Carol Hawkins Chair of Planning & Highways

Otterbourne Parish Council C/O PO Box 663 Email:

Inspector Christa Masters C/O Louise St John PO Box 10965 Sudbury Suffolk CO10 3BF [email protected]

Thursday 17 October 2019



This statement builds on the matters raised in our written representation dated 30 July 2018. We do not believe our initial concerns have been addressed and we conclude the Local Plan remains unsound in that it has not been “a) positively prepared” nor is it “b) effective”.

Matter 5 Strategic Growth Option (SGO) – policies S5, S6

Highbridge Road Railway Bridge Although the plan is to drop and realign the road beneath this narrow bridge there are many unresolved questions - Given that the SGO option includes new businesses, what is the alternative access route for large HGVs, house moving vehicles, double- decker buses etc which will still not be able to pass under the bridge? Alternatives which impact Otterbourne could be Kiln Lane and Boyatt Lane (refer to earlier OPC comment on these roads). What are Network Rail’s views on this plan? In addition there’s very little detail on the mitigation measures to prevent flood water going into the River Itchen.

Highbridge Road What is the effect of this wide, urban road on the rural gap that exists between Bishopstoke/ , and Allbrook/Otterbourne? The Local Plan states the road will be either unlit (so faster speed and noisier) or lit (so slower but more intrusive). This could be a genuine threat to a rural gap, yet EBC states it is keen to retain such gaps! Where are the detailed assessments of the impact on the River Itchen or the rural aspects of this area?

The proposed link road No evidence has been provided about the timing, phasing, funding, or mitigation for this road. Surely this or another road link (no alternatives have been presented) are critical to the viability of the additional 5,300 dwellings? So how can the Plan be presented as robust without sufficient and important detail? Even if planning permission is obtained ahead of the development, the issue of funding remains.

Matter 6 Transport, Infrastructure & Delivery- policies S12, DM40, BO5, BO6, AL1.

M3 Jct 12 This junction is immediately south of Otterbourne and currently any problems on the M3 result in backlogged traffic from the junction through Otterbourne and then Compton up to the next M3 junction. It is a recognised “M3 escape route” and causes congestion and safety issues in Otterbourne. Before any bridge or light controlled /widened slip roads work commences we need assurance 1. that the bridge across the M3 can support the additional traffic from the SGO as well as any traffic that arises periodically from M3 problems, 2. That the two owners, Highways for the bridge and HCC for the road over it, are supportive, and 3. That a full assessment of the increased traffic and effect on the highways infrastructure in Otterbourne is made with mitigation measures included. There is no mention of who will pay for the work at Jct 12.

Systra Traffic Study April 2019 This traffic modelling study is designed to show the impact of the 5300 houses in the SGO. Traffic modelling data is provided for the surrounding villages, including Otterbourne, in tables 50-54. Yet there is no narrative to explain the data and what the impact will be on residents and roads in Otterbourne. What will be the effect of additional traffic on existing residents in terms of traffic congestion, noise, pollution, the additional time for the commute to and from work? Our pavements are narrow in places, pupils of two schools use them and we have two roundabouts on the main road. There is only one pedestrian crossing outside the primary school, and we are already in the process of putting in speed trackers to make the case to put in more crossings. And this is just based on current traffic. Many of our houses are only a few feet away from the main road, what will the structural impact be on them? We do not know the impact for the safety of our residents nor the robustness of our highways to deal with an increase in non residential traffic eg service vehicles and also waste delivery vehicles to Poles Lane.

Otterbourne Hill is already a safety hazard for large vehicles due to the speed chicane in the middle of the hill. The barriers throughout the village are inadequate for an increase in large vehicles and will need replacing.

The traffic impacts will, as previously stated not only be on the main road through Otterbourne, but also Kiln Lane and Boyatt Lane.

We are already concerned about the impact of the M3 Smart Upgrade (due to impact in 2020) on the safety and robustness of our roads and pavements (and ultimately our residents) and we are in discussions with HCC and hopefully HE to this effect. Yet this affect will only be temporary. If the SGO goes ahead its impact will be permanent !

Given that 5300 additional dwellings logically will have a material increase (albeit unconfirmed by EBC) in traffic within Otterbourne, we seek funding by the development for a S106 financial contribution to assist in putting in measures to ensure the safety of our residents and the ability of our roads and pavements to cope the volume and nature of the traffic.

Yours sincerely

Carol Hawkins Chair of Planning & Highways Otterbourne Parish Council