Cobbers Take Back the Night
ARCHIVES CONCORDIA COLLEGE, MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA Volume 11. Issue No. 5 King Keith and Queen Jill Cobbers take back the night those who have died, celebrate Rachel Berg those who have lived, and thank News Editor those who work against the vio- lence," she said. "We have the power! We have The participants marched to the right! The streets are ours! the Moorhead Center Mall for a Take back the night!" rally where various women shared On Tuesday evening, women their personal stories as well as and men from Concordia, words of hope. Janeen Kobrinsky Minnesota State University set the tone with words of music: Moorhead, and North Dakota State University marched and chanted words such as these as part of the 10th annual "Take Back the Night" march. Junior Tanya Hoagland, an intern in the Women's Studies department, said she is marching "to speak against injustice." The march is "a voice for people who Every Night Rap* & Atxne Critia Cantor have been silenced by rape and of FBrao-MoorhMd abuse," she said. Other interns (701*293-7273 from the Women's Studies depart- " I ment were also present at the am a woman here on planet march, as well as many students Earth...I have a will to live in me," and Concordia faculty and staff. she sang. Keynote speakers included Photo by Marieke Mygland The event was sponsored by the Rape and Abuse Crisis Center Birch Burdick, Cass County State Keith JVfcCoy and Jill Anderson were crowned Homecoming King and Queen at the of Fargo-Moorhead. Beth Attorney, and Lisa Borgen, Cass Coronation ceremony Tuesday night.
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