I 8::; Audio, rf, vhf measurements; de; 1-20 cps to 700 mc de, 1 to 1000 v full scale dc voltages; resistances ac. 1 to 300 v full scale DC voltage; resistance, current: audio, rf. dc v 15 mv to-1500 v full scale vhf measurements, with ac probe dc; 'Ps to 700 mc dc amb, 1.5 /la to 150 ma full scble ac v. 0.5 to 300 v full scale Millivolt, db readings to gigacycle range 500 kc to 1 gc 10 mv to 10 v full scale, 7 ranges Precision voltage, current. dc 1 mv to 1000 v full scale, resistance measurements 1 pa to 1 amp DC null meter, dc voltmeter, amplifier dc 1 mv to 1000 v full scale, 13 ranges ~- Read pv, ppa: 100 db amplifier: medi- dc voltages as 100 db 10 pv to 1 v full scale cal. biological, physical, chemical amplifier 10 Da to 3 ma full scaie Clip-on milI ia mmeter eliminates di rect connection, circuit loading dc 3 ma to 1 amp full scale, 6 ranges Similar to 428A. wider range, de on meter, dc to 400 cps recorder output for dc to 400 cps on recorder 1ma to 10 amps full scale, 9 ranges Current measurements on meters, 60 cps to 4 mc. (-3 db 1 ma to 1,mp rms scopes: clip-on probe at 25 cps and > 20 mc) (25 amps with divider) AC-to-dc converter 50 cps to 500 kc 0 to 300 v rms. I 4 decade ranges 1 megohm 30 pf shunt Voltmeter calibrator dc pos. or neg. 400 cps sine wave 300 pv to 300 v Works into 3 to 10 megohms

Frequency response test set 300 kc (5 cps with hp 200SR) to 10 mc 3 v output Integrating digital voltmeter; measure 10 megohm. 10 v rango and DY-2401A voltage in presence of high common 99.999 mv to 999.99 Y in 5 ranges; optional 9.9999 mv range above; 1 megohm, 1 v range; mode noise 100,000 ohms, 0.1 v range ac 99.999 mv to 750 v peak. DY.2410A Convert ac voltage and resistance to dc voltage 50 cps to 100 kc 5 ranges: resistance 99.999 ohms 1 megohm 100 pf shunt to 9.9999 mag. 6 ranees I ~ ~ Current measurements in dc (with 428A): 3 ma to 1 amp (with 428A) large conductors de to 300 cps (with 4288) 1 ma to 10 amps (with 4288) Magnetic field dc (with 428A): 3 mgauss to 1 gauss (428A) measurements dc to 80 CDS (with 4288) 1 mgauss to 10 gauss (4288)

~~ Voltmater, 2 megohms; patch 3550A Portable test set for transmission Oscillaior: 5 cps to 560 kc Voltmeter: 0.001 to 300 v rms full line, system measurements Voltmeter: 5 cps to 2 mc scale, -72 dbm to +52 dbm panel matches to 900, 600, $990 I and 135 ohm lines

1 *Cabinet price. rack mount instruments $5 additlonal. tCabinet price, rack mount instruments $15 less. $5375 for 230 volt operation. "Wlth hp 11036A ac probe. I= ***AC only $1850, ohms only $1650.



'3scilla"ov - Hewlett-Packard oscillators it includes an output monitor and at- 207A I\ particularly suited tor rapirl are easy to use even bv inexperienced tenuator so that you can set the input determinatlon ot the frequency re- personnel because controls are few and to a device to a known level. A second sponse of audio devices such as ampli- no zero-setting is required. Output fre- independent voltmeter measures the fiers, transformers, tape recorders and quencies are accurate and easily read output of the device being tested. In ad- equalization networks. Versions are from large clearly marked dials. In ad- dition, Model 205AG provides 5 watts available with an x-axis output for dition, frequency response is flat and of audio power into various impedances, graphic recorders and with a motor frequency and amplitude stability is making it useful for tests on loudspeak- drive for semi-automatic operation. high so that controls often need not be ers, other transducers or for providing Model 241A Pushbutton Oscillaior is reset when making tests at various fre- driving power to audio bridges. Up to ideal for making repetitive measure- quencies. Distortion. hum, noise and 158 rms are available from its high ments at various frequencies. Output other spurious output voltages have impedance output. frequencies are selected by pushbuttons been kept low so that reliable measure- Model 206A Audio is so that frequencies are selected quickly ments and tests may be made by opera- designed for tests on quality audio am- and may be returned to easily and with tors with a minimum of experience and plifiers where low distortion and kr]own confidence after other frequencies have skill. For instance, most of the oscil- output level are particularly important. been used. Repeatability is typically lators' characteristics are essentially in- Its 111 db output attenuator makes it within 0.2%. Because its output level is dependent of load and the dial accuracy simple to set a desired level or to deter- constant within 274, it is usually un- specification typically includes warm- mine the dynamic range and linearity necessary to reset level when the fre- up drift. of amplifiers. quency is changed. Most hp oscillators fall into two broad Models 208A and 208A-DB are particu- Pulse and Square Wave Generators - Model categories. One category includes in- larly useful for field measurements be- 211A Square Wave Generator is de- struments with output monitors and at- cause they operate from their internal signed for testing video and audio am- tenuators for tests and measurements rechargeable batteries. Being independ- plifiers, networks, for modulating sig- where it is desirable to set a known out- ent of power lines, they are also useful nal generators and driving externally- put level quickly and to vary output in for tests where ground loops and hum triggered equipment.. Frequency range accurate increments without any other could cause erroneous measurements. is 1 cps to 1 mc with 20 ns rise time. equipment. The other category includes Frequency stability is typically 5 parts Model 213B Pulse Generator is ideal low cost oscillators for general purpose in 10'. The output monitor and attenu- for testing the 185A,B Sampling Oscil- production line and laboratory tests ator of the 208A is calibrated in volts; loscopes and for time domain reflectom- where a known output voltage is of sec- those of the 208A-DB in dbm. etry application. Rise time less than ondary importance. Model 650A Test Oscillator is ideal for 0.1 ns. wide range measurements from audio to Model 214A Pulse Generator provides General Purpose Oscillators-Models 200A B, low rf frequencies. With it you can 200 watts pulse power with 15 ns rise 200CD, 2005, 200S, 200T, 201C and make measurements on video amplifiers time for testing magnetic devices, high 202C are basically similar instruments and tape recorders, on audio and ultra- power semiconductors, radar and other differing primariiy in frequency range sonic devices or on receivers operating general purpose circuitry. A 50 ohm and power output as shown in the table. in the commercial broadcast band. source impedance eliminates errors They have but three controls: a range Model 233A Audio Oscillator is specifi- caused by reflections from the genera- selector, a frequency dial and an output cally designed for testing carrier cur- tor. Pulse characteristics are carefully level control. rent systems. It provides a balanced controlled for meaningful measure- Modrl204B Portahlr Oscillator is simi- monitored 3-watt signal, enough output ments. lar to the oscillators above, but is com- for testing loops over 100 miles long. Model 215A Pulse Generator combines pletely solid state and battery operated Provision is made so that this output 1 ns rise and fall pulse with a nearly (ac operation optional) to be completely may be voice modulated to facilitate ideal pulse shape, calibrated pulse portable and free from power-line limi- tests. A second single-ended low level width and delay, adjustable pulse am- tations. Its floating output makes it output is also provided. plitude, rep rates to 1 mc and a true 50 suitable for driving loads referenced Special Purpose Oscillators -Model 202A ohm source impedance for fast pulse above ground and for avoiding ground is designed for low testing. These characteristics make the loops. Because its frequency and ampli- frequency tests in geophysical and 215A particularly useful for measuring tude stability are excellent, Model 204B medical equipment and for simulating parameters of semiconductors logic cir- is also useful for making long-term drift certain mechanical phenomena. Its con- cuits and thin film memory units. measurements on amplifiers. etc. stant output vs. frequency character- Model 218AR Digital Delay Grnerator, Oscillators with Calibrated Output - Model istic (<2.3%) also makes the hp 202A with plug-in versatility is ideally suited 205AG Audio Signal Generator com- extremely useful for determining the for pulse simulation and time measure- bines several units into one instrument low frequency response of ao voltmeters. ments and for applications such as ra- for measuring characteristics of ampli- Model 207A Audio Sweep Oscillator dar, loran, and pulse code systems. It fiers, filters and other devices conveni- covers the frequencies of the audio provides two precision time intervals or ently. With this one instrument you spectrum with one sweep of the dial. pulse delays independently adjustable may measure gain, attenuation and fre- Since output is constant within 2% from 1 psec to 10,000 psec in 1 psec quency response of audio devices since (<0.2 dh) over the entire range, Model steps. li DIGITAL DELAY GENERATORS, ATTENUATORS

Description, Features output

Ideal for amplifier testing, modulating signal generators, 1 watt testing transmitter modulator response: balanced output (24.5 v/600 ohms) Subsonic to radio frequencies. useful for testing servo and 5 cps to 600 kc. vibratiot systems, medical and geophysical equipment, 160 mw ~ db $195. , 5 ranges audio amplifiers, video frequency circuits; low distortion (10 v/600 ohms) independent of load ~_____ 6 cps to 6 kc 1 db tl% Ideal for frequency measurements: <0.5% distortion 160 mw 6 ranees I +- I (10 v/600 ohms)

cps to 6oo kc' -+ 1 db Frequency response testing 3 v/50 ohms 5 ranges I I 1:; Telemetry, carrier current tests: excellent frequency and 250 cps to 100 kc db 160 mw 5 ranges amplitude stabilitv (10 v/600 ohms)

20 CPS to 20 kc, High power, designed for testing amplifiers, speakers, 3 watts 3 ranges 1 db 1 kl% crossover nets; 40 db attenuator in 10 db steps (42.5 v/600 ohms) 0.008 to 1200 cps. Source of continually variable, transient-free sine, square, db triangular waves for electrically simulating mechanical, 28 mw 5 ranges f0,2 *1% (30 v/4000 ohms) phvsical. medical phenomena: +lo, stabilitv , Ideal for subsonic, audio, ultrasonic applications such as 1 cps to 100 kc. vibration, electro. cardiograph, electro encephalograph; 160 mw - $300' I 5 ranges 1 f 1 db 1 &2% <0.5% distortion and

External triggering with selectable trigger point, output trig. , 215A Pulse Continuously loo'Ps to mc ger from 140 ns advance to 10 ns delay (reipect to sync $1875 I I Generator nS Ohms ad]. to 100 ns I I I I out); single and gated pulses, 50-ohm source I Two independent time delays from 1 to 10,000 ps using I 218AR Digital lo'Ps to lokc See 219 series plug-ins internal Xtal or 1 to 10,000 periods of ext. time base; sync $2000 i Delay Generator out pulse at beginning or end of time intervals; output (rack) pulses generated in 219 series plug-ins I 219A Dual One pulse is available at the beginning of the time intervals j Trigger Unit See 21WR 0 1 us +25 v/50 ohms >1 5 ps or at the end of one time interval; second pulse occurs at $125 end of other time interval

~~ ' 2198 Dual - See 218AR 60 ns +25 Ohms 0.2 to 5 ps j Pulse Unit 1 (adjusta ble) I -7 5 VI90 ohms , 219C Digital 1 to 10,000 &' See 218AR 30 ns or I Pulse Duration (90 ohms) -45 v/500 ohms (total Of width ' unit (adjustable) + delay) I , "Cabinet models. rack mount models $5 additional * 'Cabinet models, rack mount models $15 le . 'AC operation optional, $25 extra. I Data subject to change without notice. Prices f.o.6.factory.

1 -*"\" c * ~ , NEW INSTRUMENTS


Hewlett - Packard electronic counters The hp 52331 Counter is a universal 2 mc mc time base such as the hp 101A. The and related instruments are available instrument which provides 6-digit reso- 7-digit display is in neon columns. for applications ranging from precision lution in an in-line display of rectangu- high speed measurements to economi- lar digital tubes, plus superior trigger, Other related solid state instruments cal production testing. They permit level controls. available from Hewlett- Packard in- measurement of frequency, period, clude the 5214L Preset Counter, which multiple period average, ratio, multiple The hp 523U and 553U Counters are identi- makes standard counter measurements ratio and time interval. cal 1.2 mc instruments, except for read- of frequency, time and totalizing, and out. Both offer 6-digit resolution, the also measures normalized rate; meas- The advanced line of hp solid state 5232A in improved neon columns and ures ratio; measures normalized ratio; counters incorporates as standard such the 5532A in long-life digital indicator measures time for N events to occur; features as display storage (continuous tubes. counts N events, giving an output pulse display of the most recent measure- at the start and end of the count. N may ments until the count actually shifts), The hp 521211 and 551211 Counters have a be set to any integer from 1 to 100,000. higher sampling rates (the time be- maximum counting rate of 300 kc, offer tween counts is independent of gate 5-digit resolution, differ only in display, Vacuum Tube Electronic Counters from Hew- time), -20 to 4-65" operating range, with 5212A offering neon columnar lett-Packard include four basic instru- and BCD output for recorders and sys- ments or series; the hp 524C,D Count- readout and the 5512A offering digital ers offer time base stability of 5 parts in tems. Modular design introduces solid in-line tube readout. state counters that are bench and rack lO*/week, plus plug-in versatility. They mount models in one instrument, with The hp 5211A and B Counters use the power differ only in readout, the 524C within- front panels only 3%" or 5%" high. line frequency as a time base and meas- line display, the 524D with neon col- ure frequency directly to a maximum umnar display. Direct measurement The hp 52451 Solid State Counter makes more covers 10 cps to 10.1 mc for frequency, counting rate of 300 kc. They also 0 to 100 kc for period. The hp523C,D measurements with greater accuracy measure ratio, offering 4-digit resolu- than any other counter available today. Counters are all-purpose instruments tion with neon columnar display. The which measure frequency 10 cps to 1.2 It makes the measurements listed above 5211A offers gate times of 0.1 sec, 1 sec and, additionally, scales by decade fac- mc, time interval from 1 psec to 27.8 tor to 10'. Time base stability is better and manual. The 5211B has an addi- hours, period 0.00001 cps to 100 kc. than 3 parts in lO@/day,and the counter tional 10 sec gate time. Model designations, as with the 524C,D, indicate the type of display. The hp offers 8-digit resolution in rectangular, The hp52421 and 52441 have respective close -spaced digital indicator tubes, counting rates of 20 mc and 50 mc, offer 522B Counter is a low cost precision plus remote programmability of time 7-digit resolution with rectangular, instrument covering 10 cps to 120 kc base and function controls. The 5245L closely spaced digital indicator tubes. (220 kc optional). It measures fre- measures to 50 mc directly, 100 mc and They are similar to the 5245L and quency, period and time interval. The 512 mc with plug-in converters. Other 5243L except for time base stability and hp 521 Series Industrial Counters plug-ins are provided for time interval plug-in versatility. measure frequency, random events per measurements and for amplifying low unit of time and, with transducers, rps, level signals. The hp 5275A Counter measures time inter- speed, weight, pressure, etc., at rates to vals from 10 nsec to 0.1 sec by counting 120 kc. The hp 52431 is identical to the 5245L but a 100 mc sine wave. This 100 mc sine measures directly to 20 mc. It accepts wave is generated by a multiplying cir- Data subject to change without notice. the same plug-ins as the 5245L. cuit that is driven from an external 1 Prices f.0.b.factory. ''I 1 ELECTRONIC COUNTERS, ACCESSORIES

52451. Counter

5251A Plug-in -______



This precision instrumentation from Instrument Description, Characteristics Price Hewlett-Packard includes the new Frequency standard, 5/1OX stability; outputs include six standard sine and four pulse 5100A-5110A Frequency Synthesizer, lOOE signals; timing comb provides output pips at 100, 1000, 10,000 psec intervals; ideal $1000 wlus a broad range of highly accurate for test, production, lab use irequency and time standards, re- Designed as time base for 5275A Time Interval Counter (see pages 10, 11). also corders, clocks and related instruments lOlA useful for other applications; 1 mc oscillator, stability 5 parts/lO output at least $500 1 v into 50-ohm load especially useful in frequency measure- ~ ~ ment and recording to 40 gc. Quartz oscillator for primary frequency/time standard system; stability 5/10 /day: $1900 103AR two sinusoidal outputs, 1 mc and 100 kc, plus 100 kc for driving 115BR Frequency Synthesizer-The 5100A-5110A 104AR Identical to hp 103AR, with additional 5 mc output of extreme spectral purity $2300 Frequency Synthesizer provides fre- Time comparator, accepts standard input from hp precision oscillators, facilitates quencies from 0.01 cps to 50 mc in steps 114BR comparison with standard time signal broadcast transmissions; uses oscilloscope as $1200

as small as 0.01 cps. Output is low in ~ noise and spurious modulation and is selected by pushbuttons or may be re- $2750 motely programmed to any frequency in less than 1 msec. Accuracy and long $10250 term stability is the same as the fre- quency standard used as the prime $5000 driver ( rt 3 parts in 10 per day with the internal standard). $300

FrequencylTime Standards - These instru- Tachometer Head, light source and photocell for use as a transducer with hp elec- $150 ments range from highly accurate 506A tronic counters, 500B,C; measures up to 300.000 rpm quartz oscillators to complete frequency Tachometer generators, rotational speed transducers for use with counters or fre- $125 and time systems. Included are the 508ArB*C.D ouencv meters for accurate rom measurements. 15 to 40.000 rom each hp IOOE Frequency Standard and a Transfer oscillator. used with hp counters, permits measurements into microwave series of oscillators ranging from the 5408 region, measures to 18 gc with fixed tuned mixers, to 40 gc with external mixers and $900t hp IOIA, designed specifically as a microwave amplifiers time base for the hp 5275A Counter, to Digital recorder, useful for recording from hp electronic counters and digital volt- the hp 103AR and 104AR Quartz Oscil- 560A meters, speed of five 11-digit lines/sec, the 11-digit line (12-digit on special order) $1400tt lators, which offer outputs of 1 mc and allowing secondary or coding data to be entered Digital recorder, similar to hp 560A offers io-line coded decimal entry input, one 100 kc. Model 104AR also provides a 561B $115Ott high purity 5 mc signal for multiplica- connection for each Dosition of each orint wheel tion to microwave frequencies. Use of Digital recorder, solid state device with parallel data entry and low-inertia moving $1600tl parts allowing printing rates as high as 5 lines/sec. each line up to 11 digits (12 Depends 562A the hp114BR Time Comparator and digits available on special order); data storage feature permits driving source to trans- on the 115BR Frequency Divider and fer data in 2 msec; available for BCD and 10-line codes Options Clock in conjunction with hp quartz Digiral printer, fast 11-column printer for use in custom systems; similar to printing 565A oscillators permits maximum accuracy mechanism tn Sfi0 5fi1 5fi7 $750t through comparison of signals with Digital clock, mount in left side of 560A Digital Recorder, provide time-of-day in- broadcast standard time and frequency 570A formation and control rates at which measurements are made; hours, minutes, sec- $1050l signals. Also available for systems use onds (24 hour basis). in-line displav are hp 724BR, 725AR Standby Power 5718 Digital clock, similar to 570A. for 561B $lOOOt Supplies, which continue operation of P H03 5718 Digital clock, similar to 570A. for 562A Price on the system in case of line power failure. reouest

__I- Related Equipment-The hp 540B Transfer Digital-to-analog converters, accept 4-line BCD output from counters, digital volt- 580A. 581A meters, etc., provide output for and potentiometer strip-chart recorders; $525 Oscillator and related equipment make differ only in physical dimensions possible measurement to 40 gc with Standby power supply to permit continued operation of hp frequency divider and clock, standard hp counters. 724BR quartz oscillators in systems applications in event of power failure; vented nickel- $950 Other hp instrumentation especially cadmium batteN. 28 amoere hour useful in frequency measurement and 725AR I Same as 724BR. incorporates sealed nickel-cadmium battery, 2 ampere hour $645 recording includes the 560A. 561B. P932A Harmonic mixer, used with 5408 Transfer Oscillator to increase measurement to 18 gc $250 562A Dig'taL Recorders; the 565A DigL- - I Printer; 570A and 571B and H03- *Rack mount $25 less ^*Rack mount model "^"Rack mount add $5 +Rack mount $15 less IB Digital Clocks, and 580A and charge for 230 volt*50 cycle Operation Data sirhjprt to changp without noticp 81A Digital-to-Analog Conwrters. INSTRUMENTS Priws f.0.h. fartory. H Lab, hp POWER SUPPLIES

Harrison Laboratories Division of identical outputs. The 800B-2 is a 2.5- bility, plus fixed or continuously vari- Hewlett-Packard offers over 40 differ- amp bench supply with a continuously able dc power with 0.5% regulation. ent models of highly regulated dc power adjustable output, and the 880 is a com- supplies. Brief specifications of avail- Supplies for DC Applications Over 100 V, less pact I-amp supply for bench applica- than 1000 V-The versatile hp 711 is able instruments appear on these cata- tions where up to 100 volts are required. a log pages. All supplies are described in highly regulated supply ideal for basic detail in the hp product catalog, or in- Constant Voltage, Constant Current Rack Mount bench use, output 0 to 500 v, 100 ma formation may be obtained from your SuPPlieLSeven H Lab supplies provide maximum load. The hp 712B furnishes local field sales office or Harrison Lab- full range coverage in rack mount con- four outputs, including dc 0 to 500 v, a oratories, 45 Industrial Road, Berkeley stant voltage, constant current instru- regulated dc fixed bias, a dc variable Heights, New Jersey. Your field sales mentation. Three use a plug-in card to bias and unregulated 6.3 v ac. H Lab office will also have information on determine the mode of operation. They 890A provides an output of 0 to 320 v other power supplies introduced since are the 808A, 809A and 88IA. Seveq at 0 to 0.6 a. The H Lab 895A provides this catalog was prepared. provide an automatic crossover between the same voltage output as the 890A constant voltage and constant current but at 0 to 1.5 a. In addition to these operation. They are the HOB, 814A, supplies, H Lab offers its 2000 and Solid State Regulated DC Power Supplies-H 6242A. 6244A. 6263A. 6266A, and ZOODX, plug-in vacuum tube instru- Lab Models 855B, 865B, 6224A and 6267A. ments with similar characteristics, but 6226A are four versatile supplies each with voltage output adjustable over of which operates as either a constant Constant Voltage, Current Limiting Rack Mount limited spans. voltage or constant current supply and SuppliecThe H-Lab 6363A,6366A, and Klystron Power Supplies-Two klystron automatically transfers from one mode 6367A have no meters and have voltage power supplies include the 716A, which to the other as the load resistance control in rear. They can be Auto Se- offers superior regulation, noise, ripple changes. riesed, Auto Paralleled, and remote and hum characteristics, giving the ~ Bench and Rack Supplies-H-Lab 6200A, programmed. The H-Lab 802B is a broad capability of powering at least I twin solid state instrument furnishing 250 types of klystrons. The hp 715A is 1 6201A. 6202A, 6204A, 6204AM, 6206A, two independent outputs. The hp 7264 and 6206AM are designed as a family an economy model with high perform- ~ and are mechanically and electrically features remote programming capabil- ance standards for low power klystrons. compatible. Three units feature con- ity and a 2 amp current capacity. Special Instrumentation-The H Lab 801C stant voltage/constant current. Three Modular Plug-in SuppliesThe H Lab 6340 is a compact, solid state strain gage units feature dual output ranges and Series dc supplies offer a well regulated power module whose design, construc. are competitively priced with single chassis-mounting power source at mod- tion and size permit extreme isolation output range instruments. est cost. In addition this line of supplies from ground and the ac power line. The Low Voltage Lab Supplies-These solid state of low to moderate power ratings is H Lab 6920A Meter Calibrator is a instruments include two hp models, the capable of being efficiently grouped on convenient instrument for calibrating 721A and 723A, plus H Lab 800A-2, rack panels. The 6343A and 6346A are voltmeters, ac or dc, up to 1000 volk 800B-2 and 880. The inexpensive 721A 2,/2" high, 8" deep, 3" wide. The 6344A and up to 5 amps. The H Lab 6910A is ideal for R&D work, particularly in and 6347A are 5" high, 9" deep and 3" Dual Crowbar Protector provides two semiconductor circuit design. The 723A wide. The 6345A and 6348A are 5" independent overvoltage protection cir- high, 9" deep and 6%'' wide. cuits for protection of external circui- is especially useful for systems use try, should built-in power supply over- where a number of tests are made auto- Rugged SCR SuPPlieLFour H Lab SCR load protectors fail. Specifications of matically at different voltages. The supplies, the 505A, 510A, 520A and the 6920A and 6910A are available 800A-2 is a twin supply providing two 6455A, offer high efficiency and relia- from H Lab. DC REGULATED I

E PI - Load Line Ripple Model Output Volts Output Amps Regulation" Regulation4 4 kg; Characteristics Price..-_ cp g,lp, 1 i'i0Ov)W (mv) (mv) rrPl rrA - Complete vacuum tube supply in one plug-in 200D** 150 to 315 0 to 0.8 30 t60 1. 5 module for use in rack mounting case $2751 Similar to 200D; differs only in output voltage 200DX** 100 to 260 0 to 0.8 30 C60 1. 5 capability $2957 High efficiency. solid state rack mount supply 505A 0 to 72 0 to 5 0.5% combined 720 J J withvariable Auto current Series limit and Auto Parallel capability. - 510A 0 to 36 0 to 10 (1.5% combined I 360 I J I J I I Same as 505A except for output - 520A 0 to 36 0 to 25 0.5%- nbined 360 J J Same as 505A except for output Two ranges on voltmeter and ammeter, 12.6 v ac ct auxiliary 3 a output; overload protec- 0 to 500 1000 or 0 5% 1 tion: vacuum tube cabinet model, 711A 711AR rack mountZAR

I I I ~ Voltmeter can be switched to monitor any r7 three output voltages: 6.3 v ac et auxiliari 10 -300" 0 to 0.05 a output' overload protection; 7128 cabinet. 712BR&mount. both vacuum tube models 6.3 v ac 1.5 a outrut additional; direct read- ing calibrated voltage controls, choice of modu- $325 1% lation signal, overload protection, vacuum tube '% I :O I I I I hrnch model - 250 to -800 0 to 0.1 0.05% $775 ' 716A t06!! 67;' 0 to 2 I I - $145 able current limit; Auto Series, Auto Paral- $225


0 to 36 5 $5807 800A-2 I DUAL - $3397 I 55, . 801C I 0 to 25 I 0 to 0.2 I 2 $1491

$580# ,

$4757 800A. except for current output, 5575q ,

~ $&? * +$ 2.?k , 8106 I 0 to 60 I 0 to 7.5 I 10 or 0.02% $6957 $7757 -- $169 , $169 , $3757 $4751

$4451 I

:i ~ 895A I 0 to 320 I 0 to 1.5 I20 or 0.0070, 56259 5-s; ilar to 890A except for output and regula- ?-->? .:'?-? 896A I 75 to 160 I 0 to 2.5 I 30 or 0.02% $6751

6200A Constant voltage, constant current, bench $189 mount or 3%" half width rack mount: Auto Series, Auto Parallel with adjustable voltage 6201A and current limit, front and rear output termi- $159 nals: pushbutton range selector - 6202A 0 to 40 0 to 0.75 0.03%5 mv Or -$159 0 to 18 C9nAA 0 to 0.6 Less than or 0 to 0.3 10 mv $99'9 0 to 36 0 to 32 0 to 1 Less than or 0 to 0.5 10 mv $149'7 0 to 64 6224A 0 to 18 0 to 3 2 or 0.03% $340

6226A 0 to 36 0 to 1.5 2 or 0.02% $325


$460 - $435 -t435 -$525 tire voltage range. tf125 extn. add suffix X to model number, installed at factory on new instruments only. 7115 volt. 60-cycle operation. $Slight additiona for 230-volt. 50-cycle operation. #Requires external step-down transformer for 230-volt operation Data subject to change without notice. Pri


All input and output connectors via hp MICROWAVE TEST EQUIPMENT

Hewlett-Packard and its Dymec and attenuation are set on direct-reading loop levelers compensate for major var- Boonton Radio Co. divisions manufac- digital dials, and pushbuttons permit iations in the rf output. ture an extensive line of general and fast, easy selection of function (cw, lev- Frequency Doubkrs-Broadband frequency special purpose signal generators cov- eled output, square-wave modulation or doublers, hp938A and 940A, provide ering 50 kc to 40 gc. Models in the op- external amplitude or pulse frequency posite table prefixed “DY” are manu- modulation). In addition, the 8614A low cost signal generator capability in a the 18 to 40 gc range. Designed to be factured by Dymec, and Boonton prod- contains unique PIN diode modulator driven by the hp 626A3,or 628A Signal ucts are described on page 27. which permits such a wide range of am- Generators, 686C or 687C Sweep Oscil- LF to UHF Signal Generators-These signal plitude modulation that remote control lators or other sources in the 9 to 20 gc generators, including hp 606A, 608C, of output level or precise leveling with range, the frequency doublers preserve 608D and 612A, collectively cover fre- external equipment is possible. the versatility and stability of the driv- quencies from 50 kc to 1.23 gc and they Related Test Equipment-Each of the ing source. Thus, the signals may be cw, are characterized by extremely low DY-623B, 5636 and 624C Test Sets con- pulsed or swept. An output monitor and drift and incidental frequency modula- sists of a signal generator, frequency precision attenuator provide a metered tion. All may be amplitude (sine, meter and power meter. Thus, a com- output, even though the input signal is square, pulse) modulated. A feedback plete testing system is available in one uncalibrated. loop in the 606A keeps its output and unit for checking communication and percent modulation constant as fre- radar systems. Other Test Equipment-In addition to sig- nal generators and sweep oscillators, hp quency is varied. For very high on-off The DY-2650 Oscillator Synchronizer, ratios, pulses may be applied directly to which is fully compatible with the offers today’s most complete line of co- the oscillator of the 612A, which also hp 8614A, provides absolute control of axial and waveguide test equipment. may be used to simulate positive or This instrumentation, listed on the op- reflex klystron oscillator frequencies posite page, is designed to help you negative TV transmissions, since modu- over the range 1 to 12.4 gc by phase lation may be either up or down from locking the klystron signal to a crystal make microwave measurements easier, (as well as symmetrical about) the cw reference. Crystal oscillator stability is faster and more accurately. hfuch of level. the waveguide equipment is available thereby extended into the microwave in several frequency bands. The chart UHF to SHF Signal Generators-Most of the region with unprecedented ease and below lists the frequency range and des- models manufactured by Hewlett-Pack- convenience. The stabilized signals are ignation of each band. ard and Dymec are included in this suitable for use in doppler systems, ra- group, covering 800 mc to 21 gc and dio astronomy receivers, microwave featuring extremely simple operation. spectroscopy measurements, microwave Waveguide Frequency Models 614A, 616B, 618B, 620A, 6264 frequency standards and parametric Band (gel and 6284 provide large, direct-reading amplifier pumps. S 2.6 to 3.95 frequency dials and require no voltage Sweep Oscillators-The hp 680 Series G 3.95 to 5.85 adjustment during tuning. They may be J 5.3 to 8.2 Sweep Oscillators provide flexibility, H 7.05 to 10 , pulse, square-wave and frequency mod- simplicity and convenience for obtain- X 8.2 to 12.4 ulated. Their versatility makes them ing swept rf frequencies over the 1 to M 10 to 15 extremely useful for making measure- 18 gc range. Voltage tuned, these oscil- P 12.4 to 18 ments such as signal-noise ratio, re- lators are specifically designed for fast, K ia to 26.5 ceiver sensitivity, standing wave ratio comprehensive, full-range testing tech- R 26 5 to 40 and transmissian line characteristics. niques. An auxiliary output, propor- tional to frequency, may be used for Data subject to change without notice. oscillographic or x-y recording. Open Prices f.0.b. factorv. SIGNAL GENERATORS

Sinnal- Generators Freauencv Ranne Characteristics Price I I--~ Output 3 v to 0.1 pv. mod. BW dc to 20 kc, lowdrifcandnoi!e. low incidental FM. low distortion -606ASignal-Generator __- 50pkcpto65mc - $1350.. 6OECSignalGenerator 10-to48Omc Output 1 v to 0.1 pv into 50-ohm load; AM,pukemodulation, direct calibration $LZOO* - ~ -608DSignalGenerator 10 to 420 mc Output 0.5 v to 0.1 pv into50~hms_amp~ude,pulse mod., direct calib.. low incidental FM and drift $1300. -6lZASignalGenerator 450Ko 1.23 gc Output 0.5 v to 0.1 pv into 502hm load, AM,pulse or square wave-modul$ion. direct calibration $1400' 614A SignaLGenymtor 800 mc to 2.1 gc Output at lwst '/2 mw to -127 dbm (0.1 pv) v into 50-ohms. pulse or FM mod., direct calibration $1950. 8614ASignalpGenerator 800 mc to 2.4 gc Output +10 to -127 dbm into 50 ohms, labeled below 0 dbmcternalsqLwave. external pulse, AM P FM $1650 - ______~~-- ~ - -616BSignalGenerator 18 to 4.2 gc Output 1 mw to -127 dbm (0.1 pv) into 50.ohm load, pulse or FM modulation, direct calibration $1950. -6188SignalGenerator 3.8 to 7.6 gc -Output ______1 mw to -127 dbm (0.1 pv) into-50~hmtrpulse. FM or square wave mod., direct calibration $2250'

- -628ApSignalGenerator 15 to 21 gc- Output +IO dbm to -9Odbm;pulse~FM-o~squa~wave-modulatio?_direc~lib~ation I $3400" -938AFrequency-Doubler 18 to 26 5 gc Driven by 9 to 13.25 g~sourcefip~626AL686C~~klY$rons 7$1500'... 940A Frequency Doubler 26.5 to 40 gc -Driven by 13.25 to 20 gc source, hp 628A, 687C or klystrons 1 $l5OOv

-___682C Sweep Oscillator 1 to 2 gc Output 50 mw $3090'' 683C Sweepxator 2 to 4 gc Output 30 mw $3000" ~ 684C Sweep-Osyyator 4 to 8.1 gc Output 10 mw $2900'* -- Electronically swept, variable sweep rate, width, swr 3 or less; pulse, square wave, - H01 686C Sweep 7 to 11 gc frequency, amphtude modulatlon, all models offer leveled output $3000" ,_- Oscillator output 10 -686CSweep Oscillator 8.2 to 12.4 gc Output 10 mw $2900" - 687C Sweep Oscillator 12.4 to 18 gc Output 10 mw $3400"

8714A PIN Modulator 800 mc to 2.4 gc Up to 1 watt input, EO db on-off mho. 20 nsec rise time $850


Power Measurement -Hewlett-Packard bo- lation circuitry with a passband from 12 gc) has a vernier scale and is lometric and calorimetric bridges and dc to >lo0 kc provides on-off ratios >20 equipped for dial gauge mounting. The bolometer mounts measure power from db and power leveling facilities. These 814B has a direct reading dial. dc to 40 gc. amplifiers are light and compact be- Models 805C and 8050 Slotted Lines, Model 430C, a low cost automatic self- cause the TWT's use PPM focusing. 500 to 4000 mc, include prove carriage balancing bridge with full scale ranges The same instrument may be used on and detector. Model 805C is used in from 0.1 to 10 mw, is used with hp Mod- the bench or mounted in a 19" equip- type N systems; Model 805D in 7/8'' els 477B and 487 Thermistor Mounts ment rack. rigid coax systems. for measurements from 10 mc to 40 gc. Models 490B, 4924, and 4944 Low At frequencies below 500 mc, where Model 430C may be used with barretter Power TWT Amplifiers cover 2 to 12.4 slotted lines are long and cumbersome, or thermistor mounts and supplies up gc. They may be phase or frequency Model 8034 VHFBridge measures im- to 16 ma bias. modulated as well as amplitude modu- pedance simply and directly. Model Model 431B lated. These units are especially well 803A measures impedance magnitude is particularly well suited for standards suited to the phase modulation tech- from 2 ohms to 2000 ohms over the en- measurements because it may be used niques employed in Serrodyne and tire frequency range of 55 to 500 mc with precise dc-substitution techniques Homodyne systems. and phase angle to 90" lead or lag even as well as for direct power measure- SWR and Impedance Measurement-Imp&- at minimum rated frequency. The ments. It uses temperature compen- ance measurement in microwave fre- usable frequency range of the VHF sated thermistor mounts, making it quencies is simplified with the hp 4150 Bridge is 5 mc to 1 gc. nsensitive to ambient temperature SWR Meter, a high gain, low noise, Noise Figure Measurements-Noise Figure :hanges, and a recorder output makes tuned -amplifier type voltmeter cali- measurements in microwave receivers he 431B highly useful for drift meas- brated for square law detectors. Each are possible with hp noise figure meters irements. Model 431B has full scale 2.5 db portion of the range may be ex- and noise sources covering IF through anges from 10 /.LW to 10 mw and is de- panded to full scale for measurements waveguide ranges. The hp 3444 Noise igned to be used with hp Model 4784 which require high resolution. An op- Figure Meter is usable with radar re- :oaxial Thermistor Mount (10 mc to tional rechargeable battery pack is ceivers in any rf range for which noise 0 gc) and the 486 Waveguide Thermis- available for field measurements. sources are available. Continuous dis- or Mounts (2.6 to 40 gc). The low-cost hp 415B Standing Wave play of noise figure permits optimizing Model 4344 Calorimetric Power Meter Indicator provides readings in swr or this noise figure during operation. High trovides a fast, easy method for meas- sensitivity of the 344A permits decoup- db for all waveguide and coaxial slotted ling the noise source up to 20 db from irinF power accurately from 10 mw to sections. 0 w, a range not covered by bolometer the main transmitter line. It is designed ridges or conventional calorimeters. Forward and reverse signals are com- for pulse radars with 90 to 500 pps repe- My two controls are needed for the bined and their ratios displayed directly tition rates. Receiver and component l34A, a range selector and a zero set. by the hp 416B Ratio Meter which op- alignment is simplified with the hp 'ower to be measured is connected erates automatically, irrespective of 340B and 342B Noise Figure Meters, lirectly to the input of the 434A and common amplitude variations in the which measure and continuously dis- lissipated in its internal 50-ohm load. signals. Suitable for single and swept play IF or rf amplifier noise figures. qo external bolometers are needed. frequency operation. Four noise sources are available for use with hp noise figure meters. Slotted Lines and Carriages-Models 809B lnicrowave Amplifiers - Hewlett - Packard Additional Information-Data on the broad nanufactures two series of broadband and 814B Universal Probe Carriages line of Hewlett-Packard microwave in- nicrowave amplifiers. One series, the are precision mechanical assemblies op- strumentation is available from your Models 4894, 491C, 4934, and 4954 erating respectively with hp 810B and nearest Hewlett-Packard field sales Microwave Amplifiers, covers the fre- 815B Slotted Sections. Slotted Sections office. luency spectrum from 1 to 12.4 gc, and can be interchanged on the carriages in rovides 1 watt or more output for an seconds. The 809B, which also accepts Data subject to change without notice. nput signal of 1 mw. Amplitude modu- the 806B Coaxial Slotted Section (3 to Prices f.0.b. factory. FIGURE MEASURING INSTRUMENTATION

Primaty Uses Frequency Range Characteristics Price

Microwave Amplifiers Primary Uses Frequency Range Characteristics Price


lmoedance Measurement


C-2200 mc. D-4100 mc

415D SWR Meter

4168 Ratio Meter

0 5 db or less E Noise Figure Measurement Primary Uses Frequency Range Characteristics Price ,

receivers and components 10 mc to 18 gc avaiiable on order *,I* - Dperates on 30, 60, 7 mc; 342A Noise Figure Meter Noise figure measurement Depends on noise source, , , s815t * on receivers. components 10 mc to 18 gc other frequencies 0: s~~~a12~~der ' Broad band noise source 10 to 600 mc 5.2 db excess noise, 50 ohm source $100 Measure NF on radars IF range: 15 to 100 mc. specify Useful with radars $i65otm tor Fires noise sources for 344A Included with 344A Noise Figure meter 5 2 db source for IF noise 30 or 60 mc. others available Matches 50. 100. 200. 400 ohms $100 I measurement 347A Waveguide Noise Sources Gas discharge sources S. G, J. H. X. P-bands Excess noise 15 2 +O 5, all models 2 6 to 18 gc !:!! , 349A UHF Noise Source I Gas discharee source (coax 400 to 4000 mc Excess noise 15 2 db "0 5 db $325 r

*Price for cabinet model, rack mount $5 more, "Price for cabinet model, rack mount $15 less. ***Power handling capacity of all 764, 774 series couplers 50 watts CWb 10 kw peak $Approximately. depends on options. modulations #Requires external step down transformer for 230-volt operation. W Not available in Europe INSTRUMENTS


- ____I__ - - ." _c_ ___-_" ___l___._l_____r___l___ - I_ -_-_ __._ SANBORN INSTRUMENTATION FOR DATP

Sanhorn Company’s Industrial Division now offers a complete range of oscillographic recording and related instrumentation - including transducers: data amplifiers; portable to multi-channel direct writers; dc to 5 kc optical systems; magnetic data, event and high speed optical x-y recorders; 4- to %channel. 17” screen scopes, chart viewer. transducer amplifier-indicators and other related instrumentation. . These instruments and systems operate from 115 volt, 60 cps power lines: 115/230 volt. 50 cps versions are availahle at a slight additional charge.

Instrument, System Basic Features and Specifications Price IMAGNETIC DATA RECORDING SYSTEMS Model 2007 7 track, 4 speed, Highly flexible, compact Sanborn solid state electronics with Ampex transports; meet IRlG standards; inter- (Basic Assemblies. %” tape changeable FM and Direct Record/Reproduce circuits; Record/Reproduce amplifiers on same card; system less amolifiers and speed plug ins) ck, accuracy 1%; non-linearity +0.5% on dc. +1% on ac’ direct record bandwidth 50 kc FM 5 kc (at 30 ips); fi” tape std. 4 speeds are 3% to 30 ips. std. 7 speeds 15/16‘to 60 ips; electronics for 7 ciannels only 7” high, 2007. $5960 entire system in 31” of panel space; portable cases also available; Direct Record/Reproduce inserts $155 ea.; 2107, $10,465 Model 2114 14 track, 7 speed. FM Record/Reproduce Insert $180 ea.; Direct Equal. Plug-in $30 ea.; FM Freq. Plug.in $40 ea.; wide choice 2114, $12,505 1” tape of optional speeds, accessories I

EVENT RECORDERS ’ 361, $2250 (with ’ Sharp. clear traces of events as short as 1.3 msec. on dry, electrosensitive charts: pulsed writing; systems meet +6 to +40 v or Model 361, 30 channels MIL-1-26600/2 Class 1B RFI Spec.; seven solid state, plug-in writing control cards available for fixed variable -6 to -40 v Model 360, up to 120 channels logic levels, low level signals. etc.; Model 361 occupies only 8%” panel space, has 4 speeds; Model 360 takes writing control) 14“, has 9 std. speeds 360. $3900 (w/out [ writing control)

DATA AMPLIFIERS Model 860-4000 Specialized, all solid state dc data amplifiers for driving digital voltmeters, tape systems, analog-digital con- verters, etc.; each has 2“ x 7” panel; packaging in portable case, 2-unit or 8-unit rack mounting modules; 4000, $825 Model 860-4200 Model 860-4000 FIFO has 10 kc bandwidth floating input isolated from floating output gain of 1000, i-O.l% 4200, $600 Model 860.4300 linearity; Model 860-4200 is a dc.50 kc 3’terminal floating amplifier with lain of 1000. +0.01% linearitv; 4300, $425 I Model 860-4300 has floating input isolated from floating output. dc-100 Cps bandwidth, %0.05% lineariiy I

____ ~ - X-Y RECORDER Model 670A Writing speeds of 2500 in/sec. frequency response to 130 cps within 3 db at 8“ p-p deflections Model 850- 13008 DC Coupling Preamps supply input. included in basic system price; other 850 preamps bnd 670-800 $2635 Time Base Generator optional

TRANSDUCERS and RELATED INSTRUMENTS LVsyn’s for linear velocities at strokes to 22“. need no excitation, $40 to $120; Linearsyn’s for linear displace. (See Features at left) ments of f0.01” to 21”. $15 to $60; 580, 581 probes for f.s. recording of +-0.050” displacements. $125 to For linear displacement velocity $185; Series 7 DCDT‘s for i-0.05’’ to 23’’ displacements with 6 v dc excitation, dc output. $99 to $162: . and acceleration; gas ;nd fluid Series 267, 268 for liquid or gas pressures, -100 to +lo0 mm Hg. -40 to +40 mm Hg. $225 and $250; pressures; low forces. Model 270 for bi-directional. differential gas pressures, +400 to -400 mm H2D. $295: FTA Series Microforce for bi-directional forces i-1 to a100 grams, $175 to $200; Models 311 and 312 Transducer Amplifier-lndi- I caters for excitation and output display on meter, with strain gage bridges, LVDT’s. etc. $300 and $425. ! Note: Many “specials“ of different ratings quickly available, consult Transducer Division i


SINGLE-CHANNEL PORTABLE DIRECT WRITERS Response Non- Model Features (at 10 dlv p-p) Linearity Speeds Price

Compact, portable. 7” x lO‘/z’’ x 12” wide. marker sty- dc to 100 CPS 10 mv/div to 10 299 Max 625% 5 mm/sec Ius, cal zero suppression, bal input. 5 meg each side within 3 db v/div (10 pos ) 50 mm/sec f700 Carrier type amplifier and phase sensitive demodulator dc to cps for inductive transducers, strain gages. completely tran 10 PV rms/dw to M~~ 625% 5 mm/sec 301 within db sistorized, carrier freq , 2400 cps @ 5 v rms (internal) 2 mv/div (8 pos ) 50 mm/sec $750 Phase sensitive demodulator recorder, recording pro 0 5 mv rms/div to 5 mm/sec 302 portionat to level of in phase or 180” out of phase ac d~i~~i~o~Abps 5oo mv/dlv ) Max 0 625% 5o mm/sec $750 signal component with respect to reference Model DUAL CHANNEL PORTABLES

Versatility and performance of larger systems; uses two Four, pushbutton- 350 preamps; transistorized current feedback power dc .to 125 cps 0.1 v/mm $1575 296 without preamps Max. 0.5% selected: 1. 5, 20 amp, two 50-mm channels, paper take-up. 14” x 19” within 3 db and 100 mm/sec (plus preamps) panel, rack mounted ~~~~ -~ ~. ~ ~~~~~ ~ Same as 296 except uses miniaturized 850 preamps; (Same as 296) (Same as 296) $1675 297 101/2“ x 19” panel, rack mounted (plus preamps) ~~ __ $1650 (cabinet) 320 (Same as 296) - __ $1800 (rack) I t-- A- ~- Similar to 320. except provides excitation for and re- (Same as 296) $1495 (cabinet) 321 cords outputs of ac-excited transducers, etc. $1645 (rack)

$1395 (cabinet) $1545 (rack) Moderate gain, tube-transistor direct-coupled amplifi- (Same as 296) (Same as 296) (322A without I 322 ers; common mode rejection 50:l; has zero suppression I Zero Sup, $100 I 1 I less than above) Model MULTI-CHANNEL OSCILLOGRAPHS

av/div to Nine: dc to cps 10 0.1 See summary 100 v/div, depending Max. to within 3 db 1% 0.25 100 chart on preamp mm/sec

~- _. ~ ~~~~ 0.1 v/div. w/out Nine: high plug in preamps useful alone to drive meter, scope, dc to 150 cps See summary within 3 db chart put controls, for telemetering. computer output, other pending on preamp optional. mm/min) 5 volt full scale applications oushbutton-selected I-I’ I Optical 1 to 24 channel system with response to 5 kc 8-channel sys- over 4’’ amplitudes, with single set of ; dc to 5 kc 0.5 mv rms to 20 Nine: choice of carrier. high, medium or low gain 6 or within 3 db tem with 8 galvan. 650 Series channel amplifiers: 8” ultra-violet self-develop; charts, at 4” p-p; to $4200; kc at p-p amplifiers is used ushbutton.selected 8-channel. amp1 traces immediately visible, can overlap to occupy 8” 3 8” $2200 to $3900 amplitude - Identical recorder to 350 Series, but lower cost, minia- turized plug.in preamps (8 in 7” x 19” panel space); dc to 150 cps See summary 850 Series within db (850 preamps also used in 297 System, 670A X.Y Re. 3 on preamp chart corder and with 950 Amplifier in 12 to 16 channel 950) Economical system with “all-alike” channels in any of five different 6 or 8 channel’amplifier modules: 850 950 Series plug.in preamps may also be used with 950 module, for 8 channels alike, 8 more all different, up to a max. of 16 channels


150 SERl I 4 channel $3250 Basic Assemblies ~______~ 1 (without preamps) $4870 2 cabi

(Add Basic Assembly price ~ to Preamp prices for total 8 channel_ system cost) 12 to 16 channel I , Preamplifiers (add Series No. prefix) 1000 DC $385’- 1100 Carrier $425’ 1200 Phase-Sensitive Demodulation $360 1300 DC Coupling $220f 1400 Logarithmic $305 1500 Low Level $4358 1800 Stabilized DC $470’ 2300 AC $495 ’ 2500 RMS Volt/Ammeter $440 ! 2600 Frequency Deviation $360 2800 Frequency Meter $415’

(Note: System price is basic assembly price. plus price of preamps sele , ‘With Zero Suppression


F. L. Moseley Co. offers a complete uum paper hold-down. (Model 135C then reads out by positioning the line of x-y and strip-chart record- has new mechanical paper hold- arm of a potentiometer. The y-sig- ers, program controllers, servo volt- down.) nal is obtained by connecting an ex- meters, analog converters, key- ternal supply to- the potentiometer. boards and accessories. A complete The Autograf 2D Series are 11” x 17” re- Delay between record and read is catalog of instruments is available corders offered in a variety of cabi- adjustable. by contacting your local representa- net and bench models. The 6s is a tive or F. L. Moseley Co., 409 N. rack mount 10” x 10” recorder, while Model 22 DC Voltmeter is a high accu- Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena, Calif. the Model 7 is the 30” x 30” instru- racy, servo-operated indicating de- ment. vice featuring a 14-inch mirror- I The Moseley line of Autograf X-Y The Moseley Strip-Chart recorders, in- backed scale. 11 ranges, 3 mv to 300 Recorders includes various 8%’‘ x clude the solid state 680 Series, each v full scale. Accuracy *0.2% of full 11” and 11”x 17” models, a 10”x 10” recorder a bench or rack mount scale. recorder with automatic roll chart advance, and another which pro- model in one instrument. Accessory instrumentation in the Moseley vides recordings 30“ x 30”. One feature common to most Mose- line includes the Type A-1 Dual ley recorders is incorporation of a Channel AC/DC Converter, Type Q Model 135, 136 Series Recorders are to- highly stable zener controlled refer- roll chart accessories, Model 60D day’s most compact 81/” x ll’’ x-y ence supply. Logarithmic Converter, Type F-3 recorders. One instrument may be Optical Line Follower, Type 101 used on a bench, rack mounted or Model 2D-5 Transport Delay Simulator con- Waveform Translator and a variety carried anywhere. They are offered sists of a Model 2D X-Y Recorder of character Drinters and kevboards in single-pen or two-pen models. (with roll chart) and a Type F-3 for increasing the flexibility of These x-y recorders feature vac- Line Follower. The 2D-5 records, recorder applications. Data subject to change without notice. I STRIP-CHART RECORDERS

Recording Recording Model Characteristics Input Ranges Accuracy Price ' Size (in.) Pen Speed I I

X-Y recorder; full range zero set; isolated inputs 1 each axis

20 (bench) X-Y recorder; accepts ac or dc inputs on each axis; built-in time base x-axis 2DR (rack)

20-2 (bench) Similar to 20, except will accept only dc inputs Metric scaling $1950 on each axis optional 2DR-2 (rack)

2D-3 (bench) Similar to 2D-2. omits built-in time base Metric scaling $2050 designed for computer use. will accept flOO v optional 2DR-3 computer reference (rack) 10 ranges on each 15 in/sec axis, 0.5 mv/inch X-Y recorder, dc input, 10 ranges and variable range 11 x 17 $1490 , 2D.4 control on each axis; mechanical paper hold-down on each axis to 10 v/in; ,metric scaling optional i I Transport delay simulator; combines a 2D Series Rec er with roll chart accessory and Type F-3 Line Follower on a second recorder ~5goo3 20-5 arm; provides a stable delay from 4 seconds to 7 minutes 1.5 sec or less each 10 ranges each $3575 ZFRA Two-pen x-yly, recorder, built.in time base on x-axis 11 x 17 axis for full scale axis, 0.5 mvto 50 Be~~rf:6:cp;,'% Rack pen travel v/division (inch) Mow+ I I 16 ranges each Rack mount x-y recorder with automatic chart 1 sec each axis for 6s 10 x 10 axis, 0.5 mv/in Be~irf$~c:if%t3150t advance, up to 120 charts on single roll full scale pen travel to 50 v/in I I 20 in/sec max. pen 13 ranges, 1 Better than 0.2% Large x-y recorder ideal as plotting table: 30 x 30 s6500 , 7 horizontal or vertical mounting speed each axis mv/in to 10 v/in of full scale

~ General purpose lab strip-chart recorder; pushbutton 0.25 sec for full scale 10" chart to pen travel; 6 chart ,muto scaleof full $2495* 80A selection of 6 different chart speeds; chart speed 120' long lol;;y;; 20.2% may be synced to external pulse speeds, 2 to 60 in/min scale deflection 0.25 sec for full scale Two-pen, six-speed strip-chart recorder; chart speed 10" chart to pen travel; 6 chart 200l~xl~nggesm~;h v full scale +0.2%scale of full $3450t may be synced to external pulse 120' long speeds, 2 to 60 in/min 16 ranges each 0.5 sec each axis for Compact portable, desk or rack mount x-y recorder, 8% x 11 axis.to 500 5v/in"" mv/in $1650 I 135 occupies less than cu ft. built-in time base full scale pen travel Bet:trf$$'z% 1 10 ranges on each X-Y recorder, dc input, 10 ranges and variable range 15 in/sec 135C 8% x 11 axis. 0 5 mvlinch $1190 control on each axis: mechanical paper hold-down on each axis to 10 v/inch"'

Two-pen version of Model 135 X.Y Recorder: $2650t 136 similar characteristics (x-yry,) 8 chart speed ranges, Solid state 6" strip-chart recorder; eight chart speeds; 6" chart to 10 ranges, 5 mv to Better than 0.2% 680' 1 to 8 in/min. 100 v full scale** of full scale $750t continuous zero set, zener reference 100' long 1 to 8 in/hr Customer specifies Selected by 6" chart to speeds in 60:l ratio, 681" Similar to 680. except dual speed, single range customer, 5 mv Be~rf:\:~c~i~%$625t 100' long generally any speed to 100 v** up to 8 in/min Metric scaling Similar to 680. except is thermocouple operated, $675$ 682" built-in cold junction compensation optional

__- ~ Metric scaling $6253 683" Similar to 680, except makes current measurement optional

5" active Provides delay time $1780 685 Includes standard 680 with optical line follower paper width from 4 sec to 2.9 hrs

'Built-in dc inverters available for operation from 12 v or 28 v dc; 1% frequency stability add $225; 0.1% frequency stability add $300 **Metric scaling Optional 22 DC Seruo Voltmeter, 11 ranges, 3 mv to 300 v full scale, linear scale, zener reference I I $5953 600 I Logarithmic Converter, converts dc or ac to dc proportional to the log of the positive peak amplitude of the input 1 5575t


Type A.1 Dual channel ac/dc converter, permits plotting of ac signals, 20 to 200 kc. on dc recorders; eight ranges each channel, 0 1 v/div to 20 v/div $5853 Optical line follower permits optical tracking of almost any high contrast line, permits pre.recorded curves to 120 feet to be read out from $7953 pluS Type F-3 Model 2D, 80A or 680 Recorders installation

Type 101 This waveform translator permits plotting of repetitive oscilloscope traces on x y recorders $5753

Night additional charge for 115/230 volt, 50 cps operation.



FM-AM Signal Generators include Type 202H for testing and calibrating FM receiving systems in broadcast FM, VHF-TV, and mobile communications, and Type 2025, specifically designed for coverage of the vhf telemetering band. 207H Accessory Univerter, pro- vides IF coverage when used with either the 202H or 2025. Others are the Type 2254, a high-stability, general purpose model and the Type 240A, a sweep sig- nal generator for visual alignment of broad-band circuits and its accessory Univerter. Type 203B, extending the lower limit of basic frequency coverage. 219A FM Stereo Modulator provides a multi- plex output signal for the recently ap- proved FM stereo broadcast system in accordance with FCC Docket 13506. The output of the 219A may be used directly for the test and alignment of base-band circuits or may be used to modulate the 202H Signal Generator providing a complete stereo signal at rf. 230A Signal Generator Power Amplifier, when driven with a conventional signal gen- erator, provides high level rf power for use in receiver testing, voltmeter and wattmeter calibration, attenuation measurements, and antenna, filter, and component testing. Because of its excel- lent noise figure, the 230A is also well suited to low-level applications includ- ing receiver pre-selection, tuned selec- tive filtering, harmonic amplification, and pre-amplification for electronic fre- quency counters. 245C,D Signal Generator Calibrators provide a rapid and convenient means for check- ing and calibrating the rf output and amplitude modulation of signal gen- erators. They also provide calibrated rf levels in the microvolt range for the precision measurement of receiver sensitivity. 8900A Peak Power Calibrator provides a con- venient means of directly reading the peak RF power of pulses. The power level, indicated directly on the panel meter, is completely independent of duty cycle. The instrument consists of a precision terminated input circuit, di- ode detector, dc reference supply,and a chopped video output system. May be readily standardized against external bolometer or calorimeter. Aircraft VOR/ILS/DME/ATC Beacon Test Equip- ment includes specialized signal gen- erators for the testing and calibration of aircraft systems. Crystal Monitored Signal Generator, Type 211A provides coverage for VOR and ILS localizer, as well as VHF communications; Glide Slope Signal Generator, Type 2324, provides coverage for ILS glide slope; Navigation Aids Test Set, Type 235A provides complete facilities for DME and the ATC Beacon.



Data Acquisition Systems

UP to 25 3 wire signal sources, to 100 channels with slave scanners, Scanner Input programming capacity permits measurement of mixed types and levels UP to 200 guarded 3-wire inputs, to 600 non-guarded 1-wire inputs. of signals Voltage Ranges 100 mv to 1000 v full scale, overranging to i300% of full scale on four most sensitive ranges, 0 01% stability on four highest ranges Frequency Ranges 10 CPS to 300 kc. sample period 0 01, 0 1 or 1 sec, accuracy il digit time base accuracy Display 5 digits of data, range function (polarity). channel number. all included in front-panel readout, logged on output recording device Measurement Speed 5 channels/sec 10 channels/sec 1 channel/sec 5 channels/sec 10 channels/sec 1 channel/sec Effective Common Mode Rejection 105 db 105 db 105 db 130 db 130 db 130 db Punched card output Printed paper tape Perforated tape Printed paper tape Perforated tape Punched card (IBM 526) (IBM 526) Price $8675$ $10.800~ $9885 $10,965$ $12.850t $12,175 Options Time of day information, ac voltage and resistance measurements. 10 mv full-scale sensitivity. cabinet Data Processing Features Input Plot Price

Input Scanners Features Price

Scans up to 50 1 wire or 25 2-wire inputs. upper limit selectable at front panel, channel being measured indicated by in line readout and IO-line contact closure output $950 Scans 25 3 wire inputs, programs all functions of associated system, pushbutton selection of channels to be scanned, pin OY .2901A board inside scanner programs each channel for system functions and measurement delay, expandable in 25 channel incre- f',",:$1750 -- ments with slave scanners Crossbar switch is guarded for rejection of common mode noise, scans 600 I-wire, 300 2-wire. 200 3-wire, 100 6 wire OY 2911 inputs. lower and upper scan limits selectable at front panel, with random access to any channel, monitored channel $4650 indicated by in-line display and 4-2 2-1 BCD output I 1 Signal Conditioners Features Price I

~ Expands OY 2401A capability down to mv full scale. with 134 db common mode rejection. features 10,000 megohm +lo $1150 1 input resistance. fast overload recovery and rapid rise time design. full programmability I Permits floated and guarded. broadband, low level ac voltage measurements, 50 cps to 100 kc, 100 mv to 750 v full scale. and fast resistance measurements. 100 ohms to 10 megohms full scale, the converter is fully programmable $2250-t E I I Integrating Digital Features Price Voltmeter I i Voltage ranges, frequency measuring ranges and display listed in "data acquisition systems" section above, accurate I measurement of low level signals in the presence of high common mode noise. accomplished by floated and guarded I DY 2401A measuring circuitry and unique average-reading characteristic, effective common mode rejection 140 db at all noise $3950 frequencies, 160 db at dc, fully programmable I Voltage-to- ! DY-2210 DY -2211A DY-22 11B DY-5207-1 I Frequency , Converters 1

b ~ Input Ranges -Cl. 10, 100, 1000 v dc 51 v dc optional attenuator ilv dc optional attenuator to1.', 10,', lo,100, 'OoT 750 'Oo0 v dc dc 1 i Output Frequency 0 to 10 kc 0 to 10 kc 0 to 100 kc 0 to 10 kc , i $650 (rack)$ $1250$ $1250t $1850t \ Price $660 (cabinet)$ 1 1 Output Couplers Features Price

$3100. 1

$3900 including tape punch !

$770 to $1510 I Typically, ,

$1200 to $2500. ~ i AC only $1850. Ohms only. $1650 tSlight additional charge for 115/230 volt, 50 cycle operation .Available in U S A and Canada only i llntn suhlect to change c~lithoutnotrcp. PrirPs f o h. factorv I 1 t NEW INSTRUMENTATION I


+ Clevelond. Ohio 44129 + Rochester, N. Y. 14625 +Syracuse. N. Y. 13211 Pouqhkeepsie, N. y. 12601 +BOSTON AREA Cro Syracuse Sales Division Yewell Associates, Inc. 5575 I Pearl Road any Hewleft-Packard Compa Middlesex Turnpike (211 800 Linden Avenue Pickard Bldg. Washington St. Burlington, Mass. 01804 Malloy Rd. and Pickard Dr (61 7) 272-9000 (3 15) 454-2486 + Dei'roit. Mich. 48235 + Middletown. Conn. 06458 Craissley Associates, Inc. Yewell Associates, Inc. 14425 West Eight Mile Road 589 Saybrook Rd. (3 13) 342-5700 New York. N. Y. 10021 RMC Sales Division + PlTTS8URGH AREA Hewlett-Packard Company Crossley Associates, Inc. 236 East 75th Street 2545 Moss Side Blvd. (212) 879-2023 Monroeville, Pa. 15146 Enqlewood. N. J. 07631 (412) 271-5227 RMC Sales Division \ Hewlett-Packard Company 391 Grand Avenue + Dayton, Ohio 45409 (201) 567-3933 Asbury Pork, N. J. 07712 Crossley Associates, Inc Robinson Sales Division I250 W. Dorothy Lane \ (513) 299-3594 Hewlett-Packard Company 1317 Railroad Avenue .- Robinson Sales Division (201) 531-3150 Hewlett-Packard Company + Indianapolis, Ind. 46205 - 144 Elizabeth Street Crossley Associates, Inc. West Conshohocken, Pa. 19428 3919 Meadows Dr. (215) 248-1600 and 828-6200 (317) 546-4891 1Baltimore, Md. 21215 \ Horman Associates, Inc. Camp Hill, Po. 17011 /-- 3006 West Cold Spring Lane Robinson Sales Division Richmond,I Vo. 23230 +WASHINGTON,Horman Associates, D. c.Inc. AREA (301) 664-4400 Hewlett-Packard Company Bivins 8 Caldwell, Inc. 941 Rollins Avenue Park Place Office Bldg. 21 12 Spencer Road Rockville, Md. 20852 (717) 137-6791 (703) 282-5451 (301 ) 427-7560

For replacement parts and repair services in the San Francisco area, please contact Hewlett-Packard Company at: 395 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, California 94306 (415) 326-3950. + Indicates Instrument ReDair Stations