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Voice of Truth

Voice of Truth


“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

VOL. 59, NO. 2 April - June 2021

Dear Friend:

Much has taken place since we sent out our last magazine. First, though a very few of us suffered from the effects of the COVID-19 virus, none of our congrega- tion, mission places, or listeners have passed away because of the virus. Most of our people have been vaccinated by now and are comfortable in attending church services. A few have been reluctant to take the shot, and that is their right to do so. Then, in April, we were blessed by being able to celebrate our biannual A Peculiar People week of nightly Revival Services fol- lowed by our Fellowship Sunday. The (Part 1) Lord gave us a beautiful day and a Daniel Smart great number of our folks attended. In addition, we baptized three newly saved souls. I always appreciate the “Who gave Himself for us, that He baptizing service. When I was a child, might redeem us from all iniquity, and my mother attended a small purify unto Himself a peculiar people, Pentecostal church and they baptized zealous of good works.” – Titus 2:14. in the river. Oh, what a time singing those old songs and all that took place, Substance of a Sermon by Daniel Smart, I enjoyed watching it. 1856, a strict baptist minister. Published Often times, Bro. Bobby Yeater, in “The Gospel Standard”, March, 1945, who puts the magazine together, under the heading: “Practical Godliness.” inserts a letter by Pastor Shelton enti- Reprinted in the “Old Faith Contender”, tled, “Letter to Awakened Sinners.” I August 15, 1951, Vol. 29, No. 16, Pilgrim encourage everyone, saint and sinner, Publications, Elon College, NC. saved or lost to read this gracious let- ter. I would say that it is a blessing to Introduction by W. J. Berry, Editor, me and I look forward to reading it. “Old Faith Contender”: Pastor Shelton had a heart for lost This sermon by the Strict Baptist individuals like none other person Minister, Daniel Smart in 1856, is a that I ever read after. I cherish all the most excellent description of what material; the tapes, CDs and written constitutes practical godliness and in material that we have here. We have what sense God’s people are “a pecu- a listing of all his printed booklets. liar people!” The further one gets into They are sent free and postpaid. We this sermon the more it is realized that print and reprint the booklets and the religion of Jesus Christ does not send them out by the thousands each consist of mere lip-service, nor of let- year. Let me know if you are interest- ter doctrine, however sound, but that (Continued on Page 28) (Continued on Page 2) 2

VOICE OF TRUTH A Peculiar People (USPS 013-450) (Continued from Page 1) Published quarterly by First Baptist Church of Algiers it must be a living, vital reality in our PO Box 1810, Walker, LA 70785 every-day life, or else it is mockery EDITOR IN CHIEF and worse than nothing. Daniel ALBERT PENDARVIS Smart would not have an ounce of any brand of the works system; neither would he have any mere profession of grace doctrine that did not show forth the fruits thereof. The substance of this sermon is to show that the true grace of God is effectual in the life of a believer, and that “faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” There Printing office: 9559 Florida Blvd, can be no point or value in our pro- Walker, LA 70785. fessing to believe in grace doctrine and not bringing forth the fruits of Subscription price: $3.00 per year. that doctrine. That is to be like the fig PERIODICALS postage paid at tree which indeed had many leaves Walker, LA, and at additional mail- but no fruit. ing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address od’s great grace to great sin- changes to VOICE OF TRUTH, Radio ners has been my theme, Missions, PO Box 1810, Walker, LA G and shall be until I die. But 70785. great grace will have great effects E-Mail: [email protected] upon the spirit, life, and conduct of those who have the grace of God in Website: www.radiomissions.org truth. It will lead to obedience. It will Phone: (225) 664-8658 lead us with Mary, to love much hav- The Voice of Truth is a publication of ing much forgiven. It will lead to ten- Radio Missions and First Baptist derness and fear of sinning against Church of Algiers dedicated to the that God whom we love “because He preaching of the Gospel of the Lord first loved us.” It will lead to filial fear Jesus Christ for the salvation of sin- and humility. It will make a man dif- ners and the edification of believers. fer in spirit, life, and conduct from It is sponsored by the offerings of the rest of mankind. Do we know any- those who love the truth of God’s thing of the saving, humbling, sancti- Word and lost souls. fying effects of grace? Most people’s religion is of a very selfish character: all they want of Jesus Christ is to escape hell [that is the motive of the SUBSCRIPTION works- system – Ed.] not that they have any love to the Lord Jesus, not

Name (Please Print) that they hate sin and abhor self, out of love to Jesus Christ; but wishing to Address serve their lusts and pleasures in this world, and then creep into heaven City State Zip rather than get damned – expecting to I enclose $ for years subscription ($3.00 per year) be saved by Christ, but “to be holy, (Make check payable to: Radio Missions) (Continued on Page 8) 3

colporteur, noun col·por·teur | \ käl-pȯr-tәr \ Definition : a peddler of religious books

Did you know? In 19th-century America, the word colporteur (a French borrowing meaning “peddler”) came to be used especially of door-to-door peddlers of religious books and tracts, and it has carried that specific sense into the 21st century.

What about you? Since 1950, we have been printing and distributing Pastor Shelton's (the founding pastor of First Baptist Church of Algiers) sermons in booklet form free of charge. We currently have hun- dreds of titles available for free distribution simply for the asking. Become a colporteur and we will send them to you to distribute in your area. Many have been placed in truck stops, doctor's offices, airports, hospitals, bus stations, prisons, jails, nursing homes and directly into the hands of needy souls, both in the United States and overseas. Will you help spread the Gospel? 4 BIBLE PROPHECY EXPLAINED AND EXPOUNDED Bible Prophecy and Perilous Times SERIES H-0, NO. 5 A. R. Copeland

n Second Timothy 3, the COVETOUSNESS IS A TRAIT OF apostle Paul predicted “per- THE NATURAL MAN. Paul calls this I ilous times shall come,” then depravity, which makes all men born he goes on to say through Verses 2 to 7 by nature “the children of wrath” – that which every believer should read, (Eph. 2:1-3); with the worldwide edu- because he describes organized reli- cational program by evolutionism and gion without Christ, individuals with- naturalism we see the mind in further out life or love, and mass humanity degeneracy and animal activities. blinded by the ungodliness that has “Covetous” means a love for money, permeated all phases of life and insti- material possessions, and a seeking, tution with men and women “ever in the name of each individual seeker, learning, and never able to come to for that which will build himself up as the knowledge of the truth.” The a result of his own selfishness. We are whole thing could be summed up in experiencing a crime wave the like of one word “Blasphemy.” And if that is which the world has never seen, and not enough, Verses 8 to 14 show that unfortunately, we see an increase all such “resist the truth, men of cor- annually in this crime wave, deceit rupt minds, reprobate concerning the employed, embezzlement of banks faith.” But the apostle makes plain and other funds, the widespread prac- that at a certain time “they shall pro- tice of fraud, murder, robberies and ceed no further; for their folly shall be theft. All of this is motivated by cov- manifest unto all men, as theirs also etousness, which is the same spirit was.” In Verse 11, the apostle speaks that motivates pornographers to print, of the “persecutions” and “afflictions” and sell, inflammatory materials which came upon him “at Antioch, at about sex, which is a stimulant to Iconium, at Lystra, what persecutions crime that results in tragedy, the exact I endured; but out of them all the Lord opposite of Christianity. We hear con- delivered me.” People who fight the stantly through the news media, the Lord and seek to drive a God-called press, radio and TV of the increase of pastor from his pulpit, Paul describes dope peddlers, and the determination in Verses 12-13: “Yea, and all that will to destroy minds and wreck our youth live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer today. Such selfish, materialistic, evo- persecution.” There will be no slack lutionary philosophy has spawned of this in the last days, “But evil men greedy souls in a society of greed and and seducers shall become worse and gain, ready to sell its soul for a mess of worse, deceiving and being deceived.” “pottage.” Believers are to continue according to LEADING TRAIT OF MANKIND the scripture of truth which the apos- TODAY IS PRIDE. This same, God tle declared “All scripture (including says He hates (Prov. 6:16). It seems prophecy) is given by inspiration of that the hallmark of our time is spirit God (God-breathed), and is profitable of anti-humility, the exact opposite of for doctrine, for reproof, for correc- true Christianity. You will hear peo- tion, for instruction in righteousness, ple everywhere bragging about I, Me, that the man of God may be perfect, My, and Mine. This shameless spirit thoroughly furnished unto all good is brought about by proud boasters works.” who love to brag about their kith and 5 kin, and their success and progress in and condemn themselves – Exod. 20:7. business or professional life. Much of Profanity is more common now than I this bragging comes from parents who ever heard it, or dreamed it could be. love to boast of their children’s suc- Profanity has increased ever since cess. This sin of pride is not confined World War I, and is going now in geo- to individuals, but permeates entire metrical ratio since World War II, the governments worldwide. If you have Korean Conflict, the Indo-China War, kept up with the history of Communist etc. I have read in history where men Russia, Red China, and Cuba, as well challenged each other for a duel as with Egypt, some of the European because of the offense of swearing in nations and many others including the presence of a young lady, etc. our own beloved country, you will National blasphemous tendencies observe how the national leaders and have invaded all the fields of art in our those who follow them are lifted up in fifty states, such as education, litera- pride, self-will, and ruthlessness. This ture, music, religion and the philoso- leads to an abandonment to evil and phy of life. It is a common sight to see wallowing in crime; as a result, in our nude portrayals of an alleged love life own country, especially, we hear when the fact is it is a mere expres- every day, via TV, radio, and newspa- sion of lust and not love. This will not pers of crime in high places that have get any better as we approach the cli- to be checked by Federal Grand Juries max in our last days of church history who indict, and order prosecution and God’s removal of all believers with conviction against the very lead- from the earth – (1 Thess. 4:15-18), ers of our nation. Self-esteem seems preceding the revelation of the to be a forgotten virtue, while men antichrist who will be a Gentile ruler everywhere in the closing days of this over the old Roman Empire, including age reveal that men seek the esteem of the USA. Blasphemers in all walks of others rather than that approval life use God’s name in vain, and like- which comes only from God. When wise the name of Jesus Christ to whom William Shakespeare said, “To thine they refer as a “philosopher” and own self be true” that, too, is rebuke “super star” when He is the Supreme to loudmouthed braggers who pollute Super Saviour Lord. It is strange but both the air and terrain with their true, when men want to curse they words of pride, and ideas put over, select God’s name to take in vain. This which shows those who are guilty, feel shows they admit God the Father and insecure, and are trying to ingratiate God the Son, and their blasphemy is a themselves with their constituents. contempt for Deity. Satan is the The fact is, honesty with humility fits inspirer of blasphemy, profanity, and in with the state of mentality that dirty thinking – Prov. 23:7. People keeps the emotion balanced and help- who are determined to blaspheme ful, while “pride leadeth to destruc- God’s name, reveal the universal tion” – Prov. 16:18. satanic tendency in their depraved BLASPHEMERS INCREASE IN THE nature, which is against the personal LAST DAYS ACCORDING TO SCRIP- Deity, our Lord Christ. TURE. God’s Word is clear concern- ing those who take His name in vain ❖❖❖

The world is upside down, and therefore, the first are last and the last first. Patience…believer, eternity will right the wrongs of time. – C. H. Spurgeon (circa 1866) 6 Why Salvation is So Great (Part 2) L. R. Shelton

(Continued from previous issue) “And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by es, it is great, it is glorious, to Jesus Christ, and hath given to us know, my sinner-friend, that the ministry of reconciliation; to Y the penalty that hangs over wit, that God was in Christ, recon- your head as the result of breaking ciling the world unto himself, not God’s holy Law has been set aside, not imputing their trespasses unto because of anything that you and I them; and hath committed unto have done, but because Christ in His us the word of reconciliation.” own body on the tree paid the Yes, salvation is great because it redemption price in full. Then one includes the RECONCILIATION of the day the Holy Spirit revealed to my own sinner by Christ to God Himself. Man heart that I was a guilty sinner, that sinned; man chose sin rather than God had judged me guilty, and there God. Man became a rebellious crea- was no way of escape within my own ture, hating God, living in contempt of self or anything that I could do, but the authority of God, and having his realizing that the redemption price own way. Therefore, the fellowship had been paid, I turned to the Lord between God and the sinner was bro- Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. ken. God took the first step in bring- For His sake God set aside the penalty ing about that reconciliation that man and the sentence of sin and made me may walk in unbroken fellowship with free! Praise God for freedom in Christ God. Remember this one fact – God Jesus our Lord. did not sin, God did not break fellow- No sinner ever gets saved until first ship with man; it was man who broke he has come to see and to realize that fellowship with God. Therefore, man he is under the penalty of sin, is lost, is guilty before God, and that guilt judged guilty, and has been made to must be removed before there can be realize that he has nothing to offer any fellowship between God and man. God which God will accept for his God’s love for man would not let man redemption, but he is made to rely, or go. God’s justice demanded that God throw himself completely, upon the pour out His wrath upon man. mercy of God in Christ. Oh, sinner, I Therefore, Christ took man’s place, long for you to look into the “law of became sin in the sight of God (2 Cor. liberty,” into the Law of God and see 5:21), took upon Himself the likeness the curse that rests upon you and of sinful flesh(Phil. 2:9-11), though He come to know the freedom in Christ knew no sin, and poured out His Jesus our Lord. That is the reason that wrath upon His own self as the sin- every individual who is redeemed by ner’s lawful Substitute until His justice the blood of Christ, delivered by the was satisfied, and He cried on the power of God, knows that he is cross, “It is finished!” Thus the love of redeemed through Christ Jesus, his God and the wrath of God met in Lord and Saviour, and has been set Christ on the cross and found perfect free in Him. That’s right. Praise God satisfaction. for it. I tell you, I never cease to When the individual is awakened to praise the Lord for His marvelous, the fact, under the convicting power marvelous grace. of the Holy Spirit, that the wrath of In 2 Cor. 5:18, 19 Paul says, God abides on him, which he begins to 7 realize only when the Holy Spirit tomb, and adorned in the brightness unveils his eyes, then he stands in the of the resurrection. fear of God. As the Bible says, “The Now, let’s notice why men will not fear of the LORD is the beginning of have salvation, even though it is so wisdom” (Ps. 111:10; Prov. 1:7), and as great – the greatest thing in this life is the poet put it, to be saved. Yes, the greatest thing in “Grace...taught my heart to fear.” this life is to know that Christ died for When the sinner further realizes he your sins, and to know that your sins can do nothing within himself to are forgiven in Him; and yet, my remove that guilt and turns to Christ friend, in spite of all that, the great as his only hope and receives Him as multitude out there at this moment do his Saviour, One who died in his place, not have a saving knowledge of the then God forgives him, not only of all Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and his sins, but by one act forever and Saviour. I want to mention a few rea- eternally sets aside, or removes the sons from God’s Word WHY MEN guilt of sin that separates him from WILL NOT HAVE GOD’S SO GREAT God and counts the sinner as if he had SALVATION. First, THEY LOVE SIN – never sinned. This is what the Bible YOU love sin! You won’t have it calls justification by faith. It is then because you love sin. You get up and and only then that the sinner has stamp out of the room. You will turn peace with God, or is at peace with with one thought: “I won’t hear him, God. This is true because there is I’ll not hear that man!” It’s because nothing that separates him from God, you love sin. John 3:19 says, and he is brought into perfect fellow- “And this is the condemnation, ship with God. My friend, isn’t it great that light is come into the world, to know Him? and men loved darkness rather I have had many say to me, “Oh, if I than light, because their deeds could get peace; I want peace!” But, were evil.” my friend, remember one thing, there Yes, it is an actual known fact that is no peace in the heart of the sinner men love sin more than they love God. until he comes to know the Lord Jesus They love to have their own way and Christ, the Prince of peace. “As many would rather live in their rebellion as received him (Christ), to them gave and unbelief under the sway and dom- he power to become the sons of God, ination of Satan than to yield to the even to them that believe on his Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Yes, name” (John 1:12). Yes, peace comes men love sin and would rather have it when God accepts the believing sinner for a short time, and in the end go to in Christ and reckons him righteous Hell, than to turn to Christ for salva- and in His sight counts him in Christ tion, which means eternal life and a as if he had never sinned. Then to home in Heaven at death. give the sinner a standing before God, There came to my office the other He imputes to him the righteousness night a young couple who had of Christ. This is brought out so clear- planned to buy a home, and they said, ly in the story of the “lost son” given in “No, we want a home up yonder more Luke 15. When he returned to his than we want a home down here, so father in rags, it was then that the we are going to relinquish all claims father said, “Bring forth the best robe, on a home here. We want a home up and put it on him.” So does God yonder. We want to know Christ as clothe every repentant believing sin- Lord and Saviour.” ner whom He receives in Christ with The second reason I mention, that the perfect robe of righteousness, men reject so great salvation is THEY which was woven on the loom of the LOVE THEIR OWN SELF-RIGHT- cross, tested in the darkness of the (Continued on Page 10) 8

A Peculiar People (Continued from Page 2) have not will.” pent, and there ever will be. You may In 1836, I had such a sweet persua- talk about the grace of God, and think sion in my mind that when my race about it, but does the grace of God was run, my end would be peace with reign in your hearts, and is it manifest God in glory, and yet I went groaning and conspicuous more particularly to in my very spirit before God. It was those who are nearest connected with summed up in those words of Hart’s : you? It is to “appear unto all men,” “Jesus’ precious blood, once but more especially shall they see the spilt, light who are nearest to it; and even I depend on solely the carnal world, as Watts says: To release and clear my guilt; “Gaze and admire, but hate but I would be holy.” the change.” The thought that I should remain a It is to appear unto all men, teaching sinner against my gracious Father and us that denying ungodliness, and God down to my latest breath, worldly lusts, we should live soberly, oppressed my spirit. “Follow peace righteously, and godly in this present with all men, and holiness, without world. Dying sinner! look the which no man shall see the Lord.” Scripture in the face. Does it describe Real religion is best where we can thy character? Christ said: “My moth- examine it continually; a false religion er and My brethren are these which appears best at a distance. Bunyan hear the Word of God and do it.” And speaks of one, Talkative, who was a elsewhere He says: “Why call ye Me, saint abroad and a devil at home. Lord, and do not the things which I Now I like that religion the apostle say?” Those who do them not He says speaks of here: “For the grace of God are fools, building upon the sand, but that bringeth salvation hath appeared those who do His sayings are wise to all men.” “A city that is set on a hill men, digging deep, laying their foun- cannot be hid.” Men do not light a dation upon the rock, and neither candle to put under a bushel, but on a winds nor storms shall ever destroy candlestick, that it may give light to all their building for it is founded upon in the house. Now I do not ask you the rock. “Be ye doers of the Word, what you think of your own religion; and not hearers only, deceiving your you might be partial in the matter, you own selves.” As you read and ponder may be deceived, and many doubt over the Word of God may these their own religion who have the grace words sound in your ears: “Am I a of God in their hearts; but what do doer of the Word?” those think of your religion who have “Teaching us that, denying ungodli- to live with you? what do your credi- ness and worldly lusts.” I could but tors think of it? what do your servants think this morning how many loose, think of it? what do your wives, your ungodly, hypocritical, worldly, carnal husbands, your children think of it? professors there are that will one day Of the primitive disciples it is said, fall before the truth of God as grass men “took knowledge of them, that before a scythe. Dying sinner! what is they had been with Jesus;” that they likely to become of thee? had turned the world upside down The apostle, speaking of his natural with their new doctrines. Aye, there state, says to Titus: “For we ourselves always was a stir between the Seed of also were sometimes foolish, disobe- the woman and the seed of the ser- (Continued on Page 11) 9

He who leaps short of the bank, falls into the river: such as come short of Heaven, fall into the river of fire and brimstone. You may as soon find a living man without breath as a living Christian without prayer.

Our daily bread we have from God; our daily sins we have from ourselves. POINTED ARROWS Our sins are like the drops of the sea – (Selected quotes from L. R. Shelton and other they exceed all arithmetic. early Baptist, Puritan, and Reformed writers) There are three things a sinner will Pleasure is the sugared bait men bite not think about without grace: sin, at, but there is a hook under it. death and the day of judgment.

The pleasures of the world keep many There is nothing we can call so prop- from the pleasures of paradise. erly ours as sin. If one sin reign, it will keep you from A hypocrite will read, go to church, reigning in Heaven. give alms, build hospitals, but cannot forgive wrongs. The higher men’s estates rise, the higher their hearts are lifted up in Many preach on election, but never pride. election in Christ. It is hard to carry a full cup without A true minister determines not to spilling, and to carry a full, prosper- know anything among his people or ous estate without sinning. anyone, save Jesus Christ and Him crucified. It is a vain thing for a man to say he loves Christ’s person, when he slights Whatever God has revealed ought to His commands. be preached.

To be a murmurer, and a rebel, is, in As soon as a child is capable of being God’s account, all one. lost, it is capable of being saved. The devil warms himself at the fire Evil taught a child is never forgotten. and sparks of anger. Nothing more hinders a soul from Many have clothed backs and naked coming to Christ than a vain love of souls. There are no pardons after the world. death. What folly is greater than to labor for As some get seasick, but when they “the meat that perisheth” and neglect come to land are well again; so the food of eternal life? hypocrites get sermon-sick, but this trouble does not last, the sick-fit is Men’s folly and intemperance shorten soon over. their days. 10

Why Salvation is So Great (Continued from Page 7)

EOUSNESS. Paul in writing to the ual hear the preaching of the Gospel church at Rome in Rom. 10:1-4 tells us of the Lord Jesus Christ under the why the Jews, though religious, claim- power of the Holy Spirit, and he will ing they love God, would never repent begin to see the unrighteousness of of their unbelief and submit them- his own righteousness, and then if he selves to salvation in Christ. Paul was will submit himself unto God He will deeply burdened for them as lead him to Christ for salvation. But expressed in Rom. 10:1, the average individual so loves his “Brethren, my heart’s desire and self-righteousness, because it is a robe prayer to God for Israel is, that of his own weaving, that he will not they might be saved.” come to Christ. The evidence that he Then Paul goes on to say in verse 2, does love it is seen in the fact that he “For I bear them record that they will turn his back upon the truth, and have a zeal of God, but not in so many instances, will find com- according to knowledge.” fort in the words of an unsaved We see here that not every person preacher or teacher who will warn who is religious is saved, and because him about getting all stirred up and he is religious is no evidence that he is troubled about his soul’s welfare. saved. Paul very plainly states here The greatest enemy a poor lost self- that these religious Jews were not righteous sinner has is someone who saved, because he uses these words in will comfort him, whether it be a verse 3, preacher or layman, and thereby seal “For they being ignorant of God’s him in his self-righteousness which righteousness, and going about to spells doom. One of the hardest class- establish their own righteous- es of people to reach with the Gospel ness, have not submitted them- of the Lord Jesus Christ is self-right- selves unto the righteousness of eous, lost church members. Every God.” time a lost church member gets My friend, just because you are reli- stirred up about his soul’s condition, gious is no sign that you are saved! instead of coming clean and clear with Your religious fervor is just a cloak of God and acknowledging that he is lost, self-righteousness in which you pride he will begin arguing with God that he yourself and which you hold as an evi- is saved. Many of them will even go to dence that you are saved, but as Paul the extreme of accusing the devil of states in verse 4, “…Christ is the end of trying to tell them they are lost, when the law for righteousness to every one that is the last thing the devil would that believeth.” do, for only the Holy Spirit points out It matters not how religious, or self- to sinners, whether in the church or righteous an individual may be, he is out of the church, that they have not saved until he comes to abhor, never been saved. despise, renounce, and turn from his Another reason the individuals will own self-righteousness, which is the not have “so great salvation” that God result of his religious works, and turns offers every sinner in Christ is, THEY to God in repentance, submitting him- LOVE TO HAVE THEIR OWN WAY. In self unto Him in utter dependence Isa. 53:6 God says, “We have turned upon Him, that he might receive the every one to his own way,” and in imputed righteousness of God, which Prov. 14:12; 16:25 we find these words, is Christ. Let a self-righteous individ- (Continued on Page 13) 11

A Peculiar People (Continued from Page 8) dient, deceived, serving divers lusts before God. and pleasures, living in malice and Few professors are willing to lose a envy, hateful and hating one another.” right hand or a right eye out of love to This was when he was in his natural Jesus Christ. Poor sinner! if there is state and walked according to the anything in thy calling that grates course of this world. And he said: upon thy conscience; if something “Such were some of you: but ye are says to thy mind: What will the Father washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye say, the Father of mercies who is too are justified, in the name of the Lord holy to look at sin or connive at evil? is Jesus, and by the spirit of our God.” it not better, through divine grace, to I find most professors – I am sorry it pluck out a right eye or cut off a right is so – say by their actions that you hand and enter into life, than having may put what He likes in His Word two eyes to be cast into hell fire? But and threaten what He please, but they graceless professors will keep their will do what they like for all that. I idols, hug their lusts, seek their carnal know I have constantly to warn sin- delights, and walk according to the ners, and am sorry I cannot see such course of this world, and if the grace effects produced by the warning as I of God prevent not, will be damned in desire. This is want of grace. It shows their own proceedings. the rottenness of professors. I have “Denying worldly lusts” – especially sometimes thought, Surely if you have the lust of selfishness and covetous- ever taken the trouble to read the New ness. How it reigns in our day! You Testament, it must be to see how con- may say what you will to professors trary to its precepts you can act! This about “they that will be rich fall into is deplorable! This is base fruit temptation and a snare and into many indeed! “Every tree which bringeth foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown not forth good fruit is hewn down and men in destruction and perdition,” cast into the fire.” they will not flee these things, but will “Teaching us that, denying ungodli- feast their eyes and feed their hands ness” – not to wallow in it, but to deny with them, and, if grace prevent not, it – “to have no fellowship with the will be damned to all eternity. “They unfruitful works of darkness, but come unto thee as the people cometh, rather reprove them” – “and worldly and they sit before thee thy people, lusts.” Have you ever given up a lust and they hear thy words, but they will for Jesus Christ? How many talk not do them.” Those who can preach about Jesus Christ who never think of free grace and not insist upon its fruits giving up anything for His sake! Paul and effects, are regarded by them as says: “They profess that they know having a pleasant voice and can play God, but in works they deny Him; well on an instrument: for they hear being abominable, and disobedient, thy words and do them not. “With and unto every good work reprobate.” their mouth they shew much love, but Does this describe your case? Your their heart goeth after their covetous- case is described in the Word of God. ness.” Others (poor wretched crea- Are you a goat or a sheep? a bastard or tures) hearing the words of this curse, a proper child? Are you living under bless themselves in their hearts, say- the influence of God’s grace and filial ing: “We shall have peace.” It is one fear, or are you a reckless hypocrite in thing to bless yourself, and another Zion? We must all die and appear (Continued on Page 18) 12 Children’s Story Hour sheep, although so similar in appear- ance; they must be dealt with as goats. How solemn to have the appearance of being a sheep, and even be in the same “pen” as the sheep, but never to be an actual sheep. We can spend time with the Lord’s people, attend chapel services regularly, and be favoured with godly parents or friends, appearing to be a sheep; but all the while be just a “goat” in the same “pen” as the sheep. You may be much tried as to whether you are a “sheep” or a “goat” – particularly if you look back, as On a recent visit to a cattle market some of us do, over our lives with in East Sussex with my grandchildren, much shame at some of the things we we watched the trucks unloading the have done. But there is a sweet hymn animals into pens to be sold. On this in Gadsby’s, number 76, which may be occasion there were cows, young an encouragement to some seeking calves, two large bulls, and numerous soul who is being taught by the Holy sheep. Having no knowledge of farm- Spirit. In verse 2 the last line reads: ing, this was an interesting experience “As far from God as sheep can run.” I for us, particularly when the animals have often thought of this, that sheep were being sold by the auctioneer. are so silly and, like us, they can However, my attention was drawn quickly follow other sheep into a to two goats that were in a pen with wrong way or place. But the Shepherd some sheep. How they came to be (God) will only let the sheep (His peo- there and whether they were eventu- ple) go so far. He is always watching ally sold, I do not know – but there over His sheep, even when they are they were. straying away from the Shepherd. But In His earthly ministry, Jesus often in His great lovingkindness and mercy used illustrations and parables refer- (which we can never really under- ring to sheep and goats when speak- stand), they will, and must, be ing to the people, many of whom were returned to the fold at the appointed no doubt simple farming folk. time. This gave me some solemn What a mercy if at “the appointed thoughts. Here were some goats time” you can sweetly feel the lan- among the sheep. With just a quick guage expressed in verse 6 – to know glance at the pen in which they were that “call by grace.” The silly sheep do placed, you would hardly notice the not deserve to be brought back to the difference. They looked so similar to fold. But the Good Shepherd in sover- sheep, but these were definitely goats; eign love and mercy does bring His and however closely they resembled sheep back! sheep, they were goats and always had He saw me ruined in the fall, been since they were born. Likewise, Yet loved me notwithstanding all; the sheep in the pen had always been He saved me from my lost estate; sheep since they were born. His loving-kindness, O how great! But my thoughts went like this. Another thing I noticed was that all Here were some goats among the the sheep had a mark on their backs. sheep, but at some point they must be Those with a mark were placed separated from the sheep. They could together in pens with sheep with simi- never have been sold in the market as lar coloured markings. But I did not 13 see any mark on the backs of the Mr. Wood of Croydon. He often used goats. to refer to the mark on the sheep’s The Lord’s people (sheep) very back. The sheep, the Lord’s chosen often cannot see things clearly and people, will be found in heaven at last, certainly can never see the “mark on despite all their wanderings here their own back.” But in God’s sover- below. But solemnly, the goats – even eign electing love they have been though they looked like sheep – will “marked,” chosen in eternity past, and “go…into everlasting punishment” at the appointed time they will be sep- (see Matthew 25:31-46 & John 10:1-18). arated from the goats that are at pre- What an unspeakable mercy to be sent together with them in the same included with the sheep spoken of in “pen” – this world. John 10:27-29. Fixed was the vast eternal deep Between the goats and chosen sheep; Nor can a union e’er take place Reprinted from Friendly Companion, August ’Twixt heirs of wrath and heirs of 2018, pgs 179-181 (slightly altered). grace. Many of you will remember the late 

Why Salvation is So Great (Continued from Page 10)

“There is a way which seemeth right though he is awakened to the fact that unto a man, but the end thereof are he is lost, his only hope is to submit the ways of death.” Paul says in Rom. himself to the Holy Spirit who will 3:12, “They are all gone out of THE lead him to Christ. How helpless and way;” that is, every individual wants to hopeless a sinner is within himself to have his own way. For man to have find his way to God! He can’t pray his his own way means that he is going in way to God; he can’t think his way to the opposite direction from God, and God. He can’t reason his way to God. is traveling toward Hell. Repentance The only way is to believe your way to toward God means turning about-face; God, and that means that you trust once going away from God, now you yourself to the Holy Spirit who knows are turned toward God. the way to Christ. This is by blood Any person who gets lost, whether redemption, the way of the cross. My he knows it or not, always goes in the friend, He will lead you to Christ, and opposite direction from the way he not only lead you there, but will reveal wants to go. Then, when he realizes Christ to you, deliver you from the he is lost and tries to find his way out, power of Satan and translate you into usually he goes in a circle; and unless the kingdom of God. What great sal- he comes to himself, he will never vation God offers to a poor sinner in find his way out because he will not Christ! submit to somebody who can lead him out. So it is with a lost sinner: even ✿✿✿

Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays. – Soren Kierkegaard 14 15 Spring Fellowship 2021 After a year apart due to COVID-19 restrictions, what a refreshing to our tired and weary spirits when we came together in fellowship with our blessed Lord and in com- pany with those who worship Him and adore His holy name! It was a time when we shared the joy of His grace upon undeserving sinners, spoke of His precious promis- es and the hope of His soon coming, and recounted that in Him we live and move and have our being. 16 inspiring STORIES B EHIND FAVORITE HYMNS

Thy Work Alone, O Christ Kelso, Bonar moved back to Edinburgh in 1866 to be minister at Horatius Bonar the Chalmers Memorial Chapel. He continued his ministry for a further “Not by works of righteousness which twenty-three years helping to arrange we have done, but according to his Dwight L. Moody’s meetings in mercy he saved us, by the washing of Edinburgh in 1873. His health regeneration, and renewing of the declined by 1887, but he was Holy Ghost; Which he shed on us approaching the age of eighty when abundantly through Jesus Christ our he preached in his church for the last Saviour.” (Titus 3:5-6) time, and he died on July 31, 1889. Horatius Bonar was highly respect- Horatius, born December 19, 1808, ed throughout his life as an evangeli- was one of eleven children, and of cal preacher as well as the most emi- these an older brother, John James, nent of all Scottish hymn-writers. It and a younger, Andrew, also became was said of him that “his mind was sat- ministers and were all closely urated with the Scriptures, and his involved, together with heart was possessed by a Thomas Chalmers, William faith far broader and C. Burns and Robert Murray more generous than the M’Cheyne, in the important strict Calvinistic creed, to spiritual movements which which his intellect gave affected many places in assent.” Bonar was a pro- Scotland in the 1830s and lific writer of evangelistic 1840s. tracts and devotional He was educated at books as well as more Edinburgh High School and than 600 hymn texts. He the University of Edinburgh, loved children, and for where he was much influ- them many of his hymns enced by Thomas Chalmers, were especially written. one of the early pioneers of Horatius Bonar His many-faceted life was the Free Church movement. observed by some who Following his education and his ordi- said that “he was always visiting,” nation to the ministry in 1838, Bonar while others said that “he was always began his pastoral work at the parish preaching,” some thought that “he church of Kelso, near the English bor- was always writing,” and many that der. “he was always praying.” In 1843, a renewed spirit of revolt A man of prayer and song, Bonar against the government-controlled was also a man of sorrow. Five of his and established Church of Scotland children died young. But later, his began, and this disruption resulted in widowed daughter and her five chil- the separation of the evangelical fac- dren had to move in with him. Many tion from the established church and grandparents would groan at the the organization of the Free Church of added burden, but Bonar rejoiced. To Scotland with which Bonar associated him it was as if God had given him five himself and became one of its most children to replace those he had lost. respected and influential leaders. “Not What These Hands Have After twenty-seven years laboring at (Continued on Page 19) 17

Praise in Poetry

Thy Work Alone, O Christ [ aka “Not What These Hands Have Done” ] Horatius Bonar (1861)

Not what these hands have done can save this guilty soul; Not what this toiling flesh has borne can make my spirit whole. Not what I feel or do can give me peace with God; Not all my prayers and sighs and tears can bear my awful load.

Thy grace alone, O Lord, to me can pardon speak; Thy power alone, O Son of God, can this sore bondage break. No other work but Thine, no other blood will do; No strength but that which is divine can bear me safely through.

Thy work alone, O Christ, can ease this weight of sin; Thy blood alone, O Lamb of God, can give me peace within. Thy love to me, O God – not mine, O Lord, to Thee – Can rid me of this dark unrest, And set my spirit free.

I bless the Christ of God; I rest on love divine; And with unfaltering lip and heart I call this Savior mine. His cross dispels each doubt; I bury in His tomb Each thought of unbelief and fear, each lingering shade of gloom.

I praise the God of grace; I trust His truth and might; He calls me His, I call Him mine, My God, my joy and light. ’Tis He Who saveth me, and freely pardon gives; I love because He loveth me, I live because He lives. 18

A Peculiar People (Continued from Page 11) thing for God to bless you. “I shall the truth of God to foster or favor what have peace. I am in the covenant. I is wrong. Every man shall receive am saved by grace, though I walk in according to the deeds done in the the imagination of my heart and add body, whether good or bad. What has drunkenness to thirst.” Some are grace done for thee? Not but what hardened enough to come to this God’s people have fallen, and do fall state. Hear what follows: “The Lord foully, grievously, and some repeated- will not spare him.” Did you ever con- ly, but the Lord knows the penitence, sider that grief and sorrow which He Himself “His Word shall stand, His produces in their souls on this truth prevail, account, and He restores them by His And not one jot or tittle fail?” forgiving love. The anger of the Lord and His jeal- “Looking for that blessed hope, and ousy shall smoke against that man, the glorious appearing of the great and all the curses that are written in God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” this Book shall lie upon him, and the “Unto them that look for Him shall He Lord shall blot out his name from appear the second time without sin under heaven (Dent. 29:19-20). Dying unto salvation.” But it is not likely sinner! look at the solemn Word of the loose-living professors are looking out eternal God. He will never alter His for Him: they cannot expect that ever Word to suit the convenience of car- He can sanction such conduct as nal fools. Does the grace of God lead theirs; they shrink from the thought of thee to deny ungodly lusts? does it death and eternity, they know their teach thee to live soberly? “Be sober, case is too rotten to be inspected by be vigilant, because your adversary the eye of God. But His honest-heart- the devil as a roaring lion walketh ed, sincere children are “looking for about seeking whom he may devour.” that blessed hope.” I have sometimes Is it your rule that “As ye would that seen the people in a busy street and men should do to you, so do ye also to have thought: The people will be busy them?” This is a righteous rule. Oh about these streets when my soul is what will become of those selfish happy with God. As the wind has practices, those nipping operations, been blowing across these fields, I indulged in by hardened professors, have thought: The wind will be blow- where self-interest sways the whole! ing across these fields when my soul is The day of death will be a day of hor- in eternal glory. There is a “looking rors to millions. for that blessed hope.” Many profes- “Denying ungodliness and worldly sors no doubt would be glad to have a lusts, we should live soberly, right- fifty years’ lease of their lives, but I eously, and godly, in this present have felt I would not live forever. world.” These Bible truths confirm, Dear Hart says: encourage, and bind up a true charac- “Thy time with patience I can ter. There is a witness, a testimony in stay, the true character that, through reign- Since all my sin’s forgiven.” ing grace, proves him to be the very I would not wish a fifty years’ lease – man: and, on the other hand, how it “having, [at times], a desire to depart cuts down the rotten professor! O sin- and to be with Christ, which is far bet- ner! there is nothing in truth to hurt ter.” I know the time when I envied what is right, and there is nothing in the beast, when I felt: If this heart 19 cease to beat, I am in hell. But O sin- hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither ner, I do not envy the beast now! It have entered into the heart of man, would be a great disappointment to the thing which God hath prepared for me to sink into nonentity at death. I them that love Him.” have had a taste of the milk and honey even in the wilderness, and I expect (To be continued in next issue) my joy and peace to come, for “Eye ✽✽✽

inspiring STORIES B EHIND FAVORITE HYMNS (Continued from Page 16)

Done” first appeared in Bonar’s collec- “Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to tion, Hymns of Faith and Hope, with Face.” the title “Salvation Through Christ Alone.” Also referred to as “Thy Work Alone, O Christ,” it is a clear reflection Excerpts (altered) from Osbeck, of his strong, Calvinistic theology that Kenneth W., 101 More Hymn Stories: The man’s only basis for God’s favor and Inspiring True Stories Behind 101 salvation rests solely on the finished Favorite Hymns, Grand Rapids, work of Christ. Other popular hymns Michigan: Kregel Publications, 1985, with by Horatius Bonar still in use in our additional information from ccel.org and hymnals today are “I Heard the Voice Christianity.com. of Jesus Say,” “I Was a Wandering Sheep,” and the communion hymn, ❖❖❖

Howard Chris Denton November 23, 1968 – March 25, 2021

Chris Denton, 52, passed away after several years of failing health. He was a cheerful person and always willing to help in any way he could. After marrying his wife, Ginger Bartlett who grew up in our ministry, he began attending the First Baptist Church of Algiers at its mission in Arley, . Later, Chris and Ginger opened their home as a meeting place for the mission. He looked forward to attending Fellowship gatherings and we were graced by his smiling face many times. In the Lord’s time, Chris became aware of his sinful nature, his helplessness to do anything that could profit his soul, and his desperate need of a Savior. His Lord tenderly drew him unto Himself, saved him, and he became a child of the King. Chris followed his Lord in baptism on April 30, 2017. When he was nearing his end on this earth, he told a brother in Christ that he was ready to go home to be with his Lord. 20

Letter to Awakened Sinners (Reprinted from News Letter, September 1963)

My dear awakened sinner: Are you truly awakened? Are you really sensible to the dangers of your soul, the eternal peril in which you rest seven days a week, 365 days a year, yes, 24 hours a day, and 60 seconds of 60 minutes each hour? Or, have you just been stirred a little, and fallen back into a deeper sleep. Maybe you are just dozing along, hoping the Lord will let you sleep just a few more days, and finally snatch you out of Satan’s clutches just before he carries you off to Hell? When the Lord jarred you out of your deep sleep, you lingered over the delightful dreamy state, and now you are lulled back. When the alarm went off, why didn’t you get up immediately and go to Christ? Oh, but you were so drowsy, weren’t you, drugged with the opiate of sin, a sedative of pleasure and self-love given by Satan, a shot in the arm of religious thrill, and so you are min- gling sweet dreams of sinful pleasures with an occasional start back to reality. For God’s sake, sinner, awake, AWAKE! AROUSE YOURSELF! For you will drift off never to awake again until you wake up in an eternal Hell! I know some of you even now cannot hear any longer; you are past feeling. “Having ears they hear not, and eyes they see not.” Listen, “For their heart is waxed gross,” – set, as cement is set – no impression can be made. Self-satisfied with material blessings, God’s common graces, which come alike to the just and the unjust. Eternity is no longer real to you! Death is some far away monster that is pushed so far into the future that you cannot think of it, yet it may be around tomorrow’s door. And remember, where Death finds you, so Eternity holds you! Why have you lost your once painfully real and vivid impressions? One rea- son, you have not meditated upon God’s Word regarding these eternal truths. You have let temporal, material, fleeting things of time crowd out eternity. You have not further nailed these nuggets of truth to your heart by speaking to some trusted friend, the guardian of your soul, your pastor, if he knows the Lord. Nor have you let yourself get to the place of “No Return” by telling your friends and loved ones, your daily associates, of your trouble and your earnest desire to know the Lord. I do not mean that you must go to everyone and tell them all about your heart – No! a thousand times, NO! But when Bill asked you, “Jim, what’s the matter? Why don’t you go to the picture show with me any more?” did you just tell him, “Well, Bill, I’ve just been too busy”? Did you tell him the truth, not boastfully, or defiantly, but humbly, quietly, perhaps sadly? No, you have not improved the means God has given you to lay hold of and retain those precious impressions, which come once in a lifetime to only a very few chosen individuals. But why is it that you, as well as I myself when I was under conviction, are hesitant to tell another of your inmost feelings? Is it because of a nice sense of the right thing to do? Is it because it isn’t proper to talk about religion to folks? Is it because you are so kind and thoughtful that you 21 do not want to burden other people with your burdens? Is it because you think, “Oh, well, Bill won’t understand, and I can’t explain it – at least, now”? Oh, what kind, thoughtful folks we are! Doesn’t the deceitful heart have such a smooth flattering way of making us feel so benevolent? The real culprit – and let’s be honest enough to admit it – is a very small thing that fills the whole horizon of our finite being, P-R-I-D-E. Don’t you recognize your friend, Self, in the middle of the picture. There may be various ways of explaining the reasons we do things, but the author of the mischief is the most secret of agents – pride. Let him who speaks of his delicacy examine the first feelings, and not the selfishness, and it will be impossi- ble to get around pride. Pride has a retiring attitude, a modest front, a kindly aspect, a bashfulness, and a false humility. Yes, pride keeps us from disclosing our hearts to others about us, but even pride gives way to a deep sense of danger. Oh, may the greater passion of fear of God take over and set aside the lesser, for the two cannot live together in the same heart! So under a great sense of peril, your pride will be put aside. Many who are not fully awakened, that is, whose sense of danger is not great enough that pride will be hidden from your eyes long enough for you to cry out, “Tell me where I might find Him,” would very gladly enter into a CONFIDEN- TIAL CONTRACT with the Lord, but He doesn’t do business with any sin- ner on a “confidential” basis, or off in a back alley somewhere. The Lord said, “For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him will the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy angels” (Luke 9:26). He had just said in the previous verses, “For whosoever will save his life will lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?” It is the shame born of pride that makes a man seek to save his reputation by not taking the shame of the cross. But His shame is our shame He bore for us. What dead dog is worthy of eternal life who is ashamed of that God whose only shame is our shame Christ bore for us! Sinner friend, before pride blinds thine eyes hopelessly (Obad. 1:3), break all the barriers pride has erected to shield the vulnerable spot of the soul from the Almighty – the I, the self – and lay bare thy heart before God who heals the soul. Let Him wound thy pride, humble thee in dust before God and man, that He may make thee alive. Come out of your shell! Speak your heart! Lose your life, your reputation, your ambition, that you may find life eternal in Christ. Do it now before the impression fades for- ever and thy soul is swallowed in eternal deadness that is death now.

Your Gospel Preacher,

L. R. Shelton 22 VOICE OF TRUTH RADIO LOG Programs air Sunday unless otherwise indicated. * - Indicates Streaming / b - Indicates Bonus Broadcast (not guaranteed)

ALABAMA KANSAS Athens WBXR-AM* 1140 AM 4:30 p.m. Kansas City KCNW-AM* 1380 AM 9:30 a.m. Dalton WLMR-AM* 1450 AM 7:00 a.m. Kansas City KCNW-FM* 96.1 FM 9:30 a.m. Decatur WBXR-AM* 1140 AM 4:30 p.m. Lawrence KCNW-AM* 1380 AM 9:30 a.m. Foley WNVY-AM* 1070 AM 8:00 a.m. Topeka KCNW-AM* 1380 AM 9:30 a.m. Huntsville WBXR-AM* 1140 AM 4:30 p.m. St. Joseph KCNW-AM* 1380 AM 9:30 a.m. Huntsville WBXR-FM* 101.3 FM 4:30 p.m. LOUISIANA Mobile WIJD-AM* 1270 AM 7:00 a.m. Alexandria KWDF-AM* 840 AM 9:30 a.m. Mobile WIJD-FM* 97.9 FM 7:00 a.m. Alexandria KWDF-FM* 99.7 FM 9:30 a.m. Tuscaloosa WCPC-AM* 940 AM 9:00 a.m. Bossier City KIOU-AM* 1480 AM 8:30 a.m. ALASKA Bossier City KIOU-FM* 94.9 FM 8:30 a.m. Anchorage KATB-FM* 89.3 FM 8:00 a.m. Hammond WVOG-AM* 600 AM 7:30 a.m. Eagle River K206AO-FM* 89.1 FM 8:00 a.m. Houma WVOG-AM* 600 AM 7:30 a.m. Fish Hook KJLP-FM* 88.9 FM 8:00 a.m. Natchitoches KWDF-AM* 840 AM 9:30 a.m. Gull Rock Trail K219MA-FM* 91.7 FM 8:00 a.m. New Orleans WVOG-AM* 600 AM 7:30 a.m. Hope K260CY-FM* 99.9 FM 8:00 a.m. New Orleans WVOG-FM* 107.9 FM 7:30 a.m. Palmer K202CB-FM* 88.3 FM 8:00 a.m. Shreveport KIOU-AM* 1480 AM 8:30 a.m. Port MacKenzie K283AZ-FM* 104.5 FM 8:00 a.m. Slidell WVOG-AM* 600 AM 7:30 a.m. ARIZONA Thibodaux WVOG-AM* 600 AM 7:30 a.m. Phoenix KXXT-AM* 1010 AM 9:00 a.m. MARYLAND Phoenix KXXT-AM* 1010 AM 2:00 p.m. Cumberland WCBC-AM* 1270 AM 6:00 a.m. Sierra Vista (Sat) KNXN-AM* 1470 AM 8:30 a.m. Cumberland WCBC-FM* 103.1 FM 6:00 a.m. Tucson (Sat) KGMS-AM* 940 AM 8:30 a.m. MASSACHUSETTS ARKANSAS Chicopee (Sat) WACE-AM 730 AM 3:30 p.m. Hot Springs KVRE-FM* 92.9 FM 9:30 a.m. Springfield (Sat) WACE-AM 730 AM 3:30 p.m. Little Rock KVRE-FM* 92.9 FM 9:30 a.m. Worcester (Sat) WACE-AM 730 AM 3:30 p.m. CALIFORNIA MICHIGAN Bakersfield KERI-AM* 1410 AM Noon Allendale WFUR-AM 1570 AM 10:00 a.m. Sacramento KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 9:30 a.m. Battle Creek WKPR-AM 1440 AM 8:30 a.m. Sacramento KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 1:30 p.m. Grand Rapids WFUR-AM 1570 AM 10:00 a.m. San Jose KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 9:30 a.m. Grand Rapids WFUR-FM 92.9 FM 10:00 a.m. San Jose KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 1:30 p.m. Hudsonville WFUR-AM 1570 AM 10:00 a.m. San Francisco KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 9:30 a.m. Kalamazoo WKPR-AM 1440 AM 8:30 a.m. San Francisco KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 1:30 p.m. Kalamazoo WKPR-FM 105.1 FM 8:30 a.m. Stockton KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 9:30 a.m. MISSISSIPPI Stockton KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 1:30 p.m. Biloxi WVOG-AM* 600 AM 7:30 a.m. CONNECTICUT Canton WTWZ-AM* 1120 AM 9:00 a.m. Hartford (Sat) WACE-AM* 730 AM 3:30 p.m. Collins WMXI-FM* 98.1 FM 7:30 a.m. FLORIDA Collins WMXI-FM* 98.1 FM 8:00 p.m. Pensacola WNVY-AM* 1070 AM 8:00 a.m. Gulfport WVOG-AM* 600 AM 7:30 a.m. Pensacola WNVY-FM* 104.5 FM 8:00 a.m. Hattiesburg WMXI-FM* 98.1 FM 7:30 a.m. Hattiesburg WMXI-FM* 98.1 FM 8:00 p.m. ILLINOIS Houston WCPC-AM* 940 AM 9:00 a.m. Carbondale WXAN-FM* 103.9 FM 1:30 p.m. Houston WCPC-FM* 105.7 FM 9:00 a.m. INDIANA Jackson WTWZ-AM* 1120 AM 9:00 a.m. Anderson WBRI-AM* 1500 AM 11:30 a.m. Jackson WTWZ-FM* 102.5 FM 2:00 a.m. Bloomington WBRI-AM* 1500 AM 11:30 a.m. Jackson WTWZ-FM* 102.5 FM 9:00 a.m. WBRI-AM* 1500 AM 11:30 a.m. Laurel WMXI-FM* 98.1 FM 7:30 a.m. Indianapolis WBRI-FM* 96.7 FM 11:30 a.m. Laurel WMXI-FM* 98.1 FM 8:00 p.m. 23 VOICE OF TRUTH RADIO LOG Programs air Sunday unless otherwise indicated. * - Indicates Streaming / b - Indicates Bonus Broadcast (not guaranteed)

MISSISSIPPI (continued) (continued) Oxford WCPC-AM* 940 AM 9:00 a.m. Butler WWNL-AM* 1080 AM 1:00 p.m. Pascagoula WIJD-AM* 1270 AM 7:00 a.m. Lancaster WYYC-AM* 1250 AM 7:30 a.m. Starkville WCPC-AM* 940 AM 9:00 a.m. WWNL-AM* 1080 AM 1:00 p.m. Tupelo WCPC-AM* 940 AM 9:00 a.m. Pittsburgh WWNL-FM* 103.9 FM 1:00 p.m. Vicksburg WTWZ-AM* 1120 AM 9:00 a.m. Wilkes-Barre WITK-AM* 1550 AM Noon Yazoo City WTWZ-AM* 1120 AM 9:00 a.m. and Scranton } WITK-FM* 94.7 FM Noon York WYYC-AM* 1250 AM 7:30 a.m. NEBRASKA York WYYC-FM* 98.1 FM 7:30 a.m. Fremont KLNG-AM* 1560 AM 7:30 a.m. Lincoln KLNG-AM* 1560 AM 7:30 a.m. SOUTH CAROLINA Omaha KLNG-AM* 1560 AM 7:30 a.m. Greenville WELP-AM* 1360 AM 12:30 p.m. Omaha KLNG-FM* 101.5 FM 7:30 a.m. Greenville WELP-FM* 104.3 FM 12:30 p.m. NEW Albuquerque KKIM-AM* 1000 AM 1:00 p.m. Athens WDEH-AM 800 AM 9:30 a.m. Albuquerque KXKS-AM* 1190 AM 1:00 p.m. Chattanooga WLMR-AM* 1450 AM 7:00 a.m. Santa Fe KKIM-AM* 1000 AM 1:00 p.m. Chattanooga WLMR-FM* 103.3 FM 7:00 a.m. Franklin (Sat) WNQM-AM*b 1300 AM 7:00 a.m. Knoxville WITA-AM* 1490 AM 10:30 a.m. Asheboro WPET-AM* 950 AM 8:00 a.m. Murfreesboro (Sat) WNQM-AM*b 1300 AM 7:00 a.m. Charlotte WCRU-AM* 960 AM 7:30 a.m. Nashville (Sat) WNQM-AM*b 1300 AM 7:00 a.m. Charlotte WCRU-FM* 105.7 FM 7:30 a.m. Newport WLIK-AM* 1270 AM 9:30 a.m. China Grove WRNA-AM* 1140 AM 3:30 p.m. Newport WLIK-FM* 97.9 FM 9:30 a.m. China Grove WRNA-FM* 93.7 FM 3:30 p.m. Oak Ridge WITA-AM* 1490 AM 10:30 a.m. Concord WRKB-AM* 1460 AM 3:30 p.m. Springfield (Sat) WNQM-AM*b 1300 AM 7:00 a.m. Concord WRKB-FM* 99.3 FM 3:30 p.m. Sweetwater WDEH-AM 800 AM 9:30 a.m. Gastonia WCRU-AM* 960 AM 7:30 a.m. Greensboro WPET-AM* 950 AM 8:00 a.m. Greensboro WTRU-AM* 830 AM 10:00 a.m. Austin KAAM-AM* 770 AM 7:30 a.m. High Point WTRU-FM* 99.1 FM 10:00 a.m. Bay City KCTA-AM* 1030 AM 7:00 a.m. Kannapolis WRKB-AM* 1460 AM 3:30 p.m. Corpus Christi KCTA-AM* 1030 AM 7:00 a.m. Kannapolis WRKB-FM* 99.3 FM 3:30 p.m. KAAM-AM* 770 AM 7:30 a.m. Kings Mountain WCRU-AM* 960 AM 7:30 a.m. Denton KAAM-AM* 770 AM 7:30 a.m. Mocksville WDSL-AM* 1520 AM 7:00 a.m. Fort Worth KAAM-AM* 770 AM 7:30 a.m. Mocksville WDSL-FM* 96.5 FM 7:00 a.m. Harlingen KCTA-AM* 1030 AM 7:00 a.m. Mount Airy WPAQ-AM* 740 AM 8:30 a.m. San Antonio KDRY-AM* 1100 AM 5:00 a.m. Mount Airy WPAQ-FM* 106.7 FM 8:30 a.m. Tyler KAAM-AM* 770 AM 7:30 a.m. Raleigh WTRU-AM* 830 AM 10:00 a.m. Victoria KCTA-AM* 1030 AM 7:00 a.m. Rock Hill WCRU-AM* 960 AM 7:30 a.m. Waco KAAM-AM* 770 AM 7:30 a.m. Salisbury WRNA-AM* 1140 AM 3:30 p.m. Wichita Falls KAAM-AM* 770 AM 7:30 a.m. Salisbury WRNA-FM* 93.7 FM 3:30 p.m. Statesville WDSL-AM* 1520 AM 7:00 a.m. Bedford WKBA-AM* 1550 AM 8:30 a.m. Statesville WDSL-FM* 96.5 FM 7:00 a.m. Bedford (Sat) WKBA-AM* 1550 AM 10:30 a.m. Wilson WLLY-AM* 1350 AM 7:30 a.m. Blacksburg WPAQ-AM* 740 AM 8:30 a.m. Winston-Salem WTRU-FM* 97.7 FM 10:00 a.m. Hopewell WKQA-AM* 1110 AM 9:30 a.m. Lynchburg WRMV-FM* 94.5 FM 7:30 a.m. OKLAHOMA Norfolk WKQA-AM* 1110 AM 9:30 a.m. Ardmore KAAM-AM* 770 AM 7:30 a.m. Petersburg (Sat) WDZY-AM* 1290 AM 8:30 a.m. Duncan KAAM-AM* 770 AM 7:30 a.m. Richmond (Sat) WDZY-FM* 103.3 FM 8:30 a.m. Lawton KAAM-AM* 770 AM 7:30 a.m. Roanoke WKBA-AM* 1550 AM 8:30 a.m. PENNSYLVANIA Roanoke WKBA-FM* 93.1 FM 8:30 a.m. Beaver Falls WWNL-AM* 1080 AM 1:00 p.m. (Continued on Page 26) 24 OLD TRAILBLAZER RADIO LOG Programs air Monday through Friday unless otherwise indicated. * - Indicates Streaming / b - Indicates Bonus Broadcast (not guaranteed)

ALABAMA INDIANA (continued) Athens WBXR-AM* 1140 AM 7:00 a.m. Indianapolis WBRI-AM* 1500 AM 11:15 a.m. Dalton WLMR-AM* 1450 AM 8:45 a.m. Indianapolis WBRI-FM* 96.7 FM 11:15 a.m. Decatur WBXR-AM* 1140 AM 7:00 a.m. KANSAS Foley WNVY-AM* 1070 AM 6:45 a.m. Kansas City KCNW-AM* 1380 AM 9:15 a.m. Huntsville WBXR-AM* 1140 AM 7:00 a.m. Kansas City KCNW-FM* 96.1 FM 9:15 a.m. Huntsville WBXR-FM* 101.3 FM 7:00 a.m. Lawrence KCNW-AM* 1380 AM 9:15 a.m. Mobile WIJD-AM* 1270 AM 7:00 a.m. Topeka KCNW-AM* 1380 AM 9:15 a.m. Mobile WIJD-FM* 97.9 FM 7:00 a.m. St. Joseph KCNW-AM* 1380 AM 9:15 a.m. Tuscaloosa WCPC-AM*b 940 AM 6:30 a.m. Tuscaloosa WCPC-AM* 940 AM 12:45 p.m. KENTUCKY Lexington WCGW-AM* 770 AM 9:15 a.m. ALASKA Lexington WCGW-FM* 93.3 FM 9:15 a.m. Anchorage KATB-FM* 89.3 FM 6:45 p.m. Richmond WCGW-AM* 770 AM 9:15 a.m. Eagle River K206AO-FM* 89.1 FM 6:45 p.m. Fish Hook KJLP-FM* 88.9 FM 6:45 p.m. LOUISIANA Gull Rock Trail K219MA-FM* 91.7 FM 6:45 p.m. Alexandria KWDF-AM* 840 AM Noon Hope K260CY-FM* 99.9 FM 6:45 p.m. Alexandria KWDF-FM* 99.7 FM Noon Palmer K202CB-FM* 88.3 FM 6:45 p.m. Bossier City KIOU-AM* 1480 AM 7:30 a.m. Port MacKenzie K283AZ-FM* 104.5 FM 6:45 p.m. Bossier City KIOU-FM* 94.9 FM 7:30 a.m. ARIZONA Hammond WVOG-AM* 600 AM 8:45 a.m. Sierra Vista KNXN-AM* 1470 AM 5:00 a.m. Hammond WVOG-AM*b 600 AM 11:30 a.m. Tucson KGMS-AM* 940 AM 5:00 a.m. Houma WVOG-AM* 600 AM 8:45 a.m. Houma WVOG-AM*b 600 AM 11:30 a.m. ARKANSAS Natchitoches KWDF-AM* 840 AM Noon Fort Smith KBHN-FM* 89.7 FM 12:15 p.m. New Orleans WVOG-AM* 600 AM 8:45 a.m. Hot Springs KVRE-FM* 92.9 FM 7:30 p.m. New Orleans WVOG-FM* 107.9 FM 8:45 a.m. Little Rock KVRE-FM* 92.9 FM 7:30 p.m. New Orleans WVOG-AM*b 600 AM 11:30 a.m. CALIFORNIA New Orleans WVOG-FM*b 107.9 FM 11:30 a.m. Bakersfield KERI-AM* 1410 AM 5:30 p.m. Shreveport KIOU-AM* 1480 AM 7:30 a.m. Sacramento KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 6:30 a.m. Shreveport KIOU-FM* 94.9 FM 7:30 a.m. San Jose KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 6:30 a.m. Slidell WVOG-AM* 600 AM 8:45 a.m. San Francisco KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 6:30 a.m. Slidell WVOG-AM*b 600 AM 11:30 a.m. San Francisco KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 10:15 p.m. Thibodaux WVOG-AM* 600 AM 8:45 a.m. Stockton KDIA-AM* 1640 AM 6:30 a.m. Thibodaux WVOG-AM*b 600 AM 11:30 a.m. CONNECTICUT MASSACHUSETTS Hartford WACE-AM* 730 AM 9:30 a.m. Chicopee WACE-AM 730 AM 9:30 a.m. Springfield WACE-AM 730 AM 9:30 a.m. FLORIDA Worcester WACE-AM 730 AM 9:30 a.m. Pensacola WNVY-AM* 1070 AM 6:45 a.m. Pensacola WNVY-FM* 104.5 FM 6:45 a.m. MICHIGAN Allendale WFUR-AM 1570 AM 8:15 a.m. GEORGIA Battle Creek WKPR-AM 1440 AM 9:00 a.m. Augusta WFAM-AM* 1050 AM 7:00 a.m. Grand Rapids WFUR-AM 1570 AM 8:15 a.m. Augusta WFAM-AM*b 1050 AM 7:15 p.m. Grand Rapids WFUR-FM 92.9 FM 8:15 a.m. Fairview WLMR-AM* 1450 AM 8:45 a.m. Hudsonville WFUR-AM 1570 AM 8:15 a.m. ILLINOIS Kalamazoo WKPR-AM 1440 AM 9:00 a.m. Carbondale WXAN-FM* 103.9 FM 6:45 a.m. Kalamazoo WKPR-FM 105.1 FM 9:00 a.m. INDIANA MISSISSIPPI Anderson WBRI-AM* 1500 AM 11:15 a.m. Biloxi WVOG-AM* 600 AM 8:45 a.m. Bloomington WBRI-AM* 1500 AM 11:15 a.m. Biloxi WVOG-AM*b 600 AM 11:30 a.m. 25 OLD TRAILBLAZER RADIO LOG Programs air Monday through Friday unless otherwise indicated. * - Indicates Streaming / b - Indicates Bonus Broadcast (not guaranteed)

MISSISSIPPI (continued) NORTH CAROLINA (continued) Canton WTWZ-AM* 1120 AM 10:00 a.m. Mocksville WDSL-AM* 1520 AM 3:00 p.m. Collins WMXI-FM* 98.1 FM 5:45 a.m. Mocksville WDSL-FM* 96.5 FM 3:00 p.m. Gulfport WVOG-AM* 600 AM 8:45 a.m. Mount Airy WPAQ-AM* 740 AM 11:15 a.m. Hattiesburg WMXI-FM* 98.1 FM 5:45 a.m. Mount Airy WPAQ-FM* 106.7 FM 11:15 a.m. Houston WCPC-AM*b 940 AM 6:30 a.m. Mount Airy (Sun) WPAQ-AM*b 740 AM 6:15 a.m. Houston WCPC-FM*b 105.7 FM 6:30 a.m. Mount Airy (Sun) WPAQ-FM*b 106.7 FM 6:15 a.m. Houston WCPC-AM* 940 AM 12:45 p.m. Raleigh WTRU-AM* 830 AM 2:15 p.m. Houston WCPC-FM* 105.7 FM 12:45 p.m. Rock Hill WCRU-AM* 960 AM 2:00 p.m. Jackson WTWZ-AM* 1120 AM 10:00 a.m. Salisbury WRNA-AM* 1140 AM 10:45 a.m. Jackson WTWZ-FM* 102.5 FM 10:00 a.m. Salisbury WRNA-FM* 93.7 FM 10:45 a.m. Laurel WMXI-FM* 98.1 FM 5:45 a.m. Statesville WDSL-AM* 1520 AM 7:15 a.m. Oxford WCPC-AM*b 940 AM 6:30 a.m. Statesville WDSL-AM* 1520 AM 3:00 p.m. Oxford WCPC-AM* 940 AM 12:45 p.m. Wilson WLLY-AM* 1350 AM 9:30 a.m. Pascagoula WIJD-AM* 1270 AM 7:00 a.m. Wilson WLLY-AM* 1350 AM 2:15 p.m. Starkville WCPC-AM*b 940 AM 6:30 a.m. Winston-Salem WTRU-FM* 97.7 FM 2:15 p.m. Starkville WCPC-AM* 940 AM 12:45 p.m. OHIO Tupelo WCPC-AM*b 940 AM 6:30 a.m. Cincinnati WCGW-AM* 770 AM 9:15 a.m. Tupelo WCPC-AM* 940 AM 12:45 p.m. Vicksburg WTWZ-AM* 1120 AM 10:00 a.m. OKLAHOMA Yazoo City WTWZ-AM* 1120 AM 10:00 a.m. Ardmore KAAM-AM* 770 AM 6:30 a.m. Duncan KAAM-AM* 770 AM 6:30 a.m. NEBRASKA Lawton KAAM-AM* 770 AM 6:30 a.m. Fremont KLNG-AM* 1560 AM 7:45 a.m. Pocola KBHN-FM* 89.7 FM 12:15 p.m. Lincoln KLNG-AM* 1560 AM 7:45 a.m. Pocola KBHN-FM* 89.7 FM 7:15 p.m. Omaha KLNG-AM* 1560 AM 7:45 a.m. Omaha KLNG-FM* 101.5 FM 7:45 a.m. PENNSYLVANIA NEW MEXICO Beaver Falls WWNL-AM* 1080 AM 10:00 a.m. Albuquerque KKIM-AM* 1000 AM 7:45 a.m. Butler WWNL-AM* 1080 AM 10:00 a.m. Albuquerque KXKS-AM* 1190 AM 7:45 a.m. Lancaster WYYC-AM* 1250 AM 6:45 a.m. Santa Fe KKIM-AM* 1000 AM 7:45 a.m. Pittsburgh WWNL-AM* 1080 AM 10:00 a.m. Pittsburgh WWNL-FM* 103.9 FM 10:00 a.m. NORTH CAROLINA York WYYC-AM* 1250 AM 6:45 a.m. Asheboro WPET-AM* 950 AM 10:15 a.m. York WYYC-FM* 98.1 FM 6:45 a.m. Asheville WSKY-AM* 1230 AM 8:15 a.m. Asheville WSKY-AM*b 1230 AM 7:30 p.m. SOUTH CAROLINA Black Mountain WSKY-AM* 1230 AM 8:15 a.m. Greenville WELP-AM* 1360 AM 7:15 a.m. Charlotte WCRU-AM* 960 AM 2:00 p.m. Greenville WELP-FM* 104.3 FM 7:15 a.m. Charlotte WCRU-FM* 105.7 FM 2:00 p.m. TENNESSEE China Grove WRNA-AM* 1140 AM 10:45 a.m. Athens WDEH-AM 800 AM 7:00 a.m. China Grove WRNA-FM* 93.7 FM 10:45 a.m. Athens WDEH-AM 800 AM 1:00 p.m. Concord WRKB-AM* 1460 AM 10:45 a.m. Chattanooga WLMR-AM* 1450 AM 8:45 a.m. Concord WRKB-FM* 99.3 FM 10:45 a.m. Chattanooga WLMR-FM* 103.3 FM 8:45 a.m. Gastonia WCRU-AM* 960 AM 2:00 p.m. Franklin WNQM-AM* 1300 AM 6:15 a.m. Greensboro WPET-AM* 950 AM 10:15 a.m. Franklin WNQM-AM* 1300 AM 10:45 a.m. Greensboro WTRU-AM* 830 AM 2:15 p.m. Knoxville WITA-AM* 1490 AM 3:30 a.m. High Point WTRU-FM* 99.1 FM 2:15 p.m. Knoxville WITA-AM* 1490 AM 10:30 a.m. Kannapolis WRKB-AM* 1460 AM 10:45 a.m. Knoxville WITA-AM* 1490 AM 7:30 p.m. Kannapolis WRKB-FM* 99.3 FM 10:45 a.m. Knoxville (Sat) WITA-AM*b 1490 AM 6:15 p.m. Kings Mountain WCRU-AM* 960 AM 2:00 p.m. Murfreesboro WNQM-AM* 1300 AM 6:15 a.m. Mocksville WDSL-AM* 1520 AM 7:15 a.m. Murfreesboro WNQM-AM* 1300 AM 10:45 a.m. Mocksville WDSL-FM* 96.5 FM 7:15 a.m. (Continued on Page 26) 26 OLD TRAILBLAZER RADIO LOG Programs air Monday through Friday unless otherwise indicated. * - Indicates Streaming / b - Indicates Bonus Broadcast (not guaranteed)

TENNESSEE (continued) VIRGINIA (continued) Nashville WNQM-AM* 1300 AM 6:15 a.m. Norfolk WKQA-AM* 1110 AM 7:15 a.m. Nashville WNQM-AM* 1300 AM 10:45 a.m. Norfolk WKQA-AM* 1110 AM 9:00 a.m. Oak Ridge WITA-AM* 1490 AM 10:30 a.m. Norfolk WKQA-AM* 1110 AM 5:45 p.m. Springfield WNQM-AM* 1300 AM 6:15 a.m. Petersburg WDZY-AM* 1290 AM 7:00 a.m. Springfield WNQM-AM* 1300 AM 10:45 a.m. Richmond WDZY-AM* 1290 AM 7:00 a.m. Sweetwater WDEH-AM 800 AM 7:00 a.m. Richmond WDZY-FM* 103.3 FM 7:00 a.m. Sweetwater WDEH-AM 800 AM 1:00 p.m. Roanoke WKBA-AM* 1550 AM 8:30 a.m. TEXAS Roanoke WKBA-FM* 93.1 FM 8:30 a.m. Austin KAAM-AM* 770 AM 6:30 a.m. Roanoke WKBA-AM* 1550 AM 11:45 a.m. Bay City KCTA-AM* 1030 AM 10:45 a.m. Roanoke WKBA-FM* 93.1 FM 11:45 a.m. Corpus Christi KCTA-AM* 1030 AM 10:45 a.m. Roanoke WKBA-AM*b 1550 AM 3:15 p.m. Dallas KAAM-AM* 770 AM 6:30 a.m. Roanoke WKBA-FM*b 93.1 FM 3:15 p.m. Dallas KAAM-AM* 770 AM 8:15 p.m. Virginia Beach WKQA-AM* 1110 AM 7:15 a.m. Denton KAAM-AM* 770 AM 6:30 a.m. Virginia Beach WKQA-AM* 1110 AM 9:00 a.m. Fort Worth KAAM-AM* 770 AM 6:30 a.m. Virginia Beach WKQA-AM* 1110 AM 5:45 p.m. Fort Worth KAAM-AM* 770 AM 8:15 p.m. WEST VIRGINIA Harlingen KCTA-AM* 1030 AM 10:45 a.m. Huntington WRVC-AM* 930 AM 5:45 a.m. Tyler KAAM-AM* 770 AM 6:30 a.m. Huntington WRVC-FM* 94.1 FM 5:45 a.m. Victoria KCTA-AM* 1030 AM 10:45 a.m. Ironton WRVC-AM* 930 AM 5:45 a.m. Waco KAAM-AM* 770 AM 6:30 a.m. Wichita Falls KAAM-AM* 770 AM 6:30 a.m. MEXICO VIRGINIA Matamoros KCTA-AM* 1030 AM 10:45 a.m. Bedford WKBA-AM* 1550 AM 8:30 a.m. Bedford WKBA-AM* 1550 AM 11:45 a.m. NORTHERN IRELAND Bedford WKBA-AM*b 1550 AM 3:15 p.m. Radio North* 846 AM 8:30 a.m. Blacksburg WPAQ-AM* 740 AM 11:15 a.m. SHORTWAVE Blacksburg (Sun)WPAQ-AM*b 740 AM 6:15 a.m. Worldwide WWCR* See ✰ Below Hopewell WKQA-AM* 1110 AM 9:00 a.m. Hopewell WKQA-AM* 1110 AM 5:45 p.m. ✰ For times and frequencies call WWCR at 615-255- Lynchburg WRMV-FM* 94.5 FM 7:30 a.m. 1300 or see their Program Guide at www..com.

VOICE OF TRUTH RADIO LOG Programs air Sunday unless otherwise indicated. * - Indicates Streaming / b - Indicates Bonus Broadcast (not guaranteed)

WEST VIRGINIA MEXICO Roanoke (Sat) WKBA-AM* 1550 AM 10:30 a.m. Matamoros KCTA-AM* 1030 AM 7:00 a.m. Roanoke (Sat) WKBA-FM* 93.1 FM 10:30 a.m. NORTHERN IRELAND Virginia Beach WKQA-AM* 1110 AM 9:30 a.m. Radio North* 846 AM 7:00 a.m. Huntington WRVC-AM* 930 AM 7:30 a.m. Huntington WRVC-FM* 94.1 FM 7:30 a.m. SHORTWAVE Ironton WRVC-AM* 930 AM 7:30 a.m. Worldwide WWCR* See ✰ Below

✰ For times and frequencies call WWCR at 615-255- 1300 or see their Program Guide at www.wwcr.com. 27 O OTHER BROADCASTS O

Bible School of the Air (Sunday) RADIO MISSIONS INTERNET RADIO New Orleans, LA WVOG-AM* 600 AM 10:00 a.m. Available Worldwide 24 hours a day / 7 days a New Orleans, LA WVOG-FM* 107.9 FM 10:00 a.m. week via internet stream to any computer or mobile Morning Worship Hour (Sunday) device, via TuneIn, Live365, MyTuner, Get Me Radio, New Orleans, LA WVOG-AM* 600 AM 11:00 a.m. the Radio Missions Website, and other means. Hear New Orleans, LA WVOG-FM* 107.9 FM 11:00 a.m. choir, inspirational, and Southern gospel music intermixed with Old Trailblazer / Voice of Truth WVOG-AM can also be heard in a) Hammond, messages, live worship services and other timeless Houma, Slidell, and Thibodaux, Louisiana and messages from the past. For information and a b) Biloxi and Gulfport, Mississippi. Program Schedule, visit our website at www.radiomissions.org. Bible School of the Air (Sunday) Jackson, MS WTWZ-AM* 1120 AM 10:00 a.m. Radio Missions Internet Radio (on the radio) Jackson, MS WTWZ-FM* 102.5 FM 10:00 a.m. Nashville, TN (Sun), WNQM*, 1300 AM, 7 p.m.-Mid. Morning Worship Hour (Sunday) Knoxville, TN (Sun), WITA*, 1490 AM, 10 p.m.-1 a.m. Jackson, MS WTWZ-AM* 1120 AM 11:00 a.m. Jackson, MS WTWZ-FM* 102.5 FM 11:00 a.m. WTWZ-AM can also be heard in Canton, OLD TRAILBLAZER PODCAST Vicksburg, and Yazoo City, Mississippi. Essentially an archived message that you can lis- ten to on demand on your digital device. Subscribe Morning Worship Hour (Sunday) via your preferred podcast app and the broadcast Worldwide WWCR* See ✰ below will be ready for you to hear anytime you want. Some recommended apps are Apple Podcasts, ✰ For times and frequencies call WWCR at 615-255- PodBean, Stitcher, Spotify and TuneIn. Instructions 1300 or see their Program Guide at www.wwcr.com. are on our website at www.radiomissions.org.

V SiriusXM Satellite Radio V

The Voice of Truth (VOT) broadcast can now be heard on SiriusXM Channel 131, Family Talk. SiriusXM is a subscription-based satellite radio broadcast that you can listen to a) in your satellite- enabled car; b) at home using your smart TV or media player; or c) on your mobile device using an app. Some of the home devices on which you can listen include Amazon Alexa, SiriusXM App, Google Nest, Fire TV, Sonos, Roku, and Xbox One. Listen to the VOT broadcast in the United States or Canada at the following times: Canadian Newfoundland Time Sunday 7:00 a.m. Canadian Atlantic Time Sunday 6:30 a.m. United States Eastern Time Sunday 5:30 a.m. Canadian Eastern Time Sunday 5:30 a.m. United States Central Time Sunday 4:30 a.m. Canadian Central Time Sunday 4:30 a.m. United States Mountain Time Sunday 3:30 a.m. Canadian Mountain Time Sunday 3:30 a.m. United States Pacific Time Sunday 2:30 a.m. Canadian Pacific Time Sunday 2:30 a.m.

Do you enjoy listening to the radio broadcasts? Did you know that the radio broad- casts are our largest cost of getting out God’s word? Will you help us send the truth to needy souls around the world? Your financial support and the prospering hand of the Lord make possible everything we are able to do here at Radio Missions! VOICE OF TRUTH PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID RADIO MISSIONS AT WALKER, LA and at additional PO BOX 1810, WALKER, LA 70785 mailing offices

ed in receiving any of them. As always, as I come to speak to you in this letter or over the radio broadcast, my main concern is seeing you come to know Christ as your Lord and Savior. We often say, “There is nothing in this life worth being lost for.” Also, if the Lord leaves you alone; if you insist in neglecting your precious soul, you will surely wind up lost, separated from our Lord forever. Think about that my friend. Lost! Separated from our Lord, from all who know the Lord; never to see them again. I can hardly believe anyone desires to be lost, but if you never come to Christ as a poor, lost sinner begging for mercy and taking all the blame for your sin; if you keep on as you are you will be lost forever. I think often of that verse which says, “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.” Oh my dear friend, ask the Lord by the Holy Spirit to open your heart to see your true condition before God. I would love to hear from you. Tell me what is going on in your heart. Remember that as your Pastor I love you and long to hear you praising our Lord. Come see me if you can. May our Lord bless you and yours.

Your Gospel Preacher,

Albert Pendarvis, Pastor

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15