Procurement and Contractual Arrangements for Post-Disaster Reconstruction
PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR POST-DISASTER RECONSTRUCTION Kelvin Xi ZUO A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, The University of Auckland, 2010 Abstract Disaster reconstruction management requires a different response to ordinary construction. One of the key factors to consider is the development of an appropriate and efficient procurement framework for rebuilding following a disaster event. The major aim of this research is to review, analyze and recommend procurement and contractual arrangements for disaster reconstruction. Two major research methods are used to achieve the research objective, namely, literature review and case studies. The theoretical framework of various procurement paths, which comprises procurement systems, contractual models and standard contracts, is firstly identified and analyzed for construction projects under normal time. The characteristics and suitability of each procurement path are summarized at the end of the first part of the literature review. The theme of disaster reconstruction is introduced subsequently including different disaster reconstruction theories, relevant guidelines and regulations, contractual models for reconstruction in New Zealand and overseas. The suitability of procurement systems to post-disaster reconstruction situations is then examined in theory and it is found that the integrated and management-orientated procurement systems are more suitable to be used for reconstruction. Five case studies on reconstruction processes after natural disasters are carried out with particular focus on their procurement and contractual arrangements, time, cost, quality considerations, and relevant guidelines and regulations. These studies include the reconstruction after two recent New Zealand floods in 2004 and 2005, Indonesian Banda Aceh reconstruction after 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, 1998 Yangtze River Floods and 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake reconstructions in China.
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