Geologic Map of Portions of the Phi Kappa Mountain, Hyndman Peak, and Grays Peak Quadrangles, Blaine and Custer Counties, Idaho T.F
IDAHO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TECHNICAL REPORT 12-4 MOSCOW-BOISE-POCATELLO IDAHOGEOLOGY.ORG DIEDESCH, RODGERS, AND LINK GEOLOGIC MAP OF PORTIONS OF THE PHI KAPPA MOUNTAIN, HYNDMAN PEAK, AND GRAYS PEAK QUADRANGLES, BLAINE AND CUSTER COUNTIES, IDAHO T.F. Diedesch1, D.W. Rodgers1, and P.K. Link1 2012 MAP SYMBOLS DESCRIPTION OF MAP UNITS Contact - dashed where approximate, dotted where concealed ALLUVIUM (HOLOCENE) – Crudely stratified silt, sand, and Qal WOOD RIVER FORMATION, EAGLE CREEK MEMBER ELLA MARBLE (ORDOVICIAN) – Buff-weathering calc-silicate gravel deposited by present streams as channel or flood-plain Oe (Descriptions from Mahoney et al., 1991) marble. Forms prominent dip slopes. Upper part contains light-gray ? ? Fault - dashed where approximate, queried where uncertain materials; locally includes alluvial fan deposits. Description from to buff, thin- to medium-bedded marble with variable amounts of Dover (1983). WOOD RIVER FORMATION, MEMBER 6 (PENNSYLVANIAN- calcite, quartz, and calc-silicate minerals; mineralogical variations High-angle normal fault - dashed where approximate; ball PIPw6 7 PERMIAN) – Interbedded gray, buff- to brown-weathering, thick- emphasized by differential weathering. Siliceous partings and 26 COLLUVIUM (HOLOCENE) – Locally derived, incoherent Ok and bar on hanging wall bedded, fine- to medium-grained calcareous sandstone, calcarenite, quartzite interbeds increase in thickness and abundance toward the Qc accumulations of angular and poorly sorted rock debris; occurs as Oe and olive-brown, thick beds of fine-grained quartzite with interbeds contact with the overlying Kinnikinic Quartzite. Lower part is buff, Tei thin veneer or in talus cones along hill and valley sides; locally Low-angle normal fault - dashed where approximate; of laminated dark-gray to black carbonaceous and calcareous massive, more uniform and more coarsely crystalline and character- includes landslide deposits.
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