James Vance,Dan E. Burr, | 208 pages | 19 Sep 2006 | WW Norton & Co | 9780393328486 | English | New York, United States Kings in Disguise

Hailed as one of the top comics of all time, Kings in Disguise now reemerges as a classic. I'm thrilled that it's going to be available for a new generation. By day he is a journalist in Oklahoma. He lives in Milwaukee. Hands down, one of the finest graphic novels ever created. Highly praised by top professionals like , Art Spiegleman, Gil Kane and and praised by Publishers Weekly as "one of Kings in Disguise: A Novel top trade paperbacks of ," long before graphic novels gained general respectability. Kings in Disguise is a Kings in Disguise: A Novel story set against the Great Depression as a year old boy, Freddie Blochsets across America to find the alcoholic father who abandoned his family. Along the way Freddie discovers another America, one populated by hobo jungles, violent strikes and Hoovervilles, Kings in Disguise: A Novel about himself, and finds a surrogate father while hopping freight trains. Powerfully told by James Vance and evocatively illustrated by . Winner of multiple Eisner and Harvey Awards. Kings was translated overseas in in three countries: Italy for the second timeSweden and France. We can't endorse this one strongly enough. Published by . All rights reserved. Used with permission. About JV. What's New. CatDancer Corp. Dan Burr. Kings in Disguise - Wikipedia

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh Kings in Disguise: A Novel try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Kings in Disguise by James Vance. This award-winning tale, set in the height of the Great Depression, received rave reviews long before graphic novels became the phenomenon they are today. Hailed as one of the top comics of all time by The Comics JournalKings in Disguise now reemerges as a classic. It is Januaryand movie- loving Freddie Bloch is trading his father's liquor Kings in Disguise: A Novel for the cost This award-winning tale, set in the height of the Great Depression, received rave reviews long before graphic novels became the phenomenon they are today. It is Januaryand movie-loving Freddie Bloch is trading his father's liquor bottles for the cost a Kings in Disguise: A Novel "Dreams were Kings in Disguise: A Novel a dime, but empty bottles [only] brought a penny apiece. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published April 17th by W. Norton Kings in Disguise: A Novel first published More Details Original Title. Kings in Disguise 1. Other Editions 5. Friend Reviews. To Kings in Disguise: A Novel what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Kings in Disguiseplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Kings in Disguise. Jul 03, Neven rated it really liked it Shelves: comics. This is more of a 3. It's a rambling, disjointed account of a young boy's experiences as a hobo during the Great Depression—a story that ends up both fascinating and a bit paint-by-numbers. Train-hopping, bulls with billy clubs, communism and anti-communism, bean cans and newsboy hats. It's all sincere and filled with shades of compelling stories, but it never really gripped me. I partly blame the i This is more of a 3. I partly blame the intrusive and not whole necessary narration, written in an overly florid style ill-fitting the rest of the book. Dan Burr's art is very good illustration, but it's a fairly pedestrian Kings in Disguise: A Novel on the comic book medium. Much of it simply illustrates the plot more than it supplants or provides it. Anyway, I'm an asshole for not absolutely loving this, I get it. Oct 11, Viola rated it really liked it. Good to see reissue of Kings in Disguise: A Graphic Novel By James Vance and Dan Burr This award- winning Kings in Disguise: A Novel, set in the height of the Great Depression, received rave reviews long before graphic novels became the phenomenon they are today. Hailed as one of the top comics of all time by The Comics Journal, Kings in Disguise now reemerges as a classic. It is Januaryand movie-loving Freddie Bloch is trading his father's liquor bottles for the cost a matinee: "Dreams were only a dime, but e Good to see reissue of Kings in Disguise: A Graphic Novel By James Vance and Dan Burr This award-winning tale, set Kings in Disguise: A Novel the height of the Great Depression, received rave reviews long before graphic novels became the phenomenon they are today. Winner of the Eisner Award Mar 04, Josh rated it really liked it Shelves: comics. Powerful account of hobo life in the Great Depression, with two compelling characters. Callejo's The Castaways Jul 06, Sylvester rated it it was ok Shelves:graphic-novel. Not for me. There were a lot of trains, but none took the story far enough. Something was missing. Sep 24, Tanvir Muntasim rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic-novels. Considered one of the early graphic novel classics that paved the way for stories beyond the usual superheroes and comedy sketches, this is the coming of age tale set in the background of the Great Depression in the U. It reminded me of Grapes of Wrath, the classic from Steinbeck, in its bleak portrayal of the devastating impact the Great Depression had on human l Considered one of the early graphic novel classics that paved the way for stories beyond the usual superheroes and comedy sketches, this is the coming of age tale set in the background of the Great Depression in the U. It reminded me of Grapes of Wrath, the classic from Steinbeck, in its bleak portrayal of the devastating impact the Great Depression had on human lives and their dignity. Powerful and relentless narrative accompanied by some sterling artwork. Jun 22, Tyler Kroon rated it really liked it. A lengthy magnum opus, set in the era of the Great Depression, and following a boy as he becomes a hobo and travels across the country in search of his father. I especially loved the exceptionally detailed black-and-white illustrations throughout. Feb 10, wildct rated it really liked it. Very good historical graphic novel, both for visuals and storyline. I read the intro and preface after reading the book, and I'm glad I did. May 27, Kathleen McRae rated it really liked it Shelves: graphic. This was interesting and has a historical element to the story. I did really like the graphics. Dec 21, Alger Smythe-Hopkins rated it did not like it. A less than satisfying prequel to On the Ropes: A Noveland in many ways it is the same book lacking the melodramatic labor organizer subplots that propelled Ropes and the sharply defined characters doing their best to survive a world that no longer needs them. The runaway success of the stage version of Ropes in the late s led Vance to write a one act stage play of Kings a decade later to satisfy his fans and his own curiosity about what propelled Bloch onto the road. Kings is an expanded A less than satisfying prequel to On the Ropes: A Noveland in many ways it is the same book lacking the melodramatic labor organizer subplots that propelled Ropes and the sharply defined characters doing their best to survive a world that no longer needs them. Kings is an expanded graphic novel adaptation of that play. I suppose my biggest Kings in Disguise: A Novel is that this isn't a book that needed to be written. Even after reading the preface by Vance I can't say that I have a clear view of what purpose this book serves. It is a prequel only in the sense that the events here take place in the closing year of the Hoover administration, where the Depression economy really hit bottom. Where Ropes was an intentional copy of the 's genre of "Problem Pictures", and so required coincidence and melodrama to tell its story, Kings is a flat balloon of a plot, that just appears to drift from one situation to another. The young Bloch that we meet here is a victim who contrasts poorly with the highly principled and heroic Bloch of Ropes. The essential injustice of labor relations that gave Ropes a purpose devolve into illustrations of poverty and the dangers of bumming. This leaves the book without a center, which leads to there being no actual antagonist excepting the terrible state of the nation. Kings is simply a series of vignettes without purpose. Several episodes are so poorly thought through that it is obvious Vance was just working stuff out as he went and went with the first thought that crossed his mind. Fred and the King barely manage to catch a rolling train while escaping the pedophile Kings in Disguise: A Novel wife, then they eat, sleep, just happen to talk about riding the rods, then Kings in Disguise: A Novel the boxcar door just so that the pedophile who miraculously managed to not only climb onto the same boxcar as Fred and the Kings in Disguise: A Novel, but also clamber between the bogies Kings in Disguise: A Novel sway rods while the train was rolling at top speed and hang on for all those hours until, driven by his maniacal desire for Fred's posterior, climbs up into the car how? Individually these might be interesting plot points, but as a sequence it is simply unbelievable and impossible. He cannot be both lucid and experienced enough to avoid death clambering around the exterior of a fast moving rail car and also be delusional, especially on the verge of achieving what drove him to all these superhuman feats in the first place. Equally annoying is how events in the shantytown episode just spool out without purpose. Also, the art here does not serve the story. I am not sure why, but O'Barr made only small adjustments to his adult male characterizations, giving them a nearly uniform appearance and affect that is tiring and confusing. There are much better books out there about the Depression era and the troubles of being poor, and this book borrows some excellent pieces from those better books, but contributes nothing of its own. He soon becomes the sidekick of Sam, a sickly drifter who is emotionally unstable. The lack of jobs provides fertile soil for communist propaganda to take root. Freddie and Sam get drawn into participating in demonstrations against the powers that be. Sam gets injured and becomes Kings in Disguise: A Novel burden for Freddie but he feels attached and obligated to stick by him through thick and thin. This is a realistic portrayal of the Kings in Disguise: A Novel Depression and how it affected large numbers of the population. It is a well written story that lends itself well to the graphic novel format. He is often lonely, frantic and apprehensive, haunted by eerie dreams. Kings in Disguise by James Vance

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. Home 1 Books 2. Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. Overview "One of the most moving and compelling human stories to emerge out of the graphic story medium. Hailed as one of the top comics of all time by The Comics JournalKings in Disguise now reemerges as a classic. It is Januaryand movie-loving Freddie Kings in Disguise: A Novel is trading his father's liquor bottles for the cost a Kings in Disguise: A Novel "Dreams were only a dime, but Kings in Disguise: A Novel bottles [only] brought a penny apiece. Product Details About the Author. Dan E. He lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Alan Moore is a magician and performer, and is widely regarded as the best and most influential writer Kings in Disguise: A Novel the history of comics. He was born in in Northampton, UK, and has lived there ever since. Related Searches. Afternoon of a Faun. Marco confides in a close friend, the unnamed narrator, who finds View Product. From the pages of The Baffler, the most vital and perceptive new magazine of the From the pages of The Baffler, the most vital and perceptive new magazine of the nineties, sharp, satirical broadsides against the Culture Trust. In the old Gilded Age, the barons of business accumulated vast wealth and influence from their railroads, In the Valley of the Kings. One of the finest American writers alive. Landscape with Chainsaw. Questions of The Name of the Game. Four extraordinary autobiographical stories from a legend in American comics. Loosely based on the story Loosely based on the story of Eisner's wife's family, this epic tale spanning three generations of power and privilege explores wealth, marriage, and jealousy in a sprawling American dynasty. He lived ever The Palms. Norton, W.